How is watermelon beneficial for the body? Useful properties of watermelon. How does watermelon affect the human body, its benefits and harm? What effect does watermelon have on the body?

Juicy striped large watermelons are loved by both adults and children. This unique fruit has a pleasant taste and an abundance of vitamins. It can not only be eaten, but also used in home medicine and cosmetology. What are the benefits of watermelon and how to choose it? Unfortunately, not many of us know the answers to these simple questions. It should be remembered that the fruit can not only have health value, but also be quite dangerous.

Why should expectant mothers eat watermelon?

Don’t be surprised, but many doctors recommend this fruit for consumption by expectant mothers. What are the benefits of watermelon for pregnant women? It contains a huge amount of folic acid necessary for proper development nervous system baby in the womb. No product in the world contains a similar amount of this useful component; there are simply no analogues to watermelon. The wonderful properties of this striped fruit do not end there. You may ask: “What are the benefits of watermelon for pregnant women, besides the folic acid content?” In fact, it contains a whole storehouse of vitamins (B, C, PP) and substances necessary for life that are easily absorbed by the body. For example, fiber, carotene and fructose.

Cancer prevention

Beneficial features Watermelon forms the basis of many diets. A changed diet not only allows you to lose excess weight, but also has a good effect on high acidity. In addition, it is recommended to regularly consume these berries for diseases such as gout, heart disease, and hypertension. According to scientific research, with their help you can minimize the risk of cancer. What is useful in watermelon, thanks to which it can stop such a serious disaster? Unique acids and a large number of antioxidants make the life of stem cells much longer, and lycopene protects the DNA of human cells from possible damage.

The benefits of watermelon for all areas of life

How is watermelon beneficial for the human body? It contains a fairly large amount of iron, so it should be consumed by people suffering from anemia and deficiency of this component. To replenish its reserves, it will be enough to take watermelon juice at least 3, and preferably 4 times a day. The fruit has the most beneficial effect on all areas of life. So, during critical days, women who consume watermelon can significantly minimize discomfort and bloating.

What are the benefits of watermelon for men? If you eat it regularly, your sexual activity can increase significantly. This is due to a special component - arginine, one of the types of amino acids. It is responsible for the dilation of blood vessels and stimulates the blood circulation process, and this most directly affects potency.

Protecting children's immunity

How is watermelon beneficial for children and can they enjoy this miracle of nature? Not only is it possible, but it is necessary. Regular consumption of this fruit will significantly strengthen the immune system and successfully resist viruses during the cold season and cold season. The thing is that watermelon contains a fair amount of vitamin C, and since you can eat it in large quantities, the boost to future health is very, very significant. The pleasant taste of watermelon is liked by children of all ages, so parents do not have to persuade them to enjoy the fragrant pulp. Before introducing the fetus into your child’s diet, be sure to consult with pediatricians. Remember that children are the most sensitive to nitrates, so for them it is necessary to choose only proven and high-quality fruits.

Watermelon station wagon

Let's talk about additional advantages. What else is watermelon good for the human body? With its help, you can fight edema, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and remove excess cholesterol and kidney stones. The juice from this melon crop perfectly removes waste and toxins. This property makes it possible to recommend it for liver problems or use it immediately after poisoning to normalize the condition. Among other things, watermelon is indicated for recovery after heart attacks. It will also help in the struggle for beauty and good mood. A natural antidepressant will help improve skin condition and also help strengthen hair follicles.

Cosmetological use of the miracle fruit

The beneficial substances in watermelon are contained not only in the tasty pulp. The peels of this fruit are successfully used in folk medicine to create decoctions that help improve health and rejuvenate the body. To do this, you will need to finely chop them and brew them with boiling water. One or two glasses of this remedy, consumed regularly, will have a significant effect that can be seen with the naked eye. Watermelon seeds are used in cosmetic toners that effectively remove freckles. To do this, you need to crush them with a mortar and add a little water to the resulting mass. You can also make masks from watermelon pulp that have a beneficial effect on elasticity. skin. They can be applied to both the face and neck.

Recipe for candied watermelon rinds

What's healthy about watermelon? The answer is simple: almost everything. By eating a tasty delicacy, you receive an unprecedented charge of vitamins and useful substances. Few housewives know that this round miracle of nature can be consumed not only raw, but also used as the main component of many dishes. So, you can make jam or excellent candied fruits from watermelon. The recipe for this sweet dish is quite simple and includes the following components:

  • watermelon rinds;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • citric acid - teaspoon;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • sugar for sprinkling - by eye.

Let's start cooking. We wash the watermelon rinds, remove excess pulp, and cut them into small cubes. We prepare the syrup; for this you need to mix sugar and water in the indicated proportions. Add the chopped crust cubes to the resulting mixture and leave them to simmer for 12 hours. After the allotted period of time has expired, they will need to be boiled in the same syrup. The procedure will take 10-15 minutes. Then similar manipulations (infuse, boil) are carried out about 3-4 more times. In the last minutes, citric acid and vanillin are added to the crusts. At the end, the crusts are lightly dried from the syrup, sprinkled with granulated sugar and sent to the oven for final drying. The dish is ready! Believe me, the time spent was worth it.

Possible harm

It is important to know not only what benefits watermelon has, but also how it can be dangerous for your health. First of all, it is worth mentioning its ability to accumulate nitrates; most of them are collected directly under the crust. Having eaten a fruit that has absorbed such harmful components, you will encounter very disastrous consequences: nausea and vomiting, and severe headaches may also be typical. To protect your health, use the simplest device - a nitrate meter. One measurement before purchasing will tell you whether the watermelon you choose is dangerous or edible.

Main contraindications

In addition, a certain list of restrictions should be taken into account, since watermelon is not recommended for everyone and not always:

  • A large amount of liquid in the pulp contributes to the development of a diuretic effect. This property can cause a number of inconveniences for pregnant women, especially in the last stages of pregnancy.
  • Watermelon cannot be the main food; diets based on it should be short-term. This is primarily due to the fact that if you regularly replace main meals with this fruit, you will lose a significant part of the vitamins and beneficial components.
  • For tachycardia, it is recommended to consume watermelon in minimal quantities, as it can cause increased heart rate.
  • If you are sick diabetes mellitus, then the amount of striped fruit should be limited, since the fructose content in it is quite significant.
  • Individual intolerance is also a reason to refuse to eat watermelon.

How to choose a good watermelon?

The beneficial properties of watermelon and its taste are best manifested in the ripe fruit. To find it among the many “relatives”, you need to carefully approach the issue of choice. Be sure to follow a number of fairly simple rules:

  • use a nitrate meter before purchasing;
  • choose only whole fruits, without cracks or cuts;
  • look for your watermelon in a store, and not in spontaneous bazaars, in this case you receive a certain guarantee;
  • buy watermelons in August and September, that is, when the real season begins and the likelihood of natural ripening without the use of special means is higher;
  • buy fruits in trusted places, where you have already come across good watermelons; if there are none, then eat no more than 200 grams of pulp on the first day and observe the body’s reaction;
  • spot yellow color on the fruit is a sure sign of its maturity; a dry tail also serves as evidence of a similar state;
  • Before buying, try tapping the watermelon; if it is ready to eat, the sound will be quite clear.

Now you know how watermelon is useful, how to choose it and for what purposes to use it. This universal fruit appearance resembles a wonderful large berry, although in fact it belongs to the pumpkin family. Thanks to its many different properties, it is successfully used in many areas of our lives and brings significant benefits. Appreciate all its advantages! Do not throw away seeds and peels; they can also serve human health and beauty. Well, the main advantage of watermelon is its taste, sweet and unique.

Those who like to eat this berry have probably heard that watermelon is very beneficial for the kidneys. As for undesirable consequences, few people think about it. It turns out that not everyone is recommended to use this product often and in unlimited quantities.

Impact on the body

The benefits of watermelon are undeniable: it contains vitamins and many minerals necessary for the body (Mg, K, Fe, Na, Ca). Lycopene, which gives the pulp its red color, has an antioxidant effect.

Favorable action:

  • helps get rid of edema, promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system;
  • helps cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • allows you to quickly restore blood counts in case of anemia.

The listed properties confirm that watermelon is healthy. For those losing weight, a special diet has been developed that makes it easy to get rid of a few extra pounds: the product is low-calorie (25 kcal per 100 g).

Many people are concerned about the question: will eating watermelon harm kidney stones? In this case, it is important to observe a sense of proportion: you should not consume the product in large quantities.

Caution is required for people with renal failure or hypertension. In this case, the load on the kidneys is already great; it is undesirable to load them further.

Watermelon for kidney stones

Watermelon contains magnesium and potassium in large quantities. Magnesium, being a mineral, improves metabolism. This helps prevent the development urolithiasis.
It is not recommended to try to remove oxalate stones from the kidneys on your own.

If the diameter of the stones is small (up to 3 mm), they are able to come out on their own. In this case, the benefits of watermelon will be undoubted if everything is done correctly.

However, doctors do not have a consensus on the use of watermelon and bread as a diet. They are confident that along with the stones, useful substances will be removed from the body. And the combination of watermelon and black bread, according to experts, can increase acidity gastric juice. The consequence of this will be gastritis.

Doctors are also confident that excessive consumption of the watermelon diet can cause harm. There is confirmation of this - people after such a diet ended up in intensive care.

There is an opinion that black bread should be replaced with white. Watermelon has obvious alkaline properties, so when it is consumed, acidic urine becomes alkaline. This causes the movement of kidney stones.

If you nevertheless decide to cleanse the kidneys in this way, then you need to choose a product that does not contain nitrates:

  • buy it in the last days of August or the first days of September;
  • give preference to a medium-sized watermelon;
  • it is desirable that the product has a dried “tail” and yellow spot side;
  • it is better when the crust is shiny and hard to the touch;
  • When tapped, a ringing sound should be heard.

Berries with nitrates can be recognized by their appearance:

  • the pulp acquires a purple tint;
  • the fibers inside are yellow instead of white;
  • The cut surface is velvety instead of smooth;
  • a piece of pulp dropped into water can change the color of the water. The use of such a product is strictly prohibited.

Removing stones using the traditional method

It should be remembered that the use of this method has a number of contraindications:

  • intestinal diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • BPH;
  • phosphaturia;
  • nephroptosis;
  • diarrhea;
  • congenital pathology of the urinary organs;
  • adhesions associated with surgery;
  • organ diseases of cardio-vascular system.

Such cleaning requires special attention from people suffering from peptic ulcer and other pathologies of the digestive system. It is prohibited to use this method for patients who have coral stones in their kidneys. Cleansing the kidneys with watermelon increases the secretion of urine; such stones can injure the ureter.

It will take a week to clear your kidneys. Watermelon can be consumed in unlimited quantities, and a little bread can be eaten. The diet is considered strict and is not recommended if there are contraindications.

Kidney activity is observed between 5 and 9 p.m.; stones are excreted more actively at this time. The patient fills the bathtub with warm water and sits in it (this procedure helps to dilate the urinary tract).

This also helps to reduce pain, which accompany the release of stones. At the same time, you need to consume the pulp of watermelons.

The benefits of watermelon are noticeable quickly: within the first week, sand begins to come out. Fans of the watermelon diet need to repeat the procedure every six months. At the next stage, stones may descend into the ureter. It is very important to carefully monitor your health - the stone can settle in the ureter.

The process of cleansing the kidneys is a useful procedure, it gives the desired result. You should do it correctly and be extremely careful not to harm yourself. When consuming watermelons with a high concentration of nitrates, there is a risk of intoxication with subsequent dehydration.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, thereby minimizing possible risks. In order for the kidneys to function well, experts advise for preventive purposes to consume not only watermelon pulp, but also its juice (its cleansing qualities are no worse).

It is known that there are foods that can increase sexual desire. This includes honey, nuts, dates, and gifts from the depths of the sea. Experts have found that among the fruits there is one fruit that can help a man. In the article we will find out how watermelon affects potency, because some people may not understand this interaction. The drug Viagra in Ukraine will help you increase your libido; you can buy it at.

How does watermelon affect potency? Strengthening erection.

The effect of watermelon on potency depends on the microelement found in the fruit called citrulline. A portion of this substance is even contained in Viagra. I think all men who read the article on our blog dedicated to sexual health know what Viagra is. Under the influence of chemical reactions, citrulline is converted into arginine, which takes an active part in the functioning of the heart. It improves blood circulation, which directly affects the occurrence of an erection. If the cardiovascular system functions normally, then the erection should be long-lasting and stable.

How does watermelon affect potency? The strength is in the crusts.

But these are not all the beneficial substances stored in watermelon that help you have good sex. It contains beta-carotenes and lycopenes. Their function is as follows: they not only keep the skin fresh and youthful, but also have a positive effect on the prostate gland and the heart. The above-mentioned substances, in addition to watermelon, are present in tomatoes and grapefruits, so these plants are also suitable for enhancing potency. And lycopene is also useful in normalizing blood pressure levels. Interesting fact will be the following: lycopene in watermelon is most found in the crusts.

How does watermelon affect potency? Wait a while.

The positive effect of watermelon on potency is slightly offset by the fact that the effect is achieved after a period of one to two months. Still, at first the effect is felt on the functioning of the intestines. Toxins are removed from it, that is, cleansing occurs. And after the specified period, the potency increases. Therefore, we will immediately say that watermelon is not Viagra, do not expect a steel erection in half an hour. In the summer, it is advisable to stock up on the maximum amount of vitamins that the striped fruit offers us.

Thus, we can say that watermelon has a good effect on potency, but its function is reduced to increasing blood circulation. This, of course, is not bad news, but you will have to wait a whole month for positive action. But in the summer, people feast on this delicacy often and for a long time, so achieving the desired result is not a problem. Please note that the product is suitable for use in cardiovascular diseases; it copes with cystitis, nephritis, urolithiasis, edema, sclerosis, and liver problems. Although for obesity, flatulence and diabetes, it is advisable to refrain from eating green-striped. Do not deny yourself the opportunity to get an excellent libido on boring autumn evenings to enjoy sex with your beloved girl. Have you, dear readers, experienced the effects of watermelon? What was it like?

Watermelon belongs to the pumpkin family and has been a desirable dish on the table of nobles since time immemorial. This plant comes from South Africa, settled in Russia starting in the 16th century, and soon won universal love.

IN Ancient China there was “Watermelon Day”, and in Ancient Egypt Pharaoh himself feasted on it, as evidenced by the drawings.

Doctors have established the fact that Eating watermelon promotes natural healing of the body., with some exceptions.

The benefits of watermelon for a woman’s body are obvious:

Normalization of digestion

Apart from some exceptions, the benefits of watermelon for a woman’s body are undeniable.

It includes:

The value of any product from the point of view of digestion is determined by the presence of insoluble fiber. In watermelon they are very soft and contain hemicellulose.

Despite the softness such fibers more actively cleanse the body of toxins and metabolic by-products. Consisting of mineral salts the ash component in the amount of 0.4 g is easily digestible.

Cell sap is 92% water with dissolved in it inorganic substances, improving vital processes in the body, including the functioning of the digestive system.

Cell sap consists of 92% water with inorganic substances dissolved in it.

Reducing caloric intake

Watermelon is often included in various diets, primarily due to its low calorie content. A small piece of sugary pulp weighing 100 g contains only 27 Kcal, in addition carrying a lot of useful microelements.

Nutritionists recommend eating 2.5 kg of watermelon throughout the day. in several stages. In order to determine to what extent the body has been saturated with the necessary substances contained in 100 g of product, it is necessary to convert all usefulness indicators to weight based on the amount eaten.

Nutritionists recommend eating 2.5 kg of watermelon in several doses throughout the day.

Energy value watermelon pulp is distributed as follows:

  • carbohydrates – 23 Kcal;
  • proteins – 2;
  • fats – 1;
  • unaccounted microelements, pectins – 1.

Thus, the basis of the energy component of watermelons are carbohydrates, represented by a group of mono- and disaccharides. The monosaccharide glucose is quickly absorbed, and in combination with dietary fiber causes a feeling of fullness.

Fasting days based on watermelon are easier for a woman’s body to tolerate during weight correction, so its benefits for the figure are undeniable.

Fasting days based on watermelon are easier for a woman’s body to tolerate in the process of weight correction, so its benefits for the figure are undeniable.

Cleansing the body

Rich in vitamins, watermelon juice is an excellent detoxifier. It is usually used to improve the condition of the human biological filter - the kidneys.

To fully cleanse your kidneys, when purchasing a watermelon, you should also purchase acid-free white bread.

Important to remember! To fully cleanse your kidneys, when purchasing a watermelon, you should also purchase acid-free white bread. Brown bread is not suitable for these purposes; it will lead to oxidation of urine.

The juice is also good for cleansing the liver., especially after a course of drug treatment with antibiotics, for food poisoning.

Prevention of cardiovascular system and diabetes

A modest melon crop, and what a joy and benefit a watermelon is for a woman’s body!

It is very useful for those who have problems with the heart and blood vessels, removes excess fluid, helps get rid of edema and excess cholesterol. Arginine strengthens the walls of blood vessels and lowers blood pressure in hypertension.

Watermelon is very useful for those who have problems with the heart and blood vessels, it removes excess fluid, helps get rid of edema and excess cholesterol.

In addition to normalization blood pressure, arginine protects the heart muscle from heart attack. The fats contained in watermelon seeds are beneficial for the heart: saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated.

A high concentration of B vitamins, micro- and macroelements of seeds not only contribute to the regulation blood pressure, but also successfully dissolve cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, improving blood circulation.

Watermelon is not good for everyone. Due to its rich sweet taste, it will not alleviate heart ailments of a certain category of people.

The fats contained in watermelon seeds are beneficial for the heart: saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated.

The effect of watermelon does not apply to:

  • diseases associated with dysfunction of urine outflow;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • diabetes;
  • diarrhea;
  • types of pathologies of the prostate and pancreas;
  • enterocolitis;
  • individual stages of nephrolithiasis.

Although doctors have not come to a unanimous decision regarding diabetics, they offer them pink varieties of watermelons with lower glucose content, and also encourage moderation.

Although doctors have not come to a common decision regarding diabetics, they offer them pink varieties of watermelons with a lower glucose content.

Improved metabolism and skin condition

Fresh watermelon juice provides invaluable assistance in regulating water-salt metabolism.

By arranging watermelon days for yourself, you can adjust the desired parameters of your figure, as well as remove metabolic products, sand, excess water, waste, and excess mineral salts from cells and tissues.

There is no doubt about the benefits of multivitamin watermelon juice for maintaining the defenses of a woman’s body, which is especially vulnerable to infections under conditions of severe stress.

Watermelon masks are good for the skin, which have a refreshing and tonic effect. Rubbing the skin of the face with pieces of peel with pulp restores lost moisture, increases elasticity and even significantly reduces suffering from sunburn.

Normalization of pressure

Note! The favorite of those with a sweet tooth, watermelon, is not only tasty treat, but also helps regulate blood pressure, ensures the preservation of the permeability and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

American scientists have experimentally proven that the high content of amino acids in watermelon extract, in particular the presence of arginine and citrulline, significantly reduces high blood pressure.

The experiment lasted 6 weeks. During this time, 40 volunteers aged 58 years suffering from hypertension took watermelon extract instead of pills and achieved the desired result.

Diuretic effect

Most of the benefits and positive impact watermelon on fragile female body due to its diuretic properties. Swelling, the nature of which is heart failure, impaired lymphatic drainage, and kidney disease, goes away.

The presence of antioxidants in watermelon pulp significantly affects life expectancy, reducing the risk of cancer.

The presence of antioxidants in watermelon pulp significantly affects life expectancy, reducing the risk of cancer.

The juice dissolves kidney stones and removes sand, increases the alkaline reaction of urine.

However Expectant mothers should not overuse the light nutritional value of watermelon. And not only because of its properties to enhance urine excretion. In the last trimester of pregnancy, due to the frequent urge to urinate, the fetus will constantly experience pressure from the bladder.

If the combination of watermelon and other products is unsuccessful, discomfort and fermentation processes often appear in the stomach.

However, expectant mothers should not overindulge in the light nutritional value of watermelon. And not only because of its properties to enhance urine excretion.

Benefits of watermelon seeds

Usually the juicy parts of the watermelon are eaten, and the rinds and seeds are thrown away. And completely in vain! The seeds have no less benefits for the woman’s body. than watermelon pulp.

The seeds can be dried, fried with the addition of sugar or salt. This will not diminish their usefulness. That's just there is no need to swallow them whole without chewing. A distinctive property of the seeds is their high nutritional value due to the protein component in the composition.

Of the 20 amino acids that make up protein, 4 of them - lysine, arginine, glutamine, tryptophan - have a beneficial effect on the formation and growth of muscle tissue cells and on the energy supply of the body as a whole.

A distinctive property of the seeds is their high nutritional value due to the protein component in the composition.

Niacin, which is also present in watermelon seeds, makes the skin glowing and healthy, normalizes digestion, and provides stress resistance to the nervous system.

Eating watermelon seeds removes uric acid from the body., thereby relieving a person from the threat of developing urolithiasis. For men, the seeds are useful for the prevention of prostate adenoma and for preserving men's health, and potency.

According to some scientists, the effect of watermelon seeds is similar to Viagra, as it stimulates testosterone production.

Niacin, which is also present in watermelon seeds, makes the skin glowing and healthy.

But not everyone can eat watermelon seeds! In patients with citrullinemia, the formation of a substance called citrulline, which is responsible for removing ammonia from the urine, is impaired. Therefore, when they eat watermelon seeds, urea exchange does not occur; therefore, ammonia is retained in the body.

Eating seeds is a great alternative for kids. drug treatment for helminthic infestations. Taking watermelon seeds improves vision.

Beneficial effects of watermelon rinds

Watermelon rinds also contributed to the hymn of usefulness.

A mixture of crust juice in combination with apple drink has a pronounced diuretic effect when you need to quickly remove excess fluid from the body and reduce swelling of various origins. It is important not to overdo it with the quantity, 100 ml of watermelon-apple juice is quite enough.

Candied fruits and jam made from watermelon rinds have a pleasant taste without losing their benefits for the woman’s body.

Thus, watermelon is nutritious, tasty and simply a storehouse of vitamins. It contains carotene, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, and potassium, which have positive influence to all systems of the body. Watermelon is a vivid example of a combination of business and pleasure.

This video will tell you why watermelon is useful and how to choose it correctly.

From this video you will learn about the beneficial and harmful properties of watermelon.

This video will tell you about the benefits that eating watermelon brings to the body.

Since childhood, we have all become accustomed to enjoying juicy and tasty watermelons every summer. However, not everyone knows about how watermelon acts on the human body. . Can it be consumed in unlimited quantities? What benefit will it bring and will it cause harm? Let's try to understand these issues, but first you need to know what a watermelon is.

What is watermelon

Watermelon is an annual plant and belongs to the pumpkin family. It is recognized as the largest berry in the world and has a pleasant sweet taste. The homeland of watermelon is South Africa, but even the ancient Greeks cultivated these juicy fruits. The plant has a peculiarity - it does not contain poisons, toxic substances and other harmful compounds and is not able to accumulate them.

When eating juicy fruits, you need to know what watermelon affects. First of all, it is worth noting its diuretic effect, due to which it flushes the kidneys. It contains a large amount of liquid and magnesium, thanks to which sand is removed from the kidneys. During treatment, it is recommended to consume two kilograms of pulp per day for five days. The diuretic properties of the berry are also useful for hypertension. By removing excess fluid from the body, it lowers blood pressure.

Watermelon contains a huge amount of antioxidants, which allows it to be excellent prophylactic against cancer, fights free radicals.

When wondering how watermelon acts on the body, one cannot help but note its positive effect on digestive system. Its pulp contains a lot of fiber and fiber, which stimulate intestinal motility, relieve colitis and normalize the absorption of nutrients from the food received. They help establish microflora in the intestines, preventing dysbiosis. Fiber removes harmful substances from the body: waste, toxins, cholesterol. When cholesterol is removed, blood vessels are cleansed and blood circulation is normalized. The fruits are recommended for anemia, atherosclerosis and many vascular diseases.

For men, watermelon is useful because it has therapeutic effect for infertility, which is facilitated by lycopene, which is part of it. And due to the action of another substance - citrulline, taking watermelon allows you to achieve the same effect as Viagra.

Folic acid, found in the juicy pulp, is why watermelon is beneficial for pregnant women. It removes excess fluid from the body and relieves constipation. Helps relieve stress without the use of medications.

Watermelon contains a lot of glucose, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. It increases vitality and tone of the body, relieves depression and stimulates brain activity.

When juicy watermelons ripen at the end of summer, many mothers ask whether watermelon can be breastfeeding? On the one hand, it will fill the body of mother and child with valuable substances, but on the other hand, it can provoke allergies in the baby, intestinal colic and spasms, so do not overuse the berry and carefully monitor the baby’s reaction.

Even people with diabetes can eat watermelon, but it is better to consult a doctor about the permitted amount. The berry lowers blood sugar levels, and the fructose included in the composition will not cause harm in this disease.

Nutritionists have long known how high-calorie watermelon is, and therefore many diets have been developed based on it. Small the nutritional value 27 kcal and gives a diuretic effect positive results to lose weight in a matter of days.

Contraindications and harm

Watermelon - very healthy berry, but also has its contraindications. It is not recommended to eat it if you have heart disease, as it can remove sodium and potassium salts from the body. During colitis, flatulence and diarrhea, it is better to refrain from watermelon.

If you have intestinal diseases, then it is better to drink watermelon juice, but avoid the pulp, which contains a lot of fiber. Watermelon is taken in limited quantities for diseases of the pancreas.

Watermelon can cause allergic reaction, therefore it is introduced into the diet of children gradually. Fortunately, it is quite rare, as is berry poisoning. Harm can only be caused chemical substances, with which the soil was treated, toxins from it enter the fruit.

How to eat watermelon

It is worth knowing not only what watermelon affects, but also how to use it correctly in order to avoid possible problems and saturate the body with the necessary substances:

  1. You should not eat berries before bed. This should be done at least two hours before bedtime, otherwise there is a risk of waking up the next morning with swelling and, in addition, unnecessarily straining the kidneys.
  2. It is better not to store watermelon, but to eat it on the same day. It can remain in the refrigerator for several hours, then microbes begin to develop in it.
  3. Cut the fruit only with a clean knife to avoid the growth of microbes. Don't forget that watermelon is a sweet berry and becomes an excellent environment for bacteria.

By adhering to these simple rules, eating watermelon will only bring you benefits. You can eat it not only in fresh. Juices, cocktails, jellies, and ice cream made from it are very tasty. Some housewives salt and pickle it for the winter.

Watch a video about what happens if you boil a watermelon: