Nourishing hair mask at home. Incredible nourishing hair masks for hair at home: for damaged hair and dry

To enhance the beauty of the hair, it is enough to prepare hair masks at home. Recipes are selected depending on what effect you want to achieve. Depleted and overdried hair needs moisturizing, colored hair needs restorative procedures, oily hair needs an elixir that inhibits the work of the sebaceous glands.

A striking effect is guaranteed after a hair mask for the night. It is important not only to have good recipes. In order for the benefits of the procedures to be palpable and noticeable, you should learn how to prepare and apply a mask.

Rules for preparing any mask

You should not think that by mixing the products indicated in the ingredients, you will be able to create the most valuable elixir for nourishing, restoring or growing strands. All hair masks at home must be prepared properly and strictly according to the rules. The correct approach and implementation of recommendations is the key to the success of the procedure.

  • Before mixing the components, prepare the dishes. Metal cannot be used. It is better to choose a ceramic, wooden, glass or plastic container. It must be clean and must be dry.
  • All components are checked for quality. Products use exclusively fresh, medicinal components, esters not expired.
  • Follow the recipe strictly according to the instructions. If you deviate from the prescriptions, you can seriously damage the hair or cause an undesirable reaction of the body.
  • It is impossible to prepare the mixture at home for the future, the mask is not stored either in the refrigerator or on the shelf of the toilet cabinet. If after applying to the hair a certain amount of the product remains, it is better, without regret, to throw it away.

Regardless of which mask recipe you like, in order for the hair to receive its portion of the necessary components, several conditions must be met. It is important to do everything in stages and clearly with the recommendations of the recipe.

  1. The ingredients are mixed in a clear sequence, quickly mixed and immediately applied to the hair. If you miss the time, then the benefits of the manipulation should not be expected.
  2. Most masks contain oil components. They must be warmed up. The esters that make up the composition are revealed only after exposure to warm temperature.
  3. Before the procedure, you need to do a light skin massage to speed up blood circulation. It is especially scrupulous to massage the temporal, frontal and occipital part.
  4. After applying the mass to the strands, roots, it is recommended to carefully wrap the head with a film (you can put on a food bag), and wrap a turban from a terry towel on top. This rule is one of the main ones. If the hair does not arrange a thermal effect, the use of the mask is minimized, and in most cases the whole procedure is useless.
  5. The mask is washed off with cool or slightly warm water. It is not recommended to expose a hot stream, no matter how pleasant it is for washing.
  6. After the mask, the hair is not dried with a hairdryer, but dries naturally. Be sure to comb the curls with a soft comb.
  7. In order for the masks to be effective, they must be regularly performed 1-2 times a week. Doing manipulation once a month, you should not expect a positive effect.

With the help of hair masks, it will be possible to solve many problems associated with hair: restore strands, accelerate their growth, saturate them with usefulness, glue rods, tips, and so on.

Masks against hair loss

The composition of masks for home use that stop hair loss must necessarily include one of the following components: burdock oil, henna, onion juice, alcohol, honey or vitamin supplements. Such ingredients have a firming effect on the hair, help to heal the bulbs and restore their work.

Masks against hair loss, if no special instructions for use are indicated, should be kept on the head for 1 hour, repeated every three days. The recommended course is 10 regular manipulations, after which you should take a break. After applying the mask to the head, organize a polyethylene wrapping and a towel turban.

In cases where after 2-3 procedures a positive effect is not noticeable or irritation appears on the skin after the first application, it is recommended to pay attention to another mask recipe.

If there is increased hair loss, you should start using one of the following masks. Their effectiveness has been tested by owners of luxurious curls.

  • Honey (2 tablespoons) must be slightly warmed up so that it has a liquid consistency. Pour it into warmed burdock oil (3 tablespoons). Add lemon juice (2 tablespoons) and 2 well-beaten yolks to the mass. Mix the mask quickly and apply to the hair, rubbing lightly. Leave for an hour, rinse with warm water, rinse with a water-vinegar solution. It is recommended to perform 15 procedures for the treatment of hair loss.
  • Using low-fat kefir, dilute colorless henna so that the mass resembles sour cream or thick tomato sauce. Apply to the root area, leave the mass unattended for half an hour. Wash off with cool water using a little shampoo. It is recommended to repeat the treatment with this mask every 48 hours.
  • To prepare this mask, you will need aloe juice. It can be squeezed from the leaves of a plant growing at home (aloe must be at least 5 years old) or bought at a pharmacy. For the mask, you need to combine 30 ml of plant juice, 10 ml of fresh liquid honey and one yolk. A mask is applied to the head for a quarter of an hour, washed off in the usual way. The procedure is recommended to be repeated every 48 hours.
  • To prepare the next mask, you will need burdock (alternative: castor or almond) oil in an amount of 15 ml. Combine it with a pharmacy oil extract of vitamins B, A (2 capsules each). Apply to the root zone of the hair, massaging the skin. For the treatment of hair loss, it is recommended to give your head 8 treatments.
  • Stops the loss of the mask, which contains alcohol. It is necessary to combine cognac and water in equal proportions (you can use whiskey, vodka, food alcohol). Add the yolk to the liquid, mix and quickly apply to the patient's hair. The treatment session lasts 20 minutes. The recommended course is 15 procedures.
  • Using a blender or meat grinder, chop large onions. Combine it with ground sea salt, alcohol, warmed honey and natural yogurt (all ingredients are taken in equal proportions). Quickly applying a mask to the hair, hold for half an hour. During washing, rinse the curls with acetic water. 15 sessions are recommended.
  • Grapefruit juice is great for hair. It helps to stop hair loss and gives them a charming shine. For a mask, squeeze juice from half a large fruit, mix it with 15 ml of burdock oil (preheat) and a teaspoon of honey. The mask is applied to the hair for 40 minutes, washed off with shampoo.

Masks that make hair grow

Hair may look healthy and seemingly well-groomed, but does not increase in length. Such behavior is not without reason. After all, the cells of our body are in constant work. Diagnosis - the bulbs fell asleep or for some reason the cells began to be lazy to work at full strength. So, you need to stir them up, wake them up and revive them. Masks, which include mustard, pepper, dimexide, will perfectly cope with such a difficult task. They will quickly start active cell division processes, and this will accelerate the growth of the strand.

The recommended time for masks for hair growth is 15-30 minutes. If you feel a strong burning sensation, do not endure, but wash off the mass with cool water. Apply the mask once a week, not more often.

To make your hair grow, you can try the following mask options.

At home, to prepare pepper, you need to put a pod (small) of hot pepper in 100 ml of vodka (preferably alcohol, aged cognac) and leave it in a dark place for 2 weeks. Peppers can be used fresh or dried.
  • Take equal amounts of warm water and mustard powder, dilute. Add sugar (10 grams), whipped yolk to foam and 20 ml of almond (alternative - olive) oil. It is recommended to organize 8 sessions of hair.
  • Measure out 15 ml of castor oil, burdock. After the connection, add 5 ml of pharmacy vitamin oil extract A, E, B. Grind the yolk, combine with the previously mixed ingredients. At the end, add dimexide (5 ml). Applying hair to the skin, constantly stir the composition. This is necessary so that Dimexide does not settle. This mask is given to the head twice a week. It is important to keep the product on the hair for at least an hour.
  • First, prepare the base of the mask. It is important to quickly connect, mix, apply everything. To do this, you need to quickly squeeze out lemon juice (20 ml), pour 20 ml of cognac (you can use vodka, whiskey), 5 ml of liquid vitamins A, E into it. At the end, 5 ml of dimexide is added. Constantly stirring, apply to the skin, rubbing into the roots. It is recommended to repeat the mask every 3 days, the course is 16 procedures.
  • In a 1:2 ratio, combine burdock oil (alternative choice - flax, almond, olive) and pepper tincture. The latter can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently. After applying the mask, rub well into the skin. The course for the restoration of hair - 12 procedures.
  • Pour the beaten yolk into a container with 100 ml of fresh kefir or homemade yogurt. Add 2 teaspoons of powdered cinnamon to this. After mixing, apply for half an hour on the hair, rubbing massage movements mass to the roots. Wash off with warm room water. With this mask, it is recommended to carry out at least 8 procedures to accelerate hair growth.

Masks for moisturizing strands

Hair, when it loses moisture, quickly fades, becomes dull, weak, lifeless. The moisture in the rods, the dermis, is extremely important. If it is lost without subsequent replenishment, itching occurs, dandruff appears, the tips begin to exfoliate and break. In advanced cases, the strands cease to radiate shine, and outwardly resemble straw.

If the hair is dry, you need to give the strands at least 10 hourly (unless otherwise indicated in the recommendations) recovery sessions with a mask. It is recommended to carry out procedures twice a week.

To replenish the water-lipid balance, it is worth, based on recipes, to organize the following hair masks for hair at home.

  • Mix the yolk whipped to a foamy state with 0.5 cups of high-quality yogurt. Immediately before applying, add 15 ml of heated coconut oil and juice squeezed from an aloe leaf to the mass. Rinse with no a large number detergent, rinse with vinegar water.
  • In a slightly warm olive oil(30 ml) pour in the amount of a teaspoon: apple cider vinegar, glycerin, whipped yolk. Stir and, applying the elixir to the strands, stand for half an hour.
  • In the same proportion, heated flax oil and sparse honey are combined. After applying to the hair, the mask is aged for half an hour. Wash off with room water.
  • In a ratio of 9:1, combine sea buckthorn and wheat germ oil. Massaging the mask, rub it into the hair near the roots, and then distribute it over the curls to the very tips. Wash off with herbal shampoo after an hour.

Hair masks for the night and general rules

Masks that are recommended to be done at night are given striking effect. With their help, you can quickly restore the strands, breathing strength into them, multiply the beauty and turn the most tired curls into luxurious hair in just a night's rest.

Before the night procedure, it is important to fulfill several conditions:

  • apply the composition on a washed and well-dried head, be sure to comb your hair, otherwise they will begin to sag in the morning;
  • start covering your hair with a mask 30 minutes before going to bed;
  • apply the mass on the strands with a thick layer;
  • until sleep is still half an hour, listen to the sensations (if uncomfortable, itching appeared, better remedy wash off and do not leave overnight);
  • before the procedure, examine the skin (there should be no scratching, wounds);
  • examine the hair and identify problem areas: if the roots split, apply more funds to them, with strong fallout a lot of mass should be rubbed into the root zone;
  • They don’t wrap their heads with cling film, if a hair mask is made at night, it’s better to put on a confectionery cap and wrap it with a scarf or cotton bandage (hair should receive oxygen during the procedure at night);
  • the mass is washed off with warm water with baby shampoo immediately after waking up;
  • conduct a test check on the reaction of the body in advance if the prescription is used for the first time;
  • drying ingredients may be present in the ingredients of the mask, so you need to additionally cover the tips with protective natural oils before applying the mass;
  • masks with a warming effect should not be left overnight for more than 4 hours.

Night mask with pumpkin and cream

Mask with pumpkin and cream is suitable for any hair. During the night's rest, the strands will be saturated with usefulness, they will receive a portion of strength. The mask does not cause discomfort in most cases, but it is worth listening to the sensations after applying it.

For the mask you will need:

  • 100 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 45 g sour cream;
  • 30 ml cream at least 22% fat;
  • 65 ml of burdock oil;
  • 1 ml of vitamin B1 (an alternative is capsule E).

Prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. Cut the peel from the vegetable, chop the pulp with a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Add sour cream, cream, mix.
  3. Pour in the heated oil and the contents of the vitamin capsules.
  4. After mixing, apply to the hair and, after waiting 10 minutes, put on a pastry cap.
  5. It's not time to go to bed yet. You need to walk for half an hour, listening to the sensations. If discomfort does not arise, you can safely wrap your head with a scarf and go to sleep.
  6. In the morning wash your hair, rinse with any herbal decoction.

Kefir mask with mango

Overdried and tired hair will gladly accept the hydration and nutrition that this exotic fruit will give. Mango has miraculous properties and favorably affects the condition of the hair. It is important to keep the remedy on the head for no more than 8 hours.

To prepare the mask, you will have to collect:

  • 1 mango;
  • 60 ml of olive oil;
  • 40 ml of high-fat kefir;
  • 35 g gelatin.

The recipe for hair products for the night is as follows.

  1. Grind mango, freed from the peel, in a blender or with a meat grinder. Can be rubbed on a grater.
  2. Add oil, kefir to the mass and mix.
  3. In a clean container, dilute the gelatin with water, wait for it to swell (about half an hour) and then mix with the already combined ingredients.
  4. Apply the mask to the hair and, after waiting half an hour, put on a hat.
  5. In order not to stain the pillow, put a scarf or cotton bandage on your head.
  6. In the morning, after washing, give your hair a rinse with sage.

Nourishing masks

Periodically, it is necessary to give nutrition to the hair. With the help of a mask prepared according to a special recipe, you can replenish the nutrients lost by the follicles. The list of ingredients of such masks often contains fruits rich in vitamin components and essential acids.

Nourishing masks it is recommended to organize the hair in order to achieve a positive effect, at least twice a week.

The following recipes guarantee powerful nutrition for the strands.

  • Combine sour cream (3 tablespoons), burdock oil (15 ml) with a banana mass whipped in mashed potatoes. After applying to the strands, stand for an hour. The course of nutrition is designed for 15 sessions, after which a break is made.
  • Peel two small kiwis, mash into a puree and combine with a tablespoon of flour. Apply to the root zone, rubbing. Wash off 20 minutes after application. Do the mask 2-3 times a week, the course for nourishing the hair lasts 8-10 procedures.
  • Wheat germ oil (alternative - burdock) in the amount of 1 tablespoon, combine with orange pulp (remove all films from the slices). Add sea salt (about a teaspoon). After applying to the skin, wait half an hour, and then rinse off. Give hair such a nourishing procedure for 5 weeks.

Hair restoration masks

Considering the fact that the hair is attacked daily environment, the strand structure is additionally destroyed under the influence of a hair dryer, styling products, hair restoration procedures are vital. Therefore, you need to keep several recipes for recovery masks in mind.

To revitalize the hair, it is necessary to spend about 10-15 sessions. The recommended frequency of procedures is 2 times in 7 days, the duration is 1 hour.

Judging by the reviews of beauties - owners of the most luxurious hair, the following masks give a striking effect.

  • Perfectly restores hair mayonnaise, cooked at home. Its benefit is that, simultaneously with the regeneration process, the strands receive nutrition and hydration. A mask from such a component gives shine to curls, makes them obedient and smooth. To prepare a healing mass, you will need to send 2 yolks to the mixer bowl. Whisking continuously, add salt (0.5 tsp), sugar and mustard (1 tsp each), lemon juice (1 tbsp), olive oil (250 ml) to them. As the mixing whisks work, the mass will become thick. As soon as you have achieved the consistency of mayonnaise, you can stop whipping and apply the mass to the hair.
  • Contributes to the restoration of homemade burdock tincture. It is necessary to pour raw materials (2 tablespoons) with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. After straining, add 100 grams of black bread to the broth (remove the crust from the slice), whipped yolk, aloe juice, onion, lemon (1 tsp each). Before applying the mask to the hair, combine castor and jojoba oil (5 ml each) in a dry container, and then send it to the previously mixed ingredients. Applying on the head, massage, rub the mask well into the tips.
  • White clay acts magically on the hair. You can also make a healing mask from it, the benefits of which are enormous. You need to dilute 15 grams of powdered white clay with ½ cup of homemade milk (the store product is not suitable for a mask). Add crushed sea buckthorn berries to the mass, mix and quickly apply to each curl.
  • Restore tired avocado curls. Grind its pulp, combine with a tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil. Before the session, conduct a test check for sensitivity. Honey, sea buckthorn cause allergies.

Masks for colored hair

After any coloring, the hair suffers and requires emergency assistance to get out of stress. But most of the products recommended for the treatment and restoration of dyed hair accelerate the washout of color, which is not very attractive for beauties. There is only one way out - to pick up a good folk mask, for example from these:

  • kefir, yogurt, homemade yogurt are suitable for recovery (the product is applied to the hair at a warm temperature and lasts 40 minutes, the procedure is repeated twice a week);
  • combine rye bread with boiling water, cool a little and rub into the hair;
  • mix banana mass (use 1 large fruit) with grape seed oil (5 drops) and rub into hair;
  • combine blue grape berries (half a glass) with honey and flax seeds (1 tbsp each) - the mask is suitable for dark-haired women, it is washed off only with water.

Masks to glue the ends

Split ends are a serious problem. Well, if everything is corrected by the method of rare cutting, but what to do when removing the cut section of the strand does not save the situation? Masks will help.

To remain satisfied after the sessions, at least 15 resuscitation procedures must be performed (repeat after 3 days), if not special recommendations. Keep the composition under a cap and a turban on your head for 30 minutes.
  • Dissolve honey (2 tsp) in ½ cup of warm water. Dipping the ends in mead, wait a quarter of an hour. Do not rinse afterwards. If the hair is short, it will be enough just to moisten the strands with honey elixir several times.
  • Mix a teaspoon of olive oil with sour cream in equal proportions. Add 1 tsp. freshly grated horseradish. Apply to ends and leave on for 20 minutes.
  • Avocado oil perfectly glues split hairs. Once every 2 days, it must be rubbed into the problem areas of the rod and left overnight.
  • Fresh peaches free from the skin and turn into a homogeneous mass. Add to them 1/3 cup of homemade milk and 5 drops of oregano oil. Stir, the mask is ready to be applied to the tips.

Masks for oily curls

You will not envy those who got greasy hair. Not every mask can be used here. When choosing, you should pay attention to the components. The ingredients of the mask should reduce the active work of the sebaceous glands.

30-minute procedures should be carried out 2 times in 7 days. In a month, the greasiness will decrease. The mask should be washed off with plain water.

The following mask recipes will help to cope with the fat content on the strands.

  • Remove the skin from 3 small tomatoes, mash. Cover the roots and curls with the resulting mass.
  • Grind oatmeal and combine with warm water (1:1). Add soda (0.5 tsp). When applying, massage the root zone well.
  • Turn potato starch (20 g) into a thick slurry with warm water. Add to it a small spoonful of aloe pulp, honey. Recommended session time is 40 minutes.
  • Combine green clay (20 g) with freshly prepared decoction of oak bark. You should get a thick mass. Before applying, mix with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Quickly apply the mass, rubbing into the roots, on the curls. Wash off after 40 minutes.

Before the first application of any hair mask, it is imperative to conduct an allergy test, even for those who, until that time, the body has not reacted to certain products in any way. After covering with folk magic elixirs, the hair should not disturb, cause discomfort with discomfort.

As an alternative to folk masks, you can consider professional tools that provide quality care. For example, a large assortment is presented in the HiHair online store. There you will find the necessary professional cosmetics for hair, face and body.

The fair sex very often exposes their curls to thermal and chemical effects. Various dyeing, curling, blow-drying, the use of various curling irons and stylers - all this sooner or later adversely affects the quality of the hair. Hair becomes thinner, dry, dull and breaks off easily.

Moisturizing masks are designed to combat these unpleasant consequences. They revitalize the tips and restore curls.

It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Everyone's hair texture and type is different. A high-quality mask purchased in a professional store can work perfectly on the hair of a single girl and give a completely different result on curls similar in type and structure to another. The same can be said about home.

Benefits of home masks:

  • Availability;
  • Cheapness;
  • Natural composition.


Advantages of professional masks:

  • Ease of use;
  • Speed ​​of impact.


  • Expensive price;
  • Not the most natural composition.

It is difficult to predict what will suit your hair. Must try here different variants, because among the professional and among there are worthy representatives.

Homemade moisturizing hair masks are highly desirable for all girls once a month. for prevention, regardless of the type of hair, and owners of dry curls by nature, as well as girls who abuse coloring and thermal types of styling, use moisturizing masks 1-2 times a week.

Today we will look at recipes for some of the best homemade moisturizing hair masks that you can make from improvised products.

The simplicity and convenience of their use will save time and money on going to the salon, and the resulting effect can surpass the salon result.

Masks for dry hair ends

Moisturizing mask for hair ends based on carrot juice

Carrot juice contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals.. His healing properties good for the regeneration of the hair structure. This recipe revitalizes the dry ends of the curls, making them smooth, shiny and manageable.

Required Ingredients:

  • Freshly squeezed carrot juice;
  • Any vegetable oil.

Mix the components in equal proportions and massage the solution into the hair ends. Soak the composition from half an hour to an hour and wash your hair with warm water.

Based on colorless henna

Colorless henna is known for its beneficial effect on the hair. She is has strengthening properties, gives the hair a radiant look and shine, “solders” the hair ends. This recipe is suitable for owners of dry and exfoliating tips.

Required products:

  • Colorless henna;
  • 2-3 tsp liquid solution of vitamins A and E;
  • 2 tbsp almond oil.

Pour boiling water over colorless henna until a thick consistency is formed. Cover with something and wait a quarter of an hour. Heat the oil a little and pour into the resulting solution.

As a result, a liquid paste should form, in which vitamins must be added. The product is stored in a dark place, tightly sealed. Use once a week, keeping at the ends for 2-3 hours.

Masks for colored hair

ADVICE! Dyed and bleached strands have a fragile and porous structure. Therefore, in order to avoid acquiring an unwanted tone by them, avoid using masks containing various herbal decoctions or henna, and also do not get carried away with masks, the main component of which are sour-milk products and oils, as they can wash out the color.

Below are the most effective masks for dyed and bleached curls. They intensively care for the hair, revitalizing it and giving it healthy look.

With cognac

Cognac gives curls shine and radiance and can even enhance the color of dyed strands, and the yolk intensively nourishes curls, moisturizing them.

To prepare the composition you will need:

  • 100 ml brandy;
  • yolk of one egg.

Mix all the ingredients and distribute the mixture over the strands. Leave the mask on your head for 20-30 minutes and wash your hair with warm water.

Nourishing mask

This option will be a lifesaver for girls experimenting with frequent staining. Its components nourish and care for the hair as much as possible.

You will need:

  • part of a ripe banana;
  • part of a ripe avocado;
  • egg yolk.

Combine all the components, thoroughly rubbing them, and massage evenly into the strands. Wrap in a towel. Keep the mixture on your head for about 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Moisturizing masks for dry hair types

Based on gelatin

You will need:

  • 1 tbsp gelatin;
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil or castor oil;
  • 20 drops of a mixture of vitamins A and E;
  • Half a glass of warm water.

Soak in water and let it swell completely. Then heat it up until the lumps disappear. Pour the remaining components of the mask into the cooled mass. Lubricate all the hair with the composition. Wrap the head with the mixture in plastic wrap and pull a warm hat on top. Sit with the mask for half an hour to an hour, and then wash it off your head.

Based on dairy products

Required components:

  • Half a glass of any fermented milk product;
  • 2 tbsp olive oils;
  • 1 tbsp melted honey.

Combine the components together and lubricate the entire length of the hair with the composition. Wrap the head with the mixture in plastic wrap and pull a warm hat on top. Sit with the mask for half an hour to an hour, and then wash it off your head.

Moisturizing hair mask with aloe juice

  • Half a glass of sour cream;
  • 1 st. l. coconut oil;
  • 1 tbsp freshly squeezed aloe juice;
  • yolk of 1 egg.

Melt the coconut oil to a liquid state and pour in the remaining ingredients. Massage the resulting mass into strands. Wrap the head with the mixture in plastic wrap and pull a warm hat on top. Sit with the mask for half an hour to an hour, and then wash it off your head.

More mask options:


You will need:

  • freshly squeezed onion juice;
  • liquid honey;
  • any vegetable oil;
  • and the yolk of one egg.

Combine all components together and massage into strands. Sit for 30-40 minutes with the mask on your head and wash it off.

For more onion hair masks, see:

A highly hydrating oil-based hair mask

The most moisturizing and nourishing hair masks are made from oils. For example, this saturates the hair with useful substances and gives it shine and radiance.

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp olive oils;
  • 2 tbsp castor oil;
  • 10 capsules of vitamin A;
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E;
  • yolk of one egg;
  • 2 tbsp liquid honey;
  • Freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon.

Combine all components and grease with composition
hair length. Wrap the head with the mixture in cling film and pull a warm hat on top. Sit with the mask for half an hour, and then wash it off your head.

IMPORTANT! It is undesirable to apply the mask on too thin, weakened hair, as it can make them heavier.

See more about .

Based on arnica tincture

The mask of arnica tincture has an active moisturizing effect due to the content of a large amount of biologically active substances in it. active substances. This option helps even overdried, soaked curls.

You will need:

  • 3 tbsp tinctures of arnica;
  • 2 tbsp any vegetable oil;
  • yolks of two eggs.

Combine all the components of the mask and lubricate the entire length of the hair with the composition. Wrap the head with the mixture in plastic wrap and pull a warm hat on top. Sit with the mask for half an hour, and then wash it off your head.

Express - mask

The recipe for this mask is simple but very effective. Oils and yolk nourish dry curls, and mayonnaise enhances the moisturizing effect.

You will need:
1 tbsp.

  • olive oils;
  • castor oil;
  • mayonnaise;
  • and the yolk of one egg.

Mix the ingredients and massage the mixture into the strands. Wrap your head with polyethylene and insulate with warm material. Leave on for 20 minutes and then wash off with shampoo.

Based on kefir

Kefir perfectly moisturizes curls and fights their fragility due to the content of yeast, vitamins and lactic acid sticks.

ADVICE! The mask is not suitable for owners of dyed hair, because kefir washes out the color from them!

You will need:

  • 300-500 ml of kefir;
  • egg yolk;
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil.

Mix the products together and spread over the scalp. Leave 30-40 minutes on the head and then wash them with warm water.

Super Hydrating Avocado Hair Mask

Avocado does wonders for hair. Due to the high content fatty acids it intensively nourishes and moisturizes the strands, giving them perfect smoothness and silkiness. The mask is able to revive even shabby curls.

To prepare the composition you will need:

  • 1 half a ripe avocado
  • 1 half of a ripe banana;
  • 1 st. l. any vegetable oil (preferably olive or coconut);
  • 1 st. l. fat sour cream or homemade mayonnaise.

Thoroughly grind the fruit to a puree consistency in order to facilitate further rinsing of the mixture. Add the remaining components and carefully distribute the mask over the strands. Wrap the head with the mixture applied with polyethylene and insulate with warm material.

The mask must be kept from half an hour to an hour and then wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.

And here is another moisturizing mask for long hair:

  • Do not expose your hair to frequent dyeing. Wait at least 3 months before the next painting;
  • Use special moisturizing shampoos and conditioners of the same series that complement each other;
  • After shampooing, it is necessary to apply a conditioner or balm, designed to “solder” the hair scales and protect its structure. For the same purpose, after washing, they are rinsed with a weak solution of vinegar, diluted in cool water;
  • Minimize the use of hair dryers, tongs, and other thermal devices. When using a hair dryer, use a cool or warm stream of air, or let your hair dry naturally;
  • Protect your hair from cold, heat, strong wind and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Eat properly and nutritiously. A daily diet that is poor in proteins and will most adversely affect the quality of your hair;
  • Drink your daily amount of water. Lack of fluid in the body will also affect the condition of the hair.

Perfectly smooth, moisturized hair is not a dream, but the result of a little effort and patience. The beauty of hair is in your hands. The main thing is not to be lazy and the result will not keep you waiting!

Perhaps every woman would like to have magnificent curls, because their healthy appearance is at the top of the rating of beauty attributes. Therefore, nutrient mixtures for hair are very important, especially if the strands are exposed to external negative influences.

Many adverse factors affect human health, and hence the appearance of his hair, these are:

  • bad ecology;
  • wearing wigs, hairpieces;
  • frequent visits to the pool;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • stressful situations, depression;
  • etc.

Please note! Combing also injures hair, especially long hair. Comb the strands slowly, carefully holding them. Never make sudden movements.

Damaged curls are also a retribution for the "guidance" of beauty. Dyeing, perm, hair straightening, the use of styling products, the use of thermal tools (hairdryer, tongs, ironing, styling, etc.) - all this is not reflected in the best way on the outer bow of the hairstyle. From such beauty procedures, the curls are depleted, fade.

A necessary and convenient thing in the regular care of your appearance is nourishing hair masks prepared at home. They usually consist of the following components:

  • pharmacy vitamins;
  • vegetable oils;
  • natural honey;
  • yeast;
  • dairy products;
  • fruit purees;
  • mustard;
  • raw eggs;
  • natural juices (onion, carrot, cabbage, lemon);
  • medicinal herbs;
  • and etc.

Systematically using homemade masks, the fair sex notes positive result: hair elasticity increases, a beautiful shine appears, dryness and brittleness completely disappear.

Mask rules and caution

When using hair masks, follow these simple recommendations:

  • homemade mixtures should be ground until smooth;
  • only freshly prepared compositions should be applied to the strands;
  • keep these masks on your hair for the prescribed time;
  • the mixture is washed off with a large volume of water using shampoo.

After the procedure, wet curls should not be combed - this greatly deforms them. You have to wait until they dry. Combing should start from the tips, slowly and carefully moving towards the root zone.

Attention! You can not use the tool if there is an individual intolerance to any of the components that make up the product, as well as if on skin there are damages.

Before applying masks, it is useful to massage the head. Massage begins along the edge of hair growth, then it is necessary to move towards the crown zone. In a circular motion, go through the entire scalp. After a massage session, a nourishing mass is applied.

lovers cosmetic procedures can prepare the following mixtures by themselves. The choice to make depends on the type of hair.

For dry hair

No need to rush to cut off dry hair. Use folk recipes based on natural ingredients. This will allow you to inexpensively and very quickly reanimate the lifeless "tow".

  • With jojoba oil

An emergency remedy for resuscitation of an overdried "shock" is jojoba oil. This is a real life saver of the hair shaft. This natural remedy cleanses the strands and fills them with vitality.

Advice! You can put a few drops of jojoba into your shampoo to enrich it with natural bioactive ingredients.

  • Gelatin mask

Nourishing mask for dry hair, prepared at home from gelatin, has a softening effect. She wraps each hair with a film that keeps moisture inside. Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of gelatin granules with warm water or herbal tincture.

After 30 minutes, add the yolk to the finished composition. Mix everything and rub into strands. Keep the mask under the film for 60 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly.

  • Castor mask

Castor oil (castor oil) will help to give lifeless strands strength, radiance and density. It has a wonderful effect on damaged and weakened hair, fills them with useful substances.

Oil masks for damaged hair

The ideal solution for damaged hair is oil-based mixtures that nourish, moisturize and supply weakened hair with the necessary elements.

  • castor

The composition prevents the occurrence of baldness, activates hair growth, nourishes them, gives them a mirror shine. Take 30 ml of castor oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cognac It is recommended to preheat the oil. Thoroughly soak each curl with cognac-castor mix, then insulate them. After 2 hours, wash your hair in the usual way.

  • olive

At home, you can prepare an amazing mixture for damaged hair. Heat 60 ml of olive oil slightly. Apply this mixture to all hair. Keep your head warm for a few hours (preferably overnight). Rinse everything thoroughly.

  • coconut

warm up Coconut oil and apply a thick layer over the entire length of the curls. Collect a bunch at the crown, put on a shower cap, tie a warm towel on top. Wash it off after an hour and a half.

  • Dairy with jojoba oil

Take 60 ml of cream, 20 ml of jojoba, yolk, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of yeast

Add yeast and sugar to warm milk. Leave for 15 minutes to "approach". Add beaten yolk. To mix everything. Apply the resulting solution liberally to the hair and warm the head. Wash off the mixture after 45 minutes.

Advice! Cream can be replaced with any fermented milk product. However, it is worth remembering that any acid washes out the pigment, i.e. color.

Nourishing masks for normal hair

Healthy hair also needs care. Unfortunately, most ladies do not think about it.

  • Gelatinous

Try a gelatin mask. This will help keep your hair looking healthy. Soak gelatin in 0.5 cup of water (about half an hour) and heat slightly to make it jelly-like.

Pour 2 tbsp into the gelatin composition. spoons of coconut or castor oil, then - 10 drops of vitamin A and the same number of drops of vitamin E. Lubricate ready mix curls, from roots to ends and insulate your head for 45 minutes. Rinse - warm water with vegetable shampoo.

  • cognac

Mix 1 part cognac, 4 parts lemon juice, 6 parts burdock extract. Massage the scalp with this mixture before washing.

  • Garlic

Mix 1 teaspoon of aloe juice and lemon, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and a crushed clove of garlic. Rub the composition into the roots of the hair. Wrap your head with a warm cap. After 35 minutes, the healing mass must be thoroughly washed off with shampoo and conditioner.

Please note! The garlic mixture has a specific smell that does not go away even after the second wash.

Universal masks

There are many universal recipes for nourishing hair masks that are applicable to any type of hair.

  • Burdock

The classic recipe is burdock oil, which may be the only ingredient in the mask. It is advisable to warm it up a little. With the help of a rare-toothed comb, distribute the mass among the strands. Rinse - twice with shampoo.

  • sea ​​buckthorn

Sea buckthorn oil is also considered a universal remedy. Mix sea buckthorn oil in a 1:1 ratio. Rub the composition into the hair roots. Tie with a plastic scarf. After an hour, wash everything off with a mild shampoo.

  • egg

Mix 15 ml of vegetable oil with yolk and 15 ml of honey. Apply the gruel on the hair and hold for half an hour. Then rinse with room temperature water using shampoo. A nourishing mask with egg and honey is suitable for almost everyone.

Ready-made nourishing masks from the store

Nourishing masks designed for dry hair give a moisturizing and regenerating effect, as their components are saturated with useful elements. Each cosmetics manufacturer has such products.

To make your hair look chic and well-groomed, you should take care of it. This is where Professional Proyou Nutritive comes to the rescue - priceless cosmetics from Revlon. Wheat extract and ceramides, which are part of the product, restore the structure of the damaged hair shaft. The mask deeply nourishes the curls, gives them elasticity and radiance.

The following mask has the quality of salon care. This is Water Element Nursing Cream by Angel Professional. This composition is saturated with extracts of seaweed. With regular use, it will make curls thicker and healthier, protect them from UV rays.

One of effective means, which restores the structure of the hair shaft is the mask-wrapping "Cleopatra's Secret" from the company "Faberlik". This series has a number of natural components in its composition: the amino acid arginine, argan and Abyssinian oil, as well as avocado oil, which has the most beneficial effect on the hair structure. This procedure will restore hair, give it a luxurious look, give a healthy shine.

A ready-made Estel nourishing hair mask from the Curex Classic series purchased at the store can also help. This is a versatile product that saturates any type of hair with nutrients. The basic ingredient of the composition is wheat proteins, which are involved in the restoration of the hair shaft. Thanks to the use of this mask, the hair has additional protection from external factors.

Note! In pharmacies, you can also buy ampoules and capsules that will restore the hair structure and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp.

So, be sure to replenish your beauty arsenal with an amazing effective tool!

As noted, there are many different means (home and store) for healing hair.

Unfortunately, not all store products justify their price. In addition, they contain chemical compounds that can cause allergic reaction. With an abundance of a large number of chemicals on the label of a store mask, there is a risk of losing part of the strands or completely drying them out. Therefore, before buying a product, you should carefully study its composition.

As for home masks, the following points must be considered:

  • onion and garlic masks have an unpleasant odor, and they can also cause burns on sensitive skin;
  • some foods have allergic properties, these are: honey, oils of natural origin, mustard, raw eggs, etc.;
  • kefir composition is contraindicated for young ladies with dyed hair, as it washes out the pigment;
  • decoctions of some herbs, pepper, mustard activate blood circulation, for this reason they should not be used in the presence of wounds or any neoplasms on the scalp.

Anyway, nourishing masks are EXTREMELY NECESSARY for hair. They solve several problems:

  • nourishing and deep moisturizing of hair;
  • improved growth;
  • restoration of their strength;
  • "gluing" split ends;
  • giving gloss;
  • and many others. others

Store masks contain concentrates useful substances directly penetrating the hair structure. After applying such compositions, smoothness, density, elasticity return to the curls. Homemade masks also improve hair. They restore their integrity, return their natural softness, making the hair attractive. Any masks with nutritional components make curls obedient, amenable to hair.

Thus, regularly using nourishing hair masks, a woman will be guaranteed to have luxurious hair. Not without reason, most of the representatives of the stronger sex believe that it is the hair that decorates women.

Healthy, thick, luxurious curls need regular cleansing. Unfortunately, active ingredients shampoo weaken the trunks, making them brittle and weak. It is also recommended to use nourishing masks for recovery after dyeing, curling, and regular use of styling products. For hair treatment, it is worth remembering the gifts of nature, rich in fatty and organic acids, minerals and vitamins. Depending on the condition of the strands, you can choose a unique composition, maximum problem-solving, restoring elasticity and silkiness with a curl.

To create homemade masks, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

    • cook only from fresh high-quality products, calculating the serving size for a single use;
    • combine in ceramic or glassware; in metal, some components may react;
    • it is desirable to bring the compositions to a homogeneous consistency;
    • for each type of hair to select an individual recipe;
    • spices and esters should be added last, not exceeding the amount indicated in the recipe;
    • fatty vegetable oils will reveal their properties better if they are heated in a water bath.

Rules for the use of masks for food

    1. Use twice a month active compounds with spices and spices, it is an excellent prevention of hair loss, and also helps to accelerate growth;
    2. Depending on the condition, adjust the frequency of masks, for normal and oily, it is enough to feed twice a month, for dry, discolored, repeat a cosmetic session, it is recommended every week;
    3. Contraindications exist only for recipes that act on the scalp, so as not to cause harm, be sure to test before use;
    4. The composition will work better if you wrap your head with a film and warm it up with a hairdryer, then put on a hat or wrap yourself in a towel;
    5. Wash off to soften and enhance the shine with decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, nettle, yarrow, elecampane, plantain, linden;
    6. Remove oily masks with natural/organic shampoo or water with fruit vinegar or citrus juice.

And yet, before applying the composition, intensively massage the scalp, starting from the front border of the growth line and temples, gradually moving towards the back of the head, this will increase blood flow, ensure better penetration of healing substances into the bulbs and hair shafts.

Homemade recipes for nourishing hair masks

By creating unique recipes of nature at home, it is easy to solve the problems of damaged curls and nourish the hair with beauty and health. After cleansing with a professional shampoo, exhausted from coloring or using a curling iron, the structure becomes more brittle and porous. You can restore the balance of moisture, acids, minerals and vitamins thanks to magical folk remedies for food.

Mask for nutrition and recovery

Result: for dry damaged hair, in need of super nutrition, it is worth preparing the following remedy. It solders the cuticle, prevents cross-section, makes it strong and elastic.


    • 3 proteins;
    • 10 gr. shea butter.

Preparation and method of application: beat the chilled proteins for five minutes, add a foamy drink and oil. Distribute the restoring mass on wet strands, insulate. After two hours, you can clean it in the usual way.

Video recipe: Revitalizing and nourishing mask for hair growth

Mask for nutrition and hydration

Result: natural masks effective against brittleness and porosity of the cuticle, help moisturize, covering with a protective layer. It is enough to repeat every eight days to maintain the strength and health of the hair.


    • 3 art. spoons of aloe;
    • Art. a spoonful of orange juice;
    • 4 tbsp. spoons of pumpkin puree.

Preparation and method of application: after preparing and grinding the vegetable pulp, combine citrus juice and a chopped sprig of a young plant. Distribute the finished gruel and wrap it with polyethylene. After forty-five minutes of action, complete the care procedure by thoroughly rinsing the remains.

Mask for nutrition and strengthening

Result: Scalp nutrition plays a crucial role in strengthening follicles and healthy growth. strong hair. Microcirculation improves, the lack of fatty acids and minerals in the bulbs is replenished.


    • 5 st. tablespoons of linseed oil;
    • a teaspoon of cinnamon;
    • 3 yolks.

Recipe and application method: fragrant spice beat first together with butter, then add the separated yolks. Distribute the liquid mass to the root area with a cotton swab, its duration is from a quarter to a whole hour.

Mask for nutrition and growth

Effect: using homemade recipes for hair roots, it is easy to accelerate not only growth, but also increase density, activating processes in dormant follicles. To have long shiny curls, repeat the grooming session twice every fifteen days.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


    • 3 kiwis;
    • 30 drops of vitamin B6.

Preparation and method of application: freeing the fruit from the skin, knead it and add liquid vitamin. Rub the gruel until it is completely distributed on the root area, put on a cap, wait about seventy minutes. Rinse as usual, leave to dry on its own.

Video recipes: Nourishing masks for hair growth at home

Mask for nutrition and loss

Result: effective homemade recipes for hair loss stop baldness, take care of the scalp. Treatment requires five/seven daily sessions.


    • 3 onions;
    • 8 drops of santal ether;
    • 15 ml sea buckthorn oil.

Recipe and method of application: grate the onion, add warm moisturizing oil and wood ether. Treat evenly the entire scalp, put on a warming cap. After resting forty / sixty minutes, clean the strands with water.

For damaged hair

Effect: with your own hands, you can restore strength and health to the strands after bleaching or prolonged use of the curling iron.


    • 20 ml olive oil;
    • 4 drops of jasmine ether;
    • banana.

Preparation and method of application: mash the fruit with a fork, add hot vegetable oil and flower ether. Treat the strands after washing, leave for thirty-five minutes. Remove the banana only with warm water with the addition of lemon.

Video recipes: The most nourishing hair masks at home

For dry hair

Result: provides nutrition to dry hair prone to breakage along the entire length, regenerating home remedy, regularly using which you can restore strength and softness to damaged strands.


    • 15 ml hazelnut oil;
    • 5 ml of glycerin;
    • 40 gr. cottage cheese.

Preparation and method of application: pour over the curd with boiling water, rubbing it through a sieve, introduce the remaining components. It will retreat from the beginning of the growth of four centimeters, distribute it along the length, hide it under a warming cap and leave the mask on overnight. Remove unabsorbed residues in the morning.

Video recipe: Homemade mask for nourishing dry hair with milk

For oily hair

As a result: gives volume and density to thin trunks, normalizes the balance of moisture and lipids, helps to facilitate combing. To shine dull strands, apply twice a month.


    • 25 gr. applesauce;
    • 20 gr. henna;
    • 9 drops of patchouli oil.

Recipe and method of application: after cutting the core from the fruit, grind it into a puree in a blender, add aroma liquid and pre-steamed henna. Distribute on clean, damp strands, warm, rest for about fifty minutes. Wash off as usual.

For fine hair

Effect: to thicken and thicken thin, brittle strands, you can turn to affordable effective recipes. Covering each barrel with a film, the tool provides the desired volume.


    • 20 gr. gelatin;
    • 30 drops of burdock oil.

Preparation and method of application: pour the crystals with decoction / tea, stir until a helium structure is formed, add hot burdock oil. Distribute on the main part to the end, washed still wet strands, wrapping it in a film, dry it with a hairdryer, rinse off after forty minutes.

For colored hair

Result: for weakened hair with coloring and extensions, regular nourishing masks will help restore healthy shine and silkiness.


    • 20 gr. honey;
    • 25 ml of white wine;
    • 15 gr. cocoa butter.

Recipe and method of application: add melted honey and bean oil to a warm drink. Distribute the nutrient mixture evenly on the dry curls, hiding under a cap and a towel, leave to act overnight. Rinse thoroughly in the morning and leave to dry naturally.

For bleached hair

Bottom line: for bleached curls, using DIY recipes provides intense hydration and nutrition.


    • 40 ml of serum;
    • 2 yolks;
    • 8 gr. yeast.

How to prepare and method of application: warm sour milk, mixed with yolks, introduce yeast granules. Distribute the mask along the growth line, hold for thirty to fifty minutes. Finish hair care in the traditional way.

For split ends

Result: a simple procedure eliminates the need to constantly trim porous, delaminated ends. For colored and dry strands, it is worth using after each shampooing for two months.


    • 5 ml of apricot oil;
    • 30 drops of pantothenic acid.

How to make and method of use: add vitamin to apricot liquid, stir with a cosmetic spatula, apply with a brush to the tips with driving movements. After half an hour, blot the remains with a paper towel.

For the scalp

Effect: enhances the supply of nutrients to the bulbs, accelerates growth processes, normalizes the secretion of the glands, allowing you to keep the root volume longer.


    • 10 gr. ginger;
    • 20 gr. clay;
    • 5 gr. soda.

Recipe and application method: ginger powder, mixing with clay and calcium bicarbonate, dilute with nettle broth. Rub a thick gruel into the root area, hide under a cap for no more than a quarter of an hour, then complete the procedure.

With vitamins

Result: a very simple procedure with vitamins will help restore hair, making curls soft and manageable, as after keratin treatment.


    • 5 ml of vitamin B6;
    • 5 ml of vitamin B12;
    • 20 ml of castor oil;
    • aloe leaf.

How to prepare and how to use: Castor oil enter the contents of the ampoules and the juice of a young plant. Distribute the liquid mass on wet, clean strands, wrapping it in cellophane and warming it with warm air. Wash off after forty minutes.

With oils

As a result: a recipe from oils stops hair loss, strengthens the root system, and provides moisture along the entire length.


    • a teaspoon of jojoba oil;
    • a teaspoon of rice oil;
    • Art. a spoonful of peach oil;
    • 5 drops of bergamot ether;
    • 3 drops of rosewood ether.

Preparation and method of application: combine the components rich in organic acids and heat a little, removing the esters from the bath. Distribute the oil mask on dry, unwashed strands, insulate, leave to act overnight. After waking up, rinse with shampoo.

Video recipe: Mega-nourishing hair mask with oils and honey

With honey

Result: natural nutrition is provided by time-tested recipes of home cosmetology. Honey compositions care for the entire length, softening and giving volume.


    • 10 ml cream.

Recipe and method of application: mix melted honey with cream, apply to curls and leave for eighty minutes, after which remove the remnants.

With kefir

Effect: restores curls damaged by chemical staining and high temperatures.


    • 30 ml of kefir;

Preparation and method of application: crush the fruit pulp in a kitchen machine, mix with sour milk. After washing, treat the strands with a thick mass, retreating a couple of centimeters from the roots, and complete the procedure in an hour.

with egg

Result: regular use of an egg mask will allow you to forget about brittleness and loss, quickly grow long thick curls.


    • 3 eggs;
    • 15 gr. yogurt;
    • 20 drops of retinol.

Preparation and method of application: beat eggs with yogurt, add liquid vitamin. Distribute on wet strands, wait about an hour, rinse with cool liquid so that the proteins do not curl.

with mustard

As a result: a firming mask activates blood circulation, prevents the appearance of dandruff, makes curls voluminous, lush.


    • 2 tbsp. spoons of mustard powder;
    • Art. a spoonful of grapefruit juice;
    • 4 tbsp. spoons of yeast.

Preparation and method of application: mix mustard with yeast, dilute the dry mass with tea, add juice. Using a sponge, treat the entire root area, thoroughly wash the residue after ten minutes.

From sour cream

Effect: to maintain the strength and shine of normal hair, once a month, carry out a caring session.


    • 30 gr. sour cream;
    • 5 tablets of ascorutin.

Preparation and method of use: crush the vitamin into powder, combine with sour cream, process the curls along the entire length. Hiding under a warming cap, leave for three hours, rinse with water and vinegar.

from mayonnaise

Result: provides homemade composition with a complex of minerals and vitamins.


    • egg;
    • 30 ml sunflower oil;
    • a pinch of salt;
    • a coffee spoon of wine vinegar;
    • coffee spoon of mustard.

Preparation and how to use: beat all the ingredients except the oil with a mixer, then add it in small portions, without ceasing to mix. Treat the strands from the beginning of growth to the tips, tightly wrapping with polyethylene and leave a night mask with a towel for sleep. Wash thoroughly in the morning.

From gelatin

What is the use: covers each trunk with a thin layer, prevents the destruction of the cuticle.


    • 40 ml of chamomile decoction.

Preparation and method of application: fill the granules with warm liquid, stir until completely dissolved. Quickly process wet strands, insulate, leave for an hour.

from aloe

Result: provides a healthy shine to well-groomed curls.


    • 30 gr. aloe;
    • 5 ml of glycerin.

Recipe and method of use: viscous vegetable juice, combined with glycerin, apply along the entire length, rinse the remains of the composition after half an hour.

With burdock oil

Why the recipe is useful: against loss and for density, it is worth using effective means.


    • 4 tbsp. spoons burdock oil;
    • 8 drops of geranium ether.

Preparation and how to apply: distribute the combined components and leave for a quarter of an hour, rinse in the usual way.

With olive oil


    • 3 art. olive spoons;
    • 15 drops of strawberry juice.

Recipe and how to use: add berry juice to warm olive liquid, process the tips, evenly distributing with a wide brush, after half an hour blot the excess with a napkin.

Video recipe: Moisturizing dry hair - olive oil, vinegar, glycerin and yolk

With coconut oil

What effect: returns healthy shine and elasticity to colored curls, prevents tangling and dryness.


    • 2 tbsp. spoons of coconut oil;
    • a teaspoon of pollen.

How to prepare and apply: after mixing the ingredients, spread over the damaged areas, hiding under a shower cap, heat with a hair dryer, after about twenty minutes, rinse in the usual way.

If your hair has ceased to be the subject of your pride, you need to return it to its former beauty. A nourishing hair mask will help you. At home, cooking it is not difficult. Do this procedure regularly, and the result will please you!

Healthy food - healthy hair

What we eat directly affects appearance hair. Find out without which products it is impossible to become the owner of silky and elastic curls.

And what harms our curls?

  • Smoking and stress.
  • Ignoring a headdress in cold and hot weather.
  • Chemical perm and dyeing.
  • The presence of dandruff contributes to hair loss.
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Which masks are right for you

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12 homemade nutrient formulations

Nourishing hair masks are easy to prepare and will not take you much time. Do not be lazy to pamper your hair at least once a week. Choose any mask, but remember that it will be possible to evaluate the result no earlier than after 3-4 weeks of regular use of the composition.

Important! Are you losing your hair? There is a simple, but effective and affordable remedy for everyone - herbal rinse. Coltsfoot, nettle, burdock root, hop cones, calamus root will strengthen hair. Mix all components in equal proportions. Brew 1-2 tbsp. spoons of collection with boiling water, leave for a couple of hours. After straining the product, you can rinse your head with it after washing.

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Professional hair masks

Some consider homemade masks to be more “healthy”, while others are sure that a factory-made product will please you with the result faster and more efficiently. At home, you can successfully carry out salon procedures. Each company offering shampoos and balms will certainly produce masks, so the range is the widest. Choose a mask according to individual needs and strictly follow the recommendations on the package.

The main ingredient in nourishing hair masks is keratin. This substance is able to fill the damage in the hair structure, making the curls look healthy and shiny. Lecithin, a complex of vitamins, wheat proteins restore normal hydrobalance, make curls silky.

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Those who are interested in masks will not interfere with the following facts.

A mask for nourishing hair at home can be prepared from improvised ingredients or bought in a store, wellness procedures should be done regularly.