Bauerfeind LordoLoc lumbosacral corset. Orthopedic corsets, orthoses, spinal bandages

Lumbar corsets are designed to relieve back tension and pain. They gently relieve the spine in case of chronic lumbago, as well as its degenerative and muscular instability. Wearing a corset relieves discomfort, allows you to move actively and improves your quality of life and performance. The article will discuss in more detail the Bauerfeind LordoLoc orthosis, its characteristics and rules of use.

Types of corsets

There are several types of back corsets:

  • Orthopedic lumbar models. They, depending on their characteristics, are used for the prevention and treatment of spinal diseases such as intervertebral hernias, radiculitis, spondylosis, pain in the lumbar region and during rehabilitation after back injuries.
  • Lumbosacral corsets. They come in hard and semi-hard types. The former are used after surgical interventions, back injuries and for lesions of the spinal cord in the corresponding area. The latter are used for the prevention of intervertebral hernias, as well as for severe physical activity and muscle pain.
  • Thoracolumbar orthoses. Like the previous type, they come in rigid or semi-rigid fixation. Used to stabilize the area from the lumbosacral to thoracic spine. These corsets are used for pathologies such as osteoporosis, radiculitis, spondylosis, intervertebral hernia, kyphosis, scoliosis and other back diseases.

Bauerfeind LordoLoc

This stabilizing corset belongs to the first type and is used to be worn on the lumbar region of the back. The orthosis immobilizes and relieves the spine. The effect appears due to the compression material. The orthosis has additional straps for proper regulation of fixation. Using this belt, you can begin restoring the spine without consulting a doctor. There are no side effects, but it is still necessary to follow a number of special rules of use.


The LordoLoc corset is an elastic belt with a locking effect. It is made from highly breathable knit fabric. The lumbar orthosis is easily adjusted to suit individual needs. anatomical features person, thanks to which they are not constrained in movement and do not appear painful sensations.

Bauerfeind LordoLoc is attached with special straps that help to loosen or strengthen the bandage if necessary. The ability to self-adjust allows you to correct the degree of stabilization.


The orthosis is designed to relieve the load on the spine in the lumbar region. It has four flexible aluminum stiffeners that follow the anatomical shape and has a number of advantages:

  1. Maximum comfort. The thin knitted material of the Bauerfeind LordoLoc corset maintains a normal microclimate under the product, thereby ensuring proper moisture and heat exchange. 3D knitting creates a perfect fit of the belt to the back. It is comfortable and convenient to wear for any degree of activity.
  2. Elastic bands. Thanks to their presence in the design of the corset, you can independently regulate the pressure and increase the unloading and support of the spine, based on the indications and your own well-being. This provides freedom of movement and increases activity.
  3. The Bauerfeind LordoLoc spinal brace is invisible under clothing. The thin material of the corset is almost imperceptible; it can be worn under any outfit. There is no need to change your usual lifestyle and wardrobe while using the bandage. Healing procedures with Bauerfeind can be carried out unnoticed by others.
  4. Easy to put on and take off.
  5. The design of the corset is very thin, but at the same time highly effective.
  6. Fits well and is easy to use - fastened and unfastened with a practical Velcro fastener.
  7. Light, soft and thin fabric gives the skin a comfortable and pleasant feeling.

Work technology

The Bauerfeind LordoLoc lumbosacral corset moderately fixes the necessary part, and also relieves the spine in various back pathologies. The design of the orthosis includes:

  • Four medium-hard aluminum inserts at the rear of the product. They simultaneously activate and relieve the work of muscles, relieve tension and support the back from the outside.
  • Two highly elastic bands at the front of the orthosis help regulate the fit of the product to the body, as well as intra-abdominal pressure.
  • Abdominal compression (the pressure of the orthosis on the abdomen) stabilizes the spinal region.

The elastic knitted material from which the corset is made has a massaging effect during movement. This allows you to restore and activate the normal functioning of the back muscles. As a result of wearing a corset, discomfort and pain disappear, and freedom of movement increases.

Indications and contraindications for use

  • pain in the area of ​​the sacroiliac joint;
  • chronic lumbargo;
  • muscular/degenerative instability of the spine;
  • prevention of back diseases and injuries.

The orthosis cannot be used in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • hernias abdominal wall;
  • purulent-inflammatory skin pathologies;
  • after using warming ointments and creams.

special instructions

There are no special skills or training required to use the Bauerfeind LordoLoc. Thanks to the additional elastic straps, it is very easy to put on. You should know that it is most convenient to do this from a lying position. Due to the characteristics of the material, Lordoloc can be worn under clothing.

The orthosis should be used no more than six hours a day. With longer use, atrophy of the lumbar muscles is possible, causing the spine to lose its supporting function.

The general course of therapy is determined by a specialist. As a rule, for prevention it is enough to wear a corset 5-6 times a month. You need to know that you cannot sleep in an orthosis.

You should also remove the device regularly and check your body for swelling or irritation. To prevent injury skin It is recommended to wear the product on seamless cotton clothing. To prevent blood stagnation and muscle weakness in the corset area, you need to perform a light self-massage each time after removing it.

Bauerfeind LordoLoc: reviews

Consumers respond positively to the Bauerfeind corset. On specialized forums you can find many positive opinions about it. Many note that the orthosis has no analogues in quality on the Russian market. It copes with its functions perfectly and helps relieve pain from the spine.

The only downside of the product is its price. Many buyers note that it is too high.


To select the appropriate size for the Bauerfeind LordoLoc corset, you need to measure your lumbar circumference and then familiarize yourself with the size range:

  • 1 size - 70-80 cm;
  • size 2 - 80-90 cm;
  • size 3 - 90-100 cm;
  • size 4 - 100-110 cm;
  • size 5 - 110-120 cm;
  • Size 6 - 120-130 cm.

If you cannot decide on a model on your own, it is better to contact a specialist at an orthopedic salon who will help you overcome difficulties and make the right choice.

Constant back pain is disturbing, reduces productivity and worsens quality of life. In such cases, the spine needs help from the outside - soft unloading. LordoLoc can easily handle this task.

LordoLoc is a stabilizing orthosis that is designed for soft unloading lumbar region spine with chronic lumbago, muscular or degenerative instability of the spine. LordoLoc consists of four inserts of moderate rigidity in the back of the orthosis and two elastic bands in the front. This design allows LordoLoc to act simultaneously in two directions: external unloading and support through activation of its own muscles. Thanks to rigid inserts made of lightweight aluminum alloy, LordoLoc supports the spine from the outside, relieving tension from it. Using tapes, you can regulate intra-abdominal pressure and thereby enhance external unloading and support of the spine.
When moving, due to the elasticity of the material, LordoLoc also has a micromassaging effect, which activates the back muscles and restores their balanced functioning. This provides additional - muscular - support for the spine. As a result, pain and discomfort are reduced and freedom of movement increases.

Discreet treatment

You can easily wear LordoLoc under clothes: the thin, lightweight material is almost unnoticeable on the body. And the ability to perfectly adjust the orthosis to an individual size allows you to achieve maximum comfort without restricting movement.

The spine is the basis of the human skeleton; it performs a musculoskeletal function and also protects the spinal cord. Many people face problems of back pain, insomnia, and headaches.

It is important to understand that problems get worse with age. When the spine grows, the problems that arise can be corrected by wearing a children's orthopedic back brace and exercising physical therapy. In more complex cases, you may need an orthopedic thoracolumbar rigid children's corset or an orthopedic corset for a child, which will help cope with the deviations of the spinal column that have arisen.

For adults who want to correct their posture, manufacturers offer the use of a back corset for men or women. A men's orthopedic corset for the spine differs from a woman's in size and shape. The women's orthopedic corset for the spine is practically invisible even under light summer clothing. It is necessary to distinguish a supportive female back corset from a back corset during pregnancy, the latter is intended primarily to ensure the physiologically correct position of the fetus and distribute the load on the spine.

It makes sense for every motorist to carry rigid neck braces in his car, and it is advisable to have braces of at least two sizes: children's and adult. In the event of even a minor accident, there is a risk of injury to the cervical vertebrae, so it is imperative for all participants to put on the bandages as carefully as possible before the ambulance arrives.

In case of spinal diseases, it is necessary to wear an appropriate bandage to strengthen the muscular corset of the back.

The spinal column has curves, so in case of diseases of the spine, it is necessary to choose the appropriate device: a bandage for the lumbosacral spine is significantly different from an orthopedic thoracolumbar corset.

For example, a doctor may recommend buying a rigid lumbar back corset for a herniated disc. Depending on the location of the hernia and the severity of the symptoms of the disease, the corset for the spine can be rigid, semi-rigid and supportive; the corset can be made as a belt for the spine or a corset for the thoracic spine. In some cases, the doctor may recommend wearing a lumbar spine orthosis, which speeds up the rehabilitation of a patient who has suffered from a spinal disease.

Back corsets are used for osteochondrosis, chondrosis and scoliosis, to correct posture. If you have these diseases, it is necessary to clarify with your doctor the specifics of the model required by the patient, which takes into account individual characteristics as much as possible.

LordoLoc is a stabilizing orthosis that is designed to gently relieve the lumbar spine in cases of chronic lumbago, muscular or degenerative instability of the spine.

How does LordoLoc work?

LordoLoc consists of four moderately rigid inserts in the back of the orthosis and two elastic bands in the front. This design allows LordoLoc to act simultaneously in two directions: external unloading and support through activation of its own muscles. Thanks to rigid inserts made of lightweight aluminum alloy, LordoLoc supports the spine from the outside, relieving tension from it. Using tapes, you can regulate intra-abdominal pressure and thereby enhance external unloading and support of the spine.

When moving, due to the elasticity of the material, LordoLoc also has a micromassaging effect, which activates the back muscles and restores their balanced functioning. This provides additional – muscular – support for the spine. As a result, pain and discomfort are reduced and freedom of movement increases.

Discreet treatment

You can easily wear LordoLoc under clothes: the thin, lightweight material is almost unnoticeable on the body. And the ability to perfectly adjust the orthosis to an individual size allows you to achieve maximum comfort without restricting movement.

Intended use of the BAUERFEIND LordoLoc spinal orthosis:

  • Lumbago;
  • Muscle instability (eg, osteoporosis);
  • Facet syndrome;
  • Inflammation of the sacroiliac joint (Sacroiliitis);
  • Degenerative diseases of the spine.


To select the appropriate size for the BAUERFEIND LordoLoc spinal orthosis, you need to use a measuring tape to measure the circumference of your lower back, just below your waist, and use the table.