Fresnel lens, which is always with you. Optics

Despite the variety of infrared motion sensors, almost all of them are the same in structure. The main element in them is a pyrodetector, or a pyrodetector, which includes two sensitive elements.

The detection zone of the pyro receiver is two narrow rectangles. To increase the detection area from a single rectangular beam to the maximum possible value
and increase its sensitivity, converging lenses are used.

The converging lens is convex in shape, it directs the optical rays incident on it to one point F - this is the main focus of the lens. If you use several of these lenses, the detection area will increase.

The use of spherical convex lenses makes the design of the device heavier and more expensive. Therefore, in infrared motion and presence sensors, a Fresnel lens is used.

Fresnel lens. History of creation

The French physicist Auguste Fresnel in 1819 proposed his own lens design for a lighthouse.

The Fresnel lens is formed from a spherical lens. The latter was divided into many rings, reduced in thickness. So it turned out a flat lens.

Thanks to this shape, lenses began to be made from a thin plastic plate, which made it possible to use them in lighting devices and motion and presence sensors.

The sensor lenses are made up of many segments, which are Fresnel lenses. Each segment scans a specific area of ​​the sensor coverage area. The lens shapes of the motion sensors determine the shape of the detection zone.

For example, in ceiling devices, the shape of the lenses is a hemisphere, respectively 360 degrees. For devices with cylindrical lenses, it is usually 110-140 degrees. There are also square shapes of detection zones.

B.E.G's line of infrared motion and presence sensors feature high quality Fresnel lenses that provide excellent detection performance.

It is a construction of concentric rings adjacent to each other, which was invented by the physicist Augustin Fresnel. A lens of this shape was originally used in lighting systems, projection TV screens, lens antennas, motion sensors, etc. This is one of the first devices based on the principle of light diffraction. Today there is a Fresnel lens for reading, hobbies and other household uses. There are even pocket options that are convenient to take with you.

If you are interested in magnifying optics, you will certainly be interested in the Fresnel Lens. You can buy it in Moscow from us. We offer low prices and only high quality products. To place an order, simply add the item to your cart. For all questions, please contact our consultants by phone.

Fresnel lens Kromatech flexible "Ruler", art. 23149ac204

Bifocal flexible lens with a convenient marking-scale on the edges. Magnification of the main lens - 3x, additional - 6x. Size - 19 x 6.5 cm. Handle color - blue, white, red, pink, green (specify when purchasing).

RUB 102.00

What is a Fresnel lens?

Due to the small spherical aberration, the refracted light rays come out in an almost single parallel beam. That is, the lens can be represented as a set of thin rings of individual triangular prisms that refract parallel rays and deflect at such an angle that after refraction they converge at a single focal point.

There is not only a converging or positive lens, but also a diverging (negative) one. In the negative annular prisms, grooves are made of a different shape. Due to the short focal length, the field of view is wide and it can fit in a reduced form an image area 2-3 times larger than can be covered with the naked eye.

History of creation

At the beginning of the 19th century, a commission was assembled in France, the task of which was to improve the design of lighthouses. At that time, the lighthouse was an indispensable navigational device, so European maritime states were interested in improving them.

In order for the light of the lighthouse to be visible at a great distance, the lantern must not only be placed on a high tower, but also its light must be collected into beams. To do this, the light was placed at the focus of a concave mirror or a large converging lens, but these methods had a number of disadvantages. With the help of a mirror, only one beam is obtained, and since the light must be visible everywhere, many mirrors had to be installed with individual lamps in each. If we dismiss the option with mirrors, several lenses can be installed around one lamp, the size of which should be very impressive. A massive lens can simply lose its shape or burst from heating, and there is also a high probability of material inhomogeneity.

For an elegant solution to this problem, the outstanding French physicist Auguste Jean Fresnel was invited to the commission. In 1819, he proposed a composite lens that eliminates the disadvantages of a conventional one: it is a lightweight design in the form of thin rings of individual triangular prisms. Fresnel not only calculated the ideal shape. He developed the creation technology, supervised production, and sometimes even acted as a worker himself. The result was brilliant, and the resulting brightness of the light impressed the sailors. So the French lighthouses became the best, which was recognized even by longtime maritime competitors - the British.

Device Application

An unsurpassed device created almost 200 years ago remains relevant to this day. It is used not only in lighthouses, but also for the manufacture of headlights, signal lights, projector parts, traffic lights. Its light weight allows it to be integrated as a part of portable lighting fixtures.

There are many variants of this amazing invention that are intended for domestic use. For example, the Fresnel lens for reading, made of lightweight transparent plastic with almost invisible round grooves. These devices come in any shape, many of them can even be bent.

The Fresnel parking lens is quite popular, which is used instead of a panoramic rear-view mirror in a car. In the form of a thin coating, it is glued to the rear window and thus gives a wide viewing angle, reducing the visual "dead zone". This is done for the purpose of safety, ease of parking in reverse, control of a trailer or tow.

The edges of prisms coated with an aluminum mirror layer can be used in X-ray telescopes. Such mirrors and lenses are made very actively: for example, they can be produced from flexible plastic for almost kilometers and then used for design ideas.

The Fresnel lens can be desktop and illuminated, by analogy with any other magnifying devices for home use. It is useful for a small (2-2.5 times) increase in the image of small details in the process of doing needlework or hobbies.

Many travelers also use the Fresnel lens. The price and weight are quite modest, so you can always take such a device with you. Why is she needed on a trip? This lens can collect sunlight into a small speck that can kindle a fire from dry materials - paper, boards. Some experienced hikers adapt it to heat small amounts of water in the field.

Words that were completely unimportant were printed in large letters, and everything essential was depicted in the smallest font.
M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

Each time, re-reading Mikhail Evgrafovich, one is amazed at the foresight of the Tver vice-governor. That's where he found out about cheese products, beer drinks and other food pretending to be food, with tiny letters on the packages?! Yes, you can see the letters at the age of 20 without a problem. But youth is a disease that goes away by itself. And if your eyes still allow you to read microtexts in yellow on pink, your old people can be very useful.

In principle, stamping such things (called a Fresnel lens) is not difficult. Make a piece fit. I feared much worse. But the quality is clearly lucky.


On the package, it says in hieroglyphs "High-definition magnifying glass in business card format." I took the first leaflet I saw. By the way, you can roughly estimate the increase.

We see that the image is not like in a good lens - in the direction from the center to the periphery, the clarity drops a little. But it remains pretty good. At the very bottom, where the lens is attached to the frame, there is distortion. But rainbow stains (chromatic aberration) and distortion (turning a square into a pillow or barrel) are not noticeable

Illustrations about aberrations


Chromatic aberration

And an example

How does a Fresnel lens work?

Additional Information

Fresnel lens from the Lighthouse Museum at Point Arena, California

Usually, to understand the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Fresnel lens, such pictures are given.

. "... let's cut the plano-convex lens into rings and fold them to the plane." Of course, this is just a simplified model. Firstly, in this version, different zones will not collect light at one point, there will be a shift along the optical axis. Secondly, in order for the lens to work for inclined beams, the transition from zone to zone is made not vertical, but inclined. Thirdly, we have to find a compromise between narrow and wide rings ... As a result, the calculation is quite complicated. But we, fortunately, do not need to count :) It is necessary for the manufacturer.

Delivery and packaging

Ordered July 19, 2018, Shipped July 22, Received August 06. full track

Transport packaging - gray PE bag. Commercial packaging - transparent PE bag. Both do not deserve personal portraits.


Transparent loupe RIMIX
Color: Random
Material: PVC
Size: 85x55x1
Magnification: 3X


The lens is equipped with a plastic case-pocket that protects the optical surface from scratches and dirt. The inscription in hieroglyphs on the cover "High-definition magnifying glass in the format of a business card" (Troika card - for scale. Corresponds to the size of a plastic bank card, but does not burn the card number.

The dimensions of the card (not the case) exactly match the dimensions of plastic cards

I would estimate the increase by eye twice, so let's check it out.

Focal length

Checked characteristics, except for the size of only one - 3X magnification
In everyday life, magnification is understood as the quotient of division of the distance of optimal vision (250 mm is taken, although different eyes- miscellaneous) and the focal length of the lens. Approximately* it is easiest to measure it by building an image from a distant source and measuring the distance from the lens to the image. The sun behind the cloud is ideal as a remote source - not only the image of the sun, but also the clouds appears on a sheet of paper. The fact that the Fresnel lens built a very clear image pleasantly surprised me. This is almost always obtained on a conventional lens. Fresnel lenses like ours are often made rougher, resulting in fog instead of clouds. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to take a picture of this case - the brightness range of the smartphone’s camera was not enough :(

*Note for bores

In fact, you need to measure not from the edge of the magnifying glass, but from the so-called. back main plane. But with our accuracy, the difference can be neglected. Moreover, the Fresnel lens, strictly speaking, has as many pairs of main planes as annular zones :)

So, I measured the focal length roughly 140 mm. That is, the increase is actually about 2X times (with 3, I remind you, promised). And the optical power is about 7D. 7 diopters is a lot by the standards of glasses. The characteristic optical power of glasses for pensioners is 2-2.5-3 diopters. Although there are many more, of course.

In the shop

This is of course the main application. The lens has found a permanent place in my wallet and I use it daily. An example is a type of cheese in Pyaterochka

The terrible word CHIMOSIN turned out to be a completely legitimate component - rennet (though hardly natural). But salts of cyanic acid somehow strained me.
E536 - Potassium ferrocyanide
The substance itself - potassium ferrocyanide - is very slightly toxic, but when it interacts with water, toxic gases are released during the reaction. But their number, as a rule, does not pose a serious health hazard. When hexacyanoferrate reacts with some acids, it may release a large number of highly toxic hydrogen cyanide gas. In the food industry, it is mainly used to prevent clumping and caking, as an additive to table salt. It is also used in the production of sausages, which is always immediately reported white coating on the product shell.

Gathering sunshine

For children, such a thing can also be a fun toy, first of all, burn something with the sun's rays. The experiments below were set in the village on improvised pasture materials, do not shoot at the pianist. The black hose immediately emits smoke and stinks. It is more difficult to focus on a check from a thermal printer, but it turns out that it turns black when heated. But I could burn a sheet from a school notebook only on the second attempt and only around noon

In the process, it turned out that the lens had a huge coma. In practice, this means that to burn it, you need to hold it quite exactly perpendicular to the direction of the sun. It did not cause problems for me, but my daughter always turned out like this. (attention to the image on the hose)

Children's poems: Dad gave me a magnifying glass

Dad gave me a magnifying glass
(I'm terribly lucky!)
I will consider everything
This thick glass.

Magnifying glass
All that the eye sees
I now found out what's in the soup
Mom cooks every time.

Cabbage looks terrible -
Well, I've lost my appetite...
I ate the second one right away.
And now I won't get in.

I caught a cat in the kitchen
To see the mustache
And she immediately - in the window,
At least not a magnifying glass is worse - dogs!

The sun shines brightly through the windows
A ray fell into my palm ...
I put a magnifying glass on ... how hot!
I began to consider the beam ...

The point burned the palm
I involuntarily cried out ... oh! ..
But I cried a little
Hiding a magnifying glass under the couch.

So that my mother does not scold
Papa, magnifying glass and me,
This little wound
I'll smear myself with greenery.

Ollya Lukoeva

Advantages and disadvantages

+ Unexpectedly high-quality picture for this type of lens. It speaks of high-quality material, correct design calculation and adherence to technology.
+ Lightweight and compact, fits in your wallet and will be at hand at the right time
+ Can be used for educational purposes and as a toy, set on fire by sunlight
+ Small ruler on the long side

Not a cheap option. Lenses of this standard size are available and many times cheaper.
- We did not give the multiplicity - 2 with the declared 3
- In the case does not climb into the compartment for plastic cards. And without a cover it is impossible, it will quickly become unusable.


I liked the lens more than I expected. Once again, I’ll clarify, it’s full of offers many times cheaper. I highly doubt it's the same quality. But for the purposes of studying the composition of fake cheese in the store, iridescent streaks around the edges are not fatal. So everyone can choose for themselves cheaper or better. With optics, such parsley is constantly.

The product was provided for writing a review by the store. The review is published in accordance with clause 18 of the Site Rules.

I plan to buy +22 Add to favorites Liked the review +61 +96

Fresnel lenses

The Fresnel lens is a complex composite lens. It does not consist of a solid polished piece of glass with spherical or other surfaces (like ordinary lenses), but of separate concentric rings of small thickness adjacent to each other, which in cross section have the shape of prisms of a special profile. Proposed by Augustin Fresnel.

This design provides a small thickness (and hence weight) of the Fresnel lens even with a large angular aperture. The sections of the rings near the lens are constructed in such a way that the spherical aberration of the Fresnel lens is small, the rays from a point source placed at the focus of the lens, after refraction in the rings, come out in an almost parallel beam (in the annular Fresnel lenses).

Fresnel lens calculation

The Fresnel lens is one of the first devices based on the physical principle of light diffraction.

This device has not lost its practical significance to this day. The general scheme of the physical model on which its operation is based is shown in (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Scheme for constructing Fresnel zones for an infinitely distant observation point (plane wave)

Let us assume that at point O there is a point source of optical radiation of wavelength l. Naturally, like any point source, it emits a spherical wave, the wave front of which is shown in the figure as a circle. Let us set the condition to change this wave to a plane one, which will propagate along the dashed axis. Several wavefronts of this variable wave lagging behind each other by l/2 are shown in (Fig. 1). To begin with, we note that we are considering a variable plane wave from an existing spherical wave in free space. Therefore, in accordance with the Huygens-Fresnel principle, only electromagnetic oscillations in the existing one can serve as the “sources” of this variable wave. And if this does not suit the spatial distribution of the phase of these oscillations, then there is a wave front (spherical) of the original wave. Let's try to correct it. Let's go through the steps.

Action one: note that from the point of view of the secondary Huygens-Fresnel waves (which are spherical), a spatial displacement of an entire wavelength in any direction does not change the phase of the secondary sources. Therefore, we can afford, for example, to “break” the wavefront of the original wave as shown in (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 Equivalent phase distribution of secondary radiators in space

Thus, we have “disassembled” the original spherical wavefront into “ring parts” number 1, 2... and so on. The boundaries of these rings, called Fresnel zones, are determined by the intersection of the wave front of the original wave with a sequence of wave fronts of the “projected wave” displaced relative to each other by l/2. The resulting picture is already significantly “simpler”, and represents 2 slightly “rough” flat secondary radiators (green and red in Fig. 2), which, however, cancel each other out due to the mentioned half-wave mutual displacement.

So, we see that the Fresnel zones with odd numbers not only do not contribute to the fulfillment of the task, but even actively harm. There are two ways to deal with this.

The first method (amplitude Fresnel lens). You can simply geometrically close these odd zones with opaque rings. This is how it is done in large-sized focusing systems of sea lighthouses. Of course, this may not achieve ideal beam collimation. It can be seen that the remaining, green, part of the secondary emitters is, firstly, not quite flat, and secondly, it is discontinuous (with zero dips in the place of the former odd Fresnel zones).

Therefore, the strictly collimated part of the radiation (and its amplitude is nothing more than the zero two-dimensional Fourier component of the spatial distribution of the phase of green emitters along a plane wavefront with zero offset, see (Fig. 2) will be accompanied by wide-angle noise (all other Fourier components except Therefore, the Fresnel lens is almost unrealistic to use for imaging - only for collimating radiation. However, nevertheless, the collimated part of the beam will be significantly more powerful than in the absence of the Fresnel lens, since we have at least got rid of the negative contribution to the zeroth Fourier component from odd Fresnel zones.

The second method (phase Fresnel lens). It is possible to make the rings covering the odd Fresnel zones transparent, with a thickness corresponding to the additional phase shift l/2. In this case, the wave front of the “red” secondary radiators will shift and become “green”, see fig. 3.

Fig.3 Wavefront of secondary emitters behind the phase Fresnel lens

Actually phase Fresnel lenses have two versions. The first one is a flat substrate with deposited half-wave layers in the regions of odd Fresnel zones (a more expensive option). The second is a three-dimensional turning part (or even polymer stamping on a once-made matrix, like a gramophone record), made in the form of a “stepped conical pedestal” with a step of half the wavelength of the phase shift.

Thus, Fresnel lenses make it possible to cope with the collimation of beams with a large transverse aperture, while at the same time being flat parts of low weight and relatively low manufacturing complexity. An equivalent lighthouse glass lens weighs half a ton and costs slightly less than an astronomical telescope lens.

Let us now turn to the question of what happens when the light source is displaced along the axis relative to the Fresnel lens, which was originally designed to collimate the source radiation in position O (Fig. 1). The initial distance from the source to the lens (that is, the initial curvature of the wavefront on the lens) we agree in advance to call the focal length F by analogy with a conventional lens, see (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4 Building an image of a point source with a Fresnel lens

So, in order for the Fresnel lens to continue to be a Fresnel lens when the source is shifted from position O to position A, it is necessary that the boundaries of the Fresnel zones on it remain the same. And these boundaries are the distances from the axis at which the wave fronts of the incident and “projected” waves intersect. The initially incident one had a front with a radius of curvature F, while the “projected” one was flat (red in Fig. 4). At a distance h from the axis, these fronts intersect, setting the boundary of one of the Fresnel zones,

where n is the number of the zone starting at this distance from the axis.

When the source moved to point A, the radius of the incident wavefront increased and became R1 (blue in the figure). So we need to come up with a new wavefront surface, such that it intersects with the blue one at the same distance h from the axis, giving the same MN on the axis itself. We suspect that such a surface of the projected wave front can be a sphere with radius R2 ( green color on the image). Let's prove it.

The distance h is easily calculated from the “red” part of the figure:

Here we neglect the small square of the wavelength compared to the square of the focus, an approximation that is completely analogous to the parabolic approximation in deriving the usual formula thin lens. On the other hand, we want to find a new border of the nth Fresnel zone as a result of the intersection of the blue and green wavefronts, let's call it h1. Based on the fact that we require the same length of the segment MN:

Finally, requiring h=h1, we get:

This equation is the same as the usual thin lens formula. Moreover, it does not contain the number n of the considered boundary of the Fresnel zones, and therefore, it is valid for all Fresnel zones.

Thus, we see that the Fresnel lens can not only collimate beams, but also build images. True, it must be borne in mind that the lens is still stepped, and not continuous. Therefore, the image quality will be markedly degraded by the admixture of the higher Fourier components of the wavefront discussed at the beginning of this section.

That is, the Fresnel lens can be used to focus radiation to a given point, but not for precision imaging in microscopic and telescopic devices.

All of the above referred to monochromatic radiation. However, it can be shown that by careful choice of the diameters of the rings discussed, a reasonable quality of focus can be achieved for natural light as well.

Unlike prismatic and other diffusers, lenses in lighting fixtures are almost always used for spot lighting. As a rule, optical systems using lenses consist of a reflector (reflector) and one or more lenses.

Converging lenses direct light from a source located at the focal point into a parallel beam of light. As a rule, they are used in lighting structures together with a reflector. The reflector directs the light flux in the form of a beam in the right direction, and the lens concentrates (collects) the light. The distance between the converging lens and the light source is usually variable, allowing the angle to be obtained to be adjusted.

A system of both a light source and a converging lens (left) and a similar system of a source and a Fresnel lens (right). The angle of the light flux can be changed by changing the distance between the lens and the light source.

Fresnel lenses consist of separate concentric ring-shaped segments adjacent to each other. They got their name in honor of the French physicist Augustin Fresnel, who first proposed and put into practice such a design in lighthouse lighting fixtures. The optical effect of such lenses is comparable to that of traditional lenses of similar shape or curvature.

However, Fresnel lenses have a number of advantages due to which they are widely used in lighting designs. In particular, they are much thinner and cheaper to manufacture than converging lenses. Designers Francisco Gomez Paz and Paolo Rizzatto did not fail to take advantage of these features in their work on a bright and magical model range.

Made from lightweight and thin polycarbonate, the "sheets" of Hope, as Gomez Paz calls them, are nothing more than thin and large diffusing Fresnel lenses that create a magical, sparkling and voluminous glow by coating with a polycarbonate film textured with microprisms.

Paolo Rizzatto described the project as follows:
“Why have crystal chandeliers lost their relevance? Because they are too expensive, very difficult to handle and manufacture. We have decomposed the idea itself into components and modernized each of them.”

Here is what a colleague had to say about it:
“A few years ago, the marvelous possibilities of Fresnel lenses caught our attention. Their geometric features make it possible to obtain the same optical properties as conventional lenses, but on a completely flat surface of the petals.

However, the use of Fresnel lenses to create such unique products that combine a great design project with modern technological solutions is still rare.

Such lenses are widely used in stage lighting with spotlights, where they allow you to create an uneven light spot with soft edges, blending perfectly with the overall light composition. Nowadays, they have also become widespread in architectural lighting schemes, in cases where individual adjustment of the angle of light is required, when the distance between the illuminated object and the lamp can change.

The optical performance of a Fresnel lens is limited by the so-called chromatic aberration that forms at the junctions of its segments. Because of it, a rainbow border appears on the edges of the images of objects. The fact that a seemingly flawed feature of the lens was turned into a virtue once again underlines the power of the authors' innovative thought and their attention to detail.

Lighting design of a lighthouse using Fresnel lenses. The ring structure of the lens is clearly visible in the picture.

Projection systems consist of either an elliptical reflector or a combination of a parabolic reflector and a condenser directing light onto a collimator, which can also be supplemented with optical accessories. After that, the light is projected onto a plane.

Spotlight systems: A uniformly illuminated collimator (1) directs the light through a lens system (2). On the left is a parabolic reflector with a high light output, on the right is a condenser that allows for high resolution.

The size of the image and the angle of light is determined by the features of the collimator. Simple curtains or iris diaphragms form light beams of different sizes. Contour masks can be used to create different contours of the light beam. You can project logos or images using a gobo lens with drawings printed on them.

Different angles of light or image size can be selected depending on the focal length of the lenses. Unlike lighting fixtures using Fresnel lenses, here it is possible to create light beams with clear contours. Soft contours can be achieved by shifting the focus.

Examples of optional accessories (from left to right): a lens to create a wide beam of light, a sculpted lens to give the beam an oval shape, a grooved deflector and a "honeycomb lens" to reduce glare.

Stepped lenses convert light rays in such a way that they are somewhere between the "flat" light of a Fresnel lens and the "hard" light of a plano-convex lens. The convex surface is preserved in stepped lenses, however, stepped recesses are made on the side of the flat surface, forming concentric circles.

The front parts of the steps (risers) of concentric circles are often opaque (either painted over or have a chipped matte surface), which makes it possible to cut off the scattered radiation of the lamp and form a beam of parallel rays.

Fresnel spotlights form an uneven light spot with soft edges and a slight halo around the spot, making it easy to mix with other light sources, creating a natural light pattern. That is why Fresnel spotlights are used in cinema.

Projectors with a plano-convex lens, compared to projectors with a Fresnel lens, form a more uniform spot with a less pronounced transition at the edges of the light spot.

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