What do beneficial bacteria do? Using bacteria to produce safe herbicides

Most people consider various bacterial organisms solely as harmful particles that can provoke the development of various pathological conditions. Nevertheless, according to scientists, the world of these organisms is very diverse. There are frankly dangerous bacteria that pose a danger to our body, but there are also useful ones - those that ensure the normal functioning of our organs and systems. Let's try to understand a little about these concepts and consider certain types of such organisms. Let's talk about bacteria in nature, harmful and beneficial to humans.

Beneficial bacteria

Scientists say that bacteria became the very first inhabitants of our large planet, and it is thanks to them that there is life on Earth now. Over the course of many millions of years, these organisms gradually adapted to the constantly changing conditions of existence, they changed their appearance and habitat. Bacteria were able to adapt to the surrounding space and were able to develop new and unique life support methods, including multiple biochemical reactions - catalysis, photosynthesis, and even seemingly simple respiration. Now bacteria coexist with human organisms, and such cooperation is distinguished by some harmony, because such organisms can bring real benefits.

After small man is born, bacteria immediately begin to penetrate into his body. They are introduced through the respiratory tract along with air, enter the body along with breast milk etc. The whole organism is saturated with various bacteria.

Their number cannot be accurately calculated, but some scientists boldly say that the number of such organisms is comparable to the number of all cells. The digestive tract alone is home to four hundred varieties of different living bacteria. It is believed that a certain variety of them can grow only in a specific place. So lactic acid bacteria are able to grow and multiply in the intestines, others feel optimally in oral cavity, some others live only on the skin.

For many years of coexistence, man and such particles were able to recreate the optimal conditions for cooperation for both groups, which can be characterized as a useful symbiosis. At the same time, bacteria and our body combine their capabilities, while each side remains in the black.

Bacteria are able to collect particles of various cells on their surface, which is why the immune system does not perceive them as hostile and does not attack. However, after organs and systems are exposed to harmful viruses, beneficial bacteria rise to the defense and simply block the path of pathogens. When existing in the digestive tract, such substances also bring tangible benefits. They are engaged in the processing of leftover food, while releasing a significant amount of heat. It, in turn, is transmitted to nearby organs, and is carried throughout the body.

Deficiency of beneficial bacteria in the body or a change in their number causes the development of various pathological conditions. This situation can develop against the background of taking antibiotics, which effectively destroy both harmful and beneficial bacteria. To correct the number of beneficial bacteria, special preparations - probiotics can be consumed.

harmful bacteria

However, it is worth remembering that not all bacteria are human friends. Among them, there are enough dangerous varieties that can only bring harm. Such organisms, after penetrating into our body, cause the development of a variety of bacterial ailments. These are various colds, some varieties of pneumonia, and in addition syphilis, tetanus and other diseases, even deadly ones. There are also diseases of this type, which are transmitted by airborne droplets. This is dangerous tuberculosis, whooping cough, etc.

A significant number of diseases provoked by harmful bacteria develop due to the consumption of insufficiently high-quality food, unwashed and unprocessed vegetables and fruits, raw water, and insufficiently fried meat. You can protect yourself from such diseases by observing the norms and rules of hygiene. Examples of such dangerous diseases are dysentery, typhoid fever, etc.

Manifestations of diseases that have developed as a result of an attack of bacteria are the result of the pathological influence of poisons that these organisms produce, or that are formed against the background of their destruction. Human body is able to get rid of them thanks to natural protection, which is based on the process of phagocytosis of bacteria by white blood cells, as well as on immune system that synthesizes antibodies. The latter carry out a bunch of foreign proteins and carbohydrates, and then simply eliminate them from the bloodstream.

Also harmful bacteria can be destroyed with the help of natural and synthetic medicines, the most famous of which is penicillin. All drugs of this type are antibiotics, they differ depending on active component and from the scheme of action. Some of them are able to destroy the cell membranes of bacteria, while others suspend the processes of their vital activity.

So, in nature there are a lot of bacteria that can bring benefits and harm to humans. Fortunately, the current level of development of medicine makes it possible to cope with the majority of pathological organisms of this kind.

The word "bacteria" in most people is associated with something unpleasant and a threat to health. At best, remember dairy products. At worst - dysbacteriosis, plague, dysentery and other troubles. Bacteria are everywhere, good and bad. What can microorganisms hide?

What is bacteria

Man and bacteria

The appearance of bacteria in the body

Beneficial bacteria are: lactic acid, bifidobacteria, coli, streptomycents, mycorrhiza, cyanobacteria.

All of them play an important role in human life. Some of them prevent the occurrence of infections, others are used in production. medicines, others maintain a balance in the ecosystem of our planet.

Types of harmful bacteria

Harmful bacteria can cause a number of serious illnesses. For example, diphtheria, anthrax, tonsillitis, plague and many others. They are easily transmitted from an infected person through air, food, touch. It is the harmful bacteria, whose names will be given below, that spoil food. They give off an unpleasant odor, rot and decompose, and cause disease.

Bacteria can be gram-positive, gram-negative, rod-shaped.

Names of harmful bacteria

Table. Harmful bacteria for humans. Titles
Titles Habitat Harm
Mycobacteria food, water tuberculosis, leprosy, ulcer
tetanus bacillus soil, skin, digestive tract tetanus, muscle spasms, respiratory failure

Plague wand

(considered by experts as a biological weapon)

only in humans, rodents and mammals bubonic plague, pneumonia, skin infections
Helicobacter pylori human stomach lining gastritis, peptic ulcer, produces cytotoxins, ammonia
anthrax bacillus the soil anthrax
botulism stick food, contaminated dishes poisoning

Harmful bacteria can stay in the body for a long time and absorb useful material out of him. However, they can cause an infectious disease.

The most dangerous bacteria

One of the most resistant bacteria is methicillin. It is better known under the name " Staphylococcus aureus» (Staphylococcus aureus). This microorganism is capable of causing not one, but several infectious diseases. Some types of these bacteria are resistant to powerful antibiotics and antiseptics. Strains of this bacterium can live in the upper regions respiratory tract, in open wounds and urinary canals of every third inhabitant of the Earth. For a person with a strong immune system, this is not dangerous.

Harmful bacteria to humans are also pathogens called Salmonella typhi. They are stimulants acute infection intestines and typhoid fever. These types of bacteria that are harmful to humans are dangerous because they produce toxic substances that are extremely life-threatening. During the course of the disease, intoxication of the body occurs, a very strong fever, rashes on the body, the liver and spleen increase. The bacterium is very resistant to various external influences. It lives well in water, on vegetables, fruits and reproduces well in milk products.

To the most dangerous bacteria also includes the bacterium Clostridium tetan. It produces a poison called tetanus exotoxin. People who become infected with this pathogen experience terrible pain, convulsions and die very hard. The disease is called tetanus. Despite the fact that the vaccine was created back in 1890, every year on Earth 60 thousand people die from it.

And another bacterium that can lead to human death is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It causes tuberculosis, which is resistant to drugs. If you do not seek help in a timely manner, a person may die.

Measures to prevent the spread of infections

Harmful bacteria, the names of microorganisms are studied from the student bench by physicians of all directions. Every year, healthcare is looking for new methods to prevent the spread of infections that are dangerous to human life. With the observance of preventive measures, you will not have to waste your energy on finding new ways to deal with such diseases.

To do this, it is necessary to identify the source of the infection in time, determine the circle of the sick and possible victims. It is imperative to isolate those who are infected and disinfect the source of infection.

The second stage is the destruction of the ways through which harmful bacteria can be transmitted. To do this, carry out appropriate propaganda among the population.

Food facilities, reservoirs, warehouses with food storage are taken under control.

Each person can resist harmful bacteria in every possible way strengthening their immunity. healthy image life, observance of elementary rules of hygiene, protection of oneself during sexual contact, use of sterile disposable medical instruments and equipment, complete restriction from communication with people in quarantine. When entering the epidemiological region or the focus of infection, it is necessary to strictly comply with all the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological services. A number of infections are equated in their impact to bacteriological weapons.

What are bacteria: names and types

The oldest living organism on our planet. Its representatives not only survived for billions of years, but also have enough power to destroy all other species on Earth. In this article, we will look at what bacteria are.

Let's talk about their structure, functions, and also name some useful and harmful types.

Discovery of bacteria

Types of bacteria in urine




Place in the world

Earlier, we figured out what bacteria are. Now it is worth talking about what role they play in nature.

Researchers say that bacteria are the first living organisms that appeared on our planet. There are both aerobic and anaerobic varieties. Therefore, single-celled beings are able to survive various cataclysms that occur with the Earth.

The undoubted benefit of bacteria lies in the assimilation of atmospheric nitrogen. They are involved in the formation of soil fertility, the destruction of the remains of dead representatives of flora and fauna. In addition, microorganisms are involved in the creation of minerals and are responsible for maintaining the reserves of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of our planet.

The total biomass of prokaryotes is about five hundred billion tons. It stores more than eighty percent of phosphorus, nitrogen and carbon.

However, on Earth there are not only beneficial, but also pathogenic species of bacteria. They cause many deadly diseases. For example, among those are tuberculosis, leprosy, plague, syphilis, anthrax, and many others. But even those that are conditionally safe for human life can become a threat when the level of immunity decreases.

There are also bacteria that infect animals, birds, fish and plants. Thus, microorganisms are not only in symbiosis with more developed beings. Next, we will talk about what pathogenic bacteria are, as well as useful representatives of this type of microorganisms.

Bacteria and man

Even at school they teach what bacteria are. Grade 3 knows all sorts of cyanobacteria and other unicellular organisms, their structure and reproduction. Now we will talk about the practical side of the issue.

Half a century ago, no one thought about such a question as the state of the microflora in the intestines. Everything was OK. Nutrition is more natural and healthy, a minimum of hormones and antibiotics, less chemical emissions into the environment.

Today, in conditions of poor nutrition, stress, an overabundance of antibiotics, dysbacteriosis and related problems come to the fore. How do doctors propose to deal with this?

One of the main answers is the use of probiotics. This is a special complex that repopulates the human intestines with beneficial bacteria.

Such an intervention can help with such unpleasant moments as food allergy, lactose intolerance, gastrointestinal disorders and other ailments.

Let's now touch on what beneficial bacteria are, and also learn about their impact on health.

The most extensively studied and widely used for positive impact three types of microorganisms on the human body - acidophilus, Bulgarian bacillus and bifidobacteria.

The first two are designed to stimulate the immune system, as well as reduce the growth of some harmful microorganisms like yeast, E. coli, and so on. Bifidobacteria are responsible for the digestion of lactose, the production of certain vitamins, and the reduction of cholesterol.

harmful bacteria

Earlier we talked about what bacteria are. The types and names of the most common beneficial microorganisms were announced above. Further, we will talk about the "unicellular enemies" of man.

There are those that are harmful only to humans, there are deadly to animals or plants. People have learned to use the latter, in particular, to destroy weeds and annoying insects.

Before delving into what harmful bacteria are, it is worth deciding on the ways they spread. And there are a lot of those. There are microorganisms that are transmitted through contaminated and unwashed products, airborne and contact routes, through water, soil or insect bites.

The worst thing is that just one cell, once in a favorable environment of the human body, is able to multiply up to several million bacteria within just a few hours.

If we talk about what bacteria are, the names of pathogenic and beneficial ones are difficult to distinguish for a non-professional. In science, Latin terms are used to refer to microorganisms. In common parlance, abstruse words are replaced by concepts - "E. coli", "causative agents" of cholera, whooping cough, tuberculosis and others.

Preventive measures to prevent the disease are of three types. These are vaccinations and vaccines, interruption of transmission routes (gauze bandages, gloves) and quarantine.

Where do bacteria in urine come from?

What bacteria are useful

Bacteria are everywhere - a similar slogan we hear from infancy. By all means we are trying to resist these microorganisms by sterilizing the environment. And is it necessary to do so?

There are bacteria that are protectors and helpers, both of man and the world around him. These living microorganisms shelter man and nature in millions of colonies. They are active participants in all ongoing processes on the planet and directly in the body of any living being. Their goal is to be responsible for the correct course of life processes and to be everywhere where they cannot be dispensed with.

The vast world of bacteria

According to studies conducted regularly by scientists, there are more than two and a half kilograms of various bacteria in the human body.

All bacteria are involved in life processes. For example, some help in the digestion of food, others are active assistants in the production of vitamins, and others act as defenders against harmful viruses and microorganisms.

One of the very useful living creatures that exist in the external environment is the nitrogen-fixing bacterium, which is found in the root nodules of plants that release nitrogen necessary for human respiration into the atmosphere.

There is another group of microorganisms that is associated with the digestion of waste organic compounds, helping to maintain soil fertility at an appropriate level. It includes nitrogen-fixing microbes.

Medicinal and food bacteria

Other microorganisms are actively involved in the process of obtaining antibiotics - these are streptomycin and tetracycline. These bacteria are called Streptomyces and belong to soil bacteria that are used in the manufacture of not only antibiotics, but also products in industrial and food production.

For these food industries, the bacterium Lactobacillis, which is involved in fermentation processes, is widely used. Therefore, it is in demand in the manufacture of yogurt, beer, cheese, wine.

All these representatives of microorganism helpers live by their own strict rules. Violation of their balance leads to the most negative phenomena. First of all, discbacteriosis is caused in the human body, the consequences of which are sometimes irreversible.

Second, everything restorative functions of a person associated with internal or external organs, with an imbalance of beneficial bacteria, they are much more difficult. The same applies to a group that is involved in food production.

Bacteria have been living on planet Earth for more than 3.5 billion years. During this time they have learned a lot and adapted to a lot. Now they are helping people. Bacteria and man became inseparable. The total mass of bacteria is enormous. It is about 500 billion tons.

Beneficial bacteria perform two of the most important ecological functions - they fix nitrogen and participate in the mineralization of organic residues. The role of bacteria in nature is global. They are involved in the movement, concentration and dispersion of chemical elements in the earth's biosphere.

The importance of bacteria beneficial to humans is great. They make up 99% of the entire population that inhabit his body. Thanks to them, a person lives, breathes and eats.

Important. They provide complete life support.

Bacteria are pretty simple. Scientists suggest that they first appeared on planet Earth.

Beneficial bacteria in the human body

The human body is inhabited by both useful and. The existing balance between the human body and bacteria has been polished for centuries.

As scientists have calculated, the human body contains from 500 to 1000 different types of bacteria or trillions of these amazing tenants, which is up to 4 kg of total weight. Up to 3 kilograms of microbial bodies is found only in the intestines. The rest of them are in the genitourinary tract, on the skin and other cavities. human body. Microbes fill the body of a newborn from the first minutes of his life and finally form the composition of the intestinal microflora by 10-13 years.

Streptococci, lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, enterobacteria, fungi, intestinal viruses, non-pathogenic protozoa live in the intestine. Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria make up 60% of the intestinal flora. The composition of this group is always constant, they are the most numerous and perform the main functions.


The importance of this type of bacteria is enormous.

  • Thanks to them, acetate and lactic acid are produced. By acidifying their habitat, they inhibit the growth that causes decay and fermentation.
  • Thanks to bifidobacteria, the risk of developing food allergies in babies is reduced.
  • They provide antioxidant and antitumor effects.
  • Bifidobacteria are involved in the synthesis of vitamin C.
  • Bifido- and lactobacilli are involved in the absorption of vitamin D, calcium and iron.

Rice. 1. The photo shows bifidobacteria. Computer visualization.


The importance of this type of bacteria for humans is great.

  • Special attention is paid to the representative of this genus Escherichia coli M17. It is able to produce the substance cocilin, which inhibits the growth of a number of pathogenic microbes.
  • With the participation, vitamins K, group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12), folic and nicotinic acids are synthesized.

Rice. 2. The photo shows E. coli (3D computer image).

The positive role of bacteria in human life

  • With the participation of bifido-, lacto-, and enterobacteria, vitamins K, C, group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12), folic and nicotinic acids are synthesized.
  • Due to the breakdown of undigested food components from the upper intestines - starch, cellulose, protein and fat fractions.
  • Intestinal microflora supports water-salt metabolism and ionic homeostasis.
  • Due to the secretion of special substances, the intestinal microflora inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria that cause putrefaction and fermentation.
  • Bifido-, lacto-, and enterobacteria take part in the detoxification of substances that enter from the outside and are formed inside the body itself.
  • The intestinal microflora plays an important role in restoring local immunity. Thanks to it, the number of lymphocytes, the activity of phagocytes and the production of immunoglobulin A increase.
  • Thanks to the intestinal microflora, the development of the lymphoid apparatus is stimulated.
  • The resistance of the intestinal epithelium to carcinogens increases.
  • Microflora protect the intestinal mucosa and provide energy to the intestinal epithelium.
  • They regulate intestinal motility.
  • The intestinal flora acquires the skills to capture and remove viruses from the host organism, with which it has been in symbiosis for many years.
  • The importance of bacteria in maintaining the body's thermal balance is great. The intestinal microflora feeds on substances that are not digested by the enzymatic system, which come from the upper gastrointestinal tract. As a result of complex biochemical reactions, a huge amount of thermal energy is produced. Heat with blood flow spreads throughout the body and enters all internal organs. That is why a person always freezes when starving.
  • Intestinal microflora regulates reabsorption of components bile acids(cholesterol), hormones, etc.

Rice. 3. In the photo, beneficial bacteria are lactobacilli (3D computer image).

The role of bacteria in nitrogen production

ammonifying microbes(causing decay), with the help of a number of enzymes they have, they are able to decompose the remains of dead animals and plants. When proteins decompose, nitrogen and ammonia are released.

Urobacteria decompose urea, which man and all animals of the planet secrete daily. Its quantity is huge and reaches 50 million tons per year.

A certain type of bacteria is involved in the oxidation of ammonia. This process is called nitrofication.

Denitrifying microbes return molecular oxygen from the soil to the atmosphere.

Rice. 4. In the photo, beneficial bacteria are ammonifying microbes. They expose the remains of dead animals and plants to decomposition.

The role of bacteria in nature: nitrogen fixation

The importance of bacteria in the life of humans, animals, plants, fungi and bacteria is enormous. As you know, nitrogen is necessary for their normal existence. But bacteria cannot absorb nitrogen in the gaseous state. It turns out that blue-green algae can bind nitrogen and form ammonia ( cyanobacteria), free-living nitrogen fixers and special . All these useful bacteria produce up to 90% of the bound nitrogen and involve up to 180 million tons of nitrogen in the nitrogen fund of the soil.

Nodule bacteria coexist well with leguminous plants and sea buckthorn.

Plants such as alfalfa, peas, lupins and other legumes have so-called "apartments" for nodule bacteria on their roots. These plants are planted on depleted soils to enrich them with nitrogen.

Rice. 5. The photo shows nodule bacteria on the surface of the root hair of a legume plant.

Rice. 6. Photo of the root of a leguminous plant.

Rice. 7. In the photo, beneficial bacteria are cyanobacteria.

The role of bacteria in nature: the carbon cycle

Carbon is the most important cellular substance of the animal and plant world, as well as the plant world. It makes up 50% of the dry matter of the cell.

A lot of carbon is found in the fiber that animals eat. In their stomach, fiber decomposes under the action of microbes and then, in the form of manure, gets outside.

Decompose fiber cellulose bacteria. As a result of their work, the soil is enriched with humus, which significantly increases its fertility, and carbon dioxide is returned to the atmosphere.

Rice. 8. Intracellular symbionts are colored green, the mass of processed wood is colored yellow.

The role of bacteria in the conversion of phosphorus, iron and sulfur

Proteins and lipids contain a large number of phosphorus, the mineralization of which is carried out You. megatherium(from the genus of putrefactive bacteria).

iron bacteria participate in the processes of mineralization of organic compounds containing iron. As a result of their activities, a large amount of iron ore and ferromanganese deposits are formed in swamps and lakes.

Sulfur bacteria live in water and soil. There are many of them in manure. They participate in the process of mineralization of sulfur-containing substances of organic origin. In the process of decomposition of organic sulfur-containing substances, hydrogen sulfide gas is released, which is extremely toxic to environment, including all living things. Sulfur bacteria, as a result of their vital activity, turn this gas into an inactive, harmless compound.

Rice. 9. Despite the apparent lifelessness, there is still life in the Rio Tinto River. These are various iron-oxidizing bacteria and many other species that can only be found in this place.

Rice. 10. Green sulfur bacteria in the Winogradsky column.

The role of bacteria in nature: mineralization of organic residues

Bacteria that take an active part in the mineralization of organic compounds are considered cleaners (orderlies) of the planet Earth. With their help, the organic matter of dead plants and animals turns into humus, which soil microorganisms turn into mineral salts, so necessary for the construction of the root, stem and leaf systems of plants.

Rice. 11. Mineralization of organic substances entering the reservoir occurs as a result of biochemical oxidation.

The role of bacteria in nature: fermentation of pectins

The cells of plant organisms bind to each other (cement) with a special substance called pectin. Some types of butyric acid bacteria have the ability to ferment this substance, which, when heated, turns into a gelatinous mass (pectis). This feature is used when soaking plants containing a lot of fibers (flax, hemp).

Rice. 12. There are several ways to obtain trusts. The most common is the biological method, in which the connection of the fibrous part with the surrounding tissues is destroyed under the influence of microorganisms. The process of fermentation of pectin substances of bast plants is called lobe, and soaked straw is called trust.

The role of bacteria in water purification

water purifying bacteria, stabilize the level of its acidity. With their help, bottom sediments are reduced, the health of fish and plants living in the water improves.

Recently, a group of scientists from different countries bacteria have been discovered that destroy the detergents that make up synthetic detergents and some medications.

Rice. 13. The activity of xenobacteria is widely used to clean up soils and water bodies contaminated with oil products.

Rice. 14. Plastic domes that purify water. They contain heterotrophic bacteria that feed on carbon-containing materials and autotrophic bacteria that feed on ammonia and nitrogen-containing materials. The tube system keeps them alive.

The use of bacteria in the enrichment of ores

Ability thionic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria used to enrich copper and uranium ores.

Rice. 15. In the photo, beneficial bacteria are Thiobacilli and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (electron micrograph). They are able to extract copper ions for leaching of wastes that are formed during the flotation enrichment of sulfide ores.

The role of bacteria in butyric fermentation

Butyric microbes are everywhere. There are more than 25 types of these microbes. They take part in the process of decomposition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Butyric fermentation is caused by anaerobic spore-forming bacteria belonging to the genus Clostridium. They are able to ferment various sugars, alcohols, organic acids, starch, fiber.

Rice. 16. In the photo, butyric microorganisms ( computer visualization).

The role of bacteria in animal life

Many species of the animal world feed on plants, which are based on fiber. To digest fiber (cellulose) animals are helped by special microbes, the residence of which is certain sections of the gastrointestinal tract.

Importance of bacteria in animal husbandry

The vital activity of animals is accompanied by the release of a huge amount of manure. From it, some microorganisms can produce methane ("marsh gas"), which is used as a fuel and raw material in organic synthesis.

Rice. 17. Methane gas as a fuel for cars.

The use of bacteria in the food industry

The role of bacteria in human life is enormous. Lactic acid bacteria are widely used in the food industry:

  • in the production of curdled milk, cheeses, sour cream and kefir;
  • when fermenting cabbage and pickling cucumbers, they take part in urinating apples and pickling vegetables;
  • they give a special flavor to wines;
  • produce lactic acid, which ferments milk. This property is used for the production of curdled milk and sour cream;
  • in the preparation of cheeses and yogurts on an industrial scale;
  • lactic acid serves as a preservative during the brining process.

Lactic acid bacteria are milk streptococci, creamy streptococci, bulgarian, acidophilic, grain thermophilic and cucumber sticks. Bacteria of the genus Streptococcus and Lactobacillus give the products a thicker texture. As a result of their vital activity, the quality of cheeses improves. They give the cheese a certain cheese flavor.

Rice. 18. In the photo, beneficial bacteria are lactobacilli (pink), Bulgarian stick and thermophilic streptococcus.

Rice. 19. In the photo, beneficial bacteria are kefir (Tibetan or milk) mushroom and lactic acid sticks before being directly introduced into milk.

Rice. 20. Dairy products.

Rice. 21. Thermophilic streptococci (Streptococcus thermophilus) are used in the preparation of mozzarella cheese.

Rice. 22. There are many options for mold penicillin. Velvety crust, greenish veins, unique taste and medicinal ammonia aroma of cheeses are unique. The mushroom taste of cheeses depends on the place and duration of ripening.

Rice. 23. Bifiliz - a biological preparation for oral administration, containing a mass of live bifidobacteria and lysozyme.

The use of yeast and fungi in the food industry

The food industry mainly uses the yeast species Saccharomyces cerevisiae. They carry out alcoholic fermentation, which is why they are widely used in the baking business. The alcohol evaporates during baking, and carbon dioxide bubbles form the bread crumb.

Since 1910, yeast has been added to sausages. Yeast of the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used for the production of wines, beer and kvass.

Rice. 24. Kombucha is a friendly symbiosis of vinegar sticks and yeast. It appeared in our area in the last century.

Rice. 25. Dry and wet yeast are widely used in the baking industry.

Rice. 26. Microscopic view of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells and Saccharomyces cerevisiae - "real" wine yeast.

The role of bacteria in human life: acetic acid oxidation

Pasteur also proved that special microorganisms take part in acetic acid oxidation - vinegar sticks which are widely found in nature. They settle on plants, penetrate into ripened vegetables and fruits. There are many of them in pickled vegetables and fruits, wine, beer and kvass.

The ability of vinegar sticks to oxidize ethyl alcohol to acetic acid It is used today to obtain vinegar used for food purposes and in the preparation of animal feed - ensiling (canning).

Rice. 27. The process of ensiling fodder. Silage is a succulent feed with a high nutritional value.

The role of bacteria in human life: the production of drugs

The study of the vital activity of microbes has allowed scientists to use some bacteria for the synthesis antibacterial drugs, vitamins, hormones and enzymes.

They help fight many infectious and viral diseases. Most antibiotics are produced actinomycetes, less often non-micellar bacteria. Penicillin, derived from fungi, destroys the cell wall of bacteria. Streptomycetes produce streptomycin, which inactivates the ribosomes of microbial cells. hay sticks or Bacillus subtilis acidify the environment. They inhibit the growth of putrefactive and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms due to the formation of a number of antimicrobial substances. Hay stick produces enzymes that destroy substances that are formed as a result of the putrefactive decay of tissues. They are involved in the synthesis of amino acids, vitamins and immunoactive compounds.

Using the technology of genetic engineering, today scientists have learned to use for the production of insulin and interferon.

A number of bacteria are supposed to be used to produce a special protein that can be added to livestock feed and human food.

Rice. 28. In the photo, spores of hay bacillus or Bacillus subtilis (painted blue).

Rice. 29. Biosporin-Biopharma is a domestic drug containing apathogenic bacteria of the genus Bacillus.

Using bacteria to produce safe herbicides

Today, the technique is widely used phytobacteria for production safe herbicides. toxins Bacillus thuringiensis emit Cry-toxins dangerous for insects, which makes it possible to use this feature of microorganisms in the fight against plant pests.

The use of bacteria in the production of detergents

Proteases or cleave peptide bonds between the amino acids that make up proteins. Amylase breaks down starch. hay stick (B. subtilis) produces proteases and amylases. Bacterial amylases are used in the manufacture of laundry detergent.

Rice. 30. The study of the vital activity of microbes allows scientists to apply some of their properties for the benefit of man.

The importance of bacteria in human life is enormous. Beneficial bacteria have been constant companions of man for many millennia. The task of mankind is not to disturb this delicate balance that has developed between the microorganisms living inside us and in the environment. The role of bacteria in human life is enormous. Scientists are constantly discovering beneficial features microorganisms, the use of which in everyday life and in production is limited only by their properties.

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How will you react if you find out that in your body the total weight of bacteria is from 1 to 2.5 kilograms?

Most likely, this will cause surprise and shock. Most people believe that bacteria are dangerous and can cause serious harm to the life of the body. Yes, this is true, but there are, in addition to dangerous, also beneficial bacteria, moreover, vital for human health.

They exist within us, taking a huge part in various metabolic processes. Actively participate in the proper functioning of life processes, both in the internal and external environment of our body. These bacteria include bifidobacteria. Rhizobium and E. coli, and many more.

Beneficial bacteria for humans
The human body has millions of all kinds of beneficial bacteria that take part in various functions of our body. As you know, the number of bacteria in the body ranges from 1 to 2.5 kilograms, this volume contains a huge number of different bacteria. These bacteria can be present in all accessible parts of the body, but they are mostly found in the intestines where they aid in the digestive process. They also play a very important role in helping to prevent bacterial infections of the genital parts of the body, as well as yeast (fungal) infections.

Some beneficial bacteria for humans are acid-base balance regulators and are involved in maintaining pH. Some are even involved in protecting the skin ( barrier function) from many infections. They are necessary and useful both as active workers in the production of vitamin K, and in the role of the normal functioning of the immune system.

Environment and beneficial bacteria
The name of one of the most beneficial bacteria in the environment is Rhizobium. These bacteria are also called nitrogen-fixing bacteria. They are present in the root nodules of plants, and release nitrogen into the atmosphere. Considered to be very beneficial to the environment.

Other equally important jobs that bacteria do for the environment are related to the digestion of organic waste, which helps maintain soil fertility. Azotobacters are a group of bacteria that are involved in the conversion of nitrogen gas into nitrates, which are used further down the chain by Rhizobium - nitrogen-fixing microbes.

Other Functions of Beneficial Bacteria
Bacteria are beneficial by participating in fermentation processes. Therefore, in many industries that are associated with the production of beer, wine, yoghurts and cheeses, they cannot do without the use of these microorganisms for fermentation processes. The bacteria used in fermentation processes are called Lactobacillus.

Bacteria play an important role in cleaning Wastewater . They are used to convert organic matter into methane. Hence, they are applied in many industries. Some bacteria are also useful in cleaning up oil spills on the surface of the Earth's water basins.

Other bacteria are used in the production of antibiotics such as tetracycline and streptomycin. Streptomyces are soil bacteria used in the industrial production of antibiotics in the pharmaceutical industry.

E.coli, - bacteria that are present in the stomach of animals, such as cows, buffaloes, etc. help them in the digestion of plant foods.

Along with these beneficial bacteria, there are some dangerous and harmful bacteria that can lead to infections, but they are few in number.

Bacteria are very small, incredibly ancient, and to some extent quite simple microorganisms. According to modern classification they were isolated in a separate domain of organisms, which indicates a significant difference between bacteria and other life forms.

Bacteria are the most common and, accordingly, the most numerous living organisms; without exaggeration, they are ubiquitous and feel great in any environment: water, air, earth, as well as inside other organisms. So in one drop of water, their number can reach several million, and in the human body there are about ten more of them than all of our cells.

Who are bacteria?

These are microscopic, predominantly unicellular organisms, the main difference of which is the absence of a cell nucleus. The basis of the cell, the cytoplasm, contains ribosomes and a nucleoid, which is the genetic material of bacteria. All this is separated from the outside world by a cytoplasmic membrane or plasmalemma, which in turn is covered with a cell wall and a denser capsule. Some types of bacteria have external flagella, their number and size can vary greatly, but the purpose is always the same - with their help, the bacteria move.

Structure and contents of a bacterial cell

What are bacteria?

Shapes and sizes

The shapes of different types of bacteria are very variable: they can be round, rod-shaped, convoluted, stellate, tetrahedral, cubic, C- or O-shaped, and also irregular.

Bacteria vary greatly in size. So, Mycoplasma mycoides - the smallest species in the whole kingdom has a length of 0.1 - 0.25 micrometers, and the largest bacterium Thiomargarita namibiensis reaches 0.75 mm - it can even be seen with the naked eye. On average, the sizes range from 0.5 to 5 microns.

Metabolism or metabolism

In matters of obtaining energy and nutrients, bacteria exhibit extreme diversity. But at the same time, it is quite easy to generalize them, dividing them into several groups.

According to the method of obtaining nutrients (carbons), bacteria are divided into:
  • autotrophs- organisms capable of independently synthesizing all the organic substances they need for life;
  • heterotrophs- organisms that are able to transform only ready-made organic compounds, and therefore need the help of other organisms that would produce these substances for them.
By way of obtaining energy:
  • phototrophs organisms that produce energy through photosynthesis
  • chemotrophs- Organisms that produce energy through various chemical reactions.

How do bacteria reproduce?

Growth and reproduction in bacteria are closely related. Having reached a certain size, they begin to multiply. In most types of bacteria, this process can proceed extremely quickly. Cell division, for example, can take place in less than 10 minutes, while the number of new bacteria will grow exponentially, since each new organism will be divided into two.

Highlight 3 various types breeding:
  • division- one bacterium is divided into two absolutely genetically identical.
  • budding- one or more buds (up to 4) are formed at the poles of the parent bacterium, while the mother cell ages and dies.
  • primitive sexual process- part of the DNA of the parent cells is transferred to the daughter, and a bacterium appears with a fundamentally new set of genes.

The first type is the most common and fastest, the last one is incredibly important, not only for bacteria, but for all life in general.