Sanatoriums in Russia where psoriasis is successfully treated. The best effect of the treatment of psoriasis in the sanatoriums of Russia The best clinics for the treatment of psoriasis

Treatment of psoriasis in Moscow is carried out with the involvement of qualified specialists and latest technology. After a course of therapy, the patient gets rid of peeling and other signs of pathology.

The disease psoriasis according to statistics is seen in about 4 - 7% of the population of our planet. A disease appears due to disturbances in the metabolic process that occurs in the tissues of the skin and between its cells. Scientists are researching, but it has not yet been possible to determine the exact cause of the disease. Today there are several theories, which include the influence external factors, viruses and heredity.

The most qualitative effect in gives an integrated approach, and a set of procedures. But there are also clinics that offer their clients unidirectional treatment in the form of photochemotherapy.

The purpose of a particular treatment method depends on a number of factors:

  • patient's age;
  • stage of psoriasis;
  • concomitant diseases;
  • clinical forms of pathology;
  • the degree of skin damage;
  • view (summer or winter).

A little lower you will find a list of Moscow clinics with addresses, phone numbers and prices.

One of the leading clinics for the treatment of psoriasis in Moscow Salon-Garra has its own approach to the treatment of the disease. Garra Rufa fish therapy is used here. Animals belong to cyprinids, but are much smaller. Under natural conditions, the diet of fish includes plankton, but as soon as the creature is in captivity, it begins to eat everything.

The essence of the treatment is that a patient with psoriasis takes a bath in which these fish are teeming. The temperature of the water in such a bathroom is about 30 degrees. The plaques become soft and the fish eat them. The process itself is similar to a standard peeling. Fish not only cleanse the skin, but also massage, which, apart from therapeutic effect also has a relaxing effect.

Salon-Garra also carries out custom-made aquariums with Garra Rufa fish for. These animals are grown in reservoirs, the conditions of which completely repeat the natural habitat. Therefore, the effect that they have is the most complete.

They treat psoriasis here in the department of gravitational blood surgery. The treatment method is based on the theory of the immune origin of psoriasis (the body fights with its own cells of the skin, organs and joints).

In order to influence the very cause of the disease, and not just remove it, aggressive antibodies and lymphocytes that give rise to them must be removed from the blood. Until recently it was impossible to cope with such a task. Today, a new medical technology (GHK) has appeared - gravitational blood surgery, which is able to fulfill the goal.

The Capital Center practices the method of extracorporeal hemocorrection (EG), which allows you to change the composition of the blood outside the body and thereby eliminate. Almost all patients treated in the kynic experienced a strong reduction in skin lesions. In a third of patients, the disease disappeared altogether.

The process itself looks like a regular dropper. At the same time, the person does not feel any inconvenience. This type of treatment is not only able to fight psoriasis, but also improve the body as a whole.

There are such types of extracorporeal hemocorrection:

  • cryoapheresis (cryoprecipitation);
  • photopheresis;
  • cytopheresis.

In addition to the new gravitational blood purification technology, the traditional one is also used here. Moreover, the number of these drugs will already be much smaller, because all the main work was done by the EG.

Clinic Intelmed

The network of clinics Intelmed deals with the treatment of psoriasis according to the standard generally accepted scheme, but not without new technologies.

The classic treatment is:

  • phototherapy. This method most often used together with others and after treatment to fix the achieved positive result. The treatment process slows down the rate of cell division and slows down tissue growth, which reduces the inflammatory process;
  • external treatment of local type. Gels, shampoos, creams and are used. The composition of such drugs includes both hormonal and non-hormonal drugs. Use them more when not severe forms psoriasis;
  • systemic treatment. This method involves a technique that affects various factors that cause the disease. This type of treatment can be used for more severe forms of psoriasis.

New methods of psoriasis treatment used in this clinic are the use of biological drugs, as well as anticytokines. They contain special protein elements that can determine the cause of the inflammatory process and eliminate it. Such funds have proven themselves well in the middle and severe stages of scaly lichen.

Institute of Skin Diseases "Psormak"

This institution uses the method of treatment in Moscow by V.F. Mack, who has been researching psoriasis with colleagues for more than 20 years, resulting in a rich scientific background.

The basis of the doctor's treatment was a special ointment, which is prepared according to a secret recipe. It is only known that it contains over thirty extracts from various medicinal herbs.

Also in "Psormac" they use:

  • detoxification therapy based on;
  • measures for a positive impact on the mental state of the patient.

Vladimir Fedorovich refuses to use hormonal ointments for these reasons:

  • as soon as glucocorticosteroids are stopped being used, the disease becomes more complicated: sometimes even erythroderma occurs;
  • the effectiveness of hormonal ointments is not so high;
  • frequent side effects;
  • habituation effect.

This institution belongs to those clinics that use an integrated approach in the treatment of psoriasis. It is also believed here that the disease can be treated only with a complete cleansing of the body. For this, plasmapheresis is used.

The following methods are also used:

  • physiotherapy;
  • retinoids;
  • cosmetics;
  • local therapy;
  • oligoelements and vitamin D;
  • systemic therapy.

Photochemotherapy can be prescribed, but only for severe ones, because side effect from such a technique can even become skin cancer.

In the process of treatment, the patient's brain is influenced by a weak low-frequency electric current, as a result of which the patient acquires a state similar to sleep. The nervous system begins to work more stable and calms down, the amount of cholesterol in the blood drops, the metabolic process in the cells and their protein metabolism are established.

All this together has a positive effect on the patient, who spends most of the time in a stressful state. Symptoms of psoriasis begin to decrease and disappear. One session lasts approximately 20-60 minutes. The full course consists of several sessions. Sometimes they are scheduled for every day, sometimes every other day.

This treatment complex is based on the interaction of skin cells and magnetic field. Work is getting better nervous system, reduces irritability and reduces itching. A field with a low frequency also contributes to a more stable blood flow, metabolism, as well as saturation of the dermis with oxygen.

This medical institution uses PUVA therapy as the basis for the fight against psoriasis. The method was created more than a quarter of a century ago by a team of doctors and physicists, and it was based on the healing effect of sunlight on the skin.

PUVA therapy is a type of light irradiation based on useful action psoralens (medicinal plant extract), and not too intense ultraviolet rays. Therapeutic effect was obtained due to the influence of photosensitizers and long-wave UV rays. If they are used separately from each other, there will be no effect.

Psoriasis is treated like this: a medicine is applied to the patient's skin or he takes it orally. After a few hours, the patient is placed in a special booth, where he is exposed to ultraviolet radiation (some areas or all of the skin can be treated). The process is repeated with a pause of one day. The number of sessions is prescribed by the doctor after examination and diagnosis. In total, the course contains 15 - 35 sessions.

Positive aspects of psoriasis treatment in Moscow with PUVA therapy:

  • there is no dependence, because of which the courses can be repeated;
  • high effect of fighting the disease, in almost 90% of patients the skin has completely recovered;
  • few contraindications;
  • rapid treatment (after 3-7 sessions, psoriasis begins to regress);
  • outpatient sessions without disturbing normal life;
  • long remission (sometimes over 2 years);
  • tolerability in most patients.

In the clinic "Psoriasis Center" other methods of treatment are also practiced:

  • , creams and lotions;
  • tablets;
  • healing mud;
  • herbal extracts (Altai Mountains).

This is a whole network of clinics throughout the country that have created new system treatment of psoriasis using laser and nanoperforation. The development of the method took almost 2 years; more than 80 patients took part in the process of its testing. As a result, it was decided to act with a laser on the tissues of the dermis.

Nanoperforation helps the metabolic process in the skin to regain its normal speed. Each damaged area is treated separately. When the process goes on, the person feels a slight tingling sensation. After the session, there is drying of the skin and its enhanced exfoliation.

Advantages of laser therapy "Linline" in the treatment of psoriasis in Moscow:

  • even one session gives a positive effect. After 10-20 days, a general improvement in the condition is noticed. The course of procedures gives a lasting result. After 20 - 30 days it can be repeated;
  • the laser treats only damaged skin, without touching healthy areas;
  • no side effects;
  • there are no toxic methods of influence on the body;
  • no need for anesthesia, the session is completely painless;
  • unlike UV rays, which can damage the skin, the laser has a wavelength that does not cause harm;
  • There is no limit on the number of procedures.

Another very good Moscow clinic. Successful treatment of psoriasis has been going on here for almost 15 years. "Presidentmed" is one institution in Russia that uses modern technology cold plasma. Also, all variations of hardware phototherapy are used here.


The technology was developed in CureLight. It is a company that occupies a leading position in the manufacture of equipment for skin clinics. The method is based on the interaction of a light beam of a certain configuration and biological tissue. Moreover, the adjacent layers of the skin are not affected. The advantages of this approach are: efficiency, safety for the body and the absence of contraindications.


This method involves the use of ultraviolet B-spectrum with a length of 311 nm. Best of all, this treatment manifests itself in large areas of damage to the psoriasis of the cake. The main advantage of the technology is the width of the impact. The radiation dose is increased in stages. In total, the course of treatment includes 25 - 35 sessions.

excimer laser

The operation of the device is based on monochromatic radiation, with a wavelength of 308 nm. The bundle is delivered via a fiber optic line. Rays reduce the proliferation of keratocytes. Reducing the total number of active T-lymphocytes allows you to defeat the disease.

This approach gives a much more effective effect than using standard phototherapy. There are two exposure modes:

  • the use of small or medium dosages and their gradual build-up;
  • the use of high dosages of ultraviolet-B rays in a small course.

The second option quickly leads to remission, but the risk of phototoxic reactions increases.

All of these methods are able to qualitatively deal with psoriasis. The method is used in many hospitals for treatment. It especially helps where it is not possible to fight the disease with conventional phototherapy.

Quantel Derma

This device operates at a length of 308 nm, this is the optimal value for skin safety and therapeutic effect. A feature of the method is the absence of a fiber optic supply, due to which the beam can be directed more accurately. The effectiveness of QUANTEL DERMA is also expressed by the ability to apply high doses of UV.

healthy skin center

Here the treatment of psoriasis is carried out in a complex manner. Since the disease has a multifactorial origin, not only dermatologists are involved in the fight against it, but also a rheumatologist, a gastroenterologist, etc.

The main methods of the clinic are the use of medicines in conjunction with physiotherapy. Depending on the stage of the disease, the volume of both therapies is determined.

As a physiotherapy procedure, the proven Excilite μ method is used, which can be called a breakthrough in the medical industry. Based on UVA and UVB therapy.

Institute of Psoriasis in Moscow, Skin Diseases and Cosmetology (NII)

This institute is fighting psoriasis and other skin diseases.

In the course of treatment, the following drugs and methods are used:

  • CO2 laser;
  • Neotigazon;
  • photodynamic therapy;
  • Neoral;
  • phototherapy with long-wave ultraviolet;
  • Methotrexate;
  • phototherapy with medium wave ultraviolet;
  • Remicade;
  • selective phototherapy;
  • Hofitol;
  • Topic-10;
  • corticosteroids;
  • Topicrem;
  • Dithranol.

Ultraviolet light lamps are used to generate long-wave and medium-wave rays. They can be placed horizontally, but most often they use the vertical plane. The patient takes a position on a prepared bed. Also, this institute uses special equipment for treatment

Treatment of psoriasis in Moscow offer private doctors, public clinics. You can also get a doctor's consultation and.

Treatment of psoriasis in Moscow: clinics

Consider 3 major state medical centers and let's talk about treatment in private clinics in Moscow.

Institute of Dermatology and Cosmetology (Institute of Psoriasis on Kurskaya)

Institute of Psoriasis on Kurskaya

The Psoriasis Institute in Moscow has been operating since 1989. CEO and the doctor who conducts the reception - Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladimirov Vladimir Vladimirovich

Where is

Address: Moscow, st. Zemlyanoy Val, house 27, building 2, entrance 6 (metro station Kurskaya).

What services does

  • selective phototherapy;
  • laser treatment.

Medical treatment psoriasis is prescribed individually.
The psoriasis institute also provides cosmetology services.

Depending on the qualifications of the doctor consultation price - 1000-3000 rubles.

How much does the treatment cost

PUVA course costs 39,000 rubles. plus the cost of medicines.

Course of therapy 311 nm costs 39,000 rubles.

Official site


Feedback about the institute of psoriasis user Angelina

Feedback about the institute of psoriasis of the user Guest_Katya

Review of the institute of psoriasis by user voa

Clinic of skin and venereal diseases. V. A. Rakhmanova (at the Institute named after I. M. Sechenov)

Clinic at the Sechenov Institute

One of the oldest medical institutions in Moscow for the treatment of skin and venereal diseases. Director - doctor of medical sciences, Olisova Olga Yurievna

Where is

Address: Moscow, st. B. Pirogovskaya, 4, building 1.

What services does

Phototherapy for psoriasis:

  • PUVA therapy for psoriasis;
  • selective phototherapy;
  • ultraviolet
    311 nm for psoriasis;
  • low-intensity laser irradiation.

How much does a doctor's consultation cost

The cost of admission is 500-1000 rubles.

How much does the treatment cost

A session of general PUVA therapy - 750 rubles.

Treatment session with ultraviolet 311 nm - 750 rubles.

Official site


Clinic Review by Gap User

Clinic Review by Sufferer User

State Scientific Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology

FSBI “State Scientific Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology” of the Ministry of Health of Russia is engaged in the treatment of psoriasis, as well as scientific research and education in the field of medicine.

Where is

Address: Moscow, st. Korolenko, 3, building 6.

What services does

Phototherapy for psoriasis:

  • PUVA therapy for psoriasis;
  • low-intensity laser irradiation;
  • selective phototherapy;
  • ultraviolet 311 nm for psoriasis;

How much does a doctor's consultation cost

Depending on the qualification, the price of one appointment is 1000-4400 rubles.

How much does the treatment cost

A session of general PUVA therapy - 740-950 rubles. (the price depends on the drug used: Ammifurin or Oxoralen).

Treatment session with ultraviolet 311 nm - 680 rubles.

Official site


Feedback about the user center Vahmurka

Treatment of psoriasis in a private clinic

Treatment of psoriasis or private clinic in Moscow differs in the level of service. Services provided by clinics are the same as in public ones:

  • analyzes, diagnostics;
  • phototherapy of psoriasis;
  • drug treatment psoriasis.

Reading time: 4 minutes

By reading to the end, you will know:

  1. which resorts qualitatively treat psoriasis
  2. which resorts will provide sustainable remission diseases

Psoriasis- This is an autoimmune disease, most often acquired, and not inherited. Genetic predisposition to this disease can be transmitted.

Psoriasis appears due to set of reasons: attenuation immune system, stress, metabolic disorders. That's why one treatment for psoriasis(e.g. mud only, thermal or sea water only) inefficient.

What resorts treat psoriasis

All resorts where psoriasis is treated, I divided into two types.

1 type . Resorts where this disease is treated really effective because the resort has a treatment skin diseases is the main or one of main specializations.

These resorts include: Naftalan(Azerbaijan), The Dead Sea(Israel), Smrdaky (), saki(Crimea).

2 type. Resorts that claim to treat skin conditions but treatment effectiveness due to a number of objective reasons remains questionable.

What determines the successful treatment of psoriasis in the resort

There is different forms psoriasis: drop-shaped, atypical, plaque-shaped, etc. The degree of skin damage also varies. All this is taken into account when prescribing treatment.

Spa dermatologists specializing in skin diseases say that psoriasis best treated with a combination of methods. Recommended to use (it depends on the specific resort) multiple areas of treatment, among which:

  1. Mud treatment
  2. Climatotherapy
  3. Thallasotherapy
  4. Physiotherapy
  5. Naftalanotherapy

Now, let's look at each method separately and understand which resorts are the most effective.

Mud treatment for psoriasis: which resorts are the most effective

Not all mud spas treat psoriasis, because it is not the presence of dirt that matters, but its chemical composition . For example, if you come to a mud spa, there will be no result in the treatment of psoriasis. At this resort sulfur mud best of all helps only with diseases. And here is the composition of the dirt Dead Sea, resort saki in the Crimea, allows successfully fight with this disease. Of course, there are disputes about which resort's mud is stronger. It has been scientifically proven that mud of Saki lake many times more efficient, how dead sea mud. During biochemical analysis It was found that in the mud of Lake Saki there are 2 times more lipids and amino acids and 5-10 times more vitamins than in the mud of the Dead Sea. Conclusion: The most effective for psoriasis treatment mud therapy in Crimea.

Climatotherapy for psoriasis

Climatotherapy is effective in teardrop-shaped, plaque forms of psoriasis. As in the case of dirt, great importance has the composition of air. It's better when the air nautical. In terms of the effectiveness of climatotherapy, such resorts as Smrdaky, Naftalan, inferior Dead Sea, Crimea, .

Using climatotherapy at the Dead Sea improvement occurs in 68% of patients, significant improvement - in 22%, improvement - 10%. On the coast Black Sea (Crimea) indicators are lower: stable remission - in 23% of patients, significant improvement - in 40%, improvement - 36%.

The Dead Sea wins over other resorts also because this area is illuminated narrow spectrum sunlight. It is known that sunlight negatively affects the condition of the skin in psoriasis. And at the Dead Sea, you can afford to be under the sun more than at other seaside resorts - in Crimea or Portorož.

Remember , heliotherapy is indicated in stationary and regressive stages of psoriasis.

Conclusion: Most Efficient for the treatment of psoriasis climatotherapy on the dead sea.

Tallas therapy for psoriasis

Bathing in sea water, mineral water sea ​​estuaries provide stable remission of psoriasis in 80% of patients. Bathing in sea water and procedures using rapa can be combined into Crimea and . But the brine of the Crimean estuaries is stronger than in Portorož. On the dead sea no ordinary sea ​​water. All the water of the Dead Sea is actually brine.

Conclusion: Most Efficient for the treatment of psoriasis thallas therapy in the Crimea.

Physiotherapy for psoriasis

Physiotherapy procedures are auxiliary in the treatment of psoriasis. They are held at any resort. It is not recommended to choose a resort based only on the presence of a large number of physiotherapy procedures. For example, in psoriasis, only mud combined with physiotherapy(cryotherapy, phototherapy, light therapy). And on dead sea mud, brine, climatotherapy and physiotherapy. It is quite obvious which of these resorts is more effective.

Conclusion: Any of the resorts who specialize in the treatment of psoriasis undergo physiotherapy.

Naftalanotherapy for psoriasis

This method of treatment is best presented at the spa in Azerbaijan. Treatment skin diseasesthe main specialization of the resort along with treatment musculoskeletal system. Except naftalan baths are used iodine-bromine baths, physiotherapy.

The effectiveness of the treatment speaks for itself - in 98% of patients improvements are comingduring your stay in Naftalan. Remission diseases can last from six months to several years (depending on the form of psoriasis).

Conclusion: Naftalan same efficient resort like Saki or the Dead Sea.

Where is the best place to go for treatment?

For treatment psoriasis it is best to choose resorts where presented simultaneously All of the treatments we have reviewed include: mud therapy, climatotherapy, thallas therapy, physiotherapy. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account healing properties of natural factors.

The combination of all these conditions the most best resorts The Dead Sea, Crimea, .

Tips, without which the treatment of psoriasis will be ineffective

1. Optimal time stay at the resort for the treatment of psoriasis - 21-28 days.

You can come for a shorter period, but disease remission won't be as long. Six months after the treatment, it is advisable to come to the resort again. You can change resorts but re-come on equivalent in efficiency resort.

2. It is better to treat psoriasis in a sanatorium under the supervision of experienced doctors.

You can just do it yourself swim in the Dead Sea or in mud lakes of Crimea, but then there will be no comprehensive treatment. Mud procedures also need to be taken in a certain mode. Complement them physiotherapy. And if psoriasis is caused, including metabolic disorders, it also matters proper nutrition prescribed by a nutritionist.

3. You should rest in the most peaceful environment.

Psoriasis is, among other things, result of stress. The main task in the treatment of psoriasis is not only to remove external manifestations, but balance internal processes organism. Increase immunity, improve metabolism, stabilize the nervous system.

Find out prices for resorts where psoriasis is effectively treated -

Vladislav Burya, specialist in choosing medical resorts, author of the book "How to choose a medical resort and get effective treatment.

Psoriasis is a complex skin disease, the defeat of which is expressed by rashes and scaly, accompanied by a feeling of tightness and severe itching.

Some statistics

How to cure psoriasis permanently? This disease, considered rare, affects about 4-8% of the world's population (approximately 4.5 million people). Moreover, highly developed countries also did not bypass the skin damage, due to the fact that a healing medicine for psoriasis has not yet been invented. Among ethnic groups, whites have a higher prevalence than blacks, Hispanics, and Indians. This disease does not distinguish by gender either, affecting both women and men equally.

The appearance of psoriasis is due to genetic and hereditary factors: out of 100% of the patients surveyed, 40-65% of the skin disease suffered from relatives and friends. In a number of studies, when assessing the risk of morbidity, it was found that if one of the twins is diagnosed with psoriasis, then the probability of developing the disease in the second will be 58%. This conclusion was made public during the examination of 141 pairs of twins. If a brother or sister suffers from psoriasis, the risk is reduced to 6%. Given the illness of both parents in 65%, the child will also be affected by this disease; if one of the couple is sick, then the risk of getting sick is reduced to 20%. Moreover, the degree of the disease and its localization in different family members is not the same.

Psoriasis is not contagious

There is a widespread belief that psoriasis is contagious, especially when looking at a person affected by the disease. Psoriasis is not contagious! Neither touching the diseased skin, nor the use of common objects, nor caring for the patient will cause infection, since the source of the disease is the leukocytes of the patient himself, who sincerely thinks about how to cure psoriasis forever.

External signs of the disease

External signs of psoriasis:

The disease can manifest itself:

  • in partial form, characterized by the presence of several spots on the body;
  • in a continuous form, affecting the skin completely.

Causes of psoriasis

Psoriasis occurs due to a violation of the performance of its functions by the epidermis, which normally should be updated about once a month.

With psoriasis, this happens several times faster, that is, the skin tries to rejuvenate in 3-4 days. The factor causing the accelerated-abnormal process of passing the full cell cycle, is inflammation. This forces new cells to come out not fully formed, which not only negatively affects the entire body, but also leads to deterioration of the outer skin layer, namely, to the appearance of repulsive scalyness.

Once started, the process accompanies a person all his life, alternating with periods of exacerbation and temporary calm. skin manifestations(otherwise, remissions). How to cure psoriasis forever and get rid of not only psoriatic rashes, but also painful itching, which can still be somehow controlled during the day? At night, a sleeping patient has to involuntarily comb the lesions, which leads to damage to the epidermis and aggravation of the disease.

Factors that cause psoriasis

Factors that cause the occurrence of psoriasis are:

  • metabolic disorders, as well as the functioning of the immune and endocrine systems;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • systematic use of drugs;
  • past illness (tonsillitis, influenza, etc.);
  • unfavorable ecology;
  • stress and neurosis, constant emotional stress.

The true cause of psoriasis is genetics

Provoking the onset of psoriasis, none of the above factors is the cause of the disease, the presence of which does not affect the deterioration of well-being and the decrease in the patient's performance. Discomfort is caused only discomfort, itching and appearance skin cover. It is most difficult for the patient in psychological terms, since you have to constantly experience a wary attitude and sidelong glances of people around you. The feeling of loneliness provoked by society and an unattractive appearance encourage the patient to intensively look for methods that can solve the question of how to cure psoriasis forever.

Living with psoriasis

Finding signs of psoriasis, do not panic: this is not a death sentence. Unfortunately, a completely curative medicine has not yet been invented, but modern methods therapies are able to reduce the degree of damage, stop the development, and also control the course of the disease with the help of a variety of drugs.

People live side by side with such a disease, which is pacified with the help of methods that suppress the active activity of the immune system. Taking away forever modern facilities cannot affect the true cause: excessive active action immune system to the skin. The disease, which lasts for years, proceeds changeably, then subsiding for a long time (even disappearing completely), then becoming aggravated. In any case, psoriasis that affects the body will never leave it; cells of the immune system will always attack the skin.

Treatment of psoriasis

The treatment of psoriasis is a complex process, divided into several stages depending on the form and stage of the disease, the area of ​​skin lesions, the sex and age of the patient, the presence of associated diseases, restrictions on one or another method of treatment or medicinal product. It is important to listen responsibly to the doctor's recommendations, not to self-medicate and not to be deceived by inviting advertisements of a "miraculous cure for psoriasis", which are a means of easy money for scammers. It is unrealistic to cure psoriasis with its complex and ambiguous nature; according to the forces of some methods, it is only possible to remove the symptoms for a while. Therapeutic tactics must be selected individually, taking into account previous therapy. In severe cases, with sufficient prevalence