Failed to set up xiaomi mail account. How does Xiaomi spy on users? New Android app permission system

Despite the fact that everyday communication has mostly moved to social networks and instant messengers, email today remains an integral element of business communications. How to set up mail on Xiaomi Redmi 4X to stay in touch at any time? It's not difficult, but sometimes there are problems when setting up an email client.

How to set up mail on Xiaomi

On Xiaomi smartphones, a standard mail client is installed in the MIUI shell. It can be found in the applications, in the "Tools" section. To set it up, sign in to the Mail app and follow these steps:

In some versions of the software, the configuration will have to be done manually by entering server addresses and port numbers. For the service, the mail setup will look like this:

  • incoming mail server: for POP3 protocol -, for IMAP -;
  • outgoing mail server:;
  • security type: SSL/TLS;
  • port number for incoming mail: 995 for POP3 protocol, 993 for IMAP;
  • outgoing port number: 465.

Similarly, we configure Xiaomi for other services, only the domain in the server addresses changes. After that, it remains to perform personal settings: turn on the autoresponder, set up a signature for letters, etc.

Alternative email clients

If it is inconvenient or unusual to use the standard client, you can find an email program (application) for Android in PlayMarket. To do this, just find a program that is suitable in terms of functionality and interface, download it to your Xiaomi Redmi 4X, install and enter authorization data: your email address and password.

Examples of programs available for download under the Android OS and the MIUI shell:

  • "Cloud Magic" - supports the most popular mail and cloud services, easy to use;

  • "MyMail" - works with any mailboxes, easy to set up;

  • "K-9" is a universal mail program that supports most services, has a more complex interface compared to analogues.

In addition, you should remember that popular mail services have their own applications, which can also be found in PlayMarket.

Possible problems

Despite the ease of setting up mail on Xiaomi Redmi 4X, some users still encounter problems with mail. Most often, this manifests itself as a failure to send emails.

The most common causes of errors generated by the SMTP server are:

  • incorrect recipient address: if there is an error in the address, the server will recognize it as non-existent and “return” your letter;
  • anti-spam protection of the recipient's mail servers, which recognized your letter as spam;
  • if the recipient's mail server is not working at the time of sending, the letters will also be returned with a delivery error.

If the above options are excluded, but the letter sent through the installed email program receives an automatic response indicating an SMTP error, you need to check the settings of the mail program in terms of specifying the address of the outgoing mail server. A send error (coded as error 550, 553) can occur if you are trying to work from your home mailbox while accessing the Internet using a different service provider. In this case, you need to change the SMTP server address in the settings to the one used in this network.

We think no one needs to explain why it is so important to keep your operating system safe and clean. If this is not done, then after a while the smartphone will slow down or even fail due to malware. Users of other operating systems often install a lot of “cleaning” programs and antiviruses, but this is not necessary in MIUI. MIUI has its own feature rich app to help keep your OS clean and secure.

To configure and prevent threats, go to the "Security" application and study it.


Click on the “Permissions” button on the main screen of the application and a menu will open. In it, select the item "Autostart".

In the "Autorun" menu, check the boxes for applications with priority launch. Some applications may not work correctly in the background without autorun. You can add the necessary applications manually to the autostart list. It is enough to put a tick in front of the desired applications. This helps, for example, when notifications from Vkontakte do not come.

All apps require permission to access your data and features. You can manually select what type of data the application has access to. Scroll to the desired application and select the type of data you want to change access to.

In order not to configure access to, for example, the location of each application manually, you can swipe to the right and see a list of data types. In our case, only four applications request access to the location. Further, as in the first case, click on each application and choose to allow it access to data, prohibit or force it to ask.

E-mail today is still one of the main ways of communicating on the Internet, although basically it is more about business correspondence, since everyday dialogues are more often conducted on social networks. The article will discuss how to set up mail on Xiaomi so that you can always check your email inbox and answer letters without going to your computer or laptop.

Technical features

Not all devices have access to the full functionality of e-mail. Therefore, for example, setting up Yandex mail on a Xiaomi smartphone should begin with determining the mail application protocol that is best suited for the needs of the phone owner. Not all email services support both protocols.

There are two types of protocols:

  • POP3 - mail does not work on it in full, and copies of letters arrive at the mailbox, which only duplicate messages sent to a specific email address. If the owner of the phone tries to send a letter or create a draft for sending in the future, then this letter will be available exclusively through the application on the phone, and it will not exist for other devices;
  • IMAP is a full-featured mail protocol that allows you to work with all the functionality of email.

Mail client setup

The MIUI shell has a standard mail client called "Mail". It can be configured to work with both mail protocols. Naturally, preference should be given to IMAP if the email service provides such an opportunity to its users. The most popular services in the vast Russian segment of the Internet are: Mail, Yandex, Rambler, Google.

Initially, when you start it, you must enter your login (e-mail address) and password, and then select one of the protocols in the pop-up contextual list: POP3 or IMAP. Sometimes you do not need to enter the address in full, but it is enough to enter only the name before the “@” sign, after which the system will offer its own endings from all known variants of e-mail systems.

In the current version of the application, the settings are as follows:

  1. For Mail, just enter your username and password, and select the protocol option.
  2. For Yandex, the system works exactly the same.
  3. In the case of Google, it will be enough to enter the address, and then the device will redirect the user to the browser, where it will be enough to additionally enter the password.

  1. For Rambler, everything works by analogy: data is entered and a protocol is selected.

However, only the current version of the application works this way, so you should specify more detailed information so that you can work with any email client. The data is specially summarized in a table, according to which you can make adjustments.

Email ServiceMail server addressConnection securityPort number
MAILPOP3pop.mail.rusmtp.mail.ruSSL/TLS995 465
IMAPimap.mail.rusmtp.mail.ruSSL/TLS993 465 465 465
RAMBLERPOP3pop.rambler.rusmtp.rambler.ruSSL/TLS995 465
IMAPimap.rambler.rusmtp.rambler.ruSSL/TLS993 465 465 465

Alternative email clients

There are many email clients, among which it is worth highlighting the most popular:

  • cloud Magic an application that is not much different from the standard one. Fully syncs with Gmail, Google Apps, Office 365, Yahoo, Hotmail and iCloud. The only problem is that not all mail services popular among our compatriots will work correctly;

  • - a more versatile client. Its only drawback is that the interface is more difficult to understand;

  • another universal client that will work with any box. In practice, no global shortcomings were identified.

Setting up for each of these clients is done in the simplest way. In most cases, it is enough to simply enter a username and password, and if the application requires the introduction of certain parameters, then all of them are listed in the table. Do not forget that postal companies create their own applications, such as Yandex Mail, Mail.Ru Mail and others.

Possible problems

Often, users have this or that problem in the work of the mail client.

Most of them can be solved in the following way (for any email clients):

  • clear application data and cache if there are any problems with sending and receiving emails or other problems;
  • be sure to check the entered authorization data, since many users make mistakes at this stage;
  • if attachments attached to letters are not downloaded, then you need to go to the application settings and disable the download function exclusively via Wi-Fi, which will allow you to work with a mobile Internet connection.


From the foregoing, we can conclude that setting up mail clients is quite simple. You just need to use the given data table to connect to your own e-mail box. For less popular email services, you need to find similar options on the official website or through a search.

Finally Google did it. Android 6.0 Marshmallow includes a new iOS style that adds Android app permission control. You can also manually revoke the permissions of any app - even those designed for older versions of Android.

You don't need root access, custom firmware, or upgrading to an iPhone to do this. Now in this mobile operating system there is a permission management for Android applications.

New Android app permission system

Android 6.0 apps will now ask for permissions when they need them. For example, instead of giving permission to access the camera when you install an application, you will be prompted to allow access to the camera the first time you launch this application.

You can manually manage app permissions even if the apps were released for older versions of Android and don't ask for access on first launch.

Managing Android Application Permissions

To do this, you need Android 6.0 Marshmallow or newer on your device.

Open "Settings", click on the "Applications" item, which is located in the "Device" section.

You will see a list of all apps installed on your Android device. Click on an application in the list to view more information. On the app info screen, you'll see a "Permissions" item that lists all the permissions the app has access to. Click on "Permissions".

You can also quickly access the app information by long-pressing the app icon, then dragging it to the About app icon that appears at the top of the screen. This shortcut may not be available on some devices, as manufacturers and carriers may use different interfaces.

Let's get back to permissions. Various permissions will be displayed here, such as contacts, phone, SMS, and others. Apps for older versions of Android will automatically get all required permissions upon installation, but you can turn permissions off if you wish.

If you disable any permission, a warning will appear stating that this application was developed for older versions of Android, and disabling it may lead to a crash.

Older apps are not designed for this feature, and they tend to just assume they have access to whatever features they require. In most cases, after disabling permissions, applications work stably. In some cases, disabling the permission may cause a crash, in which case, simply enable the permission again. For example, if you disable the camera permission for an app that is designed to take photos, then the app will no longer be able to take photos. You will not receive a message that you need to give permission to use the camera again. Therefore, Android permissions management is a useful, but, in a way, dangerous feature.

In any case, if after disabling the permission, the application does not work as it should, then you can always return to this menu and issue the permission again.

You can also go to the menu, which is located in the upper right corner on this screen, and click "All Permissions". Here you can see all the permissions that have been granted to the application. Android hides some permissions. As you can see, Android app permission management does not apply to all categories.

Keep in mind that when updating, the application may receive permission without asking you about it. For example, if some application can use reading contacts and you allow the use of "Phone", then after the update, the application may receive permission to make a phone call, which may subsequently cost you lost money. Since making a phone call is part of the Phone permission, there will be no additional requests for permission to make calls. You can view what each permissions mean on the Google site.

View and manage Android permissions for all apps

To view and manage permissions for all apps at once, open Settings and go to Apps. In the upper right corner, click on the gear icon and click on "Application Permissions".

You will see a list of permissions and the number of apps that have access to those permissions. Categories include SMS, Calendar, Camera, Contacts, Location, Microphone, Body sensors, Memory, Phone and some additional permissions.

To view the apps that use a permission category, click on it. For example, to see which apps have access to calendar data, tap on Calendar. To prevent an app from accessing your calendar, disable it on this screen.

When you disable the permission, you will see a warning that the app was developed for older versions of Android.

As usual, some steps and names may differ on different devices. Manufacturers often change the interface of their devices, and some options may be in other places.

Xiaomi devices have become quite popular in our area in recent years. More and more people are buying Android smartphones from this Chinese manufacturer and with them they get to use the proprietary MIUI () graphical shell. Today we will talk about some of the nuances of fine-tuning this firmware.

Why aren't notifications coming?

Despite the apparent simplicity at the first meeting, MIUI is a rather complex and functional add-on to the OS, with its own features and operation algorithms, which are somewhat different from those familiar to all Android users. The fact is that in MIUI, the developers tried to find a balance between autonomy and application functionality. Or rather, in fact, the Chinese simply limited their permissiveness by default. These restrictions are expressed in the prohibition of working in the background, that is, in fact, the system actively "kills" background processes and / or prohibits them from network connection and access to the location service. As a result, the user receives a significant increase in the autonomy of the device. But, as always, there is a flip side to the coin. Many users complain that the device does not show them notifications from their favorite applications and services until they are manually launched from the desktop. After this, notifications come for a while, but if you turn off the device screen for a long time, the situation repeats again and again. So what is really happening? How to use all the capabilities of a Xiaomi device to increase autonomy, but at the same time not lose the really necessary notifications? Let's try to understand this issue.

Setting the background mode in MIUI

This menu item is hidden very deep in the bowels of the system, which is why many even quite experienced Android users do not find it right away, and some, not the most curious ones, never find it at all. So, go to the settings menu, "Advanced" / "Battery and performance" / "Battery consumption by applications". And here we see the section "Power Saving Modes". By default, the "Standard" mode is activated here, which just restricts applications access to the network and location in the background. Of course, without an internet connection, your application will not be able to access the server and the push notification will not be delivered to the smartphone. Moreover, it is completely impossible to understand which applications the system restricts in the "Standard" mode, and which ones do not. MIUI does everything at its own discretion and the logic of this process cannot be understood without scrupulous research.

Of course, if everything suits you, you can not touch anything here. But if problems are present, there are two ways. You can simply disable this feature by selecting the "Disabled" option. In this version, the MIUI gadget will start working in the mode of a "normal" Android device, where background processes are regulated by the system kernel, as well as the rights and priorities prescribed by the developer of a particular application. That is, all programs will actually have complete freedom in the background and access to the network connections and location they need. This will ensure the normal functionality of absolutely all programs, but at the same time, the autonomy of your MIUI smartphone will seriously decrease.

Personally, I choose the second way - to disable everything by default, and then selectively allow only what I need. Of course, this approach requires some time to customize the parameters, but no "extra" services will eat up the smartphone's battery and consume network traffic. And the functions I need are guaranteed to have access to the Internet for timely data updates and immediate delivery of alerts.

So, we select the third mode "Elevated" in which MIUI will limit any background activity when possible. After that, we proceed to fine-tune the permissions for applications through the "Select applications" item at the top. I do not think that this process will cause you serious questions. Everything is extremely simple here. We see a list of all programs, which are separated by the "Installed" and "System" tabs. We find the problematic application we need and, if necessary, remove all restrictions for it, or completely limit its background activity, or make selective settings. Voila! At the same time, I recommend paying attention to system applications from Xiaomi. Many of them are completely unclaimed in our realities and therefore it is logical to completely limit background activity to them (by default, this parameter is not used).

Setting notifications in MIUI

We figured out how to set up the background activity required for the normal operation of applications in the MIUI system. However, that's not all. We have the ability to customize notification types for each individual app.

Why did I bring up this topic? The fact is that I myself personally encountered problems in the operation of Facebook Messenger on a smartphone after the next update. They consisted in the fact that when a new message arrived, the system showed me an icon in the notification curtain and an indicator with the number of unread programs on the desktop shortcut, but the floating round window from the desktop disappeared somewhere, and it was impossible to go from the curtain by clicking on notification in the corresponding chat. It turns out that the problem was precisely the limitation of notification types for Messenger. The solution to such problems is as follows:

We go to the settings menu. Item "Notifications and calls" / "App notifications". Here we see a list of all applications that are allowed to show notifications to the user. Some obviously unnecessary notifications you can turn off completely. And for the necessary ones, configure the types of notifications and their priority. Just in the case of Facebook Messenger, it was necessary to activate the item "Pop-up notifications" for the normal operation of the floating window. Yes, and the transition from the notification curtain to applications became possible after that. So, if you run into similar problems, you will already know what to do.

Autostart apps in MIUI

Another important point that can affect the correct operation of the applications you need is autorun. The automatic launch of applications after the system boots in MIUI can be controlled through the Security application. Go to "Permissions" / "Autostart" and configure the necessary settings. Personally, for example, I set automatic start for all critical messengers:

Pinning apps to RAM

Another seemingly well-known life hack of the MIUI shell, however, it turns out that many novice users simply do not know about it. Its essence is that you can define some applications that are critical to you and they will not be unloaded from RAM, even if you click on the "close all applications" cross in the multitasking menu. Personally, I use this feature for dialers, SMS applications, instant messengers and social network clients. This feature will guarantee the operability of critical applications and prohibit the system from closing them in any situation. Pinning applications to memory remains active even after rebooting the smartphone.

So, in the multitasking menu, we just do a swipe, as if we were swiping the icon of the application we need down. The shortcut will have a small lock, which signals that the application is pinned to memory. You can remove an application from memory by the reverse action - by swiping it up.

Force quit an application

Another useful feature that will help you when working with applications in the MIUI system. It is not directly related to the topic of our article, but indirectly it is still important. After all, sometimes it happens that the program "glitched" or hung, or does not work correctly. To quickly exit such an application, we use a long hold on the "Back" button. You must first assign this action in the settings menu "Advanced" / "Keys". Also here you can adjust the time of long pressing to perform actions.