Jewelry - legends from the holy land. Famous Kabbalists Kabbalistic Star


Now let's move a little away from our topic and, for a better understanding of it, let's focus on Masonic symbolism. Almost all Bolshevik symbolism is taken from Kabbalah, the secret mystical teaching of the Zionists. Thus, the five-pointed star, introduced by the creator of the Red Army, Freemason Trotsky, according to the popular Masonic dictionary (16), refers to the generally accepted symbols of Freemasonry and has a connection with the tradition of Kabbalah.
And here is the interpretation of this symbol given by the Orthodox researcher of Freemasonry V. Ivanov: “In 1917, the five-pointed star of Freemasonry became the emblem of defeated Russia, which should overthrow the cross of Christ, extinguish the light of the Orthodox Christian faith and enlighten the Russian people with the “true” light of the teachings of the Freemasons” (21 ). In a mystical interpretation, it is known under the name "flaming star" and denotes Lucifer himself, being the middle seal of the Antichrist. According to S. Nilus [ 53 ] (3), who quotes a famous Kabbalist, “all the secrets of magic, the symbols of Gnosticism, the figures of occultism, all the keys of Kabbalah to prophecies, all this is contained in the sign of the pentagram, this sign is the greatest, most powerful of all signs." The hammer and sickle are also magic signs. The sickle is a symbol of death, murder, imminent death. It is no coincidence that in the paintings depicting death, in her hands we can see a sickle, a scythe, a sword with which she reaps her harvest. A hammer, a hammer is a classic Masonic sign of power over a stone (a stone is a symbol of a person), that is, over people who need to be “hewn”, to give them the right way of thinking.

Zyuganov with Masonic ties.

This also includes the tie, so popular among the post-revolutionary intelligentsia. According to its mystical meaning, it is a noose of Satan thrown around a person’s neck, like cattle led to the slaughter, depending on the shape and color, indicating the degree of Masonic initiation. .

Now let's remember that in the 1920s, children were starred instead of being baptized, that is, they were carried around a star, they pricked it on diapers; Let's remember the Octobrists with an indispensable star on their chest, a pioneer tie with a triangle on the back pointing down (which means the small seal of Satan), the Komsomol - with a red badge and the head of the destroyer of the Orthodox state on it.

By the way, it is interesting to note that H.S.M.L. (Christian Union of Youth) has chosen as its symbol an overturned red triangle. This is a symbol of Freemasonry, taken from Kabbalah, symbolizing the devil, being the small seal of Freemasonry, adopted among related organizations. H.S.M.L. makes this triangle red and provides it with a crossbar, on which the initial letters X.C.M.L or Y.M.C.A are indicated.
The Rosicrucians place a cross inside the same triangle, also using it as one of their symbols.

The rooms in which the “brothers of masons” gather are called lodges. The symbol denoting the lodge is an oblong rectangle, this sign, according to the explanation of the Masons, denoted the universe before Ptolemy. Masons also call their lodge "Solomon's Temple" (24).
Everywhere above the throne, where the chairman of each lodge, or the master of the chair, sat, a shining delta was depicted, in the middle of which the name of Jehovah was written in Hebrew letters (24).
The Freemasons call the East the highest management: “For the East is the edge of the election”, from where, from hoary antiquity, “the highest wisdom poured out”.
Works are called initiations and rituals.
The constitution is the founding charter which is issued to the lodges from the higher government, or the East.
The ruler and plumb line symbolize the equality of estates.
Goniometer is a symbol of justice.
The compass is a symbol of the public.
The square represents conscience.
Wild stone - rough morality, chaos.
Cubic stone - morality processed (by Masons).
The acacia branch signifies immortality.
Coffin, skull, bones - contempt for death, sadness about the disappearance of truth.
The round hat is a symbol of freedom.
The sword is a punishing law (execution of a traitor).
Dagger - preference for death over defeat (25).
"Be ready" is a purely Masonic motto.

Paris was designated as the center of the World Israel Union (Khoburah Kol-Israel-Khoberim, - 1860), the motto of this union was taken from the Talmud: "All for one and one for all." The emblem of the union: two hands shaking one another, below them is the globe, and above them are the tablets of the covenant. (X.57, S.454)

"Star of magicians, mystical pentagram." According to Nilus (X.3, p.180), this star was also revealed to the world as the star of “one god — Allah” and Mohammed his prophet about 1400 years ago. As the Kabbalists themselves point out: “He who does not accept the sign of the Cross shudders and trembles at the sight of the star of the microcosm. The magician, on the contrary, feeling a weakening of the will, turns his gaze to this symbol, taking it in his right hand ... provided that the magician knows, dares, wants and is silent.” (X.3, S.181-182). A sign in itself is nothing: its strength lies only in that dogma and “word” that it fully embodies by itself. The pentogram contains nothing more than the deification of the idol of the Templars, Baphomet, i.e. devil. And indeed, if you turn the five-pointed star upside down with two rays, you will clearly see the horns, ears and beard of the one whom the Kabbalists worship. And the one about whom the warlocks write that “this is the great activator of magical energy, the living and astral fire of the earth - this is the serpent of the ancient book of Genesis ... He is called the profane devil, but for us he is the god Pan, the god of our modern philosophical school, the god of theurgists of the Alexandrian school, the Neoplatonist mystics of our day, the god of Spinoza and Plato, the god of the primary schools of Gnosticism, Ahriman of the Persians, the Typhon of the Egyptians, the Python of the Greeks, the serpent of the ancient Jews, he is the Baphomet of the Templars, whose name, according to the rules of the Kabbalah, must be folded in the reverse order of syllables Baphomet-Tem. ohp.ab. Templi omnimum hominum pacis abbas, which means: the father of the temple, the universal world of men (X.3, p.183).

The sign of the Masonic axiom.

In the center of it is the “Seal of Solomon” with a sign that means struggle in Kabbalah (X.3, p.184). In this seal, we see that its triangles are already in the reverse order: the light one turned with the top up, and the dark one - with the top down. At the same time, this light triangle, as it were, separated upwards from the seal and formed an independent figure at the top with a sign in the center. This sign in Kabbalah means "the end and completion of the great creation." From the same seal, from the dark triangle into the inside of the circle, as it were, the same dark cross is lowered and enclosed, on which is superimposed a square seal with the same Kabbalistic sign meaning “the end of the great creation.” This axiom clearly expresses the blasphemous idea of ​​the devil overcoming God, the conclusion of the Lord's cross, as it were, in the center of the globe (circle) - in the "lake of fire" and the ascension of the devil to the throne of the Most High. On the sides of her central figure are two monograms:
“i.n.r.i.” - Jesus of Nazareth, king of the Jews.
“t.a.r.o.” is the second monogram corresponding to the first. According to the instructions of Kabbalah, it can also be written like this: t.a.r.o.t. - that is, with a doubling at the end of its initial letter t. This monogram, as pointed out by Nilus (X.3, p. 185), undoubtedly the future Antichrist, can be read as Talmudi Adveniens Rex Orbis Terrarum. That is, the king of the universe coming from the Talmud.

In Figure D. we see an image of the Antichrist himself. It is also accompanied by the symbolism of the “sacred” septenary (X.3, p.190) — victory, kingdom, priesthood.

Here we see, as S. Nilus points out (X.3, p.176), the Masonic seal or the tetragram of the Kabbalah. According to the Kabbalists, the tetragram is the last word of magic and means: "he is who he will be." In this figure, we see that the triangle of God is represented as dark and the letter A (alpha) is placed on its top. On the same figure, the triangle of the devil is depicted as light, and on top of it stands omega.

The legend of Adoniram gives us a clue to this mystery:
God's triangle is depicted as dark because Adonai the Lord, according to this legend, is the god of evil, and Dennitsa is the devil-god of goodness, which is why his triangle is depicted as light. But the lie of perverting God's Revelation here goes even further. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the First and the Last” (Rev.XXII, 13) - this is what “He who sits on the throne” of the Revelation of John the Theologian says. According to Kabbalah and the Masonic "Solomon Seal" it is presented that the "evil god" is Alpha - the first, and the "good god" - Omega - the last. From the mutual intersection of the triangles presented on the tetragram, a new figure of a six-pointed star is formed, and in the circle it represents the symbolic extreme limit of Satan's madness - his overcoming God and putting his name in the place of the name of God in the circle of eternity and the whole universe. Satan is alpha and omega, the last to be first and last - "he is what he will be", i.e. now the devil, then god.
This is the mystery of iniquity, to which the Apostle Paul testified, that it will be accomplished when the one who now restrains is taken from the midst. This same secret is the secret of the apocalyptic harlot of Babylon, the great sorceress and sorceress.

This figure (Figure K) is called the "kabbalistic tetragram", "Solomon's seal" and at the same time serves as the great state seal of worldwide freemasonry. It is a circle that contains two mutually intersecting triangles, one of which is apex up and the other is apex down. Perhaps the presence of the numbers 6, placed in each corner of both triangles.
There are two more varieties of the same seal, as it were, the middle and small seals of the same Freemasonry, and the middle one is depicted as two mutually intersecting equilateral triangles, the so-called six-pointed star of David (figure L.). And the small one is like an equilateral triangle with its apex pointing down (Figure M.).


Masonic numerical symbolism has its roots in the distant past. It uses the experience of Kabbalah, magic and other varieties of the occult. Along with the symbolism, which has a purely satanic character, distorted Christian symbolism is used, especially in recent times. This action has a dual purpose. Firstly, desecration of Christian shrines, which has always been used in Satanism, and secondly, an attempt to mix Christian and Masonic, in this case numerical, symbolism in the minds of people in order to prepare human consciousness for the peaceful acceptance of the new world order with all its mystical paraphernalia.
As the well-known American researcher of Freemasonry W. Cooper testifies (X.23, ch. 2): “ Numbers 3, 7, 9, 11, 13 , 39 and any multiples of them have special meaning to the Illuminati. About Note that the Bilderberg Group has a core of 39 members divided into three groups of 13 each. Note that the core of 39 members is responsible to the 13 members of the Policy Committee. Another special note is that the 13 members of the Policy Committee are responsible to nine constituent members: the Round Table of Nine. You know that the original number of states in America was 13. The constitution has 7 articles and is signed by 39 members of the Constitutional Convention. The United States was formed on July 4, 1776. July is the 7th month of the year. Add 7 (July) and 4 and you get 11. 1+7+7+6=21, which is a multiple of 3 and 7. Add 2 and 1 is 3. Look at the number 1776 and note that the number of two sevens and six times 3. Coincidence, you say? I will answer “Baloney!” and I want to express myself even more strongly. For those of you who say it's a coincidence, I can answer like this: I could write a whole book consisting of such numbers, but I just don't want to do it.
Manly P. Hall, a 33rd-degree Freemason, perhaps one of the most authoritative on the subject, wrote in his book The Secret Destiny of America: to establish a civilized democracy among the nations of the world...all this goes on...and they still exist as the Order of the Quest. People, united to work by a secret oath, decided that in the colonies of the American continent they would place the roots of a new way of life. The Order of the Search was formed before the middle of the seventeenth century ... Franklin was a member of the Order of the Search and most of the people who worked with him were also members of this society ... Not only were the Masons the founders of the Government of the United States, but they received support from the august person in Europe which contributed to the founding of this state for purposes known only to a few initiates.” These quotes I took from 133 pages of the mentioned book. Add 1+3+3 together and you get 7 - coincidence? I don't think so.
You can also look inside the essence of the Order of Search on the records of the Secretary of Agriculture under Franklin Henry Wallis. By the way, it was he who was responsible for applying the Great Seal on the one dollar banknote. Mr. Wallis, a member of the Order of the Search, wrote to the Russian mystic and artist Nicholas Roerich: “The search—whether the lost word of Freemasonry, or the Sacred Chalice, or the potential of the coming age—is the highest goal. Everything else is a karmic obligation. But is everyone really a potential Galahad? So can we fight for Chalice and the flames above him?” The Sacred Chalice contains the path of becoming on the right footing, as indicated in the records of the secret societies.”
On the Great Seal of the United States we can see the ancient symbol of the Brotherhood of the Serpent (Dragon), which is known to be the all-seeing eye in the pyramid representing Lucifer in the form of wisdom. Immediately below the pyramid you can see the words “Novus Ordo Seclorum”, which means the New World Order. On print:
9 tail feathers on an eagle
13 leaves on an olive branch
13 lines and stripes
13 shooters
13 letters in "E Pluribus Unum"
13 stars in a green cross on top
13 stones in a pyramid
13 letters in "Annuit Coeptis"
Thirteen is the mystical number of Satan, as you can read about in Stan Deo's excellent book called The Cosmic Mystery.
All these mystical numbers have a special meaning for Freemasons as well.” Masonic symbolism can be seen not only in the United States, it is abundantly distributed throughout the world. Russia is also no exception.

From the book "Secret Societies of the 20th Century".


The thirteenth year of Putin's rule, by any chance?
But Putin, just like Zyuganov, just like Matvienko, are communists.
Freemasons rule Russia?
There is no doubt.
And their corpse Lenin is always next to them.

Kabbalistic signs are mystical signs firmly associated with the occult tradition. With the help of these symbols, magicians create and charge talismans, enhance the effect of amulets, conduct sessions of spiritualism and call spirits in order to control them. Find out what they are, why they are important and what things are applied to.

In the article:

History of Kabbalistic signs

Kabbalah- a set of ancient knowledge about the formation of the spirit. It is believed that this knowledge contains the answer to the secrets of the Universe, the key to all physical and mental doors. This system is effective, works and is aimed at helping a person in understanding his life path, higher purpose, finding happiness and peace of mind. Roughly speaking, Kabbalah is a search for the meaning of life, and not an escape from it through meditation and detachment, as Buddhist teachings do.

Many prominent people have studied Kabbalah to better understand the metaphysical aspects of their own existence. Among these scientists are the famous Greek mathematician Pythagoras, the test physicist Isaac Newton, the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, as well as Leibniz and many others. Understanding this mystical teaching helps to better capture minor things, events, which help to establish cause-and-effect relationships, make it easier to understand the connectedness of all events. Knowledge of the laws of the spiritual world, their influence on the material universe strengthens the spirit of a person and makes him resistant to the blows of fate.

The very name "Kabbalah" came to us from the Aramaic language meaning "getting something." There are no restrictions on the field, faith, nationality, age of adherents who want to accept this teaching - Kabbalah accepts everyone, because people have the same goals. This is the desire for happiness for yourself and loved ones. Mutual love, peace of mind, successful self-realization, indestructible well-being, good health.

The things that Kabbalah strives for cannot be touched, held, or seen. They are invisible, their nature is non-material, but clear and existence is not questioned. And these desires, their satisfaction in the teachings of Kabbalah are called "Light". When it comes to receiving something, and no matter what, then this means receiving this Light. Its manifestations are the same for everyone, but purely individual for each person.

Michael Laitman saw in this teaching the science of comprehending the secrets of the universe, which is fundamentally at odds with the opinion of other adherents of Kabbalah. Both magicians and witches tend to agree with Michael. They actively use each symbol to create amulets and other amulets.

Signs of Kabbalah and their meaning


The main symbol of Kabbalah - hexagram (tetragram), otherwise referred to as the Masonic seal, or. It depicts a hexagonal star with the top up, which means the opposite of the devil - God. She is a powerful tool of white magic. Many practitioners of the occult use the hexagram to call into its center evil and powerful spiritual entities that are inside it, but are not able to harm the performer of the ritual.

Kabbalistic tetragram - a subspecies or variation of the hexagram, which is not so widespread. It is also called the great state seal of the worldwide Masonic lodge. Inside the six-pointed star, the Number of the Beast is inscribed - six hundred and sixty-six: the star consists of two equal and equilateral triangles, the sixes are depicted at three corners of each of them.

The signs of the Kabbalah and their meaning have a close connection with the Masonic lodge. The next sign is also related to Freemasonry: the seal of the Jewish King Solomon. Among the Freemasons themselves, branches of the lodge (occultists, spiritualists, theosophists and many others), it is simply called the seal of King Solomon, the biblical God-chosen king. It consists of two equilateral triangles of white and black color that make up a six-pointed star. They are marked with two symbols - Alpha, which is translated from Greek as "First", and Omega - "Last".

Significant symbols of Kabbalah include the Tetragrammaton, the pentacle and the Tree of Life.

The first one is Tetragrammaton - denotes the name of God, since no one knows His true name and cannot pronounce it. It is an abbreviation, because it consists of four Jewish letters: "yod", "heh", "vav", again "heh". The first means the element of Fire, furious and indomitable, the second - Water, smooth and at the same time dangerous, the third - the element of Air, intangible and incorporeal, and the last is the Earth, people would not live without it. Fire symbolizes the creative paternal energy of God, Water - maternal power, sensual component, Air - a son, a thought that flies like the wind, Earth - a daughter, a perfect action.

Pentacle of Solomon.

Kabbalah signs are also closely connected with the Jewish tradition of magic, which means a connection with the Bible. Pentacle of Solomon called powerful symbol, with the help of which magicians protect themselves from third-party influences, call for good luck, wealth. It protects the owner from failure, suffering, disasters. The great king Solomon was chosen by God to successfully rule the state of Israel. When Solomon received a magical artifact from Father David - a ring with a pentagram and strange signs, an angel descended from heaven and taught the chosen one the mysteries of magic, controlling the power of the symbol given to him, the language of animals and birds. It was believed that Solomon became a magician, that is, he owned the name of God, could address him directly, receive blessings and other benefits.

The Pentacle of Solomon is also called and this creates confusion. But there is not much difference between them: the pentacle and the pentagram have the same power and meaning. It symbolizes the power of the earthly rulers, as well as the Earth itself. The seven symbols inscribed in the pentacle represent the seven known planets, from the Moon to Saturn.

To create a charm-talisman to attract good luck and wealth through a pentacle, the Kabbalistic tradition advises to perform the ritual on a sunny day - Sunday. On the growing moon. The amulet is made of noble metal - gold. When a talisman is created for a one-time action, it is made up of a fragile material - golden paper and paint. The creation itself is done on Sunday and also on the rise of the moon.

The talisman is also cleansed of extraneous energy - fumigated with the aromatic smoke of incense. Sprinkled with spring water. Simple or church practices are not suitable for this practice. After purification, they stand facing the east - the sun rises there, raise the pentacle above their heads and make a request to the Universe. name given name or the name of the person you are asking for.

At the end of the ring finger right hand apply aromatic oil to the talisman in a clockwise direction. When there is none, they take sunflower, since sunflower flowers are also a symbol of the heavenly body. Breathe on the pentacle and say three times:

As the moon grows, let wealth grow for me (name). May it be so!

Tree of Life.

The last of the known signs of Kabbalah - Tree, or Tree of Life. It is a schematic representation of the world structure. Consists of ten spheres, or Sephiroth. Name " Sephiroth comes from the Hebrew word for calculus. The Tree of Life is the basis of the teachings of Kabbalah, an attempt by the founders of this teaching, using numbers and various terms, to decompose the alleged system of the universe with the participation of science and mathematics. A human attempt to grasp the immensity, to touch the secrets of creation.

It also personifies the superman, created in the image and likeness of the Creator. And ten Sefirot are ten manifestations of the presence of the deity. Sometimes they are interpreted as archetypal states of the human body and consciousness, of which there are also ten. Each of them corresponds to its own figure, a celestial body, a specific concept, an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe human body.

Kabbalistic rings - personal and paired talismans

Jewelry-amulets depicting the mystical symbols of Kabbalah are often worn by people as ordinary jewelry: earrings, necklaces, bracelets on legs and arms, rings. The latter occupy a separate place in the mythology and symbolism of mankind - there is a ring infinity symbol.

Kabbalistic wedding rings.

Kabbalistic rings are also a reminder of the first one, from which the tradition of making jewelry with similar symbols began, -. And today it is a symbol of strong power, a sharp mind, insight. The bearer of such an amulet jewelry becomes sharper in leadership qualities, his character becomes stronger, his intuition becomes stronger and more honest.

The followers of the teaching have a tradition at the wedding to put on each other's wedding rings - Kabbalistic. These are both symbols of matrimony, and talismans-amulets from adversity on the path of life. Such rings are inscribed with the pentagram or pentacle of Solomon, the names of protective angels and patron archangels, and many other symbols of the ancient teachings of Kabbalah, which bring protection and help to the human race. Spouses wearing such rings protect themselves from treason, betrayal, lies, quarrels and omissions, slander and the evil eye.

Red thread Kabbalah bracelet

There is in Kabbalah. She went from the biblical story that the tomb foremother Rachel, or Rachel, the greatest woman, the matriarch of the Jewish race, is tied with a red thread. In ancient times, people again wrapped this thread around the tomb of the foremother, and then cut off a part of it to tie it around the wrist.

Such a talisman had tremendous power - it protected from an unkind look, the evil eye.
The Kabbalah bracelet is worn on the left wrist, where the heart is located. Powerful energy passes through it, which protects from the evil eye.

The thread is important to tie correctly. When a person does this for himself, it will not protect him from the effects of the evil eye. Tying up is accompanied by a special ritual. a person binds with love in his heart and without evil thoughts. Then it acquires true strength and prevents the entry of negative energy flows into the body.

The thread must be taken from natural wool, no matter what. Seven knots are tied on it - according to the number of spiritual dimensions. Do not tie tightly so as not to squeeze the veins. And also it is given as a gift, not bought with one's own money. The original thread can be bought in the Jewish city of Netivot.

The person who ties the "bracelet" reads a special one - "Ben Porat". With a pure heart, thoughts aimed at good, protection, compassion for one's neighbor. When all conditions are met, the amulet takes effect and protects the person with all its strength.

Kabbalah and its signs are aimed at protecting and preserving human life and health. After studying them, you can create your own amulets and charms on your own or with the help of an experienced practicing magician that will protect you on the way. The number of directions of magic is huge, but the Kabbalistic teaching is one of the most ancient and respected. He should be trusted.

In contact with

On the eve of the international congress “Kabbalah 2015″, which will bring together thousands of people from 70 countries of the world speaking 36 languages, I would like to recall the main milestones in the history of the ancient teaching. Each of these milestones is associated with the name of one of the great Kabbalists.


One of the hypotheses, which the Kabbalists themselves adhere to, says that Kabbalah, as the science of the universe, originates from ancient city Mesopotamia of Ur of the Chaldees. The tradition of that time (about the 18th century BC) tells the story of Abraham. Studying the laws of nature of the surrounding world, Abraham developed a method for comprehending a single force that controls everything. He called this technique "Kabbalah", which in Hebrew means "receiving". Abraham set forth his research in the Book of Creation.

Shimon Bar Yochai (RASHBI)

In the second century of our era, when Judea was almost completely under the rule of Rome, a student of the outstanding Kabbalist Rabbi Akiva, RASHBI, having gathered students around him, retired with them in a cave on Mount Meron and wrote the book "Zohar" - the main book of Kabbalah, instructions for comprehending the spiritual peace. Shortly after it was written, the book disappeared because the world was not yet ready to receive it.

Only after 800 years the book was found by an Arab boy in the vicinity of Meron, who immediately sold it to random passers-by. Part of the scattered sheets fell into the hands of one sage, who was able to appreciate what was written. From the pages found, the book that is known to us today was assembled.

Yitzhak Luria Ashkenazi (ARI)

The founder of the Lurianic school of Kabbalah, ARI, who was born in Jerusalem in 1534, left his students a new unique method of comprehending the spiritual worlds. From him comes the language of modern Kabbalah, the approach and order of its study. ARI introduced new method descriptions of the system of the universe, using graphic images, diagrams, drawings. His methodology was developed for future generations, those in which everyone can study Kabbalah. It is enough just to ask the question: “What am I living for?”

Yehuda Leib Alevi Ashlag (Baal HaSulam)

One of the greatest cabalists of all time was born in Warsaw in 1884. From childhood, he showed extraordinary abilities, read in the original works of outstanding Western philosophers, including Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Marx. In 1921 Ashlag moved to Palestine. In 1940, he, already a well-known Kabbalist, began to write a commentary on the book "Zohar" called "Perush HaSulam", on which he worked for 13 years, 18 hours a day. After the death of Baal HaSulam in 1954, his eldest son, Baruch Ashlag, continued his work.

Fifty years after the death of Baal HaSulam, the academic world began to make attempts to study his works.

Baruch Shalom Alevi Ashlag (Rabash)

The eldest son of the great Kabbalist Baal HaSulam Baruch Ashlag from a young age dreamed of becoming his father's disciple and studying Kabbalah. What Baruch heard from his father, he diligently entered into a notebook. Many years later, just before his death, he bequeathed this notebook to his student Michael Laitman, who published it. In 1983, 40 young secular newcomers joined the group of RABASH students. They were very different from the previous students, and this allowed RABASH to carry out a unique work with them, developing a spiritual methodology that is most suitable for the new generation. RABASH died in 1991, and a few years later his student and personal assistant Michael Laitman founded a Kabbalistic group called Bnei Baruch (Sons of Baruch).

Michael Laitman

Michael Laitman, Professor of Ontology and Theory of Knowledge, Ph.D., Master of Biocybernetics, founder and head of the International Academy of Kabbalah and the Institute for Kabbalah Research. Y. Ashlaga, born in 1946 in Vitebsk, graduated from the Polytechnic University of St. Petersburg, in 1974 immigrated to Israel. And 4 years later, Laitman turned to Kabbalah and became a student of the eldest son of “Baal HaSulam”. Studying with RABASH lasted 12 years. Since then, Michael Laitman has written over 40 books translated into 18 languages. Laitman's daily free Kabbalah lessons are broadcast online and on Israeli TV channel 66, translated into eight languages. During these lessons, students from all over the world ask questions and receive real-time answers. The audience has about two million people around the world.

The Congress will begin on March 11 and will last for two days. It will be held at: Tel Aviv, Rokah Boulevard, Ganei Taaruha Exhibition Complex, Pavilion No. 1. The entrance ticket costs 50 NIS.

To register, you need to follow the link and fill out the registration form (in Russian).

Additional information - tel. 1-700-509-209 (in Hebrew)

Recently, many fashion magazines are full of photographs of popular artists, show business stars and other famous people with a bright red thread on their wrists. This kind of decoration is one of the symbols of the ancient mystical science - Kabbalah.

Kabbalistic symbols

Photo Shutterstock

The red thread on the wrist is the main mascot of the Kabbalists

In the world of celebrities, the first "red bracelet" appeared on the wrist of the American singer Madonna, who has been a follower of the Jewish esoteric movement - Kabbalah for 15 years. Having accepted this teaching, the pop diva donated about £4 million to open a cabalistic center in London.

Madonna in her interviews has repeatedly said that the teachings of Kabbalah helped her find peace of mind in herself, as well as confidence in the correctness of her actions and deeds. And in her professional activity, and in personal life everything fell into place.

According to the beliefs of Kabbalists, a red woolen thread tied around the wrist by a beloved or close relative is the strongest amulet against human envy and the evil eye.

Colleagues of the artist "in the shop", even if they did not become adherents of Kabbalah, they believed in the miraculous power of the red thread on the wrist. Now Paris Hilton, Ashton Kutcher, Britney Spears, Demi Moore, Lindsay Lohan, Kylie Minogue and many other celebrities wear it in the hope of protection from disease, negativity and the evil eye.

Among the well-known representatives of Russian show business who believe in the magical properties of this unpretentious accessory were Vera Brezhneva, Philip Kirkorov, Andrei Makarevich, Sergei Lazarev, Olga Buzova, Ksenia Sobchak, Masha Malinovskaya and others.

The origins of the Kabbalistic tradition of wearing a red thread

In ancient times, the tomb of Rachel (Rachel), buried in the land of Israel, was wrapped with a red thread. Among the Jewish people, Rachel is considered the foremother of all mankind, the female matriarch. Kabbalists believe that she is nothing but the physical world and protects her children from hatred and evil.

To get the most strong protection, the long red thread that wraps Rachel's tomb, it was customary to cut it into small pieces and wear it as an amulet, putting it on the left wrist. According to Kabbalah, the left hand reflects the female receiving/receiving side of the human body and soul. It is through her that a person receives powerful flows of energy, which protects him from the evil eye and evil influence.

How to tie a red thread on your wrist?

If a person ties a red thread on his hand on his own, this will not save him from ill-wishers and negative energy. According to the teachings of Kabbalah, a special ritual or rite should be performed. Only a loving and close person should tie a thread around the wrist of the left hand. Accessory tie on left hand because it is through it that negative energy enters a person. And the Kabbalistic thread will prevent this.

At the same time, the red thread must necessarily be woolen, and it must be tied into seven knots (each knot means one of the spiritual dimensions of reality), and loosely enough so that it does not squeeze the veins. In addition, it must be bought with money, and not woven by yourself or received as a gift. The original red thread that was wrapped around Rachel's tomb can be bought in the Israeli southern city of Netivot. Also, amulets that have passed a special ritual are available for sale in Kabbalistic centers.

The person who ties this "accessory" needs to read an ancient Jewish prayer. This special formula is called "Ben Porat" and is pronounced in Hebrew. The one to whom the red thread is tied must direct his thoughts to good deeds, call compassion and goodness into his life in order to get rid of evil. It is believed that if these rules are fully observed, such a talisman will really begin to exercise its magical effect.

ARI (Yitzhak Luria Ashkenazi)

Rabbi Yitzhak ben Shlomo Luria Ashkenazi, or as it is called - Ari Adoneinu Rabbeinu Yitzhak. Legendary person. Almost everything we know about him is legends. Ari was born in Jerusalem in 1534.

Ari is faced with the task of creating fundamentally new methodology teaching Kabbalah to the masses. From his time onward, such souls descend into the masses who need to be taught Kabbalah, but they are not yet even in front of the so-called. "Machsom" - the boundary that separates the spiritual world from the material - they need to start from afar, from afar to transfer this entire methodology.

Ari changed the method that was used before him and was called "Kabbalah of Ramak" after the last of the Kabbalists who studied Kabbalah of the old model. Ramak (Moshe Cordovero) was under 50 years old, a respected Kabbalist, he was sitting with Ari, his Teacher, who was 35 years old and understood that this new world, he felt it, but the physical and mathematical apparatus of the new language could not learn.

The same problem was with Yosef Karo, a Kabalist of the Ramak type, who wrote the Shulchan Aruch, a code of laws that included huge volumes. He also belonged to the old type of Kabbalists and could not master the Kabbalah of the Ari. And, in general, of all the students of Ari, only Chaim Vital understood the methodology and therefore we have all the books of Ari from him. In 1572 Yitzhak Luria died during a plague at the age of 38. 1782 - The book Etz Chaim ("Tree of Life") was published for the first time, which outlined the teachings of the ARI.

Rashbi (Shimon Bar Yochai)

Shimon Bar Yochai (RASHBI) is the author of The Zohar, 2nd century AD. The Book of Zohar is an instruction for comprehension of the spiritual world. Rabbi Shimon had to put it in such a way that it could be revealed only to those who passionately desire it, in whom there are no more selfish thoughts of using this knowledge to the detriment of others.

Of the ten students of RASHBI, only Rabbi Aba could record spiritual knowledge in a hidden form, dressing them in the form of simple stories. Therefore, RASHBI chose him to write the book: “And in this way I will organize our work: Rabbi Aba will write, Rabbi Elazar, my son, will pronounce the words, and the rest of the comrades will speak in their hearts” (The Zohar, ch. "Aazinu").

Work on the book did not stop for a minute. However, shortly after it was written, it disappeared as if it had never existed. The world was not yet ready to accept this gift, because it had not reached the stage of development that would allow a correct understanding of the book. It appeared only after a long 800 years. An Arab boy found her in the vicinity of Mount Meron. I found it and immediately sold it to random passers-by as wrapping material. Part of the scattered sheets fell into the hands of one sage, who was able to appreciate what was written. Having rushed to search, he found many pages in the dustbins, and bought some from merchants who sold spices. From the pages found, that Book of Zohar, which is known to us today, was assembled.

Baal HaSulam

Yehuda Leib Alevi Ashlag (1886-1954), (Baal HaSulam- "Lord of the Ladder" - by the title of his commentary "Sulam" on the Book of Zohar) - the author of numerous works on the science of Kabbalah, which are used as teaching material in IAC courses. The fundamental work is the "Teaching of the Ten Sefirot" - a detailed description of the mechanisms of the work of the spiritual world, which is a commentary on the works of Yitzhak Luria (ARI). Books and articles by Baal HaSulam have been published and continue to be published in many languages.

As in the whole universe, so in the Torah there is an inner part and an outer part. Those who deal with the inner part of the Torah, its secrets, cause by this the rise of the inner part of the world, Israel, above the outer part of the world - the peoples of the world. Rav Y. Ashlag

The archives of the International Kabbalah Academy contain numerous written sources written by Baal HaSulam. The employees of the Kabbalah Academy were able to decipher those documents that were difficult to read, clarify the order of the entries, the form of their writing, and identify the various sources used by the author. These documents reveal new, hitherto unknown aspects of his worldview. They testify to the depth of Baal HaSulam's acquaintance with modern Western thought, of his involvement in social processes.


Baruch Shalom Alevi Ashlag(abbreviated RABASH, 1907-1991). While still a teenager, he moved with his father (Baal HaSulam) from Poland to Jerusalem and studied with him all his life.

“There is none other than Him,” which means that there is no other power in the world that would have the opportunity to do something against the Creator. And the fact that a person sees that there are things and forces in the world that deny the existence of the Higher powers, the reason for this is that such is the desire of the Creator. Rabash

After the death of Baal HaSulam, Rabash continued his work: he completely published the commentary "Sulam" and the rest of his father's manuscripts, and then began to write articles in which he outlined a clear methodology inner work a man striving to comprehend the true reality, which was not done by any Kabbalist before him. In these articles, he gave a detailed description of all stages of a person's spiritual path - from its beginning to complete correction. Subsequently, the International Academy of Kabbalah compiled and published a complete collection of works from the works of RABASH.

In addition, RABASH handed over to us his unique records of explanations of the spiritual states of a person, received by him from his father, which he called “Shamati” (Hebrew – “Heard”).

Michael Laitman

Michael Laitman (Philosophy PhD, Biocybernetics MSc) is a world-famous scholar and researcher in the field of classical Kabbalah, Ph.D., professor of ontology and theory of knowledge, founder and head of the International Academy of Kabbalah - an independent non-profit association engaged in scientific and educational activities in the field of the science of Kabbalah.

M. Laitman is the author of more than 30 books on the science of Kabbalah, which are essentially in-depth commentaries on all original Kabbalah sources. In his works, he actually revised the traditional views on Kabbalah, showed it as knowledge necessary for all mankind.

In 1978, scientific research led M. Laitman to the study of the ancient science of Kabbalah. Becoming a disciple of the Kabbalist Baruch Ashlag (1906-1991), son and follower of the greatest Kabbalist of the 20th century. - Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) (1884-1954), the author of the commentary "Sulam" (Hebrew - "Ladder") on the book "Zohar", M. Laitman continues the chain of transferring Kabbalistic knowledge to the modern generation.

Today M. Laitman's long-term studies in the field of the science of Kabbalah are universally recognized. Since 2005, M. Laitman has been a member of the World Wisdom Council, a collection of leading scientists and public figures involved in solving the global problems of modern civilization.

M. Laitman's lectures are broadcast daily live on the website of the International Academy of Kabbalah: