Sample menu for lowering insulin in the blood. Diet with elevated insulin in the blood, basic rules and restrictions

They feel unwell. Health problems affect appearance because the body ages faster.

Nutritionists help make menus for high insulin. Diabetics receive the necessary nutrition without harm to health.

When experts prescribe a diet for high insulin levels in patients, they are trying to stabilize hormone levels. It is necessary to prevent sudden changes in the amount of sugar in the blood. Ordinary foods affect this indicator, stimulate the production of insulin in large quantities.

If a diabetic eats a high glycemic food, the body undergoes major changes. The patient's health is at risk. Therefore, high GI foods should be excluded from the diet forever.

At the same time, it is undesirable to go to extremes, doctors do not advise limiting the diet as much as possible. Too low blood sugar leads to hypoglycemia. To prevent health problems, you need to eat foods regularly in small quantities. If you observe a small interval between meals, the patient will not feel hungry.

The number of calories contained in foods is also taken into account. In overweight patients, diabetes is more difficult.

There are no symptoms of diabetes in the early stages of the disease. Complications develop slowly, the patient does not experience discomfort. If you do not diet with high insulin levels, you need to be prepared for negative consequences. An insulin-dependent form of the disorder develops.

The pancreas cannot always work intensively. The cells of the gland are depleted, the level of secreted enzymes decreases. You have to inject yourself with insulin all your life to regulate the amount of carbohydrates.

If a diabetic does not want to adjust the diet, you will have to use medications. The drugs compensate for carbohydrate metabolism, accelerate the transition of diabetes to an insulin-dependent form.

If you do not follow a diet, complications appear:

  • the retina of the eye is destroyed;
  • diabetic foot often causes amputation;
  • kidneys fail;
  • life expectancy is reduced;
  • heart attacks and strokes occur frequently.

A diet with high insulin levels does not help to cope with diabetes fully. It's an integral part complex therapy. Properly formulated diet helps to reduce the level of glucose, insulin.

Letters from our readers

Topic: Grandma's blood sugar returned to normal!

From: Christina [email protected])

To: site administration

Moscow city

My grandmother has been suffering from diabetes for a long time (type 2), but recently there have been complications on her legs and internal organs.

Properly compiling and following the approved diet helps to improve the condition with high insulin levels. Signs of hypoglycemia can be stopped if specific foods are consumed on time. The approved diet is followed until the patient recovers.

A diet with high insulin in the blood is observed according to the following rules:

  • the patient's diet should be balanced;
  • you can not use sugar in any form;
  • it is recommended to give preference to products with low GI;
  • A diabetic should never starve;
  • the number of calories in foods should be minimal;
  • consume 25% of calories in the morning, 30% in the afternoon, 10% for each additional snack;
  • it is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates;
  • you can not drink sweet drinks;
  • fatty foods should not be much;
  • you need to eat more fruits and vegetables, plant foods;
  • dairy products should not contain fat;
  • diabetics need fractional meals 4-5 times a day in small portions;
  • you need to drink more water.

At elevated insulin You will have to limit the consumption of foods with a high glycemic index.

With an increase in physical activity, the level of carbohydrate metabolism stabilizes. The body's sensitivity to insulin increases. The concentration of enzymes is normalized with moderate physical exertion.

With high blood pressure, you can not expose the body to power loads, it can develop hypertensive crisis. Increase the load during training gradually.

A balanced diet to correct insulin levels includes vegetable and fat components. Seafood is very useful for diabetics. Fruits and nuts contain a lot of chromium.

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids. Flax or pumpkin seeds have a beneficial effect on digestive system help to normalize the level of sugar and insulin.

  • chicken meat without fat, beef, lamb;
  • dietary fish;
  • Rye bread without refined flour;
  • oatmeal or buckwheat porridge;
  • legumes;
  • vegetables, fruits with a small amount of carbohydrates;
  • green vegetables, celery, spinach, lettuce;
  • kiwi, apples, pears;
  • garlic helps to normalize cholesterol levels;
  • potatoes in small quantities;
  • seaweed;
  • dairy products;
  • berries, jelly, mousses;
  • avocados, oranges, lemons;
  • vegetable oils;
  • honey in small quantities;
  • eggs;
  • almonds, other nuts;
  • coffee with milk in small quantities;
  • freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks without sugar.

Using this list, diabetics can make their own diet for a week.

So that the sugar level does not jump sharply, you need to use the table of the glycemic index of products.

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As with any diet, not all foods are allowed to be consumed.

  • jam;
  • cakes;
  • cakes;
  • pastries with cream;
  • lemonade;
  • semolina;
  • fatty meat, smoked food;
  • canned food;
  • spicy foods;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • boiled carrots;
  • beet;
  • horseradish;
  • melon;
  • mango;
  • dried fruits;
  • vermicelli;
  • baking from wheat flour;
  • chocolate;
  • sugar;
  • mayonnaise;
  • cream;
  • salo;
  • duck;
  • animal fat;
  • grape juice.

This is not a complete list, since the diet for diabetics is determined individually, the nutritionist will tell you what you can eat and what you can’t.

Doctors advise to establish a diet and follow it every day. Eat foods at the same time regularly 5-6 times a day in small portions. Dietary fiber, bran, fruits, and vegetables are of considerable importance to the body. The nutritionist makes a list of products according to certain rules.

Preference should be given to foods with a low glycemic index. Fruit can be used as a snack after the main meal. If you eat them immediately after breakfast or lunch, the process of fermentation will begin in the stomach.

Sweets are excluded from the diet, fruits and berries will help satisfy this need. You can’t eat on the go, it’s undesirable to take something in food before going to bed.

Products for compiling the menu for the day:

  • tea, scrambled eggs with mushrooms rye bread;
  • juice, bran sandwich;
  • soup with vegetables, chicken, salad, compote;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • boiled fish, cabbage, carrots, tea;
  • fat-free kefir;
  • oatmeal, fat-free cheese, tea;
  • vegetable salad, juice, bread;
  • borscht, boiled beef, lettuce, berry juice;
  • orange;
  • fish cutlet, vegetable salad, tea.
  • yogurt;
  • seaweed, boiled egg, tea;
  • mushroom broth, chicken, stewed vegetables, uzvar;
  • fruit mousse;
  • cottage cheese casserole, tea;
  • yogurt.

The diet of diabetics is varied, the products are affordable, so the diet will not be expensive.

Not everyone can tolerate a reduction in the amount of simple carbohydrates in their diet. Such measures are needed to regulate the level of sugar in the body.

Doctors advice:

  • nutritionists do not recommend eating food after 18:00;
  • eat fatty and carbohydrate dishes before lunch, leave light foods for dinner;
  • hunger is considered the most powerful factor in the development of hyperinsulinemia, the maximum time interval between meals is 3 hours;
  • low-calorie foods containing carbohydrates are recommended to be consumed before sports.

Lack of insulin causes diabetes. Excessive activity of the pancreas a large number hormones are also bad for health. Hypoglycemia contributes to obesity. This condition can be prevented with medication. A diet with high insulin and normal sugar is compiled by doctors. Diabetics need to follow the recommendations for adjusting their diet.

When the functions of the pancreas begin to be disturbed, the level of insulin in the blood begins to rise in a person. Then the sugar level begins to rise, which can lead to the most negative and irreversible consequences, such as the development of hypoglycemia.

This disease occurs in people who suffer from obesity, which causes the formation of diabetes. To solve such a problem, timely intervention of doctors is necessary and it is important to adhere to proper nutrition.

When doctors prescribe a diet with elevated insulin in the blood, the main goal is to make hormonal levels stable. Wherein great importance has the prevention of sharp fluctuations in the level of sugar in the human blood stream. It must be understood that regular food can affect blood sugar levels and cause increased insulin production.

If a person consumes foods whose glycemic index is elevated (such foods are pastries, sweet dishes), then the changes become serious, which will not bring anything good to the state of health in such a situation. For this reason, such products from the diet of people with the indicated disease must be removed without fail.

But it is also impossible to go to the other extreme, when a person does not eat anything. In such a situation, the level of sugar in the blood stream begins to decrease and this often becomes the cause of the formation of hypoglycemia. To prevent this, a diet with highly elevated insulin should be such that there are no long time intervals between meals, then a person will not have a strong feeling of hunger.

When compiling a diet, pay attention to the caloric content of the products - the daily diet should not be too high in calories. With such a problem, people often suffer from excess weight, so reducing the number of calories consumed should be mandatory. The problem is solved in a complex way, products that lower insulin levels are useful.

About the necessary rules

In order to achieve the necessary positive results with high insulin in a short time, it is important to properly organize the menu for the week and strictly adhere to it, without retreating a single step, since there are no trifles in this matter. If you consume the appropriate foods, you can quickly neutralize the symptoms that characterize the development of hypoglycemia. It is important that such a diet be mandatory until such time as a person fully recovers. Insulin levels are not to be trifled with, it can lead to serious consequences.

These rules are as follows:

  • products that contain sugar (including sugar itself) should be completely banned, in any, even the smallest amount. You can’t drink sweet drinks that contain gas and you need to give up juices in bags - these are real sugar bombs, using which, a strong blow is applied to the body;
  • foods that are low glycemic index are the basis of all dishes that people with this problem can eat. Such products are also good because with their help a person quickly becomes full and this feeling of satiety remains for a long time. From such products you can cook a lot of very different and very tasty dishes, so there is no reason to believe that insulin-lowering dishes are not tasty. The recipes are such that the most sophisticated gourmet will be satisfied. They are the excellent prophylactic against strong insulin surges in the blood stream;
  • it is important to understand that it is impossible to starve in such a state under any circumstances. It is important for insulin-dependent people to be constantly full, for this, meals should be at least every 2 hours. But portions should be small. It is enough to have with you foods that you can eat quickly and that do not take up much space - fruits, diet-type bars, they cannot increase insulin levels;
  • bad news for those people who love coffee - this tasty and strong drink should be completely abandoned. The same goes for common bad habits such as cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption. When a person smokes, normal metabolic processes begin to be disturbed, and alcoholic beverages increase the glycemic level in the human body. In such a situation, the insulin level in the body is reduced, but when drinking coffee, it will not be possible to lower it - it will only be increased, which is unacceptable in such a situation;
  • don't give up on physical activity but they should be moderate. And before you do them, you need to eat something with a low calorie content and carbohydrate content. Then the blood sugar level will not be very low;
  • products that contain omega-3 fats are excellent for stabilizing blood sugar levels ( fish fat, linseed oil, pumpkin seeds);
  • you need to eat so that the amount of chromium in the body is significant. It can be found in abundance in nuts (a wide variety), seafood (which have many other useful things). We must not forget about fresh vegetables and fruits, they are very useful in such a situation.

You should return to the need for moderate physical activity - even the most simple activities should not be performed before a person has eaten something, the stomach should not be empty. With moderate physical activity, insulin levels decrease, along with a person's weight decreases.

What is allowed

The menu is prepared in advance, it is recommended for a week. It is important that the nutritious diet is balanced and complete, do not forget that such a diet will become a long companion. It is important to control the consumption of table salt - the maximum allowable dose per day should not exceed 10 grams. Products are best boiled, baked and steamed, but fried foods are harmful (this applies not only to people with such a problem, but to everyone else). Foods high in fat should be excluded from the diet. Refuse to consume seasonings that increase appetite, the same goes for spices that can enhance taste.

So, what can you eat in such a situation:

  • meat with a low fat content, poultry meat is welcome, but first you need to remove the skin from it;
  • fish (unlike meat, it should be fatty varieties), but you can eat it a maximum of 2 times a week;
  • vegetables can and should be eaten more, they can be cooked in different ways, but fruits with a high sugar content should be limited in intake;
  • fruits are needed by the body, but you should not choose sweet fruits. From them you can make delicious and healthy desserts, cocktails, drinks;
  • you can boil eggs, make steamed omelets out of them, but not more than a couple of times a week;
  • milk and products from it, you just need to choose those that are not very fatty;
  • whole grain cereals from millet, oats and rice;
  • it is useful to eat soy and various dishes with its content;
  • germinated wheat grains, you can eat sunflower.

Often people simply cannot live normally without sweets. Do not torture yourself - you can use sweeteners, but you need to choose only high quality ones. Sweets that are intended for diabetics are acceptable.

What to give up

  • sweet foods, all kinds of confectionery;
  • jam, marmalade, honey, jam;
  • juices in packages, drinks with gas;
  • alcoholic drinks of all kinds;
  • white bread (if it is fresh), all kinds of rich pastries;
  • meat, if it contains a lot of species and has been fried;
  • bananas, grapes and other sweet fruits.

Everything else can be eaten, but do not forget about the moderation of consumption. It is best to stick to a diet. It is important not only what and how much to eat, but also when to do it. It is necessary to refuse a late dinner, but you should not go to bed on an empty stomach either - you need to drink kefir or milk.

It's best to bring sample menu for a week:

  • for breakfast, you can cook oatmeal in milk (just don’t add sugar there!), put a piece of butter, drink unsweetened tea and gnaw crackers;
  • for lunch you can eat apples baked in the oven;
  • cook soup for lunch (it is better to use vegetable broth or lean meat broth), for the second, delicious steamed cutlets are made (chicken or veal for cutlets will be the best option). For a snack, vegetables baked in the oven, and wash it all down with unsweetened compote;
  • in the afternoon, unsweetened low-fat cottage cheese is suitable, then kefir or fermented baked milk with diet-type cookies;
  • you need to have dinner with fish fillets, serve brown rice, vegetable salad as a side dish and wash it all down with tomato juice.


If a person adheres to the correct diet for a month, then the results of the tests indicate the stabilization of the level of insulin in the blood stream. If a timely therapeutic treatment, its level decreases rapidly and the person feels much better. Stop hurting people dangerous symptoms: constant headache, unstable pressure, feeling of weakness.

With such a diet, a person’s body weight gradually decreases, but the important thing is that a person does not need to starve. Nutrition is complete, it is not difficult to refuse sugar consumption with this approach, since you can use high-quality sweeteners and sweets intended for diabetics. And another plus of such a diet is that a person forms the habit of eating healthy food, so he quickly recovers, feels good and it is not easy to overcome his body with any diseases.

The hormone insulin is produced in the beta cells of the tail of our pancreas. The main task of insulin is to regulate blood glucose levels., also this substance is responsible for protein-fat metabolism in almost all tissues of the body. Insulin spikes lead to constant fatigue, lack of energy, slow healing of wounds and bruises, and as a result - to the rapid aging of the body. You can regulate the level of the hormone in the blood with the help of special drugs, but the main and most accessible remedy is diet with insulin.

high insulin diet

The concept of elevated insulin in many is associated exclusively with type 2 diabetes. In fact, a variety of factors can provoke an increase in the level of this pancreatic hormone - constant stress, exhausting physical activity, liver disease, malfunction of the pituitary gland, polycystic ovaries in women, and even pancreatic tumors.

When high levels of insulin remain in the blood for a long time, it is not just dangerous. This situation can lead to irreversible changes in all systems of the human body.

With increased insulin, nutrition must be agreed with your doctor. Allowed / prohibited foods and menus to a large extent depend on the diagnosis, the number of hormone injections per day and on the drug prescribed to the patient. There are also general rules diets that must be followed by each patient with such a pathology.

Diet rules for high insulin

  • A frequent companion of elevated insulin is overweight and obesity, so the diet must be balanced and low in calories.
  • The main principle of clinical nutrition in this case is fragmentation. You need to eat at least 3 times a day, plus a few snacks. It is important not to allow feelings of severe hunger.
  • The diet should contain only slow carbohydrates, they should be distributed evenly between all meals. Fast carbohydrates (any sweet pastries, factory-made sweets) will have to be excluded from the menu.
  • Sweet with high insulin will have to be constantly limited. The way out is homemade desserts with sweeteners, sometimes marmalade and low-calorie marshmallows.
  • A diet with elevated insulin should include as many low-fat soups as possible with mushroom, vegetable, fish, chicken broth.
  • It is very important to limit the intake of salt with insulin and all dishes where it is contained in excess. These are salted nuts and crackers, sausage, various canned food.
  • Also, doctors advise at a reduced level to eat the main part of the daily diet in the morning. After 19.00 - only vegetables, low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk.

Diet with low insulin

Low insulin levels are often accompanied by diabetes Type 1, and an increase in blood glucose can even cause a diabetic coma. Also, low insulin occurs during exhausting physical exertion, especially on an empty stomach, a sedentary lifestyle, severe infections, etc. Excessive love for white bread, buns, cakes and other sweet pastries can also lead to reduced level this hormone.

Insufficient levels of insulin are no less dangerous than its high content. If the pancreas is not doing its job well, insulin cannot regulate the sugar content, which is why glucose does not enter the cells in the proper amount. As a result, the level of sugar in the blood rises rapidly, a person suffers from sudden attacks hunger and thirst, frequent urination (especially at night), becomes very restless, irritable.

If insulin is lowered, products and a specially selected treatment menu will be able to correct the situation.

Diet tips for low insulin

  • Meals should be fractional, 4-5 times a day. It is recommended to plan your daily routine so that you eat at the same time every day.
  • The main component of the diet high carbohydrate meals(various cereals). The percentage of carbohydrates in the menu is about 65%, proteins - 20%, fats - 15%.
  • Carbohydrates with such a diet should be slow, healthy and foods high in gluten and fiber.
  • A diet with low insulin does not prohibit sweets - you just have to replace them with various sweeteners so that blood sugar levels decrease.
  • Fruits, dried fruits and vegetables can be eaten without fear, the restrictions apply only to starchy fruits and too sweet. These are potatoes, legumes, bananas, grapes, dates with raisins.
  • The amount of water per day should be 1.5-2 liters (including soups). It is better to give preference to homemade fruit drinks and unsweetened drinks.

What foods contain insulin?

It is important to understand that insulin is not directly contained in food.. This is a hormone that is produced only in our body, more precisely - in the pancreas. But food can greatly affect the level of insulin in the blood: some foods stimulate the pancreas and increase insulin, while others can reduce the concentration of this hormone.

To find out which meals will help increase or decrease the amount of insulin, you need to look at their insulin index. It is necessary to distinguish this indicator from the well-known glycemic index. Foods with a high glycemic index cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Insulin-containing foods increase the production of insulin itself. It does not depend on the concentration of glucose.

Foods that increase insulin production in our body include:

  • fatty beef and fish;
  • potatoes (boiled and fried), stewed beans;
  • ice cream, chocolate bars, caramel, cakes;
  • yogurt, cheese and whole milk;
  • white and black bread;
  • rice, pasta, corn flakes;
  • muesli and oatmeal;
  • apples and bananas, oranges and grapes.

The following lines in the menu will help to reduce the level of insulin:

  • skimmed milk, yogurt and cottage cheese;
  • whole grains and nuts;
  • stewed and boiled poultry (chicken, turkey);
  • fresh and processed vegetables (especially lettuce, cabbage, pumpkin with zucchini);
  • all citrus fruits (except tangerines), pomegranates and pears.

The menu for insulin must be compiled based on those products that can adjust your hormonal level. But it is best to plan a diet together with your doctor. He will help not only to draw up a diet program for you, but also select essential vitamins to equalize insulin levels.

In the event that the human pancreas does not work properly and releases too much insulin into the blood, there is an excess of this hormone. This is fraught with various complications, including hypertension, high cholesterol, etc. Besides, elevated level This hormone leads to the appearance of the following pathologies:

  • increase in blood pressure;
  • decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • thickening of the walls of the carotid artery.

Benefits of high insulin diet

A healthy lifestyle and proper diet in the presence of this pathology will help:

  • reduce insulin levels
  • correct excess weight;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • lower blood lipids.

The most important thing is that the diet included in complex treatment patient, will prevent diabetes! This is a serious disease.

Nutrition Basics

Hyperinsulism requires fractional nutrition patients: at least five times a day. You also need to monitor the intake of carbohydrates: at least 150 grams per day. For each of the applied patients, the doctor must draw up an individual diet, which is based on the following provisions:

  • A person himself monitors the number of carbohydrates consumed by them.
  • The patient must control the amount of food eaten per day.
  • A person should completely refrain from drinking alcohol.
  • Refusal of sugar. If this action brings severe discomfort to a person, the use of sweeteners is allowed.
  • Rejection of salt. Sausages and semi-finished products should be excluded from the diet.
  • Drinking more liquid.

These are the rules that must be strictly observed with increased insulin.

What are the main products?

Shops offer a wide range of food products. They must be carefully chosen, since not all of them are able to benefit a person. Among the products that should be in the shopping basket of a person with increased insulin, the following are distinguished:

It is very important that the patient's diet is combined with vigorous exercise. They include walking for 30 to 40 minutes, which is great for reducing excess weight. Walks are not only useful from this point of view, they normalize the mental state of a person, helping him to calm down and think about everything, including his health, in a comfortable environment - in the fresh air. Diet and physical exercises the patient does not choose for himself: everything must be agreed with the attending physician, since each person is individual. The doctor, taking into account the prescribed diet, pays attention to the individual characteristics of his patient and his age.

An excess of insulin produced in the body disrupts all types of metabolism - carbohydrate, protein and fat. An elevated hormone leads to non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, when the receptors stop responding to the presence of insulin, and the transport of sugar to the organs does not occur, and the functioning of the organs depends on this, since glucose provides energy for the functioning of the human body systems.

In addition, this situation can increase the amount of the hormone in the blood. The mechanism of action of its increase is as follows - due to the lack of insulin receptor sensitivity, the food taken acts by increasing the amount of glucose in the blood vessels, increased glucose causes additional education insulin, and its level rises above normal.

The next reason for the increase in the hormone is a tumor disease, in which tumor cells begin to produce a hormone, and its amount grows. The growth of the substance can also be caused by severe stress, hard physical work or strength sports. An increase in the hormone is possible with multiple ovarian cysts in women.

Since the insulin produced has a vasoconstrictive effect, its excess leads to jumps blood pressure. An elevated hormone can cause kidney failure. It negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system.

An excess of the hormone sometimes causes gangrene of the extremities, which begins with circulatory disorders. An excess of the hormone has a detrimental effect on the reproductive sphere, causing difficulties in conceiving a baby, it causes infertility.

In humans, the state of insulin resistance is usually associated only with diabetes. But this pathology may have other prerequisites. The reasons for this problem are:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • a large number of simple carbohydrates in the diet;
  • taking drugs that negatively affect the process of assimilation of the hormone.

If a person has no health problems, then his muscles utilize up to 80% of all incoming glucose. It is the main source of energy. You are more likely to develop insulin resistance if you have:

  • abdominal obesity;
  • hypertriglyceridemia;
  • low levels of HDL (good cholesterol);
  • prediabetes or the disease itself;
  • hypertension;
  • microalbuminuria.

In case of failures in the process of absorption of insulin by cells, such diseases can also be diagnosed:

  • ischemic heart disease;
  • obesity;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • hypertension;
  • chronic inflammatory lesions;
  • degeneration of liver tissue;
  • stress;
  • growth disorders;
  • Alzheimer's disease.

Elevated levels of insulin significantly worsen the state of health.

Signs of high hormone

At healthy person the amount of the hormone should not exceed the value of 20 mcU / ml. The norm of sugar content in the blood is from 3.5 mmol / l to 5.5 mmol / l. The numbers in the analysis form may differ depending on the units of measurement adopted in the laboratory.

Elevated insulin can be recognized by the following signs:

  • Weakness and fatigue;
  • Feeling of constant hunger;
  • sweating;
  • Oiliness of the skin;
  • The onset of shortness of breath after small exertion;
  • Pain in the muscles and cramps in the limbs;
  • itchy skin;
  • Slow healing of scratches and bleeding wounds.

Symptoms of pathology

Before you figure out how to eat in order to increase the susceptibility of tissues to pancreatic hormones, you need to make sure that you have insulin resistance. The symptoms of pathology include:

  • the appearance of drowsiness after eating;
  • increased flatulence;
  • distracted attention;
  • accumulation of fat in the waist and abdomen;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • depressive disorders.

With these signs, go through a full examination.


To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to check:

  • is there protein in the urine;
  • triglyceride level;
  • glucose concentration;
  • the ratio of good and bad cholesterol.

Tissue resistance can be confirmed using specially calculated indices:

  • the HOMAIR indicator should be no more than 2.7;
  • CARO criterion - less than 0.33.

If their values ​​are higher, then the tissues do not absorb insulin well. In this case, all forces should be directed to reducing the weight of the patient. But keep in mind that you should properly prepare for the test. Only in this case they will be informative.

Before taking blood for research, you must:

  • 8-12 hours do not eat;
  • stop smoking 30 minutes before sampling;
  • avoid physical exertion, stress on the eve of the analysis.

You should tell your doctor about taking any medications, they can affect the results of the tests.

Patients should know that when insulin resistance is diagnosed, there is no need to despair. This is a rather serious pathology, but you can cope with it with the help of a proper low-carbohydrate diet and physical activity.

Eat foods that are low glycemic index. In the diet, the main emphasis is on them. With the normalization of the patient's condition, the menu expands. Medium GI foods are included. Losing weight by 10% significantly improves the well-being and prognosis for the patient.

Fundamentals of Diet Therapy

With this disease, a low-carbohydrate diet is indicated, which eliminates starvation. The food is fractional, five to six times a day, the rate of fluid intake will be from two liters or more.

At the same time, carbohydrates should be difficult to digest, for example, rye flour pastries, various cereals, vegetables and fruits. Flour products, sweets, sugar, a number of fruits, vegetables and animal products are banned.

Thermal processing of products eliminates the process of frying and stewing with the addition of a large amount of vegetable oil, due to its calorie content. In general, all fatty food should be excluded from the diet.

This diet prohibits such products:

  1. meat and fish of fatty varieties;
  2. semolina;
  3. sweets, chocolate and sugar;
  4. baking and flour products made from wheat flour;
  5. fruit juices;
  6. potato;
  7. smoked meats;
  8. sour cream;
  9. butter.

Fundamentals of Diet Therapy

A diet with elevated insulin in the blood should help stabilize the level of this hormone. To do this, it is very important to prevent a sharp change in blood sugar levels. Even a regular meal already raises sugar, and as a response, the body produces more insulin.

Also unacceptable is a strong feeling of hunger, in which the sugar level, on the contrary, drops sharply, which can lead to hypoglycemia. Therefore, the diet should be built in such a way that there are no large gaps between meals.

A diet with elevated insulin in the blood implies compliance with several rules. The first rule is dictated by the fact that with each meal, the content of glucose in the blood increases, in response to which our body produces an additional amount of the hormone.

Eating with elevated insulin implies a rule - do not allow too much hunger, as it threatens with a hypoglycemic state. Therefore, it is necessary to eat fractionally, every 2 to 3 hours in small portions. All rules can be defined by the following list:

  1. Include foods that have a low glycemic index in the diet, as they guarantee a long feeling of satiety. Avoid sweets and pastries.
  2. Eat every 2-3 hours.
  3. do away with bad habits don't drink coffee. Caffeine promotes the active production of insulin. Alcohol belongs to the drinks that produce a high amount of sugar after consumption.
  4. Before physical exertion, you need to eat a low-calorie fruit or vegetable product that prevents a strong decrease in glucose.
  5. It makes sense to take vitamin Omega 3 or any fish oil to normalize the amount of sugar.
  6. Chromium should be replenished in the body. This substance is found in seafood different varieties nuts, raw and boiled vegetables and some uncooked fruits.

Exercise can normalize high levels of insulin and sugar levels, but simple morning exercises should not be done without eating some food. An ordinary apple before physical education will not allow the volume of sugar to fall and insulin in the blood to rise.

Nutrition in such a situation is based on the reverse principles. If insulin is low, which threatens type 1 diabetes, you can try to increase it with products containing phytoinsulin. What foods contain insulin?

To stimulate the production of your hormone, you should eat hormone-raising foods - meat, fish, yogurt, legumes, beans, eggplant, fruits. After eating these foods, insulin rises.

Insulin resistance is a decrease in the response of cells and tissues of the body to insulin, whether it is produced by the body or administered by injection. It turns out that the pancreas produces insulin for the glucose that enters the blood, but it is not perceived by the cells.

As a result, blood sugar rises and the pancreas perceives this as a need for even more insulin and produces it additionally. It turns out that the pancreas is working hard.

Insulin resistance leads to abdominal obesity, while a person experiences frequent feelings of hunger, fatigue and irritability. The disease can be diagnosed by tests, the main criteria are the indicator of cholesterol and glucose in the blood. The doctor also takes the patient's medical history.

Diet for this disease is a key therapy in the treatment, after a week of diet therapy, the patient's well-being improves significantly. But if you do not adhere to proper nutrition, the following consequences are possible:

  • development of type 2 diabetes (insulin independence);
  • hyperglycemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart attack;
  • stroke.

Guided by this technique, you do not limit yourself either in the amount of food or in the quality of products and will lose weight by at least 5 kg. In these aspects healthy eating system developers rely on your common sense.

The interval between meals should be no more than 5 hours. Dinner - three hours before bedtime. Late night snacking is strictly prohibited! You can not raise the level of insulin at night!


The main rule is not to eat at night. The rule works because it leads to a limitation in the production of hormones. It is necessary to reduce the formation of insulin.

Insulin and its role is important in metabolic processes. This hormone inhibits the activity of enzymes that break down fats. The more hormone in the human body, the slower the process of losing weight.

Blood glucose levels increase after eating. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon the night meal - simplest way curb insulin production at night, during rest.

  • available menu;
  • few restrictions;
  • based on a healthy diet;
  • no calorie counting;
  • no additives;
  • useful for those suffering from insulin imbalance.
  • not for certain food allergies;
  • a delicious menu can lead to gluttony;
  • unsuitable for those who are sensitive to carbohydrates.

To lose weight by 5 or more kilograms, and the weight that left at night did not come back, follow a simple insulin diet menu.

The diet is not expensive, because it contains mainly vegetables, dairy products, fish and cereals. Food expenses are 1300-1400 rubles per week.

A therapeutic diet with elevated insulin is a prerequisite for normalizing well-being and maintaining health. If violations are detected in the initial stages, then, as a rule, nutritional correction is quite enough to improve the patient's well-being.

The need for application medications does not always occur - it all depends on the severity of the course of the pathological process and individual characteristics the patient's body. But even if the doctor prescribes special medications to the patient, they will not have the expected effect without following the diet and revising the wrong lifestyle.

The basic principles of nutrition to be followed by patients with hyperinsulinemia:

  • switching to a fractional diet (you need to eat often and in small portions);
  • restriction of calorie intake;
  • the predominance of natural products in the menu without synthetic seasonings and a large number of spices;
  • refusal of food fast food, semi-finished products and sweets;
  • exclusion from the menu of fried, fatty and spicy foods;
  • limiting the amount of salt consumed.

With a high level of insulin in the blood, the body not only accumulates body fat at an accelerated pace, but also loses the ability to burn excess fat already present.

Therefore, the calorie content of the daily diet of a sick person should be slightly reduced until the level of this hormone in the blood enters the acceptable range. The optimal number of calories consumed with food per day can only be calculated by a doctor, since this should be done taking into account the characteristics of the physique, occupation and general condition health.

Fatty, fried, spicy and salty foods create too much stress on all organs of the digestive tract and pancreas. Therefore, they must be completely excluded until the state of human health is normalized, and then, if eaten, then only sometimes and in small portions.