Does the patient have the right to change doctors? Can I change doctors or clinics?

The type and purpose of certificates and diplomas can be very different. An experienced performer in each case will always offer the best option design, taking into account all the wishes of the customer. The tradition of presenting diplomas is supported throughout the business world. This is not surprising: after all, a letter, certificate, diploma or other similar document confirms the professional achievements of its owner. A certificate or diploma in the office of a manager, doctor, consultant, accountant is a documentary evidence of his professional success, significantly increases the credibility and image of the company as a whole. Presentation of diplomas to the best employees activates healthy competition in the team, promotes creative and productive growth. Separately, it is worth mentioning comic certificates and diplomas presented as a gift at a corporate or family holiday.

Another blog

Believe that our teaching staff will continue to be a necessary support for you in achieving and conquering new heights. I hope that you will continue to improve your abilities so that everyone can truly enjoy your success. I sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of your family, our school and the entire Fatherland! Letter of thanks to the teacher Accept the words of sincere gratitude for the success in the field school education, for high professionalism and competence, dedication and hard work! Your inherent efficiency, focus on achieving the final result, the ability to make decisions, sociability, goodwill, patience, willingness to answer any questions from your students - admires.

Certificate of Honor for conscientious work - sample text

An application for this promotion of an employee is submitted by the head of the department in which the employee is a member. A presentation is drawn up on it and sent to the head of the company. Most often, this is a simple formality that requires only the signature of the director.

In the submission, write the surname, name, patronymic of the applicant, position, length of service at this enterprise, a brief description of the merits, compiled according to the personal file. 3 The period for which this application must be sent to personnel is also determined in the local regulatory act "Regulations on the certificate of honor." If there is no such provision, then usually this period is at least two weeks. 4 If the decision is positive, an order is issued on behalf of CEO. The text itself must be included in the letterhead.

Examples of ready-made congratulatory texts

Tatyana wrote: The organization should develop a Regulation on the Certificate of Honor, on the basis of which you prepare a presentation for the award of a particular person. There are certain requirements, and not just wanted and awarded ... That's when I worked in a small madhouse on the outskirts of the city in one medical institution, we have developed the Regulations on the "Certificate of Honor" ...

And some other… God forbid, memory… there was definitely something else like that… I don’t remember. Of course, if the employer strives to ensure that some amount is attached to the Diploma, the Regulation is necessary. To legalize payments. I want to draw a moderator's attention to this message because: A notification is being sent...

I do not give advice in private messages. Please ask all questions on the forum. « First ← Prev.1 2 Next

Texts for thanks, certificates and diplomas for colleagues

VyacheslaV Belarus, Vitebsk #3 February 25, 2011, 15:02 For many years of conscientious work, personal contribution to the development of such and such an industry, fruitful and creative work when fulfilling obligations to customers, as well as for the numerous contribution to the development of the enterprise I want to draw the attention of the moderator to this message, because: Notification is being sent ... #4 February 25, 2011, 15:03 "... and animal husbandry!" (c) I want to draw the attention of the moderator to this message, because: A notification is being sent ... I do not give advice in private messages. Please ask all questions on the forum.

Related material: certificates of honor, diplomas, letters of thanks

The font used to print the text of the letter should be large and contrasting, well readable from a distance. 4 The main text of the certificate of honor must contain information on the occasion for which the award is being made. this person or enterprise. First, the merits of an employee or organization are listed, his contribution to the work and socio-economic development of the city, enterprise, etc. is noted. Then you should indicate, if required, what the award is timed to.
It can be industry anniversary events or the anniversary of the municipality, a particular enterprise. The reason for the award may be an anniversary by age or activity of an employee. 5 In the text, be sure to indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the employee being awarded, individual or the full name of the enterprise in the nominative case.

Sign in

In the text, it is necessary to name the area in which the person works.

  • Or like this: "Awarded ... for achieving high results in the field (specify which), a huge contribution to the development of the region ...".

The award document also indicates the reason for the encouragement. More on that below. You can paraphrase the text as follows: "The enterprise awards ... (name, position) for perseverance and conscientiousness, high performance, many years of work ...". Sometimes diplomas are awarded for winning competitions, including production ones.

Then the text specifically indicates what the person is rewarded for. For example, for first place in a regional competition. About the occasion The fact is that the award is not presented out of the blue. The diploma for many years of conscientious work is an official document. Firstly, the production should have a regulation on when, for what and who is encouraged.

How is a certificate for conscientious work issued? meaningful text

In addition, each case is documented by the relevant order of the management. By the way, on the letterhead, in addition to the text, the details of the body that made the decision to present it are also printed. The regulation states that certificates are awarded on holidays, anniversaries or on other specific occasions.

It is not recommended to deviate from the established rules. This can disavow the value of the promotion itself. How the diploma is awarded Now a few words about the solemnity of the event. Diplomas are not awarded on the run or in the smoking room. To do this, you need to organize a special event.

It can take place in the form that is accepted in the organization. Everyone independently chooses this, based on the traditions that have developed in the team. But the goals of all events are the same. First, it is necessary to arrange a holiday for the awarded.

How to fill out an award diploma

  • For continuous excellent work and devotion to the interests of the company.
  • For a conscientious attitude to work, clarity in solving tasks, reliability, striving for development and professional growth.
  • Thank You Letter
  • In recognition of your loyalty to the company and the transfer of your knowledge to the next generation.
  • In recognition of your invaluable personal contribution and dedication to the company's values.
  • As a token of gratitude for many years of conscientious work.
  • As a token of gratitude for many years of work for the benefit of the company.
  • Companies for Merit and Quality
  • Diploma
    • For many years of fruitful cooperation and in honor of the 20th Anniversary with wishes for further prosperity.
    • In honor of the twentieth anniversary.



GRAMOTAFIO is awarded for (victory in the capitalist competition; active participation in ...; outstanding success in ...) Issued by (indicating the position and name of the organization) Signature, date, seal. For special services to CJSC Pimsiki Ltd and personally to the General Meeting of Founders, a great contribution to the economic activities of CJSC Pimsiki Ltd and in commemoration of the three-year anniversary of the company's activity is awarded by Person issued (with indication of the position and name of the organization) Signature, date, seal. I want to draw a moderator's attention to this message because: A notification is being sent...

I do not give advice in private messages. Please ask all questions on the forum.

Texts on certificates of honor


  • certificates for workers

Each employer has the right, but is not obliged to apply a system of moral and material incentives at his enterprise. Awarding a certificate of honor is one of the types of encouragement of a moral nature. Currently, this procedure does not require agreement with the trade union body.

Instruction 1 At the enterprise, it is desirable to create a local normative act, which will clearly regulate the criteria for evaluating employees, the entire award procedure, and outline the methods of remuneration. In this case, the employer will have an obligation to apply incentive measures when specific circumstances occur. So, an employee can be awarded a certificate of honor for impeccable and conscientious work in one team for a certain number of years.

Texts in certificates of honor

What to write in a letter of honor? It contains information on the following categories:

  • Surname and patronymic name of the awarded.
  • The merits of the addressee before the firm, city, company, etc.
  • Name of the celebration: what event the award is dedicated to. For example, for the birthday of a person, the anniversary of the company, for city events, and so on.
  • If a reward is attached to the letter, be sure to indicate its size.
  • At the bottom left, the position of the person who signs the letter is indicated: director, executive director, trade union committee, and so on. In the center at the bottom there is a place for printing and signature, and at the end of the line - for decoding this signature.

Certificate of honor.

Sample texts for diplomas for participation (and for winning) in a competition (professional and children's). Designed for those who took the first (and any other) place, and for the organizers, ordinary participants, teams.

All names, surnames, names of organizations are used solely for the convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need.

Option number 1

Administration of the Yaroslavl region


"Super Project" LLC,

Rodionov R.M., Neznaikin O.Sh., Vostrov U.T.

for active participation in the XII regional annual competition of professional skills

architects of the Yaroslavl region

and the project "Specialized hospital complex of innovative

Medical and diagnostic center "Clinic of neuropathology" at the address:

Yaroslavl region, Danilovsky district, Sereda village.


Governor of the region

Z. Kh. Khrustalev

Option number 2


Aristova Gertrude Stepanovna,

teacher of history and social studies

GKOU RO Sayan special boarding school "Rise",

for non-traditional approaches to the education and upbringing of children, shown in the competitive tasks of the first and second rounds.

Head of Department

Education Sayansk

U. E. Katanov

Option number 3


Public library

Municipal Cultural Institution

Svetlogorsk district

centralized library system

director Fedotova Victoria Danilovna

in the direction of educational activities

for winning the regional competition for the best project for the development of low-cost forms of recreation, health improvement and employment of children during the 2019 summer health campaign.

Head of Administration


"Svetlogorsk municipal district"

V. A. Pugovkin

Reason: Order No. 1055 dated September 22, 2020

Option number 4


Polyakov Ruslan Karlovich

I took the 1st place in the competition of professional skills in the profession "Tractor driver-machinist of agricultural production"

Director of CJSC "Agronom"

Sh. U. Kruglov

Option number 5

Department of Education Administration

Severodvinsk municipal district


Tikhonova Zhanna Kirillovna,

biology teachers

MOU secondary school №82, Severodvinsk

winner in the nomination

"For Professional Competence"

within the framework of the municipal competition

"Teacher of the Year - 2020"


education department

O. E. Vasilyeva

Option number 6


SPO SPO "Severobaikalsky Agrotechnological College"

Silver medalist

the regional stage of the competition of professional skills among students of professional educational organizations of higher vocational education of the city of Severobaikalsk in the nomination "Auto mechanic of agricultural production in 2019"

Lieutenant Governor

Severobaikalsk -

Chairman of the Committee

Ya. Yu. Zhuchkov

Option number 7

For participation in the city competition of arts and crafts


dedicated to the Civil Aviation of Russia and Defender of the Fatherland Day


Matveev Yaroslav

student of school No. 19 in Taganrog

in the nomination:


Director of secondary school No. 19 in Taganrog

F. Sh. Bayanova

December 2020

Option number 8


Zarubin Andrey

student GOU TsO No. 118

for first place

in the category "Animals"

Christmas competition-festival

children's fine arts

"Petersburg Star"

Primorsky district

Head of Department

Primorsky district

T. U. Ageev

St. Petersburg

Option number 9

Office of Education Executive Committee

Erzinsky municipal district

Republic of Tyva


Evgeny Emelyanov

pupil of MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 28 "of the village of Erzin

for participation in the II stage of the municipal competition "Intellectual Spartakiad" Preschooler "

among children of preschool age,

for dedication, fortitude, patience and a high level of intellectual training.

(Head Zinovieva Zlata Ivanovna)

Date 03.11.2020

Head of Department

formation of the Executive Committee

Erzinsk Municipal

L. O. Zhulebin

Option number 10



Maria Nikolaevna,

for a non-standard view of the surrounding reality, a creative approach to the embodiment of ideas and II place in the photo contest

"Summer morning"

on the site "School No. 123", Nakhodka

Director of secondary school №123


G. K. Larina

Option number 11


for a professional organization

participation in the competition 2019-2020.

Municipal educational


children's education

"Center for Children's and Youth Musical Creativity"


Ovsyanova Inna Gennadievna

Chairman of the Organizing Committee

I. D. Zharova

Jury President

H. E. Eduardova

Option number 12

Is awarded

Savina Kristina

for taking part

in the Christmas craft competition

"In the Kingdom of the Nutcracker"

hardworking and amazing child, as well as creative parents who have prepared interesting, full of non-standard work!

We thank you for your attention to the competition and wish you success, joy to your family, fulfillment of desires and a happy New Year!


Children's entertainment

centers "Country of Childhood"

G. Sh. Shapovalova

Option number 13


Municipal Stage Winner

Krasnodar regional competition of creative works

"Animal rights through the eyes of a child"

Nikitina Miroslava

student of 9 "B" class

MOU "Secondary Educational School No. 194"


Department of Education

Sh. Z. Tyurina

Krasnodar city

Option number 14

Education department of Talnakh region

COiN of the administration of the city of Norilsk


team of MB preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 46"

combined type

for active creative participation, creative approach and professionalism

in the district competition of preschool propaganda teams "GBDD - what is this?"


education department

Talnakh region

R. P. Lyadova

Option number 15


Artemy Bogdanov

for creativity, active participation

and brilliant humor

in the competition of national songs.

Option number 16


Varvara Glafirova

for participation in the children's drawing competition

and a victory in the nomination "People's Choice Award"

Option number 17

Chef Team Awarded

LLC "Food Plant" Oktyabrsk "food unit of preschool institution No. 64

won 1st place in the "Turnip" competition dedicated to the international holiday "Cook's Day".

Thank you for your active participation! We wish you further professional victories!


LLC Food Plant Oktyabrsk

Z. Kh. Rollov

Option number 18


Soshkina Raisa Semyonovna

foreign language teacher

municipal budgetary educational institution

Pervouralsk secondary school

Central district of the Sverdlovsk region,

for participation in the competition of professional skills

"Teacher of the Year - 2020",

creative approach to teaching and educating schoolchildren.

Central region

I. Yu. Mudrova


Option number 19


A student of the Children's Art School, the urban settlement of Semiluki

Starodubtseva Angelina

(teacher Rafailova Svetlana Albertovna)

for the brilliant performance of the play by A. Gavrilin

VIII Open regional competition of young pianists

"Classic - new look"

Jury President

Associate Professor of the Department of Special

piano ChGKI

O. L. Vorobyov

  • Under the heading (the uppermost part of the sheet with the heading “Certificate of Honor”) write the word “Awarded”. It is typed in capital letters. Above this word, the organization from which this award is directed can be indicated (this is an optional condition for registration).
  • The main text follows. It is laid out in the center of the page (see as shown in the samples).
  • Under the main text, at the bottom, indicate the position of the person and the name of the organization - the author of the text. This entry is placed on the left side of the page.
  • Opposite it, on the right edge, place the surname and initials.
  • A personal signature and seal are affixed in the center of the sheet, at the bottom.
  • The very last entry on the page will be the date (you can write in full, or you can leave only the year of the award) and the name of the settlement.
  • The order number (if any) is also written at the bottom left or center of the page.
  • in the text it is permissible to highlight in bold the name of the person being awarded, the basis for issuing a certificate.

To help class teachers in compiling texts of letters, thanks to students, the parent community (especially when summing up the school year).

Everyone knows how difficult it is to find the right words to say goodbye to your students, to note the merits of each, to praise or cheer, to inspire confidence in a successful future. I offer several samples of texts of thanks and diplomas.



1. A letter of thanks to parents.



Teaching staff

MBOU "Secondary School No. ..."

Expresses its gratitude to you and says a huge human “THANK YOU” for your participation inraising your son... and class life.

The success of a person, of course, is the merit of his closest people with imperceptible, at first glance, daily efforts, work, patience and responsibility.

We thank you for your creativity and

active life position.
We sincerely wish you good health, happiness and prosperity!


Cl. supervisor

… June 2013

2. A letter of thanks to parents.



Teaching staff

MBOU "Secondary School No. ..."

I sincerely thank you and express my deep gratitude for the upbringing of your son ... who showed himself as a student who is able to think deeply, overcome difficulties, show excellent results, defeating worthy opponents.


Cl. supervisor

… June 2013

3. A letter of thanks to parents.



Teaching staff

MBOU "Secondary School No. ..."

I sincerely thank you and express my deep gratitude for the upbringing of your daughter ... who has shown herself to be a student who is able to think deeply, overcome difficulties, show excellent results, defeating worthy opponents.

Your child's victories are our common joy.
We wish you all the best, optimism, health, prosperity and more human warmth.


Cl. supervisor

… June 2013

4. Letter of thanks to parents.



Teaching staff

MBOU "Secondary School No. ..."

expresses deep gratitude to you

for the good upbringing of your daughter (son)

We wish you good health, family

happiness, success in work and education

your children.

Thank you for your responsiveness and understanding.


Cl. supervisor

… June 2013

5. Thank you letter to parents.



We express our deep gratitude to you

for their interest in teaching

activities of your (th) daughter (son) and

for participating in class activities.

We wish you good health,

family happiness, success in work and

in raising your child.

Thank you for your responsiveness and understanding.


Cl. supervisor

… June 2013

1. Certificate of honor to the student.


for a conscientious attitude to the educational and creative process.


Cl. supervisor

… June 2013

2. Certificate of honor to the student.


for a conscientious attitude to the educational and educational process.

It's worthy of emulation!
We hope that you will continue to improve your abilities so that everyone can truly enjoy your success.
We sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of your family and the entire Fatherland!


Cl. supervisor

… June 2013

3. Certificate of honor to the student.


winner in the nomination "Athlete of the Year".

Your achievements and victories are an example of efficiency, determination, enthusiasm and dedication.

It's worthy of emulation!

We wish you to remain a leader in the field where everything works out for you, never getting tired of comprehending new things, overcoming unprecedented difficulties and obstacles, defeating worthy rivals, the strongest competitors.
Thank you for proving by personal example: you can get a star from the sky!


Cl. supervisor

… June 2013

4. Certificate of honor to the student.


for active participation in sports competitions,

for courage, optimism, perseverance in achieving the goal,

for the will to win and the ability to find the right solution.

We wish you to remain a leader in the field where you succeed, defeating worthy opponents.


Cl. supervisor

… June 2013

5. Certificate of honor to the student



For good study and active participation in the life of the school.

The world stands on activists and the school here is no exception.
And the fact that our life is in full swing is your merit, no doubt!
May optimism not run out and inspiration spring forth!
We give you a diploma for endless movement!

We sincerely wish you well-being and new achievements!


Cl. supervisor

… June 2013

6. Certificate of honor to the student



for a good study, for the kindness of the soul and mind,

for courage in mastering knowledge,

for always coping with any of the difficult trials.

We sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of your family and the entire Fatherland!


Cl. supervisor

… June 2013

7. Certificate of honor to the student



for the desire to learn better and the ability do not be sad

in a difficult situation,

for overcoming difficultieson terrible tests

and in difficult household,

for the fact that you know almost everything, read, write and think,

and that patience and labor will lead you to victory.


Cl. supervisor

… June 2013

What to write in a letter of honor? It contains information on the following categories:

  • At the bottom left, the position of the person who signs the letter is indicated: director, executive director, trade union committee, and so on. In the center at the bottom there is a place for printing and signature, and at the end of the line - for decoding this signature.

Certificate of honor.

How to fill out an award diploma

What to write in a letter of honor? It contains information on the following categories:

  • Surname and patronymic name of the awarded.
  • The merits of the addressee before the firm, city, company, etc.
  • Name of the celebration: what event the award is dedicated to. For example, for the birthday of a person, the anniversary of the company, for city events, and so on.
  • If a reward is attached to the letter, be sure to indicate its size.
  • At the bottom left, the position of the person who signs the letter is indicated: director, executive director, trade union committee, and so on.

In the center at the bottom there is a place for printing and signature, and at the end of the line - for decoding this signature.

Certificate of honor.

Looking for an answer

In addition, each case is documented by the relevant order of the management. By the way, on the letterhead, in addition to the text, the details of the body that made the decision to present it are also printed.
The regulation states that certificates are awarded on holidays, anniversaries or on other specific occasions. It is not recommended to deviate from the established rules. This can disavow the value of the promotion itself.

How the diploma is awarded Now a few words about the solemnity of the event. Diplomas are not awarded on the run or in the smoking room. To do this, you need to organize a special event.


It can take place in the form that is accepted in the organization. Everyone independently chooses this, based on the traditions that have developed in the team.

But the goals of all events are the same. First, it is necessary to arrange a holiday for the awarded.

Diplomas, diplomas, certificates: rules for registration.

A diploma for certain merits is a synthesis of the style of congratulations and the official business genre, therefore, in the text of a similar document, it is necessary to use both festive words and neutral (literary) vocabulary. At the same time, it is impossible to apply markers of a personal relationship to the recipient in an ordinary diploma (an employee of a company or an outstanding student).

Formal diplomas are issued on behalf of a company or educational institution, but not personally from the director, teacher or jury member. 2. In the professional world, a diploma is a testament to the skill and high qualification of an employee, therefore, when rewarding him for productive work, write a diploma in the official business genre.

Use words from professional vocabulary, but not jargon. Focus on the uniqueness of the awarded employee and his invaluable contribution to the prosperity of the enterprise.

How is a certificate for conscientious work issued? meaningful text

The choice depends on the context, sentence structure, and whether a thank you note is a reward in a particular situation. Question No. 281846 Hello! We are awarding the winners of the competition and the question arose: how is it correct, a diploma is awarded or a diploma is awarded? Thank you Answer of the Russian language inquiry service Both options are correct: someone is awarded a diploma and someone is awarded a diploma.

Question No. 274918 Help me understand, please. Is it possible to use the combination "awarded with a diploma"? Or the diploma is still only awarded. Thank you. The answer of the reference service of the Russian language It can be said that it is awarded with a diploma. Question No. 268765 What is the correct way to write in the text of the certificate of honor: is the quartet or the quartet team awarded? Answer of the reference service of the Russian language It is quite correct: the quartet is awarded.

Another blog

An application for this promotion of an employee is submitted by the head of the department in which the employee is a member. A presentation is drawn up on it and sent to the head of the company.
Most often, this is a simple formality that requires only the signature of the director. In the submission, write the surname, name, patronymic of the applicant, position, length of service at this enterprise, a brief description of the merits, compiled according to the personal file. 3 The period for which this application must be sent to personnel is also determined in the local regulatory act "Regulations on the certificate of honor." If there is no such provision, then usually this period is at least two weeks.
4 If the decision is positive, an order is issued on behalf of the General Director. The text itself must be included in the letterhead.

How to write a letter?


  • certificates for workers

Each employer has the right, but is not obliged to apply a system of moral and material incentives at his enterprise. Awarding a certificate of honor is one of the types of encouragement of a moral nature.
Currently, this procedure does not require agreement with the trade union body. Instruction 1 At the enterprise, it is desirable to create a local normative act, which will clearly regulate the criteria for evaluating employees, the entire award procedure, and outline the methods of remuneration.


In this case, the employer will have an obligation to apply incentive measures when specific circumstances occur. So, an employee can be awarded a certificate of honor for impeccable and conscientious work in one team for a certain number of years.

Material on the theme: the texts of diplomas and letters of thanks.

The type and purpose of certificates and diplomas can be very different. An experienced performer in each case will always offer the best design option, taking into account all the wishes of the customer.

The tradition of presenting diplomas is supported throughout the business world. This is not surprising: after all, a letter, certificate, diploma or other similar document confirms the professional achievements of its owner.

A certificate or diploma in the office of a manager, doctor, consultant, accountant is a documentary evidence of his professional success, significantly increases the credibility and image of the company as a whole. Presentation of diplomas to the best employees activates healthy competition in the team, promotes creative and productive growth.

Separately, it is worth mentioning comic certificates and diplomas presented as a gift at a corporate or family holiday.

How to write a letter

At the beginning of the year, the results of the district art competition Under the Christmas Star were summed up and our preschool institution was awarded a diploma for active participation. Graduation in elementary school (texts of letters in poetic form) Everyone knows how difficult it is to find the right words to say goodbye to your students, to note the merits of each, to praise or cheer, to inspire confidence in a successful future. I offer several options for letters in verse to reward grade 4 students at the Farewell Elementary School holiday. The poems were written for specific children, perhaps they will help you make your holiday more unusual and memorable.
The personnel department of the enterprise must enter information about the award of a certificate of honor in a personal file, as well as in a work book in accordance with Article 191 of the Labor Code Russian Federation. This is important, since certificates of honor are among the insignia by which an employee can be awarded the title of "Veteran of Labor". 6 The diploma is presented in a solemn atmosphere at the general meeting of the team. At most enterprises, reinforcement of letters with monetary incentives is practiced. The amount of the award may be prescribed in the "Regulations on the certificate of honor", but most often it remains at the discretion of the head of the unit.

Question No. 288930 Do I need an exclamation mark after the surname in the diploma? In honor of the celebration of the professional holiday of the Day medical worker Natalya Nikolaevna Logacheva is being awarded* Answer of the Russian language inquiry service No, not needed.

“Celebration of the holiday of the day” is a stylistically unsuccessful construction. Question No. 288721 how to correctly write Diploma Awarded Denisov Sergey For ....... (or for ... ..). With a small or capital letter? The answer of the reference service of the Russian language The preposition is written in lowercase letters. Question No. 288569 Which text of the certificate is correct: “Awarded for conscientious work, active position (and) in connection with the 50th anniversary of his birth!” or “Awarded for conscientious work, active position in connection with the 50th anniversary of the birth!” Is the union "and" necessary? Thank you.

How to write the text of the award with a diploma diploma

Moscow Head of the company (educational institution) signature transcript These recommendations are not binding. The type and purpose of certificates and diplomas can be very different. An experienced performer in each case will always offer the best design option, taking into account all the wishes of the customer. The tradition of presenting diplomas is supported throughout the business world. This is not surprising: after all, a letter, certificate, diploma or other similar document confirms the professional achievements of its owner. A certificate or diploma in the office of a manager, doctor, consultant, accountant is a documentary evidence of his professional success, significantly increases the credibility and image of the company as a whole. Presentation of diplomas to the best employees activates healthy competition in the team, promotes creative and productive growth.

Texts of diplomas and letters of thanks.

Thank you letter to parents.

I express my gratitude and say a huge human "THANK YOU" for your participation in the upbringing of your child and the life of the school. The success of a person, of course, is the merit of his closest people with imperceptible, at first glance, daily efforts, work, patience and responsibility. I thank you for your creative approach and active life position.
With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity! I express the hope that your creative activity for the benefit of our school will continue in the future!!!

Thank you letter to parents.


I sincerely thank you and express my deep gratitude for the upbringing (full name), who showed himself as a student who is able to think deeply, overcome difficulties, show excellent results, defeating worthy opponents. Your child's victories are our common joy.
Thanks to your support and understanding, we will be able to continue to educate young people full of strength and aspirations for knowledge and creativity.
I wish you all the best, optimism, health, prosperity and more human warmth.
I will be glad (glad) to develop our cooperation and mutual understanding!

Thank you letter to a student.
Dear (s)…..
Thank you for your conscientious attitude to the educational (educational, creative) process.
I wish you to remain a leader in the field where everything works out for you, never getting tired of comprehending new things, overcoming unprecedented difficulties and obstacles, defeating worthy rivals, the strongest competitors.
Believe that our teaching staff will continue to be a necessary support for you in achieving and conquering new heights.
I hope that you will continue to improve your abilities so that everyone can truly enjoy your success.
I sincerely wish you health, prosperity and new achievements for the benefit of your family, our school and the entire Fatherland!

Thank You Letter teacher

Please accept the words of sincere gratitude for the success in the field of school education, for the high professionalism and competence, dedication and hard work!
Your inherent efficiency, focus on achieving the final result, the ability to make decisions, sociability, goodwill, patience, willingness to answer any questions from your students - admires.
I hope that your many years of experience and the unquenchable fire of sincere devotion to your work will serve to further develop the spiritual and intellectual level of the younger generation. May kindness and wisdom never run out in the teacher's heart!
I wish you good health and well-being, patience and optimism, success in your difficult, but such an important work!!!

The academic year ended a joyful year,
A whole set of discoveries and knowledge brought.
Fives, fours, prizes and awards,
Mugs and fun olympiads!

For your talent and creativity
You receive an award!
Let everything be as you want
And the way you dream!

For active participation in the life of the class

Can you lead others?
You captivate everyone with bright ideas,
And life is more interesting in the classroom with you
You are always active and helpful in everything!
It is easy to achieve your goal,
We wish you good luck in all endeavors,
Be the center of attention and win!
We deserve this award!

For active participation in the life of the school

Peace stands on activists!
And the school here is no exception.
And the fact that our life is in full swing -
Your merit, without a doubt!
Let the optimism not dry out
And the fountain of inspiration beats!
We give you a diploma
For endless movement!

With the end of 1st grade!

The bright sun shines
Like a gold medal.
First grader's certificate
We reward you from the bottom of our hearts!
We praise you for your efforts
You are great, first grader!
Today you are awarded
Title - sophomore!
With the end of 1st grade.

Your first class is over
Your very first year.
You will remember more than once
Year of joyful worries.
Everyone around you is proud
And everyone praises you.
Now you are the school's best friend,
Now you are friends with her!
With the end of 1st grade.

Difficult first class, of course!
That's why it's interesting!
And there are many successes
And the native school has become.
appeared to you
New friends at school.
The first year went great!
Just super! First class!
And summer is here,
You can safely rest.
Gain strength, health -
Get ready for second grade!

to the apprentice

    for excellent study, participation

for kindness, attention to people,

for the ability to make friends

and active support of the teacher.

    for excellent study, participation

in class and school activities,

for kindness and understanding,

you are one of the first with us.

    for excellent study, participation

in class and school activities,

because all your efforts

helped you in your studies

for the most difficult tasks

what you decide on your way.

    for excellent study, participation

in class and school activities,

for curiosity, attention,

and perseverance in achieving the goal.

    for excellent study

for the kindness of the soul and mind,

for courage in mastering knowledge,

for always doing it

with any of the difficult tests.

    for good study

(for the desire to learn better)

on terrible tests

and in difficult household,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

the beginning of a resounding success.

    for the desire to learn better,

for an inquisitive mind and kindness,

for being in a fight with yourself

learned to find the right solution

and manage your behavior.

    for the desire to learn better

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for courage in making decisions,

for what will be the fifth grade

stepping stone to new achievements.

    for the desire to learn better

for the kindness of the soul and readiness

    for the desire to learn better

and the ability to overcome difficulties

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for modesty and exemplary behavior,

for what will be the fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

    for the desire to learn better,

for the kindness of the soul and readiness

come to the rescue in difficult times,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for the ringing of joyful laughter,

for what will be the fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

    for the desire to learn better

and ability to overcome difficulties

on terrible tests

and in difficult household,

for the intelligent look of inquisitive eyes,

for the ringing of joyful laughter,

for what will be the fifth grade

the beginning of a resounding success.

    for the desire to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of the soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

    for active work in the classroom,

for an inquisitive mind and the ability to make friends,

because you know almost everything

read, write and count

and that patience and labor

will lead you to victory.

excellent vigils,

for the desire to learn better

and the ability not to lose heart in a difficult situation,

for the kindness of the soul and readiness

come to the rescue at any moment.

    for active participation in the life of the class,

for neatness, accuracy,

for the craving for knowledge and work,

because the difficulties in studying

they only give you power.

    for taking part

in class and school activities,

for overcoming difficulties

on terrible tests

and in difficult household,

for neat notebooks,

diligence and perseverance in achieving the goal.

    for taking part

in class and school activities,

because all your efforts

led you to success

for mind, activity, good knowledge

and the ability to make friends.

    for modesty, diligence, diligence,

for the craving for knowledge and work,

because the difficulties in studying

they only give you power.