Rectal route of administration of drugs: this is where, the advantages of such use of drugs. Where and how to insert it rectally? Rules for the introduction of rectal

Greetings, dear readers! When receiving appointments from doctors for the treatment of babies, you probably often saw the word “rectal” in the record: this is where to insert it, you thought. It turns out that everything is very simple. Consider where and how to enter rectal preparations.

Rectally - how is it?

In medicine, there are two main ways of self-administration of medicines (without the help of medical personnel, as, for example, with an injection form): rectal and oral.

The first means that suppositories (in other words, "suppositories") are inserted into the rectum through the anus. Often, rectal preparations are prescribed for children, especially infants, who cannot take medicines orally.

Rectally, you can not only administer medications, but also measure body temperature. In this case, the thermometer is inserted into the rectum, the patient must lie still. For example, a woman may take the temperature in the rectum in order to determine changes in menstrual cycle, identify the onset of pregnancy or ovulation. It is desirable to measure the temperature rectally in the morning without getting out of bed.

For the medicine to work, you need to know exactly where to insert and how to use rectal preparations correctly. It's easy, you just need to follow the instructions:

  • Before starting the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly so as not to bring pathogenic bacteria into the rectum.
  • Rectal suppositories or tablets can be administered while standing or lying down, but for young children, the latter method is optimal.
  • If it is necessary to use half of the suppository, it is better to divide it lengthwise so that it does not injure the mucous membrane.
  • Lay the child on his back and lift the legs with one hand (this position is preferable for children under one year old). If treatment is required for a child from 1.5-2 years old, the baby can be laid on its side and the upper buttock slightly raised.
  • Lubricate the anus with oil or petroleum jelly to facilitate the passage of the suppository into the rectum.
  • Ask the older child to relax as much as possible. For a newborn, just hold the legs up. In this position, enter the suppository until you feel resistance. After that, advance it another 0.5 cm. For babies, the optimal insertion depth is 1.5 cm.
  • Ask the baby to lie still for half an hour. Hold the newborn in your arms or lie next to him to ensure the correct position.

Try to insert the candle as quickly as possible so as not to injure the mucous membrane. It is best to administer suppositories after a bowel movement. If the baby asks to go to the toilet, ask him to be patient. As a rule, as the candle dissolves, this desire passes.

If the newborn immediately after the introduction of the suppository performed an act of defecation, enter the full dose or half, depending on how much time has passed before emptying, otherwise the medicine will not have time to act. It is best to put suppositories at night, you can even during sleep.

The method of administering drugs into the rectum is considered by physicians to be one of the most preferred due to its features.

How do they act?

Rectal administration of drugs is used for various diseases: from viral infections to hemorrhoids. For children, antipyretic suppositories with paracetamol are produced, which can also be used by injection into the rectum.

The advantages of this administration are that the active substance enters directly into the intestine, bypassing the stomach, and begins to act immediately. Through the digestive organs, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body. Thanks to this method of administration, it is possible to quickly relieve swelling, fever, and eliminate inflammation.

Knowing how such drugs work, many mothers prefer suppositories when treating babies. They are easy to use, do not require special conditions for admission and give a quick result.

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If the doctor prescribed the administration of the drug rectally, how is it? You may be confused at first, but as you learn more about what is at stake, you will realize that this process is often more useful and convenient than taking medications in the usual way. A rectal examination, which we will also talk about today, is completely indispensable for some diseases.

Taking medicine rectally - how is it?

Rectal administration of drugs is carried out, as you probably guessed, not through the mouth, but by injecting the drug into anus. Let us immediately try to explain why such an introduction in some cases turns out to be absolutely indispensable. The fact is that the rectum is equipped with a dense network of blood vessels, in addition, there are no enzymes in it, which means that the agent that has entered it will very quickly begin to spread through the body with blood and lymph flow. And thanks to fats, which, as a rule, are part of rectal suppositories, this process will be significantly accelerated. And, most importantly, the stomach and liver will not take part in the process of assimilation at all. And this, you see, with the current loads on them, is very important!

Who is administered drugs rectally?

Medications are administered rectally to a certain group of patients. As a rule, these are those who, for whatever reason, cannot take them by mouth. These may include patients with persistent vomiting, obstruction of the esophagus, those who have impaired swallowing (including those who are unconscious), patients with mental disorders who refuse to take medication, and patients who are in a state of delirium.

What else is useful rectal medication

Now you can turn to mothers of infants and older children. It often happens that after vaccination or for other reasons, your crumbs have a fever. Of course, you will immediately go to the pharmacy for an antipyretic. But this cannot be an ordinary tablet - it is so difficult to divide it into three or even four parts to give to a baby! In addition, try to get him to drink this bitter potion. Kids also drink syrups very reluctantly. This is where rectal suppositories come to the rescue, such as, for example, Nurofen. He has exact dosage for kids, and with its introduction there will be no problems. The temperature will drop, and the ventricle of the crumbs will not suffer.

How to administer healing suppositories

In order to properly administer to the patient medicinal product in the form of a candle, you do not need to have any special skills. You just need to follow some rules:

  • be sure to wash your hands, and if necessary, wear gloves;
  • lay the patient on his left side and ask him to pull his legs bent at the knees to his stomach;
  • release the sharp end of the candle from the wrapper;
  • by the wide end left wrapped, take it in right hand(do everything faster, otherwise it will start to melt right in your hands);
  • spread the buttocks of the patient with your left hand and insert a candle into the anus so that the paper remains in your hand;
  • when the drug is completely in the rectum, put a piece of cotton wool on the anus;
  • ask the ward to lie in this position for another 10 minutes, and if he wants to empty himself, stroke his stomach and offer to take a deep breath.

In the case when emptying nevertheless occurred and the candle came out with feces, do an enema and repeat the procedure from the beginning.

What drugs other than suppositories are administered rectally

In order to introduce a liquid medicinal substance through the rectum, enemas or microclysters are used. They exist in several varieties: enveloping, oily, cleansing, as well as enemas to reduce body temperature. By the way, except for the last of these, all the rest are best introduced by preheating to about 30 ° C. They are used to soften stool(we are talking about cleansing enemas) and to reduce intestinal irritation (oily and enveloping).

Why do a rectal examination?

Not a very pleasant examination procedure is carried out for diseases of the rectum, pelvic organs and abdominal cavity rectally. “How is that?” you ask. We answer: "All the same, through the anus." Since with the listed pathologies, only this examination can give reliable results to clarify the diagnosis. In addition, such an examination has no contraindications, except for severe pain in the patient or anus spasm. And the doctor, feeling the walls of the rectum, can detect even small neoplasms on its walls, places of narrowing or particular pain.

How to perform a manual rectal examination of a patient

The examination is usually carried out after examination of the perineum. In this case, the patient can be in a variety of positions that the doctor chooses based on the alleged diagnosis: lying on his back, on his side with his knees brought to his stomach, in a knee-elbow position, and sometimes squatting. In this case, the doctor slowly and carefully inserts the index finger lubricated with petroleum jelly into the patient's anus, after putting on gloves. To make the procedure painless, the examinee is offered to relax.

How is a rectal examination done with a speculum?

I would like to clarify that there are two instruments that are most often used for rectal examination: it is like a mirror, which we will talk about now, and a proctoscope. The examination procedure using a mirror, for example, is carried out in the knee-elbow position of the patient. The jaws of this instrument are lubricated with petroleum jelly and slowly inserted into the rectum. The depth of insertion should not exceed 8-10 cm. Then the branches are moved apart and, gradually pulling back, the mucosa is examined.

How is a rectal insertion of a proctoscope performed?

This method is considered in proctology the most effective for diagnosis. A rectoscope is a hollow cylinder containing a metal rod. It is in the knee-elbow position of the patient with slow rotational movements, previously lubricated with petroleum jelly, injected into the rectum. After that, the rod is removed, and a lighting fixture is inserted into the cylinder. The mucous membrane of the rectum with this tool can be examined to a depth of 30 cm. Before the introduction of the rectoscope, the patient must be given a cleansing enema.

What diseases, except for pathologies of the rectum, require a rectal examination

Not only problems with the rectum need a rectal examination. We will list only some of the diseases that force doctors to diagnose through the rectum.

  • When diagnosing prostate adenoma (a very common male disease) and prostate cancer, such an examination is a very valuable diagnostic method, since finger palpation helps to determine the size, boundaries and consistency of the examined organ.
  • The rectal method for diagnosing various diseases of the genital organs in women is very effective.
  • This examination is very important for patients with appendicitis, especially for those who have it located retrocecally (in the intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal space), since the usual examination does not give the usual symptoms.
  • After surgery for acute appendicitis the patient may have a complication in the form of an abscess in the Douglas space. Simply put, an abscess located in the small pelvis. In this case, a rectal examination is performed to rule out this complication.

What is a rectal examination or a drug introduced in this way, you probably already well understood. The main thing before such procedures is a cleansed intestine and your confidence that everything will go well. Be healthy!

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We are used to the fact that the doctor always prescribes pills and medicines for oral administration to the patient, however, in medical practice there are many drugs that are administered rectally into the body. What is it like? Yes, very simple. Rectal route of administration of the drug suggests that the patient will receive the drug through the Now that we understand the concept of what is "rectal", we can consider the types of drugs intended for use through the rectum.

Means for rectal use can be of two types: special suppositories (candles), or enemas and microclysters. Candles are used both to influence the body as a whole, for example, they are often produced in the form of suppositories, especially for children, and for the local treatment of gynecological diseases or hemorrhoids that have arisen. Microclysters are very often used as cleansing, enveloping, oily, and in the case of them (except for antipyretics), the liquid is introduced into the body, preheating it to 30 ° C.

Rectal administration of the drug is especially indicated for patients who want to reduce the load on the liver, stomach and kidneys. Cleansing microclysters have found wide application in medicine to eliminate constipation. With diarrhea, on the contrary, enveloping enema, which includes starch and rice water, helps well. If suddenly it got into the intestines foreign body, then an oil enema from slightly warmed vegetable oil will help to remove it from the body.

Inject the drug rectally - this is only a syringe in this case is not needed. It will be replaced by a candle or an enema. To introduce a candle into the patient's body, you need to put it on its left side, bend its legs at the knees and press it to the stomach, remove the candle from the package and push it with your finger as far as possible so that it does not suddenly jump out under natural pressure. For reliability, you need to let the patient lie down for several minutes, while squeezing the buttocks. It is recommended to get out of bed only after 20-30 minutes, waiting for the complete dissolution of the drug. Getting up for the first ten minutes is not recommended, just like going to the toilet. The empty bowel rule and Bladder works not only for candles, but also for enemas.

Before the introduction of the drug, you must definitely go to the toilet. If it is necessary to deliver a microclyster rectally, this somehow complicates the process, because in this case, the liquid from the syringe is introduced into the anus gradually, over a sufficiently long time, which causes some discomfort to the patient. It is important to consider that a one-time volume of microclysters cannot be more than 100 or, in extreme cases, 120 ml.

Despite these advantages, there are negative aspects of rectal administration of the drug - this is both the impossibility of using hypertonic solutions, and the possibility of irritation and inflammation of the rectal mucosa after several doses of the drug, which is difficult to prevent by simultaneous or initial administration. enveloping agents, otherwise the absorption of the drug will be impaired, and the effect will still be zero.

The negative aspects include the restriction of the patient's movements (in order not to provoke the release of the drug to the outside). That is why such procedures are advised to be carried out, if possible, before going to bed. The disadvantages include the fact that a certain amount of the drug is absorbed into the body. An alternative to the introduction of drugs into the patient's body can be subcutaneous injections.

For a person who is first faced with the need to treat diseases such as hemorrhoids or urinary tract spasms, and various other diseases using suppositories, it is completely incomprehensible what it means to inject suppositories rectally.

It is necessary to study this technique in as much detail as possible in order to avoid intestinal injuries and deterioration during such a procedure, and also to clearly understand how rectal suppositories work in such a case.

The introduction of rectal suppositories - how is it? The answer is pretty simple. There are a couple of basic ways a person takes medication:

  1. oral, when a tablet is swallowed (capsule, suspension, dragee);
  2. rectal, when the suppository is inserted directly into the rectum through the anus.

This process is completely painless, because the candle itself is adapted for these purposes and is specially designed for such an introduction. And the drug at its base effectively affects the body when its structure is split already in the rectum, immediately starting to act, heal and restore.

For reference. A suppository is a kind of dosage form created for the use of a medicinal preparation rectally. It is made from solid vegetable oil. They are used to ensure the action of the drug in the rectum already at the local level, or as a replacement for oral dosage forms.

Rectal suppositories - what is it?

First of all, this medicinal preparation, a suppository of a certain shape, intended for insertion into the anus. Being at room temperature, the suppositories remain invariably solid, but after being inserted into the rectum, they acquire a liquid state.

Some candles are universal in their characteristics. Therefore, it happens that doctors prescribe their use even in the vagina. What's more, it's completely safe.

Due to the fact that the "torpedo" is solid, its introduction is not difficult. And turning into a liquid, it provides an opportunity for biological active substances gradually spread through the intestinal mucosa. And as a result, together with the local effect, at the same time there is also a general therapeutic one.

Today rectal suppositories are increasingly being used in the treatment of various diseases. They are divided into:

  • stopping blood;
  • astringents;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • antibacterial;
  • analgesic.

Almost all rectal suppositories are usually produced in a form that is very reminiscent of a torpedo (or bullet), which has a rounded end. If we compare a candle and others dosage forms, it has a number of advantages over them.

Benefits of a rectal suppository:

  • it has a much faster effect on the body and is not inferior in speed to injections.
  • absorption of the drug in the rectum occurs at a very high rate.
  • most drugs administered rectally have a prolonged action. So the release of bioactive substances continues for a long time.
  • the negative effect of the drug on the liver and gastrointestinal tract is excluded.

Now that we have answered the question of what rectal suppositories are, you should learn more about their use.

When are suppositories given?

Drugs are used for the most various diseases internal organs and colds. They are for adults and children, pregnant women. They may well serve as a substitute for pills, besides, they act faster and usually more effectively.

The doctor prescribes a rectal suppository in a wide variety of situations:

  • spasms in the genitourinary or digestive system;
  • fever in infectious and inflammatory pathologies;
  • severe pain in children;
  • fever of the child after vaccination;
  • peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • algomenorrhea;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • spasms in biliary dyskinesia.

Before using this remedy, it is recommended to empty the intestines. A rectal suppository will easily relieve your baby from constipation. It will serve him as a good immunomodulatory and anti-fermentative agent.

Using an anti-inflammatory candle, you can get rid of the pain syndrome, as well as stop the bleeding.

How to use candles?

In fact, everything is quite simple. It is enough to adhere to certain rules for the procedure to be painless and correct. Be sure to wash your hands before inserting the suppository. cold water to keep the fingers holding the candle cool. By the way, it will be best if you keep the medicines themselves in the refrigerator. For convenience, you can use disposable gloves.

The introduction of the "torpedo" is best done by taking any of the poses:

you can stand with a slight lean forward, or lie on your back and raise your legs high or roll your pelvis up, or you can lie on your side and bend your knees. Whatever position you take, the muscles of the anus should remain relaxed. It is very important. When they remain tight, you will experience pain upon insertion.

Do not insert the candle with force, you risk damaging the mucous membrane at the anus.

If the anus is lubricated with petroleum jelly (you can also use vegetable oil), it will become easier and easier to insert the candle. Everything needs to be done very soon. It should not melt in your hands.

A candle in the rectum should be driven only with a sharp end. We answer a fairly common question - how to deeply insert suppositories rectally. Keep in mind that the index finger will serve as the criterion. It is its length that will allow you to measure the minimum depth to which the candle should be inserted. So that the "torpedo" does not deliver discomfort or accidentally fell out, it must pass the sphincter.

As soon as the candle is inserted, it is better to keep the buttocks together and keep them in this position for some time. And it’s not bad at all if you lie down for another half an hour, raising your pelvis. Even if there is a desire to defecate, it is better to refrain from it for a while. Allow time for the active ingredient to be absorbed.

A leaking candle is quite capable of delivering some, often considerable, inconvenience. To do without them, use ordinary gaskets.

Note to parents.

You should know how to use rectal suppositories for your children. It is most convenient to introduce it to the child when he is fast asleep. So you will be spared from active resistance to this procedure. Make sure that the baby's intestines are empty, so you get rid of the fear that the candle may come out with the feces. It is better that the child lies on his side during the procedure, and his legs are slightly bent at the knees. To lubricate the anus, a baby cream is quite suitable. The whole procedure will be painless for the child.

If you know exactly how to use rectal suppositories and use them skillfully, then you will be able to achieve a high therapeutic effect.

Most Popular Candles

  • Salofalk
    They are used when ulcerative colitis(nonspecific), constipation, hemorrhoids. Their analgesic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects are well known. The basis of this drug is propolis. Especially useful for pregnant women, as well as women with gynecological problems.
  • sea ​​buckthorn
    Contribute to tissue repair, strengthen blood vessels, heal wounds, eliminate swelling and itching. Sea buckthorn oil has excellent antibacterial properties. Such a suppository, based on synthomycin, will destroy bacteria even in the intestinal cavity.
  • The drug Panavir
    The maximum effect is shown when infection with herpes (including genital), tick-borne encephalitis, cytomegalavirus (primarily in the period preceding pregnancy), influenza is diagnosed. Nystatin, which is present in suppositories, has a detrimental effect on a fungal infection in the intestines. These candles are actively used in the postoperative period.
  • Diclofenac
    Such a drug will fight inflammation, reduce the temperature. It is appointed when complex therapy musculoskeletal system.

If the suppository contains viferon, it is prescribed for various hepatitis, other viral diseases and infections.

They are even used in the treatment of babies.

  • Methyluracil
    With the help of this drug, you will stop bleeding, accelerate the regeneration of tissues and mucous membranes.

Contraindications and side effects

Your knowledge of rectal suppositories will be incomplete if you have not read the contraindications to their use:

  • individual intolerance to those components that are part of the drug;
  • dose of the drug that does not correspond to age;
  • children under three years of age;
  • special diseases that do not allow a candle to be inserted into the anus;
  • diffuse diarrhea;
  • bleeding in the upper intestines;
  • psychiatric or neurological diseases making it impossible to self-administer a suppository at home.
  • some agents can irritate the mucous membrane of the rectum and cause ulceration on it.

If drugs are used at the same time, active ingredients which are similar, you may experience an overdose.

Any unwanted manifestations require elimination only with the participation and under the direct supervision of a doctor.

Before using such medicine, consult an experienced specialist, what is rectal administration of suppositories, how to insert them correctly. Thus, you will not cause discomfort, alleviate the condition of various diseases, even get rid of them completely.