Sulfadimethoxine dosage for adults. Sulfadimethoxine: what this antibiotic helps with, how often to use it, analogues

Antibacterial drugs are used in most cases of diseases caused by microorganisms. Increasingly, attending physicians prescribe the remedy "Sulfadimetoksin". Many specialists and patients are confident in its effectiveness. What you need to know about the drug "Sulfadimetoksin"? The price of the drug, indications for its use, possible side effects. Some are interested in the existence of analogues. Others are interested in something else about the drug "Sulfadimetoksin": is it an antibiotic or not? All these details will be discussed next.

Release form

There is only one dosage form, which produces "Sulfadimetoksin". Reviews show that buyers especially appreciate that it is incredibly convenient to use. The drug is a tablet (yellowish-cream or white color). The agent in question does not have a pronounced characteristic odor. The shape of the tablets is round.

Medicinal properties

Means "Sulfadimetoksin" is an antibiotic or not? The instructions say yes. The drug in question belongs to the group of antibacterial agents with a long pronounced effect. Many people prefer the antibiotic "Sulfadimetoksin" to all other drugs in this group. Reviews confirm that it consistently proves its effectiveness against a variety of microorganisms, both gram-positive and gram-negative. These include shigella, staphylococcus, salmonella, klebsiella, streptococcus, toxoplasma, and some types of chlamydia.

Suction active substance in the gastrointestinal tract is carried out for a relatively long time. But in blood medicine hits after half an hour. And its maximum concentration is reached only after eight to twelve hours. Adults are advised to observe the concentration of the drug in the blood in an amount of one to two grams after the first day of treatment and in the amount of half a gram to one gram during the subsequent treatment time. The bioavailability of the substance in question is from seventy to one hundred percent. While the half-life of this drug is at least forty hours. In part, the substance is excreted from the patient's body with the help of the kidneys, and in part - along with bile. This is exactly the action of "Sulfadimethoxine".

Indications for use

It is important to understand how to use the drug correctly. What in this regard should you know about the drug "Sulfadimetoksin"? Reviews report that in the matter of indications for use, it is important to carefully follow the instructions. So, it is appropriate to use the drug in question only in the following cases: for dysentery, inflammation of the biliary tract, trachoma, inflammation of the urinary tract, otitis media, erysipelas, wound infection, pyoderma, tonsillitis, gonorrhea, sinusitis, beshikha, malaria, pneumonia, toxoplasmosis, cholecystitis.

How much will you have to spend on Sulfadimethoxin? The price of the drug in question is more than democratic. So, for tablets of two hundred milligrams, it will be necessary to pay up to forty rubles, for tablets of five hundred milligrams - up to fifty-five rubles.

How to take "Sulfadimetoksin"?

This drug is used daily (one or two grams on the first day and half a gram to one gram before). The dose for a child is a quarter adult dosage. The duration of therapy should be adjusted by a specialist. It is necessary to take probiotics at the same time, which will help restore the patient's natural intestinal microflora.

Contraindications to the use of the drug in question are:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • individual sensitivity to individual components of the drug;
  • hepatitis;
  • porphyria;
  • severe dermatitis;
  • drug fever;
  • serious violations of the functioning of the kidneys or liver.

No cases of overdose have been recorded. However, you should not arbitrarily change the amount of medication prescribed by your doctor.

"Sulfadimetoksin": analogues

Among the drugs that could replace the agent in question, the following are distinguished:

  • "Bactrim".
  • "Aregdin".
  • "Bactrim forte".
  • "Dapson Fatol".
  • "Argosulfan".
  • "Groseptol".
  • "Berlocid".
  • "Duo Septol".
  • Sulgin.
  • "Biseptol".
  • "Ftalazol".
  • Briefeseptol.
  • "Ingalipt".
  • "Lidaprim".
  • "Trimezol".
  • "Etazol".
  • "Dermazin".
  • Cotripharm.
  • "Septrin".
  • "Dvaseptol".
  • "Streptocide".
  • "Sinersul".
  • Streptocid soluble.
  • "Ciplin".
  • "Streptonitol".
  • Oriprim.
  • "Co-trimoxazole".
  • "Sumetrolim".
  • "Halfseptol".
  • Sulgin.
  • "Methosulfabol".
  • "Sulfalene".
  • "Albucid".
  • "Sulothrim".
  • Phthalylsulfathiazole.
  • "Sulfadimezin".
  • Sulfargin.
  • "Sulfasalazine".
  • "Sulfamethoxazole".
  • "Sulfanilamide".
  • "Sulfacetamide".

Let's take a closer look at two other popular analogues. One of them is Argedin. It is usually used to combat pressure sores, ulcers, and infectious skin lesions. Indications for its use are also the following conditions:

  • deep contamination of wounds;
  • skin transplantation;
  • infected burns;
  • superficial wounds with weak exudation.

Use this drug once or twice a day. In especially acute cases, it is recommended to use the drug four times a day.

The duration of the course should be adjusted by the attending physician, but cannot exceed two months.

Another analogue is Levosin. Its main components are sulfadimethoxine, dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, chloramphenicol and trimecaine. The tool is an ointment in an aluminum tube.

What are its benefits? Higher efficiency than when using tablets. It is released from pharmacies without a prescription. Apply topically, directly to the affected areas of the skin.

However, there are also some disadvantages. For example, the medicine is intended exclusively for external use. As you use the effectiveness of the impact medication decreases.

These drugs can effectively replace "Sulfadimetoksin"? Analogues of this medication are actively used by specialists. They deserve some attention.

Side effects

What kind adverse reactions possible when using the drug "Sulfadimetoksin"? Reviews warn of the possibility of some unpleasant manifestations. Among side effects secrete swelling of the tongue, urticaria, hyperemia, bronchospasm, edema upper lip, Steven-Jones syndrome, nausea, Quincke's edema, photodermatosis, Lyell's syndrome, anaphylactic shock, vomiting, diarrhea, psychosis, myocarditis, cholestatic hepatitis, fever, anaphylactic shock, thrombocytopenia, hypotrombanemia, dark yellow color urine, dyspepsia, pancreatitis, jaundice, optic neuropathy, hypothyroidism, agranulocytosis, dry mouth, tubular necrosis, insomnia, syncope, hemolytic anemia, fever, aseptic meningitis, hypoglycemia, headache, depression, leukopenia, hepatic encephalopathy, fibrosing alveolitis, diarrhea , as well as an increase intracranial pressure.

Interaction with other drugs

The patient should be carefully examined before starting to take on the application. Tablets significantly reduce the effectiveness of some other bactericidal antibiotics. We are talking only about those drugs, the action of which applies exclusively to dividing microorganisms (for example, penicillins and cephalosporins).

In cases where the drug is taken simultaneously with any barbiturate drugs, this kind of combination significantly increases its activity, while the combination with salicylates provokes an increase in the toxic properties of the substance. The same effect is caused by the interaction of the drug in question with difenin and methotrexate. No adjustments to the treatment regimen with the parallel use of monomycin, streptomycin and kanamycin will not be required.

It is forbidden to use the drug in question simultaneously with substances such as urotropin, difenin, antidiabetic drugs, neodicoumarin and other anticoagulants.

Terms and conditions of storage

In order for the preparation in question not to lose its beneficial features, it is important to store it in suitable conditions that would not allow it to deteriorate. Keep the medicine in a place where children do not have access. You can store the agent in question for no more than five years. After that, it is not recommended to take it. It may even be somewhat dangerous for the patient. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the date of manufacture of the drug, which can be found on the package. Following this simple rule will help make the treatment more effective.

It is important to comply with the conditions of use prescribed for the drug Tablets should be used only in the manner recommended by the attending physician. In this case, the therapy will be most effective.

Latin name: Sulfadimethoxinum
ATX code: J01ED01
Active substance: Sulfadimethoxine
Manufacturer: Darnitsa CJSC, Ukraine
Pharmacy leave condition: Without recipe

The composition of the drug

One tablet contains five hundred milligrams of sulfadimethoxine in terms of one hundred percent of the dry matter. Aerosil, gelatin, calcium stearate, potato starch are present as additives to the active ingredient in the composition.

Medicinal properties

Sulfadimethoxine is antibacterial drug pronounced long-term effect. This antibiotic has proven its effectiveness against both gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, such as staphylococci, klebsiella, streptococci, salmonella, toxoplasma, shigella, malarial plasmodia, some chlamydia, including Chlamydophila trachomatis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae. The absorption of the active substance by the gastrointestinal tract is relatively slow. You can detect a substance in the blood after thirty minutes. The maximum concentration is reached after eight to twelve hours. The therapeutic concentration necessary for an adult occurs when one or two grams of the substance is taken on the first day, and half a gram or one gram on the next. Bioavailability is from seventy to one hundred percent. The half-life of the antibiotic is forty hours. Excretion from the body is carried out mainly by the kidneys, partly with bile.

Indications for use

Sulfadimetoksin helps with uncomplicated inflammatory diseases of the biliary and urinary tract, dysentery. It is also used for trachoma, erysipelas, wound infection, otitis media (read more about purulent otitis media in the article :), tonsillitis and sinusitis, bronchitis, pyoderma, gonorrhea, pneumonia, toxoplasmosis, malaria, cholecystitis, beshikha.

Release form

Average price - 40 rubles

Sulfadimetoksin is white or yellowish-cream in color tablets, odorless, round in shape, with a flat surface and a dash on one side.

Mode of application

Sulfadimetoksin is taken every day, on the first day a dosage of one to two grams is usually prescribed, and on the following days from half a gram to one gram.

children this antibiotic appoint twenty-five milligrams on the first day and twelve and a half milligrams on the next.

The duration of treatment is as long as prescribed by the attending physician, but usually the course of antibiotic treatment lasts no more than ten days and is accompanied by the use of probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Sulfadimethoxine crosses the placental barrier and is excreted in breast milk. For this reason, the antibiotic is not prescribed for pregnant and breastfeeding women.


The main contraindication to the use of Sulfadimethoxine is hypersensitivity to the components. Do not drink the drug for severe dermatitis, hepatitis, drug-induced fever, porphyria, as well as lactating and pregnant women.

Precautionary measures

Especially carefully, the drug is prescribed to those categories of patients in whom the functioning of the liver and kidneys is impaired, as well as to patients with chronic heart failure and diseases of the circulatory system.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug tends to reduce the effectiveness of such bactericidal antibiotics that act exclusively on dividing microorganisms, such as cephalosporins and penicillins.

When combined with sulfadimethoxine with barbiturate drugs, its activity increases, and with salicylates, the toxic effect of the drug increases, as well as when combined with methotrexate and diphenin. And when combined with streptomycin, monomycin, kanamycin, the antibacterial effect will not change. When sulfadimethoxine is combined with nalidixic acid, with chloramphenicol, nitrofurans, a decrease in the overall therapeutic effect may be observed.

Side effects

As side effects, there are such as allergies in the form of urticaria, bronchospasm, hyperemia, swelling of the tongue and upper lip, angioedema, Lyell's and Steven-Jones syndromes. As well as photodermatosis, anaphylactic shock and others. Common nausea and vomiting, cholestatic hepatitis, dyspepsia, agranulocytosis, fever, headache and leukopenia, pancreatitis, dry mouth, diarrhea, jaundice, hepatic encephalopathy, syncope, aseptic meningitis, increased intracranial pressure, depression, optic neuropathy, psychosis, insomnia myocarditis, fibrosing alveolitis, periarteritis nodosa, dark yellow urine, tubular necrosis, hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, hypotrombanemia.


There is no information about cases of overdose.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug must be stored away from light sources, in a dark place. It is also recommended to hide the tablets out of the reach of children. The medicine can be stored for up to 5 years. It is not recommended to use the drug after the expiration of this period. The date of manufacture must be seen on the packaging of the drug. If the storage conditions are not observed, there is no effectiveness from its reception.


NizhPharm, Russia
Price— 79 rubles

The composition includes: Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine + Sulfadimethoxin + Trimecaine + Chloramphenicol, ointment in an aluminum tube.


  • Possibility local application antibiotic directly on damaged necrotic tissues with a minimal negative effect on the liver and intestines due to less absorption into the blood.
  • Higher efficacy in skin lesions when using a local remedy in the form of an ointment than in the form of tablets.
  • For purchase this medicine no doctor's prescription needed.


  • Cons - only for external use.
  • Due to the decrease in the effectiveness of the antibiotic after prolonged use, it is not recommended to use it for more than the number of days prescribed by the therapist.

The article tells how Sulfadimethoxine is used, what the medicine helps with, contraindications of Sulfadimethoxin and side effects.

The medicine "Sulfadimetoksin": from what

The drug "Sulfadimetoksin" is an antibacterial drug with a wide spectrum of action.

Therapeutic effect of the drug "Sulfadimetoksin"

Whatever the drug is prescribed for, it really is effective medicine. The active ingredient has an antibacterial effect against gram-positive bacteria - staphylococci, chlamydia and streptococci. The medicine also fights Gram-negative microorganisms - Shigella, Klebsiella and other bacteria. Compared to other antibiotics, the drug has a long duration of action.

Medication "Sulfadimetoksin": what is used for

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of infectious inflammatory diseases that are caused by microorganisms that are sensitive to active ingredients drug. With the help of the drug, diseases such as:

  • wound infections,
  • inflammation of the urinary and biliary tract,
  • bronchitis,
  • sinusitis,
  • trachoma,
  • erysipelas,
  • dysentery,
  • otitis,
  • angina.

Release form

The drug is produced in the form of tablets containing active substance in the amount of 200, 500 mg. In addition, the drug can be included as an active ingredient in Levosin ointment, which is used externally.


Drugs with a similar effect include tablets "Sulfapiridazine" and "Sulfalen", as well as a solution for injection "Sulfalen-meglumine".

Contraindications of the drug "Sulfadimetoksin":

It is forbidden to use the medicine for:

  • chronic heart failure,
  • azotemia,
  • kidney and liver failure,
  • porphyria,
  • oppression of bone marrow hematopoiesis,
  • deficiency of glucose phosphate dehydrogenase,
  • sensitivity to components,
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

The drug can provoke such undesirable effects as:

  • agranulocytosis,
  • dyspeptic skin rashes,
  • leukopenia,
  • cholestatic hepatitis,
  • nausea,
  • headache,
  • drug fever,
  • vomit.

How to use the drug "Sulfadimetoksin"

During therapy, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Adults are prescribed one gram of the drug, children are given medicine at the rate of 25 mg per kilogram of weight. This dose should be taken on the first day. On the next day, the amount of funds is reduced by half. As a rule, the use of the drug is effective with a duration of treatment of seven to ten days. Maintenance doses of the drug should be taken for at least three days after the temperature returns to normal. At severe forms diseases in combination with drugs of the erythromycin group, penicillin and some others.

Gross formula

C 12 H 14 N 4 O 4 S

Pharmacological group of the substance Sulfadimetoksin

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

CAS code


Characteristics of the substance Sulfadimethoxine

White or white with a creamy tinge, odorless crystalline powder. Practically insoluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol, soluble in acetone, easily in dilute hydrochloric acid and caustic alkali solutions.


pharmachologic effect- antibacterial, bacteriostatic, antimicrobial.

It blocks the absorption of para-aminobenzoic acid by microorganisms and the synthesis of folate (sulfonamides, similar in chemical structure to para-aminobenzoic acid, are captured by the microbial cell instead of para-aminobenzoic acid and disrupt the course of metabolic processes in it). Effective against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, including Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp.(incl. Streptococcus pneumoniae), Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Shigella spp., Chlamydophila (Chlamydia) trachomatis. Relatively slowly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After oral administration, it is found in the blood after 30 minutes, C max is reached after 8-12 hours. The required therapeutic concentration in the blood (in adults) is noted when taking 1-2 g on the 1st day and 0.5-1 g on the following days.

Application of the substance Sulfadimethoxine

Tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis, inflammatory diseases bile and urinary tract (uncomplicated), wound infection, trachoma, erysipelas, dysentery.



Application restrictions

Diseases of the hematopoietic system, dysfunction of the kidneys and liver, chronic heart failure.

Side effects of the substance Sulfadimetoksin

Headache, dyspepsia, fever, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions, cholestatic hepatitis.


Reduces the effectiveness of bactericidal antibiotics that act only on dividing microorganisms (including penicillins, cephalosporins).