Dubious and Suspicious Banking Transactions: New Criteria. Pigmented nevi Less than 1 cm

Any of our vehicles from time to time transports not only passengers, but also cargo. At the same time, it is good if the goods are placed in the body or trunk, and sometimes it is necessary to transport bulky cargo. And just then the question arises, how to transport the goods, while not “running into” a fine. And if there is a penalty, what would it be? We will talk about this.

Rules for the carriage of goods (speakers)

Before “diving” into the depths of all kinds of rules and laws, let’s say right away that we will be interested in cases related to the transportation of goods up to certain sizes, that is, we will not touch on the topic of transportation of oversized cargo. What shall we start.
The first thing to address is the traffic rules. There are 2 points worth quoting here:

23.4. Cargo protruding beyond the dimensions vehicle in front or behind more than 1 m or to the side more than 0.4 m from the outer edge of the side light, must be marked with identification marks "Oversized cargo", and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, in addition, in front of a lamp or retroreflector white color, behind - a lantern or a red reflector.

Here's a picture to the place. If the cargo is up to and including the specified dimensions, then the sign is not needed.

Here we can also say that if you violated the rules for transporting exactly non-oversized cargo, that is, up to these limits, then the fine will be minimal or even a warning. (Article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). This applies to cases:

(requirements from the same traffic rules).

If the dimensions "crawled out" beyond these limits, then we hang a sign, or rather the sign "Oversized cargo". Does this mean that protruding beyond more than 1 meter back and forth, relative to the dimensions and more than 0.4 m on the sides, relative to the marker light, the vehicle will be large-sized?
Well, let's turn to 257 FZ, find a definition for a large vehicle.

oversized vehicle - a vehicle, the dimensions of which, with or without cargo, exceed the allowable dimensions established by the Government Russian Federation

If at least one of the dimensions of the vehicle, together with the cargo, exceeds the established value according to the SDA, the cargo is considered bulky

At the same time, bulky cargo of certain sizes must be transported according to the rules, in accordance with clause 23.5 of the SDA. Let's quote this point.

23.5. Transportation of heavy and dangerous goods, the movement of a vehicle, the overall parameters of which, with or without cargo, exceed 2.55 m in width (2.6 m - for refrigerators and isothermal bodies), 4 m in height from the surface of the carriageway, in length ( including one trailer) 20 m, or the movement of a vehicle with a load protruding beyond the rear point of the vehicle's clearance by more than 2 m, as well as the movement of road trains with two or more trailers, is carried out in accordance with special rules. International road transport carried out in accordance with the requirements for vehicles and transportation rules established by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Please note that we are left with more than one size when the overhang of the cargo from behind is more than 1 meter, but up to 2 meters. In this case, cargo with this size is not required to be transported according to the rules, but it is necessary to attach the sign "Oversized cargo" to it.

Actually, we can already draw some conclusions.
If the dimensions do not exceed 2.55 m in width, 20 m in length, 4 m from the road in height and 2 meters behind, then even if it is a bulky cargo, it is transported without special rules, that is, only according to traffic rules.
If the dimensions are more than that, then here, according to the federal law of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2007 No. 257-FZ “On highways and road activities in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, road users are prohibited from carrying out transportation of oversized cargo by road without special permits.
We will not talk about these permissions, that is, as we said right at the beginning of our article, we only cover cases for ordinary motorists, and not for professional carriers. Let's talk better about the fine if your cargo exceeds the limits indicated in the last picture.

Penalty for the carriage of a protruding cargo (Articles 12.21 and 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

Here you get three options with what the fine for the cargo can be. The first, when the requirements of traffic rules for the carriage of goods are violated:

Does not restrict the driver's view;
- does not complicate management and does not violate the stability of the vehicle;
- does not cover external lighting devices and retroreflectors, registration and identification marks, and also does not interfere with the perception of hand signals;
- does not create noise, does not produce dust, does not pollute the road and the environment.

The second is when it is necessary to install the “Oversized cargo” sign, if the cargo protrudes beyond the clearance at the back by more than 1 meter, but not more than 2 meters. If this sign is not installed, then ... For these two options, a fine will be issued under Article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Violation of the rules for the carriage of goods, as well as the rules for towing - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

However, the third option, when the cargo is bulky, and besides, it requires a special permit, that is, it stands out for the dimensions. This will already be a fine under Article 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

If the dimensions are exceeded by no more than 10 cm (without a issued permit available) - 1000-1500 rubles (individual) (part 1);
- if the dimensions are exceeded by 10-20 cm (without a issued permit available) - 3000-4000 rubles (individual) (part 2);
- if the dimensions are exceeded by 20-50 cm (without a issued permit available) - 5000-10000 rubles (individual) (part 3);
- in case of exceeding the size of more than 50 cm (without a issued permit available or with it) - 7000-10000 rubles (individual) or deprivation from 4 to 6 months (part 6).

Actually, it is clear that the worst thing is if the load protrudes more than 50 cm. In this case, a very large fine or deprivation of a special right for up to six months.

Detention of the vehicle during the transportation of the protruding cargo

It is noteworthy that for a violation in accordance with Article 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, that is, for our third case, detention may be applied. This possibility is spelled out in article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. At the same time, if your car cannot be loaded onto a tow truck, then blocking devices can simply be installed. We read 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

... If, due to the technical characteristics of the vehicle, it is impossible to move it and place it in a specialized parking lot in the event of an administrative offense provided for by part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 of article 12.21.1 or part 1 of article 12.21.2 of this Code, detention is carried out by stopping movement with the help of blocking devices.

As a result, you will stand there until you eliminate the reasons that led to the detention.

Is it possible to pay a penalty for a protruding load with a 50 percent discount?

If you still failed to avoid a fine, then do not forget about Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Thanks to her, respectable motorists have the opportunity to pay a fine with a 50 percent discount. This article allows you to get a kind of "discount" if the fine is paid on time from the moment the traffic police fines appear in the database, but no later than 20 days from the date of the decision.

Question-answer on the topic "Penalty for protruding cargo"

Question: With what protrusion of the load beyond the clearance and clearance lights can you drive “painlessly”, without installing signs?
Answer: Forward and backward no more than 1 meter relative to the clearance, up to 4 meters and on the sides no more than 0.4 meters relative to the side marker light.

Question: Up to what size can you carry a protruding load from the rear without a special permit?
Answer: Up to 2 meters, while from the protrusion of the cargo from 1 meter to 2, it will be necessary to hang the sign "Oversized cargo".

The uterus is the main organ necessary for carrying a pregnancy. It consists of the bottom, body and neck. The latter looks like a kind of tube connecting the uterus to the vagina. The successful course of pregnancy and natural childbirth directly depends on her condition. The cervix changes significantly before childbirth, although for the woman herself these changes are practically not noticeable, since this process is not accompanied by any special symptoms. What happens in the prenatal period and why is the neck given special attention?

How is cervical maturity assessed?

Starting at 38 weeks' gestation, at a gynecological examination at the antenatal clinic or at the maternity hospital, the doctor performs a vaginal examination to assess the condition of the cervix. It is also mandatory to examine the cervix before childbirth, as well as during labor. This is necessary to understand how fast the process of its maturation takes place.

There are four main parameters, evaluating which the obstetrician-gynecologist can conclude that the cervix is ​​ready for childbirth. Its maturity is determined by a special Bishop scale, according to which each of the parameters is evaluated on a three-point system (from 0 to 2 points). If this scale is rated 5, then we can talk about readiness for natural childbirth.

What happens to the cervix before childbirth

The cervix begins to prepare for the birth of a child from 32 to 34 weeks of pregnancy. First, its edges soften, leaving a dense patch of tissue along the cervical canal. Closer to childbirth, the uterus often comes into tone, due to which its lower segment softens and becomes thinner. The upper myometrium, on the contrary, becomes denser.

Due to this, the fetus begins to gradually descend and press its weight on the neck, provoking its further opening.

The opening of the cervix before childbirth does not occur equally in women who give birth for the first time, and in multiparous women. In the first, it begins with the opening of the internal pharynx.

In the latter, the process of opening the internal and external pharynx occurs simultaneously, since by the end of pregnancy, their external pharynx usually already passes 1 finger. Opening, the neck thus becomes shorter. A couple of days before the onset of the birth itself, the process of its maturation is significantly accelerated. Gradually, it is completely smoothed out and calmly skips 2 fingers or more.

Based on the Bishop scale above, on the eve of childbirth, the cervix must meet certain parameters.

A soft neck is ideal for childbirth. Her softness is evidenced by the fact that she freely passes 2 or more fingers of the doctor. During this period, a woman may notice the discharge of the mucous plug. This is one of the harbingers of the next birth, indicating the imminent start of labor. As for the length of the neck, during pregnancy, a length of 3 cm is considered normal for it. In this case, both ends of the cervical canal must be closed. Closer to childbirth, it is shortened. The length of the cervix before childbirth should not exceed 1 cm, gradually smoothing out completely.

As for its location, it has been tilted back throughout the pregnancy. This additionally helps to keep the fetus inside. Gradually, due to the softening of the lower segment of the uterus, it begins to turn forward. When the time comes for childbirth, it should be located exactly in the center of the small pelvis.

If the cervix is ​​not ready for childbirth

A soft, shortened cervix, which is located in the center and slightly opened, indicates the approach of childbirth. However, it also happens that the term of childbirth has already come, but the maturity of the cervix has not yet come.

An immature cervix can lead to complications during labor, so if it does not mature by the expected date of birth, the doctor may decide on stimulation.

Pregnancy after 40 weeks is overdue and dangerous for the baby. By this time, the placenta ceases to fully perform its functions. Therefore, if by this time the cervix does not mature, then its stimulation is mandatory.

In addition to prolongation of pregnancy, indications for stimulation are:

  • The presence of a disease in the mother, in which further pregnancy threatens her health.
  • The development of hypoxia in the fetus.
  • Large fetus or multiple pregnancy.
  • Termination or weakening of contractions during labor.
  • Premature detachment of the placenta.

In all other cases, the question of the need for stimulation is decided individually. Exist various methods to prepare the cervix for childbirth.

Medical methods include the following:

There are other non-medical methods to prepare the body for natural childbirth. Unlike the first ones, they can be used at home, but subject to a full-term pregnancy, a satisfactory state of health of the woman and the baby, and only after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, such stimulation can be dangerous. Non-medical methods of stimulation include:

If the cervix opens prematurely

There is also a reverse situation, when the cervix begins to open and prepare for childbirth. ahead of schedule. This is usually associated with a pathology of the cervical canal, called isthmic-cervical insufficiency. It lies in the failure of the cervix to properly hold the fetus in itself. It shortens and opens at an early stage, which often leads to spontaneous abortion.

The presence of this pathology is evidenced by the length of the cervical canal in the period of 20-30 weeks less than 25 mm.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency can develop due to trauma to the cervix, hormonal disorders, or excessive stress on the cervix during pregnancy.
In this situation, measures should be taken to maximize the prolongation of pregnancy:

In addition, there are treatments that rapid maturation fetal lungs in case labor begins prematurely. The cervix before childbirth changes so much that it allows the baby to be born unhindered.

The gradual opening of the cervix before childbirth is almost imperceptible to the woman herself.

Therefore, a visit to the gynecologist in the third trimester should be regular and accompanied by a vaginal examination, which allows you to assess the degree of readiness of the body for childbirth. This is especially true for those women who already feel other harbingers. If the term of childbirth has already come up, but the maturity of the cervix has not yet come, then there is no need to be afraid of stimulation. Sometimes delay can cost the life of both the mother and the child.

As mentioned earlier, when we compare the measurement accuracy of some approximate value, we use the absolute error.

The concept of absolute error

The absolute error of an approximate value is the modulus of the difference between the exact value and the approximate value.
Absolute error can be used to compare the accuracy of approximations of the same quantities, and if we are going to compare the accuracy of approximations of different quantities, then absolute error alone is not enough.

For example: The length of a sheet of A4 paper is (29.7 ± 0.1) cm. And the distance from St. Petersburg to Moscow is (650 ± 1) km. The absolute error in the first case does not exceed one millimeter, and in the second - one kilometer. The question is to compare the accuracy of these measurements.

If you think that the length of the sheet is measured more precisely because the absolute error does not exceed 1 mm. Then you are wrong. These values ​​cannot be directly compared. Let's do some reasoning.

When measuring the length of a sheet, the absolute error does not exceed 0.1 cm by 29.7 cm, that is, as a percentage, it is 0.1 / 29.7 * 100% = 0.33% of the measured value.

When we measure the distance from St. Petersburg to Moscow, the absolute error does not exceed 1 km per 650 km, which is 1/650 * 100% = 0.15% of the measured value as a percentage. We see that the distance between cities is measured more accurately than the length of an A4 sheet.

The concept of relative error

Here, to estimate the quality of the approximation, a new concept is introduced relative error. Relative error is the quotient of dividing the absolute error by the modulus of the approximate values ​​of the measured quantity. Usually, the relative error is expressed as a percentage. In our example, we got two relative errors equal to 0.33% and 0.15%.

As you may have guessed, the relative error value is always positive. This follows from the fact that the absolute error is always positive, and we divide it by the modulus, and the modulus is also always positive.

Tuberculosis appears on X-ray different symptoms. Infiltrates, focal shadows are small forms indicating the beginning of mycobacteria activity. True, there is an infection in which Koch's wand does not affect the lungs, but lives inside lymph nodes. Only with a decrease in immunity, microorganisms begin to multiply. On the radiograph, foci less than 5 mm are not visualized, therefore, to detect latent infection, phthisiatricians recommend the Mantoux test.

Focal shadows in the picture with tuberculosis

With tuberculosis, focal shadows in the picture may be due to calcification, infiltrative, fibrous foci, necrosis. The deposition of calcium salts in the residual areas of destruction of the lung parenchyma remains even after the treatment of the disease.

The focal shadow syndrome in the lungs in tuberculosis is caused by a combined group of morphological manifestations, which on the radiograph cause uneven, asymmetric darkening in the subclavian regions and the tops of the lung fields. When analyzing radiographs in direct projection, the total prevalence of formations does not exceed 2 ribs. In radiology, a shadow is considered to be a focus, the diameter of which does not exceed 1 cm. According to international criteria, a formation less than 3 cm in diameter is considered to be a focal shadow.

If the length of the pathological nodes is more than 2 ribs, they speak of disseminated lung damage.

Digital radiograph: single lesion at the apex of the right lung

X-ray criteria for a single lesion in the lungs:

A slight darkening on the fluorogram (up to 4 mm) is not visualized. Radiography has a higher resolution. Shadows larger than 3 mm in diameter appear on the image.
Tuberculous infiltrate of this size in the picture looks weaker than tuberculoma or primary tumor;
Rounded, star-shaped, rhomboid shape;
Unsharp contours, inclusions of calcium are possible.

With growth malignancy its contours become rounded, the edges are bumpy or scalloped, which can be clearly seen on linear tomograms. The pathology is characterized by unevenness, retraction of the edges in a certain area. The place where the tumor enters the bronchus is marked with a specific notch.

With the disintegration of the formation, enlightenments appear in the form of one or more small cavities. Occasionally, the pathology has the appearance of a cavity that resembles a cyst or cavity. The cancerous nature of the disease causes the roughness of the inner surface, tuberosity in a certain area (“ring with a ring”). In case of tumors, a path to the pleura and the root of the lung is additionally traced.

Differential diagnosis between tumor and tuberculous foci is carried out on the basis of dynamic observation of a series of consecutive images. At rapid growth a cancerous neoplasm should be excluded, but it should be borne in mind that in the elderly, the doubling of the volume is slow. Even throughout the year, the nature of the shadow may not change.

Signs of disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis on an x-ray are characterized by the presence of scattered foci that extend beyond the 2 ribs. Diffuse dissemination appears in carcinomatosis, childhood infections, bronchiolitis, tuberculosis. It is not difficult to identify this syndrome on an x-ray, but to establish a nosological form, several research methods are required.

X-ray forms of foci in tuberculosis of the lungs:

Miliary seeding - the size of the foci is up to 2 mm;
Small foci - 2-4 mm;
Medium focal - 4-8 mm;
Large-focal - more than 8 mm.

If patients with disseminations are given computed tomography, there will be an increase in the lung pattern, which looks like a delicate mesh. The study allows you to identify this restructuring before the appearance of a focal formation in the lung. The syndrome of strengthening the pulmonary pattern with peribronchial seals, lobular emphysema, and granulomatous nodules is explained. The most detectable lesions include allergic alveolitis, sarcoidosis, drug disease, cancerous lymphangitis, fibrosing Hamman-Ritchie alveolitis.

X-ray: exudative pleurisy against the background of tuberculosis of the intrathoracic lymph nodes

Based on the x-ray picture, it is possible to establish the nature of the lesion of the lung tissue, but computed tomography is better able to identify minor morphological changes.

Disseminated forms of tuberculosis on x-ray

Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis on the radiograph is manifested by multiple small shadows with a diameter of up to 2 mm. Blackouts are located throughout the lung field. Gradually they merge into larger conglomerates.

Miliary pulmonary tuberculosis on the radiograph is manifested by many small blackouts with a diameter of up to 2 mm. Most often, the prevalence of the syndrome affects both lung fields.

An example of a description of a snapshot of organs chest with disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis.

On the roentgenogram of the organs of the chest cavity in the direct projection, disseminated foci of different sizes are traced, more in the projection of the upper lung fields on both sides. The lung pattern is reinforced throughout. Roots are heavy. Contours of the diaphragm, costophrenic sinuses without features. Heart shadow of the usual configuration.

Let us recall once again that in case of focal tuberculosis in the projection of both lung fields there are several areas of darkening with the presence of shadows that do not exceed 1 cm in diameter. The total length of the syndrome does not exceed 2 ribs. It is possible to talk about dissemination only when the foci go beyond this zone.

Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis is characterized by the appearance of white foci of similar consistency. A common localization of formations is the upper lobes of both lungs.

With tuberculous lesions, there are atypical signs:
Interstitial infiltrate of the apex;
Intrathoracic lymphadenopathy;
Path from a single node to the roots.

They are not always traced. but when they are detected, the diagnosis of tuberculosis can be made with a high degree of probability.

Complications in the form of exudative or interlobar pleurisy may be noted on the radiograph.

The main signs of tuberculosis on an x-ray

The task of radiography for suspected pulmonary tuberculosis:

Determine the tuberculous process in the lung tissue;
Describe the condition of the intrathoracic lymph nodes;
To control the dynamics of the course of infection during treatment.

An x-ray image of a primary tuberculous complex shows a focus of lobular and focal pneumonia with a subprevious location. Thin cavities stretch from the node to the cortex due to lymphangitis. On the radiograph, a shadow is traced, consisting of a curdled area, a perifocal infiltrative zone. Under the influence of nonspecific therapy, the focus decreases by 3-4 weeks. Lymph nodes gradually decrease, become denser. For 2-3 years, calcium salts are deposited in the pulmonary foci. Calcification indicates the beginning of calcification of Gon's focus.

Tuberculosis of the lungs on the radiograph should be monitored dynamically. The picture shows an oval shadow with uneven contours. Dense deposits appear around the tuberculoma. With a long course of the disease, post-tuberculous scars appear. When analyzing a series of radiographs, it is possible to identify the slow progression of tuberculosis infection.

Cavernous tuberculosis is a consequence of tissue breakdown - it is a consequence of any small form of the disease.

Early pulmonary tuberculosis cannot be detected on an x-ray, therefore, special reactions such as Mantoux or the Diaskin test are used. Radiography can only suggest the likelihood of the disease when small focal shadows are detected. If the size of the darkening is more than 10 mm, it is possible to verify tuberculosis in the presence of the primary focus of Gon at the apex with a path to the root of the lung. Focal blackouts at the apex require a diagnosis for tuberculosis.

If the neck at the base is slightly swollen and looks asymmetrical, this means that the nodes thyroid gland increased, and you need to urgently consult a doctor. First, the doctor sends for an ultrasound scan, if the result shows the presence of a neoplasm larger than 1 cm, it will be necessary to do TAB of the thyroid nodes: this analysis will determine if there are cancer cells and the nature of the disease, giving the doctor the opportunity to choose the right treatment method.

fine needle aspiration biopsy Thyroid nodules (TAB) is a procedure in which a doctor removes cells from the thyroid gland for examination. He does this with the help of thin needles, which gave the name to the procedure: the diameter of the biopsy needles should not exceed 0.1 cm, which allows you to minimize the pain from the procedure and injure the neck as little as possible (if cells are taken with a thick needle, you need to do incision). The term "aspiration" means pumping out (removal) of cells from the suspicious thyroid node.

The indication for a biopsy is:

  • The presence of one or more nodes larger than 1 cm. If the node is less than 1 cm, it is usually not dangerous, it is checked for the presence of cancer cells only if it has been found malignant tumor thyroid glands in the next of kin or if the ultrasound showed the presence of calcium, uneven contours or other suspicious points;
  • If there is a rapid increase in the node in diameter (at a speed exceeding two millimeters within six months);
  • When preparing for radioiodine therapy, if the size of at least one node exceeds 0.5 cm.

The appointment of a biopsy is not a diagnosis, so there is no need to be afraid of the procedure: in 90% of cases, an increase in the thyroid gland is not associated with cancer. Cancer cells are found in 4-5% of patients, in this case it is possible to stop the disease in time and prevent the disease from developing.

Procedure Accuracy

Sometimes patients refuse to find out the cause of the enlargement of the thyroid glands because of the fear that TAB can provoke the development of a malignant tumor. This opinion is erroneous, since it is a timely biopsy that can make it clear why the nodes increased by 1-2 cm and start treatment in time.

This fear is based on the fact that in patients whose tests did not show cancer, cancer was detected in the future. The reason for the doctor's oversight in this case is usually that when examining a large tumor (2-3 cm), the cells of a small, malignant, which has just begun, do not fall into the needle and go unnoticed.

The reliability of the results largely depends not only on the attending doctor or correctly taken tests, but also on how qualified the cytologist will be (the doctor who will conduct the examination of the material taken). FNAB of thyroid nodules is such an accurate procedure that it is extremely rare for cancer cells to go unnoticed by an experienced physician. This usually happens:

  • due to an oversight of the cytologist who did the analysis (in case of doubt, the collected material must be shown to another doctor);
  • if the cells for analysis were taken incorrectly;
  • if at the time of taking the material, the malignant tumor was so small that the cancer cells did not enter the needle.

If the doctor, after examining an enlarged benign tumor advised her to remove it, it is better to do this in order to subsequently avoid trouble in the form of the development of unnoticed cancer cells. The situation is deceptive in that a person will not pay attention to an increase in the node by 1-2 cm, since he will consider that in his case there is nothing to fear. And the cancer will continue to develop. Therefore, if it was decided not to do the operation, with signs of an increase in nodes and pain, the doctor must be informed.


Before making TAB knots, you need to prepare, and you need to start doing this a few days before the procedure. First of all, you need to take a blood test and stop taking all anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as blood-thinning medications. Be sure to warn the doctor about allergies and other serious past illnesses, including the presence of recent viral infections.

Depending on the situation, before the procedure, the doctor may administer anesthesia, may decide to refuse it, especially if the patient is against anesthesia. During TAB, a person lies on his back, a special pillow is placed under his shoulders, the place on the neck, from where the cells will be taken for analysis, is wiped with an antiseptic.

After that, the doctor inserts a thin needle into the area of ​​the node, makes a puncture, quickly connects an empty syringe to the needle and sucks the contents of the node into it. This process is a little lengthy and takes from ten to thirty minutes. If there are several nodes, in rare cases it is likely that another puncture will be required. After that, the puncture site is sealed with a plaster.

It is advisable that the doctor use ultrasound during FAB, if he does not, you need to contact another diagnostic center. Such control is necessary in order to accurately determine the place of cell collection and take the material not from the center, but from the wall of the node: it is here that, in case of illness, there are cancer cells, while in the center there is a colloid that contains thyroid hormones or liquid (in the presence of a cyst) . To do this, during the procedure, before inserting the needle, an ultrasound sensor is brought to the thyroid gland, after which, without removing it from the neck, the needle is inserted.

This procedure is painless and feels comparable to an injection in the buttock. But the fact that the needle is inserted into the neck very often frightens the patient, and he feels stronger pain than in reality.

Usually, the thyroid gland stops hurting a few hours after TAB, and the bandage can be removed. But if the material was taken for analysis with a thick needle, for which an incision was made, pains are observed over the next two days.

After TAB during the day, you need to avoid physical activity, exercise, prevent water from entering the area of ​​​​the nodes where the cells were taken for analysis, and strictly follow all the doctor's instructions. You need to be prepared for the fact that a bruise 0.1-0.5 cm in size will appear at the puncture site, this common occurrence and passes quickly.

The doctor puts the material taken from the thyroid gland on the glass and sends it for analysis to the histology department. According to statistics, in 93% of cases, an experienced cytologist, after a thorough study, is able to say exactly what is causing the enlargement of the thyroid nodule. The patient usually receives complete data two to three days after TAB. The results of the analysis can show:

  • the absence of cancer cells in the thyroid gland;
  • a dubious stage, which has signs characteristic of the development of a malignant tumor;
  • the presence of cancer cells;
  • the result may be absent (it happens rarely, mainly in cases where the thyroid gland turns out to be too dense, or for some reason the cells could not enter the needle in the right amount).

A repeat procedure is usually not necessary. Additional analysis may be needed if the node grows rapidly (more than 0.2 cm in six months), and if the patient continues to complain of pain in the area of ​​the node, problems with breathing or swallowing, hoarseness, or even the disappearance of the voice. Also, TAB should be done again if the ultrasound shows signs of thyroid cancer.


Although FAB is a safe procedure, complications are possible. Occasionally, patients present with symptoms mild form thyrotoxicosis: slight palpitations, mood swings, sweating. This is usually due to the fact that during the injection, a small amount of thyroid hormones came out of the colloid of the node into the bloodstream. This condition is not dangerous and goes away after a few days.

Also, complications can be associated with poor disinfection, as a result of which an infection has entered the body. Signs of infection cannot be ignored and you should immediately consult a doctor if the injection site is swollen, lymph nodes are enlarged, pain, fever, fever appear.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that thyroid very well supplied with blood, because it is surrounded by a huge number of capillaries. During a puncture, there is a high possibility that one of them will be punctured. For some time, this place will hurt, swelling or bruising may occur, but after a few days it goes away, so you should not be afraid. If pain bothers you, you need to see a doctor so as not to miss inflammation of the thyroid gland.