Fish oil: what is useful, who needs and potential harm. Fish Oil Shelf Life and Storage Conditions Antioxidant Vitamin E in Fish Oil

What is fish oil?

Fish oil is an oil obtained from fatty fish or cod liver oil. Contains a lot of useful fatty acids omega 3. Including, in particular, long-chain fatty acids - eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA / EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA / DHA). These substances are not produced by the body in sufficient volume and are irreplaceable. You can only get them from food.

Fish oil benefits and harms

  • Accelerates fat burning
  • Reduces blood cholesterol
  • Reduces the risk of developing blood clots
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system
  • Improve brain function
  • Increase oxygen supply to muscles, improve endurance
  • Essential for pregnant women to develop eyes, brain and nervous system fetus
  • Poor quality fish oil contains mercury and heavy metal salts
  • Significantly reduces blood clotting, which can be dangerous with appropriate health problems
  • Overdose threatens with violations of the liver and digestion
  • A large amount of vitamin A and E, an overdose of which can be dangerous to health

All harmful effects can be avoided if you choose and take fish oil supplements wisely. We will talk about this below.

Omega 3 or fish oil which is better

To say what's different fish fat from omega 3, you need to understand the concepts. This will help in right choice additives.

Fish oil is a broad concept used in Russia to refer to various products. Omega-3 is found in any fish oil, but it can be different.

Fish oil is called cod liver oil and fat from fish meat of valuable, fatty breeds. Also, fish oil is not only of different origin, but also of different degrees of purification.

The most valuable is refined fat from fish meat of valuable breeds, such fat is labeled Fish Oil. Fish meat contains less harmful substances than the liver. Only a small part of them from meat gets into the fat, and after cleaning, harmful substances do not remain at all, as well as vitamins. This fat contains a high concentration of omega-3s, and vitamins are best obtained from other sources.

The most common and cheapest is cod liver oil. Marked with Cod liver oil. Obtaining fish oil from the liver and fish waste is cheaper than from meat. But the liver of fish contains harmful substances that fall into the capsules. Typically, cheaper fish oils are only minimally refined, low in omega-3s, and high in impurities.

What are omega 3s good for?

  • Accelerates metabolism and fat reduction
  • Reduces the risk of blood clots, strokes and heart attacks
  • Increases endurance and tone of the neuromuscular system
  • Reduces recovery time after training and rehabilitation after injuries
  • Protects joints from wear and improves their mobility
  • Suppresses the release of cortisol
  • Improves the function of the nervous system, reduces stress and emotional exhaustion

Adequate intake of omega-6 fatty acids is essential for the full benefit of omega-3s. Getting them is much less problematic.

What are omega 6s good for?

Omega-6s are essential for proper absorption of omega-3s. The recommended ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in the diet is 5-10 to 1. This ratio, according to doctors, will ensure optimal absorption.

Therefore, most people consume significantly more omega-6s than omega-3s. On average, this ratio is 50:1, while 5-10:1 is recommended.

Omega 3 which is better to buy

We recommend purchasing omega-3 capsules rather than liquid form. Capsules are easier to store and take. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that Fish Oil is written on the packaging or in the composition. We do not recommend purchasing cod liver oil Cod liver oil.

Pay attention to composition. It must contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA/EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA/DHA) content. If fish oil is cheap and these acids are not indicated in the composition, then it is better to choose another manufacturer.

Before use, split one of the capsules and taste the contents. It should not have a rotten smell, fat should not be bitter.

It is cheaper to buy omega-3s in sports nutrition stores. Give preference to brands with a good reputation. We buy sports nutrition, vitamins and supplements from the US iHerb store. With our promo code MIK0651 you can get a discount from 5 to 10%.

Top Omega 3 Producers

Fish Oil concentrate in capsules.

Omega 3 capsules.

Ultra Purified Omega 3 Capsules High in DHA and EPA.

Optimum Nutrition

Fish Oil capsules.

Omega 3 60% of Boris Tsatsoulina, a well-known specialist in sports nutrition in Russia.

How to take omega 3 capsules

It is better not to take fish oil constantly and not to exceed the recommended doses. If the recommendations are violated, digestive disorders, liver problems, nausea, and diarrhea are possible.

It is optimal to take fish oil capsules in courses of 1 month after a 1 month break. This will reduce the risk of overconcentration and side effects.

Video about Omega 3

Fragment of the program “About the most important thing”.

Video from Boris Tsatsoulina

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The benefits and harms of taking fish oil capsules

Fish oil is common name two types of omega-3 polyunsaturated acids: docosahexaenoic (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA).

Since both fatty acids are found in fish, fish oil is used as a source. Omega-3 fatty acids are not produced in the human body and must be replenished with food.

Benefits of taking

A normal diet is rich in omega-6 fatty acids and deficient in omega-3 acids, while the human body receives the maximum health benefits at a 1:1 ratio of these acids.

This ratio of polyunsaturated acids has a positive effect on the health of the heart and blood vessels, since it lowers blood cholesterol and the risk of atherosclerosis. Fish oil taken in capsules has benefits throughout the body:

  • reduces the likelihood of diabetes;
  • improves memory;
  • reduces the amount of fat in the liver;
  • eliminates dryness of the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • counteracts some forms of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate cancer;
  • Regulates blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. It does not affect its level if the pressure is normal.

Fish oil is not a direct stimulant, but it has been found to increase brain activity and reduce the likelihood of depression. At the same time, the effect of fish oil is comparable to the pharmaceutical antidepressant drug fluoxetine without side effects the last one.

Fish oil helps to reduce muscle soreness that occurs after exercise. It also has an effect on lowering cortisol levels and increasing the production of nitric oxide in the body.

For people who are watching their weight, taking fish oil capsules will help maintain a diet and increase the content of ketone bodies in the blood. Studies show that when fish oil is consumed, fat oxidation in the body increases, which contributes to weight loss.

Harm of fish oil

Fish oil, like any substance, can be harmful in some cases.

  • Omega-3 reduces the level of triglycerides in the blood, but it increases total cholesterol. Therefore, people with high cholesterol are advised to equalize the quantitative combination of fatty acids in the diet not by increasing the consumption of omega-3 (fish, fish oil), but by reducing foods containing omega-6 acids (red meat, vegetable oil, egg yolk). ).
  • Fish oil affects blood clotting, reducing it. It is recommended that you talk to your doctor if you are using blood thinners such as aspirin, warfarin, or other anticoagulants.
  • Fish can be an allergen to the body, so make sure that long-term use of fish oil does not cause you allergic reaction.

Pay attention to the source of fish oil in order to protect its effect on the body. Any toxin that gets into the water and dissolves in the fat can be stored in the tissues of the fish and has the opportunity to get into the food supplement.

It is best to avoid fish oils derived from carnivorous and demersal fish as they tend to be high in mercury and other toxins. The fat of fish such as cod, sardine, herring, mackerel is preferable.

How to take fish oil

Since fish oil capsules can provide both benefits and harms, the dosage depends on the purpose for which this dietary supplement is taken. The more fish present in the diet, the fewer capsules should be taken.

  • For general wellness, it is enough to consume 250 mg of combined EPA and DHA, which is achievable by simply increasing the amount of fish in the diet.
  • The minimum dose that provides a measurable health benefit is 1 g of fish oil daily.
  • If it is required to reduce muscle soreness after training, a dose of 6 g distributed throughout the day in several doses will be effective.
  • In diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the daily amount of fish oil reaches 10–15 years, taken for several months.

Please note that the effect of fish oil is not instantaneous. It occurs after a certain period, which is calculated in days and weeks. Fish oil can be taken daily for a long time.

For some people, taking fish oil capsules can cause a fishy-smelling burp. To avoid this, take the capsules with food or freeze them before swallowing.

Interaction of fish oil with other substances

Simultaneous intake of fish oil capsules with some components can be beneficial, mutually reinforcing the action of both substances. Supplements with which it is recommended to combine fish oil for maximum effect:

  • vitamins A, E and D are fat-soluble vitamins that add nutritional value to fish oil and are better absorbed;
  • curcumin, a polyphenol from turmeric root, helps reduce the risk of breast cancer;
  • green tea - the bioavailability of catechins contained in green tea is increased with the help of fish oil. These antioxidants counteract aging and protect against cancer.
  • fat blockers - drugs such as orlistat and xenical interfere with the absorption of omega-3 fatty acids in the body;
  • foods containing omega-6 acids - linoleic and arachidonic acids in foods such as beef, pork, egg yolk and vegetable oil, slow down the absorption of omega-3 acids in the body.

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Fish oil capsules - the benefits and harms for health and weight loss

Fish oil is a useful product, but many are repelled by its unpleasant aroma and taste. To eliminate this drawback, they began to produce the drug in capsules. They are recommended to be taken to relieve and prevent many health problems.

What are the benefits of fish oil capsules?

Looking at the composition of this dietary supplement, you can understand that it has a rich spectrum of actions, and they have been proven through various studies. Fish oil capsules, the benefits and harms of which relate to different organs, can reduce blood pressure and improve activity. of cardio-vascular system. There are others beneficial features:

  1. Helps to strengthen bone tissue, increasing its density. With regular consumption, you can get huge benefits and deal with different problems skeletal system.
  2. Another reason to drink fish oil capsules is that it protects the kidneys, reducing the risk of developing organ diseases.
  3. The benefit is due to the fact that animal fats protect against the negative effects of environmental factors and ultraviolet rays.
  4. Favorably affects the nervous system and brain. With regular use, you can forget about such a thing as depression.
  5. The benefit is due to the acceleration of metabolic processes and the strengthening of immunity.

Fish oil capsules - composition

The use of animal fat from fish was suggested by a pharmacist from Norway, who knows all the advantages of this product like no one else. To obtain it, sea and oily fish are used. The composition includes such substances: polyunsaturated fatty acids, retinol, vitamin D, and also antioxidants. To be convinced of the unique abilities of this product, you need to take a closer look at what fish oil capsules contain.

  1. Omega 3. They improve the acid state of blood vessels, contribute to the production of substances necessary to launch anti-inflammatory drugs. inflammatory processes. They help speed up recovery processes, improve the condition of the skin and nervous system. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (triglycerides) normalize blood pressure.
  2. Vitamin A. Promotes metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system and vision. It improves the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, protects against the negative effects of free radicals.
  3. Vitamin D. The key to proper absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the body.
  4. Antioxidants. They cause the body's protection from the action of various harmful substances and slow down the aging process.

Fish oil capsules - benefits for women

The drug has a rich spectrum of action, thanks to the natural composition. Use it for weight loss and improvement appearance. Fish oil, the benefits and harms of which have been carefully studied, has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects. When taken correctly, it is the prevention of osteoporosis. In the list of what fish oil capsules are for, it is important to highlight its benefits for pregnant women. It is important for the proper development of the child and for maintaining the health of the expectant mother. The dosage should be selected individually.

Fish oil capsules - benefits for hair

Another area of ​​​​use of this product concerns hair care. The acids included in the composition nourish the bulbs, improving the appearance and accelerating the growth of curls. They also help to cope with dryness, itching and flaking. Fish oil in hair capsules improves the process of delivering oxygen to the follicles. At correct application You can cope with brittleness and make your hair healthy and shiny. They use a preparation for masks, of which there are a huge number, for example, there is a composition to give elasticity and eliminate dry ends.


  • fish oil - 6 capsules;
  • vitamin A - 2 ampoules;
  • vitamin E - 2 ampoules.


  1. Mix oily liquids in a glass bowl.
  2. It is recommended to slightly warm the mixture in a water bath.
  3. Soak a cotton swab in oils and treat dry tips with it.

Fish oil capsules for skin

In cosmetology, an oily liquid is used to eliminate skin problems and improve the condition of the dermis. Polyunsaturated fatty acids cope with inflammatory processes, remove rashes and retain moisture in the skin. Fish oil capsules, the benefits and harms of which have been proven by scientists, maintain healthy skin and keep it young. Eicopatented acid normalizes activity sebaceous glands, reduces the risk of wrinkles and smoothes unevenness.

For those who are interested in how to drink fish oil capsules, the following scheme is proposed: 3 g throughout the day with food. It is also used to make masks. The capsules are pierced and the contents are poured into a glass container. A napkin is taken, holes are cut in it (for the eyes and nose), moistened in fish oil and applied to the face for half an hour. Cream is applied after the procedure. Make masks for a month twice a week. This procedure helps to remove dryness and peeling.

Fish oil capsules - benefits for weight loss

It will seem surprising to many that the fat of fish can be used in the fight for a beautiful figure. He can be great additional means which enhances the action proper nutrition. It improves the flow of metabolic processes, which will help reduce body fat and maintain health. For weight loss, fish oil in capsules is drunk 2 pieces, several times (2-3) per day. The duration of use is a month. You can go through this therapy three times a year.

Fish oil capsules - which is better?

To get only benefit from the purchased drug, you need to approach its choice responsibly. A mandatory rule for the purchase of all pharmacy products is to check the expiration date. The composition should not contain unnecessary components, only fish oil (specific origin), vitamins and gelatin used to create the shell. You need to refuse to buy if there are flavors and any chemical additives.

To understand which fish oil capsules are the best, you should pay attention to this point: you can often see such a phrase as “molecular differentiation” on the packaging. It means that a technique was used to increase the concentration of fatty acids. The concentration of PUFAs is also important, because the lower it is, the more capsules you will have to take. Experts advise to take into account the country of origin.

How to take fish oil capsules?

The use of the drug in accordance with the rules is an important condition, because if you do not take into account the allowed amount of fat, this will not only reduce useful action but also harm the body. Be sure to read the instructions after purchase, as different manufacturers may have different dosages. Experts give several recommendations about the reception of funds.

  1. To strengthen the immune system, take capsules for 1-3 months.
  2. Fish oil in capsules, the dosage of which is selected based on the information provided on the package, is used 1-2 pcs. along with food.
  3. Do not take the remedy before meals, as this can worsen the digestive process.

How to store fish oil capsules?

Each pharmacy product has its own storage conditions, which should definitely be taken into account, otherwise it can not only shorten the period of use, but also spoil the quality. Many people believe that fish oil capsules should be stored in the refrigerator, but this is an erroneous opinion, since this rule applies to liquid products. The instructions for the drug indicate that it is stored in a dry place, protected from light, at 15-25 degrees.

The best fish oil capsules - ranking

In many countries such a preparation is produced, which is reflected in the differences between the formulations and the price. American companies Special attention devote to the purification of raw materials to minimize harm. Example of American manufacturers: Madre Labs, NOW, Natrol. Russian companies use codfish liver extract and include the following options: Mirrolla, Biofishenol, Biocontour. The best fish oil capsules are made in Norwegian factories and the most popular are Cod Liver Oil and NORWEGIAN Fish Oil.

Overdose of fish oil capsules

All existing pharmaceutical products use, observing the dosage, because without this there may be adverse reactions. If you use encapsulated fish oil uncontrollably, then you can cause harm, which is manifested by nausea, loss of appetite, intense thirst, frequent urination, hypertension and headache. It is important to follow the dosage on the package.

If a person notices symptoms of an overdose, then you need to call ambulance so as not to cause serious harm to health. Before the doctor arrives, it is important to take a number of actions to improve the condition. The first thing to do is to make sure you drink plenty of water. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe complex therapy, which implies compliance with a certain diet and the rejection of vitamin D, not only obtained from food, but also from sunlight.

Fish oil capsules - contraindications

Even naturalness does not mean that the remedy cannot be harmful. To avoid this, it is necessary to take into account the existing contraindications. There are people who have an individual intolerance to the product. Side effects fish oil capsules can cause increased activity thyroid gland and disorders of the kidneys.

Do not use with an open form of tuberculosis and hyperthyroidism. Fish oil capsules, the benefits and harms of which are important to consider when using it, should be forgotten by people with an excess of vitamin D and a high calcium content. You can not take it in the presence of stony formations in the organs, and liver diseases and ulcers are allowed to take the supplement strictly with the prescriptions of specialists, so as not to cause serious harm.

Fish oil capsules benefits and harms, instructions for use

Fish oil is available in liquid form and capsules. The liquid form is cheaper, but has an unpleasant odor and taste. Therefore, most people prefer to buy the encapsulated form. So, let's find out what are the benefits and harms of fish oil.


The composition contains a mixture of different glycerides, oleic acid (about 70%), palmitic acid (25%) and omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated acids, the remaining elements are present in small quantities. The healing effect of fish oil depends on the fats it contains.

Benefits of fish oil capsules
Presence of vitamins A and D

Fish oil contains vitamins A and D. So vitamin A improves the growth and reproduction of skin cells, visual pigments, mucous membranes. Also, fish oil is very useful for nails, skin and hair. Dry hair and skin, stratification of nails are signs of a lack of vitamins. Vitamin D reduces the tendency to cramps in the calf muscles, nervous excitability, and promotes the penetration of phosphorus and calcium into cells.

Omega 3

Polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 group are vital for the proper functioning of blood joints, blood vessels, and they also help fight excess weight and build muscle mass.

Omega-3 acids significantly reduce the risk of insulin resistance and diabetes. In addition, they are needed to create the myelin sheath. nerve fibers and connective tissues, the formation of cell membranes.

Fish oil for weight loss

Fish oil is great for burning fat. Therefore, many nutritionists recommend taking fish oil to combat extra pounds. Such "fatty" components are very necessary for proper metabolism. By the way, it is they that enable the body to lose weight without training in the gym and debilitating hunger.

Fish oil for stress and depression

The use of fish oil increases the content of serotonin in the human body, which is a “good mood” hormone, thanks to which you can get rid of stress and depression. In addition, the benefit of fish oil is that it helps to reduce aggressiveness.

Fish oil against Alzheimer's disease

Scientists conducted research on the use of fish oil against Alzheimer's disease on early stage. From the results, we can conclude that fish oil significantly improves the brain's ability to learn. Therefore, one capsule of fish oil per day is a good prevention against dementia.

What are the benefits of fish oil:
  • Reduces inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis;
  • It is prescribed for rickets, tuberculosis, night blindness, anemia;
  • Prevents spasms of blood vessels;
  • Protects against prostate cancer;
  • Assign for diabetes, obesity, psoriasis, osteoporosis, impaired coordination of movements;
  • Assign with painful menstruation;
  • Stabilizes blood pressure readings.

Harm of fish oil

Remember that fish oil is a very strong allergen. For this reason, it is not recommended for people who are prone to allergic reactions. Doctors prohibit the use of fish oil for urolithiasis or cholelithiasis. People who have an increased content of vitamin D and calcium, individual intolerance, chronic renal failure - the use of fish oil is not recommended. Do not take fish oil on an empty stomach and with an overactive thyroid.

What diseases is fish oil not effective for:
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • autism;
  • headache;
  • intermittent lameness;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • infectious diseases gums;
  • cancer prevention;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • high cholesterol in the blood;
  • inflammation of the pancreas.
Fish oil capsules - instructions for use

Take fish oil capsules as directed in the instructions, usually no more than 2 capsules 3 times daily with meals. After 1-3 months of treatment, it is necessary to do general analysis blood and, depending on the results, continue or stop taking the drug.

How to lose weight on fish oil

First of all, the day will need to start with morning exercises and walks in the fresh air. At the same time, you will need to limit your diet - give up sugar, flour products, canned food, fried foods, smoked foods, fatty foods.

sample menu per day:

Breakfast: soup or any porridge (except semolina). Lunch: cabbage soup / borscht / vegetable soup. You can also cook fish / chicken / stew with a side dish. Afternoon snack: fruit yogurt / cottage cheese / salad. Dinner: scrambled eggs / salad / juice / tea. Night: kefir / tea.

Fish oil capsules - which manufacturer is better?

1. Cod Liver Oil (Carlson Labs) - medical fish oil

Pros: high-quality preparation, without a specific smell.

Cons: For some people, the price of Cod Liver Oil is too high.

2. Omega-3 Fish Oil (Solgar) Medical Fish Oil

Pros: gelatin capsules without a specific smell, a very high quality drug.

Cons: high price.

3. Fish oil (Teva) - edible fish oil

Pros: an excellent dietary supplement that protects human health.

Cons: a bit high price.

4. Biter (Realcaps) - fish oil for young children

Pros: good price, quality drug, great taste and many recommendations from parents.

Cons: Artificial flavor, which makes the drug not completely natural.

Fish oil capsules reviews

“I also drink fish oil together with vitamins for hair and was very surprised, hair growth really accelerated, I see it in my eyelashes. For the first time I have increased the density of the cilia.

“After a few days of taking fish oil capsules, the child had dermatitis, which we have been treating to no avail everywhere for six months, wherever possible.”

“I heard information that fish oil helps to lose weight. Therefore, I tried. 2 months after taking, the sides and abdomen noticeably decreased. The figure is changing, slowly but surely. I am very satisfied with the result."


Before using fish oil, you should definitely consult a doctor, as well as read the annotation approved by the manufacturer. Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Remember that only a doctor can decide on the prescription of the drug and, in addition, determine the necessary doses and methods of its use.

Benefits of fish oil - video

benefits, composition, therapeutic and prophylactic effect, method of application and contraindications

As a raw material for obtaining such a product beneficial to human health as fish oil, the liver of cod fish is most often used. Mackerel, herring, salmon, mullet, tuna, trout, salmon, halibut living in cold ocean waters are also rich in fish oil.

Depending on the method of preparation, quality and purpose, three varieties of fish oil can be distinguished:

  • Brown (lowest grade fish oil) - used only for technical purposes (for example, in the manufacture of lubricants, leather processing or soap making)
  • Yellow - intended for medical use
  • White (high quality fish oil), used both for medical purposes and for internal use.


Fish oil is a rich source of vitamins and fatty acids necessary for the human body.

The highest content in fish oil is oleic (Omega-9) monounsaturated fatty acid (about 70%), which helps to lower cholesterol and blood sugar, as well as reduces the risk of developing cancer of the breast and organs of the female genital area. At least 25% of fish oil is palmitic acid, which largely determines the anti-inflammatory effect of fish oil. And the concentration of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in fish oil is quite low (represented mainly by eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acids (DHA). It is these substances that determine the main biological value of fish oil and most beneficially affect the functional state of the heart and blood vessels, brain and musculoskeletal system.

The polyunsaturated fatty acids present in fish oil (Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9) in a complex combination also help to improve fat metabolism and increase the efficiency of absorption of calcium and magnesium by the body, improve the functioning of the endocrine, digestive and reproductive systems, activate the cleansing of the body from toxins, toxins and salts of heavy metals.

Fish oil also has a high content of fat-soluble vitamin D, which has an immunomodulatory effect and is necessary for the effective absorption of calcium and phosphorus involved in the formation of bone tissue (which is why vitamin D deficiency in the body often leads to the development of rickets in children and bone osteomalacia and osteoporosis in adults). Vitamin D contained in fish oil also improves skin condition, reduces the risk of developing multiple sclerosis, thyroid disease, diabetes, cardiovascular and oncological diseases of the ovaries, mammary glands, prostate, brain.

Vitamin A present in a significant amount in fish oil has an anti-inflammatory and pronounced wound healing effect, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, stimulates the natural synthesis of collagen and keratin, takes part in the production of steroid hormones, in the processes of spermatogenesis and embryonic development, is necessary for the full formation bones and tooth enamel. Also, this antioxidant vitamin contained in fish oil helps to strengthen the immune system, regulates blood sugar and plays a very important role in the functioning of the visual apparatus.

Fish oil also contains another powerful natural antioxidant - vitamin E. Warning premature aging, involved in the process of embryogenesis, necessary for the full functioning of the reproductive system and organs of vision, contributing to increased efficiency and physical endurance, this vitamin takes an active part in the formation of immunity, has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the cardiovascular system, and also prevents the development of anemia, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. Bromine, iodine, sulfur and phosphorus are also present in small amounts in fish oil.

Fish oil "Purple Palace", 300 capsules

Therapeutic and preventive action

With regular internal use of fish oil:

  • Promotes the activation of metabolic processes, reducing excess weight and building muscle mass, prevents the development of obesity. Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids contained in fish oil activate the participation of fat reserves in energy metabolism, that is, they “start” the processes of lipolysis (destruction of adipose tissue) during physical exertion.
  • Beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and circulatory system(improves the rheological properties of blood, prevents the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels, contributes to the normalization of blood pressure when arterial hypertension). The omega-3 fatty acids contained in fish oil have a vasodilating effect, slow down platelet aggregation, reduce blood cholesterol levels, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. According to statistics, regular consumption of fish oil reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes by 29%.
  • Helps to improve the functional state of the musculoskeletal system, prevents the development of caries. Fish oil is especially rich in vitamin D, which plays an important role in the mineralization of bone tissue and tooth enamel.
  • Helps to improve the functioning of the visual apparatus. Vitamin A present in fish oil plays an important role in the synthesis of the visual pigment of the retina, rhodopsin, which is necessary for the full perception of various colors by the eye, and is also “responsible” for high visual acuity in low light. Also, this fat-soluble antioxidant has a beneficial effect on the condition of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye. Vitamin E, which is part of fish oil, prevents the development of cataracts and helps to normalize intraocular pressure.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and other parts of the central nervous system, improves cognitive abilities, and has a sedative, anti-stress and antidepressant effect. The omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oil (more precisely, docosahexaenoic acid) is the building block of brain cells and the myelin sheath of nerves, and also helps reduce the production of the stress hormone cortisol. This polyunsaturated fatty acid plays an important role in the natural synthesis of neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, etc.) - substances that transmit electrical impulses between neurons (impaired neurotransmitter metabolism is often the cause of depression, chronic fatigue, apathy, memory impairment, insomnia and concentration).
  • It activates the processes of granulation, epithelialization and tissue regeneration, accelerates the healing of ulcers and erosions.
  • It helps to strengthen the immune system, reduces the risk of developing cancer and autoimmune diseases. The polyunsaturated fatty acids that are part of Omega-3 fish oil are precursors of eicosanoids, substances involved in the formation of immune defenses. The antioxidant vitamins A and E present in fish oil also contribute to strengthening the immune system.
  • Helps improve the appearance and condition of the skin, nails and hair. Fish oil contains skin moisturizing components such as vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. Also in the composition of fish oil there is vitamin A, which activates the natural production of collagen and elastin (substances that increase skin firmness and elasticity).

The regular use of fish oil that has the above effect is very useful in the prevention and complex treatment:

  • Cardiovascular disease(atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, coronary disease heart, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis)
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Dermatological diseases (urticaria, eczema, psoriasis, acne ( acne), seborrheic dermatitis), as well as in the complex treatment of various skin injuries (cuts, abrasions, burns, bedsores, frostbite, etc.)
  • Colitis, enterocolitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease
  • Anemia
  • Diseases and injuries of the bones of the musculoskeletal system (osteoporosis, rickets, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, tuberculosis of bones and joints, fractures, etc.)
  • Diseases of the visual apparatus (macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, xerophthalmia, hemeralopia ("night blindness"), blepharitis, conjunctivitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, eye diseases associated with impaired color discrimination mechanisms, eczematous eyelid lesions, retinitis pigmentosa).

Eating fish oil is also beneficial for:

  • For the prevention of Alzheimer's disease
  • With a deficiency in the body of vitamin D, caused by a lack of solar ultraviolet radiation. Fish oil can be recommended for use by the population of regions where there are few sunny days a year, residents of areas with high air pollution, those who work on the night shift, as well as patients who spend most of the day in bed and do not have the opportunity to walk outdoors .
  • With age-related deficiency in the body of vitamin D - for the prevention of osteoporosis
  • With a deficiency in the diet of vitamin A and polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids
  • With intense mental stress, with memory impairment and concentration
  • Deterioration of the condition of the skin, nails and hair
  • For painful menstruation
  • With obesity
  • During the recovery period after operations for "false" joints, to stimulate the formation of callus in fractures
  • During the recovery period after severe and prolonged illnesses
  • For those involved in sports or fitness.

Indications for course intake of fish oil are also:

  • Frequent infectious and inflammatory respiratory diseases
  • Depressive states, frequent psychoemotional stresses.

External use of fish oil rich in wound healing and anti-inflammatory components (Omega-3 fatty acid, vitamins A and E) is recommended in the complex treatment of wounds, thermal or chemical burns of the mucous membranes or skin, as well as in the complex treatment of dermatological diseases.

Method of use

Fish oil should be consumed in courses: every 30 days of taking fish oil, it is recommended to take a break between courses for 4-5 months.

Fish oil should not be consumed on an empty stomach to avoid gastrointestinal upset.

Contraindications for use

Individual intolerance to the product, allergic reactions, febrile conditions, hypercalcemia, hypervitaminosis D, urolithiasis, cholelithiasis, hyperthyroidism, acute pancreatitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, children under 3 years of age. With caution and only after prior consultation with a doctor, fish oil should be used by the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, with acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver, gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum.

benefit or harm, when and how to take the supplement

Fish oil is perhaps the most common nutritional supplement that everyone has known about since childhood. But in childhood, we did not think at all about the benefits of many products. And now it's time to figure out: why is fish oil in capsules so useful and can there be any harm from it.

Composition of fish oil

The composition of marine life oil has long ceased to be a secret for scientists. Its contents are constant and known not only to chemists, but also to ordinary people who monitor their bodies.

Did you know? The value of this supplement was discovered about 200 years ago.

The composition of the useful supplement includes vitamins (A - vision and skin, D - bones, E - heart and immunity), essential oils of oleic and palmitic acids, iodine, bromine and, of course, phosphorus. Each of these elements is useful in itself and is necessary for the human body, and in combination it is a healing mixture.

Benefit or harm?

Its composition speaks about the benefits of fish oil for the human body, and it is obvious that all its components will affect the body positively, but is there any harm from it?

What is useful fish oil

The additive favorably affects many processes in the human body. First of all, it helps to improve blood circulation, and, accordingly, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. It also improves skin, hair, nails, bones and general state body, and also increases its ability to fight viruses and diseases.


Why do men need fish oil capsules? This oil helps to reduce the production of cortisol - the so-called stress hormone. It is also a godsend for athletes and is often sold in sports nutrition stores, because it helps to synthesize proteins and proteins. And for losing weight men, it will help to quickly break down excess fats.


Fats are useful for everyone equally, but there are certain elements that are necessary directly for the weaker sex. Omega-3 acids provide positive influence on the skin, improve hair, nails, help to get rid of excess weight. But all these positive features pale in comparison to how important fish oil is for conceiving a baby and for the entire pregnancy in general. The benefits of fish oil capsules for women are obvious. All the elements contained in such a valuable product will help the child to form healthy and strong, resistant to diseases and viruses.

Did you know? The use of this product reduces the risk of infertility.


Yellow capsules are also very useful for children, it is not for nothing that most of us were forced by our parents to drink this “bitter health pill”. They help strengthen bones and accelerate growth, improve hormonal and emotional levels, speed up metabolism, help to think better and absorb important information. In general, the benefits of a fish product are very difficult to overestimate.

Who can harm

However, like any remedy, fish oil has contraindications. There is a certain list of restrictions under which it is not recommended to take this supplement:

  1. Increased calcium.
  2. Tuberculosis.
  3. Allergy to components.
  4. Urolithiasis.
  5. Problems with the thyroid gland.
Otherwise, the product will only benefit and will not harm the body in any way.

How, when and how many capsules to take

Despite the usefulness of the composition of fish capsules, they must be taken correctly, observing the dosage.


It is necessary to take capsules with the drug 1-2 pieces three times a day. The maximum daily dose is 6 capsules containing Omega-3 fatty acids. The supplement is recommended to drink for 30 days, and then take a break.


The daily portion of the drug for children is half of the portions of an adult: 1 capsule twice or thrice a day.

Rules for choosing fish oil

After the decision has been made to take fish oil capsules, it is necessary to figure out which manufacturer of this supplement is better, which companies make the best products.

Today, a product with a high content of Omega-3 fatty acids is produced by a large number of large and not very firms. However, before buying, you need to analyze well which capsules are worth taking and which ones are better to refuse. First of all, it has great importance producing country. The best option is a country rich in raw materials, that is, fish. The most common country that produces this supplement is Norway. It is washed by the North Sea, incredibly rich in fish.

But this fact does not mean at all that you need to buy only Norwegian products. Such goods from Finland, Russia and some other countries are in great demand. The fish from which the final product was made is also very important. It is generally accepted that fish from the ocean is much more useful as a raw material than other species. The packaging of a magic pill must necessarily indicate the raw materials from which it is prepared, the amount of fats, acids, and methods of processing and purification. All packages of high-quality fish oil in capsules must have instructions for use.

For children, fish oil with various flavors is often produced for a more pleasant use of a valuable product.

Important! Cod liver capsules are not considered beneficial because the liver is a filter and stores harmful residues.

Capsules or liquid: which is better?

It is difficult to answer unequivocally which is better: capsules or fish product liquid, because, in fact, they are one and the same. But it's much better to take it in a shell that will dissolve directly in the intestines (to avoid fish burping, manufacturers make the walls of the capsule such that they dissolve after entering the intestine). After all, fish, like any other oil, does not taste pleasant. And if adults can still force themselves to swallow a substance that tastes unpleasant, then the child will perceive such a procedure as torture.

Having understood the concept of fish oil, learning about its benefits and harms, and how to take it correctly, we can draw one very important conclusion: this product is incredibly valuable for our body, and, of course, adults need to drink it , and children. The main thing: remember that everything should be in moderation, so fish oil should be added to the diet for no more than 30 days.

Fish oil: benefits, composition, how to take

It is difficult to find a person who, as a child, was not allowed to drink fish oil by his parents. The reason for this was simple: he is useful. And yet, not many people drank it, since fish oil had an unpleasant smell and taste. Only the most persistent, probably, ate it without any problems. Let's look at what fish oil is and what it is for.

Fish oil: application

In Soviet times, after certain studies, fish oil was banned for use. For many years he was remembered only in a nightmare. And only a few years ago they started talking about it again, they began to sell it in pharmacies, and scientists from research centers devoted a considerable amount of their time to it. And it's not in vain.

The fact is that fish oil is a valuable source of vitamins A and D, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. So, vitamin A improves vision, maintains healthy skin, hair, digestive system, respiratory organs. Vitamin D is primarily responsible for the health of teeth and bones, and it also helps reduce nervous excitability.

If we talk about Omega-3, then the properties of this acid are difficult to underestimate. If it is present in the body in sufficient quantities, then you can forget about increased blood clotting, high blood pressure, problems with the heart, brain disorders, etc.

Since vitamins A, D and Omega-3 acid are not produced by the human body on their own, their deficiency must be compensated by eating foods containing them. But the fact has already been proven that no other product contains such an amount of Omega-3 as this acid in fish oil.

Fish oil: release forms

Previously, it was only available in liquid form. But not so long ago, it occurred to smart people to release fish oil in capsules. In this case, there is no need to taste it. The capsule itself is not harmful to the body, but once in the stomach, it breaks up, and its contents (i.e. fish oil) begin to be used for its intended purpose.

It is worth noting that in Soviet times, fish oil was extracted from cod liver. Then it was proved that this is not safe, because the liver, like a sponge, is able to absorb chemical and toxic substances. It is for this reason that it was banned from being released. Today, most of this valuable fat comes from cod muscle tissue. It is believed that this is much safer.

There is an opinion that fish oil, which is sold in capsules, is less effective than that which can be consumed in liquid form. Actually, there is no difference. Moreover, encapsulated fish oil is practically unaffected by light and oxygen. If, nevertheless, it was purchased in liquid form, then you need to store it in a dark jar in the refrigerator. The disadvantage of liquid fish oil is that it is not stored for a very long time in open form, in a word, it is definitely not worth buying them for future use.

How to take fish oil

It is important to remember that the course of its reception is quite long. A week is clearly not enough. To make up for the lack of vitamins and omega-3 in the body, you need to eat one to two capsules a day every day. The course of admission is one and a half months, after which you need to take a break for three months.

Contraindications for use

It turns out that even fish oil can not always be used. So, it is contraindicated in the case when the body contains an excess amount of calcium, vitamin D, observed kidney failure, pulmonary tuberculosis, thyroid enlargement and urolithiasis. With caution, it should be taken by the elderly, women during pregnancy and lactation. That is why, before deciding to take fish oil (especially for children), you should definitely consult a doctor about this.

The composition of fish oil includes biologically active substances that are easily oxidized in the open air. This feature of the natural product should be taken into account during its storage in order to avoid reducing the therapeutic effectiveness of capsules and oily liquids. Therefore, you should not buy dietary supplements if you do not intend to use it for several months. The ability of the ingredients to enter into chemical reactions and the natural composition determines the relatively short shelf life of fish oil.

Features of storage of biologically active additives

Fish oil is a natural product derived from the liver and muscle fibers of ocean fish. In its production, technological processes are used that do not involve heat treatment. Such techniques ensure the safety of all biologically active substances, but significantly reduce the shelf life of dosage forms of fish oil. The fresh natural product has a thick liquid consistency and a specific smell that not all adults and children like. But with improper storage, it becomes more unpleasant, rancid.

There are other signs that allow you to determine that the expiration date of fish oil has expired:

  • the liquid in the vial exfoliated or changed color;
  • the capsules have faded, lost their natural luster;
  • chewing gummies stuck together;
  • a precipitate has formed in the oily liquid;
  • capsules and gummies do not regain their shape even when lightly pressed.

If there is at least one sign of spoilage of a dietary supplement, it should be thrown away immediately, and not experimented with one's own health.

Warning: Fish oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. Upon contact with molecular oxygen, it easily enters into redox chemical reactions with it. The resulting final and intermediate products can worsen the well-being of an adult and a baby.

The expiration date indicated on the package changes immediately after opening the bottle with capsules or liquid. There is contact with open air and the oxygen contained in it. The term does not change only for capsules, each of which is packaged in blisters made of metallized foil with separate cells. How to store fish oil in other dosage forms is indicated in the instructions for use.


Due to the presence of a strong shell, fish oil capsules do not require special storage conditions. The dietary supplement should be kept at a temperature of about 25°C. Exceeding this value will cause softening of the capsule and oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The gelatinous shell will harden and lose its protective functions.

How to store fish oil capsules:

  • packaging should not be exposed to direct sunlight, which is detrimental to fat-soluble vitamins;
  • it is not necessary to store fish oil at a low temperature for safety reasons, for example, in the side wall of the refrigerator.

thick liquid

Fish oil liquid dosage form should only be stored at low temperatures. Its values ​​vary depending on the manufacturer, but rarely exceed 12°C. The shelf life of a dietary supplement is about a year, but it is reduced to 2-3 months immediately after opening the sealed vial. With each dosing of dietary supplements, air enters the glass container, starting the oxidation processes.

Liquid fish oils should be stored away from sunlight as they act as a catalyst for a chemical reaction. Manufacturers allow a slight thickening of a natural product, which in no way affects its therapeutic properties.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Updated: 08-11-2019

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Typically, fish oil capsules are taken by those who cannot stand the ambiguous taste of a natural product. The original fat cod liver and herring is used as food additive since the end of the 19th century. It is believed that the Norwegian pharmacist Peter Meller came up with the idea of ​​selling it in a pharmacy. The idea quickly spread around the world. With studies on the benefits of omega-three fatty acids and vitamin D capsules have become very popular. They are taken for the complex treatment and prevention of diseases, they are recommended for adults and children, and they are sold not only in pharmacies but also in sports nutrition stores.

The content of the article:

Modern people eat little omega-3 fatty acids and a lot of omega-6. According to American scientists, this is the cause of many diseases from disorders heart rate, high blood pressure, and cholesterol disease, to inflammatory processes in tissues, joints and ligaments. Fatty acids in the correct proportion contribute to the correction of this problem and allow you to get all the necessary substances in the format you need for a person. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oil capsules.

Omega three have a complex effect on the body:

  • enhance the synthesis of prostaglandins, contribute to the correct and rapid reaction immune system body on "external stimuli", the systematic use of fish oil in capsules should help strengthen immunity. Doctors recommend schoolchildren and students to start taking the product at the beginning of the school year, and for everyone else to drink fish oil courses in spring and autumn;
  • contribute to better patency of blood vessels, clear of "cholesterol plaques". In fact, there are many assumptions and simplifications in this phrase, but fish oil is really a means for the prevention of the so-called "cholesterol disease". Thus, it contributes to the improvement of vascular patency, and facilitates the work of the heart;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect, which is important for those who have serious physical activity in their daily routine, as well as for everyone with damage to the joints, ligaments, chronic inflammatory diseases;
  • according to some data contribute to the prevention of diabetes and tumors, but information on this issue few;
  • help get rid of depression by optimizing the biochemical processes in the human brain, contribute to the normalization of the nervous system, deeper sleep, and high-quality concentration on current events.

Vitamin A

Natural retinol in fish oil capsules is a reason to use it for anyone who wants to maintain youthful and healthy skin for a long time. This antioxidant is not in vain part of all beauty vitamins. It helps to improve the recovery processes in the epidermis, enhances the synthesis of collagen fibers, and helps to preserve youth. A sufficient amount of vitamin A is the key to a beautiful tan. Retinol also promotes faster muscle recovery after physical activity, therefore it is often referred to as the most important vitamin for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. It is also useful for the health of the reproductive system, it is prescribed for pregnant and lactating women in certain dosages.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol has become widely known as a vitamin for those who want to improve the functioning of the hormonal and reproductive systems, but this is not its only “purpose”. It promotes optimal heart function, avoids muscle overload, ensures normal cellular metabolism and optimal recovery. It is called the vitamin of youth, as it promotes the renewal of skin cells. Vitamin E often prescribed to patients with cardiovascular diseases to improve tissue regeneration. It is also useful for the retina, and is recommended for anyone who wants to maintain visual acuity.

In fact, it is not a vitamin, but is a prohormone. In the human body, it promotes the absorption of minerals necessary for the strength of bones and teeth, and is also responsible for a number of important metabolic processes. The latest research proves that vitamin D deficiency can be linked to diabetes and obesity, as well as depression, chronic fatigue and various depressive states. In fact, vitamin D must be taken additionally by all residents of the northern latitudes, in whose diet there are no “textbook” 2 servings oily fish or cod liver.

Are capsule supplements necessary?

On sale you can find various dietary supplements based on fish oil, and their main form of release is also capsules. Consider the main ones:

  • with addition milk thistle oil. They have hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. Should not be used in case of allergic reaction to milk thistle, its flowers, parts of the plant and other components;
  • With pumpkin seed oil- are considered especially beneficial for the skin, as they contain even more vitamin E, and contribute to recovery and rejuvenation. Allows you to achieve a healthier look of hair;
  • With linseed oil- combine two sources of omega-three, more balanced in vitamin composition.

Supplement capsules should be used for variety, it is believed that the vegetable oils contained in them impair the absorption of fish oil, although scientifically based information on this the question is not enough.

Many refuse fish oil capsules, considering it just another useless food supplement. Meanwhile, medical sources recommend that we consume 2 servings of oily sea fish per week. This is necessary for the prevention of metabolic disorders, the functioning of the cardiovascular system, pathologically high blood pressure, depression, stress, and even obesity. But how many of us eat oily fish? It is sometimes mentioned that health benefits can be obtained by replacing oily red fish or natural herring and mackerel with lean white fish. It does contain vitamins A, D, E, as well as omega-three fatty acids, but there are significantly fewer of them.

In general, today the world is divided into two halves. Supporters of everything natural and organic advise us to eat cod liver and oily fish, and those who are not against supplements - take fat in capsules. Why natural cod liver and red fish may not always be optimal sources of omega-3s and vitamins? First of all, high-quality red fish is wild-grown chum salmon, coho salmon and pink salmon, as well as salmon and trout. The "farm" options that our market is saturated with are much poorer in nutrients than those grown in the wild. In addition, their meat may contain food coloring (for a more intense pink color), and are often treated with preservatives for better presentation. In general, looking for “organics” on the shelves of a modern supermarket is a rather empty and meaningless exercise. So why not buy capsules?

Fans of organics claim that fish oil is absorbed well and correctly only from foods. From the point of view of convenience, this is true - with a piece of fish you get not only omega-3 and vitamins, but also proteins, and you will eat up, in the end. But convenience has another side. In some conditions and diseases, an exact dosage of all nutrients is required, which does not fit very well into the “organic” concept, because we only know approximately how many omega-3s and vitamins are in a piece of the same salmon or servings of cod liver.

Product in folk diets

The so-called fish oil diet in capsules is widespread. It is recommended to drink a couple in the morning before breakfast, and drink the product with every meal. You can also find reviews about the effectiveness of this system, in which people write that they dropped 1-2 kg per month without any change in diet. Unfortunately, scientific sources do not confirm the "ability" to burn fat without any additional tricks from this product. Therefore, the results are most likely associated with the overall improvement of the diet, as well as with the psychological effect. A person intuitively begins to eat less when he does something “healthy” and “right”.

The fish oil capsule diet will only work if you create a calorie deficit through normal measures. Weigh food, write down all meals in an electronic food diary and you will definitely get the result.

How to choose and store a product

Fish oil is also in the lines sports nutrition, and in the most common vitamin series. You can choose any, the main condition is the absence of violations of the rules for storing the product. It is recommended to store the capsules in a dark, cool place, which automatically means that it is better to buy in sports nutrition stores and pharmacies. The key to freshness is also the presence of intact packaging.

Is there any difference between cod and salmon fish oils? medical sources believe that there is no such difference, and you can take both without much difference.

For those who cannot eat fish oil capsules due to burping, there are tablets containing it. They are available in the form of chewable sweets and have a pleasant taste. Unfortunately, the product is sold only on American sites with products and supplements.

The intake of fish oil capsules does not replace the treatment of diseases, for the prevention of which it is usually drunk. Nor can it serve as a substitute for a good, literate weight loss meal plan. The product only contributes to the preservation of health. The shell of some types of capsules and their contents can cause allergies. Fish oil should be avoided during exacerbation of nephrolithiasis and cholelithiasis, as well as for those who have been diagnosed with hypervitaminosis for vitamins A, E, D. Sometimes excessive consumption of fish oil capsules can cause and upset stomach too.

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Not only, but also adults. It has been reliably established that those peoples in whose cuisine seafood is considered the main dishes are several times less susceptible to cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

For example, Italians are 3 times less likely than our people to suffer from heart attacks and strokes, and hypertension, which occurs in every second citizen of our country after 50 years, rarely manifests itself in the peoples of the Mediterranean. The thing is that fish oil contains in its composition essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which our body is not able to synthesize. Therefore, we must receive these substances with, and regularly.

It is important to note that due to today's poor environmental picture, many marine species simply do not pass radiation control (or pass within the boundary limits), but this product still ends up on our food market.

Therefore, instead of only benefit, we also receive a considerable dose of toxic substances. To avoid this, pharmacists have developed in liquid form and in gelatin capsules. Such products are dietary supplements (biologically active additive) and does not contain unwanted impurities.
Sea fish oil contains the following useful components:

  1. Vitamin A (retinol). This is useful for children at any age, as it has a positive effect on the organs of vision, strengthens hair, nail tissue. In addition, retinol strengthens cell membranes, which is very useful for babies prone to frequent allergic reactions.
  2. Vitamin E. Improves blood clotting, stimulates the proper development of muscle tissue in childhood and adolescence.
  3. . Phosphorus and calcium without this will not be able to be normally absorbed by the body, which can lead to the development of early childhood.
  4. PUFAs contribute to the normal absorption of fat-soluble K, E, D.
  5. . The most valuable component of fish oil (which is why fatty fish products are often referred to simply as "Omega-3"), which has positive impact on cells and the cardiovascular system. If a child does not get enough of this essential component in the diet, he may develop stable in terms of mental and physical health.

Did you know?For the first time, Norwegian Peter Meller began to produce fish oil in the middle of the 19th century.

Experts note that with sufficient use of fish oil in childhood, school performance increases. Children perceive and remember information better, learn to read and write faster, the general level of intelligence increases compared to other children. In addition, Omega-3 performs its main function - it removes “bad” cholesterol from the body, which enters the body along with junk food. Such cholesterol can cause problems with the cardiovascular system, it is also the first step towards.


It is important to understand that self-treatment and prevention with sea fish fats is prohibited. Before using such a dietary supplement, you should consult with a specialist to establish accurate readings and elimination possible contraindications. Doctors point out that The main indications for the use of foods rich in Omega-3 in children are:

  • problems with the development of muscle tissue, acquired, frequent;
  • problems with general physical;
  • prevention;
  • lethargy and constant fatigue of the child;
  • problems with organs, prevention of eye diseases;
  • depression, increased irritability, anger and hatred of relatives and friends;
  • the suppressed function of the body's immune defense (usually, against this background, the child is constantly exposed to other infectious diseases);
  • low blood levels;
  • violation ;
  • reduced blood clotting with chronic;
  • clearly expressed superfluous in a child;
  • lack of vitamins A, D and E in the body;
  • congenital malformations of the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with the skin (mechanical injuries and various etiologies);
  • postoperative rehabilitation.

In any of the above cases, taking fish oil will have a beneficial effect on the body. But you should take into account the fact that for each specific case, the dosage and course of treatment will be different, so specialist advice is simply necessary.


Sometimes even such a useful product as fish oil can harm the body. But this happens only when dietary supplements are taken in the presence of the following health problems:

  • congenital pathologies of insulin synthesis;
  • sharp or chronic diseases ;
  • individual intolerance to seafood;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • VSD on hypotonic type;
  • severe mental and physical injuries (it is possible to use dietary supplements only after consultation with a specialist);
  • chronic or cholecystitis;
  • too high levels of vitamins A, E and D in the body;
  • open form active;
  • the last stage of hemophilia;
  • acute liver disease, gallstones;
  • kidney failure or urolithiasis.

At what age can you give fish oil to children

Before fish oil can only be prescribed by a doctor, the independent use of such dietary supplements can harm the baby.

It is important to note that children who switched to very early need to constantly give foods rich in Omega-3. fresh up to one year is better not to give, but fish oil can be added to food. Some doctors prescribe this dietary supplement from 4 weeks of age. Previously, it is unacceptable to use such a product, since the crumbs have not yet fully formed the digestive system.

Fish oil: which is better: varieties and rules of use

Fish oil is a bright yellow oily liquid with a characteristic taste and smell. Previously, such a product was extracted purely from the liver of fish of the cod family. But it soon became clear that the liver fat reserves of sea and ocean fish do not contain essential Omega-3s (or contain them in minimal amounts). Undoubtedly, there are a lot of vitamins in such a product, but it is important to understand that the liver is able to accumulate various toxic substances that end up in dietary supplements labeled “Cod Liver Fish Oil”.
Before buying dietary supplements, you need to figure out which fish oil is best for children. There are many variations, but the main thing is never buy a product extracted from the liver of sea fish.

Did you know?In England, cod liver oil is prohibited for children under 5 years of age. This ban is due to the large number of toxins and poisons in such products.

Today, many global pharmaceutical companies offer cold-pressed fat products. Fat masses are squeezed out of carcasses of fish (anchovies, salmon, whale), seal. When choosing products, it is important to ask the seller show certificate, which will indicate data on the method of obtaining dietary supplements. By the way, it is better not to buy fat from shark fish, since such fish feed on corpses and contain many toxic substances.

Doctors recommend buying Norwegian-made Omega-3. The thing is that the northern seas are practically not polluted with oil products, and the fish there is environmentally friendly. It is known that many global pharmaceutical companies offer fish oil from anchovy carcasses, which are caught in the seas near Japan and equatorial Africa. Such a product is not safe for children, since the areas where fish are caught are environmentally “dirty”.
Let's figure out which fish oil is better to buy for children - liquid or capsules. Many experts say that you need to buy dietary supplements only in encapsulated form. Liquid products contain an excess of vitamin E, which in large quantities harms the young body. It is added there due to the fact that fat loses many useful properties upon contact with air, and tocopherol prevents this.

However, encapsulated products may contain various dyes, sweeteners and preservatives. Pharmacists offer fish oils in various fruit flavors or in gummies. With such drugs, you should be careful, and before buying, carefully study the composition for the presence of additives harmful to the child's body.

Fish oil will benefit children only if the instructions for use are followed. The dosage of dietary supplements in drops is as follows: for babies up to, it is necessary to add 3 drops to food 2 times a day; starting with age, the dosage increases by 3-4 times. From the age of two, a child can be given 2 teaspoons 2 times a day during meals.
Fish oil capsules should also be taken according to the instructions. Since different drugs have different capsule weights, they need to be taken in different ways. For small children (up to one year old) it will be enough to use 1 capsule (weighing 300 mg) per day, for children after a year you can use 2-3 capsules, after three years of age daily rate fish oil for the body should be about 1300-1500 mg. Omega-3 has a significant benefit for the developing organism, but if the rules for taking this dietary supplement are not followed, it can also be harmful.

Important! Before giving your child Omega-3 preparations, be sure to consult a specialist.

It should be noted that it is necessary to consume a fatty product from sea fish only during meals. Otherwise, you can harm the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract. To establish the duration of the course of treatment and the subtleties in taking the drug, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician.

Liquid fish oil for children: which is better

Let's take a look at which liquid omega-3 manufacturer is best for kids. When choosing dietary supplements, some factors should be taken into account: the country of origin, the quality of raw materials, the method of extraction.

The most popular drugs for children are:

It should be noted that there are still many varieties of liquid fish oil, but we recommend that you buy only products manufactured by the northern countries of the European continent. For example, the German company Doppelgerz Aktiv is known to everyone, and many people use its fish oil, but it should be noted that it is better not to give it to children, since the raw materials for this product are mined on the coasts of Japan (anchovies are caught).

Did you know? An interesting chemical experiment: if you mix fish oils with sulfuric acid, you can see multi-colored rings that change colors from blue to red.

Fish oil capsules for children: which is better

I would like to note right away that regardless of which manufacturer produces fish oil in capsules, it is better for children to buy the encapsulated product. Firstly, it is easier to swallow and has no unpleasant odors; secondly, the shelf life of the encapsulated agent is longer; thirdly, it does not contain an excess amount of tocopherol. As you can see, capsules have a significant advantage over liquid products.

The best encapsulated products for children will be:

Criteria for choosing a drug

When choosing Omega-3 preparations, pay attention to the label, which contains all the necessary data about the product. Don't buy kids products that are meant for adults. Some may object - what is the difference between a children's drug and an adult, because the fat remains the same. In fact, the manufacturer processes products for children more carefully, trying to remove all harmful toxic substances as much as possible.

The main criteria for product selection are:

  1. The product container must be painted in dark color. This is a mandatory criterion when choosing, since a light container transmits sunlight, which can oxidize Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  2. Do not buy a product with a long release date, even if there is still a long time before the expiration date. A fresh product is always better than one that has been on the shelves of pharmacies for some time.
  3. Fat should occupy almost the entire capacity of glass containers. If it is not poured just under the cork, then there is a risk of Omega-3 oxidation.
  4. Buy products that have stood the test of time. It is better to choose fish oil from a Norwegian or Finnish manufacturer that has been manufacturing Omega-3 for more than a dozen years. The price category should be above average (unless, of course, you want to buy liver oil from environmentally polluted fish). A quality product is always worth a lot of money.

In general, in order not to run into a fake or low-quality product, consult a doctor. He will select the most optimal remedy for your child.

Where and how to store fish oil

Fish processing products should be stored in a dark, cool place. It is best to store Omega-3s in the refrigerator at not higher than 10°С. If you purchased fish oil in a light glass container, it is advisable to pour it into a dark glass container. In the summer, it is better not to use fish fat, as it can quickly deteriorate and harm the health of the baby.

Depressurized fish oil must be sealed tightly after consumption, since even short-term contact with air can lead to the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. With the storage of the encapsulated product, everything is much simpler: keep it in a box in a cool place and constantly monitor the expiration date.

Now you know how to choose the right fish oil for your child. You are aware of its useful qualities and easy accessibility. Follow all the recommendations in this article and listen to the doctor's opinion, and then Omega-3 will bring irreplaceable benefits to your baby's body.

Omega-3 is an important structural component of the cell membranes of the human body, and many life processes of the body depend on the properties of the membranes: the transition of signals from one nerve cell to the other, the efficiency of such organs as the brain, heart, retina. You can talk about the benefits of Omega-3 for a very long time. And I want to tell you by what criteria you need to choose a drug containing Omega-3 and what options are available on the site. I finally figured out a little about this issue.

1. Omega-3 is obtained from small marine life - anchovies, sardines, krill (will be written fish oil) and from fish liver (will be written cod liver oil).

Fish liver is an accumulator of toxic substances (mercury, cadmium, dioxin, etc.). In preparations from the liver, vitamins A and D will go in parallel. They may turn out to be superfluous if you take multivitamins at the same time as Omega-3. If not, then the presence of vitamin A and D3 can be considered more of a plus.

If you choose from the liver, then pay attention to the manufacturer, because. the more reliable it is, the better raw materials it will use and apply better purification from toxic substances.

2. Omega-3 comes in liquid form and capsules.

Omega-3 capsules last longer. The probability of oxidation of Omega-3 in liquid form is much higher. And in liquid form, after opening, the drug should be stored in the refrigerator.

3. It is necessary to sum up the content of EPA and DHA - the most important of all Omega-3 fatty acids. Their total amount in a daily dose should be 500-1000 mg. This is the prophylactic dose recommended by the World Health Organization. If such an amount is contained immediately in one capsule, this is wonderful. Typically, 500-1000 mg (EPA+DHA) are in a daily dose of two to three capsules. Too low total amount of EPA and DHA in a daily dose will require you to increase the number of capsules taken. And this will automatically increase the intake of fats in the diet (in 1 capsule ~ from 500 mg to 1 g of excess fat) and increase the real cost of Omega-3.

Personally, I prefer a daily dose (EPA + DHA) of about 1000 mg (a little more or less). 500mg is way too small in my opinion.

But it's worth remembering the US Department of Health and Human Services (FDA) message that adults can safely consume no more than 2,000 mg/day from dietary supplements, as omega-3s thin the blood and it's important not to overdo it.

4. Give preference to the drug that comes in the form of triglycerides. Omega-3s are best absorbed in this form, after phospholipids (krill oil).

While fish oil is being processed, refined or concentrated, it is converted into ethyl ester. After the refining stage, the oils get rid of contaminants such as mercury and PCBs. In concentrated oil, the level of EPA and DHA increases. The content of EPA and DHA in its pure form can reach 50-90%. In most cases, the consumer is offered fish oil in the form of an ester, as it is cheaper and often packaged in capsules. Omega-3 is absorbed in this form a little worse. According to various estimates, in the form of triglycerides, absorption is up to 30-60% more effective. But in the form of an ether, the product is much cheaper.

The most important:

1. Total amount of EPA and DHA per serving

2. The form in which fatty acids go.

It is the amount of EPA and DHA, as well as the form of fatty acids, that have the biggest impact on PRICE.

All omega-3 supplements are most effectively taken with meals, divided into two or three daily doses. This will minimize possible belching, heartburn and other gastrointestinal reactions to fish oil.

You need to take omega-3 not in courses, but all year round, every day, throughout your life (this is ideal, of course. 😀).

And now what are the options for Omega-3 on iherb, I will consider the most popular ones.

In capsules:

Madre Labs, Premium Omega-3 Fish Oil, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, 100 Fish Gelatin Capsules

Here the preferred form of triglycerides, which is a definite plus. And the fat itself is not from the liver, but from small fish. 2 capsules contain 600mg (DHA+EPA). I drank this Omega-3 3 capsules a day (900mg). Of the minuses, I do not like that there is a large content of excess fat in the capsule (70%). But, in general, a very good option, a jar is enough for a month, and the price is very democratic.

Now Foods, Omega-3, Cardiovascular Support, 200 Softgels

As well as the previous preparation, the fat here is from small marine inhabitants and the content of excess fat in the capsule is the same. The form is not specified, so most likely the ether. To get the recommended DHA+EPA prophylactic dose (1000mg), take 3 capsules per day (900mg). A jar will last for 2 months.

This Omega differs from the previous one from this manufacturer in that here in 1 capsule there are 750 mg of DHA + EPA, i.e. It is quite possible to use 1 capsule per day. It is also a definite plus that there is very little excess fat in the capsule (25%).

Banks will last for half a year.

Madre Labs, Omega 800, Pharmaceutical Grade Exceptionally Concentrated Fish Oil, Processed in Germany Non-GMO, Gluten Free, 1000 mg, 30 Fish Gelatin Capsules

Preferred form of triglycerides, fat from small marine life. Very high content of DHA + EPA in 1 capsule - 800 mg. It is enough to take one a day, with only 20% excess fat, the remaining 80% fatty acids.

The only thing I don't like is that the package is small - 30 capsules (for a month). And the price, respectively, is not budgetary, but this Omega-3 is very high quality.

This company also has a drug containing only DHA and only EPA. But I prefer the combination of two amino acids in a complex.

Carlson Labs, Super Omega 3 Gems, Fish Oil Concentrate, 1,000 mg, 100 Capsules + 30 Free Capsules

Fish oil derived from deep sea fish, form not specified, so most likely ester. EPA+DHA content 500 mg per capsule. It is best to take 2 capsules per day for the preventive norm (1000 mg). Excess fat here is 50% per capsule.

With free capsules, enough for 2 months, quite affordable price. Plus, this manufacturer has repeatedly occupied a leading position in the quality of its product.

Solgar, Omega-3 Fish Oil Concentrate, 240 Capsules

Fat from small fishes, ether form. The amount of DHA + EPA in one capsule is 260 mg. , so it is best to drink 4 capsules per day (1040 mg). With this reception, the jar will last for 2 months. Of the minuses of this Omega-3 is the use of excess fat, because. the content in the capsule is 74%.

Solgar, Omega-3 EPA & DHA, Triple Strength, 950 mg, 100 Capsules

Fish oil from anchovies, sardines, maluski. The form is ether. The amount of DHA + EPA in one capsule is 882 mg. 1 capsule per day is enough, which is very convenient and reduces the consumption of excess fat. Here in the capsule it is about 40%.

Banks will last for 3 months. Reliable well-known manufacturer.

Solgar, Omega-3, 700 mg, 60 Softgels

Here, the difference from the previous Omega-3 in the content of acids. The amount of DHA + EPA in one capsule is 640 mg. You can drink 1 capsule, you can take 2, then it will be 1280 mg per day, which is also within the normal range. Banks will last for 1 month or 2 months, depending on how you drink it. There is a small amount of excess fat (36%).

Jarrow Formulas, EPA-DHA Balance, 240 Softgels

Fish oil from small fish (anchovies and sardines) in ester form. Balance EPA - DHA 2:1

The amount of DHA + EPA in one capsule is 600 mg. You can drink 1 capsule, you can take 2, then it will be 1200 mg per day, which fits perfectly into the norm. Banks will last for 8 months or 4 months, depending on how many capsules you drink. Excess fat is very small (40%). Fruity aroma and taste.

Source Naturals, Pure, Arctic Omega-3 Fish Oil, Effective action, 850 mg, 60 softgels

It is indicated that the preparation uses fish oil from the purest sources on Earth - fish from the Arctic Ocean region near South America, but the specific names of the fish are not indicated. Ether form.

Very high content of DHA + EPA in 1 capsule - 790 mg. It is enough to take one a day, while excess fat is only 21%.

Banks will last for 2 months.

Natural Factors, Ultra Strength RxOmega-3, 150 Softgels

Fish oil is also from small fish in the form of an ester.

Very high content of DHA + EPA in 1 capsule - 900 mg. It is enough to take one a day, while excess fat is only 40%.

Banks will last for 5 months. The company is very reliable.

Manufactured by Natural Factors, which guarantees potency in accordance with FDA and Health Canada Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards.

Natural Factors, RxOmega-3 Factors, EPA 400 mg/DHA 200 mg, 240 Softgels

Fish oil is also from small fish in the form of an ester. The amount of DHA + EPA in one capsule is 600 mg. You can drink 1 capsule, you can take 2, then it will be 1200 mg per day, which is also within the normal range. Banks will last for 8 months or 4 months, depending on how many capsules you drink. Excess fat is average (49%).

Nordic Naturals, Ultimate Omega, Lemon, 1,000 mg, 180 Softgels

Here is the preferred form of triglycerides, which is very good. And the fat itself from small fish. 2 capsules contain 1100 mg (DHA + EPA), just the preventive norm. Excess fat in the capsule is not very much (45%). In general - a great option, a jar is enough for 3 months, but the price is not cheap.

Nordic Naturals, Omega-3, Lemon, 1,000 mg, 180 Softgels

Fish oils are in the form of triglycerides and meet the strictest international standards for purity and freshness. Also from small marine fish. The amount of DHA + EPA in one capsule is 275 mg. , so it is best to drink 4 capsules per day (1100 mg) or 3 capsules (825 mg). With this reception, the banks will last for 1.5 months or 2 months. Of the minuses of this Omega-3 is the price, it is not cheap due to the form and quality.

Natrol, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Lemon Flavored, 1000 mg, 150 Softgels

Fat from small fishes, ether form. The amount of DHA + EPA in one capsule is 300 mg. , so it is best to drink 3 capsules per day (900 mg). With this reception, the banks will last for 1.5 months. Of the minuses of this Omega-3 is the use of excess fat, because. its content in the capsule is 70%.

Nature Made, Fish Oil, 1200 mg, 100 Softgels

Fat from small fishes, ether form. The amount of DHA + EPA in one capsule is 300 mg. , so it is best to drink 3 capsules per day (900 mg). With this reception, the banks will last for 1.5 months. Of the minuses of this Omega-3 is the use of excess fat, because. its content in the capsule is 75%.

Natural Factors, WomenSense, RxOmega-3, Women's Blend, 120 Capsules

In liquid form:

After opening, the shelf life is no more than 100 days and store only in the refrigerator.

Carlson Labs, Purest Fish Oil, Natural Lemon Flavor, 16.9 fl oz (500 ml)

Fish oil from deep sea, cold ocean fish, ether form. The amount of DHA + EPA in a teaspoon (5 ml) is very large 1300 mg. The advantage is that it can be added to food, for example, in salads.

If you take a teaspoon per day (or maybe a little less), then enough for 3 months.

Cod liver options, but from reliable manufacturers that guarantee purity:

Nordic Naturals, Arctic Cod Liver Oil, Orange Flavor, 16 fl oz (473 ml)

Fish oil from arctic cod. The ideal form of triglyceride. The amount of DHA+EPA in a teaspoon (5 ml) is a good 835 mg. Can be added to food, such as salads. Can be mixed with water or juice.

Enough for just 3 months.

Carlson Labs, Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, Lemon Flavored, 8.4 fl oz (250 ml)

Fish oil from fresh cod liver found in Arctic Norwegian waters. The amount of DHA+EPA in a teaspoon (5 ml) is an excellent 900 mg. Can be added to food, such as salads. Can be mixed with water or juice.

Enough for 1.5 months (50 days).

Nature's Answer, Norwegian Cod Liver Liquid Fish Oil, Natural Lemon Lime Flavor, 16 fl oz (480 ml)

Fish oil is derived from cod liver, which lives in the cold, clear waters of the North Atlantic. The amount of DHA+EPA in a teaspoon (5 ml) is a good 820 mg. Can be added to food, such as salads. Can be mixed with water or juice.

Enough for 3 months.

Personally, I have tried more than one of the list presented here, I prefer capsules, but I want to try it in liquid form somehow. Now I bought myself Omega-3 from Solgar, the package should arrive soon. Which option you choose is up to you. I just gave, in my opinion, the most interesting and good options. There are many other Omega-3s on the site.

Good luck with your choice.

Why do I prefer preparations with mainly Omega-3?

From the point of view of health, it is not so much the amount of Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids consumed that is significant, but their ratio in the body. The optimal ratio is 1:1.By the way, this ratio is maintained in the human brain. Deviation to levels 1:2 - 1:4 (Omega-3 to Omega:6) is also allowed.

Why is it so important? And why are these two acids considered together?

The answer lies in the effect these two acids have on the body. It is almost exactly the opposite. Therefore, one acid is needed to balance the action of the other (to just get a 1: 1 ratio).

It happens like this. Omega-6 acid enters the body with food. In small amounts, it does no harm. But the foods we eat are high in omega-6s. And as a result, an excess of acid accumulates in the body. What this leads to - the blood thickens and already hardly transfers nutrients through the bloodstream to the cells, the vessels become clogged, inflammation begins to develop. To compensate for the negative effects of Omega-6, the body must receive the required amount of Omega-3.

The peculiarities of nutrition in modern society are such that the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 is far from the norm and is 1:30 and higher. That is, an imbalance is formed in the direction of Omega-6.

No, monocomplexes do not bring harm, they usually contain a mix of all kinds of usefulness, various oils. But, as a rule, it is Omega-3 that is not very abundant there, and therefore, for the norm, you need to drink not a single capsule. In this regard, I like preparations where the emphasis is on Omega-3 and that the capsule contains at least 500 mg (to drink fewer capsules).