Which hemisphere is responsible for art. Which hemisphere of the brain is responsible for creativity, and which for logic? Why I started training the left hemisphere

The brain is the most important part of the human nervous system, safely protected by the cranium. This organ contains a huge number of neurons interconnected by synoptic connections. When these neurons interact, impulses of complex origin arise in the human brain, which, thanks to the nervous system, are transmitted throughout the human body and allow you to control the entire body.

Despite a fairly long period of study by the whole world of the processes occurring in the human brain, little is known about this surprisingly important organ, it still remains a special mystery how the processes of controlling the whole body proceed through one small mass inside the cranium. However, several facts still managed to be discovered over the years of research. So, it is known for certain that Humans can only control a small part of their brain. Another point known to everyone is that the human brain consists of two hemispheres: left and right. The functions and features of the left hemisphere will be considered in the future, and the ways of its development will be described.

basic information

As mentioned earlier, in the brain it is customary to distinguish the left and right hemispheres. They are separated from each other by the cerebral cortex, but they do not lose their connection, because the normal functioning of this organ is possible only with the optimal interaction of both hemispheres. That is why the human brain has a corpus callosum. Each of the hemispheres has its own functions. Conventionally, it is the left hemisphere that is responsible for sequential execution of certain tasks.

The right one, no less important, also needs to perform a number of secondary tasks in parallel. Very often in everyday life they say that creative people have a more developed right hemisphere, and people with a developed left hemisphere are given success in the exact sciences, for example, in mathematics or physics. And this is quite logical, because right hemisphere is responsible for processing information that enters the human mind in the form of images and symbols. But the features and functions of the left hemisphere should be considered in more detail.

Thinking function

Unlike the legal hemisphere, the left is responsible for processing the facts coming from outside for which logical thinking is used. In this case, specific information is taken into account, while factors such as feelings and emotions play absolutely no role. It is worth noting that it is the left hemisphere, as mentioned earlier, that tends to process several tasks one after another, which contributes to the analysis of facts.

verbal function

The left hemisphere is responsible for verbal abilities to a person. Depending on the degree of development of these abilities, a person develops writing skills and the ability to read a text in different ways. In addition, it is thanks to the work of the left hemisphere of the brain that a person can contact the outside world through speech and, of course, develop communication skills.

Human body control function

In the aspect of brain control of the wearer's body, the human body resembles a mirror. So, the left hemisphere controls the right half. human body, while the right hemisphere controls the left half. That is, in other words, raising right hand or taking a step forward with the right foot, a person performs these actions precisely due to the work of the left hemisphere of the brain.

"Account" function

The so-called "counting" function only applies to the left hemisphere. Its main value is reflected when a person makes mathematical and other accurate calculations. In other words, it is the left hemisphere that sends signals to the entire body when solving mathematical or physical problems, calculating the budget, mentally adding up the amount to buy this or that thing, etc. Therefore, it is fair to say that if a child is gifted in the aspect, for example, of algebra, then his left hemisphere is developed.

Development of the left hemisphere of the brain

Very often, many people have a question: “Is it possible to develop the left hemisphere of the brain? And if so, how?". The answer will be positive. And here are some options:

  • It was mentioned earlier in the article that the right body is controlled by the left hemisphere. Adding here the fact about positive influence physical activity on the development of the brain, we can conclude: for the development of the left hemisphere of the brain, it is necessary to give physical exercise right half of the body.
  • Since the left hemisphere is responsible for counting and logic, attention should be paid specifically to solving mathematical problems. Of course, it is not necessary to take tasks in higher mathematics right away. It is better to start with simple equations, gradually increasing the level of complexity. This will definitely help the development of the left hemisphere.
  • Strangely, the best and easiest way to develop the left hemisphere of the brain is to crossword puzzles. Trying to guess the word that needs to be entered into the cells, analytical thinking, characteristic of the left hemisphere, especially works.
  • And finally, it is necessary to recall the special tests developed by teams of psychologists that contribute to the development of the left side of the human brain. Fortunately, a huge number of them can now be easily found on the expanses of the World Wide Web.


It should be noted that the hemispheres cannot work separately. Therefore, with the development of one hemisphere, it is necessary to devote time to the development of the second. The social factor plays a role here, because people who have both the left and right hemispheres equally well developed, that is, both creative and logical abilities, are more in demand in society.

Moreover, there are special people, the so-called ambidexters, whose hemispheres are equally developed. Sometimes such people even know how to write equally well with both hands. Anyone can achieve such heights of mastery, but for this it is worth making a lot of effort.

An interesting video about the work of the hemispheres:

What are the left and right hemispheres of our brain responsible for?

The human brain remains the most understudied organ. Despite the fact that research in this area has been going on for more than a hundred years, the mystery of the functioning of the brain is a mystery. The most complex biological mechanism that nature has ever created is the human brain. This piece of gray matter remains a huge blank spot on the map of human knowledge.

Most of the mass of the brain, namely 70%, falls on the large hemispheres. The corpus callosum, which connects the left and right hemispheres, consists of neurons that provide information exchange between the hemispheres.

The two hemispheres of our brain share certain functions. The left hemisphere is responsible for logical and abstract thinking, the right for motor skills. The two hemispheres can complement each other. In case of damage to one of the hemispheres, its functions are transferred to the other half.

The brain is a complex and interconnected system, the largest and functionally important part of the central nervous system. Its functions include processing sensory information from the senses, planning, decision making, coordination, movement control, positive and negative emotions, attention, and memory. The highest function performed by the brain is thinking.

There are schools that favor one hemisphere over the other. So schools that develop the left hemisphere focus on logical thinking, analysis and accuracy. Whereas the right brain school focuses on aesthetics, feelings and creativity.

The right hemisphere mainly "serves" the left side of the body: it receives most of the information from the left eye, ear, left arm, leg, etc. and transmits commands, respectively, to the left arm, leg.

The left hemisphere serves the right side.

Usually, one of the hemispheres in a person is dominant, which is reflected in the individual properties of the personality. For example, left-brained people are more drawn to science. Right hemispheric people are more inclined to engage in art or areas of activity that require individual imaginative solutions. The vast majority of great creators - composers, writers, poets, musicians, artists, etc. - "right hemisphere" people. But there are individuals who work with both hemispheres.

Areas of specialization of the left and right hemispheres of the brain

Left hemisphere

The main area of ​​specialization of the left hemisphere is logical thinking, and until recently, doctors considered this hemisphere to be dominant. However, in fact, it dominates only when performing the following functions.

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for language abilities. It controls speech, reading and writing abilities, remembers facts, names, dates and their spelling.

Analytical thinking:
The left hemisphere is responsible for logic and analysis. It analyzes all the facts. Numbers and mathematical symbols are also recognized by the left hemisphere.

Literal understanding of words:
The left hemisphere can only understand the literal meaning of words.

Sequential Information Processing:

Information is processed by the left hemisphere sequentially in stages.

Mathematical Ability: Numbers and symbols are also recognized by the left hemisphere. Logical analytical approaches, which are necessary for solving mathematical problems, are also a product of the work of the left hemisphere.

Control of the movements of the right half of the body. When you raise your right hand, it means that the command to raise it came from the left hemisphere.

Right hemisphere

The main area of ​​specialization of the right hemisphere is intuition. As a rule, it is not considered dominant. It is responsible for the following functions.

Processing non-verbal information:
The right hemisphere specializes in processing information, which is expressed not in words, but in symbols and images.

Spatial orientation: The right hemisphere is responsible for the perception of location and spatial orientation in general. It is thanks to the right hemisphere that you can navigate the terrain and make mosaic puzzle pictures.

Musicality: Musical abilities, as well as the ability to perceive music, depend on the right hemisphere, although, however, the left hemisphere is responsible for musical education.

Metaphors: With the help of the right hemisphere, we understand metaphors and the results of the work of another's imagination. Thanks to him, we can understand not only the literal meaning of what we hear or read. For example, if someone says: "He hangs on my tail," then just the right hemisphere will understand what exactly this person wanted to say.

Imagination: The right hemisphere gives us the ability to dream and fantasize. With the help of the right hemisphere, we can compose various stories. By the way, the question "What if ..." also asks the right hemisphere.

Artistic ability: The right hemisphere is responsible for the ability to fine arts.

Emotions: Although emotions are not a product of the functioning of the right hemisphere, it is associated with them more closely than the left.

Sex: The right hemisphere is responsible for sex, unless, of course, you are too concerned with the very technique of this process.

Mystic: The right hemisphere is responsible for mysticism and religiosity.

Dreams: The right hemisphere is also responsible for dreams.

Parallel information processing:

The right hemisphere can process a lot of different information at the same time. It is able to consider the problem as a whole without applying analysis. The right hemisphere also recognizes faces, and thanks to it we can perceive a set of features as a whole.

Controls the movements of the left side of the body: When you pick up left hand, which means that the command to lift it came from the right hemisphere.

How can you check which of the hemispheres you have more developed?

Squeeze your palms in front of you, now interlace your fingers and notice thumb which hand is on top.
- clap your hands, note which hand is on top.
- cross your arms over your chest, mark which forearm is on top.
- Determine the leading eye.

How can you develop the abilities of the hemispheres.

There are several simple ways hemispheric development. The simplest of them is to increase the volume of work on which the hemisphere is oriented. For example, to develop logic, you need to solve mathematical problems, guess crossword puzzles, and to develop your imagination, visit an art gallery, etc.

The next way is to maximize the use of the side of the body controlled by the hemisphere - for the development of the right hemisphere, it is necessary to work on the left side of the body, and to work out the left hemispheres - on the right. For example, you can draw, jump on one leg, juggle with one hand.

An exercise will help develop the hemisphere, on the awareness of the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

1. Preparation for the exercise.

Sit up straight, close your eyes. Breathing should be calm and even.

Visualize your brain as having two hemispheres and divided into two halves by the corpus callosum. (See picture above) Concentrate on your brain.

We try (in our imagination) to establish a connection with our brain, alternately looking with the left eye into the left hemisphere of the brain, and with the right eye into the right hemisphere. Then, with both eyes, we look inward, at the middle of the brain with the corpus callosum.

2. Performing the exercise.

Slowly inhale, fill with air and hold your breath for a short time. During exhalation, we direct the flow of our consciousness, like a searchlight, to the left hemisphere and "look" at this part of the brain. Then we inhale again, hold our breath and, as we exhale, direct the spotlight to the right hemisphere of the brain.

Imagine: on the left - clear logical thinking; on the right - dream, intuition, inspiration.

Left: inhalation, pause, exhalation is associated with the projection of the number.
Right: inhalation, pause, exhalation is associated with the projection of the letter.
Those. left: number "1" number "2" number "3", etc.
Right: letter "A", letter "B", letter "C", etc.

We continue this combination of numbers and letters until it causes pleasant sensations. Letters and numbers can be swapped, or replaced with something else - for example, summer - winter, white - black.


With the left hand we take the tip of the nose, and with the right hand we take the opposite ear, i.e. left. Release your ear and nose at the same time, clap your hands and change the position of your hands so that the right hand is already holding the tip of the nose, and the left hand is holding the opposite, i.e. right ear.


Alternately and very quickly we sort through the fingers, connecting the index, middle, ring, little fingers into a ring with the thumb. First, you can use each hand separately, then simultaneously with both hands.

"Mirror Painting"

Put a blank sheet of paper on the table, take a pencil. Draw simultaneously with both hands mirror-symmetrical drawings, letters. When doing this exercise, you should feel the relaxation of the eyes and hands, because the simultaneous work of both hemispheres improves the efficiency of the whole brain.

Brain training with images

The left hemisphere of the brain deals with logical thinking, while the right hemisphere deals with visual thinking and feelings.
Part 1:

Sadiya immerse yourself in a state of inner peace, transparency, a state when nothing bothers you.

Imagine (imagine) in turn:

In the left hemisphere of the brain

Medieval religious procession of a group of monks

Blooming trees

snow-covered peak


hot summer day

Red color

theater stage

Slowly flowing river

Sensation when touching soft silk

Sandpaper feeling

Feeling like fingers are sliding on a piece of ice

The sound of a big ball hitting

The sound of a working blacksmith

Sound - cat meows

Lemon flavor

In the right hemisphere

Whirlwind on the coast


snow-covered peak

autumn day

thick fog

sandy desert

Touching a piece of corrugated steel

Smooth, cool glass feel

The hand is in warm water

car engine noise

Bell sound

Sound - barking dog

The taste of a chocolate bar

Take a few deep breaths. Get up slowly. Walk around the room a little, suggesting that you are becoming more cheerful, your consciousness is more active. And do part 2 right away.

Part 2:

Look up with your left eye, as if you were examining the left hemisphere of the brain.

Look up with your right eye, as if you were examining the right hemisphere of the brain.

Try to rotate your eyes vertically. As if they rotate exactly in the middle of the head.

Circle your eyes 2 circles, on the left side of your head.

Circle your eyes 2 circles, on the right.

Circle with your eyes many circles included in each other. The circles are tilted at different angles. Circles fill the whole head.

Get some rest, do nothing.

Circle the circle with your eyes: it is located horizontally, at the height of the eyes. The next circle is a little smaller. So circle many circles until they turn into a dot.

Fix your eyes on this point. And keep them there as long as possible. But don't tense up or hold your breath.

When the eyes move from this point, re-trace many circles with them, which will converge to a point.

Take a few deep breaths. Get up slowly. Walk around the room a little, suggesting that you are becoming more cheerful, your consciousness is becoming more active.

And do part 3 right away.

Part 3:

Imagine the right hemisphere of your brain.

Focus on the right hemisphere

On it - as a supersensitive organ,

On the convolutions and irregularities on the surface,

On the nerve that connects the 2 hemispheres,

On millions of brain cells.

Try to feel the 2 hemispheres of the brain.

Think of electrical and chemical processes going on in the brain.

Name the colors, not what is written.

The right hemisphere of the brain - recognizes colors, the left - reads. In this exercise, the hemispheres are balanced and their interaction is trained. For safety (from glitches in users) - the test begins and ends with the "correct" word-color combinations.

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the ability for logical thinking, systematization and critical thinking. In a harmoniously developed person, both hemispheres work harmoniously and balance each other. We train and achieve excellence.

3. We load the right side of the body

All actions are performed with the right hand. Left-handers will have a hard time, and right-handers, for whom it will not be difficult, can be advised to do gymnastics, where more attention is paid to the right side of the body: jumping on right leg, tilt to the right.

4. We do massage

On our body there are points corresponding to different organs. The points located on the feet at the bases of the big toes are responsible for the cerebellum. A little lower - the points of both hemispheres. By massaging such a point on the right foot, we activate the left hemisphere.

5. We develop fine motor skills of hands

With the tip of the little finger of the left hand, touch the tip of the thumb of the right, and with the tip of the little finger of the right - the thumb of the left. The thumb of the left hand will be at the bottom, and the right - at the top. Then quickly change the fingers in places: the thumb of the left hand will be at the top, and the right - at the bottom. We do the same with the index and ring fingers.


Positively affect the activation of the left hemisphere and exercises that improve the relationship between both hemispheres.

  1. At the same time, with the left hand, we stroke ourselves on the stomach, and with the right hand we tap on the head. Then we change hands.
  2. With one hand we draw a star in the air, and with the other - a triangle (or other geometric figures, the main thing is that they be for different hands various). When we get one exercise easily and quickly enough, we change the figures.
  3. We draw the same drawing with the right and left hands at the same time, observing mirror symmetry.
  4. With the left hand, take the right ear, and with the right hand, the tip of the nose. Let's clap our hands and change hands: with the right we will touch the left ear, and with the left - the tip of the nose.
  5. Improve coordination of movements and develop both hemispheres of dancing, in particular tango.

Perhaps the most amazing organ the human body is the brain. Scientists have not yet thoroughly studied it, although considerable steps have been taken in this direction. This article will talk about what the brain is responsible for and how it can be developed.

basic information

At the very beginning, it is worth saying that it consists of two hemispheres - the right and the left. These parts are separated by the cerebral cortex, but the exchange of information occurs through the so-called To illustrate the work of both hemispheres, a rather simple analogy with a computer can be drawn. So, in this case, the left side of the brain is responsible for the sequential execution of tasks, that is, it is the main processor. The right hemisphere, on the other hand, can perform several tasks at the same time, and it can be compared to an additional processor that is not the main one.

The work of the hemispheres

In short, the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for analysis and logic, while the right hemisphere is responsible for images, dreams, fantasies, intuition. For each person, both parts of this organ should function evenly, however, one of the hemispheres will always work more actively, and the other - as an auxiliary element. From this we can draw a simple conclusion that creative people have a more developed right hemisphere of the brain, while business people have a left one. Let's take a closer look at what functions the left hemisphere of the brain performs.

Verbal aspect

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for language and verbal. It controls speech, and is also manifested by the ability to write and read. Considering the work of the brain in this vein, it is also worth clarifying that this hemisphere takes all words literally.


As mentioned above, the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the analysis of facts, as well as their logical processing. In this case, it is the received information that is processed. Emotions and value judgments do not come into play here. I would also like to say that the left hemisphere processes all information sequentially, performing the assigned tasks one after another, and not in parallel, as the right hemisphere can “do”.


It is also worth mentioning that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the activity and work of the human body. That is, if someone raised their right arm or leg, this would mean that the command was sent by the left hemisphere of the brain.


What else is the left hemisphere of the brain responsible for? It is it that is involved in the event that it is necessary to solve certain mathematical problems. Interesting fact: This part of the brain also recognizes various symbols and numbers.

About people

What can be generally said about people whose left hemisphere of the brain is more active and developed? So, such individuals are organized, they love order, they always comply with all deadlines and schedules. They easily perceive information by ear and almost always reach their goal, since their actions are subject to common sense, and not to the impulses of the soul. However, one cannot say about such personalities that art is alien to them. Not at all, however, in creative activity, these people will choose what has form and meaning, refusing abstraction and innuendo.

About development

Often people are interested in the question of how to develop the left hemisphere of the brain. It is worth saying that it is possible to do this. It is enough just to periodically train your “computer”. So, the following exercises can be useful for this:

  1. Physical activity on the body is closely related to the work of the brain. If more time is given to the development of the right half of the body, accordingly, the left hemisphere of the brain will work more actively.
  2. Since the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logic and solving mathematical problems, you need to devote more time to this particular activity. You need to start with simpler mathematical exercises, gradually raising the bar. The activity of this hemisphere will undoubtedly lead to its further development.
  3. A fairly simple tip on how to develop the left hemisphere of the brain is the need to solve crossword puzzles. In this case, a person most often acts analytically. And this leads to the activation of the left side of the brain.
  4. And, of course, you can pick up specialized tests developed by psychologists that help activate and develop the desired hemisphere of the human brain.

Harmonious work

It should also be mentioned that both hemispheres of the brain must be developed simultaneously. After all, only a diversified person is talented, more competitive in the labor market and unique in his abilities. Moreover, there are people who are called ambidexters. Both hemispheres of the brain are equally developed. They can perform all actions equally well with both their right and left hands. Such people do not have a pronounced, leading hemisphere, both parts of the brain are equally involved in the work. You can achieve this state with hard work and training.

Cause of pain

It happens that a person has a pain in the left hemisphere of the brain. Why is this happening? The most common cause is migraine. In this case pain located on the left side of the head. Duration given state also varies - from several hours to a couple of days. Among the main causes of this condition, scientists distinguish the following:

  1. Physical fatigue.
  2. Stress.
  3. Heat and dehydration.
  4. Tension of the falciform septum of the brain.
  5. Diseases trigeminal nerve, its inflammation.
  6. Insomnia.

However, if a person periodically has pain in the left hemisphere of the brain, it is still worth seeking medical advice. After all, this symptom is not always harmless. Often, headaches in a certain part of the head indicate tumors, thrombosis, or other serious problems that can threaten not only health, but also the life of the patient.

Hemorrhagic stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke is intracerebral hemorrhage. What happens to the person in this case? What are the consequences of a hemorrhage in the left hemisphere of the brain?

  1. Movement disorders. If the hemorrhage occurs in the left side of the brain, the right side of the patient's body will suffer first of all. Difficulties in walking and coordination may occur. Unilateral movement disorders in medicine are called hemiparesis.
  2. Speech disorder. As mentioned above, it is the left hemisphere of the brain that is responsible for the perception of symbols and numbers, as well as for reading and writing. When a hemorrhage occurs in this particular part of the brain, a person with difficulty begins not only to speak, but also to perceive the words of others. There are also problems with writing and reading.
  3. Information processing. In the case of a hemorrhage in the left side of the head, a person ceases to think logically, process information. Understanding becomes retarded.
  4. Other symptoms not related to the activity of the left hemisphere. It can be pain, psychological disorders (irritability, depression, mood swings), problems with defecation and urination.

Disability after hemorrhage is high and accounts for approximately 75% of all cases. If the cause of this problem is not determined in time, repeated hemorrhage is possible, which can even lead to the death of the patient.

Shutdown of the left hemisphere

Sometimes people are interested in how to turn off the left hemisphere of the brain, can this be done at all? The answer is simple: you can. Moreover, every person does this every day, going to bed. During sleep, it is the right hemisphere that is activated, and the left one fades. If we talk about the period of wakefulness, then the left hemisphere is always at work and helps people think logically and analyze the information received. It is worth saying that it is impossible to completely turn off the work of the left hemisphere during its vigorous activity (without the intervention of special tools and psychiatrists). And yes, you don't need to do that. It is best to establish a balance between the right and left hemisphere, which will make the life of an individual better and better.

Simple exercises

Having figured out why the left hemisphere of the brain hurts and what it is responsible for, you need to give an example of a few simple exercises that will help train the human brain evenly.

  1. You need to sit comfortably and focus on one point. After a minute, you should try to consider those objects that are located to the left of the selected target. Peripheral vision needs to see as many details as possible. Next, you should examine the items located on the right. If you want to train only the left side of the brain, you need to consider objects that are on the right hand of the selected point.
  2. To activate both hemispheres, you need to alternately touch the opposite elbow with your right and left knee. If you perform the exercise slowly, you can also train the vestibular apparatus.
  3. To activate both parts of the brain, you just need to massage your ears. You need to do this from top to bottom. It is necessary to do the manipulations about 5 times. If you want to train only the left hemisphere, you should massage the right ear.

Hemispheres of the brain

The brain controls all activities of the central nervous system. Until now, it has been poorly studied and is fraught with many mysteries for scientists. Many of us know from the school biology course that our brain has two hemispheres, each of which performs its own functions. Next, we will look at what exactly they are responsible for, and dwell in more detail on the right hemisphere of the brain.

Let's start by looking at what the left hemisphere is responsible for. The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for everything related to logic. His activity is connected with verbal communication, with memory, with operating with numbers, facts, with abstract thinking. When processing experience, it analyzes, classifies, systematizes what happened and, on the basis of this, draws a general conclusion. Left side of the brain good helper where analytical thinking is required, it is necessary to establish the cause of the event and its effect. It allows you to engage in activities in stages, gradually moving from one point of the plan to another. Due to it, we perceive the meaning of what was said literally. Left-brained people have good language skills and usually know several foreign languages. The left hemisphere controls the right half of the body.

Right Hemisphere Functions

Below we will look at what the right hemisphere of our brain is responsible for.

  1. processing of non-verbal information. The right hemisphere of the brain processes the signals that come to us in the form of symbols, images, gestures, signs, sounds, colors and in other ways. The definitions of objects in this case are merged with their essence, and do not simply designate them;
  2. art aptitude. Musical, artistic abilities are also associated with the work of the right half. This also includes abilities in other areas of creative activity (dancing, modeling, etc.). Thanks to the right hemisphere, we can perceive music, paintings, dance numbers and other works of art, and enjoy them. At the same time, those people in whom it is well developed can not only emotionally react to the masterpieces of other people, but also create their own;
  3. orientation in space. The right hemisphere of the brain helps us determine our location in relation to other objects, as well as the distance to these objects. All this helps us not to get lost in an unfamiliar city, to get to our destination;
  4. perception of metaphors. Due to the work of the right side of the brain, we are able to understand the allegorical meaning of words, which helps us in interacting with people around us. Thanks to her, we catch the meaning set expressions, proverbs and sayings. This also includes a sense of humor, the ability to laugh at a joke;
  5. imagination. The right side of the brain allows us to make up our own stories. We can create the most incredible plot twists and mental images that are far removed from our actual experience. One example of such image generation is dreams. Another example: dreams and fantasies;
  6. emotions. Emotions are closely related to the right hemisphere. Due to its work, we can emotionally perceive ongoing events, recognize emotional signals from other people. We can understand the hidden reasons for other people's actions, which helps in establishing contacts and protects against possible dangers, because. makes you feel deceitful;
  7. simultaneous processing of multiple blocks of information. The right hemisphere works simultaneously with a large amount of information. It takes information as a whole. Such a complex perception allows us to effectively solve problems. This can be compared with the seen plan of the city as a whole, and not with the transition from house to house. With this method of processing, the solution to the problem may look like an intuitive insight;
  8. face recognition. The work of the right side of the brain allows us to recognize faces, recognize our acquaintances;
  9. The left half of the body is subordinate to the right hemisphere.

Good to know: Convolutions and furrows located in the brain: structure, functions and description

The principle of how the hemispheres of the brain work is especially noticeable when observing a person who has had one of them removed. People who have had the right half of their brain removed find it difficult to navigate even in a small area, they need help to get to their destination. Such a person takes everything that is said literally, because. cannot perceive the allegorical meaning of words. He does not respond to other people's emotions and appears unemotional himself. He cannot enjoy musical works. However, the restorative abilities of our body are such that subsequently the remaining half takes over part of the functions of the remote one. This is especially true in cases where the operation was performed in childhood.

Which half is dominant?

Which of the two hemispheres is dominant? Previously, scientists believed that the left. However, it is now known that the left and right hemispheres of our brain work in commonwealth, and the dominance of one of them is associated with the nature of a particular person. You are probably wondering which hemisphere is dominant in you. To determine this, you can take special tests. You can also analyze what types of activities you are better at, what you are capable of. In order for the hemispheres of the brain to work harmoniously, it is useful to perform special exercises that increase the potential of the weaker of them.

During childhood, the right side of the brain is more active. We perceive the world through images. However, our whole system of education and the style of our life develop the functions of the left. Thus, the right hemisphere is often inactive, its functions are not properly developed, and gradually it loses its potential. Such a bias in the future negatively affects our lives.

The ability to achieve great success thanks to the harmonious work of the hemispheres is shown to us by examples of brilliant people. For example, Leonardo da Vinci was excellent with both hands. It is known that he was not only an excellent artist and sculptor, but also a scientist. The work of the hemispheres of his brain was harmonious. Their development was uniform, thanks to which he was able to create such discoveries and inventions that change the life of not only a particular person, but society as a whole.

What will the development of the right hemisphere give us

Drawing a general conclusion, we note that the activity of the left side of the brain is associated with the processing of previous experience and the generation of decisions based on it. However, we all know that it is impossible to compose something new, guided only by previous experience. The right half of the brain goes beyond experience, creates something that was not there. It gives us a holistic perception of information, rather than getting bogged down in details. A comprehensive view of the problem allows us to create a solution that would not be possible if we focused only on part of it.