Rules for the transportation of animals by road. Rules for transporting animals on an airplane What regulates the transport of animals on an airplane

Air travel can be quite a stressful experience for people, not to mention animals. We tell you how to properly transport your cat or dog and what vaccinations they may need.

In what and what animals can be transported?

It is usually allowed to take animals on board, which, together with the carrier, weigh up to 8-10 kilograms. See the airline's website for maximum weight and cage requirements. The general rules are usually as follows: a carrier measuring 105–135 centimeters in the sum of three dimensions should be well ventilated and securely closed, and the bottom should not leak (cover with a disposable diaper and blankets). Inside the container, the pet should stand up to its full height and not rest its head on the lid.

If an animal with a cage weighs more than 8 kilograms, it must be checked in as baggage. The maximum weight of live "baggage" depends on the airline, but usually it is 50-75 kilograms. If the pet is heavier than this, it should be shipped as cargo.

For transportation, you need not a simple container, but one that meets the IATA standard.

Check with your veterinarian about pet food in your luggage. Water is usually poured. To prevent spilling, put ice in the drinker.

In the luggage compartment where animals are transported, usually from +10 to +15 degrees, and sometimes +25.

Does a pet need a ticket?

Needed. Before buying, ask the carrier if it is possible to bring a pet. Airlines have restrictions on the number of animals on a flight. Also, transportation in one cabin may be denied, for example, to a cat and a dog. If one of the passengers informed in advance that he will fly with a cat in hand luggage, then the dog will be offered to check in the luggage.

If you are allowed to transport an animal, buy a ticket and agree on transportation. The deadline is 36–72 hours before departure, but earlier is better.

Airfare prices depend on the airline, but are usually cheaper than for people. Only guide dogs that accompany blind or deaf passengers are transported free of charge, as well as service dogs and psychological support dogs. Such animals must be muzzled.

Documents for transportation

For international transportation, you will have to add to this list: an international type veterinary certificate. It is registered with the veterinary service at the border control point with a veterinary certificate. You will also need a certificate of the breeding value of the animal and permission from the State Committee for Protection environment.

When traveling with a four-legged pet, find out rules for transporting pets on an airplane. Specify the cost, whether a certificate and other documents are needed, since the rules on international flights differ from the criteria used for flights within the Russian Federation.

What animals are allowed on the plane

Rules for transporting tailed passengers vary by country, so contact the carrier and specify your destination. The regulation also takes into account the size of the pet, the weight and the policy of the particular airline. Depending on a combination of factors, a dog or cat will fly in the cabin or go to the luggage compartment. You will have to pay for the service at the rates for excess baggage (when flying in the cabin, some carriers introduce a flat fee).

How animals are transported: Rules for the Russian Federation and CIS countries

For those who travel within the Russian Federation or the CIS countries, companies usually allow pets to be taken. Aeroflot clarifies that even hedgehogs, ferrets, meerkats and rabbits can fall under this criterion. The determining factor will be the weight of the pet: if it weighs less than 8 kg, it is allowed to take it into the salon. True, a passenger who has reached the age of 18 must transport a rabbit or dog.

How to take a dog on a plane

What to do with animals that weigh more than 8 kg? They will go to luggage compartment, so owners should invest in a quality carrier or cage. On some airlines, the limit is reduced: only a 5-kilogram pet can be taken into the cabin.

Rules for the carriage of animals for international flights

How to fly with a dog on an airplane if you bought a ticket for flights of a foreign airline? You can transport an animal in the luggage compartment, but it can be problematic to take it into the cabin.

Many companies have introduced restrictions after the case when the flight attendant forced to put a puppy on the luggage rack (it was above the seats). By the end of the flight, the animal turned out to be dead; United Airlines has taken full responsibility for the incident, but the carrier is no longer willing to pay multiple compensations. For this reason, pets have to go to the luggage compartment. Only in May 2018, United Airlines began to allow dogs and cats into the cabin again, but introduced restrictions: 21 breeds were banned.

Some airlines, including Nordwind Airlines, allow animals to be transported on the aircraft only in the cabin. The rules need to be clarified on a case-by-case basis.

When pets can be taken into the cabin: rules for transportation abroad

Guide dogs are becoming an exception: on British Airways flights you don't even have to pay for them. The status of the animal must be supported by a certificate from organizations that are members of Assistance Dogs International or International Guide Dog Federation.

Other carriers are tightening the requirements, and on their flights the dog can travel, provided that the flight takes less than 10 hours. British Airways allows owners to make their own decision, but warns that it is not responsible for the consequences.

As for the weight of animals, the rules are changing: on some airlines, 5 kg of weight with a cage is the maximum threshold, on others the limit reaches 7 kg. Sometimes you can carry 8-kilogram animals. Important, that dogs of fighting breeds and their mestizos are not allowed on the plane.

Which pets are classified as "emotionally supportive"

Although there is no such concept on flights of Russian companies, in the USA some animals are considered as emotional support animals. It is believed that these pets help passengers cope with depression or other mental disorders. The concept is quite broad: we are talking about cats, monkeys, lizards ... If you are flying with an American company, then upon providing a certificate from a doctor, the animal will be allowed into the cabin.

European carriers do not agree to this policy: when traveling on Air France, Lufthansa, Japan Airlines or Virgin Atlantic lines, you will check in your carry-on. Such measures are due to sad experience. Prior to the introduction of restrictions, customers complained about allergies, noise or puddles left by other people's animals.

Carrier companies rightly believe that in the cabin of an aircraft, priority should be given to the comfort of people.

What animals can not be taken on a plane according to the rules of transportation

Some pets will have to be left at home, as they are not allowed to fly even in the luggage compartment of an aircraft. These include pugs, bulldogs, Pekingese and other animals of the brachycephalic type. It means that if the pet has a flat muzzle, it is contraindicated for him to rise into the air.

The no-carry rule also applies to cats

Please check with your carrier as some companies allow you to take flat-faced animals during the winter months. The flight will take place at your own peril and risk: due to the peculiarities respiratory system Animals can't handle the pressure. Problems are exacerbated by stress, and pets die.

Also, do not expect to take rodents, reptiles and arthropods. Under the ban, aquatic inhabitants also fall, since it will not be possible to provide the necessary conditions for them. It is also forbidden to transport guinea pigs, sick animals or those weighing more than 50 kg.

Do I need to buy plane tickets for animals, the cost of transportation

Although you do not have to buy a ticket for a cat or dog, you must indicate that you are traveling with a tame animal. You will need to order the appropriate service, and this must be done 36-72 hours before the departure of the aircraft. Some foreign companies require that information be provided at the stage of buying a ticket: they charge an additional fee (the cost will be 30-75 € depending on the carrier and flight; sometimes the amount is up to 125 $).

Chipping and vaccination: air travel requirements

When studying the rules and conditions for transporting pets on an airplane, consider the country you are going to. Some states prohibit imports, making exceptions upon prior agreement with the local veterinary service. If guests of the country are allowed to take pets, do not forget about the following:

  • Electronic chipping- a necessity, not a whim of veterinary services. Get it done at the clinic and the animal can be identified if it gets lost. It is important that only chips of certain types are accepted in Europe. The procedure is carried out one-time.
  • Availability rabies vaccinations not enough if you are flying international flights. It will be possible to import an animal after quarantine or additional tests. Great Britain imposes strict requirements: you have to get vaccinated and spend money on a blood test, and then wait another 3 months. Before taking your pet out of the Russian Federation to England, think about leaving it in the care of friends.

Specify in advance how to fly with a cat or dog in your case. For example, an antibody test must be done not just in an official veterinary clinic. If you are heading to the European Union, contact an institution with the appropriate accreditation: you will find it in Moscow or St. Petersburg. It is not necessary to go to another city, since the blood is donated at the local laboratory and redirected to the right one.

Your itinerary may determine the need for tests. After all, those who fly out of the Russian Federation and make a transfer at an airport with an unfavorable situation for rabies should take care of additional checks.

What documents are needed to transport animals on an airplane

If you are flying with a pet abroad, you must submit a number of documents required by the rules.

Veterinary passport for animals

Make sure you have availability before your flight. veterinary passport with attached color photograph. It contains information about the pet and lists the medical procedures performed, including vaccination information.

Veterinary certificate in form No. 1

Certificate in form No. 1 will be needed for flights within the Russian Federation. A document issued by a state hospital is considered valid. It is received at least 24 hours before departure, and the maximum period is 5 days. But do not delay: you may be told that there is an outbreak of rabies in the area (the animal will have to be left at home) or that the station is closed for repairs (you have to go to the other end of the city).

To obtain a certificate, you must present the following:

The doctor will complete the certificate and date it, but note that the document is valid for a limited time. If you have to stay in another country, it is likely that you will have to obtain a certificate again. But this will not be required when the stay abroad is less than 90 days.

Features of documentation depending on the country

To avoid trouble, consider: general rules transportation is supplemented by individual. For example, state-specific criteria are added to air travel laws for pets in the United States. Check the conditions using the following sources:

  • travel tips on the forums;
  • information on the websites of public services;
  • at the veterinary attaché at the embassy.

Thinking about how to fly with a cat or a dog on an airplane bound for an island nation or Australia? Local authorities know how detrimental to nature the consequences can be, so get ready for long checks. Oftentimes, pets are banned. And you can learn more about the rules for transporting pets on an airplane from the video:

How to transport birds on an airplane

To take a feathered friend with you, you will have to get veterinary certificate form 41. Also contact the company and specify the conditions:

  • The air carrier can give recommendations on the cage with which you will be allowed into the cabin. If it turns out to be too large, you will be offered to buy a separate seat. The bird can also travel in the luggage compartment, but make sure that the cage does not open accidentally.
  • Secure all items: drinker, feeders, branches.
  • Take your pet to the vet to have their wings and claws clipped. Do not neglect the measure that will prevent the "escape" of the feathered pet.

If you are traveling on a foreign carrier's aircraft, the rules will vary by company. To be allowed to take a bird into the salon, it must be tame and decorative.: chickens or geese will have to be sent to the cargo hold, and parrots have a chance not to be separated from the owner. Hawaiian Airlines states that the bird should be quiet, without a strong odor, and also stipulate that caring for the birds is not the responsibility of the crew. In this case, you can take them to the salon if the cage fits under the chair.

Some airlines insist that birds should travel in the luggage compartment. You will have to pay an additional amount of 75-125 $, but even for a fee, birds are allowed to be transported overboard in certain weather. For most of the summer and winter, conditions will be unfavorable, so plan ahead for your flight. Also remember to check the weather forecast before traveling: even if you paid for the transportation of the bird, cancel the service if necessary.

Traveling with a bird in the Middle East

If you are flying to the Middle East with Qatar, Emirates or Etihad, there is a risk that you will be next door to the owner of a hunting falcon carrying a pet on the plane. In the countries of this region, the bird has become a symbol of a certain status, and the owner does not want to part with it - let alone send it to a cage! As a result, carriers made concessions, and up to 6 falcons can be seen on board at the same time.

How to transport reptiles and exotic animals on a plane

Question, how exotic animals are transported on an airplane: in luggage or in the cabin - is of interest to travelers who decide to bring an unusual friend. Keep in mind that rules vary by airline and by country of destination. Judging by the feedback from passengers on the forums, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Hamsters and other rodents in most cases are not accepted under any conditions.
  • Reptiles and reptiles are not allowed on board or in the hold.
  • toads are not mentioned in the rules of most companies, so contact the consultants and ask questions.

Prepare in advance for your trip and, if possible, drop by the airport to clarify the rules. Cases when passengers received incorrect information over the phone are not uncommon. Just in case, arrange with your friends to come to the airport and pick up your pet.

How to fly with a guide dog

A disabled passenger is allowed to take a large dog on the plane if it acts as a guide dog. In this case, you will need to present documents confirming the characteristics of the medical condition, and a certificate certifying the preparation of the animal. Flying with a guide dog is allowed not only for adults, but also for children over 12 years old.

The animal must be near the owner's chair; the presence of a leash and a muzzle will be an indispensable condition.

Unfortunately, even flying with a guide dog can be a mess. In 2013, a passenger traveling with US Airways was forced to leave the plane. Although he was among the first to arrive with the dog Doxie, he was the last to enter the cabin and was given a seat in the back row, in the middle seat.

It was physically impossible for Doxie to be near him, but the neighbor, who had taken a seat by the aisle, agreed to swap with the visually impaired. The stewardess still insisted that the dog lay down under the chair. Although the demand was met, a heated skirmish broke out between the flight attendant and the owner of the animal. As a result, the visually impaired man was taken out of the cabin by the security service. The remaining 35 passengers left the plane after him in outrage, and the company was forced to provide them with an alternative.

To avoid such troubles, contact the carrier in advance. Most do not charge extra if you are traveling with a guide dog. In some cases, you have to pay a small amount for the fact that the animal occupies more space. Specify where the four-legged guide should be: whether he can lie in the aisle or he will have to take a place under the chair.

Under what conditions do animals fly in the luggage compartment of an aircraft

Although the owners are reluctant to part with the wards, the reviews about the transportation of cats on the plane are positive: even if they go to the luggage compartment, there will be no problems with proper preparation. In order not to worry, find out how miniature schnauier Mickey traveled.

The kid had to go from Moscow to Prague, but Mickey was too big to be taken to the salon. Therefore, the hostess Tanya purchased a container where her pet could stand up to his full height and turn around.

At the entrance to the airport, the container, like ordinary bags, went for inspection. Mickey and the hostess went through the frame and visited the veterinary control station. Here the employee looked through the documents and put a mark in the European passport. After a short rest, Mickey went to check-in.

To make the flight go smoothly, the hostess informed about the presence of the dog even when buying tickets. Indeed, many airlines allow only 2 animals into the cabin: one each in the economy and business compartments. The number of four-legged animals traveling in cargo compartments is also limited. Species also play a role: a cat and a dog cannot fly in the same plane.

Then Tanya received a boarding pass with a special mark.

Mickey's cage was taken by movers and placed on carts delivering luggage to the liner.

Soon the container was placed in the appropriate compartment, and the plane took off. Tanya was worried, but the flight attendant assured her that the luggage compartment was at room temperature.

In Prague, Mickey felt great. This is not surprising, because the compartments where dogs or cats fly are heated. Don't think that if you usually get cold suitcases, things won't change! The pilot is notified that there is cargo in the compartment that needs special temperature conditions, and he turns on the heating.

Features of transporting animals on transfer flights

It is not recommended to carry pets on transfer or transit flights. Otherwise, you will not only have to take into account the rules of the host country, but also apply for a visa in order to get a “date” with your pet. Doing without it is fraught with discomfort for the animal, because the cells can be left outside in the rain or heat. But transfer routes are not recommended if you are traveling with a ward: it is advisable to send him a cargo.

Some companies charge an additional fee if the break between flights is more than 2 hours. They argue this by the need to care for a four-legged passenger.

The cost of transporting dogs and cats on an airplane

The price of a flight for an animal is determined by the route and features of the carrier. If you are flying with a dog on an Aeroflot plane without crossing the borders of the Russian Federation, then you will have to pay 3,750 rubles for the dog. And those who want to visit Europe with their pet will part with 50 €. On foreign airlines, the cost increases, but it is impossible to determine it without knowing the route.

How to prepare an animal for an airplane flight

To take your pet without worrying about his well-being, prepare for the flight. The process consists of 2 aspects: the choice of boxing and classes with a pet.

How to prepare boxing

The convenience of the animal during the flight is determined by how suitable the container is for it. Representatives large breeds allowed to be transported in metal cages. For others buy special carriers, paying attention to the following:

  • The strength of the material and locks on the doors is an indispensable condition.
  • There should be no sharp corners or objects inside the box, otherwise the animal may get hurt in a panic.
  • The presence of ventilation determines whether the dog will return to you alive and healthy. Holes must occupy at least 15% of the total area. If you have to fly a short distance, they can be located on 2 sides of the box. When traveling on long haul flights, buy a carrier with ventilation holes on 4 sides.
  • The size of the box should allow the animal to stand up and turn around.
  • The waterproof bottom will save you from the dissatisfaction of the staff. Although you will put absorbent pads, respect the comfort of others: puddles, even in the luggage compartment, are not needed.

In addition to the basic requirements, do not forget about additional boxing selection rules:

  • Before buying, contact the carrier and check the allowable sizes.
  • Go shopping with your dog or cat. "Try on" different containers.
  • Owners of a large animal should buy a carrier on wheels. Do not forget that they must be removed before checking in the pet in the luggage compartment.
  • Prepare a tag where you write the name of the dog or cat, flight number, your full name, points of departure and destination.
  • Do not put treats, food or toys in the box that the animal can chew on.
  • Take care of the presence of a volumetric drinker with a ball.

How to prepare an animal for flying on an airplane: in 2 weeks

Owners are considering whether to give pets a sedative. The doctor who examined the animal must answer the question! Contact your veterinarian and he will select a herbal remedy. Usually, the reception starts a couple of weeks before the trip; It is forbidden to give strong sleeping pills immediately before departure.

For 10-14 days, accustom a dog or cat to a new "house". The process should not be intrusive: just put toys and your four-legged friend's favorite bedding in the box. A tasty bone will convince the dog to go into the container, and then lie down in it. It is forbidden to force the animal into the box, otherwise you will increase the level of stress before the flight.

To prevent the animal from being frightened by unfamiliar sounds, look online for recordings of the noise that planes make when they take off. Turn them on several times a day, and the stress level during the flight can be reduced.

How to prepare your pet for the flight: immediately before the flight

The day before departure, give your pet a light meal or refrain from feeding. Also, take your friend for a walk if it's a dog. She will have to spend a lot of time in a cage, so physical activity will not hurt.

Food must be given no later than 3 hours before departure. The condition is violated by most owners, offering the pet his favorite treats to calm him down. But such “pity” harms a dog or a cat: it can vomit on the plane, and it will sit on a dirty bedding. Several pets died from the fact that part of the vomit remained in respiratory tract and the owners were not around to help in time.

On the day of departure, keep track of how much water the animal drinks. Although it should not suffer from thirst in the luggage compartment of an aircraft, it will not like sitting on a wet bedding. Your task is to calculate the time and find the balance. Of course, the carrying container is supplied with drinkers, but water may spill during transportation.

Your behavior also affects how your pet feels, so try not to worry.

At large airports, there are special areas for walking dogs: they can relieve themselves one last time before traveling. If you don't know where they are located, ask the airport staff questions. Sometimes such sites are located in the terminal, which minimizes the time during which the dog will have to endure.

Representatives of the main groups can be attributed to rare species of domesticated wild pets:

- amphibians (newts, frogs, toads, salamanders);

– reptiles (crocodiles, snakes, pythons, lizards, iguanas, chameleons, monitor lizards and others);

- arthropods (large cockroaches, crickets, spiders, scorpions);

– rodents (squirrels, chinchillas, gerbils, guinea pigs, ground squirrels, chipmunks);

- primates (chimpanzees, monkeys, capuchins and other varieties of monkeys);

- predators (big cats, foxes, mustelids, ferrets);

- birds (rare species of birds and parrots).

In order for the process of preparing a pet for the upcoming trip to bring the owner the maximum effect, he needs to familiarize himself in detail with the existing regulations and follow the basic rules for transporting exotic animals.

Rules for the carriage of the main groups of exotic animals

Medical examination of health and physical condition a pet that will help determine its readiness to move is an integral part of preparing for the transport of pets.

For transportation, in addition to a veterinary examination, standard permits and procedures will be required, namely:

  • procedures for making trips abroad;
  • or carrying out prevention of various diseases depending on the region of destination.

The main carriers, whether it is an airline, railway or transport company, contain a certain list of requirements and conditions for the transportation of exotic animals, which are somewhat different from the transportation of ordinary pets.

These requirements for the specific transportation of wild animals must be requested in advance by the owners from the employees of the transport service, airport or airline. At the same time, you should definitely take into account the direction of travel, if you are going to travel to another state, then you need to request information on the procedure for importing exotic animal breeds into the territory of the host country, since they may differ significantly from the conditions of Russian carriers.

The implementation of unauthorized movement of exotic animal breeds within the country, as well as outside it, may be accompanied by legislative problems. Therefore, in order to carry out a peaceful transportation of representatives of the wild fauna, it is necessary to have a permissive sanction from the State Committee Russian Federation for environmental protection. You can get such permission provided that the exotic pet was purchased in an official way and its owner has supporting documents in hand.

In some cases, papers are required confirming the birth of a pet in our country. Such confirmation on paper can be issued by the seller when making a transaction for the sale of wild animal breeds in the territory of the Russian Federation. Permission to transport a pet cannot be issued if the owner does not have supporting documents. Moreover, in a special order, the owner can be attributed to persons contributing to the development of smuggling in our country.

Those wishing to cross the Russian border together with exotic pets need to collect a standard package of permits, go through the pet chipping procedure, obtain a sanction from the State Committee of the Russian Federation, and also acquire a special permit in accordance with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Animals of Wild Fauna (abbreviated as CITES) ).

Today, an organization called the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Natural Resources, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, operates on the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, if there is a need for such a permit within the country, the owner of the exopet will be able to apply to this structure.

Ways to transport amphibians and reptiles

Methods for competently transporting domesticated wild animals may vary depending on the season. For example, the transportation of reptiles, in particular the transportation of turtles, during the warm season is allowed in dense cardboard containers or leaky plastic containers with ventilation holes. In this case, the box must be firmly closed and contain a certain flooring: rug, paper, dry towel or napkins, hay, sawdust or special varieties of moss.

In the cold period, when the thermometer drops below +15, the animal needs to create additional heating. To do this, in addition to dry bedding, a heating pad and a cloth are placed in the container. It is not necessary to feed the turtle during transportation, since reptiles can go without food for more than three days, but it is better to take a drinking bowl, since the pet cannot live without moisture for two days.

Aquatic turtles must be transported in a tight container with a small amount of water and a ventilation grill on the lid. The carrier should be larger than the size of the animal, thus giving the possibility of comfortable movement. It is better to keep the container away from direct sunlight and drafts.

Transportation of snakes is carried out according to the rules of increased safety in closed containers with markings indicating the types and number of pets. The best option for temporary packaging, boxes of the “pencil case” type structure and the most dense bags will serve. Any transport cargo must have strong locks and allow snakes to receive oxygen through a fine mesh. For easy carrying, it is better to choose containers with durable handles.

For better thermal insulation, it is worth laying out foam rubber, sawdust or paper cut into thin shavings at the bottom of the box. When transporting in winter, additional heat is used and modes of transport are chosen to reduce the travel time to avoid hypothermia of the reptiles.

Large spiders and cockroaches are transported separately in standard small containers, while small ones can be combined in one test tube, flask or other sealed container. The container must be tightly closed and protect its passenger from temperature changes.

At the bottom of the container, it is best to place a napkin or cotton wool, slightly moistened in the summer. It is not necessary to put the earth in a container, since when moving it can cause significant inconvenience.

By creating comfortable conditions for your friend, occasionally changing wet wipes, you can travel with a spider for several weeks. One has only to remember that in the summer the container should not be exposed to direct sunlight, and in the cold period it is better to immerse the carrier in a foam box and wrap it with a heat reflector.

Transportation of other species of arthropods is organized according to a similar principle.

To the long transportation of rats, guinea pigs, chinchillas and other rodents, owners need to be approached in a special way. Carrying for a fluffy pet should be as durable as possible, preferably not made of thin fabric materials, since on the road a rodent can gnaw through the bottom of an ordinary bag.

It is better to choose containers with good ventilation. Ordinary cages are suitable for transportation in the warm season, and in the cold season the animal can catch a cold and get sick. In summer, a light cloth can be placed on the bottom of the container, and in winter, a heating pad must be placed.

For trips that do not exceed three hours, it is not necessary to stock up on food, it is enough to install a drinker with clean water. On long trips, it is worth stocking up on dry treats for the pet, a warm waterproof cape for the container, and the ward's favorite toy.

Upon arrival, the pet should be given some time to rest, for this, leave it in a quiet place with subdued lighting, serve clean, cool water to drink. Rodents on trains are transported in containers free of charge, and when traveling by plane, you will need to pay an additional fee for a pet, which is calculated according to the size of the animal.

Most monkeys are not adapted to a long stay in small cages, so the upcoming transportation should be thought out to the smallest detail. To transport monkeys, you need to stock up on a special compact design that resembles a container cage, which should be slightly larger than the animal itself, so as not to hamper its movements.

It is worth transporting monkeys separately, observing all precautions. Let's say that in cold weather there is a high risk that the pet will catch a cold, so it is better to place the container in a fabric cover. For those breeds of primates that are not adapted to low temperatures install additional heat in the cage.

Monkeys are hard to endure long journeys due to the violation of their usual regimen, in some breeds the so-called "transport sickness" may even begin. Symptoms are manifested in general weakness of the body and fever, especially in large individuals.

At proper care all disorders, as well as lack of appetite after a hard journey, usually pass quickly, as soon as the animal gets into comfortable conditions for further stay.

For transportation of especially dangerous categories of wild animals, it is customary to use durable cages, which are quite difficult to find in ordinary stores.

Today, railway structures and airlines establish a special list of requirements for the transportation of predators in cargo compartments. Aggressive animals during such transportation experience great stress, which adversely affects their perception of reality.

Therefore, most people turn to specialized transport companies that have equipped vehicles for help in organizing transportation. With this option, the owner only needs to stock up on warm bedding and an abundance of clean water.

For the transportation of parrots, canaries, and other types of birds, a reliable spacious cage is needed, in which a drinking bowl and a strong perch are installed. For security, small breeds birds can be transported in cardboard boxes with holes for air circulation.

It is better to start preparations for transporting birds some time before leaving. So that the upcoming trip does not cause a lot of stress for your pet, it is better to leave it in a cage or box a few minutes before departure. During this time, the feathered traveler will have time to calm down and maybe fall asleep.

In order for the bird to feel as comfortable as possible and its paws do not slip when moving, a dense fabric must be placed on the bottom of the box. Also in the box, you can leave a piece of an apple or other treat that can distract the bird.

Before leaving the house, it is worth covering the container with a warm scarf that does not let in cold air and sunlight. Remember that carrying during the flight and moving the bird must be firmly fixed in place, because any sudden movement, knocking and rustling can seriously scare the feathered passenger.

Upon arrival, do not rush to open the cage and place the container in a warm place. Let the bird get used to the silence, calm down and prepare for the new environment. Then slowly remove the handkerchief, if necessary, release the pet outside.

By following the basic rules for transporting exotic animals, you are guaranteed to get a comfortable move, which will most loyally affect the condition of your ward.

Have a nice trip to you and your expet 🙂

In contact with

For different types Transport has its own rules for transporting animals. Animal travel regulated by certain rules that must be observed by the owner. We have compiled for you the rules for all types of transport: land, metro, personal car and aircraft. Do not neglect them, so that later you will not have problems with the passage of animals in transport!

I. Rules for transporting dogs in public transport of the city

AT land transport You can carry your dog on the back deck. Large dogs must be muzzled, collared and on a leash. A small dog can be transported in a special container. Directions large dog must be paid as baggage allowance. If you are transporting a small animal in a transportation container that does not exceed the prescribed dimensions of hand luggage (the sum of three dimensions (height, length, width) - no more than 120 cm), then you can carry it free of charge.

Excerpt from the ruling:

to the Decree of the Government of Moscow
Rules for the use of ground public public transport (trams, trolleybuses, buses) in the city of Moscow

6.3. The passenger has the right:
6.3.1. Carry with you free of charge: Animals, birds - in a cage not exceeding the size of hand luggage.
6.3.4. Carry pets under conditions that exclude passengers from disturbing them (dogs must be muzzled and on a short leash).

Advice: Do not put the box with the animal on the floor, as it may be unpleasant there due to noise and vibration, which are stronger on the floor. And drafts can also walk on the floor.

How actually:
Of course, not everyone follows the rules for transporting animals in land transport. In most cases, it all depends on the driver and passengers. Often, owners do not put muzzles on their dogs, because their pets are not accustomed to muzzles, since there is no special need for this (the dog is peaceful, for example). Or it’s too hot outside and it’s hard for the dog to breathe in a muzzle. And some drivers may simply not let you into the salon without explaining the reason.

In suburban trains, things are as follows: separate tickets are sold for a dog at the box office, and with a fixed price, regardless of which station you are going to.
Of course, just like many people travel as a “hare”, they also try to transport dogs for free. It's up to you to decide.

II. Subway rules

But in the subway, the transportation of animals is allowed only in a transportation container. Carrying a dog on the subway in any other way (just on a leash and wearing a muzzle, for example) is prohibited by the rules for using the subway.

Excerpt from the ruling:

Annex to the Decree of the Government of Moscow
Rules for using the Moscow metro

2.10. It is forbidden to carry in the subway (to be with him in the lobby of the stations):
2.10.5. Animals and birds outside cages or special containers (bags).

How actually:
And here it all depends on the case - they may miss it, or they may not. For example, at metro stations where dog shows are held, dogs are most often allowed in. At other stations, they have every right not to let you in with your pet.

Recommendations: if you still plan to take your dog on the subway, put him in a box if he is small. If the dog is large, be sure to lead it on a leash with a collar. Beware of escalators! If possible, use the stairs. If not, be sure to take the animal in your arms on the escalator! Unfortunately, there are terrible cases when the dog's paws got stuck on the escalator and other similar situations.

III. Long distance trains

To travel on long-distance trains, you will have to collect certificates for your pet.

Small dogs or puppies are allowed to travel with you, but only in special containers. Payment for the carriage of dogs is carried out as for one piece or 20 kg of baggage. Transportation of dogs whose weight exceeds 20 kg. paid according to their actual weight. Transportation of dogs is carried out either in a container with an accompanying person traveling in the same car, or in a non-working vestibule of the first car behind the locomotive (no more than two dogs). It is also possible to transport dogs in a separate compartment (though not more than two dogs), but only except for wagons superior comfort. When transporting dogs in a compartment, the owner pays for the entire compartment. Care and feeding is carried out by the owner or accompanying person.
Only guide dogs are allowed to be transported free of charge in carriages of any category on the territory of Russia.

From the "rules of passenger transportation":
“Carriage on trains of all categories of small pets, dogs and birds is allowed in excess of the established carry-on baggage allowance in all carriages, except for carriages with 2-seater compartments (CB) and luxury carriages. In this case, it is necessary to have a veterinary certificate and payment for transportation. Animals are transported in boxes, baskets, cages, containers, which must be placed in the places for hand luggage. During transportation, the owners or accompanying persons must comply with the sanitary and hygienic regime.

1) Conditions for the transport of animals in communication with the countries of Western Europe (except Finland).
It is allowed to carry small pets (cats, birds) as hand luggage if they are transported in special means of transportation (boxes).
Dogs are allowed in any class, i.e. in I and II class (but no more than 2 dogs per compartment). The passenger must pay the cost of the ticket and reserved seat according to the number of seats in the compartment, as well as, additionally for the carriage of a dog, half the cost of the ticket for travel in a class II carriage.
2) It is forbidden to transport dogs when traveling to Norway, Sweden, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia or in transit through these countries.
3) Dogs of aggressive breeds are not allowed to be brought into Germany or in transit through Germany.
Dogs are allowed to be transported only in direct carriages.
4) Conditions for the transport of animals in communication with China, Mongolia, Korea and Vietnam.
The passenger has the right to carry small pets with him, unless this is prohibited by veterinary regulations. Animals (cats, birds, etc.) are transported as hand luggage at the rate of 20 kg. a piece.
Dogs are transported for a fee. Transportation of dogs is possible only in class II carriages and no more than 2 dogs per compartment. At the same time, it is required to pay the cost of a ticket and a reserved seat according to the number of seats in a compartment, as well as an additional half of the cost of a ticket for travel in a class II carriage for the carriage of a dog.
If the railway is not able to provide a separate compartment for transporting animals, such transportation is not allowed.

IV. Traveling abroad in a private car

What documents do you need:
1) veterinary passport
- information about all vaccinations (required with rabies)). Vaccination validity: no more than 12 months, but it must be done at least a month before the trip
- about deworming
- your full name
2) certificate of export of the animal
3) vet. reference form No. 1
4) certificate of chipping.

V. Traveling abroad by plane

1. Documents to be presented to the veterinary service at the border, as well as to customs officers:

EU veterinary officials only recognize ISO 11784 microchips for dogs and cats and ISO 11785 for ferrets. In other countries, it may be replaced by the stigma attached to thoroughbred animals in clubs;
An incorrectly issued veterinary passport or vaccination with non-certified vaccines is the basis for refusing to issue an airport permit for the temporary export of your pet abroad.

2) Veterinary certificate (form No. 1)
This form is required to pass the Vet. border control. It is exchanged for an international certificate. On the way back, this certificate must be handed over at the veterinary control and get your certificate back.
You can get this form at the regional state veterinary station on the basis of a properly executed veterinary passport.
It is required to come there with an animal (in some it is possible without an animal, you need to specify) and its veterinary passport 2-3 days before the trip. This veterinary certificate is valid for 3 days.

It is very important that the international certificate is correctly issued. Therefore, require the veterinarians at the border control veterinary checkpoint to complete the English language(for Germany in German).
In case of refusal, please contact the Department of Veterinary Control at the State Border and Transport of the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.
The procedure for exchanging form No. 1 for an international veterinary certificate is usually lengthy, so you need to arrive at the airport in advance.

3) Permission for the temporary export of a dog abroad (Certificate of the absence of the breeding value of the animal).
To do this, you need to visit one of the divisions of the RKF or SCOR:
- for service dogs - CKSS;
- for hunting breeds - the club of the All-Russian Council for Hunting Dog Breeding;
- for decorative and outbred - the club of the Federation of amateur dog breeding.
There you will receive a certificate on a special form stating that the animal is not of breeding value. The certificate indicates the breed, color and age of the dog, the pedigree number, the estimated value of the dog, and the purpose of the trip.

2. Requirements for carrying dogs on an airplane.

1) The presence of a box for transportation.
According to the rules of air transportation, dogs must be transported in special containers in a specially equipped insulated baggage compartment, separated from the rest of the baggage by a partition.
Aviation box requirements:
- in one box, you can carry only one dog;
- the height of the box must be 10 cm higher than the height of the dog above the head;
- the dog must be able to turn around freely, as well as lie down with its front legs stretched out;
- the box must be equipped with special openings for sufficient air access;
- there should be a drinking bowl with water inside the box;
- the boxed dog must be wearing a comfortable collar (DO NOT wear a noose or a muzzle!). There must be a leash on the floor, NOT fastened to the dog's collar;
- all information about the dog must be attached to the box: nickname, name, address, phone number of the owner in English; as well as copies of the veterinary certificate and insurance, if any.
2) Small dogs can be transported in the aircraft cabin in special boxes. But no more than 2 dogs per cabin. The weight of the animal must not exceed 8 kg.
3) The carriage of a dog is paid as excess baggage weight, but is not deducted from the total weight of the group's baggage. Those. you weigh your dog along with the container and pay the total weight at the airline's ticket office just before boarding and one way.

Requirements may vary from airline to airline. Therefore, first of all, make a request to the airline you are flying with and act in accordance with the instructions that you receive.
If you incorrectly issued documents for your pet, then the following sanctions apply: complete or temporary isolation of the animal, quarantine, fines, ban on the entry or exit of the animal.

It is recommended to arrive at the airport with the animal in advance, no later than 4-5 hours before the departure of the aircraft.
In an airplane, it is not recommended to let the animal out of the box during the flight, because. his behavior can be unpredictable.

3. Preparing the dog for the flight.

The dog does not need to be fed before the flight, just drink well and walk.
It is recommended to put a moisture-absorbing bedding or disposable diapers on the bottom of the box.
It makes sense to give the dog a sedative (consult your veterinarian).

When transporting an animal across the border in different countries Other additional documents may be required. You need to find out what the rules for importing animals are in the country you are going to. You can obtain information about this from the consulate of the respective country.
Not all animals can be taken out of our country. The "travel restrictions" include: parrots, turtles, monkeys, pythons and others. The transportation of these animals requires permission from the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection. It's hard to get it. It is necessary to prove that your pet was purchased legally or document the fact of your pet's birth in Russia.
You will not be able to import kittens and puppies younger than 4 months into the European Union. The fact is that vaccination is done no earlier than 2 months, and rabies vaccination is done 2-3 weeks after the first vaccination. And formally, you can take the animal out only 30 days after all vaccinations. So it turns out 4 months.
If you cannot, or do not want, or are afraid to draw up all the necessary documents incorrectly, it is already possible to contact a special agent who will do all this work for you, and you will be calm in the correct execution of all these papers.

4. What you may encounter when traveling by air.

Some airlines may refuse to carry a dog over 40 kg. and offer to use the CARGO system (transportation of an animal without the participation of an accompanying person);
- it makes sense to insure the animal in order to receive compensation in case of its death;
- pay attention to the requirements for the airbox, for example, some airlines only allow their own boxes to fly. Learn about it in advance;
- the air box should be comfortable in size (the dog should sit down, lie down and turn around freely);
- the air box must be with a metal door and a spring lock. External handles on the box are desirable so that the loaders do not put their fingers inside the box during transportation;
- book a seat in the luggage compartment for your pet and ask for a document confirming this reservation (not all airlines transport animals due to the lack of insulated luggage compartments);
- not all breeds are allowed to be transported by plane. Therefore, in the booking confirmation, indicate the breed. The air carrier may refuse to transport dogs of breeds with a short muzzle (bullmastiffs, bulldogs, etc.)
- do not forget to indicate the weight of the animal, otherwise there may not be appropriate equipment for loading it on board.

In conclusion, I want to say that the transportation of your pet will be much calmer if you have accustomed him to public transport and to the container in advance. They can help you with this

It's no secret that any trip, and even more so a flight, can be quite a stressful event. Considering the fact that this is true for people, and in animals all feelings are more pronounced than ours, pressure drops, the hum of powerful engines during takeoff and landing can even shock your pets.

Therefore, if you still decide to take your pet with you on a plane, you need to take maximum care of its comfort, not forgetting that the correct planning and execution of transportation will be no less important.

Rules for transporting animals on an airplane

The transport of animals by air is quite complicated procedure. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to comply with certain conditions that are established not only by air carriers, but also by other services responsible for such transportation: customs service, veterinary service.

Distinguish two ways to transport animals by plane.

  • It is allowed to take pets with you to the salon.
  • Pets in special containers are placed in the luggage compartment of the aircraft.

Not all animals are accepted for air travel. Each airline has its own lists of animals allowed for transportation. In order for a pet to be transported in the cabin of an aircraft, the following requirements must be met:

  • The weight of the container with the pet inside must be no more than 8 kg.
  • This pet can be either a cat or a dog.
  • No more than 5 animals are allowed in the aircraft cabin.
  • The container should be of such a size that the animal is comfortable in it, it should be able to stand up to its full height and turn around.
  • The dimensions of the container must be no more than 115 cm, summing up the length, height and width.

Features of transporting animals in the luggage compartment of the aircraft: Most airlines generally do not allow the transport of animals in the cabin, regardless of the type or size of the pet being transported, then only the cargo compartment remains.

Only pets are allowed to be transported by plane either in the cabin or with luggage. In order to transfer any exotic or wild animal, insects, rodents, birds or snakes, the specific requirements of the airline must be met. Such animals may not be allowed on board the aircraft at all, or they may be allowed to be transported as cargo.

Features of buying a ticket for traveling with a pet:

It is very important to inform about the presence of an animal among your baggage even at the time of purchase of the ticket. This can have a huge impact on the route chosen and the choice of air carrier.

Of course, flying with a pet can be quite a hassle, but each airline has the appropriate specialists to help you choose the most suitable route, taking into account all the required restrictions.

You should not count on the fact that a small animal can be transported for free as hand luggage. Pets are on the Extra Baggage List and there are applicable rules regarding fees for their carriage. The price includes the weight pet and container weight, and each carrier has its own fixed rates for payment.

In order to arrange transportation of a pet on an airplane, you must send a corresponding request to the aviation company. If the request is sent at least 72 hours before departure, it must be confirmed. Transportation of animals is subject to separate booking, as it is an additional service.

To make such a request, you will need to provide all the necessary information about the animal being transported, namely its type, dimensions and weight of the container along with the pet.

If the pet is transported in the cargo hold, then confirmation of its transportation can be obtained after the purchase of the ticket, but if the pet is transported in the cabin, the confirmation of the airline must be obtained before the purchase of air travel. Registration of necessary documents at the airport

Compliance with the relevant formalities regarding the transportation of an animal at the airport of departure can take quite a long time, so it is best to arrive a few hours before departure.

To begin with, before check-in, you will need to contact the Airport Veterinary Control Service, where your pet must undergo the necessary veterinary examination. If you are transporting an animal within Russia or the CIS countries, then you will need to present a veterinary passport and a certificate of your pet to the veterinary service.

After passing the inspection, you will be given the appropriate boarding pass for the transportation of your animal, as well as stamped on the veterinary certificate. At the time of check-in, you will need to present the issued ticket.

If you are transporting an animal to other countries, then if you have a veterinary certificate, you need to obtain a veterinary certificate. This certificate is issued for a short time one to three days. With such transportation, it is also important to take into account the requirements for the transportation of animals at the customs of Russia. A passenger with a pet must provide a certificate confirming the lack of breeding value of the transported pet.

If the passenger is visually impaired and is flying with a guide dog, then in this case it is allowed to carry the dog in the cabin. However, there are a number of limitations:

All of these vaccinations and treatments must be completed at least 30 days prior to departure (maximum one year).

  • 2. Certificate of chipping.
  • 3. Veterinary certificate No. 1-vet. The owner of the pet must obtain such a certificate from the appropriate institution (GosVetStation) in the presence of the correct veterinary passport. Most likely, in order to obtain such a certificate, the animal will need to be taken with you. It is better to clarify this.
  • For international transportation, in addition to the above list, additional documents will be required:

    • 1. Veterinary certificate of international type. Such a certificate is registered with the veterinary service at the border control point and is issued in the presence of a veterinary certificate.
    • 2. Certificate containing information on the breeding value of the transported animal.
    • 3. Permission issued by the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection (if it is necessary to transport certain types of animals).

    Each country may submit Additional requirements and restrictions regarding the transport of animals. Therefore, before importing an animal into the territory of a third state, it is necessary to obtain relevant information from its embassy.

    You need to be aware of this in order to avoid possible problems at the border and at airports. For example, Italy, Denmark, Sweden and Spain do not allow the import of fighting dogs into their countries.

    Australia imposes very strict restrictions on the importation of animals of any kind. And pets that the owners took with them to Iceland or Britain are required to spend six months in quarantine.

    Considering the fact that a pet is allowed to be transported abroad only after 30 days after receiving all the necessary vaccinations, the European Union has established restrictions on the transportation of puppies and kittens under the age of 4 months. This is due to the fact that vaccination is usually carried out at the age of 2-3 months, and vaccination against refugees a few weeks after vaccination.