Runny nose for no reason. What is a runny nose and why does it occur? Medical methods of treatment

Very common childhood disease, which is most often manifested in the autumn-winter period, but is often diagnosed in the spring / summer (allergic nature). Generally, the common cold in school-age children does not require special treatment problems - a young, actively developing organism effectively fights a cold and, according to Dr. Komarovsky, as well as a number of other well-known modern therapists, the appointment of powerful drugs like antibiotics only harms this process.

Naturally, when it comes to allergies, as well as serious pathologies and the connection of a bacterial infection, then individual therapy is often required, and not just classical ones. vasoconstrictor drops to temporarily ease breathing. Medical treatment it is rational to use it when a cold passes into a chronic phase or when symptoms of prolonged (more than two weeks) rhinitis appear - snot of a thick consistency and white, yellow, green color.

Also Special attention should be given to patients under the age of three years- during this period, any disease can provoke the development serious complications in a short period of time, so your child needs to be under the constant supervision of a pediatrician or the supervision of a specialized specialist until the child is completely recovered.

In view of the possible potential risks to the health of the fetus, the diagnosis of the common cold, as well as its treatment, must be carried out under the mandatory supervision of your doctor. A number of drugs and procedures commonly used by adults for rhinitis are contraindicated for women in this period, therefore, special emphasis is placed on prevention, additional therapy (immunomodulation, homeopathy,) and creating ideal conditions for natural recovery.

Drug treatment of the common cold is contraindicated in most cases in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is just being formed.

Causes of a runny nose

  1. Various infections of a fungal, bacterial or viral nature.
  2. Allergic seasonal or systemic manifestations.
  3. Physiological causes- sudden temperature changes environment(for example, hypothermia).
  4. Contact with the mucous membranes of the nose of various irritants - from chemical substances and smoke up foreign bodies.
  5. General weakening of the immune system against the background of chronic diseases.
  6. Side effect of certain medications.
  7. Hormonal problems and disorders of reflex-nervous functions.
  8. Circulatory problems.
  9. Other factors.


The symptoms of a runny nose in the vast majority of cases are unambiguous and, as a rule, are divided into three main stages:

  1. Hyperemia and irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose. In the designated internal area, dryness and burning are felt, the person begins to sneeze. Often there is a slight fever, malaise, as well as aching limbs, especially during physical activity. May be observed.
  2. Swelling of the mucous membrane and a significant increase in the secretion of mucus from the nose. Nasal congestion develops, it becomes difficult to breathe. With the "blockage" of the nasal passages, the functions of smell and taste can be dulled. Increasingly, the secretion of liquid colorless secretions increases, which can irritate the areas of the wings of the nose and upper lip, as well as the external openings of the nasal passages.
  3. On the 5-6th day of a cold, the problem may disappear, suppressed by the immune system. If this does not happen, then the transparent secret from the nose is replaced by purulent-mucous secretions, green or, mucous edema increases and completely blocks the nasal passages. Ear congestion may occur. With a favorable set of circumstances, rhinitis of the third stage completely disappears by the 14–16th day of illness, or the symptomatology of the problem partially fades and passes into the chronic phase.

Treatment of rhinitis can be divided into two stages - general actions at home, as well as drug therapy.

  1. Regular clearing of nasal passages from mucus by blowing your nose or aspiration (for young children) to prevent the accumulation of secretions in the sinuses.
  2. Ventilation and humidification of indoor air, moderate walks on the street.
  3. Plentiful drink.
  4. Dry compresses and direct warming of the sinuses in the absence of fever, infection and suspicion of.
  5. (It is undesirable to use essential oils or preparations that are not approved by your doctor for this purpose).
  6. Acupressure.
  7. maintaining a balanced circadian rhythm and correct posture in a dream (a high pillow that raises your head at an angle of 25-30 degrees in relation to the surface of the bed).

  • . For a certain period of time, puffiness is removed, and also normalizes the secretion of mucus, relieving the symptoms of a runny nose. They can be used for no more than 10 days in a row. With extreme caution this species drugs are prescribed for children (reduced dosage), as well as for pregnant women due to a number of possible side effects.
  • Antibiotics. They are used only with a confirmed bacteriological nature of the common cold, preference is given to topical preparations based on the macrolide group.
  • Antiseptics / anesthetics. Often used in combination to relieve symptoms and local disinfection of the internal nasal cavity.
  • Antihistamines. They are used for the confirmed allergic nature of the common cold, systemic pills (Loratadin, Erius, etc.).
  • Glucocorticosteroids. Used to reduce inflammation in advanced rhinitis. Recommended application local preparations non-systemic exposure to minimize the burden on the liver.
  • Immunomodulators based on interferon, in tablet, syrup or drop form. Precautions are prescribed for pregnant women and children under 5 years of age.
  • Vitamin complexes approved by the therapist and used for general strengthening of the immune system.
  • Non-narcotic analgesics. Designed to reduce high fever and get rid of pain / toxic syndrome (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, etc.).
  • Nasal/sinus flushing systems (Dolphin, AquaMaris, etc.). They are convenient complexes for clearing mucus and preventing the occurrence of sinusitis. Alternatively, a regular saline solution in the form of an instillation liquid is used.
  • Office physiotherapy. Steam inhalation, UV, UHF, diathermy, etc.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine knows hundreds of recipes for the treatment of the common cold, but they can be used with caution, carefully weighing the possible potential harm and after consulting with your doctor, especially if the patient is a child or a pregnant woman.

  • Boil a few eggs, drain the water and, wrapping them in one or two layers of matter, apply on the sides of the nose in the sinus area. Keep ten minutes to cool.
  • Chop 1 onion thoroughly and add the resulting slurry to a steam inhalation, breathing it several times a day.
  • Prepare a decoction - 1 teaspoon of tea per 240 milliliters of water, boil it for 15 minutes over low heat. After straining, add ½ tsp to the liquid. soda, stirring until completely dissolved. Bury the resulting soda-tannin decoction, 1 full pipette in each nostril for a week, 2-3 times a day.
  • Squeeze the juice from Kalanchoe, carefully filter and instill a few drops three times a day until recovery.
  • A mix of chamomile, calendula and yarrow in equal proportions, brew in boiling water, placing in a water bath (1 teaspoon per 300 milligrams clean water). Cool and filter the resulting liquid, use 2 times a day, instilling 2 drops into both nasal passages.

Useful video

Runny nose and medicines for the common cold - Dr. Komarovsky's School

Everyone knows the common symptoms of a runny nose: headache, nasal discharge, nasal congestion. It is also known to be an inflammation of the nose that often occurs throughout life especially in children. But what are the consequences of a simple, seemingly at first glance, nasal congestion and the difficulty in breathing associated with it.

Rhinitis is an infection that affects the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and causes a violation of its functions. There is both an independent disease and against the background of other infections penetrating the body, for example: diphtheria, influenza, measles, gonorrhea, HIV infection.

Causes of rhinitis

They can be divided into two broad categories:
  1. Violation of local immunity. Here it is necessary to note some physiological features structures of the nasal cavity, which are actively involved in protecting against the penetration of dust, and other small particles that carry bacteria and viruses with them.
  • The integumentary epithelium of the nasal mucosa is covered with tiny cilia, which are constantly in motion and have a pushing effect of foreign particles from the nasal cavity.
  • Protective proteins, called class A immunoglobulins, are constantly present in the mucous membrane, which actively fight penetrating infection. In the event of a decrease in the activity of local protective forces, microorganisms that were in a dormant state and did not harm until then can immediately become active.
  1. External damaging factors. These factors reduce the effectiveness of the protective mechanisms of the nasal mucosa, as a result of which an inflammatory reaction develops, which leads to a disease of the nasal mucosa. These factors include:
  • Influence of local and general cooling on the human body. As a result, the body's resistance to protection against microbes is reduced.
  • An important role is played by nasal injuries, various foreign objects in the nasal cavity (more often in young children), which irritate the mucous membrane for a long time with their presence. Surgical interventions are also considered as a traumatic factor that increases the risk of an inflammatory reaction.
  • Industrial harmful factors. Being in a room filled with dust, harmful toxic and other chemical waste for a long time, irritation of the mucous membrane will occur with increased perception of various pathological agents.
  • allergic factor. House dust, fur, pollen, poplar fluff and many other tiny particles that surround us can be the cause of allergic rhinitis.

Symptoms of acute rhinitis

In its development, acute rhinitis goes through several successive stages. Each stage has its own characteristics, allowing you to determine at what stage the development of the disease is.

First stage characterized by the fact that microbes have only penetrated into the nasal cavity, and have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. In this case, the following characteristic symptoms appear:

  • Feeling of dryness in the nose
  • Feeling of tickling, burning in the nasal cavity
Common symptoms include:
  • Headache, which may gradually increase.
  • In some cases, there is a slight increase in body temperature up to 37.5 degrees.
The duration of the first stage lasts for only a few hours, and sometimes one or two days, after which the symptoms change and the disease moves on to the next stage of its development.

Second stage begins from the moment when a lot of mucus, a liquid consistency, begins to flow from the nose. In this stage, the symptoms of the disease increase. It is characteristic that the symptoms of dryness and burning in the nasal cavity disappear. But nasal congestion appears, and breathing becomes difficult. Patients may notice a decrease in sensitivity to odors.

Due to the fact that the nasal cavity through small passages communicates with the superficially located mucous membrane of the eye - the conjunctiva, inflammation can also spread to it. In this case, they speak of combined conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva). There is lacrimation.

Third stage is inextricably linked with the reaction of the immune system to harmful microorganisms that have got inside the nose. Usually this stage begins 4-5 days after the onset of the disease. You can’t confuse it with anything, because during this period, mucopurulent contents, of a thick consistency, and often with an unpleasant odor, begin to stand out from the nose. The pus may also be yellowish-green in color.

Purulent contents with a fetid odor appear due to the fact that protective cells (phagocytes, neutrophils) penetrate into the nasal mucosa, which simultaneously cause an inflammatory process, with swelling of the surrounding tissues, and also “devour and digest” bacteria that have invaded the inside of the nose. In the case of too large a volume of captured pathogenic bacteria, the phagocytes overflow and burst too much, along with this, the processed killed bacteria come out - that is, pus.

After a few days, all the above symptoms gradually subside, and the inflammatory process is nearing completion. Improving: respiratory function nose and the general condition of the patient. The duration of inflammatory phenomena varies depending on the resistance of the body to resist the influence of internal and external harmful factors.

It happens that physically healthy person, leading an active lifestyle, conducting physical and hardening procedures, rhinitis proceeds in a mild form and lasts only 2-3 days. Or, conversely, with a decrease in the body's defenses, the disease proceeds much more severely, with severe symptoms of intoxication (headache, muscle pain, a sharp increase in body temperature to high numbers of 38-39 degrees), and lasts not 2-3 days, but much longer, reaching sometimes up to 3-4 weeks, and even the transition to chronic form diseases.

These symptoms and stages of the inflammatory process in acute rhinitis are classic and in most cases of rhinitis, of a specific origin, are the same.

Acute rhinitis in children

Rhinitis in childhood especially at the beginning of a child's life, they are much more difficult than in adults. Very often, the inflammatory process can move to adjacent areas, such as the middle ear, pharynx or larynx. This circumstance is facilitated by anatomical and some other features of the structure of the nasal cavity in childhood. These include:
  1. Weakness and underdevelopment of local immunity, manifested in insufficient production of class A immunoglobulins in the mucous membrane.
  2. The narrowness of the nasal passages causes difficult access to drugs, and insufficient emptying of purulent masses.
  3. The presence of adenoid growths. On the back wall of the pharynx at the exit from the nasal cavity there is a lymphoid tissue called adenoids. Adenoids perform protective functions, and prevent the penetration of infection into the body. But in early childhood they are too big and very sensitive to any irritating factor, therefore inflammatory processes occur with complications associated with blockage of the lumen of the nasal cavity and difficulty in breathing.
  4. The auditory tubes are wide and short in length, connecting the upper part of the pharynx with the middle ear cavity. This circumstance is the cause of infection in the ear and contributes to inflammation in it - otitis media.
In addition, newborns and children of the first years of life do not just have rhinitis, because when an infection enters the nasal cavity, both the nose and the pharynx immediately become inflamed. The disease is called rhinopharyngitis. The disease is accompanied by severe disorders general condition health. Frequent symptoms it will be the following:
  • High body temperature - 38-39 degrees
  • Refusal infant from breastfeeding. Since there is nasal congestion, children breathe only through the mouth, and when sucking, the mouth participates only in the act of sucking.
  • Children lose their appetite, lose weight, sleep poorly at night.
  • In connection with a violation of the diet, flatulence (bloating), diarrhea, and even vomiting appear.

diphtheria rhinitis

Diphtheria is a disease caused by a diphtheria bacillus. It affects the larynx, pharynx, and vocal cords. Diphtheria mainly affects children who have not been vaccinated against diphtheria bacillus. It is specific that in diphtheria a very close-fitting plaque is formed in these places, as well as on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. All this makes it difficult nasal breathing. The films are very difficult to separate, and when this succeeds, small wounds are formed that do not heal for a long time and from which bloody mucus is released.

With diphtheria, the heart is often affected, so children complain of pain in this area. Along with local specific changes, a significant role in the patient's condition is played by symptoms of general intoxication, which develop when diphtheria toxins enter the bloodstream. The child may be in a very serious condition and needs urgent medical attention.

Rhinitis with scarlet fever

Scarlet fever- an infectious and inflammatory disease of the palatine tonsils, in which the process can spread to the nasopharynx and the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Caused by bacteria called streptococci. Distinctive features rhinitis with scarlet fever is that there are:
  • Severe intoxication, manifested high temperature body, chills, heavy sweats and headache
  • Enlargement of adjacent lymph nodes, which are mobile and painful when palpated. These include submandibular, anterior and posterior cervical, parotid The lymph nodes.
  • characteristic feature is the appearance on the 3-4th day from the onset of the disease of a small punctate rash on the skin of the body. The rash spreads all over the body except in one place. This place is located in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle, where the skin flakes off and remains the usual color.
  • Bright red tongue, similar to a raspberry (crimson tongue).
Scarlatinal rhinitis is rare due to the widespread use of antibiotics to treat inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract and oropharynx.

Rhinitis with measles

Rhinitis with measles, or as it is also called measles, is quite common in young children who have become infected with the measles virus. Measles rhinitis is partly similar to the inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which occurs during allergic processes in the body. The child begins to sneeze, lacrimation and inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes appear. The mucous membrane of the nose and eyes is bright red and swollen.

A distinctive feature of rhinitis with measles is the appearance of a small punctate rash on the inner surface of the cheeks, in the nasal cavity, on the lips. The rash looks like small spots around which a white belt forms.

Among other things, the disease is accompanied by a violation of the general condition of the child, with fever, headache and other symptoms of an active inflammatory process.

Acute rhinitis with influenza

The flu is viral disease, and therefore, like any virus, it infects cell membranes, destroying them and violating their protective properties. Therefore, there is always the possibility of attaching other pathogenic bacteria.

Damage to cell membranes vascular wall causes the blood elements to come out, hence the symptom of nosebleeds, as one of the symptoms suggesting that rhinitis is caused by the influenza virus.

The penetration of the influenza virus is not limited to the nasal mucosa alone. The influenza virus spreads through the blood throughout the body. This explains the multiplicity of various symptoms encountered in influenza rhinitis.

First of all, the following local symptoms should be distinguished:

  • Headache
  • Rhinorrhea - very frequent and profuse discharge from the nose, which are mucous in nature. If, after a few days, the mucus changes to purulent discharge, then this fact suggests that a secondary bacterial infection has joined against the background of influenza.
  • The defeat of the trigeminal nerve - the penetration of the influenza virus into the fibers of the trigeminal nerve causes its inflammation, which is called trigeminal neuralgia. Patients feel pain in the right or left half of the face, or in both halves. Trigeminal nerve carries with it pain receptors to the chewing muscles, to the temporal and frontal parts of the head.
To general symptoms include:
  • An increase in body temperature to 38 degrees and above.
  • Soreness and aches in the muscles.
  • Increased sweating and chills.
  • Diarrhea and possibly nausea. Appear in severe cases, with severe intoxication of the body, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.
Influenza is a very serious infection that causes many complications. As for influenza rhinitis, complications can be the spread of the inflammatory process to the sinuses, and to the middle ear. Therefore, neglecting the doctor's advice on caring for the patient during this period and letting the disease take its course often leads to a weakening of the body's defenses and a chronic process in the nasal cavity.

Diagnosis of acute rhinitis

Diagnosis of acute rhinitis does not present great difficulties, and includes asking the patient about his complaints, how much time has passed since the onset of the first symptoms. If you carefully follow the chain of symptoms of the disease with the order of their appearance, you can easily determine at what stage of development the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity is.

The final diagnosis is made after a special examination by an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor). The doctor examines the nasal cavity using a special device called a light reflector, which reflects light from a light bulb and directs it into the nasal cavity being examined.

With rhinitis early stage development is usually noticeable redness and swelling of the mucous membrane. In the future, purulent discharge appears.

Diagnosis of rhinitis of viral origin fundamentally different from that of inflammation caused by pathogenic bacteria.

  • With rhinitis caused by influenza viruses, measles, whooping cough, adenoviruses and other types of viruses, purulent discharge from the nasal cavity never occurs.
  • With viral rhinitis, profuse mucous discharge is always present. In a word, "snot flows like a river without ceasing." The patient is forced to constantly walk with a handkerchief or sanitary napkins.
Diagnosis of rhinitis caused by a bacterial infection characterized:
  • A significant violation of the general condition of the patient. An increase in body temperature can reach 38-39 degrees, which almost never occurs with viral rhinitis.
  • There is nasal congestion that interferes with nasal breathing.
  • Discharge from the nose after some time from the onset of the disease takes on the appearance of a mucous character, up to purulent contents with an unpleasant odor and a yellow-green color.
This division can be conditional if the patient lives in a dirty, dusty room, does not follow the basic rules of personal hygiene, and most importantly, the people around him are ill with some acute illness. infectious disease transmitted by airborne droplets.
This means that if a person becomes infected, for example, with the influenza virus, then a secondary bacterial infection can join in a few days, with all the ensuing consequences.

Treatment of acute rhinitis

Acute uncomplicated rhinitis is treated at home. Treatment is carried out depending on the stage of development of the inflammatory process.

In the treatment of acute rhinitis, both symptomatic agents and special drugs are used to reduce inflammation in the nasal cavity. In case of bacterial infections, the use of antiseptic agents is justified, with the help of which the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is washed and cleaned.

Treatment of the first stage of the course of rhinitis based on using:

  • Hot foot baths for 10-15 minutes
  • Applying mustard plasters on the sole area or on the calf muscles
  • Drinking hot tea with raspberries or a slice of lemon
To medicines used in this stage include:
  • Antiseptics, local action. It is recommended to instill a 3-5% solution of protargol into the nose 2 times a day.
  • Anti-allergic drugs - pills of diazolin, tavegil or loratadine in the form of tablets. These funds are taken mainly with an allergic origin of rhinitis. The dose is set depending on the severity of sneezing, lacrimation and nasal discharge.
  • Means that increase local immunity - drops with a solution of interferon, or lysozyme.
  • For headaches, analgesics are used - analgin, solpadein, Tylenol. Children are recommended to take 250 mg. Adults - 500 mg. When a headache occurs.
Treatment of the second and third stages of acute rhinitis slightly different from that in the initial manifestations of the disease. In the stage of the height of the disease, inflammatory processes in the nose intensify, purulent discharge appears due to the increased activity of pathogenic bacteria and the fight against them by the immune system. In this regard, in especially severe cases of the course of the disease, in combination with symptomatic treatment, broad-spectrum antibiotics and various antimicrobials are prescribed. These drugs are taken orally in the form of tablets, capsules, or they are washed in the nasal cavity.
  1. Antibiotics used to treat acute rhinitis include:
  2. Amoxicillin- a broad-spectrum antibiotic, available in tablets of 500 mg. Children over 12 years of age are prescribed 500 mg. 3 times a day, for 5-7 days.
  3. Bioparox- antibacterial drug of local action. Produced in the form of an aerosol in vials. Assigned to 1 inhalation inside each nostril every four hours.
To reduce the symptoms of nasal congestion, topical preparations are instilled into the nose, narrowing the blood vessels and thereby relieving spasm and swelling of the mucous membrane. As a result, nasal breathing improves and the patient feels much better. These drugs include:
  • Naphthyzin- vasoconstrictor. For children, a 0.05% solution is used; for adults, a 0.1% solution is instilled a few drops every 4-6 hours.
  • Xylometazoline- also vasoconstrictor medicine. Children are prescribed nose drops in the form of a 0.05% solution 2 times a day. For adults, the frequency of instillation is the same, the only thing that increases the concentration of the drug to 0.1%.
It should be taken into account the fact that the use of nasal drops should not exceed more than 7-10 days. Because there may be various side effects associated with a violation of the olfactory and cleansing function of the nose, when using them. With a burning sensation, local irritation and dryness in the nose, take these drugs it is recommended to stop.

Sinupret- this is combination drug vegetable origin.

It is recommended to use to improve the outflow of mucus or pus from the nasal cavity. It has such properties as increasing local immunity, enhances the secretion of mucus by the villi of the mucous membrane and thereby contributes to a speedy recovery.

Treatment of rhinitis in infants

There are some features in the treatment and care of infants with acute rhinitis.
  • First, nasal congestion interferes with normal breathing and breastfeeding of the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically clean the nasal passages from mucus stuck there. This procedure is carried out using a suction cartridge, immediately before feeding.
  • If the mucus dries up and crusts form in the nasal cavity, they are carefully removed with a cotton swab, pre-moistened in a sterile solution of sunflower oil or petroleum jelly. The crusts gradually soften and are easily removed from the nose.
  • If, after the above procedures, nasal breathing is not restored, then drops of a 0.05% solution of xylometazoline (galazolin) are instilled into the nose.
  • In the period between feedings, instilled into the nose antimicrobial drug 2% solution of protargol, which also has an astringent effect and reduces the secretion of viscous mucus from the nose.

Chronic rhinitis

Throughout the year, very often, many people fall ill with acute inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and upper respiratory tract: rhinitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis. If these processes are constantly repeated, or the inflammation worsens, before it has time, it will still end, then in this case they speak of chronicity acute infection. According to the World Health Organization, every person on earth gets sick an average of four to six times a year.

Causes chronic rhinitis most often are:

  • Deviated septum of the nose. These include congenital anomalies in the development of the nasal septum, turbinates, post-traumatic injuries.
  • Polyps inside the nasal cavity, closing the nasal passages and contributing to congestion.
  • Growth of adenoids on the back of the upper part of the pharynx. Adenoids are lymphatic tissue that prevents infection from entering the body. With frequent inflammatory processes, it grows and contributes to the chronicity of the process in the nasal cavity and sinuses.
  • General chronic processes in the body. They include chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases, a decrease in the overall resistance of the body.
There are several clinical forms chronic rhinitis:
  1. Chronic catarrhal rhinitis
It is one of the complications of acute rhinitis, since frequent colds, runny nose lead to the constant presence of various pathogenic bacteria in the nose. A characteristic feature is the constant uniform reddening of the mucous membrane, constant secretions of mucopurulent contents. In the position lying on the side of the patient, he feels stuffy nose on the side that is below. Nasal congestion worsens in cold weather.

Treatment is to remove causal factors leading to chronic course disease.

  1. Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis
In some cases chronic inflammation in the nasal cavity promotes the growth of the mucous membrane of cartilage and bone tissue in the nose. This process is slow and imperceptible, but it can progress steadily. Anatomical formations in the nasal cavity, increasing in size, close the respiratory openings, and the patient constantly walks with a stuffy nose and he develops a characteristic nasal voice. With the growth of nasal conchas, pockets are formed, where infection and purulent contents are constantly present.

The diagnosis is established on the basis of endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity. Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis often leads to complications in the form of inflammation of the sinuses - sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis).

Used in treatment surgical interventions. Operations are carried out with local anesthesia, and consist in the removal of growths, in which nasal breathing improves.

  1. Atrophic rhinitis
Atrophic rhinitis is a disease characterized by widespread disruption of the normal anatomical structure nasal cavity, with the death of the villi of the mucous epithelium of the nasal cavity and the violation of their physiological functions.

Atrophic rhinitis is one of the most unfavorable consequences, due to frequent inflammatory diseases nasal cavity, adverse environmental factors. And it is also possible to develop dystrophic processes against the background of general serious illnesses organs and systems of the body.

Patients feel constant dryness in the nose. There are purulent yellow-green discharges, which, when dried, form crusts in the nasal cavity.

In the treatment, both general strengthening therapy is used in the form of taking multivitamin complexes, strengthening the immune system, hardening procedures, and locally using washing the nasal cavity with physiological sodium chloride solution, lubricating the mucous membrane with glycerin along with instillation of 10% alcohol solution of iodine. A solution of iodine improves the functioning of the villi of the mucous membrane.

It is useful to use inhalations with sea salt. To prepare the solution, take 5 grams of sea salt (one teaspoon) per cup of boiling water. Inhalations are carried out 2-3 times a day.

Vasomotor rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis occurs when it comes to the presence of any allergic agent in the nasal cavity. Allergens can be: house dust, fur, smells of cats and dogs, plant pollen, poplar fluff and many other substances. To the advent vasomotor rhinitis contribute as internal features organism to produce a large number of biological substances in response to the penetration of allergens, and the harmful effects of environmental factors: road dust, exhaust gases, toxic waste from industrial activities, and many others.

Vasomotor rhinitis is characterized by an increased reaction of the body in response to the penetration of allergens. Main clinical symptoms vasomotor rhinitis are: frequent sneezing. Abundant mucous discharge from the nose, congestion of the nasal passages. The combination of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes - conjunctivitis is not a rare event with this form of the disease.

There are two main forms of vasomotor rhinitis:

Season uniform- appears when the above symptoms appear in the spring-autumn period of the year. This form is associated with the appearance of pollen from various plants that cause allergic reaction. Long-term inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity against the background of allergies can lead to the transition of the disease to a permanent form.

Year-round or permanent form diseases- observed throughout the year and is due to the constant contact of the patient with house dust, fur or another type of allergen.
Treatment consists, first of all, in the exclusion of contact with the allergen, which caused an increased reaction of the body. In addition, antiallergic drugs are prescribed.

  • Clemastine (tavegil)- 1 mg tablets. Take orally 1 tablet 2 times a day.
  • Cromolyn (cromoglycic acid)- Available in 15 ml bottles. in the form of a spray.
Application - spray a spray into each nostril at the first sign of an allergic rhinitis.

Prevention of rhinitis

Prevention of the appearance of inflammation of the nasal mucosa includes a whole range of measures aimed at eliminating the influence of harmful factors, hypothermia, timely treatment other acute infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Preventive measures include:

  • Prevention colds.
  • It is not recommended to abruptly move from a warm room to a cold one, not to be in drafts, not to drink ice water and other soft drinks.
  • It is recommended to carry out hardening procedures. Pouring cold water(start gradually, from using warm water to cool). Regular exercise.
  • Nutrition should be complete, high-calorie, and most importantly, the correct regimen should be observed. The diet should consist of the consumption of fruits and vegetables with a high content of vitamin C (onions, cabbage, citrus fruits, currants). It is recommended to drink tea with raspberries, rosehip infusion, milk with honey.
  • Periodic wet cleaning and ventilation in the room will prevent the ingress and spread of infection.
  • A timely visit to the doctor, at the first signs of the disease, will prevent the appearance possible complications especially in infants.
  • Taking morning or evening sunbathing will strengthen the immune system, help in the formation of vitamin D and give a healthy glow to the skin of the child.
  • Hygiene measures, such as washing hands with soap after going to the toilet and before eating, will help to avoid infection in the mouth or nose (when picking it with a finger) as is often the case in young children.

Rhinitis (runny nose)- the main symptom of colds and various viral infections.

In addition, a runny nose is a protective reaction of the body to irritation by various microbes, viruses and mucosal allergens. Protection of the mucosa is manifested in the form of increased secretion of mucus, and edema, which remove pathogens at the initial stage of penetration into the body.

Rhinitis is included in a group of diseases called -. This group, in addition to rhinitis, also includes:,. For an illustrative example, consider the picture below:

Types and causes of rhinitis (runny nose)

  • Vasomotor rhinitis. This type of runny nose is caused by a violation of nasal breathing due to the narrowing of the nasal cavity, which is a consequence of swelling of the tissues of the nasal concha, due to a violation of the tone of the vessels of the nasal mucosa. Vasomotor rhinitis is divided into:

allergic rhinitis. Causes: the body's reaction to - house dust, poplar fluff, animal hair, fluff, feathers, plant pollen.

Neurovegetative rhinitis. Reasons: violations of the nervous mechanisms responsible for the normal physiology of the nose.

  • Infectious rhinitis. This type of rhinitis is the most common. Its main causes are viruses and bacteria. In addition, any type of infectious rhinitis is a companion of such diseases as, etc. It is dangerous because the virus, penetrating into the nasopharynx, disrupts the body's defense mechanisms and opens up free entry for the virus. Infectious rhinitis is divided into:

Acute rhinitis;
- Viral rhinitis;
- Bacterial rhinitis.

  • Chronic rhinitis. Subdivided into:

atrophic rhinitis. Causes: A complex chronic type of runny nose, the causes of which are hereditary predisposition, viral infections and long-term diseases of the nasal cavity. This type of rhinitis is called "Fetid rhinitis of the lake."

hypertrophic rhinitis. Causes: Occurs upon contact with dust and gas contamination. Because of these factors, the bone frame of the turbinates and mucous membrane grows.

  • Medical rhinitis. The cause of drug-induced rhinitis, as a rule, is dependence and abuse of various drops and sprays.
  • Traumatic rhinitis. Caused by damage to the nasal septum.

The main causes of a runny nose

To summarize, we can distinguish the following main causes of a runny nose (rhinitis):

  • Symptoms of neurovegetative rhinitis:

- labored breathing;
- liquid watery discharge;
- frequent bouts of copious liquid discharge after sleep.

Treatment of this type of rhinitis should include treatment nervous system, sedatives and water treatments.

- frequent sneezing;
- lacrimation;
- general malaise;
- Abundant serous-mucous discharge, acquiring a mucopurulent character.

  • Symptoms of a viral cold

- dryness and burning in the nose;
- swelling of nasal conchas;
- difficulty breathing through the nose;
- sneezing;
- (over time).

If you have these symptoms, it is best to see a doctor.

  • Symptoms of a bacterial cold:

- increase in body temperature;
— ;
- swelling of nasal conchas;
- cloudy, thick yellow or green discharge;
- redness over upper lip and near the nose.

Prolonged bacterial runny nose can lead to inflammation of all the sinuses (sinusitis), and other more serious diseases.

  • Symptoms of atrophic rhinitis:

- atrophy of the mucous membranes and bone walls of the nasal cavity;
- allocation of a purulent secret with a sharp unpleasant odor;
- dried crusts;
- Loss of smell.

Having this type of runny nose, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

  • Symptoms of hypertrophic rhinitis:

- Constant difficulty in nasal breathing.

It is treated by removing hypertrophied areas of the bone and mucous membrane.

  • Symptoms of drug rhinitis:

- mucosal vessels stop working independently.

This is a type of runny nose that is difficult to treat, since the nutrition of the mucosa is disturbed, and it dies.

  • Symptoms of traumatic rhinitis:

- often, one half of the nose suffers from rhinitis, and the other from dryness of the mucous membrane;
- no snot comes out. They thicken and flow down the wall of the larynx into the throat.

In this case, it is necessary to lower the temperature and increase the humidity in the room where the person is most often located. This can be done, for example, with a humidifier.

As we already know, rhinitis (runny nose) is a symptom, therefore, for its treatment, it is necessary to identify the disease that provoked the runny nose.
It is also worth noting that some types of rhinitis do not require treatment as such, but simply the prevention of its irritants. For example: sometimes, to stop a runny nose, it is enough to carry out wet cleaning in the living room and remove the source of the pathogen (animal, some flowering houseplants, old carpet or even change the pillow).

For the treatment of the common cold, vasoconstrictor drops and sprays are mainly used, as well as antiviral drugs that are effective against many types of SARS viruses.

Vasoconstrictor drugs against the common cold

Various drops and sprays against the common cold, falling on the nasal mucosa, cause constriction of blood vessels. In the nasal cavity, swelling decreases, which blocked the air. The rate of formation of new mucus decreases, and it becomes thicker.

If you choose between drops and spray, then it is better to give preference to the spray, as it has exact dosage medicines, which is why it is more economical, prevents overdose and side effects from it.

Products containing xylometazoline:"Galazolin", "Dlyanos", "Rinonorm", "Xymelin", "Farmazolin".

The duration of action of drugs with xylometazoline is about 4 hours.

Products containing oxylometazoline:"Nazivin", "Fervex", "Nazol", "Knoxprey", "Fazin".

The duration of action of drugs with oxylometazoline is 10-12 hours.

Preparations containing oxymetazoline are strictly contraindicated in: pregnancy, impaired renal function and children under 1 year of age.

Products containing naphazoline: Sanorin, Naphthyzin.

The duration of action of drugs with naphazoline is 4-6 hours.

All vasoconstrictor drops and sprays against the common cold are not recommended for use for more than 7 days in a row. With a weekly use of such drugs, side effects are not observed, but with regular long-term use, the vessels become dependent on the drug.

Tablets against the common cold

"Sinupret". They are used to treat colds in the bronchi, lungs and nasopharynx. They have mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects. Contains extracts of gentian, shevel, verbena, elderberry, primrose flowers with a calyx. Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

"Koldakt". Complex preparation based on chlorpheniramine maleate and phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride. It is used to eliminate the symptoms of many colds, accompanied by allergies, swelling of the respiratory blunts and nasopharynx, runny nose. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, pregnant women, suffering from and. With the permission of the doctor, take with bronchial asthma, diabetes and the elderly.

Rhinopront. Vasoconstrictor and antihistamine, facilitates the course of a runny nose of any kind up to 12 hours, reduces the permeability of capillary walls and exudative manifestations.
Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women suffering from glaucoma, arterial hypertension and those suffering from prostate enlargement.

For correct diagnosis and proper treatment you need to see a doctor.


Essential oils. In 0.5 liters of boiling water, drop 2-3 drops of oil: eucalyptus, juniper, fir or pine. Or a mixture of oils, 1 drop each: + cinnamon, pine + eucalyptus or pine +.

Inhalations with essential oils can not be carried out for children under 3 years old, all in the presence of bronchial asthma, allergies and individual intolerance to oils.

Kalanchoe. In 0.5 liters of boiling water, add 2 tbsp. spoons of freshly squeezed juice and proceed.

Onion or garlic juice. Add a few drops of freshly squeezed onion or garlic juice to hot water and begin the procedure.

Decoction of herbs. In 1-2 liters of boiling water, add the selected herb: 2 tbsp. spoons of eucalyptus or chamomile leaves, 3 tbsp. spoons of pine buds or 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile and eucalyptus leaves. Boil for 5 minutes and breathe.

The drug "Rotokan". Contains chamomile extract, and. In half a liter of hot water we drip 2 tbsp. spoons of the drug and proceed.

When you notice that water “runs” from his nasal cavity, this means that your body is “attacked” by allergens or an infection. And then we begin to treat the common cold.

Mucosal cells begin to intensively develop protection: snot containing enzymes and antibodies. The nasal mucosa forms mucin, a protein that makes snot thick. Within a few hours, the discharge changes consistency, becoming more viscous and transparent. At this point there is an intense fight against the infection. immune system person.

And here our task is simply to help the body in the fight against the disease. And it is important to do everything right, avoiding common mistakes. We will talk about this in this article.

How to cure a runny nose at home quickly? Here are the most characteristic mistakes that people with rhinitis most often make.

Common mistakes in the treatment of the common cold.

Urgent purchase of nasal drops. As soon as the first signs of a runny nose appear, many people buy drops and a nose. But at the same time, they do not consult with their doctor at all, trusting the advice of a pharmacist. A pharmacist is not a doctor. He does not know what is really the most suitable for the patient. Most often they offer expensive medications. Expensive nasal drops are not at all the standard of effective and effective treatment runny nose.

Treatment of a runny nose with garlic and onions. Unfortunately, there are cases when the patient is advised by experienced “experts” traditional medicine treat a runny nose with onions or garlic. In their opinion, one of the components is enough just to be cleaned and stuffed entirely into the sinuses. In its pure form, garlic will simply dry out the nasal mucosa, which will certainly only aggravate the situation. Read on for how to properly use onions and garlic to treat a runny nose.

Uncontrolled intake of antibiotics. Self-medication has never done anyone any good. Therefore, before appointing them to yourself, you need to think carefully: are you doing the right thing and what it can give you. Some medical preparations in the treatment of rhinitis, in addition to benefit, they can also cause harm. You are not a doctor, and you cannot independently choose the drugs of this group. First of all, you need to undergo an examination, and then the doctor himself will select for you those drugs that will really cure rhinitis safely and effectively.

Warming up. The wrong method of therapy, when a person with a cold decides to warm up his legs in a very interesting way. Socks are soaked in a warming solution, put on, wrapped in plastic wrap, and the patient calmly goes to bed with the hope that everything will pass in the morning. And that at night the temperature rises to high levels, he does not think at all.

Under no circumstances should this heating method be used! In addition to harm, this “steam bath” will not bring anything to the body.

Incorrect rinsing of the nose. Treatment at home with lavages is effective, but this procedure should be done correctly. Rinse the nasal passages saline solutions. They must be used very carefully. For example, if you inhale too deeply, there is a risk of the solution entering the ducts of the middle ear, which will lead to the formation of otitis media.

Lemon is useful for a cold.

Lemon - very effective remedy treatment of the common cold, which is good to use at the very beginning of the disease. Lemon juice mixed in half with warm boiled water. This solution is used to wash the nose. This procedure is rather unpleasant, but very effective. But in order to really achieve an effect, such a procedure should be carried out several times a day, and you need to finish washing correctly, the result will depend on this.

After washing with a water-lemon solution, you need to do the following: add half a teaspoon of edible salt to half a glass of warm boiled water, mix, moisten a cotton swab in the solution and alternately insert it into the nostrils.

Beetroot juice in the treatment of the common cold.

Squeeze out the juice from half of the beets, mix it until completely dissolved with a teaspoon of honey. Instill these drops into the nasal passages 4 times a day. The resulting product is tart, but fast-acting. Therefore, the treatment should not be stopped after the first attempt, you just need to get used to it. Start with very small doses and gradually increase as you get used to it.

Iodine and runny nose.

Before going to bed, smear your feet with iodine, put on your socks and go to bed peacefully. By doing this manipulation several times, you yourself will notice improvements in your health.

Garlic for rhinitis.

This is very effective remedy from a runny nose. The essence of this method of treatment is the retraction of vapors of garlic.

Prepare a jar with a tight lid, fill it with finely chopped garlic. Bring the jar to one of the nostrils, close the other with your hand. Start slowly and deeply inhaling the steam of garlic with an open nostril. But be careful not to accidentally suck in the contents of the jar.

Manipulation must be performed alternately with each of the nostrils, gradually increasing the time of inhalation of garlic vapors. Start from 3-4 times per hour, then decrease to 1-2 times per hour. By the end of the day, the rhinitis should pass, and the temperature should return to normal.

Vegetable oil in the nose.

Ordinary vegetable oil should be held in a water bath for 40 minutes. During this time, harmful substances will evaporate from it.

While the oil is sterilizing, mince a quarter of an onion and 3 cloves of garlic and stir to combine. Fill them with cooled oil and let stand for several hours. During this time, all the healing properties of the ingredients will pass into the oil. Strain and lubricate the nasal mucosa with this remedy as needed. The result will not keep you waiting.

Treatment of the common cold with onions.

Cut the onion in half, remove the transparent thin film from it. Put one in each nostril, change every two hours. It is not necessary to do the procedure at night. Through a short time the disease will subside.

Horseradish inhalation.

Horseradish is rubbed on a grater, put into a container and tightly closed with a lid. After 15 minutes, open the container and inhale the steam through your mouth with full breasts. Hold it in for as long as you can and exhale through your nose. Repeating the procedure several times a day, neither a runny nose nor sinusitis will be terrible for you.

Salt water is a wonderful "doctor"!

Saline solution can be made at home. To do this, you need to take a teaspoon of sea salt and a liter of boiling water. Dissolve salt in water and rinse your nose with this solution up to 4 times a day.

Salt water gives good effect and is not dangerous for children and pregnant women. Salt is not expensive and does not cause allergies, so everyone can use it. In a pharmacy, you can buy cold remedies based on salty sea water, but home remedies are in no way inferior to him, but will cost several times cheaper.

Cold cocktail.

A special remedy will quickly help to cure a chronic runny nose.
For cooking, you need to prepare:

  • lemon juice -100 ml;
  • onion juice - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • lime honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • boiled water -150 ml.

All ingredients must be mixed and the resulting product should be drunk before going to bed. Important point! The cocktail should not be drunk or eaten.

Steam your feet with mustard!

Mustard is a super helper in the treatment of the common cold. It is necessary to do foot baths with mustard. After the baths are done, you need to wrap yourself in a warm blanket. For the procedure, you need to take a little mustard powder and stir in a bowl of very hot water. Lower your legs to the ankles and sit for 20 minutes. Water can be refreshed with boiling water to maintain the temperature. The above recipes have a positive effect in fast treatment runny nose.

Onions with sunflower oil.

Finely chopped onion, infused with sunflower oil, helps with a runny nose. This composition lubricates the nostrils. The runny nose usually goes away after a few days.

In addition to medicines, it is very important to observe hygiene conditions.

  • Regular airing of the room;
  • Maintaining optimal air humidity of 65%;
  • Systematic wet cleaning indoors;
  • Weather permitting, regular walks in the fresh air.

Massage of acupuncture points on the body with a cold.

You will need v massage oil. The points that can be acted upon to get rid of a runny nose are located not only on the face, but also on the body. Here are the most important ones.
Point number 1. Between the thumb and forefinger on the outside of the hand.
Point number 2. On inside wrists.

Point number 3. Under the occiput, where the head and neck connect. Impact on this point helps with many diseases, from hypertension to laryngitis.
In ancient treatises on Tibetan medicine, it is indicated that exposure to these points normalizes the condition of the nasal mucosa, and in addition, stimulates the immune system. That's why acupressure can also be used to prevent colds during mass epidemics of SARS and influenza.

Foot massage.

Acupressure facial massage for a cold.

This procedure will be especially effective if done at the very beginning of the disease. Massage should not be done if your temperature is above 37.5.
As a massage oil, you can use olive, coconut, sesame, peach, apricot, almond, or grape seed oil. Before starting the massage, hands should be washed and warmed. The face must also be clean.

Myth. Whether the body manages to defeat viruses on its own, without drugs, depends on immunity and many other factors. It is better not to take risks and not let everything take its course: if you do not treat a runny nose, it may well turn into sinusitis, otitis media, pharyngitis, laryngitis, it can even end in bronchitis or pneumonia.

2. You can catch a runny nose if you get cold or get your feet wet.

Myth. With good immunity, neither hypothermia nor wet feet in themselves will lead to a runny nose. But if, due to these factors, the immune system weakens, it can easily become a target for viruses that attack it.

3. Washing the nose and gargling with saline solutions help not to get sick, and if you get sick, you will recover faster

Truth. This simple procedure helps to moisturize the nasopharyngeal mucosa, strengthen its local immunity, and cleanse it of mucus and microbes. The main thing is not to be lazy and do it every day, at least in the morning and in the evening, and if you feel that you are getting sick, once an hour or two. If you start gargling and rinsing your nose at the first sign of a cold, you can quickly defeat the virus.

4. Runny nose can be chronic

Truth. A runny nose, or scientifically called rhinitis, is usually just a symptom. It all depends on the cause of the disease. And if, for example, we are talking about allergies, then this symptom can really accompany for a long time, and in some cases (for example, with a deviated nasal septum or some endocrine diseases), you can suffer from a runny nose all your life. But if we are talking about a runny nose as a symptom of a cold (that is, SARS), and it does not go away a week after the start of treatment, and the discharge has become yellow or gray, then microbes are actively multiplying in the sinuses, and this is not a chronic runny nose. Not far from sinusitis, sinusitis, etc. Urgently see a doctor!

5. To get a runny nose, you need to be sneezed on you.

Myth. If this is a symptom of SARS, acute respiratory viral infection, then you can get infected by airborne droplets, and by direct contact with the carrier of the virus or even just his things.

6. Cold drops can be addictive.

Truth. It is not by chance that when treating a cold, doctors advise using such remedies only in the first 2-3 days, during the acute stage, when the nose is stuffed up, it pours out of it and it is impossible to breathe. Vasoconstrictor drops, if used for a long time, disrupt the nutrition of the nasal mucosa and vascular tone, they become more fragile. The elasticity of their walls is markedly reduced, and as a result, chronic atrophic rhinitis may occur.

Evgenia Shakhova

MD, professor, physician the highest category, Chief Otorhinolaryngologist of the Health Committee of the Administration of the Volgograd Region

Acute rhinitis is most often of viral etiology. The first period of the disease lasts from several hours to a day and is characterized by a feeling of tension, dryness in the nose. The second stage is characterized by copious discharge from the nose, congestion. At this stage, vasoconstrictor drops are usually used to improve breathing. But it is important to remember that without a doctor's prescription, they can only be used for a few days.

7. If you have a runny nose, it is better to refuse a handkerchief.

Both truth and myth. If we are talking about a fabric handkerchief, then this is absolutely true: after the very first use, it becomes a real breeding ground for germs. So disposable paper handkerchiefs are not only more convenient, but also more hygienic. If the skin turns red, irritated from their frequent use, use a softening cream or ointment with panthenol.

8. If you drip onion or garlic juice into your nose, you will quickly recover.

Myth. There is not a single serious scientific study that confirms this. But in this way, you can easily earn a serious irritation of the already inflamed nasal mucosa or even burn it. It is much more useful to eat onions and garlic for food: phytoncides will help you recover faster.

9. If you warm up your nose and legs, you can get rid of a runny nose faster

Both truth and myth. In the acute stage of a runny nose, warming up the nose really helps to "dry the runny nose" - largely by improving the blood supply to the nasal mucosa and reducing swelling. But if microbes began to actively multiply in the sinuses, heat will accelerate their reproduction, and sinusitis or sinusitis may develop. That is why it is possible to warm the nose only in the initial, acute stage of the disease. As for hot foot baths, they are really useful at any stage of a cold: there are many reflex points on the soles of the feet, closely related to respiratory system and at the same time helping the immune system to cope with viruses faster.