All about oregano. Tea with oregano: beneficial properties and harm to health

Oregano is a plant with a charming aroma of flowers. It is known in many countries of the world under different names: oregano, perennial amulet, wind color. The plant has received distribution because of its medicinal properties, which are able to withstand many human diseases.

Oregano does not look flashy: it is a tall stem, at the end of which there are inflorescences of pink and purple hues. The most famous way to use herbs in everyday life is tea with oregano.

Photos plant

If you decide to independently collect the wind color for personal needs, then choose those stems that do not exceed 30 centimeters in height. Oregano is a perennial herb, tall stems belong to fairly old plants. They are not bad, but they may have less taste, aroma and positive properties than young shoots.

Choosing the right plant is not difficult. Perhaps it will be the most beautiful flower of all that is in the clearing. The plant blooms brightly and voluminously. In order not to be mistaken, review the photo or print it before collecting.

The medicinal properties of the plant

Oregano is a complete medical component used in many areas. Consider the main ailments that are treated with this perennial flowering plant. It is worth noting that we do not recommend using oregano as a primary treatment.

Let this be an addition to pharmaceuticals, then the treatment process will be fast and of high quality. Flower collection will reveal itself from the best side as a strong ally pharmacy methods. Important: oregano is a predominantly female plant; for men, choose harmless analogues to fight ailments.

In addition, oregano helps to cope with specific female diseases. Children, too, give oregano in various variations, there will be benefits. But with men it is more difficult, for men there are certain restrictions on consumption. Let's figure it out.

  • For men . Frankincense can cause male body allocation female hormones as if the man were abusing anabolic steroids. From excessive consumption, erectile instability may occur. Therefore, oregano should be used very carefully, in short courses. Drinking one cup of tea a day for a week will not harm male potency in any way and will help strengthen the digestive tract and nervous system.
  • For women . The plant affects the female body favorably. Mature ladies can be advised infusions and decoctions to combat the vivid symptoms of menopause. Young girls should consume them if, for some reason, their breasts are developing poorly. To maintain hormonal stability, women can systematically drink tea with incense.
  • For kids . Oregano may be given to children instead of tea, but it is better to keep boys away from it for the same reason as men. The unformed organism of a little boy can be affected unpredictably by incense: from drowsiness to hormonal disruptions.

Attention! Despite the fact that the female body has no obstacles to the use of oregano, we strongly do not recommend that you drink it during pregnancy. It can cause severe uterine contractions and heavy bleeding.

Application in traditional medicine

Folk methods to this day remain held in high esteem by many people. These are inexpensive and natural methods of fighting diseases. These methods were used when industrial medicine did not yet offer hundreds of drugs to treat any problem. Therefore, they trust her.

We have selected for you the most popular methods for creating medicines from this plant. Their effectiveness has been tested by more than one person. We hope you also find them interesting.

  • With a runny nose. A very old and simple way to get rid of inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Mix leaves and flowers in equal proportions, grind them in a mortar or coffee grinder. Inhale the resulting powder through your nose three times a day. You can feel the result within a day. A side effect is profuse sneezing.
  • For stomach ulcers and gastritis. Grind 20 grams of fresh or dried plant, pour quality olive oil. Put for 2 weeks in a dark cool place. Consume the resulting slurry before each meal at the tip of a teaspoon.
  • With hypertension. Mix in equal proportions the leaves of oregano, mistletoe, hawthorn, motherwort and mint leaves. If you find, you can add lemon balm and valerian. Pour the mixture with boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 1 - water and a mixture of plants. After 20 minutes, strain the infusion and drink daily 2 times a day.
  • From viral diseases . Brew the weed as if you were making tea, nothing complicated. A separate ingredient of the medicine in the recipe will be honey. It should not be added to the drink itself, but eaten in parallel. Ten grams of honey per cup will be enough.

We have tried to find the best for you. simple techniques so you don't immediately give up on the idea of ​​trying something. In fact folk methods there are a lot of amulets with amulets, and each nation has its own.


It's time to talk about preventive amulets recipes. They are not drugs, they are aimed at maintaining good health and strengthening immunity. Moreover, each of the recipes can be the basis for creating another drink, it all depends on the person's imagination.

Consider the simplest methods for preparing drinks that everyone can make for themselves and their families. Recipes are unique in their own way, each creates a unique taste harmony. You just have to try them and choose the best one for you.


Infusions are famous for the fact that they allow the product to retain all trace elements. There is no heat treatment, which means that oregano gives its properties to water without coercion.

  • Simple infusion. Half dried flowers, half water. infuse at room temperature for 1 week. Easier nowhere! Drinking like tea will not work - a strong concentrate. Can be added to other drinks or drink a tablespoon a day.
  • Infusion with berries. A third of a glass of incense, a third of a glass of dried berries. Pour everything with water and leave for a week. Suitable for the treatment and prevention of the nervous system.
  • Bitter infusion. Pour a full glass of plant flowers, fill with water. The drink should be infused for two weeks. You will get the strongest bitter concentrate that you can drink a few drops a day. Perfect for people suffering from stomach problems.

There are many variations of the infusion, but all of them only change the proportional ratio of the dried collection and water. Alcohol can be seen in some recipes, but we do not recommend mixing with alcohol as it kills beneficial features plants.


So we got to the most common cooking method. Many people do not even realize that this herb can be used in some other way.

  • Classic Frankincense Tea. Brew amulets like regular tea. In general, everything. Drink and enjoy the taste.
  • Black tea with oregano. Add a few oregano flowers to regular black tea. This diversifies the taste of the usual drink.
  • Frankincense with Melissa. Mix proportionately dried flowers of the plant and lemon balm, you can add thyme. This blend of soothing scents has many admirers.

In general, herbaceous plants can be mixed with each other as you like. It's just a matter of taste whether you like the combination or not. Especially popular are the mixtures of this herb with spicy and tart plants, such as mint, chamomile, etc.


Decoctions are prepared for the prevention of colds. A decoction of oregano is practiced in one single version. All others are modifications.

  1. For 250 ml of water, add two heaping tablespoons of dry grass.
  2. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.
  3. Cool one hour.
  4. You can drink

It is customary to drink the decoction warm, but not hot, so as not to irritate the mucous membrane. If you are preparing a decoction for children, then you can add some berries or sugar to it.


Mix 0.5 liters of sunflower or olive oil with two tablespoons of dried herbs. During the day, the substance should be infused. How can it be used?

  • Lubricate the gums and teeth with painful sensations.
  • Rub into the skin for dermatological problems.
  • Use in food for constipation, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems.

Contraindications for use

There is nothing perfect in the world. Oregano also has some negative properties. It’s better to read it right away than to deal with the consequences later. Our task is to warn you against the possible negative consequences of the use.

Let's get acquainted with the contraindications that can block a person's access to a drink, even if for a while.

  • Pregnancy. Stimulation of uterine contraction will harm the baby.
  • Problems with potency. Male problem. If there are already problems, it is better not to aggravate the consumption of incense.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Weed can aggravate heart disorders, it is better not to risk it.

There is also such a thing as individual intolerance, but each person should know about this for himself. Most people have no reason to worry.

Collection and drying of the plant

The process of collecting perennial amulet is not much different from collecting other plants for drying and storage. But there are certain principles that should be followed in order to avoid gross mistakes.

Let's take a step-by-step look at the correct technology for collecting and harvesting oregano. The masters have their own methods, maybe you will develop your own. But for now we try to follow the standard algorithm. Let's start with collection.

  1. Harvest in early autumn, from September to October.
  2. Cut off shoots no longer than 30 centimeters long. This is the ideal state of the plant in terms of taste and health.
  3. Choose shoots with bright and full flowers without painful spots or streaks.

It is not difficult to collect, the most interesting begins at the stage of preparation. Stock up on patience and love for nature, many processes will want to be greatly accelerated, tested on beginner lovers of oregano.

  1. Spread the cut bushes on cotton or clean paper.
  2. Let them dry to the state of straw. Yes, that's right, humidity is unacceptable, only for professionals.
  3. Stir the plants every few days to prevent the sweetness and spoilage of oregano.

For beginners, compliance with the second and third points in the procurement process usually suffers. Be patient and you will get a great healing drink for winter evenings.

Storage methods

You can also store the plant in different ways. All of them are similar, but have a number of differences that can affect the taste and aroma of the final product. Much depends on the amount of harvested and the conditions in which you can store it.

How easier way the storage you choose, the longer the herb will retain its consumer properties. A more sophisticated method will give improved flavor, but will require careful maintenance.

  • Classic way. Dried flowers and leaves are pressed, then stuffed into bags and left in a dry and clean room. So the plant can be stored for 2-3 years.
  • cold method. After packaging, the dried plant is left to be stored at a low temperature (up to 10 degrees), but in a dry room. So the leaves retain more aromatic properties.
  • Rolling and fermentation. A complex method practiced by professionals. To implement this method, you will need to moisten slightly dry leaves to give them viscosity. Then the leaves are rolled and stored in a cool room.

Try different methods starting from the classic. It is the simplest, you will not spoil the oregano in any way. Then you can progress in the preparation of a tasty and healthy drink.

Video: Oregano - the herb of centenarians

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video, it will give you a complete picture of the qualities of a product such as oregano. The author will tell not only about the properties of the plant, but also about the etymology of the origin of the name in different cultures.

Now you know about the appearance, the drying process and how to make drinks from the amulet. It is especially interesting to listen to excerpts from the Russian botanical dictionary of the Russian scientist Nikolai Annenkov, in which the author admired the plant, studied its properties and benefits.


Oregano is an ambiguous plant. On the one hand, it has excellent antimicrobial properties, calms the human nervous system and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach. On the other hand, men should avoid using this product due to the negative impact on potency. Pregnant women should not drink tea with this herb in any case, there is a possibility of fetal loss at any stage of maturation. Should it be used for culinary and medicinal purposes?

We believe that any natural product requires the adoption of regulations. Small amounts of leaves and flowers of the plant will not harm either the man or the child. Useful properties are obvious, you now know about the negative ones. Write in the comments how you use oregano in your life, how this product has affected your well-being. Share the article on in social networks and be healthy!

Herbal decoctions, infusions bring many benefits to our health, but modern people know almost nothing about them. A few decades ago, our ancestors did not go to pharmacies for a new drug, they knew that this or that plant would help with ailments, while, as a rule, growing exactly in the area where a person lives. Not only during illness, people turned to nature, but also for beauty - herbal infusions and decoctions have always helped the Slavs to be the most beautiful people. Today we will talk about a very popular plant that is brewed and drunk for healing, our topic is the benefits and harms of oregano tea.

What kind of sweetie is she?

If you do not know what oregano looks like, then this is it in the photo. But oregano also has vernacular name- mother, all because this plant is a female grass. For the fair sex, oregano is a real helper, but the powerful of this world need to drink tea or decoctions with caution, dosed. This herb has a lot of useful components, due to which it can help us, but it is impossible to call oregano absolutely safe and harmless, we will talk about this a little later.

Motherboard, by the way, has another name - oregano, often used in cooking, especially in the Mediterranean countries. You can see in the sale of spices with the name of the herb, did not deprive the attention of oregano and traditional medicine. Not only in herbal preparations that are bought in pharmacies, you can find oregano, but also as part of well-known preparations.

It is interesting! Some of the admirers of oregano are Italians, it is they who call her oregano. In a sunny country, you cannot cook pizza without this spice, which is famous all over the world for its taste and aroma.

The beauty of oregano is that it is a useful herb available to all of us, whether in finished form or for collection in nature. It is worth leaving the city, and you will see this perennial herbaceous plant with pleasant purple flowers in the fields. To use the plant for food and therapy, all parts of the mother are collected, since they are all useful. Oregano can be dried outdoors under a canopy, in the attic, in the oven or dryer, and then used to brew delicious and fragrant tea, which, when correct use has the most positive effect on our health.

Advice! If you decide to collect grass with your own hands, then it is best to do this in July, at which time the grass is full of natural life-giving power.

The benefits and harms of tea with spicy and fragrant oregano

Healing effect

If you make yourself tea from oregano, or oregano, which is more familiar to us, keeping in mind the contraindications, you will get the following positive health effect:

  • the drink perfectly helps to calm the nerves, restore balance and harmony in the soul. For modern world with a high level of stress - this is an indispensable quality;
  • An herbal drink will help everyone who has been unable to cope with lack of sleep for years;
  • improves appetite;
  • has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, if there are no contraindications;
  • female herb assistant during menopause, in case of malfunctions in the menstrual cycle;
  • removes inflammatory processes, has antibacterial action;
  • oregano is an excellent remedy not to get sick during the cold season;
  • has a diuretic effect, which helps to expel excess fluid from the body, cleanse it of toxins and toxins;
  • clean intestines can help get rid of skin problems, various rashes;
  • tea with oregano helps in the work of the gallbladder, relieves nausea, vomiting;
  • increases the body's defenses, as it contains many vitamins and minerals;
  • helps to cope with migraine and one-time headache;
  • fights pathogenic flora in the oral cavity.

Important! Tea with oregano helps restore the menstrual cycle, but you can’t drink it during women’s days, only after the end.

Oregano and pregnancy

Before moving on to the points on contraindications, we would like to highlight very important information for expectant mothers. Often, women make the mistake of believing that if the herb is great for women's health, then its infusion or tea can be drunk in any quantity and at any time. Not! It is oregano that is strictly forbidden to drink during pregnancy, as this can lead to miscarriage. Especially tea is contraindicated in the first trimester, when fetal rejection occurs most often.

Oregano causes a strong contraction of the uterus, has a vasoconstrictive effect, which provokes a miscarriage. But in no case should you use oregano tea specifically to terminate a pregnancy with intent, as the results can be unpredictable. A child can be born and at the same time become disabled.

But what about breastfeeding mothers? Here, the opposite is true - tea can help improve lactation. Nowadays, young mothers often complain that milk disappears abruptly, they are in a hurry to transfer the child to artificial feeding, which is not always good and proceeds without consequences. It is better to take various measures during lactation in time so that the milk does not disappear, and everything will be fine. Oregano tea can help a lot.

Attention! Herbs can cause allergies, individual intolerance. If you are breastfeeding, then introduce a new product or drink in minimal quantities and watch the baby's reaction.

Tea contraindications

There will also be a number of points here, since oregano is absolutely unsafe for everyone. And first of all, let's start with the mighty of the world this, that is, from men. They rarely drink tea, as it affects potency and not from the best side. That is, the grass is female, but not male. It is also worth giving up the drink for people with the following ailments:

Oregano tea can be given to children in small amounts, as the reaction can be unpredictable. It helps a lot with colds, has expectorant properties. Very often, grass is used for inhalation. It is also worth noting that it is better to give oregano tea to children not in its pure form, but with linden, raspberries, honey, mint.

It is important to undergo an examination before use, because often we consciously do not notice alarming signals. For example, sometimes the heart tingles, shortness of breath while climbing stairs. Many people think these are trifles, but, as a rule, this is the beginning of a disease of the cardiovascular system, and with them you can not drink infusions and decoctions based on oregano. Also remember that there may be an allergy, start drinking tea with a small amount and look at the reaction of the body.

Preparing medicinal herbs

Collecting herbs is a pleasant process, because at this moment a person retires, is in harmony with nature, which is beneficial for our nervous system. On collection medicinal herbs it is good to walk with children so that they learn to recognize plants. Best time- this is the morning after the dew, when it has had time to dry, and the sun is not very hot. Do not collect oregano and other herbs after four o'clock in the evening, as they are preparing for the night, and the movement of the juice is no longer so active, which means that there is less strength in the grass.

Never pick herbs, berries, fruits near industrial areas, highways, gutters and landfills. Our ancestors called such places dead due to negative energy. At home, oregano should be washed well from dust, dry, damaged parts and insects should be removed. They dry, we have already said above, the grass in the oven, under a canopy in limbo. You can lay out the oregano on the floor in a thin layer, constantly stirring.

For information! The herb retains its healing properties for two years; it should be stored in glass jars, paper bags in a dry place.

We brew fragrant healing tea

Let's move on to the pleasant part, although the process is very simple. You can brew oregano like this - a spoonful of tea herb in a glass of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes, add honey and lemon and drink throughout the day. And you can make tea leaves - they take the grass in a volume of 100 grams, pour one and a half glasses of boiling water, insist under a towel for 20 minutes. Then it is used as a regular tea brew.

Here is such a tea with oregano and its benefits and harms. If you have no contraindications, then you will like it and bring a lot positive to the body. Be healthy!

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

In the middle of summer, lush soft purple oregano carpets bloom in our open spaces. This unpretentious fragrant plant has long been famous for its beneficial qualities. The medicinal properties of oregano and contraindications to its use are well known to adherents of traditional medicine. Let's learn more about them. This honey spicy herb - oregano- not only gives a characteristic piquant taste to dishes, drinks, but is successfully used to treat many ailments, as well as in cosmetology.

Oregano (lat. Oríganum vulgáre) also has another name - mother, and for culinary specialists different countries it is known under the guise of the spice oregano.

Photo of oregano:

The popularity of this plant is not limited to traditional medicine. Thanks to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, other healing properties This medicinal herb is used in pharmacology. On its basis, various tinctures, extracts are made, the decoction is widely used, oregano tea, which is not only healthy, but also tasty.

Are oregano and thyme the same thing?

Frequent question. It is worth immediately making a reservation about the prevailing misconception regarding the identification of this plant. Some people believe that oregano and thyme are the same thing. This is far from the case, despite the fact that both herbs have a wide range of medicinal properties, and are also used in cooking, they are completely different. There are also differences in appearance: oregano (oregano) is a high-growing plant, and thyme is a creeping shrub. The inflorescences of both herbs also differ in appearance, although their aroma, it must be admitted, is somewhat similar.

Oregano herb - health benefits

Useful properties of oregano can be stored for a very long time (up to three years) if done properly. Grass is harvested in the summer when it is at its peak of flowering. Dry the raw materials should be in a shaded place, blown with fresh air.

Oregano herb with inflorescences, photo:

The chemical composition of the motherboard is impressive: the oil component quarcarol, vitamins, plant hormones, thymol, essential oil act on the human body like antibiotics of the 1st generation. Due to the action of these components, the plant has anti-inflammatory, antihelminthic, antifungal, diuretic, antibacterial, choleretic, antispasmodic effects.

Let's take a closer look at oregano medicinal properties:

  1. Oregano essential oil has a calming effect, the decoction is good for insomnia, stress, nervous irritability, neuroses, hysteria.
  2. It is successfully used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, removes the manifestations of flatulence, relieves pain, improves intestinal motility.
  3. It has an anti-spasmodic effect - for headaches, migraines, it is very good to use oregano tea.
  4. Alleviates illnesses respiratory tract, promotes sputum discharge, helps with bronchitis, pneumonia.
  5. Origanum vulgaris is detrimental to most types of worms, it is successfully used to treat adults and children.
  6. It has a choleretic, diuretic effect, it is recommended for diseases of the liver, genitourinary system.
  7. Helps with skin irritations, manifestations of psoriasis, with various dermatological ailments, allergies. Decoctions, compresses remove rashes, acne, acne, boils.
  8. Regular consumption of tea is recommended for the prevention of cancer, as oregano is a kind of "shield" for the development of cancer cells.
  9. Oregano herb is actively used in cosmetology, improves appearance skin, fights cellulite due to the ability to restore the condition of the subcutaneous fat layer.
  10. It restores the menstrual cycle, successfully copes with the manifestations of PMS, however, such treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician. If you correctly take drugs with oregano during breastfeeding, milk will be produced more actively.
  11. Excellent natural antiseptic.
  12. For colds, coughs, to facilitate breathing, it is very useful to carry out inhalations with a steep decoction of oregano (or you can use the essential oil of the plant).
  13. Essential oil (a few drops) can be added to vegetable sunflower or olive oil, and then rubbed with this composition, massage sore joints, heal various rheumatic manifestations.

In addition to all of the above, teas, decoctions, oregano tinctures help to cope with toothache, normalize high blood pressure, and increase appetite.

Tea with oregano, photo:

Oregano - contraindications:

  1. If a person suffers peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum, then it is not recommended to use teas, preparations with oregano.
  2. With increased acidity of the stomach, it is better to limit the use of teas, tinctures, decoctions with this herb.
  3. Any treatment should be started gradually, with small doses, so as not to provoke allergic reaction on a plant.
  4. In case of diseases of the cardiovascular system, you should consult a doctor, as sometimes the motherboard may well do harm.
  5. Oregano during pregnancy is prohibited (at any time)! Expectant mothers should not consume any products with this herb. From taking oregano, an active contraction of the muscles of the uterus begins, which can lead to miscarriage.
  6. Men should be extremely careful when using tea, as well as oregano-based preparations - frequent use of these products can lead to problems with potency.

With hypertension, you should not use drugs containing this plant, as well as teas, so as not to provoke a hypertensive crisis.

Useful properties of oregano for women

It is not without reason that the mother is considered a female plant, as it helps in the treatment of many gynecological diseases. Douching with a decoction of herbs cures cervical erosion, stops intrauterine bleeding, promotes faster recovery after the birth of a child, and increases lactation.

The use of tea, infusions based on oregano is used to alleviate the condition of the female body during menopause, as well as normalize hormonal levels. Oregano is the main plant in many gynecological preparations for the treatment of the female genital area. With a delay in menstruation, painful critical days, the motherboard gives a lasting positive effect.

In addition, a decoction of this herb has long been used by the fair sex to improve the condition of hair, enhance their growth, and prevent hair loss. For weight loss, oregano tea is also recommended, which helps to remove toxins from the body, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and promotes active bowel cleansing.

Materinka (origanum) chopped, photo:

You can use “pure” oregano tea (1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water), you can combine it with other useful medicinal herbs, from this their positive effect will only increase. For example, to prepare Monastic Tea, you will need chopped elecampane root, St. John's wort, oregano (take 1 tablespoon of all components), 100 g of rose hips. All ingredients must be mixed, pour 3 liters of water, bring to a boil, then insist for 1 hour. Such a drink can be kept cool, drink as much as you like, not forgetting about contraindications.

Before brewing oregano, it can be mixed in equal proportions with black or green tea - a healing, invigorating effect will be provided to you. You can also significantly improve the state of the nervous system, for this you don’t even have to use the decoction of the plant inside. Take a thermos, pour 50 g of dried leaves with oregano inflorescences with two liters of boiling water, close the lid tightly, leave the “potion” for about 3 hours. After this time, strain the infusion, pour into a bath of warm water. If you take such baths for at least 20 minutes for 3 weeks (1 time / 2 days), then you will quickly increase your emotional background.

If you are still unfamiliar with this plant, be sure to correct the situation, discover another well healthy recipes nature. Almost all the medicinal properties of oregano and contraindications are mentioned by us. Drink healing tea, take soothing baths, add this delicious spice to your meals. Be healthy!

Origanum vulgaris is a perennial herbaceous plant of the mint family.

The plant is very unpretentious, and in its pleasant, specific smell, it is somewhat reminiscent of thyme, which is also very popular in folk medicine in the treatment of many diseases.

The name received in honor of a special aroma did not prevent the oregano from acquiring numerous synonyms, here are just a few of them:

The last name directly indicates the possibility of use in women's ailments. But that's not all.

As the name of a food seasoning, the plant is referred to as oregano, and the official Latin name is Herba Origani vulgaris.

Outwardly, the grass is modest and unremarkable, its small inflorescences are collected in panicles and have a purple-pink color.

The flowering period lasts from July to August, and in the fall small funny fruits-nuts appear.

The range of the plant is very wide, it can be found in almost the entire European part of the mainland - along roads and on the edges, in bushes and forest glades, in river valleys and in garden plots.

pantry of health

If you look at chemical composition of this "Cinderella weed", you can find fabulous wealth in it.

These are priceless flavonoids, phytoncides, geranyl acetate, essential oil saturated with antimicrobial phenols - carvacrol and thymol, tannins and a whole army of vitamins - C, B1, B2, D, A, K.

The calorie content of grass is low - only 25 kilocalories per 100 grams. Useful properties of fragrant grass were noticed in the old days.

In folk medicine, she was famous for her ability to relieve headaches and cramps, herbal decoction they gave drink to the weak and sick with consumption to strengthen their strength, tea with oregano was used by patients with digestive disorders.

Motherboard, as it was called by the people, was especially valued by women- per beneficial effect for the work of the female body and as an assistant in inducing beauty.

Lotions and baths with infusion of oregano healed patients with boils and various skin rashes.

Fragrant Care

Traditional medicine also favorably treats oregano, including it in the composition of pharmacy fees prescribed for bronchial asthma, gynecological diseases, disorders of the nervous system and the need to cleanse the body.

AT medicinal purposes It is customary to use the ground part of plants collected during the flowering period.

What are the main effects of oregano can be usefully used for our body:

It seems that with such a list, a modest fragrant herb is able to cope with almost all diseases. And indeed it is.

Herbal infusions are very good for malfunctions and digestive disorders. They improve appetite, contributing to better production gastric juice, relieve stomach and intestinal spasms, and help well with flatulence.

The choleretic action is widely used in the treatment of liver diseases of the gallbladder, chronic constipation and helminthic infestations.

The ability to thin and stimulate sputum discharge has found application in pulmonary patients.

It alleviates the symptoms of a cold, is useful for coughing and hoarseness, alleviates the course of pneumonia, bronchial asthma and tuberculosis infection.

The effectiveness of the action is greatly enhanced if the infusion is taken with milk, especially at night. In the treatment of rhinitis, it is possible to use herbal powder to inhale the aroma.

Perhaps the widest area of ​​application is neurology. Oregano is used for disorders of the nervous system of any severity, from banal insomnia and depressed mood to hysteria, epilepsy, depression and paralysis.

In the latter case, not only the intake of a decoction of medicinal raw materials inside, but also healing rubdowns and baths is effective.

With its successful use in chronic cystitis, urolithiasis and gout, oregano owes a mild diuretic effect.

Treatment for kidney diseases should be a course - 8-12 days, and include, in addition to infusion inside, warm sitz baths 1-2 times a day for up to 10-15 minutes.

An amazing effect when applied externally was found in the treatment of various skin diseases- this is how anti-inflammatory and antiseptic activity affects active ingredients amazing herb.

Lotions and compresses relieve inflammation lymph nodes, relieve allergies and diaper rash and diathesis.

And in the form of rinses and baths - they are used for candidiasis of the oral cavity, intestines and other organs.

female power

Bearing in mind the exceptional benefits of oregano for many diseases, it is worth recognizing its special contribution to women's health. No wonder, from ancient times, it was called "female grass", or mother.

The existing belief warns men against excessive use of drugs from oregano - they say that it can weaken the masculine principle, weaken sexual desire and even affect male abilities.

For women, this herb literally gives a second birth:

  • it is useful in all ages and conditions,
  • especially during periods of hormonal changes in the female body.

It is believed that oregano favors the development of teenage girls - it accelerates maturation and is well reflected in the external data of the future woman.

Not without reason, girls who wanted to quickly acquire rounded shapes held this “witchy weed” in special esteem.

Women of childbearing age have always used oregano to relieve painful cyclic symptoms.

The infusion is also great for soothing frizzy nerves.

Specific female diseases - colpitis, cervicitis and vaginal itching - are treated with douching infusion.

For this, 2 teaspoons of an infused solution per 200 ml of water is enough. Other problems of gynecology recede before this plant.

For breastfeeding mothers, a decoction of the herb helps to increase milk production, saturating it with useful substances.

In addition, the powerful antibacterial effect of the herb will help both mother and child protect themselves from various kinds of infections, especially undesirable in this crucial period.

Autumn time women's life also does not do without oregano. It helps very well with menopause, helping to restore hormonal levels and reduce discomfort at the onset of menopause, gives harmony and enlightenment during nervous breakdowns and tantrums.

Giving beauty

In addition, women at any age revere oregano for its cosmetic properties, without exaggeration being considered a herb of beauty.

The rejuvenating effect noticed behind her could not go unnoticed - neither by our great-grandmothers, nor by modern fans of natural cosmetology.

Washing with infusion of oregano will help to make your face young, if you regularly do this procedure twice a day. Frozen cubes from a decoction or infusion are also good.

Well, a warm fragrant bath can help you find beauty in your body and peace in your thoughts. To prepare it, you need only a liter of fresh herbal infusion.

Oregano is especially good for hair. After regular rinsing, dandruff disappears, and all Hollywood beauties can envy the splendor and silkiness of hair.

By the way, those who dream of a Hollywood smile should add weed to a mouthwash for teeth and gums, as well as to toothpaste.

Any inflammation will go away toothache, the breath will become fresh, and the smile - young and radiant.

Magic flavor

The female orientation of the herb gave her the exceptionally tasty properties of the seasoning.

Oregano has been used by ancient Mediterranean cooks, called oregano, and allows you to give dishes a special taste and spicy aroma.

Today, oregano is widely used as a spicy-aromatic seasoning, its leaves are added to vegetable salads, meat dishes, used in pickling and pickling cucumbers, mushrooms and cabbage. And, of course, tea and many other drinks are prepared.

How to apply

To prepare an infusion of oregano herb, place 10 g, or 2 tablespoons of raw materials in an enameled container, and then pour 200 ml of hot boiled water.

After that, heat in a water bath for at least 15 minutes.

Cooled at room temperature, the infusion is filtered, after squeezing out the medicinal raw material.

The resulting volume is replenished to 200 ml with boiled water and drunk before meals - 1/2 cup 2 times a day.

Get juice from oregano can be by pressing succulent grass during flowering. Usually, it is taken orally with honey, using a 1:3 ratio - three times during the day, 10-5 minutes before meals.

But the most popular and widely used recipe is, of course, aromatic and healthy oregano tea.

It gives strength, fills with health and energy, relieves fatigue and simply warms, giving incomparable pleasure.

It's easy to prepare.

  1. We take 1 teaspoon of grass, previously finely chopped and brew, like ordinary tea, with a glass of boiling water.
  2. The main secret of such a drink is quick infusion, if overexposed, the unique taste and aroma will disappear.
  3. You need to drink magic tea in small sips and not hot - only warm.

But, as they say, every medal has its own back side. Having a truly “female character”, oregano could not do without some whims and tricks, which are worth recalling:

  • The use of herbs in all forms is not recommended for pregnant women. Its effect on smooth muscle muscles can play a cruel joke, provoking an abortion.
  • For the same reason, oregano should be abandoned by those who suffer from serious dysfunction of the cardiovascular system and hypertension - this applies to both men and women.
  • Caution in handling grass should be shown to patients with stomach ulcers and gastritis with high acidity - by stimulating secretion, oregano can become the culprit of an exacerbation of the disease.

Oregano-based preparations should be used very carefully for everyone with a history of intestinal, renal or hepatic colic, especially when it comes to internal use.

Watch a video about the benefits and contraindications of oregano.

Oregano is a perennial plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. On the territory of the Russian Federation grows everywhere. It is also widely distributed in the USA, the Mediterranean, and Europe. The grass has a tetrahedral stem about 60 cm high, oblong whole-edged leaves and small flowers collected in inflorescences. It is actively used in folk medicine, cooking, cosmetology. Oregano, medicinal properties and contraindications for the use of which are discussed in the article, is one of the most popular medicinal plants today.

Oregano: medicinal properties for women

Oregano is considered a female herb, since the substances contained in it are able to influence the work of the genitourinary system of female representatives in a certain way.

Among the pharmacological effects that allow the use of oregano preparations in the treatment of gynecological diseases include:

  • the ability of the herb to normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • increased contractility of smooth uterine muscles;
  • soothing effect of plant decoctions;
  • antiseptic effect of oregano;
  • lactogenic action.

In addition to the above, the components of the plant in question are able to improve bowel function, normalize the process of digestion and excretion of waste products. Indirectly, this also affects the work of female genitourinary structures.

What diseases does it help?

The main indication for the use of the plant in gynecology is oligodysmenorrhea, a pathological and regular delay in the onset of menstruation. Herb oregano has a stimulating effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus, which enhances its contraction and accelerates the onset of the necessary physiological processes.

The second mechanism that contributes to the normalization of the cycle is the hormone-like effect of oregano preparations. The composition of the herb includes components that chemically resemble female sex hormones, which compensates for the lack of these substances and stabilizes the menstrual cycle.

Oregano is also able to stop neurotic conditions that often occur in women during the period of premenstrual cyclic syndrome. Decoctions based on it have a calming effect on the nervous system, reduce the level of psycho-emotional stress and the severity of vegetovascular manifestations of PMS.

Among the indications for the use of oregano by women include not only violations menstrual cycle but also inflammatory diseases of the external genital organs. Decoctions and infusions of the plant are used in the form of douches to combat infectious processes, prevent postoperative complications, relieve inflammation and swelling.

Benefits and harms during pregnancy and lactation

Usage medicines on the basis of oregano during pregnancy is contraindicated categorically. The fact is that the grass has a pronounced stimulating effect on the muscles of the uterus. This leads to an increase in its contractility and creates a threat of miscarriage. Women who dare to use oregano during gestation often end up in obstetric hospitals with uterine hypertonicity and lose the baby.

At breastfeeding oregano can be used to stimulate milk production. The plant actively affects lactogenic mechanisms by irritating the corresponding brain structures. Unfortunately, this method of enhancing lactogenesis is not safe for the child. Substances contained in the herb are excreted with breast milk and may affect the baby.

Note: the use of oregano to increase milk production is possible. However, before doing this, you should consult with your doctor and carefully evaluate the potential benefits and risks for the child.

Oregano in gynecology

In gynecology, oregano can be used topically or as an oral remedy. Local application of herbal decoctions is indicated for inflammatory diseases vagina, external genitalia, urethra (in particular its external outlet). Often rinsing is used for prevention urinary infection after invasive medical manipulations or unprotected sexual contact.

Reception of decoctions and infusions of herbs inside is made if it is necessary to achieve a systemic effect.

Indications include:

  • delayed menstruation;
  • increased nervousness and PMS;
  • insufficient milk production during breastfeeding;
  • insufficient contractility of the uterus;
  • hormonal disorders.

Plant decoctions are not completely safe means. Their illiterate and unreasonable reception can lead to the development of negative effects.

Proper use and dosage

The preparation of herbal decoctions for oral administration can be carried out in two ways: in a water bath or by ordinary boiling.

  • Water bath: 6 grams of crushed and dried oregano are poured into 200 ml of water heated to 30 ° C. Next, the mixture is placed in a water bath, kept for 15 minutes, removed and insisted for half an hour. After that, the solution is filtered and cooled to an acceptable temperature. Take the remedy should be ½ cup, shortly before meals, twice a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.
  • Classic decoction: 6 grams of dry raw materials are poured into 250-300 ml of water, after which they are put on a slow fire. The mixture must be brought to a boil and boiled for 10 minutes. Next, the broth is cooled and the solid fraction is filtered off. The resulting liquid is taken 100-150 ml 2 times a day, 20 minutes before meals. Course - 2 months.
  • Oregano for local application prepared in the form of water infusion. To prepare it, you should take 3 grams of chopped herbs, pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist for two hours. Next, the mixture is filtered and used to wash the pathological focus. Duration of the course - until the symptoms of the disease disappear. If there is no improvement after 7 days of using the infusion, it is recommended to choose another treatment.

    Note: it is more convenient to dose raw materials not in grams, but in tablespoons. According to authoritative resources, 1 tablespoon contains 3.4 grams of oregano.

    Use in cosmetology

    The beneficial properties of oregano make it possible to use it not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Most often, the herb is used as part of baths, as well as in the preparation of infusions for washing. To prepare the bath, a concentrated decoction of vegetable raw materials is used. 250 ml of chopped herbs should be poured with a liter of water, boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and strained. After that, the resulting product is poured into a bath filled with hot water.

    The duration of such baths is 30 minutes. Use in conjunction with a decoction of oregano soaps, shampoos and other cosmetics not recommended. The multiplicity of the procedure - every other day. Oregano baths allow you to get rid of acne and inflammatory skin diseases, make the latter supple and smooth.

    For washing, oregano is used as an infusion. 20 grams of raw materials should be poured with three cups of boiling water (600 ml) and insisted for three hours. After that, the drug is filtered and used for washing. The tool allows you to reduce the fat content of the skin, increase its turgor, reduce the number of inflammatory rashes.

    Oregano seasoning in cooking

    Oregano is also used in the field of cooking. There, this plant is used to prepare oregano seasoning (the second name for oregano). Crushed to a powder state, the grass has a bitter and tart taste, gives dishes a special taste, is often used in conjunction with potatoes and as part of conservation. Housewives often use it when flavoring a salad or pizza.

    It is worth noting that it is useless to use the spice for medicinal purposes. Oregano, not filled with liquid and heated to a temperature above 40 ° C, loses its medicinal properties. In addition, in dry form, it practically does not have a therapeutic effect, which was discussed above.

    Contraindications for women

    The main contraindication for taking drugs based on oregano in women is pregnancy. As mentioned above, the herb affects the tone of the uterus, which can cause miscarriage and fetal death. In addition, the plant should not be used for menorrhagia (too profuse menstruation), increased uterine tone, high risk uterine bleeding(coagulopathy of various origins).

    Oregano is an excellent tool that can correct the work of the female genitourinary system. However, we should not forget that herbs are the same drugs as their synthetic counterparts. This means they also have some side effects and contraindications. The possibility of therapy with decoctions of oregano in gynecological pathology should be assessed by a doctor. Self-treatment can lead to Negative consequences for good health.