How to process strawberries from Khrushchev in August. Sunshet Agrosuccess - protecting plants from sunburn and drought

Often, the gardener, watching the bushes of fragrant berries, sees the wilting of the rosette of leaves. Moreover, this phenomenon does not occur with all the bushes, but with single ones. Having dug up a bush with a root, we can see a large, 2-3 year old larva of the May beetle, which has already pretty much eaten up the rhizome. Of course, you can plant a bush, and it will even continue to grow, but we will no longer get a harvest from it.

If this happens to one bush, it is insulting, but not critical, but if the plantation is completely affected by larvae, what should be done?

Safe planting strawberries

Before laying a strawberry plantation, a “beetle test” should be carried out.

For this, an area of ​​\u200b\u200b1 m 2 is dug up. If no larvae are found on it, or one is found, it is. If found more 4th, it is necessary to carry out processing, and only then plant the plot with strawberry seedlings.

May beetle larva.

If strawberries are already growing and used in the growing season for 3-4 years, then without tillage, it will not be possible to cope with the larvae.

Methods of dealing with the larvae of the Maybug

May beetle larvae can be dealt with by methods:

  • physical;
  • chemical;
  • biological.

Unfortunately, physical methods of control are not so effective and very time-consuming, however, if you motivate the neighbors, then the insect population can be significantly reduced over the season.

The physical method of dealing with larvae is complex and time-consuming.

As physical methods use:

  1. Traps. These can be both light traps, and left dung heaps in which the female lays her eggs;
  2. shaking . Every morning you need to shake off the beetle sitting on flowering tree and collect. It is very good to collect the beetle in the raspberry bush, the bush is not high, and in May the leaf is not yet large and the beetle is clearly visible;
  3. Removal when digging the soil . Those places where cultivation has not been carried out for a very long time contain huge numbers of larvae. By digging and choosing, you can clean the area well enough.

Chemistry to help

Of course, it's better to dig!

If it is not possible to dig, they resort to the help of agrochemical preparations approved for use in household plots.

Strawberry beds can be treated with agrochemical preparations.


1.4 ml of the drug is diluted per 0.7 l of water.

Aktara is diluted in water and watered under the root.

  • In this solution, you can dip the roots when planting, or use watering under the root . For watering, 30-50 ml is needed for each plant.
  • The active principle of the drug is thiomethoxam . Works like contact (absorbed by the delicate skin of the larva) and as an intestinal agent (the larva absorbs the drug while nibbling the rhizomes).
  • The drug belongs to the 3rd class of toxicity , but given its validity period of 40 to 100 days, you can completely harvest the crop, and then process the site. The situation is worse in C, because there is a constant harvest, therefore, another remedy should be preferred.


There are two active bases in the preparation - imidacloprid and bifenthrin (talstar). Insuring, and prolonging each other, the action is created by contact and intestinal.

  • The drug does not accumulate in fruits , however, the manufacturer recommends processing after harvesting the fruit. The period of action is 1.5 months, then the components of the drug decompose.
  • The working solution is being prepared at the rate of 100 ml of the drug for 10 l water. 30–50 ml is poured under each bush.

If chemistry says "No!"

Strawberries are a delicacy. Many gardeners absolutely do not accept the processing of vegetable and horticultural crops with chemicals, especially if the berry is grown for children.

In this case, help biological means . To combat the larva of the Maybug, preparations were produced in two directions based on entomopathogenic:

  1. Mushrooms;
  2. Bacteria.

The drug Nemabakt is used to combat larvae.

A nematode was taken to fight the insect larva. A living organism, settling in the body of the larva, begins to eat it, thereby destroying it. A nematode of a certain type, acts on many insects, thereby helping to clear the area from wireworm, weevil, thrips, cabbage fly, glass case.

  • « Nemabakt ". Nematodes are applied to a foam rubber sponge. Repeatedly rinsing it in water, we transfer microscopic helpers into the solution, and then we water the bushes with strawberries and the aisles. The nematode successfully adapts in the soil, multiplies and lives up to 2nd years, and then the remedy must be made again. The drug is safe for warm-blooded, and using it in the garden and in the garden, you can completely clean the area.
  • « Antonem -F ". The drug is identical to the previous one.


To exterminate the larvae, the drug Metarizin is used.

If mushrooms are taken to help, then you can use the following drugs:

  • « Metarizin ". The microscopic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae is the basis of the drug and a permanent resident of soils. However, its concentration in the ground is not sufficient for complete extermination. By adding spores of the fungus, we will create the conditions for the complete extermination of the May beetle larvae. 0.5 l of the drug is dissolved in a bucket of irrigation water, and this is enough to treat 1 hundred square meters of strawberry plantations.
  • « Boverin ". The insecticide was created using the fungus Beauveria bassiana. And used as a means in the garden and in the garden.

Microscopic fungi grow inside the body of the insect larva and begin the process of reproduction, releasing toxins, thereby leading to its death. The larva becomes covered with a fungus that produces spores that infect other insects and their larvae.

For a hundred square meters of strawberry beds, 2 liters of the drug are needed. Spraying of the soil must be carried out at intervals of 6 months. Since the drug works within strict temperature limits of 16–28 ᵒC, the treatment is repeated after extreme heat and winter.

The manufacturer guarantees the death of 85% of insects 30 days after the use of the drug.


On the basis of bacteria, a preparation was made: "Krona - Antip". The Xenorhabdus bacterium, when introduced into the soil, settles in the body of the May beetle larva and leads to its death.

Xenorhabdus bacteria destroy the larvae of the cockchafer.

On the 10 l water is added 50 ml a drug that has a brown color and a characteristic odor. Spraying is preferably carried out at high humidity.

Maybug biology

May beetle eggs can be in the ground for a month and a half.

Depending on the growth conditions, the larva lives 3–4 years, the further north, the longer. Then she pupates. If this happens at the end of summer, then it will come to the surface only in the spring in the form of a beetle, and 10-12 days after the release it will become sexually mature.


So that the number of the beetle does not grow, you should collect insects.

To save strawberries from the larvae of the May beetle, you need to act comprehensively. By simultaneously using biological preparations based on fungi and nematodes, you can double the effect and probably kill the larvae in the ground, and collecting insects during the flight will be a good help to rationing their population.

Video about getting rid of the larvae of the cockchafer

Adult individuals of the May beetle harm mainly tree crops; they like to eat leaves of mountain ash, oak, linden, maple, poplar and other trees. Much more dangerous are the larvae of the beetle, which eat any plants that they meet on their way.

If there is only one larva per 1 sq.m of the plot, it is already necessary to sound the alarm and start destroying the pest throughout the garden. It is better, of course, to prevent the appearance of Khrushchev in the garden preventive measures. If you bring manure to the site, then most likely you will also bring the cockchafer along with it, since compost and manure are favorite places for the cockchafer to lay larvae. One female per season is able to lay 70-200 eggs.

May beetle larva, photo

The larvae live in the soil for 4 years, which is exactly how long it will take to develop to adults and turn into ordinary May beetles, as we are used to seeing them - shiny, large (3-4 cm), very dense, black beetles. The larva should also be familiar to you - it is a yellowish caterpillar with a black head, curled up in a ring. At all times, except for the dormant period in winter, these pests eat both above and below ground parts of plants. Especially noticeable is the harm caused by the May beetle on strawberries, potatoes, many flowers, and even on the lawn.

Signs of damage to plants by the May beetle and its larvae

Bitten leaves, buds and partially ovaries on cultivated plants are the work of an adult beetle.
Withering of plants, growth retardation, for no apparent reason, is the work of the "hands" of the larvae.

Dig up a dying plant and check the earthen food at the roots for the presence of cockchafer larvae. If a pest is found, immediately take measures to destroy these insects.

The fight against Khrushchev

As usual in pest control, you need to choose a way to solve the problem - using folk remedies and methods, or using insecticides, that is, resorting to chemicals right away.

It depends on your preferences and the amount of pest on the site. If mass death of plants from this pest has begun, then most likely folk remedies will no longer help and one should resort to chemistry.

Chemical means of combating the larvae of the May beetle


The most popular and effective insecticide for beetles. It consists of two active ingredients of a new generation - imidacloprid and bifenthrin, interacting and complementing each other. Due to its combined action, the insecticide provides reliable protection of cultivated plants not only from the beetle, but also from other pests. This drug protects against the May and Colorado potato beetle and their larvae, as well as against aphids, wireworms, ticks, thrips, whiteflies, codling moths, leafworms.

  • To protect potatoes, the plant should be sprayed before planting with a solution of 10 ml of the drug per 5-10 liters of water. This should be enough for 1 acre of land.
  • To protect cabbage and tomatoes, a solution of 10 ml is made. substances per 3 liters. water, before planting, the rhizomes are soaked in the solution for 1 hour, the remaining liquid is diluted in 10 liters. water and used for irrigation.
  • To protect fruit trees, a solution of 10 ml is prepared. antihrushcha for 5 liters. water (enough for 0.2 acres), the solution should be watered abundantly under the root. Saplings of simple trees are also processed under the root with a solution of 10 ml. substances per 3 liters. water.

Aktara from Khrushchev

Remedy for the larvae of the May beetle. Active substance- thiamethoxam. It is a contact and intestinal insecticide. It is produced in granular form, which can be applied to the soil in bulk, as well as by preparing a working solution in advance.

The result after using the drug occurs within an hour, and after a day, absolutely all pests die. Aktara is used at any time of the year and in any weather, precipitation also does not affect the insecticidal properties of the drug.

Bazudin against the Maybug

Insecticide that kills soil pests by contact, intestinal and translaminar routes. The active substance is diazinon. The drug has long-term protection of crops from insects. 30 grams of insecticide is enough to treat a 20 sq.m area.

Produced in the form of granules. To evenly apply bazudin into the soil, mix the required amount of the drug with sand in a liter jar (sand 3/4 jar).

  • Before planting potatoes, 15 g per 10 sq.m. is added to the hole.
  • To protect the cabbage, the soil surface is treated at the rate of 10 g per 10 sq.m.
  • Flower crops are processed similarly to potatoes.

Nemabakt from Khrushchev

This is a nematode-based biological product that selectively destroys beetle larvae and maintains a balance in the soil for 2 years. The drug kills the larva of the beetle within 1-3 days. It is necessary to use this tool when watering, diluting in a ratio of 1:100. Nemabact acts at a temperature environment+10-+26 degrees. It is absolutely harmless to humans and pets.

Zemlin against Khrushchev

it effective remedy from rubbish. It is an insecticide of contact and intestinal damage. Protects cultivated plants from most soil pests. The active ingredient in the composition is diazinon at a dosage of 50 g / kg.

  • To protect flower plants, the drug is sprayed on the surface of the earth at a dosage of 30 grams per 20 sq.m.
  • Potatoes are processed by adding 10-15 g of the mixture to the wells at planting.

How to get rid of the larvae of the Maybug with folk remedies

  • Manual collection of adult beetles. Since they feed mainly on the leaves of trees, early morning you can shake the beetles from the tree onto the prepared bedding, and then destroy them.
  • It is much more difficult with larvae, since they live in the soil, sometimes at a depth of up to 40 cm. As a preventive measure, autumn and spring plowing is recommended.
  • It helps planting around the beds with cultivated plants of white clover, peas, beans, beans - that is, any plants that are nitrogen fixers. Planting turnips and lupins on the site will scare away adults from the site, which means it will prevent them from laying larvae.
  • The introduction of ground eggshells into the soil will also give a certain effect.
  • It also helps to use nitrogen fertilizers when digging the soil. May beetle larvae cannot tolerate high nitrogen content in the soil and leave such places.
  • And, of course, birds. If you have chickens on the farm, then it’s a good idea to let them “graze” when digging up the garden - they will peck all the larvae that are turned out of the soil to the surface. Many advise installing birdhouses on the site, as any birds love to feast on beetles and their larvae. But again, many gardeners complain that these same birds are happy to eat strawberries and other berries.
  • Adding a few drops of iodine to the irrigation water will help to destroy the beetle in the soil.
  • Some gardeners make traps for the cockchafer by digging small holes in the soil and filling them with manure. And then they destroy the beetle and larvae with fire or boiling water.
  • It is possible to save currants and strawberries from Khrushchev by spraying with a solution onion peel. For this, 100 grams of husks are infused in 10 liters of water for 5 days. Further, the tincture is diluted with water in proportions of 1: 1 and sprayed onto the affected plants and the ground under them.
  • Watering with ammonia will help get rid of the larvae of the May beetle on strawberries. For 10 liters of water is half a tablespoon of ammonia.
  • Plant green manure in the garden and embed them in the soil, this will also protect you from the invasion of the May beetle. For these purposes, mustard, or others from the cruciferous family, is best suited. After planting them in early spring, and letting them grow a little, mow them down and plow them into the soil. And then calmly plant potatoes or other cultivated plants in this place - there will be no larvae of the cockchafer.

Ridding your garden of the cockchafer larvae is quite difficult. These pests are happy to eat the roots of any plants, but they are especially fond of them - they can destroy the entire garden in a short time. Let's quickly find out how to save strawberries from cockchafer larvae.

Means of combating the larvae of the May beetle

In the 1st year after hatching from eggs, the larvae are weak and do not pose any particular danger. But by the next season, they become a real disaster. May beetle larvae eat strawberry roots with great pleasure, leading to the death of bushes.

The fight against the larvae of the May beetle on strawberries comes down to the following measures:

  1. Digging the soil with manual removal of fat white larvae. This method is the most efficient. This should be done in spring and autumn, and it is necessary to dig quite deeply.
  2. When digging is not possible, you can plant a white clover on the site. Due to its vital activity, it makes the soil unsuitable for finding larvae here.
  3. A bed with strawberries can be watered with a solution of water with ammonia (20 ml per 10 liters of water).
  4. In the aisles, make deep grooves (up to 40 cm) and fill them with "Decis" or "Karbofos".
  5. Another proven way to remove the May beetle larva from strawberries is to pour a solution of onion peel under the bushes (100 g per 10 liters of warm water, leave for 3-5 days, then dilute 1: 1).
  6. Good way- the use of "Nemabakt", which is contained in the finished biosoil. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the correct storage of bio-soil at the place of purchase.
  7. Help in the fight against larvae insecticides, "Zemlin", "Pochin" and so on.

For a more effective fight against larvae, your attention should also be directed to adults - May beetles. To reduce their population, elder, lupine, turnip or turnip can be planted on the site. Sweet water traps placed in the garden will also help.

The article tells about pests of strawberries (garden strawberries) and ways to deal with these pests.

General rules for protecting plants from pests

The use of proper agricultural technology and the implementation of plant protection rules in your garden plots increases their resistance to diseases and pests.

  1. Planting healthy seedlings.
  2. Compliance with crop rotation.
  3. The return of landings to their original place is not earlier than in 4-5 years.
  4. You can not place a strawberry plot next to crops with which it has common pests.

Before planting, all purchased seedlings are subjected to heat treatment, immersing them entirely in water at a temperature of 50 ° C for 15 minutes.

How to deal with strawberry pests

The most dangerous are the strawberry (transparent) mite, raspberry-strawberry weevil, May beetle larvae, naked slugs. Other strawberry pests do not cause so much damage to the plantation, although they are widespread.

Strawberry (transparent) mite

Description. An extremely small pest that can only be seen under a microscope. Females hibernate at the base of petioles; in spring, one female lays up to 15 eggs. The pest generation develops in 30 days. Wet weather is favorable for tick reproduction. In such a summer, they give 4-5 generations per season. In dry weather, ticks die. Larvae and adult insects feed on the juice of young strawberry leaves.

Nature of damage. Strawberry leaves become smaller, yellow oily spots appear on them, with a large number of pests, young leaves wrinkle. Bushes affected by the mite become stunted, grow poorly, and their yield decreases. The signs of damage are especially pronounced in the second half of summer, when the second wave of bush growth begins.

Control measures for this pest. Spraying bushes 2 weeks before flowering and after picking berries with Karbofos (Fufanon), Inta-Vir, Actellik, Sherpa. The sprayer is adjusted to the jet. When processing, young leaves are abundantly moistened, on which the bulk of mites gather. In bushes heavily infested with a pest, all leaves are mowed and immediately burned, then spraying is carried out on plant debris. In the future, strawberry plantations that have been attacked by a strawberry mite must be especially carefully weeded, since pests live on many weeds.

The best defense against a tick attack is proper care at the beginning of the growing season. In the absence of treatments during a wet summer, the mite can destroy the plantation. At the first sign of defeat, you must immediately begin the fight against this pest.

Raspberry strawberry weevil

Description of the pest. The beetle is grayish-black in color, 2.5-3 mm long, the body is covered with dense light gray hairs. It has a thin, slightly curved proboscis and antennae. Larvae legless, curved, grayish-white with sparse hairs. The beetles hibernate under plant remains of strawberries and raspberries. In spring they feed on young leaves, females lay their eggs in buds. The larva developing inside the bud pupates in the same place. The second generation of beetles appears in mid-July and feeds on leaves until autumn, and in September the pest leaves for the winter.

The nature of the damage. Beetles feed on strawberry leaves, eating small holes in them, gnaw pedicels, causing the buds to break and fall off. Then the beetles fly to raspberries, and after the end of flowering, the latter returns to strawberries again and feeds on young growing leaves. The larvae eat the buds from the inside. With a high number of pests, the yield of strawberries and raspberries is sharply reduced.

Ways to fight. Double spring spraying of plants: at bud break and 2 weeks before flowering. With a strong spread of the weevil in the summer, spraying is repeated. Apply insecticides Karbofos, Iskra, Inta-Vir, Kinmiks. Biological preparations Nemabakt, Antonem can also be used to combat the weevil.

How to deal with a pest folk remedies.

  1. During the flowering period, strawberry bushes are processed baking soda(2 tablespoons / 10 liters of water).
  2. To scare away beetles in the spring, when peduncles appear, sprinkle the middle of each bush with ash or tobacco dust.
  3. In the evening, newspapers or cloth are spread under the bushes, and early in the morning, when the beetles are inactive, they are shaken off the plants and destroyed.
  4. Birch tar 3-4 caps are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Soap is added to the solution, which is an adhesive and serves to better retain the drug on the leaves. Sprayed in the morning in dry weather.

The disadvantage of all folk remedies is that they are easily washed off by rain or when watering and the treatment must be repeated.

Prevention. Destruction of plant residues and loosening of row spacings.

May beetle larvae are one of the most dangerous strawberry pests.

Description of the pest. In May, the female of the May beetle lays up to 70 eggs in the soil to a depth of 10-15 cm, of which a small larva appears after 25-30 days. It has a light, thick, curved body with 6 limbs in front. The larva lives in the soil for 3-5 years, gradually growing to the size of a beetle. It is omnivorous, feeding on the roots of both cultivated plants and weeds. In the warm season, the pest lives on the roots of plants, in October it goes deep into the soil for wintering. In places of mass distribution, it produces a devastating effect.

The nature of the damage. Strawberries are one of the favorite plants of the cockchafer larvae. Small 1-2 year old larvae move along the course of small roots to large ones inside the soil, and 3-5 year old larvae can crawl from one plant to another along the surface of the earth. They eat the roots, causing the plant to die.

Processing strawberries from a pest. Preparations Antikhrushch, Zemlin, Pochin, Vallar. They are scattered on the surface of the soil, followed by incorporation. The larvae do not tolerate nitrogen, so to combat them in the plot, you can sow clover, beans, beans or apply pure nitrogen fertilizers (urea, ammonium nitrate).

Protection from pest folk remedies.

  1. Water the bushes with infusion of onion peel. To prepare it, 100 g of husks are poured into 10 liters of warm water and infused for 3-5 days.
  2. Daily abundant watering of strawberry bushes for 3-4 days. The larvae really do not like high soil moisture and leave. But we must remember that they will appear elsewhere, where the earth is drier.
  3. 10-15 drops of an alcoholic solution of iodine are diluted in 10 liters of water and the plants are watered.
  4. Traps out plastic bottles used in May to catch beetles. To do this, cut off the neck and fill the bottle with sweet water. They put it in places of mass summer of beetles (under trees, bushes, in a strawberry plot). The traps are checked every day.
  5. Mechanical collection of larvae. If the plant is wilted, it is dug up together with a clod of earth and inspected. The collected larvae are destroyed. Delay in digging up a withered bush leads to the fact that the pest has time to move to a healthy plant.

It is very difficult to completely get rid of the larvae of the May beetle.

For more information about the fight against the larvae of the May beetle, you can

Naked slugs are voracious strawberry pests

Description of the pest. Slugs are mollusks that do not have a shell. Their length can be from 40 to 150 mm, color from light gray to almost black. In some species, the body tapers towards the end. Eggs hibernate under lumps of soil, young individuals emerge from them in spring. During the summer, 2 generations of pests hatch. Slugs are more active at night, inactive during the day. When plants are damaged, they leave characteristic mucous secretions. The reproduction of mollusks is facilitated by wet weather; it is very difficult to fight the pest.

The nature of the damage. They eat out oblong holes on petioles, leaves, buds, berries, leaving silvery secretions. They cause great damage to the strawberry crop. They carry fungal infections.

Control measures.

  1. Hand picking and pest control.
  2. Thorough weeding of a strawberry plantation, removal of plant residues, boards, covering materials.
  3. In wet weather, beds are mulched with sawdust or pine needles.
  4. They make protective strips by sprinkling the aisles with something rough (husks of sunflower seeds, coarse sand, nutshells). You can sprinkle the aisles with a substance that corrodes the body of mollusks (superphosphate - 5-8 g / m 2 or freshly slaked lime 20 g / m 2).
  5. Use of molluscicides: Slug Eater, Thunderstorm, Anti Slug. The preparations are scattered on the surface of the soil. They are dangerous for pets and can accumulate in berries, so the strawberries removed from the bushes under which the preparations were used are thoroughly washed.
  6. The drug Ulitsid is safer. It is also applied superficially.

Folk remedies.

  1. Cornmeal is poured into a jar and placed in the aisles. It is a delicacy and poison for slugs. The jar is periodically cleaned of dead clams.
  2. Make traps and baits. Cabbage leaves, wet boards, rags are laid out in the evening between the beds and between the rows. In the morning, a lot of slugs accumulate under them. They are collected and destroyed.
  3. Mustard. 10 dessert spoons of the powder are diluted in a liter of water and watered the soil around the strawberry bushes, and also sprayed the plants.
  4. Zelenka. 10 ml is diluted in 10 liters of water and watered between rows.

Prevention. Timely weeding of the plantation, thinning of dense plantings, deep loosening in wet weather.

You can read more about the fight against these mollusks in the article.

strawberry nematode

Description of the pest. Very small transparent worms with a cylindrical body, live and feed on the juice of plant tissues. The pest overwinters in the buds at the base of the plants; in the spring, the females lay their eggs. The new generation develops in 12-15 days, after which the young females themselves begin to lay eggs. Over the summer, 8 generations of pests hatch. The highest breeding activity is observed in May-June.

The nature of the damage. The nematode infects the tissues and axils of strawberry leaves, buds, flowers and berries. Damage is of three types.

  1. "Cauliflower" - strawberry leaves become thickened, twisted, entire, with short petioles; dense heads are formed. The number of flowers decreases, they are underdeveloped, the petals become green.
  2. Redness - leaf petioles are thinned, acquire a red-violet color, the leaves become leathery, without pubescence.
  3. "Shiltsa" - the leaf blades are eaten, only the central veins remain.

The berries become small, underdeveloped, the bushes begin to lag behind in growth due to damage to the roots. It affects single bushes, but in the absence of care it can spread throughout the plot.

Signs of nematode damage are most pronounced in spring and early summer. During the period of foliage growth (May-beginning of June), strawberry bushes are carefully examined for pest damage.

Control measures.

  1. Destruction of affected plants and weeds. The land after diseased bushes is treated with bleach, a 4% formalin solution or a 5% solution of ferrous sulfate.
  2. Acarin powder is scattered on the soil surface against wintering nematodes.

Prevention. Purchased planting material is disinfected by immersing it completely in hot water (50 ° C) and keeping it for 15 minutes. Compliance with crop rotation, careful weeding of the plot.

Do not place beds with onions, garlic, peas, beans near the strawberry plantation, do not plant potatoes, since the nematode infects these crops as well.

strawberry leaflet

Description. The caterpillar damages the bushes, which hibernates in a cobweb cocoon under plant debris and under the bark of trees. The anterior and posterior ends of the body of the pest are black. In spring, the caterpillars emerge from the cocoon and feed on strawberry leaves. Having finished growing in late May-early June, they pupate between two intact leaves tied together with a cobweb. After 10-15 days, a butterfly emerges from the pupa, which feeds on nectar and lays up to 100 eggs, placing them one by one on the fruits and leaves. The front wings of butterflies are brown or dark gray, have several dark spots, light in the upper part. Hind wings plain dark gray. After 10-12 days, the second generation of pests appears from the laid eggs, which feed until autumn. Leafworm is omnivorous, damages many fruit trees and berry bushes.

The nature of the damage. Young caterpillars feed on the lower part of the leaf, damaging it at the base of the median vein, and gnaw holes of various sizes and shapes. Adult leafworms twist up the ends of the leaves and fasten them 2-3 pieces together with the inflorescence into a lump in which they feed. The second generation of caterpillars can sometimes feed on leaves without sticking them together.

How to treat strawberries from pests.

  1. Spraying bushes during the spread of the pest with insecticides: Karbofos or its analogues (Fufanon, Kemifos), Bi-58 new, Rogor.
  2. Biological preparations Lepidocid, Bitoxibacillin can be used. Do a double treatment with an interval of 5-7 days.
  3. With a slight distribution, manual collection of caterpillars and pupae in twisted strawberry leaves.

Folk ways of struggle.

  1. Traps are made to catch butterflies. Kvass or fermented jam is poured into a jar of 0.5-0.8 liters by 1/3 and placed on plantations and under trees. As the pest accumulates, the jars are cleaned.
  2. To combat caterpillars, use tobacco infusion. Pour 500 g of tobacco dust into 10 liters of hot water, leave for 2 days. Dilute the resulting solution 2 times, add 50 g of liquid soap as an adhesive per 10 liters and spray the plants. Processing is carried out with a freshly prepared solution, observing the precautionary measures. In case of contact with the skin, the solution may cause severe irritation.

Short-eared owl

Description of the pest. Butterflies with dark pink or red wings, with a distinct gray border around the edges. The caterpillars are large, up to 4 cm long, the head is bright red. The body has stripes of the same color, covered with warts and bristles. It pupates in the surface layer of soil next to the plant.

The nature of the damage. Caterpillars bite into the tissues of plants (in strawberries in the rhizome) and eat them from the inside, gnawing through the passages. The plant dies. The difficulty of fighting the cutworm lies in the fact that it is protected from the effects of drugs by plant tissues.

Control measures. The scoop spreads very quickly, so emergency measures are taken against the pest. Treatment of the plot with preparations Decis, Fury, Phenaksin, Rovikur. Spraying is carried out in the center of the bush.

Prevention. Damaged plants are removed along with a clod of earth and burned, the earth is treated with bleach. Timely weeding of the plantation is a reliable prevention from this pest.

strawberry sawfly

Description of the pest. Insect black, 8-9 mm long, shiny long body, brown legs. The larva is dark green above, light green below with a grayish tint, has a sharp border between the color of the back and sides. The disturbed larva curls up into a ring. They overwinter in a transparent golden-brown cocoon in the soil. They pupate in spring. The pupae are initially light green, turning black before the insect emerges. Females lay their eggs on young strawberry leaves from the upper side, leaving characteristic brown notches. During the summer, 3 generations of sawflies hatch. Larvae latest generation pests feed until late autumn, then leave for the winter.

The nature of the damage. They damage strawberries, roses and wild roses. Larvae on the underside of the leaves first gnaw out individual sections of the leaf, and then gnaw holes various shapes. The sawfly can completely destroy young strawberry leaves.

How to deal with a pest. Most effective way The fight is spraying the bushes at the beginning of budding and after picking the berries with Inta-Vir, Aktellik, Kinmiks, Iskra Karbofos preparations. During summer spraying, the waiting periods (the interval between spraying with the preparation and harvesting the berries) for remontant strawberries are observed.

Prevention. Loosening the soil, destroying weeds.

Proper agricultural practices help to fight strawberry pests best of all.

Other useful articles about growing strawberries:

  1. The article details how to care for a strawberry plantation from early spring to late autumn.

May beetles appear in summer cottages in early spring. To prevent the formation of larvae, you must begin to deal with them immediately. One female beetle can lay in the soil about 100 eggs to a depth of 1 m. After a couple of months, larvae appear from the eggs, similar to thick, twisted "ring" caterpillars.

During the first year of life, the larvae do not bring much harm. But in the next 2-3 years they can bring significant damage to the garden and garden.

Therefore, it is necessary comprehensive use of all means of struggle with the May beetle and its larvae, so that many years of work in the summer cottage are not in vain. May beetle larva: how to deal with it?

May beetle larva - photo:

How to deal with the larvae of the May beetle in the garden?

When the first adult beetles appear gotta start chasing them right away preventing them from multiplying. It is worth trying to install special light traps.

You can make them from any large container, smeared inside with something sticky, on the bottom of which is installed torch. Still, in the early morning, beetles can be shaken off the trees onto prepared bedding and destroyed in boiling water or fire.

The mass invasion of May beetles is rare, once every 4-5 years and many novice summer residents not taking them seriously. If the fight against adult insects was not carried out, then the larvae of the beetle will not keep you waiting.

How to get rid of the larvae of the May beetle in the garden? Beetle larvae live in the upper soil layer, at a depth of 20-40 cm and it's hard to find them. They are activated at the beginning of summer, with a noticeable warming.

The fact that these voracious pests appeared in the garden can only be judged by appearance damaged plants. If they are without apparent reason began to wither, turn yellow and dry- this is the work of the larvae of the grub.

To save your land From these "uninvited guests" the following steps must be taken:

How to destroy the Khrushchev in the soil?

How to get rid of the May bug in the ground? To get it right get the bug out of the soil use the following tips:

  1. In autumn, when plowing, you can sprinkle the soil dry bleach or well spray " whiteness».
  2. Tight helps a lot soil mulching: you can save yourself from larvae, and from weeds.
  3. Well proven and biological drug Nemabakt. It is based on live nematode worms that eat beetle larvae in the soil. You need to buy this drug only in stores and carefully check the expiration dates and storage conditions.
  4. You can dig several holes in the soil, about half a meter deep, and fill them manure. Khrushchev larvae will not bypass such a bait. In autumn, with the onset first frost, manure is scattered over the site and the larvae that settled in it for the winter will die.
  5. Another option is pre-plant tillage. iodine solution. A few drops in a bucket of water.
  6. If safe and simple methods do not bring results, then you should switch to chemistry. After spring digging, before planting plants, you can treat the soil with special preparations: Aktara VDG, Bazudin, Antikhrushch, Zemlin and others.

But do not forget that such drugs can cause serious harm not only to the larvae, but also to the plants themselves. Need to use them very careful.

How to remove larvae on strawberries?

The favorite delicacy of May beetle larvae is strawberries. How protect strawberries from larvae may beetle? To save the berry from the pest, use simple rules:

How to save potatoes from a pest?

Do cockchafer larvae eat potatoes? May beetle larva eats potatoes! And in this case the best remedydeep plowing of the soil before boarding. When the potatoes grow up, you can safely release chickens. They do an excellent job with the larvae and do not harm the potato field.

Chemistry in this case, use not desirable. It can only hurt.

How to get rid of the larvae of the May beetle on potatoes? It is best to plant next to potatoes any cruciferous. Regular weeding also helps control pests. They do not tolerate soddy soil.

How to protect yourself from the larvae of the May beetle? Main rule fight against carp - timely destruction of adult insects, processing, digging and regular weeding. The most effective the method of struggle is to collect the larvae by hand, in the old fashioned way. Carefully monitor your site and such a misfortune as the larvae of the beetle will not touch you.

How to get rid of the roach in the garden? About one of the simple methods of struggle in this video:

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