What are the bellies of girls. Types of female tummies and how to get rid of them

First, look at yourself in the mirror in profile. Make an effort on yourself and do not pull in your stomach. Do not try to straighten your back, stand in a way that is comfortable for you, the way you walk every day in fact.

Now check the picture: what type is your tummy?

Most likely, you have a sedentary job, you spend a lot of time at the computer, you love sweets and do not shy away from drinking a glass of wine at dinner.

Alcohol is your enemy. Excess carbohydrates, sugar, and as a result - body fat. Give up any alcohol for at least two weeks, and then set yourself a regimen of 2-4 glasses of wine per week, no more.

- Sugar and salt are banned for a month.

- Introduce more healthy fats into your diet: lean on fish, eggs, nuts and avocados.

- Walk more.

His distinguishing feature- fat is concentrated in the navel and at the same time the stomach is dense, not loose. "It's a bundle of nerves." People who are chronically stressed, as well as perfectionists, are most prone to this type of fullness. Their body produces too much cortisol, a stress hormone that causes the body to store fat. Such people often drink a lot of coffee and energy drinks.

What will help to quickly correct the situation:

- Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Even if for the sake of this you have to sacrifice a hobby or evening serials. With lack of sleep, the production of the hormone leptin, which is responsible for appetite, decreases, and your body sends you false signals of hunger. Within a week, if you follow the sleep schedule, you will notice that you have begun to eat less.

Don't drink more than two cups of coffee during the day.

- Quit the gym. Yes, this is the advice of a professional trainer. By driving yourself at work and at home, you are also strenuously driving the body into stress, forcing you to pump iron. Will not work. Yoga, swimming, walking - as much as you like, but keep the real load to a minimum.

- Add magnesium to your diet. Special magnesium-fortified mineral water, lots of dark green vegetables, and nuts will do.

If the nasty bulge is located well below your waist, chances are you're a new mom, you're exhausting yourself at the gym, or you have back problems. Fully pumped up abdominal muscles simply fall forward and give the impression of a fat belly.

What will help to quickly correct the situation:

- Heal your gut. Almost guaranteed: you regularly seethe in your stomach and not very stable stools. Bread with bran, yogurt and kefir, a lot of vegetables - and the problem will disappear.

- Don't do squats. They create additional stress on the back. The exception is if a professional trainer is working with you. Self-prohibited! But exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back should be performed daily.

If you have not yet become a mother or gave birth to a baby more than a year ago, and they strive to give you a place in transport, most likely, we are talking about weak muscles of the pelvis and abs.

What will help to quickly correct the situation:

- Make it a rule to do simple exercises for the press and back muscles every day. Do not be zealous, but do not skip classes.

- Replace bad fats with healthy ones: eat nuts, butter and olives every day. Seriously. They will help burn bad fats and absorb vitamins from food more efficiently.

- Pull in the stomach every time you remember this - this perfectly restores muscle tone and does not lead to overwork. Once you get used to it, you will always walk with a toned abs, and nothing trains the abdominal muscles better than this.

Rounded tummy starting above the waist - main symptom… allergies. Most likely, you have an intolerance to a number of foods, but not so strong that you give out a rash and other noticeable symptoms. It’s just that the body systematically cannot cope with the digestion of the “enemy”, which is why the intestines are swollen and bulge forward.

What will help to quickly correct the situation:

“Suspect number one is gluten and gluten. Eliminate bread, pasta, confectionery, pizza, cakes and cereals, alcohol, yeast and milk for a week. Otherwise, eat fully and do not reduce portion sizes. If the stomach decreases, the reason is found.

- Start eating breakfast. Bloating is a typical problem for those who do not eat in the morning, but like to have a full dinner. Drink more water.

- Finally, the problem may lie in the damaged intestinal microflora. Drink probiotics, love miso soup, sour cream, cabbage, garlic and onions. After a couple of weeks, evaluate the situation!

- If none of the above work, look for a food allergen with the help of a specialist. Everything will be fine!

A painful question for many women: what to do with the stomach? It stands out under a tight dress and hangs menacingly over the belt of jeans ... Alas, not everyone is helped and fit by the exercises on the press. Why? Trainer and industry guru James Duigan explains that not all bellies are the same, and each type needs a different approach.

Once you determine your belly type, you can arm yourself with special exercises that will help you.

Belly - "flat tire"

It is easier to remove such a tummy than the rest, since its cause is malnutrition and insufficient exercise.

How to determine: People with such a stomach, as a rule, lead a sedentary lifestyle, both at home and at work. They also often have an irresistible love for sweets.

Typical bad habits : If you exercise little and eat a lot of sweets and refined carbohydrates (cakes, pastries, white bread), as well as "starchy" carbohydrates (pasta, rice), then you most likely have excess fat deposited on your stomach, legs and hips, James thinks.

Making the waist: Give up alcohol. “Alcohol is a belly fat bomb—pure sugar that goes straight to the waist and slows down the breakdown of other fats until it is digested on its own,” says James. A couple of glasses of wine several times a week and hello wine belly! After 2 weeks, as you completely give up alcohol, you can start a diet, but do not rush to start calorie arithmetic, what is more important is what you eat. Focus on fresh, home-cooked foods such as fish, eggs, meat, and vegetables. And don't be afraid of the good fats from avocados, nuts, and fatty fish, on the contrary, they will help you lose weight. For this type of abdomen, exercise is a key helper. Walk more, do yoga. You don't need a gym.

Useful advice: If you reward yourself with cakes and eat up trouble with biscuits, quit this habit. Looking good means feeling good too. The starting point to get rid of any type of hanging belly - learn to be happy!

stress belly

It is characteristic of perfectionists and adherents of 100% return.

How to determine: Such people often suffer from digestive problems that cause bloating. “Such a stomach is easy to identify: the main weight is concentrated in the front of the abdomen in the navel area,” explains James. “When we are stressed, we release cortisol, a hormone that pushes the body to store fat in the belly area.” To the touch, such a stomach seems more hard than soft.

typical bad habits: People with this type of stomach often skip meals, overload their adrenal system with caffeine and fast food.

Making the waist:

  • Get enough sleep. “Permanently nervous women rarely sleep well, which interferes with the production of leptin, a hormone that regulates appetite and metabolism,” says James. "So we're grabbing high-calorie sweet foods to keep us energized."
  • Meditate before bed, take a relaxing bath, and cut down on coffee to two cups a day.
  • Don't overload your workouts. “Intense exercise that raises cortisol levels is not the answer to the problem,” says James. “Yoga and long walks are good for you, which will help increase strength while calming the body.”
  • Magnesium is a calming mineral that helps soothe a stressed tummy. Eat more foods rich in this mineral: leafy vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

Useful advice: Yoga before bed will help reduce cortisol levels, and chamomile tea will calm the nerves.


These women are usually very busy mothers, torn between family and career, sometimes even working out in the gym, but not for good.

How to determine: They may follow a diet+fitness pattern, doing the same exercises and eating the same foods. They are generally slender, but the protruding lower abdomen spoils the whole silhouette.

typical bad habits: "Reinforced fitness activities and improper use of sports equipment can put a lot of stress on the hips and lower back, causing the abdominal muscles to tighten and bulge," - says James.

Making the waist:

  • Proper nutrition and plenty of fiber perfectly normalize digestion, saving you from discomfort bloating and constipation, which contribute to the protrusion of the tummy-"wallet". Leafy vegetables, oat bran, and whole grains are natural sources of essential fiber.
  • Instead of abs, do push-ups on your elbows. To do this, lie on the floor, resting on your elbows, and lift your body with a straight back, standing on your toes, becoming parallel to the floor. Start doing these exercises for 10 seconds, eventually extending them to 1 minute.
  • There is a common misconception that lifting weights builds muscle in women. In fact, the opposite is true: such exercises help to intensively burn fat for a short time. Do squats and lunges with dumbbells for several short sets.

Useful advice: Treat your tummy with love: lower inflammatory processes by drinking more fluids and eating leafy vegetables and light proteins like fish and chicken.

Mom's belly

This type is found in women who have recently given birth, and in mothers with many children who do not have enough time for themselves.

How to determine: "After childbirth, the uterus descends and becomes much heavier than before pregnancy," explains James, "it can take about 6 weeks to recover, so don't even dream of a flat stomach before this period." To strengthen relaxed muscles, it is necessary to increase blood circulation in this area by training the pelvic diaphragm and lower abdominal muscles.

typical bad habits: Rapid return to training. “I would recommend putting them off for 2-3 months,” advises James. - Excessive experience about the excess weight remaining after childbirth will in no way contribute to its reduction. Relax and unwind!"

Making the waist:

  • “Fish oil supplements activate fat-burning hormones and stop fat-storing hormones,” says James. - Start taking 3 x 1000 mg capsules with food and slowly increase to 5 capsules. I was Elle MacPherson's personal trainer during her two pregnancies and she has been taking fish oil ever since."
  • Increase your intake of good fats from nuts, oils, and olives. "They not only help burn stored fat and better absorb vitamins, but also energize - that's what all moms need, without exception," adds James.
  • Kegel exercises act like a natural corset, tightening the stomach from the inside. Tighten the muscles of the vagina 15-20 times for 5 visits per day.
  • Avoid ab exercises. “After giving birth, the white line of the abdomen - the tendon cord that runs down from the middle of the abdomen, moves apart, and you need time to recover,” explains James. - Abs exercises are the worst thing you can do during this period, as the muscles will stretch even further. Instead, take deep breaths with tummy tucks on all fours and Kegel exercises.”

Useful advice: Take a quiet time during the day, preferably with a light-blocking mask, and stretch before bed to restore hormones responsible for sleep and fat burning.

Bloated belly

It is flat in the morning, but increases during the day from gas and indigestion.

How to determine: Bloating spares neither thin nor fat women. It is usually the result of food intolerances and allergies, as well as a poor diet.

typical bad habits: You constantly, and possibly all your life, eat foods to which you have intolerance, without even knowing it.

Making the waist:

  • The most common food intolerances are wheat and gluten (bread, pasta, muffins, pizza, cakes and cereals). fast food), alcohol, yeast (in pastries and beer) and dairy products (cheeses, milk, butter). “Gluten is especially bad for the gut and makes the stomach bulge,” adds James.
  • Try to find out which foods cause indigestion, because no one knows your stomach better than you. Try to give up gluten for a while and compare the sensations. Focus on fresh vegetables, meat, chicken, and fish.
  • You can help the intestines not only with the right foods, but also with their proper use. Breakfast should be the main meal of the day when digestion is in its most active phase, and try not to eat at night so that your stomach does not swell. Chew your food thoroughly and drink plenty of water.
  • Bloating can also be the result of an imbalance in the intestinal microflora. And to make the zhiovt flat, you need to “hook” into it beneficial bacteria- with the help of pre- and probiotics. Miso soup, sour cream, kale, garlic and onions are suitable as food for this. Remember: a healthy gut means a flat stomach.

Useful advice: Incredibly, breathing exercises can be the surest way to reduce such a stomach. Try this technique: Lie on your back, relax completely and take 10 deep breaths in and out with your belly. Walking after meals will also help digestion.

Not always the presence of a tummy in girls is due malnutrition or lack of sports. Although this is certainly also a common reason. But in fact, there are other reasons. British coach and body builder James Dugian claims there are at least 4 more reasons? and today we will tell you what advice he gives in order to get rid of this problem.

1. Type of tummy "lifebuoy"

This is a large, protruding belly with ridges on the sides.

Reason: Sedentary lifestyle and an abundance of sugar and alcohol in the diet.
How to get rid of: Try to move more and cut down on sugar, salt and simple carbohydrates. Eat vegetable fats, lean protein and green vegetables.

2. Type "Stress tummy"

Reason: Workaholics and perfectionists who drive themselves at work, at home or at school produce a lot of cortisol, the stress hormone? and such a tummy is literally a bundle of nerves. Fat is concentrated in the navel and at the same time the stomach is dense.
How to get rid of it: Get enough sleep, keep a regular sleep schedule, relax, get enough rest, do not overwork yourself in training and eat foods rich in magnesium - nuts, cereals, vegetables, mustard, beans, poppy seeds and sesame seeds.

Also, don't drink more than 2 cups of coffee a day.

3 . Type "Low tummy"

The abdomen, as it were, bulges below with a general harmony of the body.

Reason: You're a new mom, or you have weak back muscles, or you wear yourself out in training.
How to get rid of: In case the cause is a recent pregnancy, then it just takes time, proper nutrition and physical activity. But if you have the same type of exercises in the gym, or you are overly fond of squats with heavy weights, then you have a big load on your back and spine, which, as it were, makes your abdominal muscles bulge forward. Work out under the supervision of a trainer if you are not sure of the correct technique, alternate exercises and strengthen your back muscles. Also take care of your utilities - use dairy products, fiber and vegetables.

4. "Pregnant tummy"

You either have not given birth yet, or it was a long time ago, but the tummy is clearly large.
Cause: Weak abdominal muscles.

How to get rid of it: Strengthen your muscles with back and abs exercises and do cardio for general body tone. Practice breathing techniques for internal organ massage and prioritize healthy fats- avocado nuts and fish.

5.Type "Apple"

Reason: Such a tummy is a consequence of irritable bowel, allergies and bloating.

Ecology of health and beauty: Despite what is commonly thought, belly fat is not always associated with overeating. A flat stomach is the dream of many women. They often go on a strict diet or spend a lot of time in the gym to achieve this goal. Many cannot reach it. Why? Because they don't know what type of food and exercise suitable for solving their specific problem.

Despite what is commonly thought, belly fat is not always associated with overeating.

A flat stomach is the dream of many women. They often go on a strict diet or spend a lot of time in the gym to achieve this goal.

Many cannot reach it. Why? Because they don't know what type of diet and exercise is right for their particular problem.

Once you know what type of abdomen is typical for your figure, you can choose the right path and achieve better results.

It is not enough to do a thousand abdominal exercises every day and it is wrong to starve to death. After all, there are more effective and less exhausting techniques!

What does our stomach say about us?

If you are unhappy with your figure, you can most likely find your belly type in this list:

1. Bloated belly

The main characteristic of this belly is that it is flatter in the morning than in the evening.

During the day, gases accumulate in it or digestion may be disturbed, so the stomach swells.

This type of belly is found in both overweight and thin women and may be associated with food intolerances, allergies, or a lazy gut that may be associated with an unbalanced diet.

This means that your stomach is used to the same foods (for example, because this week you ate the same thing several times in a row).

Bloating can also be due to an intolerance to lactose, yeast, alcohol, gluten in wheat, or gluten. You can analyze and exclude from your diet certain food groups that cause inflammation.

Once you know what your body is intolerant to, cut those foods out of your diet. In addition, if you are experiencing lazy stomach syndrome, try to train it and eat unusual foods.

Eat something unusual and satisfying for breakfast and forget about your habits. For example, drinking a cup of coffee every morning, etc.

    Do not overeat at night.

    Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

    Eat healthy probiotics to stimulate the intestinal microflora.

2. Postpartum belly

If you have recently given birth to a child (at least in the last two years), then your life may be more convex inside, like a ball.

After pregnancy, the uterus descends and becomes heavier. It may take you about 6 weeks for it to return to its normal size, although this often takes longer.

This does not mean that you need to start exercising the day after giving birth (it is assumed that you need to wait three months) or continuously think about how to lose weight.

At this point, the most important thing is your health and the health of the child.

As soon as you can relax and start to deal with the traces of motherhood on your body, we advise you to take vitamin supplements with fish oil, as they promote fat burning and reduce the production of hormones that make us feel very hungry.

Another way to get your belly back in shape is to eat a lot. fatty acids(such as those found in avocados, salmon and chia seeds), which are rich in nutrients, fight fatigue and promote the absorption of vitamins by the body.

To keep your stomach strong and firm, you need to strengthen your pelvic muscles, for example, with Kegel exercises, and not pump your abs, because these exercises are for muscles in good shape.

After giving birth, you need to give them a little time to recover.

3. Small low tummy

This is a typical belly of career women or very busy mothers.

It appears even when they go to the gym or are on a diet, but they eat the same things and do the same exercises.

Other parts of the body look good, but this bulge in the lower abdomen spoils the silhouette.

With this type of abdomen, you do not need to abuse abdominal exercises and other routine physical activities, such as spinning.

They help burn fat on the hips, legs and arms, but not on the stomach.

Proper nutrition is the fundamental basis for a beautiful flat stomach. In this way, we also protect ourselves from constipation and inflammation.

    Eat more greens leafy vegetables, grain products and fruits.

    Alternate abdominal exercises with stretching and strength exercises.

    Do not forget about cardio loads and aerobic endurance exercises (squats, jumping rope).

4. Stomach Stress

If you constantly sit in front of the computer and often have a snack, you greatly harm your health, which negatively affects the condition of your stomach.

This type of abdomen is characterized by severe swelling in the area from the diaphragm to the navel.

This is due not only to junk food, but also to the production of the hormone cortisol, which leads to the accumulation of fat around the stomach.

If you suffer from excess caffeine, eat too much fast food and do not exercise, you most likely have a predisposition to this type of stomach.

This will be of interest to you:

One of better ways get rid of it - rest more so that your body can recover on its own, and not eat from excitement.

Try not to deplete your body and eat more nutritious foods, such as dried fruits.

Also, you should drink no more than two cups of coffee a day and do more relaxation exercises than aerobic exercise. Yoga, tai chi, walks in the park, etc. are great. published

A terribly hanging or protruding belly can bring any woman to hysterics. But, before you go on a diet or go to the gym, you must first find the cause of the appearance of the abdomen, eliminate it, and then bring your body back to normal. There are several types of belly in women.

There are 6 types of female tummies:
- wine
- swollen
- stressful
— mamochkin
- hypothyroidism
- pear-shaped

1) Wine:
Usually, this type of belly looks like an apple and sticks out mainly in front, and there are much fewer extra centimeters on the hips and buttocks.
The reason for the appearance of such a belly is alcohol and the absorption of too many refined carbohydrates. The stomach acquires this shape due to the peculiarities of the processing of alcohol in the body, which slows down the process of burning fat by the body, since the liver, which directs this process, is busy urgently neutralizing toxins that enter the body with alcoholic beverages. Alcohol slows down metabolism by 70%, so drinkers often “build up” extra centimeters, especially around the waist.
How to deal with a wine belly:
- limit alcohol and refined carbohydrates
A glass of wine with a capacity of 250 ml contains 228 calories, but the feeling of fullness does not come after it. In addition, alcohol stimulates appetite, which, along with a slowdown in metabolism, leads to the accumulation of unnecessary fat in the body.

2) Swollen
Such a stomach bulges forward, outwardly resembling the top of a cupcake. At the same time, the skin becomes taut, it is well felt while touching the stomach. A bloated belly often causes the feeling of having an inflated balloon inside. As a rule, such a stomach looks normal in the morning, and during the day it inflates like a balloon, especially after eating. Interestingly, such a belly does not add extra pounds on the scales.
The reason for the appearance of such a belly is the accumulation of gases. As food is broken down into digestive system, the bacteria that feed on it secrete a large number of gases. If it is difficult for bacteria to break down certain foods, the fermentation process begins, which also leads to the formation of gases, leading to the bulging of the abdominal walls forward. Eating large amounts of food along with constipation, as well as certain foods, can cause bloating.
How to deal with bloated belly:
- Try to avoid foods that cause bloating. These include artificial sweeteners, wheat, onions and garlic, plums and cherries, mushrooms, beets, etc. People with intolerance to milk and dairy products should avoid these products. In order to avoid bloating, it is also not recommended to overeat. Watch what foods your stomach becomes swollen after and limit their use as much as possible.

3) Stressful:
Such a belly is soft and sagging, can bulge under the bust and hangs over the waistband of the trousers.
In stressful situations, cortisol helps sugar get into the bloodstream so that the body has the energy to save itself. However, if you do not use physical activity, this extra energy has nowhere to go, so it goes into fat. Under conditions of constant stress, fat reserves "creep" closer to the liver so that they can be quickly turned into energy during the next stressful situation.
How to deal with a stressful stomach:
- learn relaxation and stress management techniques, such as deep breathing and meditation, take care of healthy sleep and the use of "slow" carbohydrates, eat slowly.

4) Mamochkin:
After childbirth, many women begin to sag in the stomach.
During pregnancy and childbirth, the abdominal muscles separate to allow the uterus and abdomen to expand. After the baby is born, the two sides of the muscles that form the "abs cubes" should naturally return to their original state, but this may not be the weakening of the abdominal walls. Half of women who have given birth have diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles. In 30% of women, the problem disappears on its own.
How to get rid of mommy belly:
- you need to strengthen the muscles. Yoga, plank and pelvic raises can also be included in this complex.

5) Hypothyroid:
This type of abdomen is usually seen in puffies.
The reason for the appearance of this type of abdomen is a violation of work thyroid gland namely hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland produces little thyroxine, which controls the rate at which calories are burned. If all the calories you take in are not burned, they begin to be stored as fat throughout the body.
How to get rid of a hypothyroid belly:
- Hypothyroidism, first of all, must be diagnosed by contacting a doctor.
Hypothyroidism also causes fatigue, constipation, and cold extremities. At the same time, many do not even realize that such harmless symptoms can be signs of a malfunction of the thyroid gland. The doctor prescribes special treatment, and foods rich in iodine should be included in the diet.

6) Pear-shaped:
If you have a thin waist, disproportionately large hips and buttocks, and a tummy sticks out above the bikini area, then this area becomes like a pear.
Such a stomach appears due to an increased level of estrogen. This feature can be congenital or result from a hormonal imbalance caused by other diseases or problems, such as endometriosis or fibrosis. Another reason for the increase in estrogen levels is the use of synthetic forms of this hormone with meat or other products, taking birth control pills. Estrogen is responsible for the female curves during puberty in preparation for childbearing.
How to get rid of a pear-shaped belly:
Avoid foods with saturated fats, which can contain high levels of estrogen.
- increase the amount of fiber in the diet: various seeds, green vegetables that bind excess estrogen and help remove it from the body.