Nutrition for flower pollen allergy. Menu for allergies - diet and nutrition

  • reduction of the overall nutritional load on the body (basic diets are prescribed for this)
  • exclusion of causative allergens (for this, elimination diets are prescribed)

Diet for exacerbation of allergies

Fasting is recommended for one or two days - drinking only weak tea, drinking or mineral water in the amount of 1.5 liters per day (1 liter for children of the first year of life). The subsequent diet is prescribed for 1-5 days and includes foods that are relatively rare causes of allergies.


  • bread products - wheat and gray bread of yesterday's baking;
  • soups - on vegetable broths, cereals and vegetarian;
  • porridge - oatmeal or buckwheat, cooked without adding milk and butter.

Eating should be at least 6 times a day.
« to the list of diets


  • bread products - wheat and gray bread of yesterday's baking, inedible and unsweetened varieties of bakery products and cookies;
  • soups - on vegetable broths, cereals and vegetarian, borsch, cabbage soup from fresh cabbage, beetroot, low-fat meat soup;
  • crumbly cereals, cereal casseroles (unsweetened), pasta, boiled cauliflower dishes with butter, stewed zucchini and pumpkin, fresh and dry fruits and berries;
  • drinks - weak tea with milk, weak coffee with milk, drinking and mineral water.

Restrict: sweet dishes and confectionery - sugar, honey, sweets, jam.

It is forbidden: sweet and hot dough products, food colorings and nutritional supplements, brains, liver, kidneys, lung, pickles, smoked, marinades, meat, fish and other canned snacks, deep-frozen products, smoked sausages, cold drinks, chocolate, cocoa, ice cream, alcohol.

Eating should be at least 4 times a day.
« to the list of diets

If the causative allergen is known, then during periods of exacerbation and subsidence of exacerbation, along with the basic diet, products containing this allergen, as well as products containing similar in origin and structure (cross) allergens, are excluded.

For the prevention of exacerbations, only elimination diets are prescribed. Moreover, with a year-round course of allergy, an elimination diet is prescribed permanently or until the end of the course of specific treatment. With seasonal allergies, you should follow a diet during the period of the most active pollination of the allergen plant.


  • bread products - bread, bakery products and cookies;
  • soups and meat dishes - any of lean beef, veal, poultry;
  • egg dishes - any;
  • vegetables - potatoes of the old crop, beets, radish, radish, cucumber, tomato;
  • drinks: tea, weak coffee with milk, drinking and mineral water.


It is forbidden: honey, apples, nuts, cherries, peaches, apricots, sweet cherries, strawberries, new potatoes, carrots, birch sap, cognac. In addition, the use of certain herbal remedies - birch buds, alder cones - is prohibited.
« to the list of diets


  • soups - vegetarian, borsch, cabbage soup from fresh cabbage, beetroot, low-fat meat soup;
  • meat dishes - from lean beef, veal, poultry in boiled, baked or stewed form;
  • egg dishes - soft-boiled eggs (no more than 1 pc. per day), protein omelet or 1 egg;
  • milk and dairy products - milk, curdled milk, kefir, acidophilus milk, sour cream, non-sour curd with a short shelf life;
  • legumes - beans, peas, lentils, peanuts;
  • fruits and vegetables - any;

Restrict: sweet dishes and confectionery - sugar, sweets, jam, food colors and food additives, pickles, smoked meats, marinades, smoked sausages, cold drinks, chocolate, cocoa, ice cream, alcohol.

It is forbidden: honey, wheat, wheat flour and its products (bread, biscuits, pasta, etc.), semolina, wheat germ, bran, breadcrumbs, mixtures for making sauces and creams, meat products with fillers (boiled and smoked sausages, sausages, canned meat), wheat-based coffee substitutes, beer, whiskey, wheat vodka.
« to the list of diets


  • bread products - wheat, gray and rye bread, bakery products and cookies;
  • soups - any;
  • meat dishes - from lean beef, veal, poultry in boiled, baked or stewed form;
  • egg dishes - any;
  • milk and dairy products - milk, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, acidophilus milk, sour cream, non-acidic curd with a short shelf life;
  • cereals, cereal casseroles, pasta;
  • vegetables - potatoes, beets, radishes, radishes, cucumbers, white and cauliflower, kohlrabi, broccoli;
  • legumes - beans, peas, lentils;
  • drinks - tea, weak coffee with milk, drinking and mineral water, fruit and carbonated drinks.

Restrict: sweet dishes and confectionery - sugar, sweets, jam, food colors and food additives, pickles, smoked meats, marinades, smoked sausages, cold drinks, chocolate, cocoa, ice cream, alcohol.

It is forbidden: honey, halva, sunflower oil, seeds, melon, watermelon, peach, celery, herbal preparations, which include chamomile, calendula and coltsfoot.
« to the list of diets


  • products with a high protein content - meat of all varieties, fish, poultry, ham, kidneys, liver, sausages and canned meat that do not contain milk and its components;
  • eggs, nuts and legumes;
  • vegetables and fruits - any;
  • bakery products - French, Italian and Viennese rolls and other types of wheat bread that do not contain milk and its components (most types of bread include milk), Rye bread;
  • cereal dishes - cereals and casseroles from cereals and pasta that do not contain butter, milk and its components;
  • drinks - water, weak tea, carbonated drinks, any fruit and vegetable juices without milk and cream.

It is forbidden: cow's milk and products containing it (powdered milk, butter, whey, cottage cheese, lactose, margarine, casein, casein hydrolyzate, ice cream, cheese, butter, bakery products with the addition of milk and its components, yoghurts, powdered milk mixtures, cocoa with milk, milkshakes or alcoholic drinks with cream).
« to the list of diets


  • broths and decoctions seasoned with foods included in the diet;
  • foods high in protein - meat of all varieties, fish, poultry, ham, kidneys, liver, mushrooms, sausages and canned meat that do not contain eggs and their components, nuts and legumes;
  • vegetables and fruits - any;
  • bakery products - lean wheat and rye bread, cookies that do not contain eggs, egg white, egg albumin (it should be borne in mind that eggs are part of many ready-made bakery products);
  • cereal dishes - cereals and casseroles from cereals and pasta that do not contain eggs and their components;
  • fats - butter, margarine, cream, vegetable oil, salad dressings from vegetable oil and vinegar, bacon, mayonnaise that does not contain eggs and their components;
  • other products - salt, sugar, honey, molasses, jams, jams, marmalade, hard caramel, caramel based on corn syrup;
  • drinks - water, tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, any fruit and vegetable juices.

It is forbidden: bird eggs and products containing them (egg powder, egg albumin), egg dishes, mayonnaise, ready-made cakes, pancakes, toast, toast, cakes, donuts and other confectionery and rich bakery products, cocoa and milkshakes containing eggs, alcoholic and soft drinks with eggs.
« to the list of diets


  • broths and decoctions seasoned with foods included in the diet;
  • products with a high protein content - meat of all varieties, poultry meat, ham, kidneys, liver, sausages and canned meat that do not contain fish and its components, mushrooms, nuts and legumes;
  • vegetables and fruits - any; bakery products - any;
  • milk and dairy products - any;
  • cereal dishes - any;
  • fats - butter, margarine, cream, vegetable oil, salad dressings from vegetable oil and vinegar, bacon, mayonnaise;
  • other products - salt, sugar, honey, molasses, jams, jams, marmalade, chocolate and sweets, halva;
  • drinks - water, tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, any fruit and vegetable juices, alcohol.

It is forbidden: fish of all kinds or a separate species, if it is installed, products containing fish components (caviar, bone meal, fish oil).

Attention: Allergy attacks often develop after sticking postage stamps while licking them with your tongue! This is because the adhesive on the back of a postage stamp is made from fish bones.
« to the list of diets

Our country is rich in forests, but, unfortunately, the pollen of trees - birch, alder, hazel, oak, elm and maple - is an allergen. Therefore, during the flowering period of these trees (April-May), many of us walk around with red eyes, a runny nose, and other allergy symptoms. As in all other cases, our diet can aggravate the disease or alleviate it. If you are allergic to tree pollen, doctors recommend the following diet:

In addition, please note that birch buds and alder cones should not be used as medicines.

Here we will briefly consider the features of the three groups of diets, which (according to allergists) are effective in the treatment as a "delicious background", respectively, for pollen allergy of the three "consolidated" groups of plants.

And by the way, remember that you should not confuse an allergy to plant pollen with an allergy to ordinary dust, which is present in every house, in every apartment (especially a lot of it behind the refrigerator). Allergy to dust is no less common than pollen - but it is much easier to deal with dust (although some perseverance is required or extra money to pay the incoming housekeeper) and no less important.

Let's start with ambrosia - especially since it has already been discussed on the website of the School of magazine.

Let's try to summarize briefly, without unnecessary epithets and emotions.

Undesirable eat honey, halva, oil and sunflower seeds, peach, watermelon, melon, celery, as well as herbal preparations, which include coltsfoot and chamomile.

Allowed eat bread, pasta, soups with boiled veal or poultry, as well as other dishes with poultry, beef and veal (but only boiled or baked meat), boiled potatoes, beets, boiled eggs, non-acidic cottage cheese.

In addition, cucumbers, radishes and radishes, any cabbage, including broccoli, kohlrabi, may be present in the diet.

Legumes are appropriate on the table - beans, lentils, peas.

It is allowed to drink milk, fermented baked milk and curdled milk, kefir (sour cream can also be used - in salads, etc.).

You can drink not very sweet compotes, other fruit drinks, weak tea (with lemon, if the attending physician allows), weak coffee with milk.

Desirable restrict the use of pickles, smoked foods, marinades, any alcohol, any cold drinks and ice cream

First of all, these tips relate to diets for allergies to birch pollen, hazelnut (hazelnut), maple (all types), elm, oak and alder.

So, limit the use of sugar, jam, cookies, sweets, chocolate, cocoa, ice cream, any cold drinks, including alcoholic ones (hot alcohol is also not needed!), marinades, pickles, smoked meats, especially smoked sausages.

You should not add nuts to the diet (except for peanuts, which are not quite a nut), honey, young potatoes and carrots, apples, peaches, apricots, any "strawberries, strawberries", cherries, sweet cherries.

You will ask, if you do not scream: “What is possible ?!” Can there is:

cereals, cereal casseroles;
bread, pasta;
lean meat dishes, meat and vegetable soups, as well as borscht - better lean, with the addition of sunflower oil;
scrambled eggs and boiled eggs;
beans, peas, peanuts;
sour cream, low-fat cottage cheese;
cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, radishes, beets, last year's potatoes.

You can drink:

milk, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, kefir;
weak tea (try with lemon - many people love this business if there is no particular allergy to citrus fruits), weak coffee with milk, just water - not from a tap, of course, mineral.

Can to eat:

any fruits and vegetables, including fresh cabbage;
borscht, fresh cabbage soups; in general, vegetarian soups (low-fat meat ones can also be used);
soft-boiled eggs or protein omelet - but no more than one egg per day;
dishes from low-fat veal, poultry - boiled, stewed, baked (for example, in foil);
sour cream and low-fat cottage cheese;
peanuts, legumes (lentils, beans and peas).

You can drink:

weak tea, weak coffee with milk;
fruit drinks, fruit drinks, compotes;
milk, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, kefir.

It is forbidden there is bread and pasta, biscuits, canned meat, sausages (which sometimes contain meat, and are full of all sorts of unknown additives), boiled and smoked sausages.

Do not use semolina and breadcrumbs.

You can not drink coffee substitutes that use wheat (but with chicory - please!), As well as wheat vodka, whiskey and beer.

In the three groups of diets considered, of course, much is repeated. And this is normal - since we are talking about allergies of a similar origin. And yet there will be no particular harm if you clarify and adjust not only treatment, but also nutrition with your doctor.

Diet for weed allergy
(loboda, ambrosia, wormwood).

* Honey, halva

* Sunflower oil, seeds

* Melon, watermelon, peach

* Celery

* Herbal preparations with chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot

It is advisable to limit:

* Sugar, sweets, jam

* Chocolate, cocoa, ice cream

* Pickles, smoked meats, marinade

* Cold drinks, marinade

Allowed to use:

* Wheat, gray and rye bread, bakery products, biscuits, pasta

* Soups and various dishes with lean beef, veal, poultry - boiled or baked

* Potato, beetroot, radish, radish, cucumber, cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli

* Beans, peas, lentils

Diet for allergies to pollen of cereal (meadow) grasses
(timothy, ryegrass, rye, foxtail).

* Bread, biscuits, pasta, breadcrumbs

* Semolina

* Boiled and smoked sausages, sausages, canned meat

* Wheat coffee substitutes

* Beer, whiskey, wheat vodka

It is advisable to limit:

* Sugar, sweets, jam

* Chocolate, cocoa, ice cream

* Pickles, smoked meats, marinades

* Cold drinks, alcohol

Allowed to use:

* Soups: low-fat meat, vegetarian. Borsch, cabbage soup with fresh cabbage

* Dishes from lean beef, veal, poultry - boiled, baked or stewed

* Hard boiled eggs, protein omelet (no more than 1 egg per day)

* Milk, curdled milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, non-sour curd

* Beans, peas, lentils, peanuts

* Fruits and vegetables

* Fruit and carbonated drinks

* Tea, weak coffee with milk

Diet for tree pollen allergy
(birch, alder, hazel, oak, elm, maple)

* Honey, nuts

* Cherries, sweet cherries, strawberries, apples, peaches, apricots

* Carrots, new potatoes

* Birch juice

* herbal remedies: birch buds, alder cones

It is advisable to limit:

* Cookies, sugar, sweets, jam

* Chocolate, cocoa, ice cream

* Pickles, smoked meats, marinades, smoked sausages

* Cold drinks, alcohol

Allowed to use:

* Bread, bakery and pasta

* Kashi, cereal casseroles

* Soups and meat dishes: lean beef, veal, poultry

* Egg dishes

* Milk, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, sour cream, non-acidic cottage cheese

* Old crop potatoes, beets, radishes, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes

* Beans. Peas.

* Tea, weak coffee with milk, drinking and mineral water.

With an allergy in the body, a distortion of immune responses occurs, which causes it to produce antibodies to harmless substances from the external environment, including food. A diet for allergies helps to reduce the tension of immunity in the presence of violations of its work (autoimmune diseases, etc.) or if it has not yet been formed (in infants). The article provides a list of hypoallergenic foods, a list of foods that should not be eaten, nutritional recommendations for nursing mothers.

Hypoallergenic products

Food is foreign to the body in terms of the structure of its DNA, but this does not normally cause reactions. Even with a sufficient amount of enzymes, some protein molecules do not undergo complete fermentation to amino acids, and can be absorbed into the bloodstream unchanged, causing allergies. An allergy diet is made up of such products. These are vegetables, grains and fruits that grow in the human region, do not have a bright red color, and do not contain many of the proteins and immune agents of the animals from which they were obtained.

When you need to remember that you can't eat these foods :

    Coffee, cocoa, chocolate. The reaction to these products is accompanied by cross-allergy to legumes. They are usually triggered by the caffeine and theobromine in these products.

    Semi-finished products, smoked products. They contain preservatives, food additives that cause both true and pseudo-allergic reactions. When smoked, a lot of carcinogens are formed.

    Mushrooms. Rich in protein and difficult to ferment, contain chitin and glucans in the cell wall.

    Legumes(peas, beans, peanuts, lentils) - known as a rich source of vegetable proteins, which serve as allergens.

    Milk. In addition to the casein protein, milk contains antibodies to create passive immunity in the young of the animals from which it is obtained (cows, goats, etc.).

    . They contain albumin protein and other nutrients necessary for the development of the bird embryo and can cause a reaction.

    Fish and seafood. The presence of a protein M-antigen resistant to heat treatment was established in them.

    Cross allergy(vegetables and fruits). If the patient suffers, then reactions occur to fruits and vegetables that have pollen similar in structure or that belong to the same genus (poplar, willow, apples). When reacting to pollen, it is easier to determine exactly which foods to eliminate.

    Meat. It contains a lot of protein, but usually due to denaturation during its preparation, the ability to sensitize is greatly reduced.

    Cereals, especially wheat. They contain gluten, albumin and gliadin.

Pseudallergic reactions and some hypervitaminosis have manifestations similar to allergies. The main difference is the appearance of symptoms at the first entry of foreign peptides into the body, and the dependence of the severity of the deterioration of the patient's condition on the amount of food eaten. Such reactions appear on fruits and vegetables that are bright red, sometimes orange (tomato, pomegranate, citrus fruits, strawberries).

What to eat - food list

Hypoallergenic diet requires the elimination of first-order allergens(exotic fruits and vegetables, strawberries, cocoa, mushrooms, peanuts, nuts, coffee, seafood, eggs, fish and milk with its derivatives - powdered milk and cheeses), and moderate consumption of secondary allergens(cereals - wheat, rye, corn, buckwheat; legumes; potatoes; currants; cranberries; apricots; lingonberries; fatty meats with rich broths from them; herbal tinctures).

The following types of food are allowed:

    Lean meat;

    food confirmed by partial fermentation during cooking;

    products specific to the place of residence;

    white and green vegetables;


Grocery list

Hypoallergenic products allowed to eat:

    Cereals: semolina, rice, as well as oatmeal and pearl barley.

    Sour-milk low fat foods without additives, home-made is better: cottage cheese (9%), kefir (1%), fermented baked milk.

    Meat: lean beef, turkey, pork.

    Offal (beef, pork): liver, tongue, kidneys.

    Cod and sea bass.

    Bread from buckwheat, rice or corn.

    Oil: butter, sunflower, olive.

    Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, cauliflower.

    Rutabagas, squash, zucchini, turnips.

    Broccoli, green salad, spinach, herbs.

    Green apples, pears, white currants and cherries, gooseberries.

    Compote of apples and pears (also dried), rosehip broth, weakly brewed tea.

    Non-carbonated mineral water.

Diet and nutrition for allergies

Nutrition and adults are prescribed in the form of medical tables. The list of products and menus are according to dietary tables number 5 and number 9.

In children

An anti-allergic diet in children requires the simultaneous exclusion of products that potentiate the reaction and the preparation of a diet that spares the digestive organs (in children, gastrointestinal dysfunction often occurs due to too heavy food, due to the immaturity of the liver and a smaller amount of enzymes than in adults). It is necessary to use hypoallergenic products with a low content of fats with sufficient consumption of carbohydrates. For this suitable medical table number 5 , with the exception of food immune irritants.

Table number 5

Also used for gastrointestinal dysfunction, diseases of the liver and gallbladder.


    Proteins - 80-90 g / day (in the ratio of animal and vegetable protein 3: 2);

    fats - 70-75 g / day (¼ - for vegetable oils);

    carbohydrates - 360 g / day (equivalent to 80-90 g of sugar);

    water - 2-2.5 l / day;

      Bakery products: dried, from bran flour and flour of the 1st grade, yesterday's premium bread, lean cookies.
      It is forbidden: fresh baked goods.

      Soups. Vegetable soups with zucchini, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts, spinach, pumpkin; milk soups with milk diluted with water (1: 1); with heavily boiled cereals (semolina, oatmeal, rice). For dressing - butter, sour cream, flour.
      It is forbidden: broths from meat, fish, beans and mushrooms.

      Meat. Lean types: rabbit, turkey, chicken, lean beef, pork; cooked without skin and lived. The meat is boiled, steamed in the form of minced meat or a whole piece (chicken).
      It is forbidden: brains, kidneys, smoked and sausage products, fried meat and cooked in a piece, fatty poultry (duck, goose) and meat (pork, beef).

      Fish. Low-fat varieties, mostly freshwater. Boiled or steam, in the form of cutlets and a whole piece.
      It is forbidden: fried, battered, fatty varieties; salted, stewed, canned; caviar.

      Dairy. Low fat dairy products: fresh cottage cheese (5-9%), sour cream (15%), kefir (1%), ryazhenka (2.5%). Milk diluted with water for soups, cereals.
      It is forbidden: fatty cottage cheese, sour cream, cream; processed and hard cheese; whole and dry milk.

      Eggs. 0.5-1 piece/day; steamed and boiled.
      It is forbidden: more than 1 egg per day, other dishes.

      Cereals. On water, milk with water (1:1) - rice, semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat (limited), vermicelli, semolina and rice soufflé, buckwheat and rice flour.
      It is forbidden: beans, millet.

      Vegetables. Potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, spinach, pumpkin, broccoli, zucchini, zucchini, squash in boiled or steam cooking; cucumbers.
      It is forbidden: white cabbage, onion, pickled vegetables, canned food, pickles, beetroot, radish, radish, turnip, sorrel, garlic, tomato, mushrooms, legumes.

      Fruits, sweets. Green apples, gooseberries, limited - apricots, white cherries and currants, pears in raw, pureed, boiled form; as part of jelly, mousse, jelly.
      It is forbidden: sour fruits, exotic fruits, bright red fruits, creams, chocolate, ice cream.

      Sauces. On vegetable broth, decoction of cereals, with a small amount of low-fat sour cream; with unroasted flour.
      It is forbidden: mayonnaise, ketchup, on meat, fish, mushroom broths; fatty and spicy dressings.

      Beverages. Green weak tea without additives; compote of pears, apples and gooseberries; from dried fruits; rosehip decoction.
      It is forbidden: cocoa, coffee, black tea and tea with additives (including with lemon); compotes from bright red berries; citrus drinks; carbonated drinks.

      Fats. Butter - up to 30 g / day; sunflower and olive oil(limited).

    The time during which a person must sit on an anti-allergic diet is limited: for adults - 2-3 weeks; for children - 7-10 days. If, when the diet is canceled, a rash on the skin and manifestations of allergy recurrence appear, the product to which the reaction occurred should be excluded.

    Table number 9

    It is prescribed for metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus, autoimmune and allergic diseases. It requires restriction of carbohydrates in the diet, therefore, it is mainly prescribed for adults and children with intolerance to lactose, sucrose, etc.


      Proteins: 85-90 g / day (50-60% - animal origin);

      Fats: 70-80 g / day (40-45% - vegetable oils);

      Carbohydrates - only complex; 300-350 g/day;

      Water: 1.5-2 l/day;

      Calorie content: 2200-2400 kcal / day.

      Flour: bran, protein-bran bread, from flour of the 2nd grade; protein-wheat. Unsweetened cookies and pastries (at the expense of bread).
      It is forbidden: muffins, puff pastries, products with premium flour.

      Soups: vegetable; borscht and cabbage soup on a weak broth; beetroot; weak broths from simple meat and fish; okroshka from vegetables / with meat; soups with meatballs (without fat).
      It is forbidden: Rich, fatty broths; mushroom soups; with beans.

      Meat: lean beef, veal, lamb, pork (tenderloin / cue ball); rabbit, turkey, chicken; boiled tongue; liver (limited). In stewed, boiled, steam form; you can boiled meat after light frying chopped and a piece.
      It is forbidden: smoked meats, sausages, fatty meat, duck, goose, stew.

      Fish: lean varieties steamed, lightly fried, grilled, baked without oil. Canned food in tomato (limit).
      It is forbidden: fatty varieties, exotic varieties of marine fish; seafood; semi-finished products, pickles and canned food in oil; caviar.

      Dairy: low-fat milk (1.5-2.5%), or diluted with water for cereals; fermented milk products of low fat content (cottage cheese 0-5%; kefir 1%; ryadanka 2.5%); moderately - sour cream 15%. Unsalted varieties of low-fat cheese (cheese, feta, ricotta).
      It is forbidden: cream; sweet curds; hard and salty cheeses.

      Eggs: no more than 1.5 pcs/day; boiled (soft-boiled, hard-boiled); steam protein omelets; reduce the consumption of yolk.

      Cereals: moderately (according to the norm of carbohydrates): millet, pearl barley, buckwheat, barley groats, oatmeal.
      It is forbidden: legumes, rice, pasta, semolina.

      Vegetables: potatoes (restricted by XE), eggplant, cucumbers, tomato and beets (limited), carrots, broccoli, zucchini, squash, lettuce, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, spinach, zucchini, pumpkin. Stewing, boiled, baked dishes; limited - fried.
      It is forbidden: pickles, conservation.

      Snacks: vinaigrette, vegetable (zucchini) caviar, fresh salads, soaked herring, fish aspic, meat, diet cheeses (except tofu), beef jelly.
      It is forbidden: smoked meats, fatty snacks, sausages, bacon, snacks with liver and mushrooms, pickles, canned food.

      Fruits, sweets: fresh fruits and berries (sweet and sour), jellies, masses, sambuca, compotes; sweets with sugar substitute.
      It is forbidden: chocolate, sweets, ice cream, jam, exotic fruits (banana, figs, dates), raisins and grapes.

      Sauces, spices: low-fat on vegetable, weak meat and fish broths; limit - tomato sauce, pepper, mustard, horseradish.
      It is forbidden: fatty sauces with lots of spices.

      Beverages: tea without additives, vegetable and fruit juices (unsweetened), rosehip broth.
      It is forbidden: sugary drinks, soda, grape and other juices from sweet fruits / berries.

      Fats: lean, olive and unsalted butter.
      It is forbidden: meat and cooking fat (deep-fried, lard, etc.).

    In breastfeeding mothers

    A hypoallergenic diet for a nursing mother avoids reactions to foods in a newborn and reduces gas formation in a baby. Strict dietary restrictions are important in the first 3 months of a baby's life , because:

      The nervous regulation of digestion and peristalsis remains immature (one of the causes of colic in newborns);

      the digestive system adapts: previously, the child received nutrients from the mother's blood through the umbilical cord; the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and the production of gastrointestinal hormones, the active production of bile and pancreatic, duodenal, gastric juices are launched.

      enzymes in the baby's body are produced in limited quantities. Excess nutrients are not digested, which also causes colic and bloating.

      Unformed immunity (up to 6 months). Protection of the body is provided by immunoglobulins from mother's milk.

    When compiling the diet of lactating women, it is important that it has sufficient calories. Daily energy consumption due to lactation increases by 500 kcal.

    Due to the growing adaptive capabilities of the child's body, the diet for breastfeeding should be as strict as possible in the first 1-2 weeks of the child's life, with a gradual relaxation of food restrictions and the introduction of a small amount of new products.

    1-2 weeks

    Completely excluded (what is impossibleeateven in small doses)

      cocoa and chocolate;

      coffee, strong tea;

    • fatty meat, rich broths;

      oily and sea fish;

    • white cabbage;

    • muffin and pastries from premium flour;

    Available in limited quantities:

      Crackers from flour of the 1st grade, bran flour;

      lean varieties of fish;

      liver (except birds);

      lean beef, chicken;

      corn, buckwheat;

      butter and olive oil;

      green baked apples;


    The basis of the diet is (sparinghypoallergenicfood):

      Low-fat dairy products;

      lean meat: rabbit, turkey; weak broths from lean meat;

      vegetables and broths from them: cauliflower, Brussels sprouts; broccoli; patisson, zucchini, zucchini; spinach; some onions and carrots;

      cereals: rice, buckwheat, millet, wheat, oatmeal; moderately - corn, semolina;

      fermented milk products: cottage cheese 5-9%; sour cream 15%; kefir, ryazhenka, diet cheeses (ricotta, feta, unsalted cheese);

      herbal teas (including lactation teas: anise, fennel, dill, chamomile), rosehip decoction, weak green tea without additives;

      desserts: crackers from flour of the 1st grade or bran; dried bread with bran (you can - a sandwich with a thin layer of butter, no more than 1 pc / day), biscuit cookies (with bran, from premium flour - limited);

    2-3 weeks - 1.5 months

    Completely exclude highly allergenic foods, as in the first 14 days, with the exception of:

      Milk. Use diluted milk no more than 1-2 times a week for making cereals. If a rash appears on the baby's skin, milk is excluded from the diet of a nursing mother.

      eggs. In boiled form, no more than 1 piece / week; in the absence of a reaction in the baby - bring to 1 piece / day, limit the protein.

    Gradually introduce into the diet:

      Fruits and vegetables characteristic of the yellow and red region: pumpkin, yellow apples (starting with 1/4 apple per day in baked form), banana (from 1/4 per day); increase in potatoes in the diet; beets (boiled with 1 tbsp grated); tomato (start by adding tomato paste (1/2 package for 4 servings) or steamed vegetables (no more than 1/2 medium tomato at a time)); new vegetables are always introduced in a baked / boiled form.

      Different types of meat: beef, veal, pork, chicken (low-fat parts - cue ball, tenderloin, etc.). Increasing liver consumption, gradually introducing chicken liver.

      Increase your intake of lean fish.

    The diet is always adjusted to the child. If the baby has a rash when a new product is included, it is immediately removed from the woman's diet.

    Up to 3 months, the nervous apparatus of the intestine is not yet formed, so you can not eat food that promotes gas formation and is difficult to digest:

      fatty meat, strong broths, lard;

    • heavy fruits and berries rich in fiber and sugar: cherries, grapes, pears.

    3-6 months

    The main adaptation stage is completed. Now, in the diet of a woman, you can gradually include all foods, except:

      Cocoa, chocolate, coffee;

      semi-finished products, sausages and smoked meats;

      sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup);

      honey, nuts;

      citrus and strawberries.

    The rest of the products are introduced gradually, observing the reaction of the baby (the appearance of colic, rashes). It is advisable to include soups with legumes in the diet from 4-5 months of a child's life, starting with 1/4 portion at a time.

    In one day, 1 new product is introduced to monitor the condition of the baby. Therefore, borscht and other complex dishes should be eaten after the baby is used to all the ingredients (beets, tomatoes, cabbage, etc.).

    6-12 months

    After 6 months, complementary foods are introduced to children, so you can not adhere to dietary restrictions (except for the above hyperallergens).

    Complementary foods start with cereals (buckwheat, rice, wheat), giving 1 teaspoon as the first serving. Porridges are boiled in breast milk and water, without adding fats and spices. For the first feeding, it is allowed to give sour-milk drinks homemade from low-fat (2.5%) milk: kefir, yogurt without additives and sugar. The child is given only fresh food (1-2 days after preparation).

    They begin to introduce complementary foods at lunchtime (12.00), breastfeed the baby. For a week, the child should adapt to a serving of food that replaces complementary foods. After that, the previously introduced product is given in the morning (8.00-9.00), and new products are introduced for lunch.

    pollen allergy symptoms

    Every year, after the cold winter months, warm days come when nature wakes up and plants begin to bloom. This is the time of year most of us look forward to, but for people with allergies, it brings suffering. The immune system of some allergy sufferers reacts sharply to the accumulation of small particles from grains of seed plants - pollen. Such a negative reaction of the body is called hay fever or hay fever. And there are quite a large number of people who know firsthand what a pollen allergy is, the symptoms and treatment of this seasonal disease.

    Features of the development of hay fever

    As a rule, allergy to plant pollen is exacerbated in the spring and summer, especially in warm and dry weather. The severity of symptoms largely depends on air temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, individual sensitivity of the body to the allergen and the amount of pollen forced to inhale by the allergic person. The maximum amount of pollen from the plant is emitted in the morning, the minimum - at night. In April-May, maple, poplar, willow, alder, birch, hazel cause allergies. In the summer months, cereal meadow plants begin to bloom: corn, bluegrass, rye, wheatgrass. And on the eve of autumn, weeds have the greatest allergenic activity: nettle, sorrel, plantain, ragweed, quinoa, wormwood.

    A typical symptom of a sudden response of the body's immune system is the so-called rhinoconjunctival syndrome. The basis of its manifestation is an allergic reaction. immediate type, which simultaneously affects the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and organs of vision, and sometimes affects the respiratory system and even the skin.

    Allergic conjunctivitis usually affects both eyes at once. A person feels the presence of a foreign body in the eyes, burning, itching, lacrimation appear, eyelids swell, photophobia occurs. And abundant mucous discharge (runny nose), repeated bouts of sneezing, pain in the maxillary and frontal sinuses, itching in the throat characterize allergic rhinitis.

    In some people, pollen allergy is accompanied by asthmatic manifestations: wheezing in the lungs, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath and severe cough. In rare cases, allergic dermatitis occurs: the appearance of rashes on the body in the form of bubbles, which subsequently burst and leave behind skin defects. The most dangerous allergic reaction to pollen is angioedema, which often leads to anaphylactic shock.

    Unfortunately, an inadequate reaction of the body to the pollen of flowering plants cannot be completely cured. The immune system forever "remembered" an allergen alien to itself. Therefore the only effective method counteracting this disease is to avoid contact with plants that cause hay fever. But if there was a meeting with an allergen, then to stop the symptoms of reactive sensitivity of the body (sensitization), they first of all use antihistamines. These drugs block the release of the biologically active substance of histamine, the main mediator of inflammatory allergic reactions. From medicines latest generation the most effective are Claritin, Zodak, Cetrin, Cetirizine.

    To facilitate breathing, eliminate nasal congestion, relieve swelling from the mucous membranes help nasal vasoconstrictor drugs- Galazolin, Oxymetazoline, Naphthyzin, etc. And for ophthalmic allergic manifestations, they are used eye drops- Antozolin, Okumetil, Nafazolin, etc.

    Perhaps the most effective method Treatment of hay fever today is hyposensitization of the body - allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT). A sick person is injected daily with microdoses of pollen allergens. The body gradually gets used to the injected antigens and eventually begins to respond normally to them. This allows for a long period (at least 2 years) to transfer the manifestations of a seasonal disease to the stage of stable remission.

    Alas, flowering plants and flowers do not always cause joy. Pollen allergy, symptoms and treatment of this disease are easier to prevent, so people suffering from hay fever are advised not to appear in pollen-producing plants that bloom. Be healthy!

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    The information on our website is informative and educational in nature. However, this information is by no means a self-medication guide. Be sure to consult your doctor.

    pollen allergy symptoms

    Not all people are allergic to plant pollen, because this is an individual predisposition, although there is also a share of heredity.

    The degree of the body's reaction to the allergen can be different:

    • from swelling of the mucous membranes;
    • rhinitis to angioedema;
    • and suffocation threats.

    Every allergic person needs to know what he is reacting to in order to exclude contact with an allergic factor.

    The pollen of those plants that is carried by the wind is capable of causing allergies.

    The long period of development of complications is associated with the successive blooming of flowers in different plants.

    In spring (April to May), trees bloom, the disease manifests itself in:

    • alder;
    • hazel;
    • birch;
    • poplar;
    • aspens;
    • pines.

    In summer, it manifests itself mainly in flowering cereal plants, some trees, weeds:

    In the summer-autumn period and in autumn, weeds bloom.

    Allergy to pollen in August is caused by:

    If you are experiencing the development of a seasonal form, then contact an allergist and find out the suspected allergen.

    The peculiarity of pollen is that its antigens are similar to the antigens of fruits and vegetables, which is why it is sometimes difficult to determine the true etiology of the disease.

    Routes of entry into the body

    Given that pollen is easily airborne, it can be argued that it enters the body through the nose, mouth and through the eyes.

    Pollen particles have a microscopic structure, therefore, when they enter the body, they are immediately perceived by the cells of the immune system as foreign agents.

    Having a larger volume, pollen would linger on hairs, skin cells, but it is able to penetrate inside the cell and cause immune response.

    Especially protein particles are characterized by this ability.

    The mechanism of the appearance of the reaction

    The mechanism of the body's response to the invasion of the antigen proceeds according to the type of immediate reaction, called in medicine an allergic reaction of the first type.

    How does the response proceed?

    • when the allergen first enters the body, the reaction does not manifest itself, but memory cells remain, the accumulation of immunoglobulin E on target cells;
    • when the antigen hits the memory cells again, I immediately react to the allergen, a large amount of biologically released active substances that start a chain of changes in the body.

    What substances cause changes in the body:

    These substances help:

    • vasodilation;
    • development of edema;
    • the appearance of itching;
    • stenosis;
    • the development of blisters and other severe manifestations.

    Where are target cells located?

    1. mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
    2. mucous membrane of the nasal cavity;
    3. mucous membrane of the eyeballs;
    4. along the course of blood vessels and nerves.

    The location of target cells determines the development of allergy-specific symptoms.

    Pollen Allergy Symptoms

    Allergy to plant pollen is characterized by a number of persistent symptoms, the appearance of which tells the allergic person about the onset of pathology.

    Symptoms appear upon direct contact with the allergen, with the elimination of the latter, the symptoms disappear.

    The time of disappearance depends on the severity of the developed pathology.

    1. with damage to the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and eyes appear:
    • photophobia;
    • redness of the conjunctiva;
    • nasal congestion;
    • tearing;
    • labored breathing.
    1. the peculiarity of nasal secretions is more rare and thick;
    2. bouts of sneezing, recurring up to 25 times per minute;
    3. irritating and annoying itching in the nose or eyes;
    4. when rubbing the eyes due to itching, a bacterial infection enters and bacterial conjunctivitis develops;
    5. hearing loss, tinnitus;
    6. pain in the forehead and upper jaw - there are cavities lined with mucous membranes.

    The lesion of the nose and eyes is called rhinoconjunctival syndrome, which includes the listed symptoms.

    With a strong susceptibility of the body to the allergen, the severity of the response increases, which can lead to death.

    The peak of manifestation begins from April to the end of May.

    This tree is widespread in our country, so the number of allergy sufferers is high.

    They exhibit the symptoms listed above.

    If birch pollen allergy is suspected, a proper diet is essential because the allergen is similar to other antigens.

    It is necessary to exclude from the diet:

    The listed vegetables and fruits have antigens that can cause an immune response in an organism prone to them, even in the absence of a reaction to birch pollen.

    Be careful and careful when using these products.

    The first signs appear in people who are sensitive to alder in the middle of spring, only then does the flowering of birch, hazel, and poplar begin.

    Coniferous trees do not cause a strong allergic reaction, because their pollen is large, which lingers in the bronchial tree.

    Birch pollen has about forty albumin antigens that are able to penetrate cells.

    All protein molecules are foreign proteins, they are strong antigens that cause a reaction.

    Pathological reaction can be manifested:

    • bronchial asthma;
    • stenosis of the larynx;
    • tracheitis;
    • laryngitis;
    • allergic bronchitis.

    This disease can complicate the course of existing diseases, therefore, during the flowering period of trees, be less on the street, and it is best to leave places with a lot of trees.

    Of all flowers, the disease is caused by wind-pollinated plants:

    Houseplants are no exception:

    Constant contact with indoor plants leads to increased sensitivity of the body, which can manifest itself as asthma.

    The most common plants pollinated by the wind are weeds, they are common everywhere, so it is difficult to hide from them.

    Ambrosia pollen leads to the development of Quincke's edema - the most dangerous symptom with allergies.

    The grass blooms from August to October in different regions of the country.

    How to distinguish from ARI

    • pollinosis occurs only during the flowering period of plants, and ARI manifests itself at any time of the year. Although the development of acute respiratory infections during the period of active flowering of grasses is not excluded;
    • respiratory diseases develop after provoking factors that weaken the immune system. Allergy occurs after contact with antigens - pollen;
    • the allergic reaction disappears immediately after the cessation of contact with the allergen and the completion of flowering, acute respiratory infections need to be treated for almost two weeks;
    • at respiratory diseases discharge from the nose has a thick, yellowish-green hue. With pollinosis, the discharge is liquid and transparent;
    • pollinosis is characterized by itching, swelling of the mucous membrane, which is not present with a viral or bacterial infection.


    For exact definition an allergen, an allergist should be consulted because plant pollen has many similar antigens in other foods.

    You can independently diagnose the disease with the exact coincidence of the time of manifestation of symptoms and contact with the allergen.

    For diagnosis, it is important to take an anamnesis from other people in the family in order to trace heredity, many allergies are transmitted through chromosomes.

    The doctor will collect an anamnesis, do tests that will show the entire spectrum of specific sensitivity, and take a blood test.

    With allergic reactions in the blood, Ig-E, eosinophils will always be elevated.

    What to do if a child is allergic to house dust? The solution is here.

    How to treat

    Treatment is symptomatic, because it is difficult to change the immune system in a patient, the influence of heredity is still great.

    To relieve symptoms, prescribe:

    • antihistamines that suppress the release of histamine - the main provocateur of all reactions;
    • the use of cromalins and hormones is popular;
    • in severe and acute allergies, prednisolone (glucocorticoid) is used, which relieves swelling, reduces itching and inflammation;
    • in hospitals for severe cases, for example, asthma, inhalations with hormones are prescribed. This procedure is more effective because hormonal drug acts only locally and does not side effects for the whole body;
    • to reduce intoxication of the body, sorbent preparations are prescribed."Polysorb" is an absorbent that absorbs toxins from the intestines and reduces the body's reaction. It can be given to children, there will be no allergy to it, it has the strongest absorption properties;
    • to reduce nasal discharge, vasoconstrictor, antihistamine nose drops are prescribed.

    At the age of over seven years, immunotherapy can be carried out, which is prescribed by an allergist and an immunologist.

    Alternative treatment usually includes herbs, but with a tendency to allergies, especially to plants, it is not necessary to give herbs, so as not to increase the pathological reaction.

    Video: Antihistamines


    It is difficult to prevent the development of the disease, so prevention is mandatory, which should not allow reactions:

    • it is imperative to avoid places where plant pollen can be;
    • wet cleaning in the house;
    • on the road you do not need to open windows;
    • at the time of flowering plants, leave, if possible, to safe places;
    • follow a diet;
    • go outside only at a time when the flower buds are already closed or have not yet opened;
    • the vaccine introduced into the body can provoke an attack, so be careful when vaccinating;
    • do not go outside in windy and dry weather;
    • always keep antihistamines and vasoconstrictors with you so as not to be taken by surprise;
    • during the flowering of herbs and flowers, wash more often, wash pollen from the body and eyes;
    • start a calendar where dangerous periods for you will be marked;
    • Wearing sunglasses will help protect your eyes from pollen and ultraviolet light.

    In order not to develop a cross-reaction from the diet, it is necessary to exclude the products that most often cause allergies.

    What are the treatments for food allergies in children? The answer is in the article.

    Do you need instructions for the use of sorbents for children with allergies? Find out more.

    • if the parents have an allergy, the child has an increased risk of developing it, therefore, when breastfeeding, the mother must follow the correct diet so that the baby does not have a reaction;
    • if there is a reaction to any product or substance, then sensitivity to pollen is also possible soon, so be careful when visiting places with flowering plants;
    • bad habits will only exacerbate the development of an allergic reaction, so do not smoke!

    Allergy is a very serious and painful disease that can be prevented.

    But in the absence of prevention, they will always increase, new allergens will appear.

    Take care of your health and the health of your loved ones!

    pollen allergy symptoms

    All about living with allergies

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    Pollen allergy is a disease that affects millions of people around the world. Spring and summer are a real test for them.

    What plants cause allergies?

    An allergic reaction occurs due to the deposition of small particles of pollen on the mucous membranes of a person, as well as due to the penetration of these allergens into the bronchi through the respiratory tract. As a result, a person manifests symptoms that annoy him throughout the entire flowering period of plants.

    Pollen allergy (pollinosis) is an allergic disease characterized by a pronounced seasonality associated with the dusting of certain plants: in spring (April to May) - trees, in summer (June to August) - cereals, July to October - weeds. According to statistics, up to 15% of the population suffer from hay fever.

    Each region has its own pollination schedule. AT middle lane In Russia, the main source of allergenic pollen among trees is birch, followed by alder and hazel. Less often, allergic reactions cause maple, oak, willow. They carry their pollen without interference with the help of the wind for 100-200 kilometers a day, covering rather vast territories.

    birch trees

    Allergenic cereal plants: timothy grass, high ryegrass, fescue, wheatgrass, feather grass, bent grass, wheatgrass, awnless bonfire.

    Awnless bonfire

    Allergenic weeds: hazeweed, sorrel, wormwood, ragweed, common ragwort, nettle, coltsfoot, dandelion.


    Symptoms and manifestations of allergies

    Pollen allergy has symptoms that many often confuse with a cold in the spring, especially if they are experiencing an allergic reaction for the first time in their lives.

    Pollen allergy symptoms:

    • sneezing
    • nasal congestion and itching
    • runny nose
    • itching, redness and swelling of the eyelids
    • labored breathing
    • cough
    • itching and skin rashes

    This or that symptom may manifest itself to a greater extent, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism.

    How to distinguish hay fever from a cold:

    • in the morning the state of health is worse than in the evening (because the concentration of pollen in the morning is higher), the person feels more comfortable indoors than outdoors,
    • it's easier to be outside on a rainy day than on a clear day
    • bad health persists for more than a week.

    Allergy to pollen - what to do?

    If you have a pollen allergy, taking simple preventive measures will help you reduce symptoms and survive the flowering season:

    • track the concentration of allergens in the air
    • stay outdoors as little as possible in the morning (since the concentration of allergens is especially high at this time)
    • give up hiking in the forest, trips out of town
    • don't take medications based on herbs
    • carry out daily wet cleaning
    • close the windows (airing the room is only allowed in the evening)
    • use protective equipment: sprays, masks, goggles, nasal filters
    • coming from the street, wash and clean the nasal mucosa, wash your hair thoroughly

    It is important for allergy sufferers to have an air humidifier at home, since at high humidity the number of particles in the air decreases and the respiratory mucosa is moistened, i.e. she becomes less sensitive to allergens settling on her.

    Also, allergy sufferers need to have a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter that filters allergens, and does not throw it into the air again.

    Pollinosis and cross-allergy

    It is worth knowing that most people suffering from hay fever may experience a cross-allergic reaction to food.

    This happens because food and pollen contain allergens that are similar in structure.

    Therefore, during the flowering period, potential food allergens should be excluded from the diet.

    Pollen Allergy Treatment

    Pollen allergy is detected in two ways:

    • skin tests, which are carried out from October to March, during the remission of the disease
    • a blood test for specific IgE antibodies to pollen.

    Both of these methods are of equal value and are widely used by allergists.

    Skin tests are carried out as follows: allergen drops are applied to the skin of the forearm and a puncture is made with a scarifier, 1 mm deep, without injuring the vessels. The results of the test are visible after 20 minutes: allergic edema and reddening of the skin, itching in these places occurs. This is a local skin reaction to an allergen.

    Performing a skin test

    It is worth noting that for skin tests, you need to stop taking antihistamines in order to avoid false negative results.

    A blood test for allergens is carried out at any time of the year, including in spring, during the flowering period. Taking antihistamines will not affect the result of the study.

    Establishing the cause of an allergy is necessary not only to exclude contact with a possible allergen, but also for the purpose of treatment.

    As prescribed by the doctor, antihistamines, hormonal drops and sprays are taken. If a person knows that every year (at about the same time) he suffers from hay fever, then drug treatment should be started 2 weeks before flowering and continue until the end of the dusting period.

    Allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) is a procedure in which small doses of an allergen are introduced into the body, thereby developing tolerance to allergens from outside.

    ASIT preparation: "Staloral"

    Two types of immunotherapy are used: injection (injections in the clinic) and sublingual (drops, tablets under the tongue - at home).

    There are several drugs that carry out this therapy, for example, Fostal: "Tree pollen allergen", Staloral: "Birch pollen allergen", etc., depending on the allergen.

    The duration of the course and the dose of the drug is determined by the doctor and depends on the severity of the allergic disease.

    This method has age restrictions: children under 5 years of age do not carry it out. Also, for the duration of treatment, it is worth completely eliminating contact with the allergen, in order to avoid acute allergic reactions.

    Price given treatment can reach tens of thousands of rubles. However, this method of treating pollen allergy is considered very effective and well worth the money spent.

    Folk methods of treatment

    Symptoms of allergic rhinitis can be treated with alternative medicine: celery juice. Celery is a treasure useful substances, vitamins and minerals.

    It should be taken orally: children 3-4 teaspoons, adults 5-7 tablespoons for 10-15 days.

    You can also carry out stone therapy (treatment with flat stones): two stones are enough, which are cooled in the freezer, and then applied to maxillary sinuses until the stone itself is completely warmed up. This method of therapy relieves redness of the eyes and reduces discharge from the nose.

    » Answers of doctors

    healthy eating

    Our country is rich in forests, but, unfortunately, tree pollen #8212; birch, alder, hazel, oak, elm and maple #8212; is an allergen. Therefore, during the flowering period of these trees (April-May), many of us walk around with red eyes, a runny nose, and other allergy symptoms. As in all other cases, our diet can aggravate the disease or alleviate it. If you are allergic to tree pollen, doctors recommend the following diet:

    • Bakery products (bread, rolls, cookies), pasta;
    • Soups and second courses of lean meat (beef, veal, poultry);
    • Cereals and casseroles from cereals;
    • Eggs in any form;
    • Milk and lactic acid products (yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc.). Make sure that the expiration date is short - this is a guarantee that the products are made from fresh milk without additives of preservatives;
    • Vegetables #8212; old crop potatoes, beets, radish, radish, cucumber, tomato;
    • Legumes #8212; beans, peas, lentils, peanuts;
    • Drinks: tea, weak coffee with milk, drinking and mineral water.

    Available in small quantities:

    • pickles, smoking, marinades,
    • smoked sausages,
    • sweet dishes and confectionery #8212; sugar, sweets, jams,
    • cold sweet drinks,
    • chocolate and cocoa
    • food colorings and food additives,
    • ice cream,
    • alcohol.

    In addition, please note that birch buds and alder cones should not be used as medicines.

    We also have interesting articles:

    answers (2)

    Yeah #8212; unpleasant disease. My son suffers every year when exams are just at school. The most annoying thing is that neither medications nor dieting helps.

    Try to consult with your doctor. It is important not only to stick to a diet and take antihistamines during the flowering period, but also to strengthen the immune system when allergens are not present in the air. The stronger the immune system, the easier on the body deal with allergies

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    Tree Pollen Allergy: Symptoms, Diet and Treatment

    An allergy to tree pollen is hay fever. This disease is seasonal, and it develops under the influence of pollen from different plants. Often, allergic reactions affect the mucous membrane of the eyes, upper respiratory tract. Determining the cause of the development of an allergy to tree pollen, conducting diagnostics and initiating complex treatment become mandatory to improve a person's health.

    There are thousands of pollen-producing plants in the world. However, only 50 of them can lead to allergic reactions. It is important to understand that the pollen produced is small in size, so it negatively affects the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory tract. This leads to the manifestation of unwanted symptoms.

    People have unequal sensitivity to the pollen of different plants, so the disease does not manifest itself in everyone. The disease manifests itself only if a person has hypersensitivity.

    It is important to note that there is a certain pattern between the seasons and the time of pollen maturation of various plants. At the same time, three periods are distinguished when most people suffer from hay fever.

    1. The first period falls on the second half of spring. At this time, people suffer from the pollen of oak, birch, ash, poplar, maple, walnut.
    2. The second peak is in the summer. In June - August, cereal plants bloom.
    3. The third period is in autumn. It was at this time that an increase in the concentration of weed pollen was noted. Doctors note that it is during this period that the largest number of allergic calls falls.

    During the above periods, people suffering from a tendency to allergies to tree pollen need to be especially careful.


    The clinical picture is primarily associated with the upper respiratory tract and mucous membranes of the eyes. At the same time, the initial signs of the disease can appear in children from about five years old.

    The initial symptoms of conjunctivitis are:

    • Itching and unpleasant burning on the inside of the eyes.
    • Unpleasant sensation of a foreign body in the eye.
    • Lachrymation.
    • Photophobia.

    During the examination, one can easily note a pronounced redness of the conjunctiva. In addition, there is swelling of the eyelids. It is important to note that with an allergic reaction, both eyes are affected at the same time.

    In parallel, rhinitis manifests itself, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

    • Itching of the mucous membrane.
    • Sneezing.
    • Copious discharge of mucus from the nose.
    • Pain in the maxillary and frontal sinuses.

    Symptoms disappear as the pollen of trees or plants disappears from the air. In this regard, well-being improves on rainy days of peak periods and in winter.

    The manifestation of the disease depends on how sensitive the person is to pollen. The disease can be manifested only by ordinary conjunctivitis or by additional signs. It is important to note that the severity of symptoms also depends on the amount of pollen inhaled, and therefore on the amount of time spent outdoors.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    Examination and further diagnosis are carried out only by an allergist. Obligatory examination and questioning of the patient becomes.

    To confirm a suspected diagnosis, skin tests. At this stage of research, substances that cause allergic reactions are determined. After that, the doctor determines the optimal treatment tactics.

    It is important to note that in the 21st century there is still no method of treatment that is guaranteed to get rid of allergic reactions. However, with proper treatment and prevention, you can reduce the risk of manifestation of the disease.

    The most promising method is the specific allergen immunotherapy. This requires the introduction of special solutions that activate the production of certain substances that develop the resistance of the immune system to allergens. It is desirable to conduct a course of specific immunotherapy in advance in order to reduce the risk of developing symptoms to the appearance of a particular pollen in the air. However, the method is contraindicated with minimal signs of exacerbation of the disease. It is important to note that the therapy requires patience, since lasting results can be achieved only after three years.

    Drug treatment for allergies is now allowed. To do this, doctors prescribe special antiallergic drugs, taking into account the patient's health status.

    Alternative treatment

    Today, a variety of folk remedies are used to treat hay fever. The result of such treatment is always determined individual features organism, so it is advisable to consult a doctor first.

    1. horsetail helps to increase the body's resistance to allergens, eliminate unwanted symptoms. Twenty grams of horsetail is poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water. The remedy is insisted for about half an hour. After that, the infusion is drunk 100 milliliters three times a day after meals.
    2. Calendula eliminates allergic manifestations. 10 grams of calendula inflorescences are poured with 100 milliliters of boiling water. Infuse the remedy for one to two hours. The infusion is taken in a tablespoon twice - thrice a day.
    3. Nettle. guaranteeing a general improvement in the human immune system. Ten grams of nettle is poured into a glass of boiled water and infused for half an hour. Infusion take 100 milliliters four to five times a day.

    It is important to remember that if you are allergic to wormwood pollen, you must abandon the use of folk remedies with the inclusion of calendula, chamomile, succession, elecampane, coltsfoot. In addition, if you are allergic to tree pollen, do not use alder cones, birch buds. To select a suitable folk remedy It is advisable to consult with an experienced physician.

    Alternative treatment is advisable to combine with drug therapy.

    Diet for children

    Allergists and pediatricians note that it is advisable for children to give up the following foods:

    • Milk products.
    • Bakery products and pasta.

    During an exacerbation, it is desirable to enrich the diet with foods with a high content of beta-carotene: carrots, bell pepper, pumpkin, orange and red vegetables, fruits.

    In addition, foods rich in vitamin C are required: apples, black currants, tomatoes, garlic. Compliance with the drinking regime guarantees the cleansing of the body, and consequently - the improvement of health.

    Diet for adults

    Adults are advised to completely abandon honey, bee products, and alcohol. It is important to note that such products often provoke allergic reactions and reduce the effectiveness of antihistamines.

    It is advisable to avoid the following foods if you are allergic to weed pollen:

    If you are allergic to alder, hazel, apple, birch pollen, exclude from the diet:

    If you are allergic to grass pollen, exclude from the diet:

    Compliance with the diet, alternative treatment and drug therapy, constant monitoring by a doctor guarantee the successful elimination of undesirable signs of tree pollen allergy. Proper treatment and constant monitoring of health prevent potential complications, including the development of asthma.

    Allergy EN

    Allergy to tree pollen

    Pollinosis is an allergic reaction. human body on the pollen of various plants. The peak of this disease falls on April-June, but some plants that cause allergies bloom until October (weed grass). The reason for this disease is that for the most part this type of allergy is caused by pollen from wind-pollinated plants. It is small in size and easily penetrates the respiratory tract.

    Allergy to tree pollen in children

    Often, children, especially those living in cities, are allergic to tree pollen. In such a situation, it is very dangerous to self-medicate. It is necessary to show the child to a specialist in the field of allergology, who will prescribe an individual and competent treatment.

    Signs of tree pollen allergy in children do not differ from the symptoms of an allergic reaction in adults:

    • nasal congestion and copious mucus;
    • eyes swell, watery, itching appears;
    • persistent coughing or sneezing.

    It is necessary to eliminate the cause of the allergy to tree pollen in time, that is, to limit the contact of the child with pollen:

    • go outside in the morning or evening, but it is best after the rain, when all the allergens have settled on the ground;
    • after a walk, you should take a shower and rinse your nose with salt water in order to eliminate irritants;
    • good protection against allergens will be a filter and humidifier for the air in the house and car;
    • during a trip during the period of active flowering of a tree that causes allergies, do not open the windows in the car;
    • after washing, clothes should be dried indoors in order to prevent allergens from entering the fabric;
    • ventilate the room only after rain, but you can not ventilate the room when the allergen plant is actively blooming;
    • if possible, the child should be taken out of the climatic zone where the irritant plant blooms.

    An excellent place with a low content of allergens in the air is the sea.

    Allergy to pollen from early flowering trees (mixture)

    Modern medical methods for diagnosing allergic diseases are based on identifying a reaction to an irritant.

    In order to recognize the true allergen, pollen mixtures from early flowering trees are used. If the result of the analysis is positive, as indicated by the production of immunoglobulin E, then subsequent studies and tests are prescribed to identify a specific irritant.

    Diet for tree pollen allergy

    A person who is allergic to tree pollen should monitor their diet. It is necessary to choose a diet in order to reduce the nutritional burden on the body as a whole, and also in order to exclude possible allergens from the list of food consumed.

    If you are allergic to tree pollen, you should not only adhere to proper nutrition but also eliminate allergens from the diet. To be removed from the menu:

    • Birch juice;
    • nuts;
    • strawberries, cherries, etc.;
    • strong coffee or tea;
    • new crop potatoes, carrots;
    • alcoholic drinks.

    It is necessary to minimize the consumption of fried, spicy, fatty, salty foods:

    • smoked products, including sausages;
    • marinades and pickles;
    • sweet foods and confectionery (sugar, ice cream, cakes)
    • cocoa;
    • food colorings and additives.

    Your diet should be based on allowed foods:

    • flour products (loaf, buns, biscuit cookies);
    • lean (lean) meats (chicken, veal, turkey)
    • sea ​​fish;
    • eggs cooked in any way;
    • cereals that contain complex carbohydrates;
    • casseroles from various cereals;
    • milk and dairy products;
    • vegetables (potatoes of the last harvest, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers);
    • legumes (beans, lentils);
    • unconcentrated tea or coffee.

    It is also necessary to increase the amount of liquid consumed per day.

    Do not use medicines based on alder cones and birch buds.

    To weaken the action of allergens, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, adhere to proper nutrition, composed according to the diet, you should harden the body in order to increase and strengthen the immune system.

    Allergies affect hundreds of millions of people around the world. And many of them are concerned about the problem of proper nutrition when this disease. How to choose the right products so that they do not cause exacerbations of allergies, and, at the same time, would contain all the nutrients a person needs. This task is difficult, but in most cases solvable.

    Causes and symptoms of allergies

    Allergy is a response of the immune system to foreign substances that have entered the body. This reaction is pathological in nature and is expressed in various inflammatory processes affecting the entire body as a whole or its individual organs.

    The main manifestations of allergies:

    • skin allergies (rash, redness, blisters, swelling),
    • inflammation and swelling of the oral mucosa,
    • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract,
    • bronchospasm,
    • other manifestations (rhinitis, lacrimation),
    • jumps in blood pressure.

    Allergy treatment

    For the treatment of allergies, a doctor may prescribe drugs that help the patient get rid of unpleasant symptoms. However, medicines alone, as a rule, are not able to rid the body of excessive sensitivity to allergens. Other therapeutic methods are used for this purpose, and a therapeutic diet plays an important role among them.

    Why do you need an allergy diet?

    A significant part of the cases of allergy is associated with various foods that cause unpleasant physiological reactions in people, up to very severe ones, such as anaphylactic shock. Therefore, for those suffering from food allergies, changing their usual diet is sometimes a vital matter, and not just one of the methods of treatment.

    For other types of allergies, such as pollen allergy (), a diet may also be necessary. For other types of allergies, such as allergies to medications, a strict diet may not apply, but there may be some exceptions to this rule.

    Nutrition for allergies, general principles

    The general principle of nutrition for allergies is to exclude the product (s), causing allergies. Sometimes these products can be joined by others related to those that cause allergies.

    However, not in all cases the allergen can be determined with a high degree of certainty. After all, the normal human diet consists of a variety of products. In many cases, a doctor may order allergen tests, such as skin tests or immunoglobulin tests.

    If for some reason it is impossible to determine the allergen, then the patient may be suitable, in which the number of potentially allergenic products will be minimized. Such a diet is called non-specific, in contrast to the specific, intended for patients with a certain type of allergy.

    The general principles of nutrition for allergies are to exclude from the diet foods that irritate the intestines, accelerate the absorption of potential allergens and interfere with digestion. Such products include spices, alcohol, salt, sugar. Also, the patient needs to consume as much water as possible, which contributes to the speedy removal of allergens from the body. It is necessary to eat as often as possible, 4-5 times a day, but in small portions.

    The patient can eat only dishes prepared from fresh products. Fried, smoked foods should be excluded from the diet. It is best to eat boiled foods. Also, you can not use semi-finished products, preservation, marinades, stew. If a patient wishes to introduce a new, unknown food into their diet, it is recommended that someone be available to assist in the event of an acute reaction.

    Elimination Diet

    Such a diet is prescribed by a doctor. It should not contain the product that causes allergies. Also banned are products that cause cross-allergy. The elimination diet in some cases can be non-strict, that is, it can periodically include products from the prohibited list. The duration of the diet is set by the doctor. Usually, you need to follow a diet for life or until the body is no longer sensitive to the allergen.

    90% of all allergies are caused by a limited set of foods. This list includes:

    • peanut,
    • eggs,
    • fish,
    • crab meat,
    • shellfish,
    • milk,
    • wheat,
    • nuts.

    Allergic reactions to additives contained in store-bought foods - preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers - are also extremely common. Some types of meat - chicken, beef, can also cause allergies.

    peanut allergy

    Food allergy to peanuts is one of the most common forms of allergic diseases, and allergic reactions caused by it are very often severe. In countries where the use of peanuts has become widespread, for example, in the United States, dozens of deaths from complications of allergic reactions to peanuts are recorded annually, and mortality from allergies to this product accounts for approximately two-thirds of all food allergy-related deaths. Peanut allergy is also highly resistant. Unlike other types of allergies, it is unlikely to be cured.

    To get rid of this danger, a person suffering from this type of allergy is not enough just not to eat peanuts. The fact is that this product is used in various confectionery products - cakes, sweets, cookies, ice cream, etc. Moreover, it is often added to these products in a fried form. Here it must be borne in mind that (unlike many other products) it is roasted peanuts that are most allergenic, and not raw.

    What is left to do in this case? Just check each product for the presence of peanuts or substances containing them, such as peanut butter. Indeed, for many allergy sufferers, even the smallest amount of peanut proteins can cause severe allergic reactions. However, the diet should not be limited to the exclusion of peanuts. After all, an allergy to this nut can cause cross-allergies to other nuts - walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, almonds, etc.

    Allergy to chicken eggs

    This type of allergy is most common in children. However, it is not uncommon in adults either. Chicken protein allergy is more common than egg yolk allergy.

    When compiling a menu for egg allergies, it should be borne in mind that products that include chicken egg components are widespread. These are omelettes, and mayonnaise, and baked goods. Therefore, these products must also be excluded from the diet. Care should also be taken to include chicken meat in the menu, as it can also develop an allergy.

    Allergy to milk

    Milk allergy should not be confused with milk intolerance. Milk allergy is caused by allergic reactions to proteins found in cow's milk, primarily casein. And milk intolerance means that a person has digestive system there are not enough enzymes to break down milk sugar - lactose. The maximum that intolerance can threaten a person is indigestion after drinking milk, but an allergy can in some cases lead to death. Therefore, the requirements for an elimination diet for allergy to milk proteins are much stricter. Not only milk, but also other products based on it - yogurts, kefirs, cheeses, sour cream, etc. should be excluded from the diet. It should also be borne in mind that milk is used in the preparation of many baked goods and confectionery products.

    Allergy to seafood

    This group includes allergies caused by fish, as well as the meat of other marine animals - shrimp, crabs, squid, mussels, etc. An allergy to fish may or may not be combined with an allergy to other seafood. But even if such a combination is not observed, then subsequently an allergy of a similar cross type may develop. Therefore, if you are allergic to seafood, fish should also be removed from the diet, and vice versa. It should be borne in mind that red fish (representatives of the salmon and sturgeon families) are more allergenic than other varieties of fish.

    meat allergy

    Allergy to meat proteins today is not so rare. A person with this type of allergy usually suffers from an allergy to a particular type of meat. Therefore, with an elimination diet, it is necessary to abandon this type of meat in any form, since heat treatment does not change the allergenic properties of proteins. However, with the development of the disease, a cross-allergy to other types of meat may also appear, and this should be taken into account when compiling the diet.

    Allergy to gluten

    Gluten is one of the proteins found in wheat. It is perhaps the most difficult for those suffering from this kind of allergy to find the right diet, because wheat flour is used in almost all products of the baking industry, pasta and confectionery. Therefore, you will either have to give up any baking altogether, or look for products made from a different type of flour. However, there is no guarantee that flour made from other cereals will not develop cross-allergies.

    Allergy to pollen (hay fever)

    With this type of allergy, the patient should avoid the use of honey and bee products in any form. Also, pollen allergens can be similar to those found in certain types of fruit. For example, if you are allergic to birch pollen, you should not eat peaches and apples, as they contain proteins similar to birch pollen allergens.

    Allergy to antibiotics

    With this form drug allergy You should carefully look at the labels of products before buying food. It's no secret that many of them use antibiotics of the penicillin series as preservatives. Antibiotics are often also used to treat farm animals, so they can get into milk and meat. Therefore, the consumption of meat and dairy products, canned food should be minimized. To reduce the allergenicity of products containing antibiotics, they should be subjected to intensive heat treatment, since most antibiotics are destroyed by heating.

    Products with a high and low degree of allergenicity

    The following are foods that should be excluded from the diet on a non-specific hypoallergenic diet. This list includes not only products containing a large number of allergens, but also those that have the ability to provoke allergic reactions:

    • fish and caviar;
    • seafood;
    • chocolate and cocoa;
    • coffee;
    • alcohol;
    • marinades, pickles, canned food, smoked meats;
    • exotic products;
    • mushrooms;
    • chewing gum and chewing marmalade;
    • nuts and peanuts;
    • citrus;
    • red fruits;
    • whole milk;
    • eggs;
    • condiments, spices and sauces;
    • sweet carbonated drinks.

    Foods with a low degree of allergenicity, suitable for formulating a diet of a non-specific hypoallergenic diet:

    • fermented milk products, yoghurts without dyes;
    • lean meats, turkey, lamb;
    • corn, buckwheat and oatmeal, bread made from corn and buckwheat flour;
    • green and white vegetables and fruits, potatoes;
    • legumes (except peanuts).

    Menu for allergies in adults

    Below is an example of a non-specific diet menu for allergies. A non-specific diet may be beneficial for patients seasonal allergies, for example, caused by pollen or used for exacerbation of the disease. Of course, these recommendations are not exhaustive, since factors such as the patient's addictions, his age, concomitant diseases, etc., largely influence the menu of an allergic person. And this means that only an allergist can choose the most suitable individual diet for the patient.

    Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, low-fat cottage cheese, tea.

    Lunch: green apple.

    Lunch: Broccoli soup, pasta, chicken meatballs, compote.

    Afternoon snack: Kissel, unsweetened cookies.

    Dinner: boiled cod, pasta.

    Second dinner: kefir.