Coloring eggs for Easter with brilliant green and iodine. How to dye eggs: pattern options with onion skins

The Easter egg is the main symbol of the great Resurrection of Christ. Every family has its own way of dyeing Easter eggs. Someone prefers quick methods that do not bring trouble. Someone likes to experiment, making their Easter symbol original and unique.

Do not forget that it is best to use natural dyes that will not harm the one who eats the dyed Easter egg.

Most people know that they need to paint eggs for Easter, but they do not know why and why this is done. There are several hypotheses about the origin of this custom.

  1. According to one version, Mary Magdalene, going to the emperor Tiberius with the joyful news of the resurrection of Christ, took with her an ordinary chicken egg as a gift. But the news of Mary made the emperor laugh, who said that this could not be, just like her egg could not turn red. And at that moment the white egg turned red.
  2. According to the second version, the virgin Mary entertained Jesus in infancy by painting eggs.
  3. A more modern version says that the testicles were boiled before Easter so that they would not spoil. And they painted them in order to somehow distinguish them from raw ones.

In church records of the 13th century, it was stated that every monk should eat a painted egg on Easter Sunday. Otherwise, he will be punished for disrespecting the Son of God.

Staining methods

Coloring methods in each house are different. Someone prefers to use special paint and food coloring, someone comes to this issue more original and unusual, resorting to interesting methods of dyeing eggs.

onion peel

Most believers prefer to dye eggs for Easter with natural dyes. One of these dyes is onion peel, which, when used, produces dark yellow, brown and crimson-red products:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and add a large number of husks (the initial result depends on the choice of its color and proportions).
  2. The water is boiled for 40 minutes and allowed to cool.
  3. The broth is freed from the husk, and raw washed eggs are placed in it.
  4. Cooking time is 15 minutes.
  5. After that, the testicles need to be cooled.

Onion peel and greens

You can also dye eggs with onion peel and brilliant green, resulting in brown-brilliant and burgundy-green products:

  1. Wet raw eggs should be rolled in fine onion peel.
  2. Using a nylon stocking, fix the husk.
  3. Dip the eggs in cold water and add brilliant green at the rate of 10 ml per 1-1.5 liters of water.
  4. Boil the product, cool and free from capron.

Painting with onion peel and brilliant green is also considered a safe method.


Beet-dyed egg blanks are also a very interesting option. Such Easter eggs can be made both maroon and pale pink, by correctly calculating the time of infusion and the concentration of the solution.

There are several options for beet staining:

  1. Grated beets on a fine grater should be spread on the egg. The longer it lies in this gruel, the more intense the color will be.
  2. You can also just boil the eggs along with the beets, which will then come in handy for making a salad.
  3. A decoction with beets and 1 tsp. vinegar is also a great option for coloring. To do this, the root crop is peeled, rubbed on a coarse grater, vinegar is added, poured with water and boiled for 10-15 minutes. Put eggs in water with beets and hold until the desired shade is obtained.

To paint eggs with beets, it is best to use enameled dishes, since the beet pigment is well absorbed even into the walls of blood vessels.

Food colorings

Easter eggs can also be dyed with food coloring. Now on the shelves of stores there is a lot of paint for Easter eggs of various shades, with which you can make this process as fast and efficient as possible.

Easter eggs that have been used with food coloring as directed can also be safely eaten. A standard bag of dye is designed for a glass of water, so it is not recommended to reduce the amount of liquid.


They began to paint products in turmeric not so long ago, but this technique makes it interesting to paint eggs for Easter:

  1. The shell is degreased by washing in warm water with soap.
  2. Pour a packet of turmeric into a saucepan and pour 500 ml of boiling water.
  3. The solution is filtered and cooled slightly.
  4. Spread the eggs in the solution and put them to cook for 10-15 minutes.

Coloring eggs for Easter with turmeric is easy, but if they burst during cooking, they can acquire a specific aftertaste.

Painting with a pattern

To unusually paint eggs for Easter, you need to resort to the option using floss threads. To do this, the eggs are wrapped with threads and boiled for 15 minutes. After removing the floss, an original striped pattern is obtained. In this way, you can dye eggs without dyes.

To paint Easter eggs with a pattern, you can use any cereal. To do this, the egg is moistened and rolled in buckwheat, rice, millet or in a mixture of cereals, wrapped in nylon or gauze, and then dipped in a dye solution to boil.

You can also paint the eggs in an original way with the help of adhesive tape. You just need to stick thin sticky strips on the shell and paint it in any color using the selected dye.

birch leaves

How to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands and make them original? Use birch leaves. If there is dry Birch broom, you can take its leaves and boil them in water for 40 minutes. After that, the solution is cooled, testicles are laid in it and boiled until tender. Products dyed in birch broth will acquire a delicate yellow tint.

Fabric transfers

You can also dye eggs for Easter with a cloth. For this, a neckerchief or tie, which has bright drawing. An egg is wrapped in a piece of such fabric so that the front part is facing the shell. The fabric is fixed with a thread or any other paper clip and sent to cold water, to which 3 tbsp. l. vinegar.

Is it possible to use not food, but industrial dyes that are applied to the fabric? There is no definite answer, but it is best not to eat such products.

Wax crayons

Dyeing eggs at home is best with children. To do this, you can adopt the method using wax crayons:

  1. Boil eggs and pat dry.
  2. Place still slightly hot eggs in special coasters or in cups and color with crayons.

You can also crumble wax crayon or grate and just sprinkle on the testicle. After the wax melts, an interesting pattern forms on the shell.


Coloring Easter eggs with stencils is also a very popular way. For this, various plants or paper cuts are used, which are attached to the surface of the shell with the help of nylon. Stenciled eggs are dyed in any dye. After cooling, the egg is cleaned of foliage or paper, and an interesting silhouette remains on the shell.


You can dye eggs gold with coffee. To do this, you need to take an instant drink (1 tsp per egg), pour it with water and boil for a couple of minutes. Ready eggs are laid out in a coffee solution, kept for at least 3 hours and removed. "Tanned" eggs are dried and smeared with vegetable oil.

You can also dye eggs golden with regular coffee. It is only necessary to increase the time of their residence in the solution.


Not everyone is at risk of dyeing eggs with brilliant green. In fact, this option is much safer to use ready-made food coloring in bags:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add 2 tbsp. l. salt and dip the eggs into it.
  2. Add brilliant green to the water, depending on the desired staining result (you can use a whole vial).
  3. Boil the product until cooked and cool.

It is best to use gloves when working with brilliant green, as it will be extremely difficult to wash your hands later.

Hibiscus tea

Hibiscus will give the product a blue tint. Its intensity can be changed by choosing the right amount of tea. The coloring process is quite simple:

  1. Boil 2-3 tbsp in a glass of water. l. dry tea.
  2. Put boiled egg blanks in this water and leave overnight.

Here are some tips to help you paint Easter eggs correctly:

  1. Eggs must be kept at room temperature before cooking, then they will not burst during the boiling process.
  2. Don't overcook them, otherwise they won't taste good.
  3. Salt must be added to the water.
  4. The selected paint for eggs for Easter must be of high quality, otherwise you can get poisoned.

Can you dye eggs with cake dye? This option has the right to life, only when staining you need to add a few tablespoons of vinegar to the water. Cake paints are not entirely suitable for eggs, as they do not contain elements that fix and add shine to the shell.

What is Easter without colored Easter eggs!

The celebration of Easter lasts 40 days, during this time they give each other beautiful painted Easter eggs, bake Easter cakes and play Easter games.

There are several traditional old recipes coloring eggs with natural dyes. Although, by this bright day, an abundance of dyes reigns in stores and the temptation to color the testicle with some kind of chemistry is very great. For example, I still think that the most delicious Easter eggs are those that are dyed with onion skins. So our reader Olga Pirogova shares her advice on how to make beautiful Easter marble eggs without buying newfangled egg coloring bags in the store.

marble eggs

"Like all housewives, I paint chicken eggs for Easter, which we call krashenki. I want to offer my own method of coloring Easter chicken eggs. Cooking is very simple, and the eggs take on a beautiful marble look. When painting marble eggs, I use onion peel and brilliant green, but if greenery is not to your liking, you can not add it at all.


  • Raw chicken egg - 10 pieces,
  • onion peel,
  • Zelenka pharmacy - 1 small bottle,
  • Water,
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

Before dyeing eggs in any way, we advise you to prepare them so that the paint covers them evenly. To do this, chicken eggs need to be degreased: wiped with alcohol or soapy water.

Recipe for coloring eggs for Easter:

husk off onion, as much as possible, finely chop, spread on a large dish. Pour raw chicken eggs in a bowl with cold water, then take out one egg at a time and roll wet in chopped onion husks. Then lay each egg on gauze and tie it into a knot, cut off the tip. You can also use a nylon stocking or tights instead of gauze to color eggs.

Now we are preparing a solution for coloring 10 eggs. To do this, pour a glass of water into the pan, pour in a vial of pharmaceutical greenery, add a tablespoon of salt.

We lay the eggs in the husk in the pan, so that they are well hidden under the water with brilliant green, if a glass of water is not enough, add more. We put on the stove and cook marbled eggs until cooked. Then rinse the dyed boiled eggs with cold water. It is not necessary to cool the dyes completely under water. Now we will remove the gauze with the husk from the eggs and rinse again under running water.

Let's dry the painted Easter eggs by spreading them on the fabric. They have acquired a beautiful marble color. Now we coat each egg with sunflower oil, rub the eggs to a shine and put them on a dish or a special stand for Easter eggs.

Now it's up to Easter. But that's another story.

How to color eggs for Easter different colors and patterns with natural dyes

for example, achieve red, yellow color etc....

Many people do not want to use dyes for dyeing Easter eggs. Many people know how to color eggs with onion peel. Some come up with different ones - they add greens, put on elastic bands, cover with wax so that the egg has a pattern. And how to add new colors and make the egg more original? We will tell you how to color eggs with onion peel with brilliant green.

You will need:
- raw eggs;
- greenery;
- onion peel;
- gauze, bandage or nylon stockings;
- threads;
- rubber gloves.
Painting eggs with onion peel and brilliant green does not take much time. The effect is very beautiful, you get marbled eggs with brilliant green.

To get started, prepare everything you need. Dip the eggs in a bowl of water.

I first crushed the onion peel so that it was smaller, then you need to dip the egg in it.

If the husk does not stick well, place it on top of the egg.

We cut off a piece of gauze or bandage, put an egg in the husk there. If the husk does not stick well, then put it next to the egg.

We tie the gauze in a bag and tie it with a thread, try to make it as tight as possible.

Cut off the excess end.

When all the eggs are wrapped in gauze, we will start boiling marble eggs in onion skins for Easter.

To do this, pour water into the pan, put the eggs. Eggs may burst when boiled. How to color eggs in onion skins so that they do not burst?

Remember the main secret that is suitable for any Easter egg painting - add a tablespoon of salt.

Now add greenery to the water. I added 1 bottle of greens. If there are a lot of eggs, then more greens will be needed. Do not be afraid, the pan will be washed. But it’s better to take care of your hands so that you don’t walk in green clothes all Easter and wear rubber gloves.
Now we cook the eggs. It will take them after boiling 7-10 minutes.

We take out the eggs and rinse under cold running water. Then we remove the gauze and see what we got.

Now you also know how to color marble eggs in onion skins. Coloring eggs for Easter with greenery is very beautiful.

By the way, if you finely grind the onion peel in a coffee grinder or blender, you can get an even more interesting effect.

Eggs are different for everyone. Depends on the tightness of the fit and the amount of brilliant green and husk.

If you don’t know how to paint chicken eggs in onion peel and brilliant green, then we will be happy to teach you this. Thanks to the combination of such ingredients, the drawing on the eggshell turns out to be amazing and unique - not repeated on any painted egg. The only disadvantage of such painting is the painted dishes, which you will have to wash, so it is not recommended to use an enameled or white pan. For 5-7 chicken eggs, you will need a little less than half a bottle of brilliant green.


  • 5-7 white-shelled chicken eggs
  • 100 g onion peel
  • a little less than half a bottle of brilliant green
  • 1 st. l. 9% vinegar
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil for lubrication

Painting process

1. Vinegar must be added to the container: it fixes the pattern. Rinse the eggs in water and put in a saucepan, it is best to use a metal saucepan with smooth walls and bottom, and not a cauldron or stewpan.

2. Put the onion peel in a bowl and fill it with water, rinse thoroughly, removing all dust and dirt.

3. Put the onion peel in a bowl with the eggs - right on top of them.

4. Pour the brilliant green into the pan. After that, pour water and vinegar, but not to the brim, otherwise the liquid will create foam when it boils and pour over the edge onto the stove. If the slab is white, it will turn green at that point.

5. Place the pan on the stove, turning on medium heat. As soon as you see the liquid begin to boil, reduce the heat to minimum and boil the eggs for 10-15 minutes from now.

6. Put the painted eggs with a tablespoon in the coldest possible water and leave for 5-10 minutes.