Total atrophy of the brain. Diffuse cortical atrophy of the brain - symptoms and treatment

When there is a violation of the stomach, associated with the most different situations such as stress, doctors talk about stomach neurosis.

The human body is permeated with nerve endings, so the appearance of neurosis is also possible in the digestive system.

According to statistics, "gastric neurosis" is most often diagnosed in women.

The age range is quite large - from 20 to 40 years. Almost always the appearance of the disease is associated with active life activity.

The characteristic symptoms of the disease are so pronounced that they begin to affect the quality of life of a person, he constantly feels discomfort.

Gastroenterology or psychosomatics?

All processes taking place in the human body are closely related, therefore, almost all organs react to any stressful state. Irritation of the digestive tract is associated with the "vagus nerve", it is responsible for the production of enzymes that ensure the normal functioning of digestion. Therefore, the neurosis that has arisen can have a negative effect on the secretion of gastric juice necessary for the body.

Thanks to the vagus nerve, humoral regulation occurs, it affects the release of the desired concentration of gastric juice, and the stimulation of its secretory functions. Therefore, if there are disturbances in the work of the vagus nerve, symptoms of the pathology in question may appear.

This conclusion was reached by Hans Selye, who studied stressful conditions. After a series of studies, he developed. The experimental animals were rats. After they were placed under stressful conditions, they were diagnosed with stomach ulcers. For neurosis in humans, similar symptoms are characteristic.

Causes of the disease

According to Freud, the main reason for the emergence of neurotic states is associated with a discrepancy between the moral and animal instincts of a person. This leads to a conflict of values. According to Adler, a person's neuroses originate in childhood, and over the years this condition undergoes a stronger development. The great scientist Pavlov studied neurosis and its symptoms. He believed that neurosis occurs at the moment of prolonged nervous excitement.

All experiments were carried out on dogs, which were created very difficult living conditions. They responded differently to each stimulus. According to the famous psychologist of the last century Myasishchev, the signs of the appearance of a neurosis for a person are distinguished by their individuality. For some, this is due to the appearance of a serious illness, but for someone it is an ordinary life situation.

Medical statistics record only cases when a patient needs medical assistance. According to doctors, most of the population experienced the symptoms of the disease in question.

In principle, this phenomenon does not contain anything surprising, because such a reaction of the body is associated with a variety of factors:

  • restless life;
  • constant lack of sleep;
  • unbalanced psyche;
  • stress;
  • overvoltage;
  • psychological trauma;
  • poor nutrition;
  • low quality products.

Quite often, the appearance of this pathology can be caused by other diseases - an ulcer, gastritis or tumors. Changes in the functioning of the stomach can also be affected by harmful substances that enter the human body with food. A neurotic reaction can occur even after the final recovery from severe food poisoning.

Other diseases also have a serious impact on the appearance of symptoms of gastric neurosis:

  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • colitis.

The cause of a neurotic state may be a viral or infectious disease.

Symptoms of neurosis

Neurosis most often affects women who have reached middle age. All characteristics diseases are divided into two kinds:

  • intestinal neuroses;
  • severe pain in the abdomen.

The characteristic symptoms of the appearance of neurosis in this case are:

  • feeling of constant hunger;
  • poor appetite;
  • the smell of food causes nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • nervous colic;
  • vomit;
  • strong gas formation;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea.

The symptoms are very similar to intestinal diseases. They have the same psychosomatic nature. This type neurosis is characterized by individual features:

  • persistent migraines;
  • dizziness;
  • a sharp change in pressure;
  • insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • panic attacks;
  • rapid pulse;
  • heaviness in the chest;
  • heart pain;
  • frequent urination.

Therapeutic practice shows that such symptoms are quite rare separately from the disease of the intestinal tract. Usually they are mixed. With the onset of evening time, intensify pain. The pain becomes less as soon as the psycho-emotional state changes for the better.

This type of neurosis is most often diagnosed in people diagnosed with:

  • vascular dystonia;
  • excess weight;
  • mental disorder.

Diagnosis: how to recognize gastric neurosis?

The symptoms of the disease in question are very similar to all kinds of gastroenterological diseases. The doctor, when diagnosing a disease, must first determine whether the client has other diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach cancer;
  • peptic ulcer.

All diagnostic measures are primarily associated with the search for the root cause of the pathology. The very first to be excluded are diseases of the digestive tract that have similar symptoms. For this purpose, a complex of various gastroenterological studies is performed.

In the absence of pathological disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, the neuropathologist plays the main role in the treatment of neurosis and diagnostic measures. During treatment, it is considered mandatory to consult a psychiatrist. He will be able to analyze the existing lifestyle of the sick person and recommend measures to restore his mental state.


For the treatment to positive results doctors use complex therapy. It consists of drug treatment, reception essential vitamins as well as consultations with a psychologist. To ensure optimal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor develops a specific diet individually for each patient.

Neurologist M.M. Sperling talks about the disease of the stomach and the defeat of the nervous system. A neurologist explains the connection between the stomach and the nervous system. Or rather, as a disease of the stomach is associated with damage to the nervous system.

The doctor is based on the general clinical condition patient, carefully examines the results obtained after diagnostic measures. Sedative drugs prescribed by a doctor are required for psychological treatment. Psychotherapist sessions also help a lot.

With such a disease, a specialist prescribes special drugs, the action of which has a positive effect on the functioning endocrine system. To improve the body, normalize the mental state, improve the functioning of the digestive tract, physiotherapy is prescribed.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe:

  • relaxing massage;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • electrotherapy;
  • baths with decoctions of soothing herbs, such as valerian or sea salt.

For a quick recovery, constant walks in nature are necessary; it will not be superfluous to undergo a course of sanatorium treatment. To reduce the sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to constantly drink mineral water. Additional therapy includes taking vitamins B and C. They help improve digestion, soothe nervous system.

In the body, after taking vitamins, all systems restore their normal functioning. If symptoms of stomach neurosis appear, it is urgent to consult a specialist and undergo a full examination.

Let's talk about a disease that is difficult to diagnose and self-diagnose - gastric neurosis, or gastroneuroses. It is problematic to distinguish it from ordinary diseases of the digestive system, however, the principle of treatment of gastric neurosis has a fundamental difference - a cure is possible only through the correction of the psychological state.

Stomach neurosis is a psychosomatic disease that occurs against the background of neurasthenic, hysterical or psychasthenic neuroses. Refers to vegetative neuroses. Includes symptoms that are usually mistaken for signs of gastrointestinal diseases. However, different from somatic diseases the presence of concomitant neurological disorders.

It is quite difficult to distinguish gastric neurosis from diseases caused by organic causes. A comprehensive examination is required, including gastroenterological and psychological diagnostics.

Symptoms of neurosis of the stomach

They are divided into two groups - at the level of the body and soul. Physiological symptoms include the classic list:

  • nausea and vomiting immediately after eating;
  • pain in the sternum;
  • frequent liquid stool;
  • flatulence;
  • heartburn;
  • lack of appetite;
  • hunger that occurs shortly after eating;
  • belching;
  • pain in the intestines (colic);
  • constipation;
  • feeling of fullness in the intestines;
  • rumbling;
  • constant feeling of "full stomach";
  • pain radiating to other parts of the body;
  • aversion to food.

Psychologists say that in the case of a patient with three or more symptoms, most likely gastric neurosis, the symptoms and treatment in this case are different from the usual diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since psychological and autonomic manifestations will be present:

  • poor sleep - insomnia, frequent nocturnal awakenings;
  • general anxiety and restlessness;
  • fixation, obsessive states;
  • (captious search for diseases in oneself and confidence in one's ill health);
  • irritability, unreasonable aggression;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • frequent urination;
  • pain and heaviness behind the sternum;
  • migraine.

The complexity of diagnosis lies in the fact that psychological manifestations can be present for a long time, and only after months and years does intestinal neurosis appear - the symptoms are difficult to tie together, so the patient can long and unsuccessfully treat gastrointestinal diseases, not realizing the psychological causes of his condition.

Types of stomach neurosis

It is possible to distinguish several of the most common types of gastroneuroses according to the predominant symptom.

  1. Neurosis with severe heartburn that cannot be relieved medicines. Heartburn exhausts the patient and reduces the quality of life, but the examination does not reveal any organic disorders and pathologies.
  2. Anorexic form - an aversion to food, the inability to eat even previously favorite dishes. This form of neurosis is very dangerous, because protracted course can lead to general weakness, emaciation and even death from exhaustion.
  3. bulimic form. The person is very hungry and increased appetite eats, but immediately after eating, throws up what he has eaten. Vomiting may appear involuntarily, or be caused intentionally. It is impossible to cure such a neurosis of the stomach on your own, treatment should begin as soon as possible and only by specialists!
  4. Aerophagic disorders are characterized by air swallowing, belching, and flatulence.
  5. Neurosis with low acidity of the stomach. At the same time, food is digested poorly, a person feels a weak appetite, experiences pain, constipation.
  6. Intestinal neurosis with frequent loose stools without cause, pains (irritable bowel syndrome).

Intestinal neurosis

It is an offshoot of gastroneuroses, although it is rarely isolated as a separate disease. Most often, neurosis of the stomach and intestines appear in the patient at the same time. The symptoms are listed above: these are stool disorders, flatulence, pain in the soft part of the abdomen, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen.

Usually, disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and intestines on a nervous basis accompany each other, but in some cases an intestinal neurosis occurs without gastric symptoms.

There is no talk of intestinal neurosis if the symptoms appear sporadically and in connection with single stressful situations. Almost everyone has experienced at least one indigestion before an exam, date, or public speaking. But such "nervous" diarrhea and bubbling in the stomach do not require treatment and go away on their own. Now imagine a similar state that does not go away for months. Regardless of whether the patient is worried about nervous indigestion or intestinal neurosis, the treatment is the same: symptom relief plus psychotherapy.

Causes of gastroneuroses

The main cause of gastroneuroses is a violation of the nervous regulation of the gastrointestinal tract.

More broadly, given state caused by stress, in which a person is longer than he can bear. Stress becomes chronic, the body is constantly "preparing for battle", the adrenal glands secrete the stress hormone - cortisol. The psyche, like a hundred thousand years ago, reacts to stress with the desire to fight or flee, but a person living in a civilized world is forced to block these desires. The vagus nerve is overstimulated by cortisol and adrenaline. Since it is he who is responsible for the secretion of the stomach, there is a decrease or increase in the production of gastric juice, food is digested poorly, or, conversely, an acidic environment causes the development of a stomach ulcer. Similar processes occur with the intestine, which reacts to stress with frequent loose stools or constipation.

A protracted difficult situation with work, money, personal and professional relationships can lead to neurosis.

Chronic stress is often caused by the loss of a loved one or a painful breakup. Prolonged overwork, malnutrition and regular lack of sleep also lead the body into a state of stress. Also, intestinal neurosis often manifests itself against the background of an already existing chronic neurosis. Thus, the proverb "All diseases are from the nerves" is confirmed. A person can literally “sick of life”, it is difficult for him to “digest” it.


First of all, it is necessary to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Treatment is carried out in a complex:

  1. General strengthening measures - correction of sleep and wakefulness, spa treatment, the appointment of a vitamin complex, walks, the recommendation to spend less time at the TV and computer. Sports (simple morning exercises or yoga will do), vitamins, water and sun are very effective means in the treatment of any type of neurosis.
  2. Relief of physiological symptoms - selection of a sparing menu, proper diet, prescribing drugs depending on the main symptom. For example, drugs that reduce or increase the acidity of the stomach, bacteria to improve microflora, drugs that relieve spasm.
  3. Elimination of a stressful situation and psychotherapy. Without it, it is difficult to get rid of such a complex disease as gastrointestinal neurosis. After all, the cause of painful sensations and unpleasant states lies in the mind, and often even at the subconscious level - that is, a person does not even realize that he is tormented. Therefore, no pills, herbs and dietary supplements will bring complete recovery.
  4. Medicinal correction of neurosis with the help of psychotropic drugs. Be sure to apply in severe cases, such as anorexia and bulimia.
  5. Physiotherapy treatment aimed at normalizing nervous processes: heating, baths, massage. It is useful even for completely healthy, but a little tired people.


So, summing up the above, we can say: it is necessary to treat a gastrointestinal disorder on a nervous basis without delay. However, if you have recently noticed some symptoms of gastroneuroses in yourself, first of all try to harmonize your life and reduce the impact of stress. Perhaps soon you will not remember the past illness.

Against the background of psychological instability and various physiological factors, gastric neurosis may develop. We are talking about internal problems - personal conflicts, regular stress, moral trauma. The state of neurosis is treated, but subject to an integrated approach.

Forms of neurosis

There are several types of neurosis. The most common form is with heartburn on an ongoing basis. It occurs without visible reasons. It is problematic to fix it, they do not even help medicines, diet.

Aerographic form of the disease. There is voluntary swallowing a large number air while eating. Against the background of excess air, an eructation, a taste in the mouth, and nausea appear.

Aneroxic neurosis of the stomach is a condition in which there is an aversion to food. The person does not eat and almost completely refuses to use it. This type of disease can lead to death if you do not seek help in time. It happens that a person is overcome by severe hunger, in which food is eaten in large quantities. To prevent body weight from increasing, the patient provokes a gag reflex. In this case, you need to make an appointment with a psychotherapist.

How does neurosis manifest itself?

Neuroses of the gastrointestinal tract in medicine are common. Most of all, the disease affects middle-aged women. Pathological manifestations fall into two categories:

  • Neurosis of the stomach with pain in the epigastric region;
  • Neurosis in the intestines and nearby areas.

The main symptoms of stomach neurosis are signs such as:

  • Feeling of hunger that does not go away even after eating;
  • Aversion to the smell of food;
  • Desire is under pain of death;
  • Burning behind the breastbone;
  • Vomiting after eating;
  • Flatulence, colic on a nervous basis;
  • Discomfort in the stomach;
  • Belching;
  • Chewing reflex in the absence of food;
  • Feeling of heaviness.

There may also be constipation and diarrhea. A specialized specialist can clarify and establish the cause of these conditions. The clinic of neuroses is almost the same, since they have a common psychosomatics. In addition to discomfort in the epigastric region, there may be changes in other areas. For example, faintness, migraine, pressure drops, insomnia, "nervous" behavior, phobias, panic attacks, heart pain, frequent urination.

Independent neuroses of the intestine and stomach are rare. Usually there is a mixed process. Painful sensations increase in the evening, they can be stopped by normalizing the emotional state. The "double" type of neurosis is often observed in people with vascular problems, overweight. Unbalanced personalities also fall into this list.

Symptoms of the disease are similar to other, more serious pathologies. Therefore, during the examination, the doctor should conduct necessary examination to make sure there are no ulcers, gastritis, stomach cancer.

Methods of treatment

With advanced gastric neurosis, the risk of intestinal infection increases, which subsequently becomes chronic. That is why you should immediately contact a specialist at the first symptoms. A neglected form of pathology will aggravate the condition and provoke serious complications.

The treatment of gastric neurosis is a lengthy process that involves complex measures. They are aimed at stopping all unpleasant manifestations. To find an individual therapy, you need to visit the following doctors:

  • Neurologist;
  • Psychiatrist;
  • Psychotherapist.

Complex treatment- This is the use of tranquilizers, available only by prescription. You also need to undergo a psychotherapeutic course that will help resolve the conflict. Physiotherapy is recommended (massage, applications). This has a positive effect on the nervous system. This includes treatment at resorts, vitamin therapy, taking tinctures. These medications must be prescribed by a doctor.

In addition to these activities, you need to relax and be more in the fresh air. It's important to get it back in order. Sleep at night should be at least six hours. Also important point is food. With a balanced diet, pain is less likely to occur or disappear altogether.

The diet is based on individual characteristics. Chronic conditions, stomach acidity are assessed. Be sure to eat dried fruits, as their action has a beneficial effect on the mental state. The diet is based on fruits and vegetables. It is desirable to exclude fried and meat.

Diet for neurosis

A specially designed diet takes first place in the treatment of neurosis. In the process proper nutrition nausea disappears, vomiting and other symptoms occur less frequently. Usually, by the end of the course, the symptoms go away.

But you need to eat according to the rules:

  • Food must be thoroughly chewed;
  • swallowing small pieces;
  • Fractional meals 5-6 times a day;
  • Fatty and smoked dishes are excluded;
  • Salty, spicy is impossible;
  • All products are steamed.

Of course, sometimes you want delicious and favorite products. With stomach neurosis, you need to choose, on the scales is the health and desires of a person with regards to food. There are no global prohibitions, but it’s better not to take risks and ask your doctor about it in detail. He will also write down all the important points, give useful recommendations.

Recovery period

After the treatment course, rehabilitation is necessary. At this time, you need to follow the doctor's instructions as clearly as possible, follow a diet and try not to strain the body with loads. Be sure to eliminate stress, do what you love. These manipulations are simple, but important so that hysterical neurosis passes by in the future. This is where balance and peace of mind are important. The diet corrects the results, improves well-being. It normalizes the process of digestion. In order to make life as easy as possible and not to inflate yourself with gloomy thoughts, it is advisable to visit a sanatorium, find a new business.

Neurosis of the stomach in any of its manifestations brings considerable discomfort. Appetite becomes bad, there are pains, heartburn. With the right approach to the selection of treatment, the disease can be prevented and prevent recurrence. It is important to listen to the recommendations of the attending physician. Any slack can provoke a relapse. The doctor selects a course of recovery after the treatment period to consolidate the result.

How to prevent neurosis

In order to prevent the development of neurosis, prevention is important. The task is to create favorable conditions for the stomach and general condition. When troubles arise, it is important not to take the situation to heart, not to carry negativity and conflicts through yourself. Each nervous excitement can negatively affect health, which in the future will be difficult to normalize.

It is advisable to do physical exercises. It does not hurt to paint life in minutes, so that incomprehensible thoughts do not arise in your head. In the period of prevention, herbal medicines play an important role. They are prescribed by the attending physician. The list of such drugs will include motherwort, rosemary and valerian. In some cases, luminal is prescribed, but in a small dosage.

Neurosis of the stomach brings a lot of troubles associated with health. Feelings and stressful situations can provoke it. It is for these reasons that it is important to fill life with bright colors, positive emotions. You need to learn to enjoy the new day, communicate with loved ones, walk more.

Gastric neurosis is a pathological process, the development of which is facilitated by a wide variety of physiological and psychological factors. Psychological reasons include internal conflicts of the personality, constant stressful situations, psychological trauma. This condition can be cured only if an integrated approach is used.

What provokes the disease?

Despite the fact that in medical statistics there are very few cases of patients with such a problem visiting a doctor; the symptoms of gastric neurosis were felt by a large part of the population. At the same time, more than half of them did not even suspect that they had stomach neurosis. There is nothing surprising here, since pathology can occur for a large number of reasons:

  1. A busy rhythm of life, poor quality or short night rest, unbalanced psyche, stress, overstrain associated with professional activity, psychological trauma.
  2. Improper and untimely nutrition, frequent use of such harmful products like "fast food".
  3. , tumor formations.
  4. External pathological influences on the stomach. These include intoxication by inhalation or ingestion. chemical substances, poisoning with low-quality products.
  5. Diseases of other organs of the digestive and endocrine systems. Such ailments contribute to the occurrence of a reflex reaction of the stomach. Therefore, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, colic can provoke stomach neurosis.
  6. Diseases of a viral and infectious nature.

How to recognize the disease?

Such a pathological process as neurosis of the gastrointestinal tract today is a common disease in medical practice. Most often, the disease affects women of the middle age category. Patients complain of the following symptoms of the disease:

  • Feeling hungry despite recent food intake
  • a feeling of disgust from food, nausea at its sight or smell;
  • constant thoughts about food;
  • severe heartburn;
  • feeling nauseous, vomiting after eating (similar symptoms refer to a condition called anorexia);
  • nervous colic, flatulence;
  • discomfort in the stomach, pain syndrome;
  • belching;
  • nervous chewing movements in the absence of food;
  • feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region.

The symptoms of a psychomatic nature are slightly different from those listed earlier. They do not always appear only from the side of the epigastric region. In this case, the following symptoms are distinguished:

  • persistent migraines, dizziness and high blood pressure;
  • violation of sleep hygiene, inability to fall asleep at night, nervous awakenings;
  • irritability, which develops into phobias and panic attacks;
  • rapid pulsation, heaviness in the chest, pain in the heart, frequent trips to the toilet in a small way.

Diagnostic methods

The basis of diagnosis is the discovery of the main causes that contributed to the formation of pathology. To do this, the doctor must exclude diseases of the intestines and other organs. digestive system which may have similar symptoms. Only complex gastroenterological diagnostics can help in this matter.

Taking into account the existing clinical picture, differential diagnosis put with peptic ulcer, helminthic invasion, . In the absence of other functional pathologies of the stomach, further examination is carried out by an experienced neuropathologist. He will be able to send the patient for additional consultation with a psychiatrist. Such activities are necessary to collect a detailed history and develop psychotherapeutic treatment. Its essence is the correction of the psycho-emotional state of the patient.

Effective Therapy

If the neurosis of the stomach is in an advanced stage, then there is a danger of infection intestinal diseases which become chronic over time. Therefore, as soon as you notice the first symptoms of the disease, do not sit and wait for everything to pass by itself, but go to the doctor for an appointment. A neglected form of neurosis will lead to an aggravation of the condition and can cause a whole bunch of serious complications.

The treatment of neurosis includes a set of measures that are aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and all unpleasant manifestations. After visiting such specialists as a neurologist, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, it will be possible to draw up an effective scheme of therapeutic measures. Comprehensive treatment of the disease includes:

  1. Taking psychotropic medications - tranquilizers. They are sold strictly by prescription.
  2. Treatment with the help of a psychotherapeutic course that will resolve the conflict situation.
  3. Physiotherapy, including massage, baths and applications. Such treatment is aimed at normalizing processes in the nervous system.
  4. Restorative preventive actions, including medical manipulations, vitamin therapy, spa treatment.
  5. Phytotherapy is based on taking decoctions, tinctures. But only the attending physician should select such therapy.

In addition to the activities presented, the patient should rest more often and be in the fresh air. Therefore, try to normalize the mode of rest and work. Your night sleep must last at least 6 hours.

Rational nutrition is an important condition for a successful recovery. Thanks to a properly composed diet, it will be possible to eliminate abdominal pain in case of neurosis. It is compiled taking into account such features of the body as the presence of a gastrointestinal disease in chronic form, acidity level of the stomach.

Such treatment involves the use of only natural products (nuts, dried fruits), which have positive influence on the mental state of a person. You will have to give up meat and fried foods. The basis of nutrition should be vegetables, fruits, fresh or boiled.

Preventive actions

To protect yourself from such a disease, it is very important to observe prevention. It involves creating the conditions for a painless existence. Try not to take all life's troubles to heart, avoid negative emotions and personal conflicts both at work and at home. Do a simple routine every day exercise and lead an active lifestyle. If your whole life is scheduled by the minute, then your head will not be visited by all sorts of incomprehensible thoughts.

In the issue of prevention, drugs play an important role. But a doctor must prescribe them. It is best to purchase herbal medicines. An excellent option would be valerian, motherwort, mint and rosemary. In some cases, the doctor prescribes the reception of Luminal in small dosages.

Neurosis of the stomach is a disease that brings with it a mass discomfort. Various stressful conflict situations can provoke it. Therefore, try to fill your life with only positive moments, enjoy every new day, pay more attention to your loved ones, and not to work, take a walk in the fresh air and you will never hear about such an ailment.

A feature of the gastrointestinal tract is the location in it of a large number of nerve endings. Severe stress, depression, fear through the release of stress hormones often leads to their strong irritation and failure of the entire digestive system. It is impossible to control the emerging gastroneuroses by willpower. Sometimes it is supplemented with irritable bowel syndrome.

The disorder most often occurs in children, women under 40 before important or fearful events, immediately after stress or has a delayed effect. In the latter case, disturbing moments may have occurred in the past or accumulated in small portions gradually. However, at some point in time, under the influence of disturbing events, they managed to manifest themselves.

Pathology in its external manifestations does not differ from diseases caused by organic causes. However, the diagnostics performed did not allow us to see any anatomical abnormalities.

Types of neurosis

The leading symptomatology makes it possible to distinguish several types of gastric neurosis. Pathology can be manifested by severe heartburn. It comes up all the time. It is not possible to remove it with medicines and dietary nutrition.

The disorder is accompanied by aerophagia. Distinctive feature this type of gastroneuroses is a constant belching. She comes out with loud noises, screaming. Occurs due to involuntary swallowing of air. Additionally, a person is annoyed by flatulence.

Intestinal neurosis is manifested by stool disorders. Often accompanied by diarrhea. Without any objective reason, loose stools appear up to four times a day. Occurs mostly in the morning. On the contrary, with a decrease in acidity, constipation, poor appetite, and frequent abdominal pain appear. This disorder manifests itself in different ways. Sometimes constipation is replaced by diarrhea. In other cases, the stool is regular, but even after a bowel movement, there is a feeling that there are still stool.

Gastroneurosis is also manifested by violations of appetite. In the anorexic form, a person is disgusted with all dishes, even favorite ones. Prolonged neurosis of this kind leads to death.

Sometimes the disorder is characterized by increased appetite. The patient experiences constant hunger. He eats a lot, but the food masses immediately come out with vomiting. It occurs involuntarily, is not accompanied by pain and nausea.

The reasons

Intestinal neurosis is more often manifested in people who are vulnerable, weakened by illness, fatigue and worries. However, he often attacks and quite healthy person who is used to sending his anxieties and worries into the depths of consciousness.

The mechanism of the occurrence of pathology is associated with increased release of cortisol and adrenaline in situations that are perceived as stressful or really are. Stress hormones affect nervus vagus, under whose influence gastric juice produced in small quantities or, conversely, too large. This leads to a violation of the digestion of food masses, the appearance of ulcers, stool disorder.