Genetically modified food. Are GMO foods safe? What are the dangers of GMO foods

In the 1990s there was the new kind seemingly familiar food - GMOs. Since then, for a quarter of a century, the greatest scientists on the planet have been debating the benefits and harms of GMO food. The article will help to understand whether genetically modified foods are so harmful.

In the previous article, we reviewed and described their differences and composition. Today we are talking about such a common misconception as the harm of GMOs.

GMOs - harm or benefit

Surprisingly attractive fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, with a uniform color appeared on the shelves. Groats also pleased with their selectivity. And it cost many times less than the usual food, with a bunch of external flaws. The GMO tasted like bland woodiness, but few people cared because of the savings on inexpensive products.

On the safety of genetically modified organisms for human health, the conclusion is noted CEO EC on Science and Information, made on the basis of 1500 world studies by the institutes of science of engineering genetics.

According to manufacturers, experiments, careful study of genetic biologists, the appearance of genetically modified batteries contributes to:

1. Increasing the resistance of plants to bacterial attack, fungus, and other diseases.
2. Reducing the potential danger of invasion by rodents and insects, as plants become unattractive for them.
3. The volume of agricultural products is increasing, as it is adapted to drought seasons, sudden frosts.
4. Nutrients, vitamins, minerals are introduced into the chain.
5. Replenishment of the fodder market.
6. Increasing the availability of products for low-income people.
7. Strengthening the quality of food of animal origin - meat, milk, eggs.
8. Reducing air pollution, as there is no use of pesticides.

GMO Research

The dangerous effects of GMOs are evidenced by the works of biologists - Irina Ermakova, Arpad Pustaya, Jacques-Eric Seralini. These studies have been carefully checked, refuted, and scientists criticized. An interesting fact is that the fighters who defended gene modifications worked in the laboratories of the largest gene developers. Among them, the progenitor of plant genetic engineering, Monsanto.

In 2010, the OAGB, together with the Severtsov Research Institute, conducted the most complex experiments with mammals. The hardest side effects after consumption of biologically modified species - reproduction of malignant cells, enlargement of organs, infertility.

On January 30, 2015, the scientists were listened to. In Russia, a bill has been adopted, as a result of which genetically modified crops are allowed for sowing only on experimental sites.

Products containing GMOs, plant seeds and food of animal origin are carefully controlled and regulated by law. Each of them, before entering the country's markets, is initially carefully tested on high-tech genetic engineering devices. The harm to organisms of animals, humans, environment. If the product is deemed acceptable for consumption, the producers receive a sales permit.

Should I be afraid of biogenic nutrition

There is no unambiguous opinion about the benefits or harms of biogenic developments. However, it must be borne in mind that genetics is a complex structure, the introduction into which can attract Negative consequences. It is impossible to take into account the reaction of each organism - intolerance, allergy. A person, acquiring transgenes, does not know which microorganisms he will have to use.

The risk of genetically modified elements is divided into conditionally potential and proven.


The emergence of adapted pathogens - insects, weeds.
Disappearance of natural biological specimens due to pollination with transgenes.
caused by a lack of nutrient balance.
Intolerance and allergies.

Conditionally potential:

Toxicity of products associated with the lack of studies of the cessation or development of mutational properties after ingestion.
Possible development of malignant tumors.
The resistance of the user to antibiotics.

List of products containing GMOs

Domestic companies, after the law on the limitation of sowing, buy foreign raw materials. Well-known Russian companies that use GM are Daria-semi-finished products, Talosto, Klin meat-packing plant, CampoMos, Bogatyr, Galina Blanca, Yubileinoye cookies.

common products, often subject to genetic modification:

Soy, sunflower, corn;


Cereal products (white flour);



multicomponent compositions, products containing GMOs:


Carbonated drinks;

Fish, meat - semi-finished products from them;



Wine and vodka products;

Baby food (dry mixes, purees, juices).

In Russia, they sell products that are exceptionally harmless and do not pose a danger to humans. But so far there are no exact mechanisms for determining the safety of a particular food product.

How to determine the content of nutrients

The definition of GMOs in products is regulated by law. Even if there is one harmless element in the components, manufacturers are obliged to indicate the content of GM in the composition and on special product labeling.

It is also possible to visually determine the content of genetically modified organisms. It's suspiciously cheap. There are no flaws in the GM, it is stored for weeks without a refrigerator. When cut, fruits and vegetables give a small amount of juice. They taste fresh and lean.

Meat, fish also with a pronounced, unnatural color. When cut, they are easily separated into neat slices.

Ignore the bright "GMO Free" labels. The legal right of the manufacturer is to write whatever you want on the cover. Look at the composition. There, companies, according to the law, indicate only reliable information.

To use or not to use GMOs in food is the personal choice of everyone. Of course, you should not bump into and suspect each product of its biogenicity. It is important to remember that only at the slightest sign of strange diseases, it is necessary to review the nutrition menu and seek help from a doctor.

The following definition of GMOs seems to us the most accurate and simplest:

A genetically modified organism (GMO for short) is a living or plant organism, the genotype of which has been changed using genetic engineering methods to give the body new properties. Today, such changes are made almost everywhere in the creation of food products for economic purposes, and sometimes for scientific purposes.

The difference of genetic modification is in the purposeful construction of the organism's genotype, which is in contrast to the random, characteristic of natural and artificial mutagenesis.

How do GM foods affect health?

Today it is absolutely proven that GMOs have a very detrimental effect on the human body. Due to the influence of such products in humans, the process of hematopoiesis may be disrupted. People who consume GMO foods are much more prone to cancer than others.

An interesting effect on the body of GMOs is that human body stops responding appropriately medications. In other words, it will be much more difficult to cure a GMO consumer of a disease. Genetically modified organisms, as well as products containing them, provoke the development skin diseases, allergies, digestive disorders, various disorders of the nervous system.

These studies were conducted on adults, with a strong body formed. One can only imagine how destructive the use of GMOs in children's nutrition will be. By the way, in some European countries the use of GMOs in children's nutrition is prohibited. Now manufacturers are "dumping" low-quality goods to third world countries.

Is genetically modified soy unsafe?

Experiments prove that genetically modified soybeans cause particular harm to the health and procreation of mammals. In addition to the high mortality rate among experimental rats, studies have also revealed elevated level anxiety and even aggression among males, females, rat pups that were fed foods containing GMOs.

Today, shop windows are just full of variety. baby food. There are vegetables, and cereals, and soups, and cottage cheese - everything your heart desires. In fact, not everything is so great.

In the nutrition of a child, only natural products should be used, since only in this case you can be sure that they do not contain GMOs and you will not harm the health of your child.

What kind of baby food products are particularly dangerous in terms of GMO content? These are absolutely all canned meat and fish, products containing soy additives, soybean oil. Since most often, it is soy that is a genetically modified product. Almost all mixtures that replace breast milk contain soy additives. Now, when buying boxes and jars, think about it. Let the baby get used to healthy food and a healthy lifestyle from birth.

But is there any benefit to GMOs?

GMO against cancer

In the United States, GMO-based scientists have developed a drug against cervical cancer. Already 13 women have tested this drug on themselves. They were given this terrible diagnosis. In 4 women, the condition improved significantly. In 1 patient, the cancer was completely gone. Since then, 2 years have passed, and the disease does not return. In 3 more women, the tumor decreased by 20%. 7 patients who participated in the experiment, unfortunately, still died of cancer.

Vaccine manufacturers believe that if the vaccine is used for more early stages disease results will be much more impressive. Today, scientists are also working with GMOs on vaccines for ovarian, prostate, breast, and brain cancers. With modern ecology, unfortunately, even healthy lifestyle life will not save one hundred percent from cancer.

In England, transgenic chickens are bred, whose eggs have importance for medicine. The proteins of the eggs of these birds are taken to make a drug that can cure malignant tumors. This important event took place just in the research institution in which the famous sheep Dolly was once created.

Ten years have passed since then. This discovery of scientists is on the verge of developing completely new drugs. These drugs will become much cheaper, their production will be easier, because for the production it is enough just to have a chicken coop and feed. The work of scientists from England will, without a doubt, be a new milestone on the path of healing humanity from a terrible disease.

What do GMO advocates say?

It is GMOs that will help solve food problems on our small planet. With the help of this technology, it is possible to breed such plants that will not care about African droughts and plant diseases. It is also possible to breed special, genetically modified species of farm animals, they will produce a lot of products and will not be picky about food, resistant to diseases.

Using this technology, it will also be possible to grow organs for transplantation, grow plants that are suitable for making tissues.

What are anti-GMOs saying?

It turned out that GMO corn, potatoes and soybeans are much more expensive. In addition, genetically modified plants do not produce viable seeds at all. That is, first of all, it is beneficial only to suppliers of planting material.

Another important disadvantage is that cultivated GMO plants in the field give with wild plants hybrids. One can only imagine what mutants will be on our planet in a few decades.

Among other things, international terrorism may receive a new direction. After all, you can create so many new and unknown viruses, which will be very, very difficult to cope with, since when creating them, it is possible to lay down any qualities.

Most countries today put a special label on food, which indicates that it does not contain GMOs. Buy GMO products or not - the choice is always yours.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)- these are organisms in which genetic material has been artificially added from other animal organisms to obtain improved characteristics of the original organism (calorie content, resistance to pests, diseases, weather, accelerated maturation, longer storage, greater fertility), which reduces the cost of products.

Drought tolerant wheat with the scorpion gene. A potato with the gene of an earthen bacterium that even kills Colorado beetles. Tomatoes with the genome of the sea flounder. Soy and strawberries with bacterial genes. This is probably a great salvation, in the face of an ever-growing population and other economic problems.

At the moment, there are studies proving that the frequent use of GMOs can lead to serious problems. According to some studies transgenes can linger in the body and integrate into the genetic apparatus of human intestinal microorganisms.

In addition, it has been observed that the cultivation of transgenic soybeans leads to genetic mutations companion plants that become immune to the effects of herbicides. It is also assumed that living organisms that feed on genetically modified plants can mutate.

GMO products.

Grocery list, which may contain GMO:

  1. Soy and its products (beans, sprouts, concentrate, flour, milk, etc.).
  2. Corn and its products (popcorn, flour, chips, cereals, butter, starch, syrups, and so on).
  3. Potato and its products (chips, semi-finished products, crackers, dry mashed potatoes, flour, and so on).
  4. Tomatoes and its products ( tomato paste, puree, sauce, ketchup and so on).
  5. Zucchini and products from them.
  6. Sugar beet, table beet, sugar from sugar beet.
  7. Wheat and wheat products, including bread and bakery products.
  8. Sunflower oil.
  9. Rice and products containing it (flakes, flour, granules, chips).
  10. Carrots and products with it.
  11. Onions, shallots, leeks and other bulbous vegetables.

And, of course, there is a chance to find GMOs in products that are made using these plants.

The most frequently genetically modified are soybeans, rapeseed, corn, sunflowers, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, zucchini, paprika, and lettuce. Genetically modified soy is included in bread, cookies, baby food, margarine, soup, pizza, fast food, meat products, flour, candy, ice cream, chips, chocolate, sauces, soy milk and so on. Genetically modified corn (maize) most often in products fast food, soups, sauces, condiments, chips, chewing gum, cake mixes. Genetically modified starch is added to a very wide range of products, including yogurt. You should also know that 70% of well-known baby food companies contain GMOs. Approximately 30% of tea and coffee is genetically modified. Most products from America or other foreign countries, which include soy, corn, rapeseed or potatoes, have GM components. If the product contains vegetable protein, then you can be almost sure that there is also genetically modified soy.

In addition, insulin, vitamins, antiviral vaccines may also contain genetically modified organisms.

Below is a list of some of the organizations that supply genetically modified raw materials to Russia or are themselves producers of:

  • Central Soya Protein Group, Denmark;
  • OOO "BIOSTAR TRADE", St. Petersburg;
  • CJSC "Universal", Nizhny Novgorod;
  • "Monsanto Co", USA;
  • "Protein Technologies International Moscow", Moscow;
  • LLC "Agenda", Moscow
  • CJSC "ADM-Food Products", Moscow
  • JSC "GALA", Moscow;
  • CJSC "Belok", Moscow;
  • Dera Food Technology N.V., Moscow;
  • "Herbalife International of America", USA;
  • "OY FINNSOYPRO LTD", Finland;
  • LLC "Salon Sport-Service", Moscow;
  • "Intersoy", Moscow.

Below is a list of organizations that apply GMOs in production:

  • Kelloggs (Kelloggs) - breakfast cereals, corn flakes,
  • Nestle (Nestle) - chocolate, coffee, coffee drinks, baby food,
  • Heinz Foods (Heyents Fuds) - ketchups, sauces,
  • Hersheys (Hershis) - chocolate, soft drinks,
  • Coca-Cola (Coca-Cola) - Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Kinley tonic,
  • McDonalds (McDonald's),
  • Danon (Danone) - yogurts, kefir, cottage cheese, baby food,
  • Similac (Similak) - baby food,
  • Cadbury (Cadbury) - chocolate, cocoa,
  • Mars (Mars) - chocolate Mars, Snickers, Twix,
  • PepsiCo (Pepsi-Cola) - Pepsi, Mirinda, 7-Up,
  • Daria - meat products,
  • Campamos - meat products,
  • Korona - meat products,
  • Mikoyanovsky - meat products,
  • Tsaritsyno - meat products,
  • Lianozovsky - meat and dairy products,
  • Volzhsky PK - meat products.

GMOs are often masked indices E. But this does not mean that all additives E contain GMOs. You just need to understand which E supplements can contain GMOs.

Such additives are primarily called soy lecithin or E 322 lecithin: they are used as a fat element in milk mixtures, cookies, chocolate; riboflavin (B2) or E 101 and E 101A. It is added to cereals, soft drinks, baby food and weight loss products. Caramel (E 150) and xanthan (E 415) can also be made from GM grains. Often, the names of additives are written in words on packages.

  • E101 and E101A (B2, riboflavin)
  • E150 (caramel);
  • E153 (carbonate);
  • E160a (beta-carotene, provitamin A, retinol);
  • E160b (annatto);
  • E160d (lycopene);
  • E234 (lowlands);
  • E235 (natamycin);
  • E270 (lactic acid);
  • E300 (vitamin C - ascorbic acid);
  • E301 - E304 (ascorbates);
  • E306 - E309 (tocopherol / vitamin E);
  • E320 (VHA);
  • E321 (VNT);
  • E322 (lecithin);
  • E325 - E327 (lactates);
  • E330 (citric acid);
  • E415 (xanthine);
  • E459 (beta-cyclodextrin);
  • E460 -E469 (cellulose);
  • E470 and E570 (salts and fatty acids);
  • ethers fatty acids(E471, E472a&b, E473, E475, E476, E479b);
  • E481 (sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate);
  • E620 - E633 (glutamic acid and glutomates);
  • E626 - E629 (guanilic acid and guanilates);
  • E630 - E633 (inosinic acid and inosinates);
  • E951 (aspartame);
  • E953 (isomaltite);
  • E957 (thaumatin);
  • E965 (maltinol).

Taste and smell genetically modified products does not differ from natural. But, products that are not spoiled, not damaged by insects, too beautiful products can arouse suspicion.

Since seeds are also modified, it is impossible to be sure of the naturalness of products on the markets.

The average layman will surely tell you that GMO foods are harmful and should not be consumed under any pretext. And if you ask him what are products containing GMOs? ... most likely, he will say that this is something fake, obtained through mutations and so on.

Fortunately or unfortunately, this topic is now widely publicized. There are disputes, rallies are held ... but what are we really dealing with? Let's try to understand and discuss this issue together.

The first GMO products appeared in the late 80s.

What does GMO food mean? These are the foods that are obtained from genetically modified organisms.

What is a genetically modified organism? This is an organism that has undergone a change in its genotype (a set of genes that characterize a single individual) in an artificial way.

How to distinguish genetic modification from the usual mutational process? With its purposefulness. Everything here is aimed at artificially (with the help of genetic engineering) making changes in precisely those parts of the genome that are fundamentally important for a single organism, culture.

The site that is modified is called a transgene and is essentially a DNA fragment (As a rule, most often of a different species, but they can also be synthesized artificially. And as a result: a tomato that is not afraid of frost was obtained by introducing a DNA fragment from a North American marine flounder And in order to breed potatoes that no insect will eat, they added the scorpion gene).

Genetic Modified Foods: Pros and Cons

It is clear, after all, that such cultures / products were created in order to improve the properties of plants or animals. Like this? Well, imagine a huge country that, due to weather conditions, suffers from low yields. Genetic engineers "work their magic" and now the culture can already grow, regardless of weather conditions, pests; it has a clearly defined nutritional value, its productivity increases. Everyone is happy.

But let's look at the pros and cons:


    People are afraid that eating foods containing GMOs can lead to a number of adverse factors, such as poisoning, allergies, the introduction of a transgene into their own DNA, and so on. Be that as it may, but when it hits our digestive system, the proteins of GMO foods are broken down.

    Products obtained by genetic modification do not differ from those that change under the influence of natural mutations.

    With the advent of GM technologies, the need to use agricultural chemicals has decreased.

    Before entering the market, the product undergoes thousands of trials and it takes more than one year.


    The foreign protein that comes with GMO foods can indeed cause an allergic reaction, although such cases have not yet been recorded.

    The transgene may contain the so-called "technological garbage" (antibiotic resistance genes).

    The flip side of the coin: a gene that increases plant resistance to herbicides can accumulate agricultural chemicals.

    The bad news is that the true impact on man and his genome can be traced only after generations.

How to identify GMOs in foods?

Naturally, with the naked eye, you will not be able to determine if there are GMOs in the products. And if a product is labeled "GMO-Free", it does not mean that it is not there. This means that, based on the results of the check, the product passed the test for the permissible content of GMOs, or the law was simply bypassed.

What foods contain GMOs?

Knowing some secrets, you will be able to distinguish GMO products from conventional ones.

If we are talking about vegetables / fruits, then it’s simple: for sure you will be suspicious of potatoes of the same size without the slightest flaw, or strawberries as in the picture, or glossy gleaming apples the size of a child’s head (to generalize strongly).

When you entered the store and ran your eyes through the shelves, you should pay attention to the following hypothetically possible "representatives" of GMO products:

    soy and its variants (milk, flour, beans, etc.)

    corn and its derivatives (flour, popcorn, cereals, chips, butter, starch)

    potatoes and their forms (chips, semi-finished products, dry mashed potatoes)

    tomatoes and everything related to them (sauces, pastes, ketchups)

    sugar beet


    wheat and what is produced with its participation (bread, bakery products)

    rice and rice products (flour, cereals, chips)

    sunflower oil

An important fact is that genetically modified organisms are found in products containing corn or soy: corn flour, baby food, chocolate and sweets, powdered milk, sausages, animal feed.

By the way, there are three leading products in terms of GMO content in their composition:

    Sausages (about 85% of all boiled sausages and sardels), semi-finished products (chebureks, pancakes, dumplings)

    Baby food (up to 70%). And everything would be fine, but even manufacturers who abuse GMOs are known (Danone, Similac, Nestle).

    Confectionery, baked goods… well, you already know why. Greenpeace brought to clean water manufacturers: Mars, Snickers, Coca-Cola, Pepsi.

Another important nuance. Fighters for truth and justice have found out that GMOs can hide behind E-shkami, that is, behind E indices (E-322 - soy lecithin, E-101 / E-101A - riboflavin, E-150 - caramel, E-415 - xanthan).

You also need to know which GMO ingredients in prepared foods can be disguised as unknown words: soybean oil, vegetable fat, maltodextrin, glucose/glucose syrup, dextrose, aspartame (or whatever starts with "asp").

Fast food lovers! It is well known that MacDonalds heavily uses transgenic products in their snacks. Enjoy your meal!

What are non-GMO foods?

Using the above information, you can roughly navigate how to approach the choice of food.

As for vegetables / fruits, then let it be not an ideal tomato, not a kilogram potato, but quite an earthly culture. If you notice that some kind of living creature has bitten somewhere, this is a good product. If it has a rich smell, it is most likely a natural product. If apples have the ability to rot after a certain period, these apples are worth buying.

By the way, buckwheat has not yet succumbed to genetic modification. So you can buy with confidence.

What does the inscription "GMO in products is absent" mean ... this is when the manufacturer's product is certified and these certificates are recognized by Europe. Among cereals and flour, such a trademark is Zhmenka.

And finally, non-GMO foods are organic. Have you seen eco-stalls and shops? So, you can start from there. Or grow your own. But you need to think about whether the seeds you buy do not carry the transgene.


Harm of GMO products, does it exist or not?

How much has the transgene been introduced into our lives?

Everyone has their own opinion on this, however, let's think: We do not know how much we are all affected by such products at the moment. And if, as some say, “I don’t care anymore. I have lived a life”, then think about the legacy and who will be left after you. What will children be like in three generations?

gmo ,

Nowadays, more and more often we hear the term GMO, an abbreviation for genetically modified organisms. Most often, we are talking about the fact that they are dangerous to our health if we eat foods containing them. Let's try to figure out what it really is.

What are GMOs for?

GMOs are organisms that contain artificially introduced foreign genes in their genetic code. Sounds scary, doesn't it? For some reason, Frankenstein with his laboratory immediately comes to mind. What is the essence of GMOs? Consider an example of such a common product as potatoes. The scorpion gene is introduced into the gene series, and the result of such actions is a potato that no insect pests will eat. Or, for example, the northern flounder gene was “added” to tomatoes, which makes them frost-resistant. Why is this needed? Apparently, in order to provide people with a sufficient amount of food. After all, such vegetables can be grown even in the North, in addition, they are completely protected from the invasion of insects.

All these vegetables are beautiful. correct form and do not deteriorate for a long time. And if a gene capable of producing vitamin A is introduced into ordinary rice, which was not the case before, then you can not buy vitamins in a pharmacy. What happens? Scientists, like magicians, improve the yield of plants and their useful qualities. If earlier it took decades to develop new varieties, then today it takes a couple of years. Most often, genetically modified are: soybeans, wheat, beets, corn, rapeseed, potatoes, strawberries.

Are GMOs good or bad?

Probably, everyone, even a person very far from biology, cannot but be surprised by the attempts to cross the genes of animals and plants. Indeed, in nature everything is carefully thought out, and a person, interfering with this scheme, breaks it. If we recall the concept of “food chain” from a school zoology course, then in accordance with it, a herbivore eats grass, a small predator hunts a herbivore, and a large predator eats a small one. And then a person with his experiments is introduced into the established ecosystem, crossing plants and animals, after which the animals no longer eat these plants. The "food chain" is collapsing, at first herbivores die of starvation, and then predators. Well, or they mutate, which is also not very good. And it is not possible to make predictions about what will happen in the future. However, this does not stop the geneticists who continue to cut and paste.

With the advent of GMOs in our lives, scientists are constantly arguing about what such manipulations with genes can lead to. These disputes are reminiscent of disputes about UFOs, when there are eyewitnesses of their presence, and scientists declare "does not exist." And ordinary people do not have any information. The same is true with GMOs. Some say that it is harmful, unnatural and little studied, while others are sure that it is useful and even necessary. And it is not clear who to believe. But if there are opposing opinions, they are apparently beneficial to someone.

Who can benefit from the production of genetically modified foods? First of all, those who use this raw material. It is known that a ton of natural wheat costs about three hundred dollars, and a ton of genetically modified wheat costs about fifty dollars. Savings are evident. But the producers of the product are also not at a loss, because due to the new properties of crops, they become cheaper, which means they become competitive.

Or another guess. The main property that is grafted with the help of GMOs is resistance to pests. This means that companies producing pest control products will suffer huge losses. Hence the opposite opinion arises, about the dangers of GMOs. It is not clear why scientists, governments and public health in many countries are so passive about this problem. Apparently, they get their jackpot, and people consume IT for food and get sick.

The law regulates GMOs.

In European countries, the norm for the content of GMOs in food has long been determined by law, namely, 0.9% and no more. In Japan, this rate is five percent, and in the United States - ten. Some governments have required manufacturers to label products that contain GMOs. Imported products undergo a strict examination, and in case of exceeding the norm of GMO content, their import into the country is prohibited. Despite this, as independent tests show, such products still partially penetrate the market.

In Russia today there is a law in force, which stipulates the regulations for the import of products with GMOs into the country. It states that products containing more than 0.9% GMOs must be specially labeled. In case of violation of this law, a fine is imposed on the enterprise, or it is closed by a court decision.

If in Europe the consumer, seeing this marking on the label, decides for himself whether to buy these cheap products or spend money on non-GMO products, then in Russia there is no difference in price between natural and transgenic products.

And this fact is unequivocally paradoxical: genetically modified foods were originally created as food for needy countries in Africa. However, they banned the import of such products five years ago. Does this mean something?

Consequences of eating GMO foods

No one can say unequivocally that GMOs are harmful. More often they are positioned as "potentially dangerous". This is because proof of their health hazards can only be obtained through long and large-scale studies, however, no one is doing this. Today we have only theoretical assumptions about the consequences of consuming GMOs.

If a person consumes a transgene, then there will be no tangible harm, since GMOs cannot affect the genetic code. But it can travel around the body and stimulate protein synthesis. At first glance, there is nothing dangerous, except that these proteins are alien to the human body, and what the result will be remains to be guessed at.

    1. The use of genetically modified foods can cause severe allergic reactions. In America, for example, where such products are freely eaten, allergies are observed in 70% of people. And in Sweden, where they are banned, only 7%. Most likely, this is not a coincidence.
    2. Transgenes disrupt the gastric mucosa and also make the intestinal microflora resistant to antibiotics.
    3. It is possible to reduce immunity due to the fact that 70% of it is in the intestines. In addition, these products disrupt the metabolism.
    4. Foods containing GMOs can cause cancer. Transgenes are able to intrude into the gene structure of intestinal microorganisms, leading to mutation, which in turn provokes the development of cancer cells.

It is clear that all of the above are not mandatory consequences of taking GMOs. This is just a possible risk. It will take at least fifty years to determine exactly how GMOs affect the human body. And while we live in the unknown, we should be careful in our food choices. Many scientists believe that food containing GMOs, when compared with foods containing preservatives, various flavors and dyes, is completely harmless. And also the fact that if there is a health hazard from products with GMOs, then this is only due to the interaction with the intestinal microflora of transgenes.

It is possible to determine whether a product contains GMOs only in laboratory conditions. It's impossible to do this visually. Therefore, the consumer should be aware that forty percent of the products offered in our stores contain GMOs. Most often they are used in the production of sausages - about eighty-five percent. Most genetically modified soybeans are found in sausages, sausages and boiled sausages. It is also actively used in the production of semi-finished products: dumplings, pancakes, etc. What can be advised here? Prepare your own dishes from meat bought at the market, or limit the use of sausages.

It is strange and scary that the second place in this list is occupied by baby food. About seventy percent of this product contains GMOs, although the label does not say a word about it. So, try to do without purchased baby food. Make your own fruit or vegetable puree from vegetables bought from grandmothers and grown in her garden. Exclude canned juices, compote may well replace them.

The third place is held by confectionery and bakery products. genetically modified soybeans in large numbers added to pastries and chocolate, to sweets and ice cream. Again, it is difficult to determine the GMO content of these foods without a lab. However, if the bread remains soft for a long time, then it definitely contains transgenes. It is known that eighty percent of the products of American companies contain GMOs, so you should stop buying them.

The first three are not all. A third of the varieties of tea and coffee offered to us contain GMOs. The fast food chain, as well as manufacturers of sauces, condensed milk and ketchup, do not disdain transgenes. If you want to buy canned corn, then it is better to opt for a Hungarian manufacturer, since GMOs are prohibited there.

I would like to talk more about vegetables and fruits. If you buy from those who grow them on their plots, this is good, but this does not give a 100% guarantee of non-GMO. They could be contained in the seeds. And it is easy to distinguish vegetables and fruits containing transgenes. They do not spoil for a long time and insects do not eat them. So don't chase perfect appearance vegetables and fruits, it is better to let them be ugly and “bitten”. Avoid genetic tricks like glossy apples and tomatoes, sumptuous strawberries, and so on. There are no perfect vegetables in nature. Another one distinguishing feature such vegetables and fruits: if they are cut, they do not secrete juice and retain their shape. But, you can, without fear, buy buckwheat. They have not yet learned how to spoil its genetic structure.

We have given arguments for and against GMOs, and whether to use them or not is your personal choice.