Prevention of pediculosis in children - methods and methods. Pharmacy and folk remedies for the prevention of lice in children Prevention of lice at home

According to WHO statistics, every 5th child suffers from head lice. At the same time, most of them do not belong to a low social level, so it is impossible to say that pediculosis is a disease of dysfunctional families with a low social level. It is important to note that lice are more likely to live and lay their eggs on clean hair.

body lice

Pubic lice

Causes of pediculosis

The main source of pediculosis is a sick person. The cause of the development of the disease is the neglect of the rules of personal hygiene, close contact with a sick person or his things. There is an opinion that those people who often suffer from depression and stress are prone to the development of pediculosis. Most often, healthy people become infected with lice when sharing personal hygiene items, through a hat, combs, towels or bedding. Kindergartens, schools, public places, swimming pools or other groups where there is a large concentration of children or people become the focus of infection for children. Epidemic outbreaks of lice are most often observed in the autumn-summer period.

How to recognize pediculosis

Given that pediculosis is a fairly common disease, every person, including a parent, should know the symptoms. this disease. Diagnosing pediculosis is not at all difficult, it is enough to pay more attention to the child and observe his behavior. The main signs of pediculosis include:

    When examining the head, clothing, or in the genital area, lice nits can be seen;

    The presence of traces in the bite area;

    The presence of cocoons of nits or the eggs themselves are more often localized at the base of the hair;

After a louse bite, itching appears after 1 to 3 hours. Bright red papules can be seen at the site of the bite. With active combing of the skin, there is a risk of attaching a secondary infection, which can lead to suppuration of the focus of inflammation. With head lice, the hair becomes very tangled, and during the combing period, you can notice the eggs of nits or the louse itself.

With clothes pediculosis, a person is also tormented by severe itching. At the site of bites, blisters, hyperemic spots may appear.

With pubic pediculosis, the symptoms are most noticeable in the pubic area, under the armpits, on the abdomen. Itching is not significant, but when scratching, there is also a risk of skin infection with other infections. At the site of the bite, you can notice spots of a bluish-gray hue, about 1 cm in diameter. In cases where pubic lice infect the eyebrows, eyelashes, serous crusts appear on them.

Pediculosis treatment

    Malathion - solution for the treatment of pediculosis different kind applied to the hair or body. After treatment, the hair should be allowed to dry naturally, then rinse well. Repeated procedure should be carried out after 7 - 9 days. Melathion is a long-acting drug. Infants are considered a contraindication for use.

    Lindane - comes in the form of a gel, which must be applied to clean and damp hair. In the process of applying the drug to the hair, it must be well rubbed into the scalp and distributed with a comb along the entire length of the hair. Lindane does not need to be washed off immediately after application. It is left on the hair for 3 days, and then washed off under running water. For the complete destruction of lice and nits, you need to rinse your hair with an vinegar solution. This drug is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

    Permethrin is a cream for the treatment of head lice, which must be rubbed into the scalp and distributed well over the entire length of the hair. Wash off the drug after half an hour after application.

    Pair plus - effective remedy for the treatment of pediculosis, which in its composition contains two components - malathion and permethrin. Para Plus is produced in the form of a spray, which can be used to treat human skin and hair, as well as clothes or bedding. Spray the drug on the hair - a distance of 1 - 3 cm. After application, after 30 minutes, you need to wash your hair and rinse with vinegar. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated after 1 - 2 days.

Compliance with personal hygiene, as well as the prevention of pediculosis, are one of the important stages in the treatment of pediculosis.

Prevention of pediculosis

One of the most important in the fight against pediculosis is its prevention, which consists in observing a few elementary rules that parents of children attending educational institutions and every person should be familiar with. Prevention of pediculosis is as follows:

    Once a week, be sure to examine the head of the child.

    Eliminate close contact with people living in unsanitary conditions.

    Refusal of casual sexual relations.

    Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

    It is forbidden to wear other people's hats, use the things of unfamiliar people.

    Change and wash bedding regularly, wear only clean clothes.

    Carefully inspect the hair if you feel itching.

Pediculosis is socially significant disease, which is a serious problem for both developing and economically developed countries. The disease is most common among children and persons aged 14-24 years. Preventive and with pediculosis are aimed at preventing the development of the disease, reducing the incidence and complete elimination among certain population groups.

Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the spread infectious disease. Prevention of pediculosis is divided into public and individual. for the purpose of their localization and elimination.

Head lice is more common in young children, schoolchildren and youth. The peak incidence is observed in autumn, when children and adults return from vacation. Pubic pediculosis is more often recorded in young people who lead a promiscuous sexual lifestyle. Clothes pediculosis is now rare, mainly in people living in unsanitary conditions. Babies become infected through the bed and from a sick mother.

Rice. 1. Lice are a constant companion of unsanitary conditions. The photo shows a neglected form of head lice.

Female lice lay 3 to 6 eggs daily. In her entire life (the louse lives for about 46 days), the female manages to lay up to 140 eggs. Lice lay their eggs on the hair (head and pubic lice), in the folds and seam areas of clothing and underwear (body lice). Each egg is wrapped in a sticky secret, which contributes to its long-term retention on hair and fabric. The formed cocoon is called a nit.

Climate mitigation, frequent infection associated with the lack of simultaneous treatment of contact persons from the focus of the disease, lack of awareness of preventive measures and incorrect (incomplete) treatment of the patient are the main causes of pediculosis outbreaks.

Rice. 2. Nits on the hair.

Rice. 3. Body lice.

Rice. 4. Pubic louse (photo on the left) and nits with pubic pediculosis (photo on the right).

Measures to prevent pediculosis

To prevent the spread of infection in our country, a whole complex has been developed and is being applied. preventive and anti-epidemic measures, including sanitary-hygienic, treatment-and-prophylactic and administrative measures.

  • Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the spread of an infectious disease.
  • Anti-epidemic measures are carried out in the focus of infection. They are aimed at its localization and elimination.

Measures primary prevention pediculosis:

  • Compliance with the rules of personal and public hygiene.
  • Compliance with the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime in organized groups and medical institutions.

Measures for secondary prevention of pediculosis:

  • Early detection of the patient (when applying for medical care and conducting primary and periodic planned medical examinations of organized groups of the population).

Measures for the tertiary prevention of pediculosis:

  • Isolation of the patient.
  • Timely initiated, adequate treatment of the patient with the obligatory monitoring of the cure.
  • Identification, examination and treatment (processing) of contact persons.

Rice. 5. The photo shows pubic lice and nits.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is the first step in the fight against head lice

Overcrowding, unsanitary living conditions, irregular use of the shower or bath, a rare change of linen create conditions for the development of pediculosis. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is the main component of individual prevention of pediculosis. To this end, it is recommended:

  • keeping the body and hair clean,
  • regular haircut,
  • change of underwear and bed linen (at least once a week or 10 days),
  • regular cleaning of outerwear,
  • do not use other people's combs, hairpins, scarves, hats and clothes,
  • in crowded places, do not walk with loose hair,
  • thoroughly and regularly clean the apartment,
  • conduct regular examinations of children and other family members for pediculosis, especially after a long absence,
  • if necessary, carry out preventive sanitization - washing and disinsection (destruction of arthropods).

A complex of hygienic measures is also carried out in organized groups in order to prevent the occurrence of an outbreak of pediculosis.

Rice. 6. The photo shows head lice.

Public prevention of pediculosis

Public prevention of head lice includes:

  • Compliance with sanitary and technical rules in production.
  • Strict observance of the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime in organized groups and medical institutions.
  • Early identification of the patient (when applying for medical care and conducting primary and periodic planned medical examinations of organized groups of the population).
  • Proper implementation of disinfection measures in hairdressing, laundries, beauty parlors.
  • Provision of institutions with the necessary amount of personal hygiene products, replaceable bed linen, detergents and disinfectants.
  • Provision of medical institutions with the necessary disinfection equipment.

Rice. 7. Body lice fed on blood.

Preventive medical examinations - a measure for the prevention of pediculosis in children and adults

Active identification of patients plays an important role in the fight against pediculosis. Patients with pediculosis are detected both when seeking medical help, and during primary and periodic medical examinations.

Primary medical examinations are carried out in the following cases:

  • upon admission of patients for inpatient treatment, upon referral to sanatorium treatment, in rest homes and children's institutions, in hostels, nursing homes and disabled people, upon admission to pre-trial detention centers and overnight stays;
  • in crowded and public places.

Primary medical examinations in children are carried out in the following cases:

  • upon admission to preschool institutions, schools, secondary and higher educational institutions, boarding schools, orphanages;
  • when returning from holidays and vacations;
  • with directions to pioneer camps, for inpatient and sanatorium treatment.

planned medical examinations are subject to:

  • children attending kindergartens and schools,
  • collectives of orphanages and boarding schools,
  • students of vocational schools,
  • people living in hostels
  • persons of social security institutions,
  • employees of a number of industrial enterprises.

The frequency of scheduled inspections:

  • children from orphanages, orphanages and boarding schools are examined weekly for pediculosis,
  • school and college students, as well as children after returning from vacation, are examined quarterly,
  • children who are in pioneer camps are examined weekly,
  • Persons from social security institutions are examined twice a month,
  • employees of a number of enterprises during medical examinations,
  • patients who are on inpatient treatment are examined once every ten days.

Responsibility for the detection of pediculosis rests with medical workers of institutions and enterprises, regardless of departmental affiliation and ownership.

Rice. 8. The photo shows head lice.

Sanitary education is an important element in the prevention of pediculosis

Among the factors increasing the incidence of pediculosis, in addition to the growth of migration processes, insufficient sanitary and educational work plays an important role. Instilling in the population a sanitary culture and hygienic education is the main goal of sanitary and educational work. Its high level allows you to acquire useful skills and habits. healthy lifestyle life among the population.

Every adult must know how pediculosis manifests itself in order to seek medical help in a timely manner. Special attention should be given to parents, as children are particularly susceptible to this disease. Compliance with elementary hygiene measures can stop the spread of this rather unpleasant disease.

Rice. 9. In the photo, bites of linen lice.

Anti-epidemic measures for pediculosis

When a patient with pediculosis is identified, an epidemiological examination of the focus is carried out. Based on its results, a plan is drawn up for anti-epidemic measures that are aimed at neutralizing the source of pathogens, breaking the infection transmission mechanisms and the susceptible contingent.


When a patient with pediculosis is detected, the patient is immediately sanitized, followed by washing. In parallel with this, the patient's linen, bedding are subject to processing, wet cleaning of the room is carried out using disinfectants.

  • Activities in the detection of head or pubic pediculosis with a low degree of lice from the home are carried out independently by the sick and caring staff.
  • When combined pediculosis (head and body lice) is detected, a sick child from a closed institution, a lonely, disabled person, a person living in hostels, a member large family, a migrant, a person without a fixed place of residence, processing is carried out by a specialized organization using chamber processing of bed and underwear.
  • If a patient is identified upon admission to inpatient treatment, sanitization is carried out in admissions office. The patient's belongings and the clothes of medical personnel are sent for chamber treatment for disinfection.


A patient with pediculosis is exempted from visiting the team. The focus is monitored for a period of 1 month. In the outbreak, once every ten days, examinations for pediculosis are carried out. Admission to the team is carried out after a complete and effective treatment with a certificate from a dermatologist or pediatrician.

Rice. 10. Body lice (left photo) and nits (left photo).

Sanitary treatment for pediculosis

In case of detection of lice in the focus of pediculosis, disinsection is carried out. Lice are destroyed simultaneously on the patient's body, his clothes, underwear, bedding and, in some cases, on furnishings.

In case of detection of body lice, with severe lice or a mixed form of the disease, disinfection is carried out by disinfection institutions. During the sanitization of the patient and work with his linen and things, medical personnel dress in special clothes. After hospitalization of the patient or after his recovery, final disinfection. The patient's belongings, care items, dishes, furniture, floors and walls are subject to processing. Bedding and clothes of the patient are subject to chamber processing.

You can get rid of head lice by combing out the nits and the insects themselves with a special comb. This method is indicated for patients who have contraindications to the use of pediculicides - pregnant and lactating mothers, children under 5 years old, people with allergies. Using a good comb will allow the patient to completely abandon insecticides. Only clean hair should be combed. To facilitate the procedure, the hair should be rinsed with a 5-10% solution acetic acid, which weakens the attachment of nits to the hair. Combing is done every three days for 2 weeks.

The use of a mechanical method of removing head lice and nits makes it possible to avoid in 95% of cases the re-treatment of hair with an insecticidal preparation.

For the destruction of lice, physical methods of destruction are used. Hot water, dry hot and humid air, freezing are methods used to combat body lice.

The most popular today are Medifox, Medifox Super, Avicin, Hygia, Nittifor, Nix, NOK, Veda-2, Reed, A-Par, Pax, Anti-Bit, Pedilin, Para Plus, Medilis Super, Para Plus, Full Marx, Paranit , Nyuda, Pedicullin, Ultra, Benzyl benzoate.

Rice. 13. There are more than 20 lice remedies for sale in pharmacies. About 70% of them are made on the basis of synthetic pyrethrins, which are poisonous. chemical substances(insecticides) used to kill insects.

Sanitation for head lice infestation

If patients with head lice are identified from home foci, provided they live in comfortable apartments, treatment can be carried out by the patient and caring staff. Instructs and gives advice on getting rid of head lice by medical personnel. The patient should know that in the family it is necessary to conduct a mutual examination of family members, the method of using the remedy for lice and the technique of conducting the current disinfection.

When examining a patient and members of his family, special attention is paid to the places of the greatest resettlement of lice - more often the temple area, behind the ears, the back of the head, on the beard and mustache in men.

The main methods of getting rid of head lice:

  1. Hair after cutting or shaving is collected on paper or oilcloth and burned, and tools are disinfected with 70% alcohol.
  2. Head lice are treated with a variety of products in the form of concentrates, emulsions, gels, lotions, creams, shampoos and aerosols. Most pediculicides require re-treatment, as they do not affect eggs. Preparations of the group of pyrethrins and synthetic pyrethroids (Medifox, Medifox Super and the analogue of Medifox Avicin) and the group of organophosphorus compounds (aerosol Para Plus) destroy lice and eggs, therefore, do not require re-treatment.
  3. Sanitization for infestation with pubic lice

    In case of damage by pubic lice, the patient is sent to the dermatovenerologic dispensary, where an examination for other sexual infections will be carried out.

    Pubic lice live in the pubis, scrotum, perineum, perianal folds, sometimes along the edge of hair growth on the head, on eyelashes, eyebrows and in the axillary region.

    Shaving your hair is best for head lice. In areas where there is no hair, pubic lice do not survive. Lice from eyelashes and eyebrows are removed with tweezers.

    Of the pediculicides used:

  • Preparations containing permethrin: Medifox and Medifox Super, Avicin, Hygia gel-based liquid, Nitifor, Pax, NOC and Veda-2.
  • Preparation of the group of organophosphorus compounds Medilis Super solution.
  • A drug that has a physical effect on lice - shampoo, spray and lotion Pediculen Ultra.

Lice remedies Medifox, Medifox Super, Avicin and Medilis Super are 100% ovicidal - they destroy lice and nits in one application.

After treatment, you must take a shower with soap. At the same time, linen and clothing are changed and disinfected.

When infected with pubic lice, all family members are examined, including for head and body lice.

Rice. 15. The photo shows pubic pediculosis.

Sanitary treatment for body lice infestation

Clothes (linen) lice settle, live and lay their eggs in the folds of linen, folds and seams on clothes in the collar, belt, sleeves and cuffs. Despite their inactivity, insects quickly spread among people. Especially often, outbreaks of body lice are recorded among the homeless and in places of long-term stay of adults and children.

If single lice and nits are found, treatment can be carried out at home. With severe lice and mixed pediculosis (head and underwear), the treatment is carried out by the disinfection departments of the sanitary and epidemiological stations or disinfection stations. Things of the patient, linen and bedding are subject to chamber processing. The patient himself is sanitized.

  • Linen and clothes are soaked in chemical solutions followed by rinsing. In the absence of such, the linen is boiled in a 2% solution of soda ash for 20-30 minutes.
  • The patient's clothes are ironed with a hot steam iron. Particular attention should be paid to the pleats, seams, cuffs, collar and waistband.
  • Outerwear, bedding and objects that the patient has come into contact with are irrigated with emulsion solutions or aerosols.

Rice. 16. Linen lice in the folds of fabric.

In all cases, after sanitization, it is necessary to monitor the effectiveness of the measures taken by inspecting for the detection of live individuals and nits.

Read more about the drugs used to treat pediculosis in the article.

Detailed information on the use of remedies for lice and nits is presented in the article.

Not a single inhabitant of the planet is protected from infection with pediculosis. Man voluntarily becomes a hostage dangerous disease. Prevention of pediculosis is aimed at maintaining personal hygiene and identifying contacts.

An important role is played by anti-epidemic measures carried out by health workers. The task of physicians is to inform and educate the population about the ways of infection and measures of protection against pediculosis by all possible methods.

It is especially important to carry out educational work. How to protect yourself from infection and prevent the spread of the disease, as well as what to do when the infection has already occurred and it makes no sense to do prevention.

Prevention is not only the observance of personal hygiene rules, but also the timely identification and restriction of direct contact of an infected person with healthy people, as well as the right choice of treatment tactics.

According to SanPin, when cases of pediculosis are detected, all contact, as well as personal belongings of the patient, are subject to processing.

In order to prevent the spread of the disease, the patient is isolated. Pediculosis treatment is carried out at home.

At early detection illness in an inpatient, before hospitalization, the patient undergoes a complete sanitization in the sanitary inspection room, then is placed in the department, in a box or isolation ward.

At the site of the bite, a hyperemic area is formed, which is very itchy. The first symptoms of pediculosis appear - scratching.

You can get head lice anywhere. You are not protected from infection when you travel by public transport, stand in line at a store, hospital, visit public saunas, swimming pools.

A louse can live outside a person's head for up to 48 hours. Contact between a healthy person and an infected person is not required. The only way to protect yourself is to take precautions.

Important rules:

  • Do not neglect the rubber cap, going to the pool;
  • Tie long curls into a braid. It is not enough to collect the hair in a ponytail, the louse will catch on the hair shaft and crawl to the scalp;
  • Do not try on other people's caps and hats;
  • Do not use combs of unauthorized persons;
  • Do not adopt hairpins, headbands and elastic bands from another;
  • In public transport, put on a hood, hide your hair;
  • Inspect regularly hairy part heads of all family members: one was infected, all households and contacts are subject to processing.

If you had to visit a house where you think a dysfunctional family lives, wash your hair with anti-pediculosis shampoo upon return. After 7 days, the procedure should be repeated.

Body lice protection

Starts in linen. Places of localization - seams and folds of clothing. Often settled in collars and cuffs.

The places of localization of bites depend on the type of infected underwear: bloodsuckers live in a shirt, respectively, and bites will be noticeable in the upper part of the body, in trousers - in the lower one. Bed linen is infected - bites are located all over the body.

How to protect yourself from clothing bloodsuckers:

Always follow these simple precautions:

Use special fabric softeners with each wash. Strong smell repel insects.

Preventive measures in the fight against pubic lice

You can become an "owner" not only through sexual contact, although this route of transmission in medicine is considered the main one.

To protect yourself from infection with pubic bloodsuckers:

More often than adults. Lack of awareness and non-observance of personal hygiene rules leads to infection.

Children, due to curiosity, tend to exchange hats, braid each other's braids, using one comb for all. Close contact of children at school leads to the mass spread of pediculosis.

Preschoolers get sick. The omission of a kindergarten health worker can result in an epidemic for the entire group.

Small children in the kindergarten change pillows during the nap hour, crawl onto neighboring beds. The girls' hair is loose during sleep, the louse crawls freely from the sick to the healthy.

Children, according to SanPina, should be regularly examined by medical workers of preschool and school institutions for pediculosis. If a disease is detected in a child, the patient is subject to immediate treatment and isolation. In contacts, measures are taken to disinsection the scalp.

Cabinet and in order to prevent relapse.

If in a class either kindergarten more than 30% of children get sick, the sanitary and epidemiological station imposes quarantine.

Reminder for parents:

  • Regularly inspect the head of the child for the presence of lice and nits;
  • Pay attention to the actions of the offspring. Does he scratch his head while watching TV or in his sleep;
  • Girls' hair should be collected at the crown in a braid. There should be no dangling tails and loose curls;
  • Hairpins, elastic bands and combs should be washed regularly with soap and treated with vinegar;
  • Change of underwear is carried out 1-2 times a day, bed linen - 2 times a week. At the end of drying, all things are ironed;
  • Teach your child the basic rules of hygiene, an instructive conversation with children about the ban on the use of other people's hair care products, hats should be carried out regularly;
  • You can not change clothes and put someone else's underwear in your closet. Usually, the girls at the holiday camp don't wear their own clothes and keep everything on the same closet shelf;
  • When visiting the pool, protect the boy's hair with a special cap.

For the purpose of prevention, wash the child's head once every 2 weeks with an anti-pediculosis agent. It is not necessary to withstand the shampoo for 40 minutes, as indicated in the annotation, 5 minutes is enough to create an additional protective barrier against infection and not pick up lice.

If an infection has occurred

When preventive measures have been taken late and infection has occurred, it is important to choose the right treatment.

Insecticides as prevention and treatment are used against pubic, head and body lice.

High activity against bloodsucking drugs have:

  • Avicin;
  • Pair Plus;
  • Medifox;
  • Paronite;
  • Nyuda;
  • Spray Pedicullin;
  • Chigia.

Before using any insecticidal preparation, pay attention to the expiration date and precautions. Most funds are prohibited for use by nursing and young children.

Folk methods of dealing with pediculosis

Popular folk remedies from lice and nits:

  • Vinegar;
  • Tar soap;
  • Juice from fresh cranberries;
  • hellebore water;
  • Essential oils.

Please note that a single processing of the result will not bring. Important: at the conclusion of disinfestation, apply a mechanical method of destruction - combing out the nits with a comb.

Mechanical and physical method of pest control

The mechanical method is the safest. It is used for debilitated patients, the elderly, pregnant women, persons under 5 years of age. Also, mechanical removal of individuals and eggs is recommended for people prone to allergic reactions.

Regular combing of clean curls with a small comb will be an alternative to dangerous insecticides. To make the nits move away from the hair shaft more easily, rinse the curls with weak concentration of acetic water.

Combing each strand is carried out every 2 to 3 days for 15 days.

The physical methods of getting rid of clothes bloodsuckers include:

  • Impact low temperatures- freezing;
  • Impact high temperatures- boiling, steaming: it is enough to boil the infected linen for 20 - 30 minutes, all individuals and their eggs will die out.

inherent distinctive features processing.

A patient with infection with pubic pediculosis should be examined for sexually transmitted infections.

In order to achieve a quick result from the treatment, the infected area is shaved, individuals and nits are removed from the eyebrows and eyelashes with tweezers.

As an effective pest control are popular:

  • Veda-2;
  • Nitifor;
  • Medifox super;
  • Medilis;
  • Shampoo Pediculin Ultra.

As the end of the procedure for the destruction of the patient takes a warm shower. Underwear and bed linen are disinfected by boiling.

Head lice extermination

Rule: a head louse is found, which means there are nits.

Head individuals are destroyed by:

  • Shaving hair on the head;
  • Combing with a comb;
  • Use of pediculicides.

After disinfection, the curls are rinsed with a 10% solution of vinegar.

Fight against body lice

Clothes and linen are processed in a special chamber, in case of mass lice, they are burned.

Effective against body lice work:

  • Avicin;
  • Medifox;
  • A-Par.

Means are used for soaking and irrigating infected clothing.

Any prevention should begin with the observance of the rules of personal hygiene. None folk methods and prophylactic they will not save if a person is not selective in sexual partners, does not monitor the cleanliness of the body and clothes.

You need to wash your hair every 3 to 7 days as it gets dirty. Compliance with elementary rules is an easy way to prevent epidemics in schools, kindergartens and hospitals.

Reading 4 min. Published on 07.11.2018

Head lice transmission occurs through contact with a carrier of lice

In this article:

Pharmaceutical products for the prevention of pediculosis

For prevention, various dosage forms. Sprays are better suited for the task at hand. They are easily sprayed, covering every centimeter of the scalp. They are also used for processing bed linen, furniture, clothes.

In pharmacies, you can find funds not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of pediculosis.

Pharmacists often offer options:

Shampoos are also considered excellent means for the prevention of head lice in children. For example, NOC can be used for a child from 2 years old, and Parasidosis - for babies from 3 months. It is necessary to lather the head of the crumbs, wait 15 minutes, rinse. For preventive purposes, shampoos are used once every 2 weeks.

Traditional medicine recipes

Crop oils Benefit
geranium Accelerates metabolic processes in hair follicles. Helps stimulate hair growth. Restores the protective functions of the epidermis. Gives curls elasticity, strength. Prevents the destruction of natural pigments. Regulates sebum secretion. Eliminates itching, peeling, irritation.
Rosemary Strengthens hair, cleanses the scalp. Eliminates dandruff, relieves itching.
Burdock Removes split ends. Stimulates hair growth, prevents hair loss.
tea tree Slows down the development of pathogenic microorganisms, causing the appearance dandruff. Normalizes the secretory function sebaceous glands. Improves appearance curls.
Anisa Strengthens hair. Contraindicated for use in children under 3 years of age.
lavender It has antifungal and antibacterial action. Improves hair structure, stimulates their growth.
peppermint Soothes, disinfects, relieves itching, irritation of the scalp. Gives shine to hair, Actively fights dandruff, fungal infections.

Any of these oils should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. Apply the resulting solution 1 drop behind the ears and on the temples.

To prepare a decoction, burdock leaves are used. They are poured with boiling water and sent to infuse in a dark place, filtered. Rinse the hair with the product for several days. Instead of burdock, you can use wormwood, fragrant rue and calendula.

Hellebore water is also referred to folk remedies. But in the list of contraindications to its use is the item " childhood up to 18 years old.

Educators, teachers and educators additional education recommend:

  • examine children daily;
  • monitor the mandatory wet cleaning in the classroom, group;
  • remind kids of the need to follow the rules of hygiene;
  • every day to check the lockers of the children, ask preschoolers, teenagers to put their clothes in plastic bags.

Most often, lice infestation occurs in places with large concentrations of children.

If there is any suspicion of lice, send the child to a nurse. medical worker isolate the baby and report the disease to his parents.

Contact with infected people should be avoided. Before visiting an educational institution, braid girls' hair. Hygiene rules should be periodically reminded to the daughter and son. Explain that they are not allowed to do the following:

  • wear other people's hats;
  • use combs of other children;
  • borrow towels and clothes even from friends.

It is better for parents to independently examine the head of the child on a regular basis. especially the baby. After all, young children may not yet understand why they constantly want to scratch.

Prevention of pediculosis will prevent infection

If a case of infection with pediculosis has become known in a garden or school, you should definitely use one of the means for the prevention of lice in children. Wash bedding and underwear at home, bedspreads with long pile, clean carpets and upholstered furniture. Then heat treat them.

There may also be symptoms such as flaking of the scalp (small bubbles attached to the hair, 2-3 mm in size).

This type of insect can crawl from one person to another. : at school, in public transport and even at a hairdresser if the tools are poorly processed.

Can pediculosis be avoided? Yes, you can, but this requires the prevention of pediculosis in children, i.e. follow a few simple guidelines:

  • regular personal hygiene;
  • do not use other people's things, such as combs, hairpins, elastic bands, hats;
  • girls with long hair you need to braid your hair.

IMPORTANT! If someone from your child's environment is found, it is necessary limit the contact of children, as well as daily inspect your child for infection, and if detected initial symptoms immediately begin the necessary treatment.


Head lice prevention in children is not as easy as in adults. It can be difficult for parents to explain to their children why one should not change clothes and hats with other children and why one should not play in unsanitary conditions.

Need extra monitor prevention from lice in children, check the condition of their hair, and use products such as special shampoos.

There is currently a large number of measures for prevention, starting with folk, ending. Such means create an environment on the head that is not suitable for the life of insects. If the lice "get" into the hair, they will not be comfortable there, and they will leave your head as soon as possible.

Folk remedies

Our grandmothers also knew that in order not to get lice, it is necessary to lubricate the skin behind the ears and temples with the following means:

Specialized funds

The means of preventing pediculosis in children include: hair combs. Applying medicines you must follow the instructions exactly.

  1. . It is based on anise oil, which can repel lice. The main advantage is the absence of toxins. Of the minuses, except for the smell and the price.
  2. A-par. This tool is used, personal hygiene products, clothes, bed linen. Pros: avoids re-infection. Cons: can not be used for bronchial asthma.
  3. LysGuard. The set applies to . Advantages of this type of combs: suitable for all types of hair, reusable, easy to clean. Cons: repeated processing.
  4. Rosh Tov. This spray is good because it includes various essential oils and plant extracts. Pros: the destruction of lice and nits, the removal of inflammation from the skin and the elimination of itching. Cons: intolerance to some components.

Precautionary measures

In order to protect your child from this scourge, it is necessary to instill certain rules in him from childhood. So, the prevention of pediculosis in children is a reminder:

REFERENCE! It is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of infecting a child with pediculosis. But the observance of elementary methods of prevention will reduce the likelihood of the disease.

Useful video

Watch the following video about pediculosis in children and the need to prevent the disease: