GMO products. Genetically modified foods - pros and cons

When choosing products in the supermarket, we habitually pay attention to the composition. On many of them you can see the mark “GMO-free”, indicating that genetically modified engineering did not have a hand in growing this product, and therefore it can be considered clean and safe. But if you think about it, what do we know about genetic engineering and should we be afraid to include GMO foods in our diet? Let's figure it out.

What is GMO

First of all, let's deal with the concept of GMOs. A genetically modified organism is an organism whose gene has been changed by crossing with the gene of another organism. For modern scientists, such crossing does not present any problems; they easily connect the gene of a plant, with the gene of a bacterium or even an animal.

Why is this necessary you ask? In fact, geneticists have made a revolutionary discovery, having learned to overcome interspecies barriers and connect the genes of different organisms. Thanks to this, it is possible to improve the properties and characteristics of a particular organism. It looks like this. A GMO potato is a potato that has been implanted with a gene for a poisonous insect, as a result of which pests bypass this product. As a result, we get beautiful tubers without damage and wormholes. Or GMO tomatoes are tomatoes from which the northern flounder gene is implanted. As a result of such crossing, tomatoes are not afraid of cold weather and do not turn black after heavy fogs. Vitamins that were not previously contained in wheat are now being implanted into wheat, and the human albumin gene is being implanted into rice. This is done to increase the benefits and improve the nutritional properties of cereals.

Among other things, it turned out that genetic engineering had a significant impact on crop yields, because with the implantation of foreign genes, products became more hardy and resistant to temperatures. All this significantly reduced the cost of the process of obtaining a crop and increased the profits of farms. Is it any wonder that farmers are happy to grow genetically modified foods? And it is much more pleasant for consumers to buy juicy bulk apples, peppers or tomatoes that look great, have an unsurpassed taste, and at the same time have absolutely no damage. There is only one fact that is alarming, which cannot be ignored.

Why are GMO foods dangerous?

Mankind is wary of genetically modified foods, primarily because such foods contain a foreign gene. There is an objective fear that modified foods are harmful to humans, just while their harm is not so obvious, but in the future, perhaps even after several generations, GMO foods will deal their crushing blow to our descendants. In addition, there are suspicions that genetically modified foods can cause allergies, cause growth malignant tumors, disrupt metabolic processes in the body and resistance to antibiotics.

Adding fuel to the fire are statistics that in the United States, where the vast majority of products contain GMOs, more than 75% of the population suffer from allergies. At the same time, in Sweden, where a ban on the use of these products has been introduced, the number of allergy sufferers does not exceed 5%. It is quite possible that the presence of an allergy has nothing to do with genetic engineering, but such data are very alarming and make us look at all products of this kind with caution.

At the same time, genetic scientists assure us that there is no threat from eating foods with GMOs, since in the process of digestion their gene cannot cross with the human gene. True, the evidence cited by scientists does not at all exclude the risk of gastrointestinal diseases, allergic pathologies or cancerous tumors caused by the activity of transgenes in the human body.

The opinion that GMO foods are no more dangerous than foods with preservatives and flavors may have the right to life, but this does not mean that such harm should be turned a blind eye. Howbeit, modern science does not have evidence of the safety of genetically modified products, and therefore the term "potentially dangerous product" is used in relation to them.

Why were GMO foods created?

Many people have a question, why were products created, the effect on the body of which cannot be controlled? Here it is necessary to look into history. It turns out that the first transgenic products were born in the United States in the mid-80s of the last century, and they were created with a good goal - to finally save humanity from hunger and feed third world countries. But in reality it turned out the opposite. Almost all African countries have abandoned the use of GMO products, in European countries they have imposed restrictions, but in the USA these products are produced everywhere and are very popular. And what do we have in Russia?

GMO products in Russia

The number of genetically modified foods in countries is monitored by the well-known organization Greenpeace. According to them, more than 35% of products in our country contain the modified gene. And every year the number of such products is increasing. Why is this happening?

Let's say right away that the import of transgenic products into the Russian Federation is not prohibited, and therefore, on the shelves of our stores, natural products coexist with products that have been touched by the hand of genetic engineers. Moreover, if in European countries genetically modified products are easy to distinguish from natural products due to their lower price, in Russia natural vegetables and vegetables with gene mutation cost about the same.

Many are unlikely to be pleased with the fact that since July 2014 in Russian Federation cultivation of cultivated plants by the GMO method is allowed. Moreover, permission was given to grow 14 species of plants, including: corn - 8 varieties, potatoes - 4 varieties, sugar beet - 1 variety and rice - 1 variety.

Our scientists have already reacted to this permission, stating that the cultivation of modified crops will lead, neither more nor less, to the complete destruction of agriculture in the country! According to experts, the cultivation of GMOs in our country will lead to the appearance of super pests that are already appearing in other countries. But what is even more dangerous, the crops of farmers who grow environmentally friendly products will be polluted, as soil contamination occurs under the influence of transgenes. And there is no need to look for evidence. Just look at the soils of those countries where modified vegetables and fruits have been grown for a long time. For example, all rapeseed in Canada today has become genetically modified, and all due to the fact that the pollen of cereals with a modified gene was carried to the surrounding fields.

Many are reassured by the fact that in the US, GMO products are sold without restrictions and are not considered potentially dangerous. However, for those of us who adhere to healthy eating, you should be aware of products that may contain a modified gene.

Foods that may contain GMOs

1. All products containing soy, corn and rapeseed
According to unofficial sources, all these products found on the shelves of supermarkets contain GMOs. When you see the words “vegetable protein” on a product label, you can be sure that this is 100% transgenic soy. By the way, this protein is found in most meat and sausage products, in mayonnaise and ketchup, chips and canned food, as well as in soy dairy products.

2. Margarine and vegetable oil
According to statistics, 90% of all vegetable oils in our stores contain GMOs. Moreover, some manufacturers even dilute olive oil soy, and they don't even say so on the labels.

3. Candy, chocolate and ice cream
Almost all chocolate products contain genetically modified ingredients. You can notice this by the composition in which soy lecithin is present. Similar soy components are found in ice cream, as, indeed, in all other dairy products.

4. Baby food
The vast majority of foreign and domestic manufacturers use dairy products and cereals with GMOs for the production of baby food.

5. Confectionery and bakery products
Flour, as well as bakery and confectionery products, can also contain altered genes. According to statistics in our country, more than 25% of all flour products contain these potentially hazardous substances.

6. Vegetables
Some vegetables also undergo genetic modification. Most often, GMOs are found in potatoes and tomatoes, beets and zucchini, melon and papaya.

How to distinguish transgenic products

We have already mentioned that the cost of modified and natural products in our country is equal, and therefore, to identify potentially dangerous products definitely not worth it. Appearance will also say little to the average layman, although when acquiring large juicy peppers, cucumbers or tomatoes in early spring, one can hardly expect that they are grown exclusively in a natural way.

You will be surprised, but you should not count on the inscription “non-GMO” on the labels of some products either. It turns out that according to our legislation, the “Non-GMO” badge is placed on products containing less than 0.9% of substances with a modified gene, but even this restriction is bypassed by many manufacturers.

Another thing is the composition of the product. If you notice soy lecithin or E322 in the composition of soft drinks, cereals or baby food, you can be sure that this product is with a crossed gene. The same can be said in the presence of maltodextrin, aspartame, dextrose, glucose, vegetable fat and soybean oil. And be sure to look at the country of origin. Remember, almost 70% of all GMO products come from the USA, followed by Canada and France.

What remains to be done by ordinary buyers? Organic products exist, you just have to look for them.

Scheme 1

Natural products coming to us from Europe are labeled Organic or BIO, with this icon (Scheme 1).

Scheme 2

You can, for example, find such flour or oatmeal (Scheme 2).

In addition, natural products from Europe can be labeled with other badges (Scheme 3).

Scheme 4

By purchasing products with such a label, you can be 99% sure that all the way from agricultural land to processing plants and packaging, this product has done in strict accordance with environmental standards and has not undergone a gene change. In our country, the highest quality products have the Rostet badge (Scheme 4).

By purchasing products with such a designation, you, of course, will not protect yourself from GMOs, but you will be sure that they have undergone strict quality control. In addition, try to purchase products from those farms, the quality and naturalness of which you are sure. As a last resort, buy appropriate vegetables and fruits in season while you can, as crops sold in winter and early spring tend to be cross-bred.

Trends recent years say that the number of genetically modified foods in the world will only increase. However, this does not mean at all that we should be led by manufacturers and use products that we are not sure are safe. Look for natural vegetables and fruits or grow them yourself, they are the ones that bring us health and benefits!
Take care of yourself!

For several decades, disputes about the benefits or harms of genetically modified products that are on the shelves of any store have not subsided.

To understand how dangerous they are, you need to know how they are obtained and how they affect the human body.

What is GMO in products ^

GMO foods are foods expressed or produced by genetically modified organisms. For example, the essence of the "implantation" of such organisms in the DNA of plants is as follows:

  • The amount of harvest increases: for example, instead of 3 tons of grain, 7 tons can be harvested;
  • You can get not one, but several crops a year;
  • Improves resistance to insects, viruses, fungi, herbicides, aluminum and salts;
  • It is possible to synthesize animal proteins in plants;
  • Plants are less susceptible to the negative effects of weather conditions, and, getting on the counter, they look perfect.

As for animals, the purpose of using GMOs for them is to accelerate growth and increase in weight. Cows, goats, etc. are not considered GMOs if they are fed genetically engineered plant foods.

Genetically modified foods: harm or benefit

Before talking about the dangers of GMO products, it is worth understanding their benefits, because they dangerous action on the human body has not yet been confirmed with 100% accuracy in many countries:

  • They contain fewer chemicals;
  • Some of them have, capable of destroying herbicides;
  • They are more resistant to bacteria and viruses.

What are the dangers of GMO foods:

  • They negatively affect the gastric mucosa, lower immunity and can cause metabolic disorders;
  • There is an opinion that they cause a mutation of cells in the intestine, as a result of which cancer may appear;
  • With the regular use of products containing GMOs, resistance to antibiotics increases, which subsequently leads to the inability to cure certain diseases;
  • Threads of agrobacteria can form under the skin. Skin covered with wounds, worried about itching. Such a disease was called "morgelon";
  • People who abuse GMO foods increase the chance of infertility because DNA is damaged.

Knowing what GMO foods are and how they affect a person, it is very important to minimize their amount in the diet.

GMO foods: list ^

List of GMO foods in Russia

According to the current legislation, manufacturers are required to indicate the GMO mark on the packages if the content of these organisms is more than 0.9%. In 2015, a blacklist of GMO foods was compiled, which includes the following:

  • Chocolate bars Mars, Snickers, Milky Way;
  • Chocolate and cocoa Cadbury;
  • Chocolate "Russia" and "Nestlé";
  • Chocolate drink "Nesquik";
  • Carbonated drinks Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Pepsi, Fruittime, 7up, Fiesta, Mountain Dew;
  • Sauces Knorr;
  • Soups "Campbell";
  • Lipton tea;
  • Cookies "Parmalat";
  • Sauces, condiments and mayonnaises from Hellman's and Heinz;
  • Baby food Nestle;
  • Baby food, cheeses and yoghurts from Danone;
  • Coffee, chips, chocolate and children food from Kraft";
  • Delmi products.

Non-GMO Products: List

To eat only healthy food, it is enough to know where GMOs are not present in food:

  • Meat is not considered GMO-containing if the cow or other animal was fed plant foods grown with such organisms;
  • natural honey;
  • Homemade food;
  • Dried fruits. Some manufacturers coat them with GMO soybean oil, so be careful here too;
  • Any vegetables and fruits grown by yourself. Those grown by organizations and farmers are highly likely to contain GMOs.

How to identify GMOs in foods

How to distinguish genetically modified foods (GMOs) from natural

Everything is very simple here:

  • If vegetables or fruits do not have external flaws, they are probably grown using GMOs;
  • If aspartame is present in lemonade or chewing gum, it means that they contain GMOs;
  • Bakery products with GMO do not spoil for a long time.

Several useful tips for those who want to eat only high-quality and harmless food. How to choose non-GMO foods:

  • Before buying a product, you must carefully study the composition: it should not contain soy-based components, as well as lecithin, corn oil and starch. This is because it is still impossible to know whether they contain GMOs or not;
  • It is best to eat homemade food - it will certainly not contain GMOs;
  • You should avoid cheap products: most likely, they will contain GMOs, because. such organisms usually occur in them. This is especially true for vegetable and butter oils;
  • It is recommended to refuse to buy bread if it contains substances to impregnate dough or improve flour: they contain genetically modified additives and enzymes that are harmful to human health;
  • Almost all types of margarine contain GMOs, and it is better to give preference to butter;
  • Chocolate, which includes soy lecithin (E322), is better not to use, preferring the organic counterpart;
  • Medicines and nutritional supplements can also be produced using genetic engineering, especially Tryptophan and animal insulin;
  • If the label with honey indicates that it is imported or produced in several countries, it is better to refuse it in favor of the local one.

The Sanepidnadzor decree has long come into force, obliging to label products containing more than 5 percent of GM sources, but so far the lines “contains genetically modified sources” or simply “GMI” appear on products extremely rarely.

According to consumer organizations, there are now 52 products on the Russian market that contain more than 5 percent of GMOs (organisms), BUT not labeled. This is, first of all, meat products - sausages and boiled sausage, sometimes containing more than 80 percent of transgenic soybeans. In total, more than 120 names (brands) of products with GMOs are registered in Russia, according to voluntary registration data and a special register of products imported from abroad.

Blacklisted. GMO producers

  • LLC "Daria - semi-finished products";
  • OOO Meat Processing Plant Klinskiy;
  • MPZ "Tagansky";
  • MPZ "KampoMos";
  • CJSC "Viciunai";
  • LLC "MLM-RA";
  • LLC "Talosto-Products";
  • LLC “Sausage plant “Bogatyr””;
  • OOO ROS Marie Ltf.
  • Unilever manufacturing company: Lipton (tea), Brooke Bond (tea), Beseda (teas), Calve (mayonnaise, ketchup), Rama (butter), Pyshka (margarine), Delmi (mayonnaise, yogurt, margarine), Algida » (ice cream), Knorr (condiments); Nestle manufacturing company: Nescafe (coffee and milk), Maggi (soups, broths, mayonnaise, Nestle (chocolate), Nestea (tea), Neseiulk (cocoa);
  • Kellog's manufacturing company: Corn Flakes (flakes), Frosted Flakes (flakes), Rice Krispies (flakes), Corn Pops (flakes), Smacks (flakes), Froot Loops (colored flakes), Apple Jacks (apple flavored flakes), Afl- bran Apple Cinnamon/ Blueberry (bran with apple, cinnamon, blueberry flavors), Chocolate Chip (chocolate chips), Pop Tarts (filled cookies, all flavors), Nulri grain (stuffed toast, all types), Crispix (cookies), All-Bran (cereal), Just Right Fruit & Nut (cereal), Honey Crunch Corn Flakes (cereal), Raisin Bran Crunch (cereal), Cracklin'Oat Bran (cereal);
  • Hershey's manufacturing company: Toblerone (chocolate, all types), Mini Kisses (candy), Kit-Kat (chocolate bar), Kisses (candy), Semi-Sweet Baking Chips (cookies), Milk Chocolate Chips (cookies), Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (peanut butter ), Special Dark (dark chocolate), Milk Chocolate (milk chocolate), Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup), Special Dark Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup), Strawberry Syrup (strawberry syrup);
  • Mars manufacturing company: M&M'S, Snickers, Milky Way, Twix, Nestle, Crunch (chocolate rice cereal), Milk Chocolate Nestle (chocolate), Nesquik (chocolate drink), Cadbury (Cadbury/Hershey's), Fruit & Nut;
  • Heinz manufacturing company: Ketchup (regular & no salt) (ketchup), Chili Sauce (Chili sauce), Heinz 57 Steak Sauce (meat sauce);
  • Coca-Cola manufacturing company: Coca Cola, Sprite, Charry Cola, Minute Maid Orange, Minute Maid Grape;
  • PepsiCo manufacturing company: Pepsi, Pepsi Cherry, Mountain Dew;
  • Frito manufacturing company - Lay / PepsiCo:(GM components may be contained in oil and other ingredients), Lays Potato Chips (all), Cheetos (all);
  • Manufacturing company Cadbury / Schweppes: 7 Up, Dr. pepper;
  • Pringles Procter & Gamble: Pringles (Original, LowFat, Pizzalicious, Sour Cream & Onion, Salt & Vinegar, Cheezeums flavored chips).
  • Hershey's Cadbury Fruit&Nut chocolate products
  • Mars M&M
  • Snickers
  • milky way
  • Cadbury (Cadbury) chocolate, cocoa
  • Ferrero
  • Nestle chocolate "Nestle", "Russia"
  • Chocolate drink Nestle Nesquik
  • Soft drink Sosa-Cola "Coca-Cola" Sosa-Cola
  • Sprite, Fanta, Kinley tonic, Fruittime
  • Pepci-Co Pepsi
  • "7-Up", "Fiesta", "Mountain Dew"
  • Kellogg's breakfast cereal
  • Campbell Soups
  • Rice Uncle Bens Mars
  • Knorr sauces
  • Lipton tea
  • Parmalat biscuits
  • Seasonings, mayonnaise, Hellman's sauces
  • Seasonings, mayonnaise, Heinz sauces
  • Baby food Nestle
  • Abbot Labs Similac
  • Yoghurts, kefir, cheese, baby food Denon
  • McDonald's (McDonald's) chain of "restaurants" fast food
  • chocolate, chips, coffee, baby food Kraft (Kraft)
  • ketchups, sauces. Heinz Foods
  • baby food, products "Delmi" Unilever (Unilever)

Products in the technology of preparation of which GMOs are used

  • AOOT "Nizhny Novgorod oil and fat plant" (mayonnaises "Ryaba", "For the future", etc.).
  • Products "Bonduelle" (Hungary) - beans, corn, green peas.
  • CJSC "Baltimore-Neva" (St. Petersburg) - ketchups.
  • CJSC "Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant" (Moscow) - pastes, minced meat.
  • CJSC YUROP FOODS GB (Nizhny Novgorod region) - Galina Blanca soups.
  • Concern "White Ocean" (Moscow) - chips "Russian Potato".
  • JSC "Lianozovsky Dairy Plant" (Moscow) - yogurt, "Miracle Milk", "Miracle Chocolate".
  • JSC "Cherkizovsky MPZ" (Moscow) - frozen minced meat.
  • Kampina LLC (Moscow region) — yoghurts, baby food.
  • LLC "MK Gurman" (Novosibirsk) - pastes.
  • Frito LLC (Moscow region) - Leyz chips.
  • Ermann LLC (Moscow region) - yoghurts.
  • LLC "Unilever CIS" (Tula) - mayonnaise.
  • Factory "Bolshevik" (Moscow) - cookies "Jubilee".
  • "Nestle" (Switzerland, Finland) - dry milk mixture "Nestogen", mashed potatoes "Vegetables with beef".

In the 1990s there was the new kind seemingly familiar food - GMOs. Since then, for a quarter of a century, the greatest scientists on the planet have been debating the benefits and harms of GMO food. The article will help to understand whether genetically modified foods are so harmful.

In the previous article, we reviewed and described their differences and composition. Today we are talking about such a common misconception as the harm of GMOs.

GMOs - harm or benefit

Surprisingly attractive fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, with a uniform color appeared on the shelves. Groats also pleased with their selectivity. And it cost many times less than the usual food, with a bunch of external flaws. The GMO tasted like bland woodiness, but few people cared because of the savings on inexpensive products.

On the safety of genetically modified organisms for human health, the conclusion is noted CEO EC on Science and Information, made on the basis of 1500 world studies by the institutes of science of engineering genetics.

According to manufacturers, experiments, careful study of genetic biologists, the appearance of genetically modified batteries contributes to:

1. Increasing the resistance of plants to bacterial attack, fungus, and other diseases.
2. Reducing the potential danger of invasion by rodents and insects, as plants become unattractive for them.
3. The volume of agricultural products is increasing, as it is adapted to drought seasons, sudden frosts.
4. Nutrients, vitamins, minerals are introduced into the chain.
5. Replenishment of the fodder market.
6. Increasing the availability of products for low-income people.
7. Strengthening the quality of food of animal origin - meat, milk, eggs.
8. Reducing air pollution, as there is no use of pesticides.

GMO Research

The dangerous effects of GMOs are evidenced by the works of biologists - Irina Ermakova, Arpad Pustaya, Jacques-Eric Seralini. These studies have been carefully checked, refuted, and scientists criticized. An interesting fact is that the fighters who defended gene modifications worked in the laboratories of the largest gene developers. Among them, the progenitor of plant genetic engineering, Monsanto.

In 2010, the OAGB, together with the Severtsov Research Institute, conducted the most complex experiments with mammals. The hardest side effects after consumption of biologically modified species - reproduction of malignant cells, enlargement of organs, infertility.

On January 30, 2015, the scientists were listened to. In Russia, a bill has been adopted, as a result of which genetically modified crops are allowed for sowing only on experimental sites.

Products containing GMOs, plant seeds and food of animal origin are carefully controlled and regulated by law. Each of them, before entering the country's markets, is initially carefully tested on high-tech genetic engineering devices. The harm to organisms of animals, humans, environment. If the product is deemed acceptable for consumption, the producers receive a sales permit.

Should I be afraid of biogenic nutrition

There is no unequivocal opinion about the benefits or harms of biogenic developments. However, it must be borne in mind that genetics is a complex structure, the introduction into which can attract Negative consequences. It is impossible to take into account the reaction of each organism - intolerance, allergy. A person, acquiring transgenes, does not know which microorganisms he will have to use.

The risk of genetically modified elements is divided into conditionally potential and proven.


The emergence of adapted pathogens - insects, weeds.
Disappearance of natural biological specimens due to pollination with transgenes.
caused by a lack of nutrient balance.
Intolerance and allergies.

Conditionally potential:

Toxicity of products associated with the lack of studies of the cessation or development of mutational properties after ingestion.
Possible development of malignant tumors.
The resistance of the user to antibiotics.

List of products containing GMOs

Domestic companies, after the law on the limitation of sowing, buy foreign raw materials. Well-known Russian companies that use GM are Daria-semi-finished products, Talosto, Klin meat-packing plant, CampoMos, Bogatyr, Galina Blanca, Yubileinoye cookies.

common products, often subject to genetic modification:

Soy, sunflower, corn;


Cereal products (white flour);



multicomponent compositions, products containing GMOs:


Carbonated drinks;

Fish, meat - semi-finished products from them;



Wine and vodka products;

Baby food (dry mixes, purees, juices).

In Russia, they sell products that are exceptionally harmless and do not pose a danger to humans. But so far there are no exact mechanisms for determining the safety of a particular food product.

How to determine the content of nutrients

The definition of GMOs in products is regulated by law. Even if there is one harmless element in the components, manufacturers are obliged to indicate the content of GM in the composition and on special product labeling.

It is also possible to visually determine the content of genetically modified organisms. It's suspiciously cheap. There are no flaws in the GM, it is stored for weeks without a refrigerator. When cut, fruits and vegetables give a small amount of juice. They taste fresh and lean.

Meat, fish also with a pronounced, unnatural color. When cut, they are easily separated into neat slices.

Ignore the bright "GMO Free" labels. The legal right of the manufacturer is to write whatever you want on the cover. Look at the composition. There, companies, according to the law, indicate only reliable information.

To use or not to use GMOs in food is the personal choice of everyone. Of course, you should not bump into and suspect each product of its biogenicity. It is important to remember that only at the slightest sign of strange diseases, it is necessary to review the nutrition menu and seek help from a doctor.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


In an effort to find a life-saving remedy for hunger, mankind has invented genetically modified foods. The increasing population of the planet is no longer a threat thanks to a unique discovery. Man for the first time took control of the most important function of nature - the process of evolution with the help of GMOs, providing an increasing need for food. But the phenomenon, which at times increases the volume of products produced, also has back side. The creators of the technology prefer to keep silent about it, and the producers of such food calculate fabulous profits.

What are genetically modified foods and how are they obtained?

Foods with genetically modified ingredients are spreading rapidly around the world. Growing analogues costs three to four times cheaper than natural products, while there is no risk of complete or partial loss of the crop. From the US and Canada to China, this is the geographic distribution of transgenic crops that are sown on an area equal to 170 million acres. What lies at the basis of the fantastic development of genetic engineering?

Genetically modified foods are the result of technology that helps change the genetic traits in animals or plants. The resulting new species contains altered DNA, combining the biological memory code of several organisms. Nature has no such mechanisms, and humanity has found a way to add DNA fragments from one organism to another.

The benefits of genetically modified foods

The discovery of a unique technology (GMO) carried incredible prospects. The bright hopes of man to overcome hunger came true, and few thought about the risk. GMO-labeled products were not a concern at first because the unique technology helped to significantly increase yields. New properties grafted onto animal organisms and plant cultures have provided genetically modified products with resistance to diseases, low temperatures, insecticides.

New products with GMOs divided the scientific community into two camps, and then the whole world. The debate about the benefits or harms of transgenes does not stop, studies are being carried out one after another. But no one is able to prove with complete certainty what impact and what consequences the cultivation and use of genetically modified products brings with it. Caution in the amount of consumed GMO-labeled goods is what remains for the average consumer who monitors the quality of food and strives for health.

List of foods containing GM ingredients

The research path in search of the truth about the dangers or benefits of genetically modified food is still limited in time. Only two decades have passed since the emergence of the unique technology, and this is not enough to formulate conclusions with accuracy. The emergence of the development of genetic engineering (GMO) is able to solve the global problem of mankind, covering the needs for food, but at the same time raising doubts about safety for health.

Among the most common concerns are the risk of cancer, food allergies, reduced immunity, mutations from the use of products. Therefore, while there are no official studies confirming or refuting these statements, you should carefully consider the choice of products marked GMO. There are not so few of them on store shelves, since many contain soy, and half of it is a genetically modified crop.

More often than others, the following products appear in the list of food industry products containing GM ingredients:

  • peas,
  • potato,
  • corn,
  • meat,
  • dairy,
  • tomatoes,
  • rape,
  • vegetable oil,
  • chicory.

Kit-Kat chocolates, Mars, Milky Way, Twix, Snickers, M&Ms, Corn Flakes, Nesquik, Beseda and Lipton teas, Lays and Pringles chips, 7-up soda, Coca-Cola are all common commercial products with genetically modified ingredients, which must be labeled with the abbreviation GMO. An extensive list includes Calve and Delmi mayonnaise, Heintz ketchup, Knorr, Maggi seasonings, Delmi margarines, Pyshka - products oversaturated with harmful GMOs.

It is not easy for an ordinary consumer to recognize the origin of products on store shelves. By appearance genetically modified food (GMO products) is almost no different from natural food, but there is a secret: if vegetables or cereals look perfect, without a single flaw, then with a high degree of probability you have the same GMO products. It is not necessary that manufacturers or sellers mark them with the appropriate label, but odorless vegetables and fruits are a reason to be wary.

Dyes, sweeteners, structurants (soybean, corn) are found in the composition of various food groups, including confectionery products with GMOs. Therefore, delicacies - cakes, cookies, rolls - should be prepared at home, reduce the purchase or completely abandon semi-finished products. Try not to buy cheap products, as they may contain genetically modified ingredients, limit the number of visits to fast food restaurants.

Video: why are GMOs dangerous for human health?

While some scientists claim that GMO products do not pose a danger to human health, others are conducting research in an attempt to prove the opposite. There is an opinion that mankind will learn about the first results of eating transgenic products in two generations. The terms are considerable, as is the level of fear, because the technology, which is a unique development of genetic engineering, threatens humanity with complete extinction. You will learn about the dangers of GMO products and how they affect human health in the video below:

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