Neurological diseases in children. Neurological diseases: list, symptoms, causes and treatment features Children's neurological diseases, symptoms and treatment

The nervous system of a child is one of the most important components of a holistic organism. With help nervous system not only control over the activity of the whole organism as a whole, but also the relationship of this organism with the external environment. This relationship is carried out with the help of sensory organs, receptors on the surface of the child's skin.

The nervous system is a very complex formation in the body of a child. Any violation in its well-coordinated activities can lead to the development of quite serious diseases.

The development of the nervous system is uneven. The laying of the brain occurs on early stages pregnancy (1st week of intrauterine development of the child). But even after childbirth, the process of division and the formation of new nerve cells does not complete. The most intensive period of formation of the child's nervous system falls on the first 4 years of life. It is during this period that the child receives more than 50% of the information that helps him in later life. Adverse environmental influences, infectious diseases, injuries during this period lead to the formation of the greatest number of neurological diseases.

The motor activity of the child, which is also controlled by the nervous system, is also important. Being inside the uterus, the child takes a certain position, which allows him to occupy a smaller volume. After birth, the child can identify various reflexes. The presence of these reflexes, on the one hand, is associated with the immaturity of the nervous system, and on the other hand, they help the child survive in the environment. Gradually, in the process of maturation of the nervous system, many of the reflexes disappear, but some, such as swallowing, remain with us for life.

The sense organs (sight, smell, touch, hearing) are very important in the life of a child. These organs help the child navigate environment, to form an idea about objects and phenomena, to communicate and learn about the world. Any violations of these sense organs lead to the fact that it becomes very difficult for a child to perceive the world, to communicate with his peers. Of no small importance for the formation of communication is speech, which will also be controlled by the nervous system. Speech impairment can be both a consequence of brain damage and organic diseases of the organs involved in the formation of speech. It is necessary to identify various speech disorders in time and treat these conditions, since speech is necessary not only for communication, but also for the correct assimilation of the knowledge gained.

In some cases it is difficult to recognize neurological diseases in children in the early stages, as they may be hidden behind the functional immaturity of the nervous system. In this case, only parents are able to provide all possible assistance. medical workers, as they are next to the child almost 24 hours a day, and can immediately determine whether the child's behavior has changed. A feature of neurological disorders in children is also the fact that many of them are wounded, timely, correct, although long-term treatment disappear almost completely.

After studying the articles collected in this section, you will be able to learn how to identify various states in children, which may indicate that the child has a pathology of the nervous system and in time to draw the attention of a doctor to this.

A pediatric neurologist is a very important specialist who takes care of the central and peripheral nervous system of a child from birth to 18 years of age. What does a pediatric neurologist treat and what does a pediatric neurologist do? The primary task of this specialist is periodic monitoring of the stages of formation and development of the nervous system of a small patient, during which many progressive pathologies can be prevented. If it is impossible to prevent them and prevention does not help, an experienced pediatric neurologist determines the diagnosis and prescribes the appropriate complex treatment, in most cases, which successfully cures the disease.

Today, there are a lot of different diseases of the nervous system that differ from each other, which are classified in a certain order. We list the main lesions of the nervous system, and answer the question - what does a pediatric neurologist treat.

  • Pathology associated with an infection formed due to exposure to harmful viruses and bacteria. A newborn baby is most susceptible to such infectious disease due to insufficiently developed immunity. That is why doctors do not recommend parents to visit crowded places with a small child.
  • Epilepsy. It can be formed, both as a result of trauma, and congenitally. Consultation and treatment by a neurologist are simply obligatory here.
  • Diseases associated with severe bruises of the head region, traumatic injuries.
  • toxic pathology. Some drugs and medications, namely their incorrect appointment and use, can provoke a similar damage to the nervous system.
  • genetic pathology. It is transmitted from parents or relatives due to the corresponding heredity.
  • Hypoxia, which in turn was observed in utero in the fetus.

From this video you will learn what can threaten not visiting a neurologist:

What is mmd in neurology in children

MMD is a minimal brain dysfunction caused by acute insufficiency central nervous system, mental disorders of the child, as well as a number of other dangerous symptoms.

How does mmd manifest itself in neurology in children?

  • Too active behavior, namely, constant movements of both arms and legs, lack of perseverance.
  • Quick distraction for the presence of any stimuli.
  • Inability to play alone.
  • Without stopping, he talks, interrupts adults, does not hear others when he is asked questions.
  • Moves from one task to another without completing the first.
  • Loss of things in kindergarten, school, absent-mindedness.

What is neurology in children?

Neurology in children is a complex multifaceted medical discipline that deals with diseases of the nervous system of a small patient. If a qualified specialist doctor nevertheless revealed neurology in a child, this can be explained by the following most common reasons:

  • Obtaining a birth mechanical injury;
  • fetal hypoxia, as well as insufficient oxygen supply due to possible multiple entanglement in utero;
  • complex process of childbirth and labor activity;
  • acute toxicosis of pregnant women throughout the entire period;
  • genetic inheritance.

What is neurology in children of eight years?

The psyche of a child is like plasticine, it is very susceptible to stress, any circumstances, parents, in turn, are advised to ensure that it has not been damaged. In what cases does neurology occur in school-age children, namely 8 years old?

  1. Too heavy load on the child's body.
  2. Feeling of constant fear caused by the behavior of parents, as well as their pressure.
  3. Adaptation period at school.

Such a neurosis is accompanied by experiences, sometimes stuttering, tic, fainting. At the slightest manifestation of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Nervous system disorders can be varied.
Most often it is:
affective-respiratory attacks;
speech disorders;
sleep disorders;
fits of anger;
problems of education;
increased excitability.

Affective-respiratory attacks:

Affective-respiratory attacks are acute breath holding. May occur when a child screams or cries. From anger, resentment or pain (for example, when falling), the child begins to cry so bitterly that he holds his breath, there is no more air in the lungs, the child first turns red, then turns blue and immediately begins to breathe. At the moment of lack of air, short-term oxygen starvation of the brain is possible and the child loses consciousness. At this time there may be convulsions.

All this lasts for several tens of seconds, after which the children become lethargic, sometimes drowsy. Similar attacks can occur in 2% of children under 2 years of age, rarely up to 4 years.
This usually happens in very stubborn, wayward children who try to get their way at any cost. Such states, as a rule, pass without a trace and serve as one of the manifestations of early childhood nervousness. During an attack, the child should be taken out to fresh air, turned face down so that the sunken tongue does not overlap Airways. You can splash your face cold water, but do not give to drink, as the child does not swallow at this moment.

In order to avoid an attack, it is necessary to "switch" the child's attention to some other object, distract him and try to avoid conflict situations. The unity of views of the whole family on the attitude to this problem is necessary, since the child very quickly learns to benefit for himself from the current situation. In many cases, you need to consult a psychologist. Such attacks do not pose a particular danger, however, in all cases, a doctor's consultation is necessary to rule out epilepsy and disorders. heart rate. It should also be remembered that often recurring attacks due to oxygen starvation brain can lead to neurological diseases.

Speech disorders:

If it seems to you that the child speaks little, ask the speech therapist how he should speak at this age. The development of a child's speech depends on how much they talk to him from the first days of life. At first, the newborn does not seem to respond in any way to appeals to him. But a few weeks pass, and the child listens to the sounds of speech, as if freezes. After some time, in response to your speech, he begins to pronounce the sounds: “gu”, “u”. By 1.5-2 months it hums well, and by 3 months it hums for a long time, drawn out, melodious, calms down when you start talking, then hums again, smiles. By 6-8 months, chains of sounds appear: “ba-ba-ba”, “ma-ma-ma”, by 9-12 months - words. By the year, a child usually knows 6-10 words.

By 15 months, he begins to consciously address his parents and other family members: “mother”, “dad”, “woman”. By 18 months, he copies intonations well, follows instructions (“take it and bring it, put it down”, etc.). By age 2, can speak short two-word sentences ("mama, um"). After 2 years, sentences are formed, and a 3-year-old child already speaks in phrases, sings songs, reads short poems. True, speech is still fuzzy, not always understandable to others. However, this is not always the case. If the child does not speak much, it is necessary to find out if he has hearing impairments or damage to the nervous system. If the child hears well, it is necessary to constantly talk to him, teach him to use not gestures, but words.

Surrounded by a “wall of silence”, the baby lacks incentives for the development of speech. If the child's speech is unclear, you should contact a speech therapist to check if he has a short frenulum of the tongue. The pathology of the hard palate (cleft palate) also leads to impaired sound pronunciation, even after surgical correction. If there are no abnormalities on the part of the hearing organ, the oral cavity, it is necessary to consult a neurologist in order to exclude a delay in psychoverbal development as a result of damage to the nervous system.

It should also be remembered about the hereditary features of the development of speech. There is a natural difference in the development of children's speech: someone starts talking earlier, someone later. The more you talk to your child, the sooner he will learn to speak on his own. Most speech disorders are the result of hearing pathology.

Sleep disorders in children:

Like adults, children have different sleep needs. Newborns sleep from 12 to 20 hours a day, older children sleep all night. However, some can only sleep 4-5 hours and do not sleep during the day. In most cases, these are hereditary features, but the child's lifestyle also makes its own changes. Children who are not very active during the day do not sleep well at night, as well as overly active ones who do not have time to calm down in the evening.

Children with asthma, eczema, allergies, food intolerances also do not sleep well at night. Much depends on how the child is laid. In some families, it is customary to rock the baby in her arms, in others - to put it in the crib. The advantage of the latter method is that the parents can be alone for a while.

About half of children under 5 wake up at night, which is normal. Another thing is that at the same time parents do not get enough sleep. Therefore, they can get up to the child one by one or sleep longer in the morning.

Sleep disorders include:
night terrors;
sleepwalking (sleepwalking).

Nightmares very unpleasant for the child. They occur due to respiratory disorders: with asthma, allergies, enlarged tonsils, nasal congestion, due to mental causes(scary movies, etc.), pain or injury, and in hot and stuffy rooms. Usually happens between 8 and 9 years. The child dreams that someone is crushing him, chasing him, etc. In the morning he remembers what he dreamed about. These disorders occur during REM sleep.

Night fears. The child wakes up at night and screams for several minutes, not recognizing others. It is not easy to calm him down, he is frightened, he has a rapid heartbeat, wide pupils, rapid breathing, facial features are distorted. Most often, night terrors are noted between 4 and 7 years. After a few minutes, the child calms down and falls asleep, in the morning he does not remember anything. Night terrors occur during the phase of less deep sleep.

Sleepwalking (sleepwalking, somnambulism) appears in or out of light sleep: Children get out of bed, walk around the room, may talk, go to the toilet, or urinate in the room, then return to their bed or bed and go to bed. In the morning they don't remember it. Sometimes sleepwalking is combined with night terrors. It should be remembered that tired children sleep soundly. Therefore, the physical and mental activity of the child during the day: outdoor games, singing, reading poetry, counting rhymes - contributes to sound sleep.

By the age of 3, children sleep significantly less during the day or refuse to eat at all. daytime sleep. Putting the child to bed in the evening after the bath, a bedtime story helps to consolidate the regimen, and the child calmly goes to bed. You can leave a dim light of a night lamp or a light in the corridor if the baby is afraid of the dark. In the crib, the child can take his favorite toy or book. Sometimes quiet music or “white noise” (the operation of any household appliances, quiet conversations between adults) helps. You should not rock the baby in your arms, as he wakes up as soon as he is laid in the crib. It's better to sit next to me and sing a lullaby. The bedroom should be cozy and warm.

If the child cries, being afraid to be alone, accustom him to this gradually. After laying down the child, go out for a few minutes and come back again. Gradually increase your time away. The child will know that you are somewhere nearby and will return to him.

With nightmares and night terrors, you need to calm the child, put him to bed. If necessary, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can give mild sedatives. It is important that the child does not watch movies in the evening, fairy tales that can scare him. When sleeping, you need to calmly lay the child down, do not wake him up. You need to examine it with a doctor and, if necessary, treat it. Remember about the safety of the child: close windows and doors so that he does not get on the stairs and does not fall through the window.

Sleep disturbances are common in infants and young children. However, regular laying at the same time allows you to develop a certain regimen. In case of sleep disorders, it is necessary to consult a doctor and use appropriate medications.


All young children are a little awkward, as their nervous system does not keep up with the development of muscles and bones. Starting to eat on his own, the child soils clothes, scatters food, learning to dress - fights with buttons, fasteners, locks. Often falls, bruises, bruises and bumps appear on the head, arms and legs. At the age of 3, it is still difficult for a child to build a tower of cubes, preschoolers draw poorly, write, often break dishes, do not know how to estimate distances, so they awkwardly throw and catch the ball.

Many children do not distinguish the right side from the left. More often they are overly excitable, impulsive, and cannot concentrate for a long time. Some begin to walk late (after one and a half years). It will take some time for them to make up for this gap. In some children, coordination of movements suffers “by inheritance”. Other children have emotional disturbances.

Children with any deviations: coordinating, emotional, manipulative - feel different from everyone else. Sometimes awkwardness results from injuries, especially to the head. Premature babies are also somewhat different from their peers. In many cases, as the child grows, initially imperceptible, violations of the type of minimal cerebral insufficiency appear. The awkwardness of the child complicates the problems of education. Failure to complete any task can cause anger, resentment, a tendency to solitude, shyness, self-doubt in a child, especially if peers begin to laugh at him.

Non-rough neurological disorders often overlooked and the child judged as "normal but obnoxious", leading to punishments, reprimands, more behavioral disturbances and pathological character formation. The child begins to avoid school, finds any reason not to go to lessons where he is scolded and ridiculed. Parents first of all must understand that the child is not all right. If you notice that your child is especially awkward, contact a neurologist or psychologist to identify and clarify the nature of the violations as early as possible.

Every tenth child has minor violations, so it is important to show maximum patience and attention in order to carry out the appropriate correction. Success requires mutual understanding, patience, and not punishment, ridicule and reprimand. If minimal brain damage is detected, do not be discouraged, there are many ways to treat and correct such disorders.

Outbursts of anger:

Anger attacks often occur in children between the ages of one and a half to 4 years. The most difficult time is from 2 to 3 years. This is a critical age of self-affirmation. By age 4, seizures become much less frequent. At the age of 2-3 years, about 20% of children are angry every day for one reason or another.

The main reason for anger is dissatisfaction with the fact that the child cannot express his desires the way he wants. Children at this age are very aware of everything that is happening around them, and passionately want everything to be as they want. If this does not happen, anger develops into fits of anger, which cause a lot of anxiety to parents, especially in public places. Sometimes you even have to spank the baby.

To avoid this unpleasant situation, always analyze your actions before you go somewhere with your child. Children usually start acting up if they want to eat. Have some fruit or cookies with you at all times. If the child wants to sleep, try to get home at bedtime or go after the child wakes up and is in a good mood. Sometimes it is possible to "switch" the child's attention to something unusual and interesting in the environment.

Attacks of envy towards a sister or brother can be prevented by giving the child maximum attention and tenderness, and not scolding him. Try to remain calm and not react to the antics of the child. Don't worry about what others will say. Many of them also have children and know how difficult it can be with them. Sometimes the child cries in anger and can cause an affective-respiratory attack, but fortunately this is rare. Always stay calm and be consistent.

Pick up a crying baby in your arms and hug it tightly so that it cannot escape. Move all nearby objects that he can grab and throw away. If the child does not want to move, leave him and go, but do not let him out of your sight. Usually children always run after the departing parents. Despite the difficulties, do not let the child win, otherwise it will be even more difficult each time. In case of fits of anger in a child after 5 years, it is necessary to consult a psychologist.

Problems of education in children:

The problems of education are very diverse. The causes of the problems that arise can be attacks of anger, refusal to eat, sleep disturbance, excessive excitability, and sometimes attacks of aggression, when the child can harm himself and others by biting and fighting. The behavior of parents in such situations depends on their culture, upbringing, social status. Parents' behavior is especially influenced by their own childhood experiences.

Some parents are very strict with the child and do not allow any concessions, others are more gentle and loyal. FROM medical point there is no single approach to education. The main thing is that parents do not humiliate or insult the child. Children who are accustomed to the regime of the day and constantly know what they will do next, as a rule, do not cause trouble in education, even if they are overly excitable.

Parents seek help when they are unable to cope with the child and their parenting methods do not work. There are no ideal children, but the behavior of parents in matters of upbringing largely determines the fate of the child. Sometimes education (or, better to say, its absence) contradicts all norms of behavior in society. In education, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the child. Some children are calm, timid from birth, while others, on the contrary, are mobile and assertive.

Restless children sleep poorly, are prone to nightmares, and get tired quickly. If they are constantly under fear of punishment, they see strained relations between their parents, then they try in any way to attract attention to themselves, including bad behavior. In many ways, education is the result of the behavior of parents. A child who was not given sweets begins to act up, but if he does not achieve his goal, he will draw conclusions for himself.

Sometimes a child's misbehavior comes out in certain situations: if he is hungry, thirsty, or tired. Then it is very easy to establish the cause and normalize the situation. If a child misbehaves, it is necessary to patiently and easily explain his mistakes and repeat this in appropriate situations. Children respond to a sensitive, attentive attitude, especially to praise, even if they do not always deserve it. An excited child can be allowed to "splash out energy" in the game, in sports, so that he calms down.

You can't let your child do everything. If it says "No!" - it should be a sure "no", the law for all family members. It is very bad when one of the parents forbids, and the other, on the contrary, allows. Always respond intelligently to your child's antics. It is better to praise for good behavior than to punish for disobedience. You can even promise a reward for something good, but be sure to keep your promise. However, the reward should not be an everyday stimulus for the child's behavior.

Daily routine and consistent attitude towards the child can prevent many difficulties. If you are not coping with the problems of raising your child, contact a neurologist or psychiatrist to identify possible (hidden) deviations from the nervous system.

Increased excitability:

This term is not always used correctly. Often an energetic, mobile child is called excitable. However, children suffering from increased excitability are not only mobile, but also restless, they cannot concentrate, make many unnecessary movements when doing any work, study poorly, cannot complete the work they have started, their mood changes quickly.

Such children often have fits of anger when they throw objects on the floor, often they suffer from lack of coordination, awkwardness. Such phenomena occur in 1-2% of children, 5 times more often in boys than in girls. Correction of such behavior must be carried out as early as possible: having matured, overly excitable children can commit antisocial acts. The causes of increased excitability are not fully understood. Importance attached to hereditary factors and the impact of the social environment. The influence of allergies (eczema, asthma) and other diseases, as well as deviations during pregnancy and childbirth, is not excluded.

If the child is very excitable, it is necessary to carefully consider the regimen of his day. Find out what your child is interested in and use these interests to teach him concentration, perseverance, improve coordination and motor activity of the hands. This can be drawing, coloring, designing, certain games, sports activities, etc. Do not leave the child to himself, but give freedom at certain hours.

The main role in the correction of the behavior of an excitable child belongs to the parents. The child trusts you, and with you he feels protected. If necessary, you can seek help from a neurologist, psychologist, allergist.

Pediatric neurology - a relatively young branch of medicine, which originated at the junction of two areas: neuropathology and pediatrics. However, it has become very important in the field of clinical disciplines.

This area is one of the most difficult in medicine. Exactly at childhood deviations from development and various pathologies that affect the formation of neuropsychic activity may begin to appear.

Certainly work neurologist in this area is incredibly responsible, because the further life of the child, his social adaptation, physical and mental health depends on his decision.

In this article, we will look at some of the most common diseases, as well as their diagnosis and treatment methods. Let's designate the most common neurological diseases in children.

TBI and back injury

Traumatic brain injury includes compression, concussion or bruising of the brain. As a result of TBI, a child may develop asthenic syndrome, characterized by rapid fatigue, irritability, isolation and self-doubt. Also, the patient often develops vegetative dystonia syndrome, which includes arterial hypertension, sinus tachycardia, bradycardia, hypotension and impaired thermoregulation.

Injuries spinal cord divided into bruise and compression. With a bruise, persistent neurological disorders such as paralysis, anesthesia, and a variety of pelvic disorders can be observed. Another serious consequence of trauma is a violation of urination.


This disease characterizes a significant reduction in the skull, which affects the size of the brain. As a result, the child can observe mental insufficiency in one way or another. The disease may be congenital, or it may manifest itself in the first years of a child's life. This is a fairly serious defect that affects the functioning of the brain and central nervous system. In some cases, microcephaly can lead to oligophrenia.

Also, with this disease, in addition to mental retardation, defects in speech and motor skills may appear, caused by muscle spasm or paralysis.


Another name for this disease is dropsy of the brain. It is characterized by an increase in the volume of the ventricles of the brain, sometimes to critical sizes, arising from excessive secretion of cerebrospinal fluid and its accumulation in the region of the brain cavities.

Symptoms of hydrocephalus in children most often appear during prenatal formation, which makes it difficult to establish the causes. Because of this disease, a deformation of the skull occurs - a strong bulge of the frontal lobe, a noticeable manifestation of venous vessels at the temples, as well as a significant expansion of the fontanelles and a syndrome of displacement of the eyes upward, where they hide under the superciliary arches.


Hyperactivity is expressed in excessive energy and mobility of the child, which often leads to impaired attention. Behavioral features of behavior in most cases include sleep disturbance, lack of appetite, anxiety and neurological habits (for example, when a child constantly bites his nails).

Because the brain of a child with hyperactivity does not process the information that comes to it, it becomes uncontrollable. It is much harder for such a child to master the skills of reading, writing, etc., and when communicating with peers, conflicts often arise.

The syndrome of this disease often arises for a number of the following reasons:

  • mother's presence chronic diseases during pregnancy;
  • the toxic effect of the mother on the fetus (alcohol, smoking, chemical poisoning, etc.);
  • injuries and bruises of the mother during pregnancy;
  • complications of labor, manifested in hemorrhage, asphyxia;
  • unnatural course of childbirth ( C-section, stimulation of childbirth, rapid birth or, conversely, a delayed course of labor activity)
  • ecology in the region of residence;
  • transmission of certain diseases.

Oligophrenia (aka mental retardation or dementia) is a congenital or acquired form of underdevelopment of the child's psyche. The symptomatology of this disease can be traced in the form of damage to the mind due to inhibition of personality development against the background of pathological abnormalities of the brain. It often manifests itself in the speech and motor skills of the child, his volitional and emotional qualities.

There are several options for classifying oligophrenia, but we will consider the most traditional:

In this case, the syndrome of oligophrenia can be differentiated and undifferentiated.


This disease is characterized by the fact that a sick child has problems with social adaptation and perception of society. Such patients are rarely able to express their own emotions and practically do not understand other people's manifestations of feelings. Also, autistic people are characterized by speech retardation, in rare forms of development - a decrease in mental activity.

Autism in the first place - congenital disease, whose symptoms are manifested in a slightly retarded development of the child: in his poorly developed or absent speech at all, inability to behave in the same way as children of his age, avoiding eye contact.

However, autistics do not have any characteristic behavior, each case is considered separately. The causes of autism are not known for certain. It can only be stated with certainty that this disease is inherited and is in no way connected with the psychological situation in the family.

Diagnosis and treatment

Below are some of the reasons why you should seek advice and examination by a pediatric neurologist .

The proper functioning of the nervous system is very important for the normal functioning of the body as a whole. Unfortunately, children often suffer nervous disorders no less than adults. And if you do not pay attention to the existing problem in time, then it can develop into serious illness with the corresponding consequences. Let's consider what are neurological diseases in children, for what reasons they occur and by what methods they are treated.

Disorders of the nervous system in children can be either mild or accompanied by such serious diagnoses as: epilepsy, cerebral palsy, nervous tick, syncope, speech delay, problems with concentration, neurological enuresis, stuttering, etc.

In complex forms of the disease, treatment is very long and not always effective. Children's neurological diseases are based on the following causes:

  • unhealthy lifestyle of the mother, as well as all sorts of pathologies during pregnancy;
  • birth trauma;
  • acquired intercostal neuralgia may occur due to incorrect picking up;
  • spinal disorders;
  • regular carrying of the baby in a kangaroo bag;
  • hypothermia.

Children's neurological diseases, symptoms and treatment

Violations in the work of the nervous system can manifest themselves both immediately after birth, and after some time. It is worth being alert if the baby is constantly crying. Children are capricious in two cases: with improper care and the presence of physical or mental disorders. In any case, it is better to once again show the baby to the pediatrician. And he will decide whether consultation and supervision of a neuropathologist is necessary in a particular case or not.
Pediatric neurology has the following symptoms:

  • strong feelings of the child on various occasions;
  • excessive immersion in the fantasy world during the game;
  • chatting with imaginary friends;
  • persistent headaches;
  • nervous tic;
  • lack of appetite;
  • obsessive guards, tantrums, tearfulness;
  • insomnia;
  • neurotic urinary incontinence;
  • at an older age, fatigue, spinal disorders, frequent migraines, etc.;
  • in adolescence fanatical passion for some extraordinary occupation (subculture, religion, etc.).

Children's neuropathology is most often found in timid children with low self-esteem and who are under constant strict parental control or, conversely, provided with early childhood to ourselves.
Treatment of deviations, as a rule, is prescribed by a neurologist for children. The main methods of dealing with the disease are:

  • drug treatment;
  • physical exercises;
  • dieting;
  • various therapies (phyto, magneto, manual, etc.);
  • physiotherapy procedures;
  • massotherapy;
  • surgical intervention in complex cases (surgery on the brain and spinal cord).

Be attentive to your children. For the prevention of diseases of the nervous system, the child first of all needs a comfortable emotional environment at home. Love and care will help to avoid many emotional disorders.