Where does the largest Maine Coon live? The origin of the Maine Coon, the largest breed in the world Large cats Maine Coon.

Affectionate purring fluffies are the dream of every child and a way to relieve stress for any adult. Cats are the only domestic animals in the world that have been domesticated of their own accord. Their grace captivates, and their love of freedom and rebellious disposition attract. Even despite the specificity of this animal, cats live in almost every family, and their warmth and softness are tempting to touch.

Cats are not champions in size among animals, and this is useless, because then they would not be so common, but at the same time, the impressive uncharacteristic dimensions of pets attract even more. Maine Coons and Ushers are officially recognized as the largest breeds of domestic cats today, but their representatives are not the only champions.

Weight record

The fattest cat in the world rightfully recognized as Himmy's pet. His weight was 21 kg, which allowed him to get into the Guinness Book of Records, but, unfortunately, posthumously. The fact is that the cat was too lazy, and this provoked such weight gain. He died at the age of 10 from respiratory arrest, because before that he simply could not move on his own. The fat man's waist circumference was 84 cm. Himmi's predecessor-record holder was the cat Spice, who weighed 20 kg.

The officially registered record holder for length among cats is representative of the Maine Coon breed. A cat named Stewie from the tip of the nose to the tailbone is 132 cm, which allowed him to get into the Book of Records at the age of five. According to the owner of the animal, American Robin Hendrickson, her pet is the most gentle and affectionate creature, despite its impressive size.

size record

For a long time, representatives of the breed held records for the size of domestic cats. Maine Coon. They are also called:

  • Maine cats;
  • Maine raccoons.

This is provoked by the fact that outwardly the first cats of this breed were of a characteristic color - black tabby. Adults are capable of reaching a weight of 10 kg, and outwardly similar to their wild forest relatives. The characteristic tassels on the ears and the structure of the skull will not allow confusing the Maine Coon with any other breed, and their majesty and look visually increase the real dimensions of the representatives of the breed.

Today the largest Maine Coon lives in Australia. The cat named Rupert is 3 years old and already weighs about 9 kg. It will seem to many that such a weight is within the acceptable range for the breed and there is nothing special about it, but Maine Coons have been gaining weight for more than one year. Most likely, the pet will halve its weight over the next years, which brings it much closer to the record and this is without progress to obesity. The fact is that the impressive size of Rupert's cat is just a natural constitution and well-developed muscle mass.

Recognized record holders

Together with Maine Coons, the official champions among domestic cats are recognized representatives of the Ashera breed. They appeared relatively recently thanks to the efforts of American geneticists led by the English entrepreneur Simon Brodie. Leopard cats, as the breed is also called, were obtained by crossing the Serval and the Asian leopard predator. Since the goal of the experiment was to create an ideal creature, the resulting animal was named after the goddess.

The appearance of the largest cat is exotic and formidable, although the character is very affectionate and peaceful. The cost of such a pet today exceeds 20 thousand dollars, but with the kitten itself, each owner receives:

The tallest cat

Despite the fact that Ashers are officially recognized as the largest cats, they can also compete with him. representatives of the Savannah breed which in reality weigh more than 15 kg. This breed was bred back in the 80s by crossing a wild African cat and a domestic one. Absolutely all representatives of the breed are very active, despite the fact that they eat little.

The champion in height is precisely the representative of the Savannah breed named Trumble - the cat's height is 48 cm, but it weighs only 9 kg. Trumble entered the Book of Records at the age of three and lives with her mistress in the United States of America.


Domestic cats are distributed all over the world thanks to a person who never ceases to improve them, constantly breeding new breeds. Large and small representatives of the species have lived next to people for more than 10 thousand years, but their temperament is still fully understood. Skilled furry hunters today number 256 breeds around the world, but who knows how many there will be in 10 years and what they will look like.

Impressive size, a strict, penetrating look, alert ears with predatory tassels, a huge fox tail - all this is Maine Coon, a mysterious cat with a unique character. Spectacular large Maine Coon cats are chosen for their good-natured disposition, exceptional affection and spontaneous playfulness. If you want a lot of kilos of kindness and affection, choose this breed.

We tried to collect all the information about the breed, its history of origin, its features, the characteristics by which you will understand whether it suits you, the rules of care and feeding in this article. Here you will find a description of the exterior, photos, owner reviews, addresses of catteries and prices for kittens.

The nature and description of the Maine Coon breed

How to endure loneliness 3

Maine Coons should not be left alone in an apartment for a long time. If you are going on vacation, you will have to find someone who will agree to live with the cat.

Cats of this breed hate being alone. They get bored while the owners are at work. A separation of 1-2 days is painful. They need constant live communication with a person. Maine Coons are full-fledged members of the family who love to watch what is happening in the house from the outside.

How much shedding 4

The owners will have to work hard, regularly combing the animal, otherwise the whole apartment and clothes will be in wool.

Cats of this breed are long-haired. They have a pronounced guard hair and an undercoat. For the first time kittens molt at 7-10 months, when the age-related change of wool occurs. Seasonal molting occurs in spring and autumn, it is pronounced.

Active or lazy/Playfulness 4

If you are not ready to live under the same roof with a large active animal, do not take a Maine Coon!

Representatives of this breed do not grow up for a long time, cats up to 3-4 years old retain the habits of a kitten.

The funny habits of these big cats are something that touches and makes their owners laugh, as their large weight makes their games very humorous. These cats are always ready to help, no matter what you are doing. Curious and cute, they do not correspond to their large size at all.

These cats love space at a height, so try to provide them with this comfort in an apartment (house) by acquiring a semblance of a tree (making it yourself). When buying (producing) such a tree, do not forget to take into account the weight of the animal, the design must be stable and functional (a place to rest, climb and sharpen claws).

Adult Maine Coon cats can be lazy, they are observers, whose curiosity knows no bounds. Sometimes it seems that they know about everything that is “going on” in the house, much more than you do.

Does he like to purr 4

Maine Coons love to purr affectionately.

One more interesting feature this cat is its unusual "talk". Yes, you heard right, these cats don't meow, they make human-like sounds. Their melodic "speech" has many expressive intonations. The voice of the Maine Coon is quiet and high, and instead of "Meow" they say "Ma" or "Mra".

How does it relate to children 5

Representatives of the breed are in the "childish" psychological age for a long time, so it is easy for them to find a common language with children.

Maine Coon is a companion cat who is alien to aggression. He is inquisitive and playful, takes part in all children's games and pranks with pleasure. Maine Coon is considered one of the most patient cats, who forgives everything to his young friends. If the children abuse the patience of the animal, the cat will not show aggression, he will prefer to hide in a secluded place. Adults should immediately explain to their kids that a cat is not a toy and explain how to behave with a pet.

How to treat guests 2

The breed is very picky in communication.

Maine Coons are reverent towards households, but can be completely indifferent to guests. Of course, it is possible that the cat will show signs of attention to a stranger, but only after getting used to it. From unwanted squeezes of guests, cats dodge with dignity.

How other animals/dogs are treated 5

The breed is prone to group living, so it easily finds a common language with other pets.

Coons are patient and not aggressive towards other cats and small pets. A solid size and impressive appearance allows them to stand in front of dogs with dignity. But, they will not conflict and compete - for this, cats are too friendly and balanced.

Ease of maintenance 4

When getting a big cat with long hair, you should not count on ease of care.

You will have to fight with wool, the animal will need to be combed regularly. You will also need to trim the claws, they are large and sharp in this breed. Maine Coons do not eat and go to the toilet too carefully. They like to get into a bowl of water with their paws, eat food with their paws and row hard in the tray. You will have to come to terms with the need for daily cleaning of these places.

Intelligence 5

The breed is distinguished by outstanding intelligence and memory, is able to perform tricks and understand commands.

Cats will enjoy playing with intellectual toys. If desired, the owner will be able to teach the Maine Coon tricks and commands that dogs usually perform. They quickly learn to understand human speech, parse intonations and draw conclusions about what the owner wants from them. They are so smart that they understand at a glance what is permissible to do, and what they will scold for. But, exploring the world, they can push a glass off the table more than once to see what will come of it.

Soreness 3

Maine Coon is a healthy breed adapted to harsh living conditions. But his health cannot be called ideal due to a number of genetic pathologies.

Hip dysplasia, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, back muscle atrophy and polycystic kidney disease are diseases that you need to make sure of when buying a Maine kitten.

The history of the origin of the breed

The homeland of cats is the Isle of Man, which belongs to New England, states in the Northeast of the United States. It is from the name of the homeland that the name of the Maine Coon cat breed came about.

The extraordinary exterior of the Maine Coons has given rise to many legends about the origin of the breed. But, these mighty cats appeared as a result of natural evolution. The Maine Coon's coat is the result of adaptation to the harsh snowy winters, as is their voluminous fluffy tails, which they used to hide on especially cold winter nights.

The progenitors of cats of this breed were excellent hunters. To do this, nature endowed them with sharp eyesight, strong, dexterous and large paws. Maine farmers have used these characteristics to protect their farms from rodents. The breed is recognized by the World Cat Federation WCF (World Cats Federation), the American system TICA (The International Cat Association), the French FIFE (Federation International) and a number of others. international organizations. The first official breed standard was adopted in 1967.


In different standards, the description of the exterior and character of the Maine Coon breed is not too different. Let's take as a basis the European WCF system, as the most common.

Description of the breed according to the WCF standard

  • Body. Muscular, elongated and broad. Rectangular.
  • Rib cage. Wide.
  • Head. Medium size. Almost square in shape with high cheekbones.
  • Scull. Massive.
  • Muzzle. With curved profile.
  • Nose. Middle length.
  • Chin. Massive. Located in line with the upper jaw and nose.
  • Ears. Large triangular. Set high and upright. With or without tassels. The presence of brushes is desirable.
  • Eyes. Slanted, oval, widely spaced. Eye color should be in harmony with the color of the cat.
  • Neck. Middle length.
  • Limbs. Not in proportion to the body, large and muscular.
  • Paws. Large, rounded. There are tufts of hair between the fingers.
  • Tail. Fluffy and big. Wide at the base, tapering towards the tip. The length of the tail can reach at least the shoulders of the cat.
  • Wool. Fluffy and very thick. Waterproof. On the head and neck, the coat is of medium length. It is desirable to have a "mane" in the neck area. "Pants" and the belly are decorated with a long thick undercoat.
  • Color. Solid colors (black, white, red), harlequin, tortoiseshell, tabby (brindle), tricolor are allowed. Unacceptable: chocolate, lilac, fawn, cinnamon (cinnamon), color point.
  • The weight. adult cats can reach up to 9-12 kilograms.
  • Growth at the withers. From 25 to 45 cm.
  • Average life expectancy. Cats - 14 - 16 years old. Cats - 12 - 15 years old.

Photos and colors of Maine Coon cats

In addition to the standard solid colors, the photos of which are shown above (white, red, black), Maine Coons can also have such colors as:

Marble, shades of which can be in various combinations (2 colors).

Tortoiseshell, as well as marble color, can be in different color combinations (tricolor).

Tabby kittens (brindle) look incredibly beautiful. home distinguishing feature this color - the presence of stripes on the body of the animal.

Blue - the color is quite rare and very unusual, since the blue cat is very beautiful. But, this type of color is not recognized by the breed standard.

To inexperienced owners, it may seem that a large "domestic lynx" is very difficult to maintain. But, it's not. The main thing is to study the habits of the Maine Coon and follow the simple rules of care.

What do you need to keep a Maine Coon

The first thing to say is that small apartments are not suitable for large active cats. They need a living space that matches the size of the animal and a place for outdoor games.

Secondly, the owner of a big cat should have free time to communicate with the pet. Maine Coons are companion cats. They are happy to follow on the heels of a person, carefully watching everything that happens in the house.

Thirdly, you need to be prepared for the fact that a certain budget will be required for the maintenance and care of the Maine Coon. And this budget will not be the smallest.

If all these three conditions do not scare you, let's say that representatives of the Maine Coon breed are quite unpretentious in their care. In addition, they are very docile cats - this is an important condition that makes it easier to care for the animal.

What is care

A shaggy mane, a big fluffy tail, charming "pants" - all this not only causes admiring glances, but also requires care. Nature rewarded the breed with a luxurious fur coat so that cats could survive in the harsh island conditions of the American Northeast. To make the Maine Coon's thick coat look beautiful, you have to work a little.

Maine Coons are combed 1-2 times a week. During seasonal molting (spring and autumn), you need to comb the animals daily, thoroughly clean the room and clean the bedding from wool. Before combing, the cats are examined, it is necessary to unravel the tangled wool so that tangles do not form. Especially carefully you need to inspect the "panties", "collar" and sides of the pet. It is more difficult to deal with tangles: they are untangled or carefully cut off.

For combing Maine Coons you will need: a rare and frequent comb and brush. All these items must be metal so that the cat's hair is not electrified and with rounded ends. The procedure begins with a comb with rare teeth, continues with a fine comb, and ends with a brush. The slicker brush can only be used during shedding, but not all cats treat it well.

Maine Coons love to play with water, some like to swim, but not everyone swims willingly. Bathing cats of this breed is necessary in case of severe pollution, before exhibitions, and for prevention once every 3-4 months.

Teeth are regularly examined for the presence of tartar. Naturally fed cats have their teeth cleaned monthly. For those who receive dry food, once every 2 months is enough.

The eyes are cleaned weekly with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water or a very weak solution of boric acid. Do not use chamomile infusion for cleansing, Maine Coons can lose hair around the eyes from it. If there is any discharge from the eyes, it is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian. Eye drops Use only as directed by a veterinarian.

Large pet ears are cleaned 2 times a year. They are gently wiped with a cotton pad dipped in warm boiled water. Then ear drops "Bars" are instilled into the ear, 5-7 drops in each ear. After that, the ears are massaged at the base for 1-2 minutes. The accumulated sulfur is removed with a cotton flagellum or disk. Cotton buds not suitable for this, they can injure the pet's ear.

To sharpen the claws, you need to purchase a scratching post. If the nails are unnecessarily branched, they are shortened with special tweezers or a nail cutter. The procedure is carried out when the cat is in a calm state. It is best to do this with an assistant. Especially carefully you need to act with pigmented claws, on which blood vessels are not visible.

How much money is needed for care and maintenance

We mentioned that taking care of a Maine Coon will require some money from you.

What to buy for a kitten

Mandatory set:

  1. Two (for water and food) on a ceramic or metal stand. Volume 1-2 liters. You can buy these for 400 -1500 rubles.
  2. Large tray. Depending on the model: 800 - 3500 rubles.
  3. Combs and brush for combing: 250 - 500 rubles.
  4. Scratching post for large cats: 1050 - 4500 rubles.
  5. (so as not to be bored in your absence). Price: 600 - 2000 rubles.

Additional items:

  1. Stable, big. With a place where the cat can hide and a high shelf, from where he will watch what is happening. At the base of the house should be weighted poles wrapped in sisal. Such a “house” will cost 12-16 thousand rubles.
  2. Sturdy plastic carrier with iron door and iron locks. Models for medium breed dogs are best suited. You can buy this for 3-10 thousand rubles.
  3. . Price: 300 - 500 rubles.
  4. with a leash (if you plan to take it out for a walk). Price: 800 - 1500 rubles.
  5. Anti-cat bars (if you open windows). Price: 1800-2500 rubles.
  6. Couch. Dogs are suitable for Maine Coons. Price: 800 - 2000 rubles.
  7. (you can do it yourself). Price: 800 - 3000 rubles.

Without taking into account the initial investment, the annual care of the Maine Coon may require an average of 40 to 75 thousand rubles.

The amount will depend on the brand of filler used cosmetics(shampoo, conditioner), type and brand of food, vitamins prescribed, and number of visits to the veterinarian.

Maine Coon care video:

Health and disease

The breed is distinguished by endurance and unpretentiousness. In general, Maine Coons are in good health, but, like other pedigree cats, they are prone to developing a number of genetic diseases.

It is important to carefully approach the choice of a kitten. Buy from trusted breeders with a good reputation. Require all documents for a kitten and tests for genetic diseases before buying. Be sure to take an interest in the health of his parents.

Hereditary pathologies:

  1. hip dysplasia. Can be passed down through several generations. Maine Coons with dysplasia avoid jumping and walk slowly. In severe cases, it can lead to lameness. The disease may occur in mild form without causing pain or discomfort to the animal. To prevent the disease from progressing, you need to monitor the cat's diet, prevent obesity and rickets. It is important to minimize the risk of limb injuries and avoid early sterilization of the animal. Low physical activity and lack of calcium in the diet contribute to the development of pathology.
  2. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Pathology of the heart. Reason - gene mutation. Detected by DNA tests. dangerous disease can cause heart attacks and cause death. Factors provoking the progression of pathology: hypertension, endocrine diseases, oncology, intoxication of the cat's body and lack of taurine in the diet. Some cats develop due to the use of anesthesia.
  3. spinal muscular atrophy. Characterized by muscle weakness that develops due to the death of neurons spinal cord. The disease is not fatal. Cats with this pathology have difficulty walking and jumping. Detected by DNA tests. To alleviate the condition of the cat, you need to keep it in safe rooms, do not walk with them. Be sure to follow the diet so as not to cause obesity. Overweight cats have a harder time moving around.
  4. Polycystic kidney disease. hereditary pathology. Progresses slowly. Characterized by the growth of cysts in the kidneys. This may lead to kidney failure. Cats with this disease must be spayed. Sick animals need constant veterinary care. The diet should consist of food with reduced level proteins and phosphorus.

On average, all therapeutic and preventive measures to care for the health of a cat may require from 4 to 5 thousand rubles a year.

In the first year of life, the cost of the castration / sterilization operation must be added to this amount: 1500 - 3500 rubles.


You can, like other thoroughbred cats. The only remark is that Maine Coons are large and active animals, they need a high-calorie diet. And the daily feeding rate will be more than that of small and medium breeds of cats.

Both natural food and ready-made food are suitable for feeding Maine Coons. , you decide, but do not forget about the basic requirements: the diet must be balanced, contain vitamins and essential minerals.

natural nutrition

If the choice is made in favor of feeding with natural products, you need to make a balanced diet of meat, fish, meat products, vegetables, fermented milk products, vegetable oil.

The basis of the diet (80%) should be meat products:

  • beef (peritoneum, sections from the head);
  • rabbit;
  • turkey;
  • chicken drumsticks and thighs;
  • heart;
  • chicken liver;
  • chicken heads (no beak);
  • chicken necks (without skin);
  • stomachs;
  • tripe (beef);
  • lung;
  • cock's comb;
  • pork knuckles;
  • fish (salmon, trout, mackerel);
  • seafood (squid, shrimp).

The remaining 20% ​​comes from additives:

  • vegetables: cauliflower, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin;
  • quail eggs;
  • hard cheese;
  • dairy products;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • bran;
  • olive oil;
  • dried kelp.

Experienced Maine Coon owners prepare a meat and vegetable mix from these products, pack it in bags and place it in the freezer. One package for one day. Daily rate- 250-300 grams.

With this method of feeding for a month, it will take from 3000 to 5000 rubles.

How to give natural foods

  • Chicken necks are beaten with a hammer.
  • Grind offal in a meat grinder.
  • Cut the meat into thin strips or pass through a meat grinder.
  • Vegetables rub on a fine grater. Serve raw or stewed.
  • Cheese is rubbed on a grater.
  • The fish is cut into small strips.
  • All meat and fish products are mixed, cheese, vegetables, a little kelp, bran, cottage cheese are added to them. The resulting mixture is frozen in portions.
  • Before serving, the meat and vegetable mix is ​​thawed, olive oil is added.
  • Dairy products can be added to a serving of food or poured into a separate bowl.
  • Fish and seafood are given 1 time in 5 days.
  • Eggs 1 time in 3 days.

Feeding industrial feed

The brand of industrial feed is selected individually. The only requirement is that the food must be for large breeds cats. Preference should be given to feed classes "premium", "super-premium" and "holistic".

The daily feeding rate is calculated in accordance with the marking on the original packaging and depends on the age of the animal, its weight and activity. On average, an adult Maine Coon weighs 7 to 10 kg. 65 -100 gr. is required. feed per day.

The pet industry produces special brands of food for large cats that are best suited for feeding Maine Coons.

The best brands of feed:

  1. Orijen Cat Six Fish Grain Free;
  2. Acana Regionals Grasslands Cat Grain-Free;
  3. Carnilove Adult Cat Large Breed Duck & Turkey Grain-Free;
  4. Brit Care Tobby I'm a Large Cat - Duck & Chicken Grain-Free Hypoallergenic;
  5. Royal Canin Maine Coon.

With this method of feeding, it will take from 3000 to 5000 rubles. monthly.

Read about feed.

The human nature is such that everyone wants to have all the best, the biggest and the rarest. This also applies to the cat world. After all, it is not in vain that new breeds of cats are being bred each time to achieve their place in the Guinness Book of Records.

So felinology does not sleep and each time creates more and more types of cats and each of them has its own characteristics.

When discussing the largest types of cats in the world, everyone evaluates them according to different parameters. For some, the size of large breeds depends on the length of the cat, for some, weight plays a role, and for others, the indicator is height.

Leaders of the nomination "The largest breed of cat"

To date, two fierce rivals vying for the title of "largest breed of domestic cat" are: Savannah and Maine Coon.

It is no secret that a representative of the Ashera clan intended to become the third competitor. But, as it turned out, this breed was a fictional creation of a felinologist and, as such, does not exist, but simply issued by the savannah under the mask of an allegedly new unique Asher individual.

After the exposure, this participant was disqualified from the competition, but it is worth knowing about some of the nuances regarding this case. After all, to this day it has not yet been made judgment regarding this breed.

A thorough genetic examination is being carried out to reveal the truth about the creation of Ashera. The owner of this newest species, Brady, says that these two cats are completely different breeds.

He explains that the only similarity of these breeds is the serval gene, and the genes of the Asian leopard and also the predatory cat are also mixed in the Asher (see).

I place - Savannah breed

Breed characteristics

  • This species is considered a big cat in terms of weight, and also stands out for its height and long body.
  • Weight: 12-15 kg (approximately the same weight as the Maine Coon, while it is known that there are other representatives reaching more weight, about 20 kg).
  • Height: about 60 cm.

As for the belonging of this breed to domestic representatives of their own kind, one can argue for a long time, since it was born from a combination of African serval species with a simple cat. But if you think about it, the ancestors of most pets were wild.

The heiress of this breed, a cat named Trouble, was the first to bother to get into the Guinness Book of Records. Her height then reached 48cm at the withers. Therefore, she had the title of the highest.

II place - Maine Coon breed

Description of the breed

  • Maine Coons are not only large cats, but also charming pets with sharp tassels on the tips of their ears, like lynxes, fluffy hair and a variety of colors.
  • Weight: from 8-15 kg.
  • Height: up to 41 cm.
  • Stewie is a thoroughbred cat from this breed, broke the record and became the longest cat in the world. The length from the tip of his fluffy tail to the nose was 123 cm.

III place - representatives of the Chausi breed (Chauzi)

Description of the breed

  • In addition to the above two legitimate contenders for the title of "biggest cat", you can imagine a representative of jungle cats, the Chausie breed (also known as Chausie or Housey).
  • Weight: reaches 18 kg.
  • Height: 40cm.

The main task for creating this breed, crossing the reed cat and the Abyssinian (see all), was the idea of ​​​​breeders to get a variety of domestic cat, to protect wild cats from captivity.

See also what exists in the world, its weight and dimensions.

The goal was achieved and today shawzi gets along well with people and treats them quite lovingly.

IV place — charming ragdoll cats

Description of the breed

  • although it differs in size from ordinary cats, it is difficult to call it giant. Given that the big ones in this breed are mostly males, and not all of them.
  • Weight: 9 kg.
  • Length: 1 meter (record).
  • These cats, especially of their breed, are also called rag dolls. And all thanks to their built-in dispassionate ardor, good looks and non-aggressive behavior at the genetic level.

V place - shorthaired pixie-bob (domestic lynxes)

Description of the breed

The next, but not the last representative of the cat giants is the artificially bred short-haired pixie-bob, the domestic lynx. These cats, outwardly, are not much different from lynxes.

They are like representatives of these animals, but in miniature: the same sharp tassels on the tips of the ears and color. And also a pixie bot is attached with a short tail (5 cm, sometimes 7-10 cm)

  • Weight: males - 8kg, females -5kg

VI place - representatives of the North, Siberian cats

Description of the breed

  • Representatives of the breed are Siberian cats from Russia. Among fellow tribesmen, they stand out for their size.
  • Weight: in males it reaches a maximum of 12 kg, and in females up to 5-6 kg.
  • A feature of this individual is their external fluffy and glorious appearance. They are like a big and bright lump of affection. At the same time, scientists guarantee that Siberian cats are among the hypoallergenic breeds, which means they do not provoke allergic reaction in sensitive people.

Curious cases

One of the criteria for giant cats is also their weight. And in this case, the winner was none other than SpongeBob, who was included in the Guinness Book of Records under the category of the most chubby cat.

Its weight was 15 kg. To date, this cat has had to be put on a serious diet. And by a certain decision of the founders of the book, this section of the record was withdrawn for the safety of feline representatives, so that breeders would not sacrifice their health for victory.

For a long time, such nominations were awarded repeatedly, and the Austrian cat Chiimiya had the most impressive result. He weighed about 21 kg and subsequently died of obesity.

Of course, having the biggest cat in the house is nice and partly becomes pride, but the main thing is, first of all, love for the animal and taking care of it.

There are many rumors about the origin of these pets. In this article, you will learn the origin story and get to know the most beautiful and biggest cats in the world. We are sure that stories about friendly pets with a predatory appearance will pleasantly surprise you.

The history of the origin of the Maine Coon breed

The exact origin of the Manx raccoon cat, unfortunately, is unknown to this day. However, most felinologists agree that Maine Coons are the result of crossing North American shorthair cats and foreign longhair cats that were brought to the American continent by sailors.

In the state of Maine, located in the northeast of the United States, trade was developing quite intensively at that time. Merchants took on board the most active rat-catchers, for which there was always work in the hold of the ship. It is possible that during the stop of ships on the continent, large ones appeared, which subsequently spread throughout the state. In addition, there is written evidence that sailors gave relatively muscular adult cats to good hands on the shores, and kept energetic kittens for themselves.

Owner Mrs. Staples

So, by the end of the 19th century, Maine Coons were already widespread in the eastern American states. The history of the emergence of raccoon cats says that in 1861 a cat of this breed named Captain Jenks even became a member of the first in New York.

Interest in Maine Coons did not fade only until Persian cats appeared in 1900. And only in 1953, Maine Coon lovers created their own club, thanks to which the breed became popular again. In 1956, the first standard of this breed was written.

Further, the Maine Coon as a breed has undergone many ups and downs. And only in 1976, Maine Coons were given official permission to take part in exhibitions. At that time, the Association of American Coon Cat Breeders counted more than 900 true lovers and about 200 catteries with cats of this breed.

Since then, for several years now, Maine Coons have been considered the most popular cats among other purebred whiskers.

HENNESSY Owned by Mrs. Hall, Belfast, Maine

Maine Coon breeding

According to many breeders, the Maine Coon was artificially bred by breeders about 240 years ago.

They bred the breed in the North American state of Maine, which had quite severe long winters. Due to harsh weather conditions, farmers tried to select the most fluffy kittens with a powerful and strong body, thanks to which they could lead a predatory lifestyle and easily endure frosts.

The modern Maine Coon, bred for breeding, has the same characteristics. Some pets have sharp and long fangs, with which they can easily capture even large prey. And thanks to the large ears and eyes, the animal sees and hears perfectly. The ancestors of the raccoon cat had to move a lot in snowy areas, and therefore the representatives of this breed have wide paws with tufts of long hair between the fingers.

No matter how the appearance of the Maine Coons reminds us of predators, whether the selection of animals took place in those days - one can only guess. But the fact that the raccoon cat is a truly native animal from North America is known for sure.

Legends and stories of the Maine Coon cat

In addition to the "official" history of the origin of Maine Coon cats, the media disseminate a large number of other interesting legends and myths.

"TOBEY" Owner of Miss Chaple

«LEO» BROWN TABBY Owner Mrs. P.Martin


Legend one

The most incredible and insane legend says that the same cats that arrived on the American continent were crossed with the American lynx, from which they inherited their ears with tufts of wool at the tips, or with a wild raccoon, since they have the same and superbly developed feline instinct.

Legend two

Second, no less famous legend, knows that the Maine Coons arose thanks to luxurious cats that Queen Marie Antoinette took with her on the ship when she fled France during the revolution. She collected the most valuable things for the journey: luxurious furniture, expensive jewelry and, of course, her favorites. However, the queen failed to escape - she was executed. The cats were taken care of by her captain, who took them to America, where the animals found new owners, housing and met short-haired cats. Thus, Maine Coon kittens began to appear.

BLUE DANUBE Owner Mrs. E.R. Pierce

romantic myth

There is an equally interesting romantic myth about a certain English captain, nicknamed Kuhn, who always took his purring retinue of expensive cats on trips. On the shores, the captain sent his animals for a walk. A few days later, wherever the captain stopped, unusual large-sized kittens appeared, which are considered the main ancestors of real Maine Coons. The owner of one of the farms, Lida Choate, became seriously interested in large ship animals and decided to start breeding them. Supporters of this version claim that it was she who was the first breeder of the Maine Coon, which is named after the name of the captain.

The largest Maine Coons in the world

It's no secret that Maine Coons are primarily famous for their overall dimensions.

Biggest Maine Coon Rupert

Today, a real giant among the Maine Coons can be called a cat named Rupert. At 3 years old, he already weighs about 9 kg, and therefore he can freely receive the title of the largest cat in the world, given the fact that Rupert will grow at least until 5 years old. The estimated weight of the largest Maine Coon in the future is 14-16 kg!

At the cat show, Judge Leslie Morgan Bleez called Rupert a real mega-monster with an amazing wild look. It is worth noting that the pet of the well-known mistress Kira Foster is not overfed at all - he owes his beauty only to nature.

Longest Maine Coon Stewie

But the official record holder was a cat named Mymains Stuart Giligan or simply Stewie from Nevada, the exact length of which at the time of registration was 132.2 cm! Not everyone would agree to live with such a cat. But the owner of the champion claims that Stewie is an absolutely homely and affectionate pet who loves to play and hum ringing trills.

Stewie is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest cat in the world.

Now the Maine Coon breed is becoming more and more popular - these cats are already among the ten most sought-after pets in America and are the second largest thoroughbred cats in Europe. But due to unconfirmed information about the origin and high cost of Maine Coons, an increasing number of untrue rumors are being born, and therefore be vigilant, because breeders themselves can also disseminate information in order to create massive demand!

These largest pets always attract attention. Maine Coon cats at first sight amaze with a combination of restrained power and outward nobility. This incredibly attractive majestic cat has a powerful body with long fluffy hair, tassels on the ears, like a lynx, a long and beautifully feathered tail. The breed is not the result of artificial selection, people are not related to its appearance: Maine Coons remain the same as nature itself once created them.

These largest pets always attract attention

The Maine Coon cat breed is a large long-haired animal, their average weight is 4-8 kg in females and 8-12 kg in males, the body length can be more than 1 m. hallmarks of this large breed are ears with peculiar tassels and a beautiful long fluffy, often striped, like a raccoon tail.

A Maine Coon cat lives on average 12-15 years, a cat - 15-18. There are also centenarians living more than 20 years.

The breed standard characterizes the body of a Maine Coon cat as elongated, close to a rectangle, rib cage broad, neck of medium length. The characteristic parameters of the breed listed by the standard are:

  • medium length strong paws;
  • massive large head;
  • vertically standing sharp ears;
  • long hair with thick undercoat, short on the head and shoulders;
  • allowed colors: black, white, red, tortoiseshell, cream, blue and blue-cream.

Maine Coon: the origin of the breed

The resemblance to a lynx and a raccoon gave rise to many different versions about the origin of the Maine Coon breed, including genetically impossible ones: the alleged crossing of semi-wild cats - the ancestors of modern Maine Coons - with a lynx or a raccoon. This widespread misconception about the origin of the breed remained in its name. In North America, the birthplace of this breed, large domestic animals were called Manx raccoon cats. Maine - the name of the state of Maine (Maine), considered the birthplace of the breed, coon - a piece of the English name for the raccoon - raccoon.

The Maine Coon cat breed standard characterizes the body as elongated, close to a rectangle, the chest is wide, the neck is of medium length.

Big first domestic cat on farms in New England, she helped the owners protect the harvested crop from pests by catching various rodents. The owners of these unusual animals in the mid-1850s began to organize exhibitions of their pets. Representatives of the breed began to settle from farms to the homes of large American cities, competing in popularity with Angora and Persian cat breeds.

By the beginning of the last century, the excitement around the exotic breed began to decline. Purposeful selection and breeding of Maine Coons started only in the mid-1950s. In 1953, the Central Club of Breeders was opened, and later the Association of Maine Coon Breeders appeared. Official breed nurseries began to open in virtually all countries of the world. Since then, the Maine Coon breed has been of great unflagging interest.

Maine Coon cats: features of the breed (video)

Gallery: Maine Coon cat (25 photos)

The nature and behavior of the Maine Coon

Cats that seem heavy on the outside are actually very agile, energetic and active. For a normal existence, they need space for games, an active lifestyle of a cat's life.

This is not a sofa cat. She, obeying her natural hunting instincts, will tirelessly hunt down and catch a toy mouse or a ball with pleasure. Playing with a Maine Coon is always exciting, it brings pleasure to both the cat and the owner.

Maine Coons have a docile nature, get along well with the owner's family and other pets. Aggressiveness is not inherent in this breed, but cats unmistakably identify strangers and maintain a distance of distrust towards them.

Cats that seem heavy on the outside are actually very agile, energetic and active.

Maine Coons are highly intelligent. They remember not only the words of a person and intonation, but also their correspondence to certain situations. From the outside, it seems that the cat understands the owner not only from one word - from one glance. The Maine Coon cat is happy to learn a variety of tricks, especially if this learning itself takes place in a playful way.

These cats have very sensitive hearing: being somewhere at the opposite end of the house or even in the yard, the cat will instantly rush to the call of the owner, whether it be a quiet command or a conditional sound.

The sounds that Maine Coons make are never like the shrill cries of cats of other breeds. This is a soft musical purr, unexpected for such a large animal. Moreover, this purr has a very individual tone, it is almost impossible to find 2 Maine Coons purring with the same voices. They emit not only the characteristic cat's purr - it may sound something similar to a bird's chirp, squeak or trill.

Usually the Maine Coon chooses a secluded place where he will not be disturbed. At the same time, they always remain somewhere close to the owner. If the owner is busy with some kind of work, the Maine Coon sits next to the person, for hours, intently watching what the owner is doing. Maine Coons are capable of falling asleep in the most unexpected place, in a seemingly uncomfortable position, but in fact both the place itself and the sleeping position are very comfortable for the cat.

Maine Coon: maintenance and care

When it is planned that a small Maine Coon cat will soon settle in the house, by this time his future place of residence should be equipped for him and prepared:

  1. A lounger measuring at least 90x60x20 cm (factory-made or self-made).
  2. Spacious litter tray (for a kitten, a cat litter box should not have very high sides).
  3. It is advisable to choose the filler for the toilet, which was in the nursery for easier adaptation of the animal.
  4. The scratching post is large, corresponding to the dimensions of the breed.
  5. Toys for a kitten must be safe, soft (mice, balls), without small parts (buttons, feathers) that can be torn off and swallowed during play.
  6. Bowls (ceramic, glass or steel) are hygienically safe and have plenty of room.

Maine Coons need regular outdoor exercise. It’s good when this happens on the territory of a summer cottage. Cats walk calmly, not trying to get out of the fenced area. In urban areas, you need to find a safe place to walk and take your pet out on a harness. Leaving the apartment is permissible only when all the necessary vaccinations have been made.

Caring for the chic Maine Coon coat is easier than it might seem at first glance. It is necessary to comb the coat 1-2 times a week, and during molting - daily. For bathing Maine Coons use special shampoos for long hair. The unique wool is able to self-clean, for this reason the bathing procedure is not carried out very often - 4-5 times a year.

The cat's eyes need care: they are wiped with a swab dipped in boiled water. Dental care is carried out with a special brush and paste, earwax is carefully removed from the ears with the help of pharmaceutical cotton swabs.

Comparison of cats, cats and kittens of the Maine Coon breed (video)

What and how to feed the Maine Coon

First of all, you need to learn information about what absolutely can not be given to a pet:

  • chicken and fish bones;
  • raw pork, fatty meat;
  • spicy, salty, fried, fatty, smoked and any seasoned foods, sausages;
  • potatoes and legumes;
  • human vitamins and medicines.

Maine Coon meals can be organized with natural or ready-made industrial feeds. Ready food is selected according to the age and weight of the pet. Extra-premium food for large cat breeds is preferred, they contain at least 50% meat in their composition.

Natural food does not imply that this cat breed eats from the human table - this is unacceptable and dangerous for the health of the pet. A healthy cat diet consists of:

  • daily portion of meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef (for disinfection, the meat is pre-boiled or subjected to a 5-7-day freeze);
  • vegetables: zucchini, carrots, broccoli, beets, pumpkin;
  • greens: parsley, lettuce, dill;
  • bran;
  • fish (frozen sea fish is given no more than 2 times a week, raw or boiled).

Sour-milk products of medium fat content: kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and cereals (rice and buckwheat) alternate instead of vegetables and bran as an addition to meat or fish. Cereals and dairy products are not included in the daily diet - this can cause Maine Coon obesity, they are given 2-3 times a week.

Vitamins and minerals must be present in the diet, which ones and in what proportions - the veterinarian prescribes. And drinking water should be boiled or filtered, change it 1-2 times a day.

For feeding kittens, one type of food is used, for adult cats - another. A kitten in the first 9-12 months needs more nutrients to rapid growth. After reaching the age of one year, they are transferred to food for adult cats. Kitten food is used to feed pregnant and lactating cats.

Health, disease and vaccinations

The biggest cat is different good health, but they often have a hereditary predisposition to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, dysplasia hip joints and spinal muscular atrophy.

The cat is not in the mood, can react to weather changes. But it must be shown to the doctor if there is:

Vaccination of Maine Coon cats is similar to the vaccination schedule for dogs. The first vaccination is done at 2 months, the second - at 3, the third at 1 year, then annually. Antihelminthic drugs are given 10 days before vaccination. In some cases, it is necessary to provide confirmation of the vaccination (a note about it is entered in a special column of the veterinary passport): transportation of the animal, mating, participation in the exhibition, accommodation in a hotel for pets.

Interesting facts about Maine Coon cats

  • A newborn Maine Coon cat weighs 120-170 g, kittens of other breeds - 70-120 g.
  • Previously, there were up to 12 kittens in litters, now usually no more than 5-7.
  • The Maine Coon is a unique animal adapted by nature itself to live in severe frosts. This is confirmed and appearance: a special design of paws that allows you to walk in the snow, a thick fluffy tail in which the cat can wrap itself like a scarf, dense water-repellent wool that reliably protects from the cold.
  • Maine Coon loves water. Other cats stay away from bodies of water, and the Maine Coon cat is able to voluntarily arrange a bath for itself.

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