At what age should a kitten be castrated? What is the best age to castrate a cat?

Probably, there are no such people who would be completely indifferent to pets. It doesn’t matter at all what caused the appearance in the house of, say, a British cub or a simple street cat, as a gift to your beloved child or as a result of your own boundless love for our smaller brothers. Having tamed a kitten, you need to remember that you are responsible for him both when he is an affectionate baby, and when he is an annoying restless cat.

Therefore, upon reaching puberty, most owners face the question: should the cat be castrated or not? And if so, at what age is it better to do it? How many difficulties can arise if the operation is not performed on time? It is worth sorting out this dilemma, having considered all the pros and cons of such an operation, depending on the age indicators of cats.

Often, a kitten that was born immediately makes its responsible owners think about it. However, in order to make the right decision and not harm the pet of the whole family, you need to know something about physiological features development of cats.

The end of the maturation and formation of the body of cats, as well as their organs and systems, occurs by the age of 12 months. At the same time, by six months the body can be considered physiologically developed. Operation up to six one month old can result in negative consequences and contribute not only to a delay in the development of the whole organism, but also to the occurrence of diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, the testicles may not descend by this time or be within the inguinal ring, which in itself should be taken as a major contraindication to sterilization.

Castration of older cats

As for older cats, here it is better to say about medical indications. Their number increases every year and by the old age of the animal it becomes as much as it makes the need for such a procedure undesirable. Most often, such an operation is resorted to due to the development of such diseases and factors:

  • urinary incontinence;
  • prostate hyperplasia;
  • diseases of the testes;
  • pronounced aggression.

You can minimize all risks by passing a comprehensive preliminary examination, which includes:

  • clinical laboratory tests urine and blood;
  • chest x-ray;
  • Ultrasound of all internal organs;
  • consultation with a cardiologist in case of detecting heart murmurs.

With satisfactory final results, the cat will be allowed to be spayed, with the participation of an anesthesiologist and an experienced surgeon.

The optimal age of a cat for sterilization

From the foregoing, the simple conclusion is that optimal time when to castrate a cat - a thoroughbred British or an ordinary yard purr - the age is considered to be in the period of its full maturation. Many medical specialists in the field of animal medicine adhere to the position that spaying is best when the animal is 7 to 9 months old. This is explained by the fact that a cat that has not reached a year already has a sufficient body weight, all organs function as a single mechanism, but the stage of sexual development has not yet been completed. By 12 months, at the time of puberty, the hormones responsible for the March attraction to cats will be produced in the testicles and in the pituitary gland. Having removed the testicles in time, the pituitary gland will not receive a similar hormonal message, and in the future hormones will be produced in in large numbers.

What to do if the most suitable period for castration is missed?

An adult cat, from 1 year to 7 years, according to veterinary clinics, such an operation does not threaten something terrible. However, having crossed the extreme line of the age of seven, the cat begins to age, and castration can turn into death for him.

Relating to this issue in all seriousness, you need to not miss the very best moment when you can castrate a cat quite painlessly, and then the main negative consequences will not be affected.

Although there can be many reasons why the hosts could not do this on time. Someone is afraid, worrying about the health of their furry pet. Someone was unfamiliar with the specifics of the physiological development of cats. But when a decisive factor appears, when patience comes to an end and it seems that the whole house is saturated with a pungent unpleasant smell, most loving owners are simply forced to take such drastic measures.

Risks of complications after castration of a cat

The disadvantages and risks of surgical intervention also largely depend on the age of the castrated animal. The older it is, the greater the likelihood of complications, the harder it is for the cat to undergo surgery and the rehabilitation stage. Not the most pleasant consequences may appear, since:

  1. The castration procedure is accompanied by general anesthesia. An important fact is that anesthesia is a huge risk even for human health, not to mention a small pet. Elderly cats, in case of detection of problems with cardiac activity, castration is contraindicated. Therefore, it is not necessary to delay so much with the implementation of such an intervention.
  2. Even if the process of intervention itself was successful, it is too early to draw conclusions, since most often complications occur after surgery. It can be assumed that bleeding will open, an infectious infection or divergence of sutures will occur. The guarantee of a successful outcome will be the choice of a highly qualified certified surgeon, high-quality preparation before castration and proper care after her.
  3. Development urolithiasis, which has a high chance of appearing, can be overcome with the help of an adjusted diet and drink.

Castration of a cat is a rather delicate process, around which hundreds of legends roam. Someone claims that this will not help the pet in any way and will lead to many problems with his health. Someone equates the procedure with the abuse of a poor animal. And someone holds the opposite opinion and believes that after the castration procedure, the cat will be able to live normally. In this regard, questions: disadvantages and advantages of castration, up to what age can a cat be castrated or at what age can a cat be castrated, arise before the owners very often.

All about cat spaying

Castration of a fluffy pet relieves owners of many difficulties. But of course, instead of the eliminated problems, new ones appear, however, they can be solved very quickly. Basically, at what age it is better to castrate a cat and whether it should be done, the owners decide. FROM medical point vision, no negative consequences after the procedure is not noticed.

Benefits of castration

  • After castration, the life expectancy of the animal will increase significantly. According to statistics, neutered pets live 1.5-2 years longer than normal ones.
  • The pet becomes calm and reserved. Standard aggression instantly disappears, and frequent nightly "meows" stop. Castrated pet relates much better to education and study, and there are no complaints about his behavior.
  • The unpleasant smell from cat marks disappears, and all carpets and fabric surfaces remain clean again.
  • The likelihood of hormone-dependent tumors, prostatitis and other diseases is reduced.

Disadvantages of the procedure

Well now it's worth it mention the disadvantages of castration. By the way, the sooner a pet is castrated, the less problems may occur. Actually, about them:

What prevents people from castrating cats at an early age

Many existing stereotypes often lead to the fact that people are afraid to castrate their pet. Among these stereotypes, the view that the weight of the cat will become much greater than before castration. But this is a lie, because the weight of the animal depends only on nutrition. If you feed him the right food, he will always have a normal weight and will not become obese. Do not confuse the activity of the pet with aggressiveness, which often manifests itself with hormonal changes. Even after castration, the cat does not lose its mobility and activity. He continues to play with children and is not afraid when they pick him up. Significant changes are not displayed.

Many owners turn a blind eye to the age of their pet, afraid to frighten him or hurt him with such an intervention. Someone cannot deprive a cat of the opportunity to reproduce, and believes that the animal will be from this painful and uncomfortable. But fortunately, the sexual desires of such pets wake up only after certain hormonal changes at the right time of the year. It does not depend on the personal desires of the cat, so you do not have to worry. Regardless of the age at which the castration operation was performed, the pet's sexual desires instantly disappear. The fact is that a neutered cat loses a gland that is responsible for the production of hormones. But remember, it is better to carry out the procedure in early age.

There is also one subtlety: before castration, a cat cannot be mixed with a cat. He will not be able to forget it, and from time to time he will have similar desires. Most often, such situations occur after the late castration of the animal, at the age of two years.

At what age can a cat be castrated?

Experts and experienced veterinarians are sure that the ideal age for castration is 7-9 months or up to one year. During this period, the animal reaches a fairly large size and it begins puberty. If such a process is completed, then the hormones responsible for sexual desire will be formed not only in the testicles, but also in the pituitary gland. If the testicles are removed at an early age, they will not give a signal to the pituitary gland and the production of hormones in large quantities will stop. It is worth considering this feature before asking the question "at what age should a cat be castrated."

Castration of a cat - at what age is optimal?

According to veterinarians, if castrate a cat up to 7 years, it will not harm his health much. But already after seven years, there is a risk that the animal will not be able to endure anesthesia and die.

Why do some hosts carry out the procedure at a later age?

Everything is simple. Perhaps they missed this opportunity when the cat was small. Or they were afraid to "scare" the little kitten.

In any case, castration is possible after the age of two years. The main thing is that the procedure is carried out by an experienced surgeon and after its completion the pet is provided with proper care.

All these extremely unpleasant moments make the owners think about castration (surgical removal of the testicles). Operation better be on time so that there are no negative consequences, and the pet continued to delight with a cheerful and affectionate disposition.

Experts disagree on how many months you can castrate: American veterinarians consider it optimal early term from 3 to 6 months, their colleagues in Russia call period 7–10 months, explaining it as a fully formed feline body.

However, everyone agrees that it is necessary to do the operation before the development of pet sexual behavior, that is before the first knitting. Otherwise, there is a risk of maintaining problems with labels and "concerts".

Russian experts are sure that too early (up to six months) removal of the testicles leads to serious problems with the health of the kitten. The ureter may stop developing after surgery, which will cause an obstruction of the urethra when inflammatory processes or urolithiasis.

Problems with the genitourinary system in cats castrated at an early age occur quite often, so surgical removal of the testicles is better. plan for the period of physiological maturation- at about 8-10 months, not earlier.

A grown animal is most likely to undergo surgery and anesthesia without complications. However, even in this case, there is a need for special care for the cat after castration.

The procedure can also be performed on both young (2-3 years old) and adult cats aged 4-5 years and older. Even at 6–8 and more years old, animals being healthy they easily tolerate surgery, but there will be no full guarantee that the pet will stop demanding “dates” and marking territory.

Starting from the first period of the rut, and even more so after mating, the hormones responsible for the function of reproduction are produced not only genitals, but also by the pituitary gland - in this case, even with the removal of the gonads, the desire for mating and the corresponding behavior in the animal can be preserved.

Contraindications and possible complications

Castration, like any surgery, It has their contraindications:

  • chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver;
  • diseases of the urogenital area, urolithiasis;
  • unhealthy heart;
  • infectious diseases;
  • depletion of the body;
  • ulcers near the genitals;
  • too early or too old age (the animal may not tolerate anesthesia).

Before the operation, a specialist consultation is necessary. A competent veterinarian will first conduct an examination and, at a minimum, check the blood and urine for infection.

How to prepare your cat for surgery

The procedure is always prescribed in a period not associated with routine preventive vaccination: 1-2 months before or after vaccination.

No later than one day before the event clinical examination is carried out:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • general urine analysis;
  • smear for the detection of genital infections;
  • examination by a cardiologist.

This will require separate financial costs, but is necessary, because it will protect your pet from unwanted complications.

In order for the cat to undergo surgery and anesthesia easily, you should not feed him in about 12 hours and drink three hours before the procedure- this will protect him from a vomiting reaction to anesthesia.

On the day of the operation try not to worry, you should not give your pet a nervous state.

Before starting the procedure, the veterinarian will measure the body temperature of the animal, check heartbeat.

The operation itself is considered simple, performed under general anesthesia and lasts no more than 15–20 minutes. The testicles are removed through small incisions that are so small that they are not even sutured.

At the end of the procedure, the heart rate will be checked again, then they will be allowed to pick up the pet.

Body temperature will drop take a blanket with you to cover the cat, you will also need a carrier.

The animal will sleep for several hours. If they allow cash, better leave it some time in the clinic. The supervision of doctors will reduce the risk of unforeseen consequences - this is important if the veterinary clinic is far away.

Where is the best place to castrate?

Castration at home It is not carried out independently, but strictly by a professional veterinarian, so most often it goes well. The owner does not have to waste time traveling, the animal much less nervous in his usual place, the risk of infection is minimal.

True, you will have to pay more for such comfort than for an operation performed in a hospital - from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles.

In clinical castration there are important benefits:

  1. It is possible for a veterinarian to monitor the condition of the animal for a certain time.
  2. There is full equipment to help the pet in case of postoperative complications.

Cost of the procedure significantly lower in the clinic.- from 1000 to 2500 rubles. This includes:

  • examination, preparation of the animal;
  • anesthesia, anesthesia;
  • castration procedure;
  • medicines, materials;
  • postoperative care;
  • content in the clinic.

Care in the postoperative period

On the first day after the operation, constantly monitor the status pet. The exit from the narcotic sleep lasts 1-3 hours, but the following consequences may persist for the next half day: drowsiness, weakness, impaired coordination.

Lay a soft blanket on the floor with a moisture-absorbing diaper on top - it will be an excellent bed for the animal. Armchairs and beds are not suitable now, as the cat can fall off them.

Monitor body temperature, even breathing, turn your pet over every half an hour on the other side so that his limbs do not numb.

Touch your nose and ears to check the reaction - the more active it is, the faster the anesthesia will end.

After waking up, do not forget to pay more attention to the cat. Don't let him jump on high ground- there is a risk of falling and injury.

After 5-6 hours, water the animal, and in a day offer a small portion of light food.

Place a clean litter box next to your pet immediately - it will be difficult for him to go to the toilet. Do not punish for mistakes, this affects poor coordination.

Use a special collar so that the cat does not skid infection, licking the wound. You need to treat the incision site with a regular brilliant green or a product recommended by a veterinarian.

After a couple of days, the wound will heal, and the animal will regain mobility, and in addition, playfulness and good mood.

Nutrition Features

Postoperative nutrition should be complete and balanced, including:

  • boiled poultry meat,
  • boiled rabbit meat,
  • frozen veal,
  • vegetables,
  • hard boiled eggs,
  • kefir or ryazhenka,
  • cereals,
  • vegetable oil.

In feeding neutered cats can not use:

  • milk,
  • fatty,
  • roast,
  • salty,
  • smoked products,
  • raw unfrozen meat,
  • pasta,
  • beans.

It is undesirable to give fish and is allowed no more than 1 time per week and only boiled, all bones must be carefully removed.

If the cat was fed dry food before the operation, then don't mix feed him no natural food. Choose not ordinary, but special food - for castrates, always of the highest (premium or super-premium) class.

At the same time, it is important that the size of the daily portion did not exceed the appropriate weight animal norm (indicated by the manufacturer on the package) - this way you can avoid obesity.

Make sure that there is always fresh purified water.

For more than a decade, among veterinarians, such a procedure as cat sterilization has been practiced. Some owners deny it, as they believe that the animal must leave offspring. In fact, there is nothing wrong with it, because they are used the latest drugs and professional surgical equipment, so you don’t have to worry about the health of the animal. In addition, this procedure will protect your pet from various diseases and prolong his life.

What is the best age for a cat to be spayed?

If your cat has reached the age of 8 months, it can already be spayed.

If you decide to sterilize a cat, then you should know that this the procedure is carried out when the animal has already formed the reproductive system so as not to harm her. As a rule, the owner understands when the animal can already be taken to the veterinarian. In the common people they say that the cat "walks".

The optimal age for sterilization is considered to be from 8 months to 1 year.

If your kitty is not yet showing signs of sexual desire, it's okay - you can perform the operation. The main thing is to do it before the animal.

If your pet is too small or, conversely, has already reached the age of 6, it is better to contact an experienced veterinarian for advice.

Until what age can a cat be spayed?

If you do not know up to what age you can sterilize a cat, then it is better to seek help from veterinarians. Doctors are inclined to believe that it is better to carry out this operation if the owners do not plan to breed kittens. Otherwise, for the health and tranquility of the cat, it is better to sterilize it.

Sterilization of cats

As mentioned above, the optimal age for this procedure in cats is between 8 months and 1 year old. Of course, it can be done later if the owners did not have time, but in this case it is better not to delay and carry out the operation up to 2 years. Concerning cats, then they are recommended to be castrated during the period from 10 months to 1.5–2 years. But the owners must understand that the sooner they contact the veterinary clinic, the safer the operation will be for the health of the animal.

Owners should be aware of the risk when they bring a pet aged 2-3 years or more for spaying or neutering.

In veterinary practice, there are cases when owners treat five-year-old pets. In this situation, it is necessary to take appropriate tests from an adult animal that will tell about the state of his health. If everything is in order, then the operation is successful.

What is sterilization?

Sterilization is carried out among cats, in cats this operation is called castration.

If in the first case the operation is done deep, then in the case of males it is carried out on the surface, therefore it is easier for animals to tolerate.

Sterilization is best done if you do not want to breed kittens.

As practice shows, a cat can kitten up to four times a year. If the owners do not let the animal go outside and do not want to breed, then sterilization can be carried out. This procedure is an abdominal operation, during which the genitals are completely or partially removed.

Types of sterilization

Sterilization of a cat is divided into several types:

  • Complete removal of the ovaries and uterus ovariohysterectomy .
  • Pulling of the fallopian tubes - tubal occlusion .
  • Removal of ovaries only ovariotomy .
  • Removal of uterus only hysterectomy .

Mainly distributed in our country surgical method, during which the genitals of a cat are removed under anesthesia. Hosts can consult their veterinarian about the features, pros and cons of each type of surgery.


Neutering a cat is stressful not only for the pet, but also for the owner.

At the site after the operation, the cat remains a small trace. It takes 10-14 days to heal. Sterilization is carried out strictly under anesthesia, so the animal does not feel anything . After the procedure, the cat moves away from anesthesia. takes an average of 1-2 days, depending on its weight and breed.

Spayed cats feel great after a few days. The operation has a beneficial effect on their psycho-emotional state, they become kind, obedient, benevolent, while not forgetting about everyday games . The owners will be happy to see their kitty in a good mood, enjoy her mobility and carelessness.

The main advantages of cat spaying

One of the consequences of sterilization is a change in the cat's behavior - it becomes more obedient and affectionate.

Of course, some owners are very worried when deciding whether to perform an operation on a cat or not. The procedure is quite serious, especially since the owners take responsibility for depriving the cat of offspring in the future. But on the other hand, animals that are constantly walking expose themselves to various dangers, both from various diseases and accidents.

Advantages of the operation:

  • It has a beneficial effect on the psyche of the cat.
  • Increases .
  • The animal in the future will not develop such dangerous diseases, like polycystic, pyometra, cancerous tumors, etc., which ordinary cats are prone to.
  • The cat becomes completely domestic and calm.

If your kitten has already grown up, and you notice that, excited, then while there is time, think about the operation. Sterilization will improve the quality of life for her and for you.

Cons of the operation

For the procedure, it is necessary to measure the weight of the cat and choose the optimal dose of sleeping pills for the pet.

There are some cons to spaying cats:

Video about the best age to spay a cat


Spaying a cat - one of the main types of operations in modern veterinary medicine. If the procedure is performed under high-quality anesthesia and a highly qualified specialist, then there are no fears for the life and health of the cat.

Owners who decide to sterilize a cat should be aware of the optimal age for this operation. The animal is sterilized, as a rule, from 8 months to one and a half years, always before the first estrus. In this case, the procedure is considered as safe as possible.