What if the eyes see different colors. Different eyesight

Why does one eye see warmer colors and the other colder? and got the best answer

Answer from Baturin[guru]
According to the evolutionary theory of asymmetry (), the evolution of any structures (and information flows) goes from symmetry to asymmetry. Asymmetrization along the top-bottom axis occurred under the action of the gravitational field. Asymmetrization along the front-back axis occurred when interacting with the spatial field, when fast movement was required (to escape from a predator, to catch up with a prey). As a result, the main receptors and the brain were in the front of the body. Asymmetrization along the left-right axis occurs in time, that is, one side (organ) is more advanced, “avant-garde” (as it were, already in the future), and the other is “rearguard” (still in the past).
Dominance is a form of asymmetry. The dominant hemisphere or organ performs better and is therefore preferred. A person can be strongly right-handed in one function (writing), weakly left-handed in another (grabbing), and ambidexter (symmetrical) in the third.
It is assumed () that during the Mesozoic period, early mammals occupied a subordinate position in relation to the "reigning reptiles" (especially dinosaurs), had a small size and a twilight lifestyle. sunlight has the highest intensity in the green and red (warm) parts of the spectrum, and in twilight lighting, the cold (blue) part of the spectrum is more important.
Geodakyan relates the lower end, the back, right hemisphere brain and left side of the body to conservative subsystems. At the same time, the flows of new information coming from the environment to operational subsystems (upper end, front part of the body, left hemisphere brain and right side of the body) are directed from top to bottom, front to back and left to right for the brain (right to left for the body). A new character arises at the operative end and, if it is not needed there, drifts in phylogenesis towards the conservative end.
From me: Based on what has been said, it can be assumed that for most people, warm colors are seen better by the right eye, and cold colors by the left.
Again from Geodakan:
The left eye is more sensitive to simple signals (flash of light), and the right eye is more sensitive to complex ones (words, numbers) (old and new stimuli). The left eye is more sensitive to regular words, while the right eye is more sensitive to brands (old and new words). Environmental sounds (rain, sea, dog barking, coughing, etc.) hear better left ear, and semantic (words, numbers) - right (old and new sounds). In a person, according to speech dichotic signals, in the first days there is an advantage of the right ear, and after a week - the left. Familiar objects are better recognized by touch left hand, and unfamiliar - right (old and new items)

Answer from EkaterinaAndreeva[active]
my advice: go to the optometrist

Answer from Olvira Allaberdiyeva[guru]
one hand is grabbing the other is modest, for some reason one leg is always pulling to the left and the other one is weighing her snitches

Answer from Ural74[active]
good question! I would like to know myself!

Answer from Mikhail Levin[guru]
compared - I have exactly the same.
but I have a square frame with one eye seems higher than wider, the other - wider than higher. Ordinary astigmatism

Answer from Youltan Aidaraliev[newbie]
are you really human?

Answer from Releboy[guru]
Did the terminator lose its eyepiece adjustment?? ? And not only the eyes see differently. Dashenka, you measure your arms and legs - surely which is longer, the other is shorter? And you go to an otolaryngologist and find out that one ear hears one frequency range, the other - another. The right lung is larger than the left by two lobes. Why read? After all, these are people, not clones. If everyone were the same, there would be no need for doctors. It would be enough to issue a universal instruction for the treatment of a person ...

Answer from Center of the Universe[guru]
I have it even better - one eye sees everything with a greenish tint, the other with a reddish one. Together is fine.
Some 3D.

Answer from Ѝduard Unknown[guru]
Working as an amateur on a total station during the day, I sometimes rolled my left eye so much that he generally saw an almost b / w image.
Why as an amateur? because the pros in schools teach you to look in turn ^_^ left / right

Answer from Mikhail Zhukovsky[newbie]
I myself have the same. I noticed that it depends on the lighting. If, for example, the lamp was on the right, then the right eye sees in a colder one than the left.

Different perception of the organs of vision does not always indicate the presence of a pathological condition.

The difference in color perception may not be expressed significantly, which indicates a certain norm of vision.

A significant difference in the color display of the picture is the reason for seeking medical help.

The reasons different perceptions shades are congenital or acquired. At hereditary pathology both eyes are affected. In the case of acquired color blindness, one-sided progression of the disease is observed. Violations of color perception develop against the background of a pathological condition in the body:

  • diseases of the retina;
  • disturbances in the functionality of the central nervous system;
  • jaundice;
  • improper use of medicines;
  • poisoning with chemical components or their compounds;
  • due to cataract removal;
  • prolonged exposure to the visual apparatus of ultraviolet rays.

Acquired violation of color transmission from the eyes to the brain, there are several types:

  • xanthopsia. Surrounding objects become yellow.
  • Cyanopsia. The picture is perceived in blue shades.
  • Erythropsia. Vision is colored red.

The appearance of acquired disorders in the susceptibility of a color picture is temporary. Elimination of the pathological condition occurs after reducing the impact of provoking factors.

The complete loss of color perception by the organs of vision is characterized by additional pathological conditions:

  • lowering the level of vision;
  • central scotoma.

There is partial blindness to some shades of colors. Classify such color perception according to shades:

  • Protanopia. Insensitivity of the eyes to red.
  • Deuteranopia. The organs of vision do not recognize green shades.
  • Tritanopia. It is difficult to recognize blue color with the visual apparatus.

Perhaps the appearance of complex color blindness. For example, only blue or green shades are not perceived.

Common pathological conditions are protanopia and deuteranopia.

Check at home

To test at home, you only need a bandage. Manipulation is carried out in stages:

  • Closing 1 eye, you need to fix your eyes on white.
  • Repeat the procedure with the other organ of vision.
  • The described procedure is alternately carried out, but with a higher speed of changing eyes.
  • Look at white with one eye for about 5 minutes. Then change the organ of vision.

All changes must be remembered or recorded in a convenient format.


Due to the rapid switching of the work of the visual apparatus, when the gaze stops in a non-white color, in the absence of deviations, the same picture is observed without changes in brightness or color hue. Necessary condition To obtain a reliable result, the test is carried out during the waking period.

After removing the bandage from the eye covered with it, there should be no change in color perception. Possible temporary increase in brightness closed eye.

The different susceptibility of the organs of vision to pictures is not always based on incurable diseases. It is enough to eliminate the influence of provoking factors, which will have a beneficial effect on the restoration of vision. The presence of any changes requires consultation with an ophthalmologist to determine the provoking factors.

The reasons different vision before our eyes

Greetings, dear friends, readers of my blog! I often hear people complain that one eye sees worse than the other. What causes different vision in the eyes (anisometropia)? What is it connected with? And, most importantly, what needs to be done to prevent this from happening to you? I will try to answer these and other questions in my article.

Important Organs

The eyes are one of the most important human organs. After all, thanks to the eyes, we receive most of the information from the world around us. Despite this, often when vision deteriorates, we do not begin to worry. Some people think that visual impairment is due to age or overwork.

Indeed, visual impairment is not always associated with the disease. This can be facilitated by fatigue, lack of sleep, constant work at the computer and other reasons. And, indeed, sometimes in order to normalize vision, you just need to relax, do exercises for the eyes. Gymnastics can help improve vision and train eye muscles. But if, nevertheless, the exercises did not help, and the vision continues to fall, then you need to see a doctor.

What are the causes of different eyesight?

When people's eyesight falls, they try to correct it with the help of
glasses or lenses. But it happens that vision deteriorates in only one eye. Such symptoms can appear both in a child and in older people. When a person has unilateral visual impairment, his life becomes uncomfortable. Well, if the difference in vision is not very great. What if it's big? Varying visual acuity can lead to strain eye muscles, headaches and other problems.

The causes of different vision in the eyes can be both congenital and acquired. Most often, people have congenital (hereditary) anisometropia. So, for example, if a person in the family already had anisometropia, then most likely this disease can develop in the next generation. But it must be taken into account that in childhood it may not manifest itself at first, and in the future, it happens, it leads to bad consequences.

And it doesn’t matter at all which eye of the parents sees worse: this disease in a child can manifest itself in any eye.

One of the reasons for the deterioration of vision in children is a large load at school, long-term viewing of television programs, and excessive passion for computer games. As a result, only one eye begins to see worse from excessive overvoltage. Most often this is preceded by headaches, severe fatigue, nervous tension. In adults, the cause may be a previous illness or surgery.

How do we feel it?

Images on the retina become different sizes due to asymmetrical projection. In such a situation, one eye usually captures the picture better than the other. Images become blurry, may merge. The perception of what is seen is distorted, it can double. The surrounding world is perceived as blurry and fuzzy. This can lead to the fact that a person is difficult to orient himself in space, he has a slow reaction to any external stimuli.

"Lazy" eye

In order to somehow compensate for this deformation, our brain reflexively, as it were, “turns off” the eye that sees poorly. After some time, he may completely stop seeing. In medicine, there is even a special term - "lazy eye" (amblyopia).

What to do?

Anisometropia is usually treated in two ways. The first is wearing telescopic glasses or corrective lenses. But I would like to emphasize that in no case should you choose glasses or lenses on your own without the advice of a doctor. On the contrary, this can only worsen the situation. In addition, this can lead to microtrauma of the cornea, and, as a result, to infection in the eye, inflammatory processes and edema.

Ophthalmologists confirm that with a disease such as anisometropia, it can be difficult to find a correction.

The second method is surgical. It is resorted to only in extreme cases, when all other methods do not work. Most often this happens at the stage chronic disease. The operation is done with a laser.

And only on prescription. This operation has some limitations and contraindications. So, for example, after surgery, you can’t heavily load your eyes, you need to try to exclude concussions and any injuries, because all this can again provoke a disease.

I note that in children amblyopia can be corrected quite well. But first you need to get rid of the cause of the drop in vision in the eye, and then make this eye work again. Often, for this, doctors advise using occlusion - that is, try to exclude the second, healthy, well-seeing eye from the visual process.

It is necessary to select treatment strictly individually. It all depends on the age of the person, the type of pathology and the stage of development of the disease.

The best treatment is exercise for the eyes!

One of the means of preventing anisometropia can be exercise for the eyes, reducing (or completely eliminating) watching TV, working on a computer, alternating mental and physical activity, walking in the fresh air. Remember that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure!

I wish you, dear readers of my blog, good health, sharp eyes and rich, bright colors! Let everything you see around you bring only joy and positive, which will subsequently lead to success! See you on my blog!

Consider some of the symptoms of diseases by the sensation of color.

Symptoms of diseases by the sensation of color

color perception disorder

It is quite common for people who use LSD or other hallucinogens, as well as people with a hangover, to see things in strange colors. But if you have nothing to do with drugs, then the distortion of the color perception of objects is known on medical language like chromatopsia - maybe early sign diabetic eye disease.

Even a small change in blood sugar levels sometimes causes visual disturbances. In the case of a confirmed diagnosis - diabetes - color distortion complicates the process of self-monitoring of blood sugar levels using colored strips that are dipped into urine. So there is one more reason to say “no” to the cake.

Very often diabetic athletes experience clear changes in color perception after strenuous training or games. This may well be an early sign of diabetic eye disease.

If most of the things you look at turn yellow, you probably have symptoms of a type of chromatopsia called xanthopsia. Xanthopsia warns you about developing jaundice caused by serious illness liver.

If you are taking digitalis (a medicine commonly prescribed to treat certain heart conditions) and suddenly start seeing objects in yellow, and even with a kind of halo around, perhaps these symptoms are a warning about digitalis poisoning. Immediate medical attention is needed, as this condition is fraught with heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, and is deadly.

Color perception in men

If your partner, a man who has always looked at life through rose-colored glasses, suddenly begins to complain that now everything appears in some kind of bluish, sad color, it may not be that he is in a state of depression. Who knows, maybe he takes too many stimulants that guarantee pleasure. When a man sees objects in a light bluish haze, which is often accompanied by increased color sensitivity, we are talking about one of the most common side effects the use of Viagra, Cialis or Levitra, used to treat sexual disorders.

If you are being treated for functional sexual disorders and suddenly stop seeing in one or both eyes, stop taking the medication immediately and contact your doctor as soon as possible. This may be a sign of non-arterial ischemic optic neuropathy, a condition that can lead to blindness. Men with retinal or other visual impairments should avoid these drugs.

Now you know the main symptoms of diseases by the sensation of color.

Treatment of diseases by sensation of color

Some of the signs described above require immediate medical attention, others do not. But if you have doubts, it is better to visit an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. In the case of pain, changes in visual perception (especially accompanied by nausea and vomiting), or constant flashes of light, immediately consult a doctor. Well, no matter what condition your eyes are in, do not forget to check your eyesight regularly - a preventive medical examination often helps to maintain the correct function of the eyes and eliminate different types medical problems. This is especially important for diabetics. The following is a list of specialists who can diagnose and treat eye conditions:

Ophthalmologist: a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating symptoms of eye diseases and functional disorders.

optometrist: although he is not a doctor with a higher education, he specializes in vision problems and prescribes appropriate remedies - glasses, contact lenses, special training equipment and treatment. Optometrists can recognize glaucoma, cataracts, degeneration yellow spot and prescribe drugs for a range of ailments.

optician: also not a therapist, but selects suitable glasses and offers other optical assistance in accordance with the prescriptions of the ophthalmologist and optometrist.

When ophthalmic pathologies occur, changes are more often observed on both organs of vision. But there are cases when the problem is limited to the location on one eye. This can be expressed in different forms, but a common option is a significant decrease in visual acuity of one eye (one eye sees brighter than the other).

This pathology occurs for various reasons. The condition when one eye sees worse than the other is called amblyopia in medicine.

The terminology includes dysfunction of the visual center. Physical damage to tissues and mucous membranes is not related to this.

Amblyopia is recognized by the following signs:

  • difficulty in determining the shape of distant objects;
  • incorrect estimation of the distance to distant objects, etc.

As the pathology progresses, there is a loss of binocular vision. It becomes difficult for patients to focus on an object when looking at it with both eyes.

Reference! The problem with loss of vision in one eye occurs regardless of age. According to statistics, amblyopia is more often diagnosed from the age of 6.

The main provocateurs of pathology are diseases of the organs of vision. But the impact on the visual center of one eye and diseases that have nothing to do with ophthalmology is not ruled out.

Diseases of the organs of vision

If vision is reduced in one eye, and after a few minutes / hours the symptom disappears, you should not worry. This phenomenon often becomes a consequence of nervous overexertion, severe eye fatigue after painstaking work. It is worth seeing a doctor in case of persistent manifestation of lazy eye syndrome for 2-3 days.

The reason for the loss of binocular vision can be ophthalmic diseases:

  • age-related changes in the retina and lens of a destructive nature;
  • congenital anomalies;
  • strabismus;
  • , myopia;
  • weakness of the accommodative apparatus of the visual system;
  • transferred viral infections eye.

Third party diseases

In addition to pathologies from the organs of vision, provoking factors are:

  • transferred infectious and viral diseases;
  • infringement of the cervical nerve;
  • oncology;
  • premature birth (prematurity of the fetus), etc.

Why does one eye see brighter in the morning

In the morning, each person feels a slight discomfort in the eyes, which disappears within 1-2 minutes. This is normal. If one eye perceives objects and objects more vividly than the other, and the effect does not go away long time, it is recommended to contact the grabber for a thorough examination eyeball.

after alcohol

One of the reasons for the morning distortions of the visual apparatus may be the negative impact of alcohol if a fair amount of strong drinks were drunk the day before. Ethanol contributes to dehydration of the body, a decrease in the functioning of the lacrimal glands, which provokes dry eye syndrome.

Large doses of alcohol impair vision due to the action of toxins. Against this background, toxic amblyopia develops. Signs of pathology are especially pronounced with a hangover, that is, in the morning.

Why can this happen suddenly?

Symptoms of amblyopia that appear in the morning are often evidence of an incorrect position of the head during sleep. When the face is immersed in the pillow, the visual system is squeezed under the weight of one's own body.

This leads to impaired blood flow to the tissues and cells of the eye, the production of tears, and slight deformation of the cornea. After waking, the squeezed eye cannot focus on objects. Discomfort is often complemented by bright flashes.

After 5-10 minutes visual acuity is fully restored. If the symptoms do not disappear for a long time, you should make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

Problem Development Mechanism

The development of amblyopia often begins in childhood. The mechanism of pathology can be traced in the poor transmission of one eye of the image.

Receiving signals from both organs of vision, the brain is not able to create a complete chain. As a result, a person sees objects in a blurry or forked form.

The systemic reception of distorted signals causes the brain to refuse to interact with the diseased eye, as a result of which the organs of vision develop asynchronously. This triggers the mechanisms for the development of other pathologies of an ophthalmic nature.

Types of amblyopia

Analyzing the patient's examination data and the etiology of amblyopia, specialists determine what type it belongs to.

  1. Refractive - the provoking factor is the constant formation of a distorted image on the retina due to lack of treatment and refusal to wear corrective optics.
  2. Dysbinocular - the main cause of the pathology is strabismus.
  3. Obscurative - passed down from generation to generation (hereditary factor). Vision problems also occur when congenital diseases(cataract, ptosis).
  4. Anisometropic - the problem occurs against the background of reduced vision in one eye, lagging behind the leader by several diopters.

Who is at risk

Pathology can develop in every person, but those people whose relatives had ophthalmological problems are especially susceptible to amblyopia. The risk group automatically includes patients diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • strabismus;
  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • astigmatism;
  • cataract;
  • cerebral palsy.

Sickly children, premature babies, newborns, whose weight at the time of birth was less than 2.5 kg, are susceptible to pathology.

Predisposition to deterioration of vision in one eye is present in children who have congenital forms of cataracts, signs of anisometropia.


To study the pathology, a thorough examination of the eyeball and the health of the patient as a whole is carried out. Diagnostics includes a set of measures, which includes:

  1. examination by an ophthalmologist;
  2. study of the structure of the eye using a slit lamp (biomicroscopy);
  3. determination of IOP (tonometry);
  4. Ultrasound of the organ of vision in order to detect pathologies;
  5. determination of the refractive power of a light beam (refractometry).

To complete the picture, the attending physician may prescribe blood and urine tests.

Follow-up treatment

The purpose of therapeutic measures is to eliminate the causes that led to the deterioration of vision. A large list of provoking factors suggests an extended process of diagnosing and developing a treatment strategy.

The doctor must set up the patient for a long course of therapy and compliance with all prescriptions.


Traditional treatment using conservative techniques gives a high therapeutic effect with early diagnosis. In the fight against pathology are used:

  • special medicines;
  • dressings applied to a healthy eye in order to restore lost functions in an amblyopic eye.

Along with drug treatment the patient is prescribed:

  • vibration massage;
  • reflexology;
  • special diet;
  • vitamin complex;
  • wearing special glasses (occluders);
  • exercises on the apparatus for training the eyes.


When diagnosing amblyopia of refractive and anisometropic types, laser correction is often prescribed. The operation does not involve deep penetration into the tissues of the eye, therefore it is considered less traumatic and does not require a long recovery.

Along with the laser is practiced surgical intervention. Basically, operations are performed to change the position of the eyeball, remove cloudiness or replace the lens. This approach makes it possible to deal with serious illnesses that have not responded to other treatments.

Folk methods

Recipes traditional medicine recommended to be combined with traditional treatment. Expect great results from using exclusively medicinal herbs and other homemade tools are not worth it. And with an integrated approach, the effectiveness of therapy really increases.

Effective prescriptions for amblyopia:

  • the use of freshly squeezed juices from nettle, blackcurrant, blueberry;
  • applying lotions from the infusion on cornflowers;
  • rubbing the eyes with a swab dipped in aloe juice;
  • ingestion of parsley infusion;
  • lotions from a decoction prepared from herbs (dry eyebright and hernia);
  • the use of green tea with the addition of ginseng.

In the fight against amblyopia and for preventive purposes, patients are recommended to perform a special set of exercises for the organ of vision at home in order to train muscles and restore the sensitivity of nerve impulses.

Features of therapy in children and adults

If the pathology is diagnosed at an early stage, the chances of a full recovery increase. Thanks to the timely operation to correct the position of the eyeball and correct refraction, it is possible to normalize the functioning of the visual apparatus.

The organ of vision is actively developing in childhood. When diagnosing amblyopia in a child, it is important to have time to perform the operation before the age of 12. In most cases, pathology is detected during the passage of a medical commission for admission to a preschool institution or school. it ideal age to fix the problem, if not delay the treatment.

The principle of therapy for adult patients is based on long-term direct occlusion of the healthy eye and stimulation of the foveal zone of the diseased organ of vision. Among the methods used to eliminate amblyopic manifestations, technology based on the effect of neuroplasticity stands out. It is carried out using a computer program that shows the patient different stimuli based on the Gabor spot. The effectiveness of this therapy is an improvement in visual acuity by 2.5 lines.

Possible Complications

If timely treatment is not started, the progression of the lazy eye syndrome will continue rapidly until total loss functionality. Problems with complications also apply to those patients who have not received full treatment or abandoned traditional therapy, surgery. Therefore, the issue of early diagnosis and quality treatment should be a priority.

Children require special attention. In the presence of pathological processes, treatment cannot be postponed. Lost time turns into irreversible changes, which subsequently negatively affect the quality of life.


In the presence of risk factors provoking the development of amblyopia, it is recommended to carry out preventive actions to maintain visual acuity.

  • Pass annually preventive examination at the ophthalmologist for the purpose of detection of pathologies.
  • When anxiety symptoms appear, you should contact the clinic for an examination. Early diagnosis increases the chances of a full recovery.
  • If the left or right eye does not perceive objects well, it is worth periodically putting on a bandage on a healthy organ of vision in order to train the muscles and visual apparatus of the lagging side.
  • Special exercises for the eyes will help to early stages stop and correct pathological processes.
  • Limit the amount of time spent in front of a book or computer.
  • Use only high quality cosmetics.
  • To refuse from bad habits.

Healthy eyes, vigilance of vision help a person to realize his dreams and his own developments. This gives grounds to feel like a full-fledged member of society.

Watch a video about critical situations with a drop in vision in one eye: