True horoscope for September Libra. Seasonal allergies and its treatment

The horoscope for September 2016 for Libra speaks of opportunities for self-realization this month. So, the planet of beauty - Venus will be in the sign of Libra this month. Thanks to this, the representatives of the sign bloom like flowers, begin to feel life very subtly, rejoice in everything.

General horoscope for September 2016 Libra

At this time, it is also possible to get acquainted with interesting people and love. Representatives of the Libra sign should pay attention to the days of September 3, 13, 14, 23 and 25 - it is on these dates that there is an opportunity to start a new, vivid romance.

However, in September 2016, Libra needs to turn Special attention on the date of September 18 - it is on this day that conflict situations with a partner are possible due to his too stubborn behavior, which can seriously offend representatives of the Libra sign.

Due to the fact that the planet Venus will move into the sign of Scorpio after September 24, representatives of the Libra sign will be filled with vivid emotions and become passionate lovers. Naturally, on the one hand, this brings sexual energy, but on the other hand, Libra may be concerned at this time with issues related to their financial situation.

The September 2016 horoscope for Libra sees excellent prospects for the development of career ideas, work, communication with good friends, thanks to the strong influence of the planet Jupiter, which is a symbol of happiness.

Issues of home and life in September 2016 may be changeable. So, Libra will not always have time to do everything planned from household chores. In September 2016, Libras can also make short trips to their relatives.

In September 2016, Libras may be seriously thinking about doing work from home. To do this, you may need a room, which can be a designated room for a mini-salon or at least a desktop with a computer. If Libra is sure of the need for such work, then on September 1, 2, 8 or 15, they can already make the first purchases of the necessary equipment for work.

Career and money horoscope for September 2016 Libra

The September 2016 horoscope for Libra suggests that September is unlikely to bring anything new or serious to work with. Most likely, in September 2016, Libra will have to complete the tasks that they are already doing from day to day. The atmosphere at work is likely to be calm, without any conflicts and tensions.

In September 2016, representatives of the Libra sign need to pay special attention to the new moon, which will take place on September 1. This day can bring a very important event for those Libras who work under a contract or for hire. Most likely, this may be due to an increase in wages, the introduction of new duties, or the imposition of high responsibility on representatives of the Libra sign.

For those Libras who work from home or have their own business, the days from September 1 to 3 are most likely to make important decisions. Nevertheless, Libra will most likely have to take them very quickly these days. However, Libra needs to try to study all the details. Thus, thanks to the eclipse that occurs on September 1, quite important and promising ideas can be formed that can be realized in the next 6 months.

auspicious days for career and financial affairs in September 2016 for Libra: September 1-3, 8, 15.

Love horoscope for September 2016 Libra

In September 2016, Libra love relationships will be influenced by the planet Mars, which is in the sign of Sagittarius. In this regard, Libra's partner may become rude in September 2016, and Libra will not be able to have constructive conversations with him this month. In addition, a partner can sometimes even afford to make trouble.

The September 2016 horoscope for Libra pays special attention to the full moon, which occurs on September 16 and 17. These days, representatives of the Libra sign may have negative emotions from your partner, which can put the relationship at great risk.

The main problem of this time is that the planet, which is the symbol of Libra's partner, will be in drive and constant movement. At the same time, it may seem to Libra that their partners are constantly rushing somewhere, doing something incomprehensible. The Libra partner can sometimes behave so negatively, not paying attention to the representatives of the Libra sign at all. So, when such situations can accumulate, this can lead to the fact that Libra, in the end, decides that they simply do not need such relationships at the cost of their own nerves and health.

Therefore, on September 17, Libra may decide to part with their partner, but due to the fact that on September 27 the planet Mars will move into the sign of Capricorn, peace and confidence may again appear in the relationship. The strong emotions that the Libra partner possessed will soon disappear, and most importantly, the aggression that was the cause of all conflicts also disappears. Starting from September 27, the partner of Libra becomes calm, easily makes contact, you can again build a serious relationship with him.

auspicious days for love relationship in September 2016 for Libra: September 3, 13, 14, 23, 25.

Health Horoscope for September 2016 Libra

In the middle of the month - September 16 and 17, Libra can suffer stress due to confusion in personal relationships. In this regard, representatives of the sign may experience severe anxiety, even insomnia these days.

The horoscope for September 2016 for Libra clearly indicates that innovation (any) is evil. There is an established order of things, traditions. Their Libra should be followed.

All of the above can be applied both to the views of this zodiac sign, and to their habits, lifestyle, method of solving problems. Follow the knurled path in September 2016, dear Libra, and you will succeed.

If something out of the ordinary happens, try to deal with the old methods. Does not exceed? Postpone until better times. The same applies to relationships with people. September 2016 is not suitable for new connections, or for a break. Later. All later.

And the horoscope for September 2016 strongly advises against throwing anything away (whether it is necessary or not) - it will come in handy later.

September 2016 is rich in events for this zodiac sign. Representatives of the sign have excellent prospects in everything related to work, career and communications.

You will shine (thanks to Venus in Libra). The month is rich in events and emotions. Be careful (this is especially true for single representatives of the sign) on September 3, 13, 14, 23 and 25. These days, you can run into your future crush naturally, anywhere.

September 18 is a very conflicting day in terms of personal life. Remember in advance and be careful.

On September 24, Venus leaves Libra and enters Scorpio. The focus of attention of Libra switches to the material component.

The horoscope for September 2016 even suggests that more money can be made while sitting at home.

If they are finally ripe for this, then it's time to go shopping. A table, a chair for a computer and everything else you might need.

Horoscope for Libra - men for September 2016

Libra men in September 2016 may become too harsh and irritable. Don't overtighten them. If this happens, allow the Libra men to retire and recover. They will only be grateful to you. Make sure that your Libra man does not get into debt in September and does not take a loan. It will be extremely difficult to pay. Excluded debts, credit obligations. After September 10, commercial activities, investments will become a significant source of profit. From September 15, you can spend money on a major purchase in the house.

Horoscope for Libra - women for September 2016

Libra women spend all their time on the house and its arrangement. Light conflict situations are possible on September 4-6 and 13-15.

In between, you will successfully change the situation in the house and update the interior. Save your companion in September 2016: too many nerves at work.

Financial Horoscope for Libra for September 2016

According to the horoscope for September 2016, Libra will have to work hard. The work will be compensated and your salary will definitely be raised.

Do not panic during September 2016: the situation will be resolved safely (in work matters). The financial situation will also please Libra. The more you work, the more you earn, the more you spend. But this is normal if part of the funds goes to household needs and maintaining the well-being of your own home.

But you also need to know the measure: plan your budget ahead of time, dear Libra, and you will not be left without a financial cushion.

In September 2016, by the way, it is possible to receive dividends or win in the lottery or gambling.

Career horoscope for Libra for September 2016

Career horoscope for September 2106 does not predict anything new, interesting or serious.

Everything is standard. You do it every day anyway.

At work, the atmosphere is also infinitely calm. Even lazy.

From September 1 to 3 - the time of important decisions for Libra, running their own business. Favorable days for career and financial affairs in September 2016 for Libra: September 1-3, 8, 15.

Love horoscope for Libra for September 2016

The personal life and romantic sphere of Libra is ruled by Mars in the constellation Sagittarius. The partner of Libra will climb on the rampage. You are waiting for swearing and conflicts. The full moon (September 16-17) is the time of skirmishes, which, in general, can lead to a break in relations. It is in September 2016 that Libra can reach the handle so much that they want to part with their partner (just September 17). But it's better to be patient.

Health Horoscope for Libra for September 2016

Libra's health will dance in September, like their zodiac sign. They are very prone to psychosomatic illnesses and always take everything personally. Therefore, in September 2016, they should have more rest.

But in mid-September (15-17), many representatives of the sign are pretty nervous because of the confusion on the personal front.

In September 2016, Libra will experience all the "charms" of life. Large-scale upheavals are not expected in your destiny, but there will still be changes. This applies to all areas of life - personal, professional and social. Libra will not avoid disappointments, but luck will always be there. In September 2016, unforgettable meetings with old friends and romantic acquaintances await you. If you have the strength and energy to step over all the obstacles on the way to the goal, then in the future you will achieve even greater victories. Horoscope for September 2016 Libra promises good news and household chores. By the way, the family for many will come first. In early September, Libra will decide to organize a family holiday. This is a great occasion to gather with all the relatives at one friendly table. If you have not rested for a long time, then feel free to take a vacation in September and go on a trip to the sea or abroad. In work, Libra will feel more confident than ever. True, about financial position this cannot be said. In September 2016, you should save ten times more than before. Personal life will not bring Libra special unrest. Although, some unexpected event or a love affair will drastically change your fate.

Libra Health in September 2016

Libra will feel in September 2016 at the “5+” mark. Colds and other illnesses will bypass you. True, drivers should be extremely careful on the road. Possible emergencies and injury. Health horoscope for September 2016 Libra advises to fight against bad habits. It is advisable to go in for physical education and go for a run in the morning. Libra should make it a rule to eat well in the morning. A healthy mind in a healthy body, remember this in September.

Auspicious days - 3, 6, 9, 15, 20 and 30
Unfavorable days - 8, 10, 12, 18, 21 and 25

Love horoscope for Libra for September 2016
Finance horoscope, careers for Libra for September 2016

September horoscope for other zodiac signs:

It is known that if a person wants to be unhappy, then he will become unhappy, regardless of external circumstances, and in September 2016, Libra is a direct proof of this. They know how to fall into depression masterfully, and they are able to sob bitterly even in a luxurious limousine, eating grief with spoons of black caviar, and the children of the Air will talk about their emotional pain so penetratingly and plaintively that it is simply impossible not to feel sorry for them. At the beginning of autumn, representatives of this zodiac sign will begin to mope and constantly complain about life, so the horoscope does not advise talking about personal things with Libra, because they will not tell the interlocutor anything pleasant and optimistic. You will start to feel sad for any reason: a film with a sad ending, a canary who died at a neighbor, an approaching test in a difficult subject, but longing for former partners will become the undisputed favorite of the coming period. If, God forbid, you broke up with your previous loved one and have not yet met the next one, then September 2016 will be full of bitter memories and tragic lamentations. Your loved one could be scary like a global crisis, stingy like a purebred Jew, and sexy like an oak log, but you will replay pleasant moments in your head and blow your nose in paper napkins over and over again. Here He brought home a loaf, can you imagine, a whole loaf! Here He is, cutely throwing his legs on the coffee table, watching TV, such a sweetheart! Here He gave an apron for March 8, and nothing that the logo of a well-known company flaunts on the present, apparently distributing this wardrobe item as a promotion! What can our horoscope say? Only one thing: "Stop!" If you once let go or kicked out the past, then it was not bright and promising. Yes, now it is September outside the window, and sadness reigns in my soul, but soon it will be replaced by October, and you yourself will be surprised that you could miss such a person. Libra is strictly forbidden to call the object of longing and pour out his soul in drunken midnight conversations, because in the morning he will be painfully ashamed of this act. Instead of mourning the dead love, celebrating another anniversary of parting, pay attention to the world of the living. If the children of the Air stop comparing all new acquaintances with their former lover, then it will not be difficult for them to meet a worthy person. September did not take away from the representatives of this zodiac sign either their inherent sense of humor, or a broad outlook, or delicacy, so that the people around them will continue to communicate and be friends with Libra with pleasure if they do not burden them with their tragic experiences. Start enjoying life, and it will definitely find something to please you.

In September 2016, the children of the Air should not be afraid of changes and push them away with their hands and feet, thereby closing the doors to a secure future in front of them. At the beginning of autumn, your career path will resemble an escalator moving up, only your behavior will turn out to be a little inadequate. While the rest of the signs of the zodiac are pushing, fighting and shoving each step of the narrow ladder, Libra stubbornly runs along the moving tape ... down, wringing their hands and shouting that they can not cope with the new position or do not want to move to another region. Believe me, any of your colleagues will gladly change places with you for the mere opportunity to move forward, show yourself in front of your superiors, but life itself gives you such an opportunity, so do not miss it. In September, Libra should not only agree to changes, but also attract them in every possible way into your life, only in this case the horoscope promises to give the wards a successful and memorable month.

At the beginning of autumn, the children of Air will delight those around them with a firmer and more resolute character. If earlier the choice of two options seemed to the employee of this zodiac sign the end of the world, and with three options, he swallowed tons sedative pills and fled to consult a psychoanalyst, then this month Libra will finally learn to make an independent choice and be responsible for it. In September 2016, do not mark time and do not look back, because all the most wonderful, interesting and exciting lies ahead!

Attention, the horoscope of Libra for the month of September 2016 is published in an abbreviated form. To have a complete picture of the upcoming 2016 year of the Red Monkey, you should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart that is unique for each person.

The horoscope for September 2016 Libra indicates that this month you will need to establish the cause of your losses in order to stop them. Perhaps, in order to accumulate material resources, you will switch to a austerity regime and control expenses. During this period, it is important to make every effort to bring everything planned to the end. Horoscope for September 2016 Libra indicates that you need to show stamina, steadfastness, constancy and kindness. For some Libras, this will be difficult to do, due to constant doubt, indecision, mood swings and selfishness. To succeed you will have to deal with these shortcomings, which will affect your inner world and your outlook. After that, you will look at the events taking place, the people around you in a different way. Reality can disturb your peace of mind. Thus, you will lose carelessness, naivety, and in return you will gain a sober outlook on life. It will help you find new activities, change studies, and create new relationships.

Marriage horoscope

In September, your marriage will be tested. To save your marriage, Libra needs to engage in joint charitable public business activities. It is even possible to repair an apartment, office, workplace. This month you can enter into a marriage with your partner, which will be successful, bring prosperity to your family and will contribute to spiritual growth.

Health Horoscope

In September, your Libra metabolism will begin to decrease, for some it may drop sharply. Therefore, some Libras need to go on a diet, reduce the calorie content of food, eat more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and iodine. The slowness of metabolism does not contribute to a quick recovery, the disease lasts sluggishly and often becomes chronic. Especially often during this period there are diseases such as hepatitis, diabetes, heart attack, joint diseases, polyarthritis. To speed up the metabolism, it is necessary to significantly increase physical exercise, often take water treatments with various kinds of massage to enhance blood circulation.