Causes of visual hallucinations in adolescents. I see hallucinations

Children's hallucinations are a common phenomenon, but they should not be confused with illusions. Hallucinations are colorful spontaneously appearing objects, events or sounds that do not really exist, while illusions are just an inadequate perception by the child of something present in the real world.

Hallucinations in children - causes

Research scientists have shown that children most often occur at the age of 7-8 years, when the child goes to first grade. However, more than fifteen percent of the children surveyed say that hallucinations in no way interfere with their daily life and studies. Such phenomena occur regardless of the gender of the baby and its location.

Hallucinations can also occur in children with heat. This is explained by the fact that at high temperature clouding of consciousness occurs, weakness and aches appear in the whole body, which means that the mind cannot control consciousness and the child begins to delirious. It is impossible to leave him alone in this state in any case, since hallucinations in children are unstable and can easily develop into fears, thereby causing an anxiety state in the baby.

by the most dangerous view hallucinations are considered to be nocturnal hallucinations in children, which are more common than others. For parents whose children are afraid to go to bed, write in their sleep and scream, it is important to find out what exactly worries the child. Do not condemn the baby for his fears, in no case claim that there is nothing, and he invents everything. So you will not help your child! Such fears and experiences sometimes pass with time, but they do not disappear without a trace. Night hallucinations in children can greatly reduce immunity, develop into anxiety states or neurosis-like and psychosomatic manifestations.

Some scientists are sure that you should not worry about hallucinations in a child, because over time they will pass by themselves. However, there is an opposite opinion of experts who argue that the appearance of auditory hallucinations in children is nothing more than a predisposition of the child to a number of mental illnesses. Children's hallucinations require serious immediate treatment, as these are not just whims that will pass over time, but a disease.

In young children, they are often confused with, which is far from the same thing. Illusions are called inadequate perception by the baby of objects that exist in reality. Moreover, for young children this is a kind of physiological norm, since the formation of fantasy and a number of other functions of thinking takes place in a similar way. But, if these are combined with timidity and anxiety, they are quite unpleasant. Hallucinations are considered spontaneously appearing types of various objects that have a colorful appearance. This category also includes the perception of non-existent objects, actions that do not exist in reality.

Children's hallucinations are a constant research topic for scientists, and according to recent results, auditory hallucinations occur in about ten percent of first and third grade students. In addition, fifteen percent of children do not pay attention to such phenomena, and hallucinations are not a hindrance in learning and everyday life. Nineteen percent of the children surveyed who had hallucinations reported that they distracted them, preventing them from thinking. Hallucinations occur equally often in children regardless of gender, but it has been found that girls suffer more, as their anxiety in connection with an incomprehensible phenomenon is accompanied by fear and anxiety.

Also, scientists have found that hallucinations are more likely to disturb children living in rural areas, and a more difficult experience occurs in urban children. There are other data, according to which approximately sixteen percent of adolescents who are perfectly healthy, are periodically subject to hallucinations. Some experts believe that children's hallucinations can gradually disappear on their own, without any impact. There is also an opposite opinion, and it is not excluded that the sound of "voices" confirms the child's predisposition to a number of mental illnesses.

You should know that children's hallucinations are a sign of psychoses, while they are absent in neuroses. For young children, the occurrence and hallucinations, and is typical for psychosis, which are caused by an infectious disease, intoxication of the body, accompanied by high fever. Also, the cause of children's hallucinations may be at the time of clouding of consciousness. Toddlers suffer from hallucinations, unclear in content and form, which are constantly changing.

Another problem that parents often face is These are nocturnal hallucinations in children. If a child of preschool age refuses to go to bed at the usual time, and tries in any way to delay the moment of falling asleep, while crying, then it can be assumed that he suffers from hypnagogic hallucinations. According to scientists, this type of hallucination is special, and can be observed in children with a healthy psyche. As you know, any hallucinations are perceptions in which there is no real object. That is, there are imaginary voices, visions, smells, and so on. With regard to hypnagogic hallucinations, they tend to occur when falling asleep, when the eyes are closed and there is a dark field of vision.

Basically, such hallucinations are visual, but sometimes they are accompanied by sound. As a rule, these are the same pronounced images, often of a fantastic content, that a child has every time he falls asleep. Usually this phenomenon occurs before a night's sleep, during daytime sleep it is rarely observed. Toddlers often identify emerging hypnagogic hallucinations with dreams. Moreover, most often the child perceives in reality a false image as real, and then it goes into his dreams, and the same frightening images dream in nightmares. The situation is complicated by the fact that children do not always talk in detail about the hallucinations that occur.

If it is noticed that the child behaves strangely, talks about monsters coming to him, threatening and scolding him, or unknown voices talking to him, you should find out the details, and not dismiss the problem, taking all this for children's fantasies after watching the next fairy tale or fantasy film. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist or psychologist who will prescribe adequate treatment, or refer you for additional examination to other specialists.

When treating children's hallucinations, it should be remembered that they are similar to those experienced by adult patients. For example, children often report that they hear voices that address them in an orderly tone. For example, such a voice may order something to be stolen, broken, or to commit a negative act. Basically, the voice seems familiar - these are relatives, classmates, neighbors. Less commonly, the voice sounds completely unrecognizable. Just like adult patients, children see monsters in visual hallucinations. In some cases, the "voices" call for, call on the child to injure other children, his brother, or himself.


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Illusions- this is an inadequate perception of really existing objects and events. In very young children, illusions are a variant of the physiological norm, since it is in this way that fantasy and some other functions of thinking are formed. Children early age they are not critical of what they come up with, they perceive reality through the prism of their fantasies and inventions. In this regard, a baby with a fine nervous organization often has physiological illusions. These illusions can be quite unpleasant when they are combined with anxiety or timidity.

hallucinations- these are spontaneously appearing, very colorful types of objects, events that do not actually exist. Hallucinations in children are a sign of psychosis. However, they are absent in neuroses. In babies, both illusions and hallucinations are characteristic of psychoses caused by intoxication of the body or infection, at high body temperature, at moments of clouding of consciousness, and with schizophrenia. In babies, such hallucinations are most often unclear in form and content, and can change.

According to data obtained by Dutch scientists, ten percent of schoolchildren in the first and second grades suffer from auditory hallucinations from time to time. Fifteen percent of all these phenomena interfere. The rest calmly endure the presence of "voices", it does not interfere with them.

Nineteen percent of the respondents said that such phenomena interfere with thinking. At the same time, hallucinations are equally frequent in children of both sexes. But the girls at the same time experienced anxiety and fear. Surprisingly, the appearance of hallucinations is more typical for children living in villages. But urban children are experiencing a more severe violation.

According to other surveys, about sixteen percent of perfectly healthy adolescents and children suffer from auditory hallucinations from time to time. According to scientists, this phenomenon gradually disappears without special treatment. But, according to other scientists, the presence of "voices" may indicate a child's predisposition to certain mental illnesses.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Children never deceive or invent, they have an open perception! They have not yet entered our illusory, not real, advertising WORLD, built on money, on artificiality! You yourself overcame the fear of the dark ..... or just once you forgot something, switched your attention, your parents convinced you) you can’t forget fears, you have to overcome them yourself, face a childhood nightmare one on one, I’m afraid you alone are helpless, contact God, for the strength to illuminate the darkness, otherwise one day it will be too late...........

Kids are all inventors, just hold on. My son is only three years old, and he already composes such tales that mom do not worry. And I can imagine what he will invent in another two years. Therefore, if the child is mentally healthy, develops normally and everything is fine with him, then these hallucinations and fictions are nonsense. It is bad if fears begin. It's harder to deal with fears. My, sometimes, begins to be afraid of any nonsense. Or maybe he's making it up too? I don't understand often.

According to scientists, one-fifth children from eleven to thirteen years of age suffer from hallucinations. As a rule, these are sound hallucinations.It turned out that modern children can hear not only sounds, but also voices.

Today we will talk about what to do if your baby is hallucinating, and what danger this phenomenon.

Hallucinations are vivid images and sounds that occur voluntarily. In fact, they do not exist - they are just figment of the imagination the people who see or hear them.

Are hallucinations dangerous?

In young children, hallucinations can occur when poisoned organism, with an increase in body temperature and with mental disorders. In this case, hallucinations stop immediately, as soon as condition baby stabilizes.

They can also appear in healthy babies during the period of reaching biological maturity. This is primarily due to the change hormonal level body. Experts are sure that the hallucinations caused by this cause pass on their own over time, without causing any harm. health child.

Parents should remember that if the baby complains of extraneous sounds or visions, this may indicate serious violations in psyche baby, so you need to seek help from a specialist without delay. According to scientists, such hallucinations may be the result of the development of a certain disease or even genetic predispositions crumbs to mental illness.

What can parents do to help their little one?

You should not panic, because the child is looking at the reaction of the parents. Talk to the baby and in no case make fun of him problem;

Make an appointment for your child psychiatrist. It is this doctor who will determine the cause of hallucinations and prescribe the necessary therapy;

Reduce load on the psyche of the crumbs: try to walk more, do not allow to watch TV for a long time. Watch your sleep patterns;

Devote all your free time to kid give him love and care;

Spend time daily on creation: draw, sing, sculpt, dance. These activities allow you to relax, reduce stress, which can cause hallucinations.

At the same time, the main cause of the development of hallucinosis (schizophrenia) rarely manifests itself in children. What then is the reason for such a high frequency of the disorder?

The thing is that the child's psyche is in the process of formation: neural connections unstable, many analytical functions have not yet been fully launched, in other words, the brain is still learning to work. And in adolescence As a rule, the nervous system experiences an increased load due to frequently occurring stressful situations of various kinds. In addition to all this, there are a number of factors specific to childhood that can provoke the occurrence of hallucinations in a child. We will talk about them a little later.

According to modern statistics, about 5% of primary school children experience a hallucinatory syndrome. But for only 15% of them, hallucinations become a serious problem that interferes normal life and social adaptation. But in the remaining 75%, this disorder occurs in mild form, is transitory, that is, transient.

The etiological aspect of the issue

The etiological factors of hallucinosis, relevant for childhood and adolescence, are somewhat different. And if in childhood Organic (internal) disorders often play a key role, while in adolescence it is the impact of external adverse factors.

Possible causes of hallucinations in children:

  1. Heredity. We are talking about those situations when close relatives were ill or suffer from some kind of mental disorder associated with a hallucinatory syndrome. Yes, schizophrenia in children is rare, but hereditary predisposition to this pathology is still one of the most "powerful" etiological factors.
  2. Diseases with high fever. As a rule, hallucinations due to high body temperature occur against the background of severe infectious diseases. It could be diphtheria, scarlet fever, infectious parotitis(popularly "mumps"), any other disease, accompanied by severe intoxication, fever.
  3. Severe birth trauma. Pretty rare but likely cause. If during childbirth, or in the early postpartum period, the newborn receives a head injury, then one of possible consequences may become hallucinations. Intrauterine asphyxia can also cause the disorder.

Possible causes of hallucinations in adolescents.

  1. Heredity. In adolescence hereditary diseases appear more frequently than in children. Significantly more likely to debut schizophrenia.
  2. Frequent and / or severe stress, overwork. The lability of the teenage psyche, combined with increased psycho-emotional stress, creates ideal conditions for the development of a hallucinatory syndrome.
  3. Taking hallucinogens. In the role of such substances can act as psychotropic drugs, and drugs, alcohol. The susceptibility of adolescents to addictions is well known and needs no further comment.

There are a variety of possible causes for hallucinations in children. And if some of them lead to the development of transient disorders, then others lead to the development of a disease that, unfortunately, will accompany a person all his life.

So, hallucinations that arose against the background of high temperature, of course, will pass with the elimination of the febrile syndrome. Stopping the use of hallucinogens will also naturally lead to the elimination of hallucinosis. And here is the manifestation congenital pathology will become a “wake-up call”, informing parents that from now on the child needs constant monitoring of the disease.

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Fever disorders

And yet, the largest percentage of children's hallucinations are transient disorders that occur against a background of fever. Body temperature exceeding 39 ° C can cause a violation of perception.

Hallucinations at high temperatures are most often visual, somewhat less often auditory. The patient can see quite vivid images, but usually the hallucinatory syndrome is limited to glare, "flies", sunlight, or, conversely, loss of individual fields of vision, creeping dark shadows. In cases where auditory anomalies occur, children hear voices, they can also hear laughter, crying, imaginary conversations, and may even enter into an imaginary dialogue.

It is known that the higher the temperature, the brighter the hallucinations. At the peak of symptoms, it is not difficult to suspect a problem. But how to recognize it early stages development? Usually, the child's behavior becomes strange:

  • he makes chaotic, purposeless movements;
  • carries on a conversation with himself or as if with someone;
  • covers ears with hands;
  • blinks frequently, closes eyes;
  • trying to hide
  • tells you nonsense.

The last of the above may seem rude, but if the patient's speech becomes incoherent, inconsistent, or its content is bewildering, this is definitely a reason to think. When hallucinations occur in a child, at a temperature, this is a serious sign indicating the rapid progression of the disease. Rapid provision of qualified medical care plays a key role in such cases.

About the possibilities of therapy

Hallucinations need to be treated, and usually there is no doubt about it. Therapy of this kind of disorders in children is preferable to be carried out in more "soft" ways than in adults. After all, the classic large and small tranquilizers, which stop the hallucinatory syndrome extremely quickly, are extremely toxic, and have a number of side properties. And if the body of an adult (conditionally healthy) usually copes with such a load, but the body of a child may not be able to withstand the "pressure" of the heavy artillery of medicines.

What can be used to eliminate the hallucinatory syndrome in children? Child psychiatrists often resort to the use of techniques such as:

Often, combinations of methods are also resorted to, and in severe cases, small doses of antipsychotics are connected.

Some parents are wondering if hallucinatory disorders in children should be treated at all? After all, there is an opinion that children “outgrow” such disorders, and the problem can eventually be solved by itself. But doctors are unanimous in the following: in each case, you should look for the root cause, eliminate it, as well as alarming symptoms. In any case, hallucinations should be treated, because voices that are harmless today may push the child to undesirable, if not dangerous, actions tomorrow.

Hallucinations in children and adolescents

Hallucinations in adolescents and children are first detected by parents, caregivers and teachers, then during preventive examinations pediatricians and pediatric neurologists. Identified suspicious children are referred for a consultation with a child psychiatrist in order to confirm or refute the assumptions and receive recommendations on further actions.

A separate group of patients consists of children under 4 years of age who have undergone a cranial birth injury, birth asphyxia, cerebral circulation, neuroinfections (meningitis). Such children must be under the supervision of a pediatrician, neurologist and psychiatrist.

Classification of hallucinations

A hallucination is a pathological disturbance of perception, in which the organs of touch feel (see, hear) something that is not really there, in contrast to illusions, in the presence of which the qualities of a really existing object are only distorted. Hallucinations occur regardless of the patient's desire, are violent, cannot be controlled by consciousness and willpower, and cannot be caused by external stimuli.

Classification of hallucinations by sense organs:

  • visual;
  • auditory;
  • tactile;
  • olfactory;
  • visceral ( internal organs) or muscle;
  • mixed, this also includes hypnagogic and hypnapompic hallucinations (associated with sleep).

Regarding sensory content:

  1. True ones are felt as the presence of something that is not there, outside the body, from a place that can be clearly indicated by the patient, are perceived inseparably from real objects;
  2. Pseudo-hallucinations are felt inside the body (a voice is heard inside the head), accompanied by a feeling of "done", the unreality of what is happening, the patient is aware that these sensations cannot be caused by real events.

All about the main symptoms of schizophrenia in children with a malignant form of the disease.

Are there hallucinations in Huntington's chorea? Learn about the symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms of hallucinations

Each child presents differently. Starting with simple, elementary ones: in the form of noises, individual sounds, flashes of light, up to ready-made monologues. Voices can comment on events, but the danger is those states when "voices" become imperative, ordering what to do, where to go, what to say and when.

Outwardly, such a person will give the impression of listening to something, somewhat tense, suspicious, anxious. Optionally, a teenager will respond to “voices”, he can normally talk to himself if he rehearses speech, learns to form a voice, correct intonations.

Other types of perceptual disorders

Separately allocate special kind- hallucinations that are associated with the process of falling asleep - hypnagogic and upon awakening - hypnapompic. This is the only type of hallucination that occurs without the presence of a mental disorder in adolescents. With extreme overwork, lack of sleep, intense rhythm, for example, when preparing for final exams and entering a university.

Another common situation of hallucinations in children is secondary perceptual disturbances in relation to the underlying disease. The leading position among the disorders of the body systems in which hallucinations are observed is occupied by endocrine system. As for the injuries suffered, of course, the nervous system, damage to the brain and skull. Concerning diseases - infectious-allergic intoxications.

Cause - psychotropic substances

No matter how trusting the relationship with the child was, among the causes of hallucinations in adolescents, hallucinations from poisoning cannot be ruled out. chemicals. Even if a teenager does not use psychoactive substances, he may experience perceptual disturbances from exceeding the permissible concentrations of other volatile substances, intentionally or not. And this is the question of poisoning.

Interesting! About a quarter of all children have experienced hallucinations at least once before adulthood, but not everyone talks about it.

Pay attention to the pupils of the child, whether the size matches the lighting. The reaction of the pupils to light is checked as follows: close the eye with a non-translucent object (you can use your hand) and suddenly remove it, normally the pupil narrows.

Special conditions in adolescents

A separate group of perceptual disorders are special states - depersonalization and derealization. Associated with manifestations of depression in adolescence:

  1. Depersonalization - a feeling of change in one's own body, alienation due to "the change that has occurred."
  2. Derealization - a feeling of change in the surrounding world, a feeling of "made", changes in the environment, the "unnaturalness" of what is happening along with a painful feeling from the realization that something has changed is expressed. It is manifested by a subjective sensation of a change in the intensity of colors, a change in the tone of sounds, a decrease in the ability to distinguish and perceive tastes.


In adolescents and children, hallucinations are supposed to be treated with medicines. In the case of conditions associated with overwork, where adequate rest relieves the disorder, antipsychotics are also prescribed for a sedative purpose to help calm the nervous system and relax.

To stop the excitation caused by hallucinatory experiences, combinations of an antipsychotic with a tranquilizer are used, while vital signs are monitored without fail. When, under the influence of hallucinations, the excitement becomes uncontrollable, for the safety of others and the patient himself, it is necessary to use the restriction of the patient's movement, it is enough to put him on the bed and cover him with a blanket over his shoulders, tucking the ends under the mattress.

Did you know that hallucinations appear with epileptic damage to structures?

The appearance of hallucinations can be the first sign of a brain tumor: the clinical picture of the pathology.


It should be remembered that hallucinatory arousal is a condition that threatens not only physical health in case of harm to oneself or others, but also somatic, because if the state of health worsens, the patient, who is in an impaired consciousness, may not complain.

Before looking for the names of pills for hallucinations for a teenager, you need to determine the reason that caused them. This is not the case when you can rely on treatment folk remedies. Timeliness and adequate medical control of compliance with the doctor's prescriptions are important here. If a teenager is suspected of using psychoactive substances, a psychiatric consultation will be required, and the sooner, the better the prognosis later.

How to deal with hallucinations in a child

A hallucination is a false auditory, visual, or other image or sensation that occurs in the mind, regardless of the will, due to a mental disorder. May appear due to deep fatigue, alcohol use, drugs, or diseases of the nervous system and other organs.

Description and mechanism of development of hallucinations in children

Hallucinations in children are not uncommon. Most often appear at early school age, when he is 7-8 years old. A large load in the first academic years adversely affects the fragile children's body. Fatigue is reflected in nervous system, it malfunctions, sometimes they manifest themselves in the form of hallucinations: periodically whispering voices are heard, false visual images appear. Such an anxiety condition occurs in both boys and girls, but it is far from always a disease.

Causes of hallucinations in a child

The factors for the appearance of hallucinations are different, all of them are a sign of psychosis, when the child is constantly nervous, tormented by fears.

  • Fever, fever. Consciousness is unclear, malaise provokes poor functioning of the cerebral hemispheres, which leads to hallucinatory manifestations, which are accompanied by fears and anxiety.

Types of hallucinations in children

The main sign of the appearance of hallucinations in a child is his behavior. Unnatural manners, when the child constantly looks around, tries to hide, or suddenly suddenly stops and stares at one point, speak of an alarming state and possible hallucinations. Other signs include inconsistent speech, vagueness of thinking, which means the fuzzy work of the brain, perhaps pathological processes are going on in it.

  1. Taste. When there is an incomprehensible taste in the mouth, not at all related to the food consumed. It can be so unpleasant that the person refuses to eat.
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Ways to deal with hallucinations in children

Independent actions to combat hallucinations in a child

In no case should you laugh at his feelings, convince him that all this is “nonsense, a dream”. The child needs to be reassured, said: "Don't be afraid, nothing terrible has happened, I'm next to you."

Treatment of hallucinations in children in the hospital

Often hallucinations are associated with serious mental disorders, when imaginary visions, voices, and other manifestations of the hallucinatory syndrome bring the child to a hysterical state. In this case, urgent hospitalization is needed. It implies calling an ambulance and referral to a hospital - children's department psychiatric hospital.

Watch video about illusions:

Hallucinations in children are always disturbing. Parents should not ignore this condition. Perhaps this is a consequence of ordinary overwork, then you just need to limit the load and allow the child to have a good rest. And good health will be restored. But imaginary images are often caused by a serious illness, hereditary or acquired in the process of life. This is already a pathological deviation in development and requires immediate medical intervention. Otherwise, the consequences of frequent ghosts and false sensations can be for mental health. little man very sad.

Chapter 4. General psychopathology of adolescence. Features of common psychopathological disorders with adults

Almost all mental disorders known from the course of general psychiatry occur in adolescents. The exception is some disorders inherent in the elderly and senile age. In similarity with adult psychopathology, adolescent psychiatry differs significantly from child psychiatry. However, adolescence leaves a peculiar imprint on many psychopathological phenomena. But besides this, adolescents have special psychopathological syndromes observed mainly or almost exclusively in this period of life. A description of such syndromes will form the content of the next chapter. In this chapter, we will focus on the features of mental disorders common with adults.

Hallucinations and other delusions of the senses.

More frequent and vivid than in adults are hallucinatory experiences associated with impaired perception of one's own body, as well as olfactory hallucinations in progressive schizophrenia. The first, apparently, is associated with the rapid growth of the body, and the second with the severity and malignancy inherent in age. this disease, since it is known that olfactory hallucinations in schizophrenia are an unfavorable sign.

The relative frequency and brilliance of visual deceptions of the senses depends on some age-related features of intoxication and the prevalence of infectious and allergic diseases.

Along with true hallucinations, adolescence is characterized by colorful fantasies with arbitrarily evoked visual images (“I will see what I think about”). This phenomenon is called the visualization of representations - apparently, it is associated with eidetism. Such visualized fantasies are found in some intoxications (gasoline, technical fluids, etc.).

Pseudohallucinations in adolescents do not differ from those in adults. The Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome can often be observed in older adolescence. According to M. V. Korkina, depersonalization and derealization in adolescents are very common, they just do not know how to talk about it. Such complaints are heard even from healthy, intellectually developed adolescents, capable of a subtle analysis of sensations and experiences. Psychasthenic accentuation predisposes to depersonalization-derealization disorders, less - schizoid or labile. In healthy adolescents, such disorders can occur against the background of extreme fatigue, strenuous activities with insufficient sleep, as well as in moments of great excitement, anxious anticipation, fear ("Mayer's pubertal depersonalization"). Unlike adults, where depersonalization is often associated with depression [Nuller Yu. L., 1981], in adolescents this symptom is rare against the background of depression. With sluggish schizophrenia in adolescents, depersonalization-derealization syndrome also rarely dominates in clinical picture. More often, depersonalization occurs as a separate symptom against the background of other neurosis-like syndromes.

Episodes of derealization and depersonalization can be the so-called "lightning bolts" of the upcoming debut of progredient schizophrenia. In these cases, they can occur unexpectedly, without the presence of previous asthenic or stress factors. The same phenomena can be one of the symptoms at the height of this disease or an attack of schizoaffective psychosis and be combined with delusions of staging, persecution, influence. Depersonalization is often combined with a dysmorphophobic syndrome.

In epilepsy, the phenomena of depersonalization and derealization in adolescents do not differ significantly from those in adults. They occur as both a pre-seizure aura and the psychic equivalent of a seizure, and during post-seizure changes in consciousness.

Finally, depersonalization-derealization experiences in adolescents can occur during certain intoxications.

Schizophrenia in children and adolescents: signs and treatment

The mechanism of development of schizophrenia is associated with hereditary predisposition, metabolic disorders in the brain and does not depend on external influences. The complexity of recognizing a disease that arose in childhood and adolescence lies in its similarity with the manifestations of the so-called adolescent crisis, since the disease often debuts in adolescents at an age.

Specific symptoms of schizophrenia are a violation of thinking and perception, delusional deformation of thinking, the presence of a hallucinatory syndrome.

To help suspect the presence of a disease in a teenager, the appearance of the following features in his everyday behavior can:

  • isolation;
  • detachment;
  • unusual silence;
  • isolation from others;
  • difficulties in communicating with peers;
  • sharp mood swings.

Particular vigilance is required in cases with the persistent presence of these first symptoms of the disease in the presence of a burdened family history.

Similar signs are characterized by adolescence and in healthy children. The pathological situation is characterized by the sudden appearance and persistence of this complex of symptoms in combination with the specific signs of the disease. A combination of these signs with hallucinations, delusional or delusional ideas, the appearance of bizarre foolish behavior, antics, speech and thinking disorders will indicate the manifestation of schizophrenia.

The manifestation of pathology can be varied: hallucinations are auditory, visual, gustatory, olfactory, tactile. The most common option is auditory, the visual ones are somewhat less common, the remaining varieties appear in rare cases.

Auditory hallucinations are expressed in the perception of non-existent voices or other sounds. Characteristic options are the sound of dripping water, the creak of a door. Sounds are intrusive, irritate the patient. The voices heard by the patient may be talking to each other, or it may be one voice communicating with the patient.

The nature of the hallucination is subjectively determined by the patient as threatening. Voices can be commanding, authoritative in nature, which is fraught with a certain danger: this situation can lead to suicide or the commission of illegal acts.

Delusion is manifested by the presence of inferences that do not correspond to reality, the formation of non-existent ideas (systemic delusions), often has the following manifestations:

The patient exalts himself above others

It manifests itself in the form of a syndrome of mental automatism, the patient believes that some external forces act on him (on his thoughts, actions)

The patient is sure that he is being followed in order to cause harm (for example, a neighbor is a special agent, or an alien mafia spy, or a killer specially sent to him)

Delusion of physical handicap

A teenager attributes to himself non-existent ugliness: an excessively large nose, shortening of one leg, excess weight, and so on.

Various manifestations are possible: incoherent speech, speech in the form of fragments of phrases

This manifestation is characterized by the appearance of foolish, ridiculous behavior in a teenager: the patient can laugh out loud, dress ridiculously or unkemptly, utter public incoherent monologues, considering them funny and witty, grimace, act up. The behavior of adolescents 12-15 years old suddenly begins to resemble the behavior of a small child.

For given state characteristic change of foolishness depression. Often there are changes in the emotional background from unbridled fun to hysteria or aggression.

Heboid syndrome is a symptom complex characteristic of childhood and adolescent schizophrenia. In most cases, the harbingers of such a state can be discerned even in childhood: in the behavior of such a child, traits of an increased interest in violence and cruelty are seen. He watches films about disasters and murders with interest, and can show aggression towards animals.

Vulnerability, resentment, combined with indifference and rudeness towards relatives are also characteristic of the heboid syndrome. In adolescence, negativism becomes pronounced, directed towards younger and weaker family members.

During puberty, the heboid syndrome in schizophrenia in adolescents is expressed in a craving for philosophizing, in a passion for abstract problems of the future, in the search for the meaning of life. Such teenagers are cynical towards their peers, highly extol their "great" knowledge and thoughts, put themselves above others.

With this disorder, there is a high risk of immoral behavior of a teenager, which can manifest itself as sexual disinhibition, often taking perverse forms. A teenager is easily addicted to drugs, alcohol, has a tendency to vagrancy, spending the night in basements and attics. Alcohol and drug intoxication contribute to the commission of illegal acts varying degrees gravity.

This condition is an indication for hospitalization of a teenager in a hospital with the aim of isolating him, maintaining constant monitoring until the syndrome is relieved.

Heboid syndrome in the structure of schizophrenia is difficult to treat (compared with heboid syndrome in psychosis or as an independent pathology). But the right approach and systematic antipsychotic therapy can achieve high-quality convincing remission. Taking antipsychotic drugs should be systematic, otherwise relapse is inevitable, which significantly worsens the prognosis of the disease.

Diagnosis of the latent form of schizophrenia is complicated by "erased", weak severity of symptoms.

Sometimes a pathology can be suspected by a tendency to eccentric, unusual behavior or the sudden appearance of fears or instant mood swings, mild forms of emotional disorders.

Therapy for adolescent schizophrenia is divided into four successive stages:

The goal is to influence the manifestation of acute psychosis.

It is carried out in a hospital with the help of neuroleptics. Outpatient treatment is carried out extremely rarely in cases with blurred, erased symptoms, in the absence of a history of episodes of aggression.

The result of a properly performed cupping therapy is the elimination of the symptoms of schizophrenia.

1 to 3 months

The goal is to eliminate the residual effects characteristic of schizophrenia.

Treatment can be carried out both at home and in a hospital - this is determined by the condition of the teenager. The therapy is carried out using the same medicinal product, which proved to be effective as a relief therapy. The difference is that the patient at this stage receives a lower dose.

This period is characterized by the development of depression, which is stopped with the help of antidepressants.

3 to 9 months

Taking the drug at this stage continues in a small dose. Sometimes it can be replaced with a drug that effectively prevents relapse.

6 to 12 months

The main task of this stage is to prevent a new exacerbation of schizophrenia.

A teenager is able and should study, attend a group, but continues to systematically take medicines prescribed by a specialist in minimal doses and regularly visit a psychotherapist for control marks of the condition.

Anti-relapse therapy continues for years, often for life

What are visual hallucinations and how to deal with them

Thanks to previous publications, we already know what perceptual disorders are and what they are. Today we will talk more specifically about visual hallucinations.

Beware of glitches...

As the name implies, visual hallucinations are the visual perception of a non-existent object. The causes of these perceptual delusions are very diverse, but they are united by the fact that, with minor exceptions, hallucinations are an alarming symptom that must be addressed immediately.

De facto, in healthy people, except for elementary photopsies like “sparks” before the eyes, there are only hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations that occur when falling asleep or waking up. Many have experienced them at least once - for example, when you see a cat yawning awake, you can confuse it with a more terrible beast; or, falling asleep, “watch cartoons” for a couple of seconds. Even healthy people, as a rule, with overwork, have functional hallucinations - when imaginary objects and images appear against the background of an existing stimulus (for example, bright light).

Photo gallery of types of visual hallucinations inherent in a healthy person

All other types of visual hallucinations deserve close attention. They testify to disorders of mental activity, very often having hidden causes in the form of pathology of other organs and systems. Now let's try to understand in more detail.

As we already wrote in previous materials, not only the eyes, but also the brain are responsible for the picture we see. Therefore, any pathological process occurring in the body that affects any part of the visual tract, from the retina to the cerebral cortex, can affect perception and give us hallucinations.

Intoxication: SARS, poisons, drugs

Surely our readers either remember very well how they were children, or have already started their own. The child's brain is still very plastic, and it is quite easy to disrupt its activity. Even a normal increase in body temperature can cause hallucinations in a child; the higher the number on the thermometer, the higher the likelihood of their occurrence. Hallucinations in children gives not only by itself fever, but also intoxication, which is accompanied by acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis and pneumonia, and a rather long range of infectious diseases.

What causes visual hallucinations (photo)

We started talking about intoxication for a reason, because a person can get poisoned by a lot of things - mushrooms, poisonous plants, medicines, mercury, lead, ethers, carbon monoxide, poor-quality food, etc. All these types of poisoning can be accompanied by hallucinations, especially in children.

Intoxication hallucinosis is distinguished by the fact that, in addition to the actual delusions of perception, they are accompanied by many other symptoms traditional for poisoning (nausea, headache), and general weakness, malaise.

Also, as already mentioned, hallucinations can be provoked by certain drugs, and sometimes without other symptoms. This should also be kept in mind when analyzing possible causes and questioning the patient.

Neurological causes

Migraine with aura can cause peculiar hallucinations in the form of sparks, flickering or lines

Another large group of causes that cause hallucinations is neurological diseases. This is quite natural, because any process that affects the cerebral cortex can, along the way, also affect the visual analyzer located there. Among neurological pathologies, hallucinations most often occur with various types encephalopathy, stroke and dementia.

There may be short-term episodes of elementary hallucinations in the form of sparks, flicker, zigzag lines before a migraine attack. A similar phenomenon is well known to many patients, and is called "migraine aura".

The problem of age: oncology and eye diseases

Hallucinations can also be caused directly by "eye" problems such as glaucoma and cataracts, which both overstimulate receptors and upset the integrity of signal processing in the brain.

Recently, there has been an increase in the number cancer. This branch of medicine is also relevant in the analysis of the causes of hallucinations that occur either during oncological intoxication or due to mechanical compression of any parts of the visual tract by the tumor.

Narcology and psychiatry

Sometimes hallucinations are deliberately caused by alcohol or drugs.

Despite all of the above, in the first place, hallucinations are still provoked by narcological and psychiatric reasons.

In the case of narcology, users of psychoactive substances, in fact, most often achieve this. In this case, everything usually goes “peacefully”, since the person knows what he is waiting for, and therefore, first of all, he makes sure that no one sees him in such a state during an intentional hallucinosis. However, sometimes it happens that the user of psychoactive substances does not quite correctly assess the dose taken, and hallucinations are an unplanned "bonus". This happens, for example, with the abundant use of high-quality marijuana or hashish.

Regarding the rest of the drugs, the leading position in terms of provoking hallucinations is occupied by alcohol. Or rather, not so much he himself, as the consequences of prolonged intoxication at the height of abstinence, leading either to alcoholic hallucinosis, or, more often, to delirium.

For alcoholic hallucinations, the zoological or mystical nature of visions is most often characteristic - insects, snakes, devils, etc.

Substance abuse is one of the ways of voluntary immersion in the world of illusions

Unlike marijuana or alcohol, where hallucinations are either unwanted or unexpected, there is a very long range of substances that are used specifically to produce hallucinations. Most often, these are the hallucinogens LSD-25, psilocybin, salvia, etc., in which the provocation of hallucinations is the dominant effect on the body. If a person for some reason cannot afford high-quality drugs, but is looking for a similar effect, then he uses substances with an initially different function, such as taren, dextromethorphan or nutmeg, which in passing at a certain dose cause hallucinosis. Naturally, these "non-specific" hallucinogens are much more harmful to the body, since their action is due to intoxication in its purest form, and "glitches" are only a side effect.

The action of classic hallucinogens is either not accompanied by any special symptoms (psilocybin), or is accompanied by vegetative symptoms in the form of reddening of the eyes, impaired salivation, changes in pulse rate, etc. (LSD, marijuana, etc.).

The clinical picture when taking drugs is sometimes difficult to distinguish from a psychotic episode, but test strips sold in any pharmacy come to the rescue for the presence of metabolites of psychoactive substances in the urine.

Not always people destroy their brains of their own free will - sometimes it gets sick on its own. Mental illnesses were and remain the most common cause occurrence of hallucinations.

Images in hallucinations can reflect the mental state of the person himself

We have already said that the psyche in various age periods has its own specifics. Accordingly, her illnesses too. In childhood, hallucinations are most often caused by the effects of physical or mental trauma. Starting from puberty, schizophrenia confidently comes to the fore.

Closer to old age, senile psychoses intercept the palm. With mental illness, hallucinations are most often auditory, but with the development of the pathological process, and sometimes from its very start, visual deceptions of perception are also connected, weightily supplementing the non-existent picture of the world that is built in the brain of a mentally ill person.

What to do?

So, we figured out where the "glitches" come from. Now about what to do if a similar problem struck you or your relatives.

With children and the elderly, everything is quite simple. In the first case, you need to measure the temperature and ask what the child has been drinking or eating in the last couple of hours. At the same time, you need to call ambulance. Treatment algorithm for medical specialties - infectious disease specialist, neuropathologist, psychiatrist. In the case of a person of a more respectable age, hallucinations almost never occur spontaneously - they are preceded by either neurological problems or periods of confused consciousness with disorientation. Relatives of an old man can observe for years how his mental activity is gradually upset, and most often they turn to doctors long before the onset of hallucinations. If the delusions of perception came suddenly, without any prehistory - you must immediately call an ambulance - this may be the debut of a mental illness or even an acute stroke.

For people aged 20 to 60, almost all the reasons mentioned above are relevant. The first step is to ask the patient. If he comes into contact and is trusting in communication, then the reason is likely to be outside the narcological or psychiatric plane. Otherwise, the patient will either hide the presence of hallucinations, or, due to the lack of critical comprehension, will consider imaginary images as part of the real world.

Pay attention to the behavior of the patient. If he is anxious, looks around all the time, looks at something or is frightened - these may be hallucinations. You can check your guess with the help of tests for hidden hallucinations. Give the patient a blank sheet of paper and ask what is written on it. Or pretend to hold something small between your thumb and forefinger and ask the patient what it is. If a pathological process that causes hallucinations is in full swing, then the patient’s brain will “read” a blank sheet or come up with what exactly you are holding with your fingers.

Regardless of the clarified cause, if these are not elementary, hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations, you should immediately call an ambulance. The information you collect from the survey will help doctors identify the cause of your perceptual disorder more quickly.

Schizophrenia in adolescents: causes, diagnosis, treatment

IsraClinic consultants will be happy to answer any questions on this topic.

Schizophrenia in adolescents, causes

Signs of schizophrenia in adolescents

Types of schizophrenia in adolescents

Schizophrenia in adolescents, diagnosis

Paranoia is a state of constant anxiety, suspicion, morbid jealousy, crazy ideas, and hallucinations. The first signs of the disease are manifested by minor oddities in behavior, changes in character - the patient shows aggression towards others, spoils relationships with loved ones, begins to get carried away with unusual ideas and fences himself off from the whole world. Relatives of the patient turn to specialists when the symptoms become acute, the patient can harm himself and others.

The problem of children's fears is quite common, almost all parents face it. Fears are real and groundless - environmental factors (family violence, difficult relationships with peers) and neurotic disorders (fears are free-form, arise without a real threat and prerequisites) can affect the child. Experts note that if a child is afraid of something, it is important to contact a psychologist, ignoring the problem can subsequently lead to deviations.

Patients with borderline personality disorder quite often show a tendency to deviant behavior, to the use of alcoholic beverages and drugs. They are also prone to self-harm and may threaten suicide. It must be understood that it will not work to cure such a violation in one session with a doctor - constant monitoring by a psychiatrist and the use of psychocorrective drugs are necessary. Considerable importance should also be given to psychotherapy. The psychiatrist chooses pharmacological preparations and prescribes psychotherapy depending on the prevailing clinical picture.

Panic attacks can hardly be called a specific disease, it is rather a state of consciousness during which a person feels intense fear, anxiety and excitement. There are many techniques for dealing with panic, and home methods are quite effective. In particular, it is recommended to take cold and hot shower, engage in meditation, exercise, do massages and practice proper breathing techniques. Also good effect give healing infusions of herbs, for example, made on the basis of chamomile. It is advisable to exclude from the diet harmful products and alcohol.

Hallucinations in teenagers - causes, symptoms, treatment

Hallucinations in teenagers: "Mom, I hear voices ..."

I think that you have heard more than once from acquaintances that someone's son or daughter quite unexpectedly, without any prerequisites, fell ill with a mental disorder. Often hallucinations in adolescents are expressed in the fact that they hear voices that speak to them.

Hallucinations in teenagers - what is it?

What is a hallucinatory syndrome or hallucinosis? This is one type of mental disorder. "Hallucinations", translated from Latin, means meaningless chatter, delirium. This is a perceptual disorder in which a person sees, hears and feels things that do not exist in reality.

Hallucinations can be auditory (verbal), tactile, visual, olfactory, combined, and others.

Causes of hallucinations in teenagers

  • Hereditary predisposition to a disease of the psyche, which can manifest itself in the period of years.
  • Taking certain psychotropic drugs.
  • The use of drugs, glucogenic drugs, alcohol.

I would like to pay special attention to the latter. Very often, young people, in order to get, as they think, a special boost of energy, cheer up, and sometimes, in order to keep up with friends, use various drugs, often mixing them with alcohol or with glycogens. Such a cocktail can lead to severe mental disorder. Especially in adolescence, when the psyche is especially sensitive and even a light drug can cause serious consequences.

Very often the result of such entertainment are auditory hallucinations. Their signs: a person begins to hear extraneous voices in the form of a monologue, a dialogue that dictate to him the “conditions of the task” that must be completed. Sometimes "voices" can threaten, argue. At the same time, it is not always possible to see obvious signs of the disease outwardly. The disease can proceed without disturbance of consciousness, without affecting the ability of a person to perform daily duties.

In addition, if hallucinations in adolescents are not treated on time, then paranoid syndrome and schizophrenia may develop on this basis.

Visible symptoms of the disorder

  • A person suddenly begins to plug his ears or wrap his hands around his head, as in severe migraine attacks.
  • Hits himself in the head.
  • Talking on the phone even though it's turned off.
  • Retells what was said aloud with a “voice” (verbal nonsense).
  • Performs inappropriate actions, chaotic movements.

The main thing in such a situation is to seek help from a specialist in time. Do not close your eyes to the problem and do not self-medicate. If the situation gets out of hand, the patient may harm himself and/or others.

How are hallucinations in teenagers treated?

Used depending on the situation different methods treatment:

  • medical preparations,
  • bioenergy method,
  • homeopathy,
  • psychotherapy,
  • a combination of several methods at once.

Drug treatment helps the patient get rid of the problem at the physical level, but, as you know, psychotropic drugs have a lot of side effects. Bioenergetic treatment helps to overcome the problem not only on the physical, but, above all, on the energy level of a person, restoring the integrity of the biofield and thereby healing the patient.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the combination of drug and bioenergetic treatment enhances the effectiveness traditional treatment and neutralize side effects medicines.

Remember that the sooner you contact a specialist, the easier it will be to deal with the problem and the faster you can help your child. Hallucinations in teenagers is not something shameful, it is a disease that should not be allowed to take its course.