Candles viburkol for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections. Candles "Viburkol": instructions for use for infants and children from a year, composition and analogues

Pediatricians today often prescribe viburkol for babies with and with acute respiratory infections. viral infections. The drug is homeopathic, and therefore quite safe. It eliminates many painful symptoms and makes children feel much better. These antipyretic candles for children are sold in almost every pharmacy.

Viburkol for children

What is viburkol

In pediatric medicine, the German drug Viburkol is used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, the remedy is given to babies when they have, and at the same time, painful sensations arise, such as high fever, sharp pain, nervousness.

Viburkol has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant and antispasmodic properties, it also calms and lowers the temperature. The action of the drug does not affect the body's production of interferon, which is involved in the fight against viruses, does not burden the liver and kidneys.

The composition of the drug

The components of the medicine trigger the internal forces of the child, help the body recover quickly and remove toxins.

Viburkol is produced as children's antipyretic suppositories, in each carton there are two blisters of 6 suppositories white color, sometimes with a slight yellow tinge, in each.

Viburcol candles for children contain substances from the following plants:

  1. chamomile officinalis (soothe and have an analgesic effect);
  2. meadow lumbago (have an anti-inflammatory effect on the respiratory and digestive organs);
  3. bittersweet nightshade (helps to cope with colds and lung infections)
  4. European belladonna (relieve inflammation);
  5. plantain large (eliminate problems of digestion and urination).

The preparation also contains Hahnemann's calcium carbonate, extracted from oyster shells, which soothes the body and helps fight infections.

Some of these plants are poisonous. But some substances in certain doses calculated by pharmacists have been used in homeopathy and medicine for many years.

Indications for use

Candles for children viburkol are prescribed both for teething syndrome and for acute respiratory viral infections. Additionally, the medicine is used to relieve feverish ailments, inflammation of the genitourinary system, respiratory diseases, nervous overexcitation and simple infections.

The tool well replaces any antipyretic suppositories for, as it practically does not have side effects. He has only one contraindication - individual intolerance. It can be used for up to two weeks, which doctors categorically do not recommend with preparations containing ibuprofen and paracetamol.

Thanks to its antispasmodic properties, viburcol helps fight colic when babies get used to normal functioning. digestive system, and thanks to the calming ones - also to establish a general emotional. While it is unacceptable to use other candles from temperature for children under one year old with colic, viburkol candles for children are recommended in some cases, especially before bedtime, when pain is most acute.

How to use viburcol

Instructions for use of viburcol require children under six months to use one candle or half twice a day. And for children up to a month - only one fourth and no more than 6 times a day.

Children from six months of age are allowed to use suppositories four to six times a day, depending on the temperature (up to 38 degrees - 4 times, over 38 degrees - 6 times). When the heat stops, you can still insert candles for 3-4 days, but no more than twice a day.

When required urgent care, it is allowed to use suppositories every 30 minutes for two hours, but this only applies to children older than a year. Infants, even in acute conditions, are recommended to insert no more than two candles per day.

These children's candles from temperature are used for up to two weeks, you can use more than this period only with the permission of a doctor.

Suppositories are used exclusively rectally, that is, they are inserted into the rectum. You need to wash your hands well, put the child on his back or on his side, raise his legs to the tummy or bend at the knees and insert a candle into the anus. After that, you need to briefly close the buttocks of the child, as the suppository can come out back. It is desirable that the product be at room temperature, but care must be taken that it does not melt in the hands, since in this case it will be inconvenient to carry out the procedure.

Instructions for use

Viburkol is also used as antipyretic suppositories for children aged 3 years and older, and for adult women it is prescribed for gynecological diseases, with a threat of miscarriage, and in other cases associated with gestation.

Viburkol for teething in children

Candles viburkol cope well with the symptoms of teething syndrome. Therefore, they are most often prescribed specifically for the elimination of dental ailments:

The drug not only improves the well-being of the child, but also strengthens his immune system, which becomes weak during teething and is easily attacked by various viruses and infections.

Allergy to viburcol is not as common as to many gels, and therefore, recently, many parents have been using this particular drug, and not other drugs for teething. However, it is important to remember that any self-treatment can harm the child. It is necessary to use any medicines, even if they consist of one hundred percent of natural ingredients, only after a doctor's prescription.

If the child has poor tolerance, the symptoms of the disease may worsen, in which case it is necessary to immediately stop treatment with viburkol and consult a specialist who will help you choose other drugs, tablets or suppositories.

According to statistical data, viral respiratory diseases are most often noted in children of preschool and primary school age. After all, it is during this period that children expand their contacts with the outside world and are inevitably at risk of viral infections, which are often accompanied by fever, rhinitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, bronchitis, etc. In addition, babies are often worried about discomfort and cramps in the abdomen, intestinal colic, poor sleep, nervous excitement.

In such situations, you must be extremely careful and not miss the "threatening" symptom. After all, insignificant, at first glance, it may be the beginning of the development of the disease or cause complications.

It would be appropriate for the pharmacist to draw the mother's attention to the fact that there are situations when you should not treat the child yourself and you need to seek the advice of a doctor. For example, when a child has a body temperature above 39 ° C or fever is accompanied by severe pain, shortness of breath, convulsions, impaired consciousness, or, despite the fever, the baby has cold limbs, etc. .

If there is no reason to urgently call a doctor, it is important to recommend a drug that simultaneously has a wide spectrum of action and a favorable safety profile. In addition, as practice shows, for many mothers it has great importance so that medicines for their children are created on the basis of components of natural origin.

In this context, the drug VIBURCOL of the German company Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH attracts attention.

VIBURCOL is a complex drug, which includes components of natural origin. Available in the form of suppositories, which is very convenient for use in young children, especially if the disease is accompanied by vomiting or the baby refuses to take a bitter pill.

The drug has a wide spectrum of action and is indicated for inflammatory diseases various localization, infections (including acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), acute diseases of the upper respiratory tract, infectious and inflammatory diseases internal organs), nervous excitement in children over the age of 1 year.

VIBURCOL has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects, alleviating the condition of the baby in inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Due to its sedative effect, it helps to reduce general anxiety and nervous excitement, falling asleep and restful sleep of the child during illness.

It has a detoxifying effect, improving the general condition of the child in diseases that are accompanied by intoxication and elevated body temperature.

VIBURCOL does not show a direct antipyretic effect and does not cause a sharp decrease in body temperature, optimizing it to the levels at which work immune system remains effective. Thus, the drug promotes the production of interferon in the body and the activation of phagocytosis.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of VIBURCOL in acute infectious diseases in children, accompanied by fever, has been proven in a German study of the highest level of evidence (multicenter, prospective, randomized controlled trial). VIBURCOL is comparable in efficacy to paracetamol, while it has a favorable safety profile, rarely causing allergic reactions.

Thanks to harmoniously selected components, efficiency and safety, VIBURCOL rightfully occupies a worthy place among medicines for the treatment of common diseases in childhood.

List of used literature

1. Kramarev S.A., Palatnaya L.A., Shamugiya B.K. Alternative Methods treatment and prevention of influenza and SARS in children // Guidelines MZ, 2006.

2. Yaroshchuk L.B. Possibilities of antihomotoxic therapy in the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza // Simeina medicine. - 2004. - No. 4. - S. 28–32.

3. Klimenko L.V. The use of antihomotoxic drugs to correct the immune-energy deficiency in the treatment of children with frequent and long-term ARVI // Biological Therapy. - 2009. - No. 1. - S. 46–48.

4. Wemmer U. Recurrent infections of the upper respiratory tract in childhood // Biological therapy. - 2001. - No. 1. - S. 37–40.

6. Instructions for medical treatment VIBURKOL.

7. Kovtun O.V. Newborn first aid kit baby// Biological therapy. - 2010. - No. 2. - S. 27.

8. Gottwald R., Weiser M. Antihomotoxic therapy of anxiety states with or without fever in children with Viburcol // Biological Therapy. - 2000. - No. 4. - P.12–16.

9. Müller-Krampe B., Gottwald R., Weiser M. Comparison of the efficacy and tolerability of Viburcol and paracetamol in the symptomatic treatment of acute febrile conditions in children // Biological Therapy. - 2002. - No. 4. - S. 3–9.

Information for the professional activities of medical and pharmaceutical workers

VIBURCOL (VIBURCOL ®). Composition of the medicinal product: active ingredients: 1 suppository 1.1 g contains: Atropa bella-donna D2 - 1.1 mg, Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni D8 - 4.4 mg, Matricaria recutita D1 - 1.1 mg, Plantago major D3 - 1 .1 mg, Pulsatilla pratensis D2 - 2.2 mg, Solanum dulcamara D4 - 1.1 mg. Excipients: solid fat. Dosage form. Suppositories. Pharmacotherapeutic group. Complex homeopathic preparation. Indications. Inflammatory processes different localization: ENT organs, genital organs in women, infectious diseases(SARS, acute diseases upper respiratory tract, infectious and inflammatory processes of internal organs), nervous excitement, a state of convulsive readiness. Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, chamomile or other plants of the Compositae family. Application. Single dose: adults and children from 1 year - 1 suppository rectally. Apply a single dose in acute conditions 3-5 times a day, with improvement - 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment and frequency of use is determined by the doctor depending on the nature and course of the disease. Usually the course of treatment is 3-14 days. Overdose. Not noted. Side effects. In very rare cases, allergic reactions are possible, including rash, itching. Interaction with other drugs and other types of interactions. Let's combine with other medicines. Vacation category. Without recipe. Manufacturer. Biologist Heilmittel Heel GmbH. Dr. Reckeweg - Straße 2-4, 76532 Baden-Baden, Germany / Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH. Dr. Reckeweg-Str. 2-4, 76532 Baden - Baden, Germany. R.s. UA/6662/01/01 from 06/15/2012 to 06/15/2017

Many mothers prefer to treat babies with homeopathic remedies, considering them to be harmless drugs. One of them is a product from the famous German company Heel called Viburkol. In what cases can it be prescribed to a child, how does it affect the body of babies and how is it correctly applied?

Release form

The drug is produced in the form of rectal suppositories. They have a smooth surface, white or yellow-white color, a slight characteristic odor and a torpedo-like shape. During storage, the surface may appear white coating which is not a sign of depravity. As can be seen from the photo of the box, each candle weighs 1.1 g, and one package contains 12 suppositories (6 in one blister).


Among active components Viburkola are present:

  • Chamomile. The homeopathic substance from such a plant is designated by the words Chamomilla recutita or Matricaria recutita. It is presented in the preparation by diluting D1.
  • Belladonna and Pulsatilla. Such ingredients are extracted from belladonna and meadow lumbago. The dilution of these substances is D2.
  • Plantain. The substance from this plant is indicated in the composition of Viburcol as Plantago major, and its breeding is D3.
  • Nightshade. This component of the drug is called Solanum dulcamara and is diluted in the manufacture of suppositories to D4.
  • Calcium carbonicum. This ingredient, also called lime carbonate, is obtained from oyster shells. It is presented in candles diluted with D8.

The only auxiliary substance in candles are solid fats. There are no chemical additives in this medicine.

Operating principle

The drug is a group of homeopathic complex remedies, since its composition includes five different active ingredients - four substances plant origin and one mineral. Thanks to them Viburkol candles have the following effect on the human body:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Painkiller;
  • Sedative;
  • Spasmolytic;
  • Detoxification.

The use of suppositories activates the impaired functions of various organs and strengthens the body's defenses. Thanks to chamomile and belladonna, the drug soothes and reduces pain. Nightshade and plantain also have a sedative effect, and the lumbago in the composition of suppositories helps to normalize the hormonal balance, which also enhances the analgesic effect.


Viburkol is used:

  • At acute inflammation different localization, for example, with inflammatory pathologies of the upper respiratory tract (pharyngitis, otitis media).
  • When teething.
  • With SARS and others infectious diseases(measles, chicken pox, rubella, mumps and others).
  • With convulsive readiness.
  • With spastic pain, for example, caused by intestinal colic or biliary dyskinesia.
  • With nervous excitement, anxiety and insomnia, as well as with hyperactivity in children.

At what age is it allowed to take?

In the annotation to the suppositories, it is noted that they are contraindicated for children under one year old. If the child is already 1 year old, the use of Viburcol is allowed. In some cases, the doctor may recommend such a remedy for children under one year old, but you should not inject suppositories into the rectum of an infant on your own.


The tool is not used in children with intolerance to chamomile, nightshade, plantain and other components of Viburkol. There are no other restrictions on the use of the drug.

Side effects

In rare cases, the child's body may react to the introduction of Viburcol with an allergy. Usually it is manifested by itching or rashes on the skin. Very rarely, the drug causes moderate diarrhea. When it appears, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Instructions for use

  • Before inserting a candle into the anus, you need to wash your hands well and also clean the area around the anus. After opening the package and taking out the suppository, it is carefully inserted into the rectum, after which the child should lie down quietly for a while. Meals do not affect the use of the product.
  • A single dosage of the drug is one suppository, which is administered rectally. If the remedy is used in an acute condition, it is recommended to administer suppositories 3 to 5 times a day. As soon as the child's condition improves, you can switch to a triple or double use.
  • How long to put candles, the pediatrician should determine taking into account the course of the underlying disease, but usually the remedy is prescribed in a course of 3 to 14 days.
  • It is important to know that the use of homeopathic remedies can intensify the symptoms of the disease in the early days. If this happens while using Viburcol, it is recommended to consult a doctor. You should also immediately contact the pediatrician if, after the introduction of the suppository, the temperature has not decreased within 1 hour.


There is no information about the negative effects of the drug with the introduction of a larger number of suppositories than recommended by the doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Viburkol is compatible with any other medicines, therefore it can be prescribed as part of complex therapy various infections along with antiviral drugs, antibiotics and drugs of other groups. At elevated temperatures, it is possible to use it together with antipyretic drugs, for example, Viburkol can be given together with Nurofen.

Terms of sale

Buying suppositories at a pharmacy does not imply the need to present a prescription. On average, the price of one package of Viburcol is 350-400 rubles.

Now let's listen to a short commentary on when to use antipyretic suppositories for children.

Storage conditions and shelf life

It is advised to store Viburcol at home in the original packaging, protected from sunlight a place where small children do not have access. It is also important to protect the drug from high humidity and overheating. The temperature during storage of the product should not be higher than +25 degrees. The shelf life of suppositories is 3 years and if it is over, the suppositories should be thrown away.


In most cases, parents respond positively to the use of Viburcol in babies.. Their words confirm that the remedy is effective for colds and viral infections. It quickly helps to get rid of fever and toothache, so it is also in demand during teething.

Moms are attracted by the absence of chemical additives in the composition of suppositories, as well as the absence of contraindications and side effects (except for rare cases of intolerance). Among the minuses, the high cost of suppositories is often called. Also, sometimes there are negative reviews, in which they note the ineffectiveness of the remedy in a particular child.

As for doctors, some pediatricians prescribe Viburkol to children with acute respiratory viral infections and classify it as an effective harmless remedy. Other experts, including the doctor Komarovsky, consider this homeopathic remedy to be ineffective, since active substances in candles are presented in a very small concentration.

And now let's watch a video from our reader on how to put candles on a small child.


Products that are completely identical in composition and can replace Viburkol are not produced. But instead of such suppositories, other homeopathic preparations can be used, for example:

  • Anaferon. Such tablets containing antibodies to interferon are prescribed for various viral infections and for their prevention. In children's dosage, they can be given to babies older than a month.
  • Oscillococcinum. These granules, made from the extract of the organs of the Barbary duck, are allowed for children of any age as a therapeutic or prophylactic from colds or flu.
  • Agri for children. This homeopathic remedy in tablets based on iron phosphate, bryony and other substances is often prescribed to children older than a year with acute respiratory infections. The drug is also produced in granules, allowed from 3 years of age.
  • Aflubin. Such drops containing aconite, bryonia, gentian and other homeopathic substances are in demand for flu and colds. They can be given to children from birth, and Aflubin tablets are used over the age of five.
  • Ergoferon. This remedy in tablets contains antibodies to interferons. It is used in children from 6 months of age with rotavirus, chicken pox, herpes and other diseases. The drug is also produced in liquid form, which is prescribed from 3 years.
  • Influcid. As part of these tablets, you can see aconite, phosphorus, bryony and other components used against influenza and colds. They are used in children 3 years and older, and Influcid drops are given to children from the age of 12.

When a child falls ill, parents are ready to do everything possible to alleviate his condition. At the same time, they try to choose drugs that will not harm the health of the baby. Viburkol (candles for children) is a homeopathic remedy of complex action. Its popularity is due to its naturalness and high efficiency. Thanks to these indicators, many parents prefer Viburkol.

The effectiveness of suppositories is based on enhancing the enzymatic activity of the body, activating its own defenses. Viburkol acts in a complex way: it relieves inflammation, cramps, spasms, and calms the nervous system. It is recommended for use in children with teething, colds, viral infections.

no contraindications and side effects allows you to classify the drug as a first aid. If the child is sick, and there is no way to immediately show him to the doctor, Viburkol will help to cope with the negative manifestations of the disease. Due to its plant nature, it is absolutely safe.


What is included in the preparation?

Candles Viburkol are intended for rectal use. They are produced by the German company Biologische Heilmittel Heel. Suppositories have the shape of a torpedo, the color is pale yellow, almost white, the smell is peculiar, not sharp. Their smooth surface ensures comfortable insertion.

Each suppository contains a complex of herbal ingredients:

  • Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, helps to cope with diseases of the respiratory tract, digestive tract. In addition, it has an analgesic effect.
  • Belladonna belladonna is used to treat the genitourinary system, inflammation of the tonsils, problems with the respiratory system, skin, and joints. In large doses, Belladonna is a poisonous plant, in small doses it relieves spasm and pain.
  • bittersweet nightshade in folk medicine known as an excellent remedy for diseases caused by hypothermia. He copes with fever, treats the genitourinary system. The solanidine contained in it helps with allergies, solanine - soothes, improves sleep, tones up the work of the heart.
  • Plantain large will relieve skin rashes, help with diarrhea, urinary incontinence. Its seeds contribute to the production of mucus, which envelops the intestinal walls, relieves irritation, and eliminates inflammation.
  • Meadow lumbago has a positive effect on the nervous system, relieves inflammation in otitis media, and restores the functioning of the digestive system.

Auxiliary substance solid fat. Additionally Viburkol contains calcium carbonate. This component is involved in metabolic processes, helps with chronic inflammation skin, exudative diathesis.

What will help Viburkol?

The unique composition of Viburcol provides its complex action:

  • painkiller;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • soothing.

According to the instructions, Viburkol suppositories are prescribed for febrile conditions, to reduce the temperature during acute respiratory viral infections or uncomplicated infections, inflammation of the genitourinary system. Also, the drug effectively helps to cope with nervous overexcitation, eliminates convulsions. It is used in ENT practice to relieve inflammation in the nasopharynx or ears.

The safety of the remedy is indicated by the fact that it is prescribed to children to relieve pain and associated symptoms during teething. This condition is often accompanied by fever, inflammation of the gums. The baby is naughty, crying. Candles relieve unpleasant symptoms, and they can be used for up to 10 days.

Babies up to a year after vaccinations often develop a condition resembling a cold or flu. It is accompanied by muscle pain, fever, worsening general condition The child has. Viburkol effectively copes with these symptoms, helps parents and children to calmly endure vaccination.

Babies under 4 months often suffer from flatulence, bloating. The antispasmodic and soothing effect of Viburcol helps with colic. Pediatricians recommend using candles before bed to give the child the opportunity to rest normally.

Viburkol is also indicated for pregnant women to solve problems with the genitourinary system. It is prescribed to expectant mothers with colds, viral diseases.

The principle of the drug

The complex effect of all components of Viburcol allows you to quickly feel the improvement in the state due to the normalization of body functions. Its action is as follows:

  • the manifestations of inflammation are reduced, regardless of the location;
  • pain is significantly reduced;
  • relaxes nervous system;
  • the muscle tone of the respiratory, digestive, genitourinary systems decreases;
  • accelerates the natural elimination of toxins.

As a result of the use of Viburcol, the temperature decreases, the intoxication of the body decreases, inflammation in general is weakened. At the same time, the kidneys and liver are not loaded with artificial chemical elements, as when taking other means. Even the acute stage of the disease proceeds much easier, toxins are gradually eliminated, the body "tunes" to self-resistance to the disease.

After rectal administration candles takes only 15 minutes until the moment when active substance gets into the blood. At the same time, it does not have a negative effect on blood flow, does not lead to hypotension. Due to this, after the use of the drug, a visible improvement in the condition quickly occurs.

Before using Viburkol, you must carefully study the instructions. It notes some of the features inherent in this drug:

  • the use of suppositories at the initial stage can lead to an exacerbation of the disease;
  • simultaneous reception of Viburcol and other medicines is allowed, however, you must first consult with your doctor;
  • candles do not affect the psychomotor reaction;
  • can be used by pregnant and lactating women.

For treatment, suppositories are administered rectally, their use is not associated with food intake. Hands must be thoroughly washed before the procedure. In order not to cause discomfort in the baby, it must be laid on its side. Anus can be lubricated with baby cream. The candle is taken out of the package, warmed a little in the hands. With one hand, the buttocks are gently bred, with the other, with a sharp end, a candle is inserted into the hole. To prevent the suppository from popping out, the buttocks must be kept closed for some time. The baby should lie down quietly for at least half an hour. To administer a candle to a baby, it is enough to put it on its back, lift the lower part of the body, and insert the medicine.

The convenient form of suppositories allows them to be administered to babies who refuse to take pills. Suppositories will help in cases where the disease is accompanied by vomiting. At the same time, the drug does not cause a sharp decrease in temperature, but only optimizes it to indicators that contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system. Harmoniously selected components of Viburcol successfully cope with a large number of diseases typical for young patients.

Multiplicity and dosage of administration

The dosage of the drug depends on the severity of the condition and the age of the patient. At acute form suppository diseases can be placed every 20 minutes, but not longer than for 2 hours. After that, you can use the 1st suppository no more than 3-5 times a day in an acute condition, 2-3 times - with improvement. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, taking into account the severity and nature of the disease. Usually it is from 3 to 14 days.

  • if the body temperature is 37-38 degrees - 1 suppository no more than 4 times a day;
  • at temperatures above 38 degrees - a maximum of 6 suppositories per day;
  • at normal temperature until complete recovery - 2 suppositories per day.

By following these simple rules, you can be sure that everything will be fine with the baby. Cases of drug overdose are unknown.

Contraindications, possible side effects

Viburkol has no contraindications. It can be used for children from one day of life, pregnant women, nursing mothers. The drug is perfectly combined with other dosage forms, so it is safely used in complex therapy.

The only prerequisite for negative manifestations after the use of Viburcol may be individual intolerance to its components. The body reacts to them with an allergy, which manifests itself skin rashes, itchy. Extremely rarely there are such side effects:

  • urticaria - the skin swells a little, becomes covered with a rash as if burned;
  • Quincke's edema - there is a strong swelling of the genitals, face;
  • anaphylactic shock - reduced arterial pressure, there is a respiratory spasm.

Any of these manifestations is an indication for discontinuation of the drug. You should see a doctor as soon as possible. In severe cases, you need to call an ambulance. If irritation, rash, itching are unexpressed, you should consult your doctor. He will select an analogue with a similar therapeutic effect that will not cause allergies.

Viburkol during teething

The experience of using the drug by parents of babies confirms its high efficiency. The appearance of teeth is often accompanied by increased salivation, fever, deterioration of the baby. Candles help to cope with the main symptoms that disrupt the baby's life:

  • eliminate nervous excitability;
  • relieve pain;
  • lower the temperature.

Often, teething occurs simultaneously with a cold, thereby increasing its manifestations. In this case, Viburkol becomes part of complex therapy. Many parents are concerned about the question: is it possible to use Viburcol if the child does not have a temperature? If there are other symptoms that bother the baby, then candles can be used. They will have an analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory effect.

The dosage of the drug is selected taking into account the condition of the baby. It is strictly forbidden to exceed it. If there are any changes in the child's condition, you should consult a doctor.

Cost and features of storage

Candles Viburkol belong to the drugs of the middle price category. In pharmacies, they are offered at a price of 300-400 rubles per package, which contains 12 suppositories, 6 pieces per blister. You do not need a doctor's prescription to purchase the drug. However, before buying, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Viburcol is unique in its composition, but a number of drugs with a similar effect can be distinguished. These include Tylenol, Mundizal, Kamistad. For the price they will cost about the same amount.

The shelf life of Viburkol candles is 3 years from the date of manufacture. They must be in their original packaging, storage temperature is not higher than 25 degrees. They should be protected from moisture, direct sunlight.

Before the baby reaches the age of one, parents will have to go through many difficult days and nights, which will coincide with the time of teething of the first and subsequent teeth in the child. AT modern medicine several medicines are available to help alleviate suffering little man, among them a common homeopathic preparation viburkol. These suppository suspensions are becoming increasingly popular with parents and pediatricians.


Baby's first teeth appear around 6-9 months old in the first year of life. But individual characteristics organism can correct this schedule, and milk teeth will pierce the gum in more early period or they will only disturb the baby closer to the age of one. Do not be afraid of such changes, the delay in the appearance of teeth is not a pathology. The first tooth is considered the most painful and difficult, but it happens that its appearance may go unnoticed, parents will discover it only at the moment when it starts to knock on a spoon when feeding.

Elevated temperature

If the baby's body temperature has risen, he behaves restlessly and the mother is sure that this is due to teething, then should take action:

  • to make sure that there is a connection between teething and a painful condition, they invite a doctor who will accurately determine the cause of the ailment;
  • stop worrying, gain patience and look after the condition of the child, sometimes the temperature up to 38º should not be knocked down at all in order to give the body an excellent opportunity to fight the malaise on its own;
  • when the temperature rises in the body, the protective substance interferon begins to be produced, and microbes and viruses lose their vital activity due to this, therefore it is better to be patient and not to cool the body;
  • since the child's nervous system needs a night's rest, the temperature should be brought down in the evening before bedtime;
  • if, when observing the condition of the baby, the mother notices convulsions and spasms, then shoot down high temperature follows immediately, for this, viburkol is used.

The main causes of malaise

The process of the appearance of the first and subsequent teeth is a difficult test for parents, since the baby behaves unusually restless, cries, often wakes up at night and reacts sharply to the uncomfortable state of the gums:

Is a homeopathic remedy with a well-chosen complex constituent substances. The medicine has an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, sedative effect, prevents the appearance of convulsions. Its action is based on the launch of protection to restore the disturbed functions of a small organism. The components of the drug are selected in such a way that they do not have a destructive effect on the kidneys and liver of the baby.

Viburkol reduces intoxication, and the acute painful stage passes more smoothly, lowering the temperature leads to a decrease in the painful condition. The German-made drug is produced in the form of rectal suppositories for use in the treatment of children with many diseases, one of such cases is teething. This form of release of viburcol is very convenient for the treatment of young children, as they react painfully to swallowing tablets or refuse them altogether.

Instructions for use of the drug

As for the treatment directly with viburcol, we are not talking about complex measures, the difference, most often, concerns the dosage, which depends on the age of the baby and changing the number of candles installed per day:

Natural ingredients of the drug

Since the remedy belongs to the group of homeopathic medicines, it contains natural ingredients are:

  • chamomile anesthetizes the process of teething, relieves inflammation, has a sedative effect;
  • prevents febrile infections from developing bittersweet nightshade;
  • plantain has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and the genitourinary system, which is important in conditions of their improper functioning;
  • inflammatory processes in the airways are relieved by belladonna, it also treats tonsils;
  • meadow backache has a positive effect on the functioning of the upper respiratory tract, intestines and stomach, extinguishes nervous disorders psyche;
  • a substance derived from oyster shells, called Hahnemann's calcium carbonate, has a calming effect and increases protection against colds.

Indications for treatment with viburcol

Therapy homeopathic remedy Viburkol used in case of fever during the appearance of the first and subsequent teeth. As one of the components complex treatment the drug is used for ARVI infection of the body, the appearance of convulsions of unknown etiology, inflammation of the urinary system and intestines, to reduce nervous tension and overexcitation.

In some cases, teething coincides with the appearance of certain diseases of this type, sometimes, on the contrary, it provokes the symptoms of the above diseases. Modern babies often react to chemicals allergic reactions, so the use of viburkol becomes a real panacea.

Cases of contraindication

The drug does not differ in special contraindications caused by the negative effect of the drug on the child's body. All components are selected for a loyal solution to the emerging consequences when the first one appears. baby tooth. Therefore, the only contraindication is intolerance to a particular component included in the medicinal composition. The drug can be taken with other drugs, data on negative interactions have not been identified.

Features of the drug

Viburkol should be used in the evening, at bedtime or in the morning, until the child begins to actively wake up. This is due to the fact that for the best absorption of the medicine from the intestines, the baby needs to be in a supine position for some time. If this is not done, then part of the medicine liquefied by heat will leak out.

The absorption of a substance in the intestines is always more effective than the action of the same component when it enters the stomach and then into the blood, and therefore the action manifests itself faster. Often, viburkol is also prescribed for children after a year, one candle each. once or twice a day, since the disease state is very individual and manifests itself, sometimes, at an older age.