What is a domain name and what is it for. Classroom Why does a person need a name? class hour on the topic Why a person is given his own name



Leading: Today guys, we're going to talk about names. All people at all times in all civilizations had names.

Why does a person need a name? (Answers) To address a person, talk about him with other people, therefore they say: he has a good name, or - do not dishonor your name. And they mean: he is a good person and - do not disgrace yourself.

Where did the names come from? (Answers) will tell us about it….

Student 1: Each nation had and still has its own names. But as a result of communication, the names passed from one people to another, changed along the way. So. From Ancient Greece such names as Alexey, Alexander, Andrey, Fedor, Vasily, Anatoly, Artem, Georgy, Tatiana, Sofia, Larisa, Xenia, Zoya, Elena, Ekaterina, Galina, Anastasia, Zinaida, etc. settled in our country. (Shows cards, on which these names are written). They have become so widespread that we have long considered them Russians, our own.

From the Hebrew language came to us such names as Ivan, Anna, Eve, Elizabeth, Maria, Tamara, Benjamin, Gabriel, David, Daniel, Michael. Of the Latin names, Victor, Margarita, Marina, Natalya, Valentina, Valery, Vitaly, Konstantin, Maxim, Felix, etc. are popular with us. (Shows cards) The name Daria (rich) came to us from the Persian language.

And the names Lada (beloved), Lyudmila, Yaroslav, Vladimir, Vsevolod are purely Old Russian, speaking for themselves.

Leading: Thank you. And now we'll hear about the new names.

Other names also penetrated into the Russian name book, which seemed more refined than the old Russian ones: Nelly, Violetta, Isabella, Polina, Elvira, Dina, Inga, Ilona, ​​Evelina. In the 1920s and 1930s, when they tried to create everything anew in Russia, they began to give children "revolutionary" names: Kommunar, Oktyabr, May, Maya, Oktyabrina. And it was not yet a disaster. Human fantasy was limitless, the girls were called completely unpronounceable rude names: Barricade, Gear, Cupola, Dazdraperma ( hello first ma I). Boys managed to be called Globes, Tractors. And Vilenov (V.I. Lenin), Melorov ( Marks, Engels, L enin - the organizers of the revolution) and Kim ov (to communist and international m olodezhi) was full full. Now such names have become a rarity.

The conversation about unsuccessful new names should be ended with S.Ya. Marshak's cheerful poems "In Defense of Children."

Student 2:

If only you are smart

You won't let the guys

So fancy names

Like Proton and Atom.

The mother wanted to please her blond daughter,

So I decided to name my daughter Dictatorship.

Although her family called her Dita for short,

The girl was angry with her parents.

For the other, the father was looking for a more cunning name,

And he finally named his daughter Idea.

Mom and sister called the girl Ideyka.

And the guys from the yard began to call Turkey.

And one original, stuffed with a newspaper,

He called his son a satellite, he called his daughter a Rocket.

Let father and mother understand that with this nickname

Age will have to age unfortunate children.

Leading: A name is the first gift, except for life itself, that parents present to their child, and this gift is for life. Therefore, choosing a name is a very responsible and difficult task. Who names the newborn. He takes on a great responsibility to him, because the name of a person is a code of fate, what is the name - such is the person.

How to choose a name? For beautiful sound? In honor of good man? Fashionable? The name should not be random. Too long and difficult. It is better if it is easy to pronounce and combined with the patronymic and surname. A person should like his name. Let's see if you like your names (children read out excerpts from their mini essays)

Now we will slightly change our activities and hold a quiz.

Tour I "My name"

1. What was the name of the owner of the Tsvetik-Semitsvetik? (Zhenya)

2. In which Pushkin's fairy tale are there 34 heroes without a name? (About Tsar Saltan)

3. What was the name of the boy and girl who stole clarinets and corrals from each other? (Karl and Clara)

4. What female names are the names of flowers? (Rose, Lily)

5. What is the male "fish" name? (Carp)

6. What was the name of the fabulous beauty with blue hair? (Malvina)

7. List Russian fairy tales, in the name of which names are used.

8. List female names that end with the letter "a". (Marina, Polina, Svetlana, etc.)

9. What male names begin with the letter "B"? (Boris, Bogdan, etc.)

10. What was the name of the three heroes who guarded the borders of the Russian land? (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich)

11. What is the name of the boy and the king of beasts? (A lion)

12. What was the name of the first astronaut in the world? (Yuri)

13. Fairy eccentric who sold medicinal leeches (Duremar)

Round II "Guess who I am?"

  1. I have 12 swan brothers? (Eliza)
  2. My suitors were Frog, Beetle and Mole (Thumbelina).
  3. My dress is torn, I am stained with ashes, I work hard, but my stepmother still scolds me! (Thumbelina).
  4. I never laugh, but only endlessly cry (Princess Nesmeyana).
  5. I can be both a girl and a big, beautiful, white bird. (The Swan Princess).
  6. Calm and cold, I'm afraid of fire - I can melt (Snow Maiden).
  7. On my motor I fly above the roof (Carlson).
  8. Together with my mother, they imprisoned me in a barrel and threw into the sea (Prince Gvidon).
  9. I returned to my grandparents in a box carried by a bear (Mashenka)
  10. The dwarf made me small and I flew with wild geese (Niels)
  11. I dealt with 40 robbers and took possession of their treasures (Ali Baba).
  12. As soon as I rub the lamp, the Genie will appear and fulfill my every desire (Aladdin).

Leading: This is where our event ends, try to learn more about your name and carry it with dignity. Goodbye, good mood and good health to all!

A person needs a name in order to be recognized somehow. Of course, you are first of all remembered externally, but you will not shout “Hey you!” at the next meeting. You can try, but the interlocutor will obviously be offended.

Names were invented a long time ago and not only people have them. In our time, they call animals, cars, equipment, and any object. Each item has its own name, because it needs to be named somehow.

What is the most important thing for each site? That's right, the audience. How more people come to your site, the better for you. Many people make money on sites and without visitors, this money simply will not exist. Each person who came to you can come here again, already purposefully, but he needs to remember the domain. So the first rule of a successful domain is brevity.

It is rightly said: "Brevity is the sister of talent." It is so, a short and understandable name can be easily remembered to come back. It is also worth considering that in addition to brevity, the domain should also be understandable. If you come up with a decent domain, you can easily dictate it over the phone to a friend and business partner. This means that it is even easier for a person to remember the name of the site, and he will definitely return there.

In addition to the invented name, each site has such extensions as .com, .ru, .ua, etc. These letters after the dot indicate the region of the site. It also happens that the site ends in.rf. Not so long ago, website addresses written in Cyrillic appeared on the Internet. The idea, frankly, is not one of the best. It is easy to get confused and confuse users. Such sites are very poorly perceived by search engines and sometimes you may not be found at all. By the way, the price of a domain also depends on the latest letters.

Fortunately, people, unlike websites, do not buy names for themselves, although they can. To buy a domain, you just need to come up with one. If the name is not taken, then it will be yours. A domain is often bought forever and stays with you until the end of your site, the main thing is not to forget to renew it every year. Many programmers then resell the names, which gives them at least some money back.


“Name a person, give him a name, overcome

the chaotic fluidity of life is to make

the world meaningful."

A.F. Losev


The name of a person is one of the most important components of his personality. No wonder it is the first component in the structure of self-consciousness.

A name is a personal name given to a person at birth, and even after the death of the actual body, the name can exist for a very, very long time.

In the process of individual development, a person gets used to his name, it becomes part of his essence. With the help of a name, a person distinguishes himself as a person. From the name of the child, an appeal to him begins, encouraging or reprimanding him for unlawful actions. With the name of his own, the child begins his communication with others when he masters speech so much that he can express his desires and give an assessment to your person.

At Name naming is important considering many circumstances, such as the traditions of national culture, society and family.

A proper name becomes that first crisis of personality, around which a person's own essence is formed. At the same time, the name is connected with the “I”, which is also used to designate a person himself, to express his consciousness of his essence, himself in the world around him.

" What is your name? “- with this phrase, acquaintance with each child who was brought to kindergarten begins.

It is at preschool age that the process of awareness of the name takes place, which continues throughout life.

Deprivationname deprives the child of self-confidence, gives rise to anxiety and a feeling of distrustful attitude towards an adult, and then to the world as a whole.

Starting the study of the name category, we assumed that identification of how a child recognizes his name, how he perceives it, how he is treated is extremely important and necessary for both teachers and parents. In addition, everyone who interacts with the child should know in what situations the confirmation and deprivation of the name occurs and how this affectsdevelopment and emotional well-being of the preschooler. The need for such information once again confirms the relevance and practical significance of the chosen topic.

Name and naming as units of culture and social reality.

Starting the study, we, first of all, turned to dictionaries and tried to find out the content of the concept of "name". The analysis gave us the following:

From a psychological point of view, a name is a personal name given to a person at birth: a sign, to rank a person in a certain social stratum, ethnic group, place in public relations, semi.

Name -

1. A person's personal name given at birth.(His name is Victor.);

2. Personal name of a person with a patronymic, as well as a surname.(Let's not forget the names of the heroes.);

3. Fame; some reputation. (Writer of world renown. good name.);

4. About a famous, famous person. (Big names.);

5. The name of the object, phenomenon. (Give a name to the mountain peak.);

6. The grammatical category of bowed words. (noun, adjective).

The name is given to the child when the birth is registered. It includes only the first name or the first name, patronymic and surname in combination.

Next, we turned to the analysis of the name category and identified several trends. So, the name is studied in linguistics, psychology, philosophy, cultural studies, enthography, folklore.

Onomastics is the science of proper names. It studies the formation, distribution of names, borrowing into other languages, transforming in new conditions, etc.

There are many popular publications that consider the name, its features, the nature of its influence on a person, and so on. We used the content of all publications in order to make ourselves a holistic and multifaceted idea of ​​the name and the process of naming.

We paid attention to the fact that each author, starting the presentation, tries to define the category name. Common to many authors is the opinion that names as special words become the property of mankind only thanks to the language. Both in pagan actions and in religious images, an important place is given to the name.

A person is called in a certain way because the names of each nation, whoever you are, form a certain array of specially selected words adapted to name people of your particular nationality or neighbors from whom your name was borrowed. The names of one people, used in one language, are interconnected by internal unity, numerically limited, systematically organized.

We paid attention to the fact that there is a concept of a personal name, a common name and a proper name. Personal names are understood broadly as individual names of subjects, regardless of the origin of these words and their relationship with common nouns of a given language.

There are two independent, however, quite closely related groups of proper names: names that have developed naturally, and names that are artificially created, invented. The second are divided into those used in reality. Along with naturally formed names (invented new personal names, artificial surnames, renaming of geographical objects), book names (names and surnames of literary heroes of works, the name of places of action).

There is a system of personal names that are distinguished by different researchers. Icelanders do not have a surname, a Czech, a Pole, a Bulgarian are not called by a patronymic, some peoples of Oceania have neither surnames nor patronymics.

The ancient Greeks, Celts, Germans, Slavs, Turks, had one name each - personal in the narrow sense; the middle name could appear in some cases (by occupation or place of origin).

Chinese anthropomistic the system today consists of such members: xing - close to our surname, and min - a personal name in the narrow sense, often binomial.

In Russian, an order has developed: a personal name (in the narrow sense); patronymic; surname.

Once again, referring to the category of a proper name, the researchers note that all proper names, ultimately, came from common nouns. From what common names, where and when did the personal proper names Vasily, Anton, Nikolai, Anna, Maria and many others come from, which we hear at every step, by which we ourselves are called. Here Faith, Hope, Love is really somehow connected with the common nouns faith, hope, love. And the rest?

Canonical names (Christian), considering them, we noticed their own characteristics in them. So, for example, almost all names of ancient Greek origin emphasize moral and physical virtues in people. Here are the meanings of some of them: Andrei - "courageous", Genadiy - "noble", Nikifor - "victorious", Tikhon - "happy", Agatha - "beautiful", Glafira - "graceful", Sofia - "wise".

Most Roman names also mark the good in people: Victor - "winner"; Valery, Valentin - "healthy"; Pulcheria means "beautiful".

Old Russian (canonical) names arose on foreign soil and in the tenth century. The adoption by Ancient Russia of Christianity as the state religion, enshrined Vladimir's marriage with the Byzantine princess Anna, contributed to the strengthening of the international relations of Russia, helped Russians to get acquainted with Western, especially Byzantine culture. At the same time, Christian names were borrowed from Byzantium, which began to be given to people by the church (at baptism). It was allowed to name only legitimized by religion (canonized) names, declared real, "correct" and recorded in special books "Christmas". All other names were declared non-canonical (names of people professing a different religion or simply pagan). There was a process of Russification of non-Russian names, a process of turning them from foreign and difficult to pronounce words into their own, legitimate, close ones.

However, despite the fact that all canonical names without exception underwent such changes, many of them remained alien to the Russian people and the Russian language. There were cases of naming against the will of the parents. There was such a tradition: to name the child by the name that stood in the church calendar against the date when he was born.

In some families, when choosing a name for a child, it was customary to open the calendar at random or pierce it with a pin, stopping at the page with the most recent puncture.

Almost all names, as a result of centuries-old “running in” in the Russian language, have become quite conveniently pronounced and similar to other words in the Russian language. They changed their form, adapting it to the conditions of Russian pronunciation, declension, word formation, but each name retained something of its own.

Among the names borrowed from Byzantium, there were those that in Russian turned out to be consonant with common nouns, but this greatly damaged them as names. Caring parents were primarily concerned that the name they would give to the child would not give rise to any unwanted associations.

Thus, for a long time, this whole group of names were given only according to tradition or in those cases when they refused to baptize a child with another name. They were almost non-existent in the cities at the end of XIX century, they remained only in the village.

So, having received information about the essence of the name, we were convinced that a person needs a name in order to serve as an individual distinction of its bearer. Researchers and authors of popular publications highlight some features and qualities of a name, its relationship with other characteristics of a person. Thus, the church waged a furious struggle because of the names. Having grasped the integrity of the name as a social sign, almost all religions took advantage of it, arrogating to themselves the monopoly right to give a name, giving this act a religious character and turning a personal name into a symbol of the name bearer's belonging to a given religion. They saw its great importance in society, but, not being able to explain, attributed to it divine power.

Many religious beliefs and everyday superstitions are based on the mystification of the name. Their essence is the attribution of the name of otherworldly power. For centuries, the Church has driven into the consciousness of the Russian people that “there is no soul in an unbaptized child.” The identification "name - soul" is characteristic of many beliefs.

The Eskimos represent a person as a combination of body, soul and name, from which the name can escape death.

Mystification of the name is dictated by the choice of name - wishes. They call the child in one language or another Smart, Bogatyr and the like, because these qualities are not ascertained in the newborn, which are still unknown, but they conjure fate so that the child grows up like that.

The name is also seen as a sign of destiny.

Many believe that the name in the composition obliges its bearer to be like this and not otherwise (in connection with a certain meaning that people put in the given name by the image of a certain person who was called by him). In this case, an insufficiently well-considered or justified choice of a name can, to some extent, affect the fate of the person named psychologically. After all, the child constantly hears who and how, with what intonation pronounces his name, compares how the names of other children sound. However, this comparison is sometimes not enough to understand how this child is treated, and for him to draw the appropriate conclusions for himself.

After analyzing the category “name”, we figured out what a name is, we began to study naming. Many researchers in this field point to the great role of the name in human life. Thus, American researchers working on the problem of personality formation came to the conclusion that the name plays a very important role in a person's life. It affects not only mood, but other character, health and even fate. And this fact is most often confirmed. A child whose name may be ridiculed is forced to fight for normality or the desire to change the name.

The importance of choosing a name for a child has been discussed since ancient times. In the tribal culture, the name for the child often passed from the tribal ancestor, who had already died, but existed “somewhere above”, “somewhere nearby”. The name predetermined not only the past, but also the present, but also the future of the child, since the will of the parents was enshrined in this name.

In the tribal culture, “images” of each name, well understood by its representatives, were formed, which determined how the clan wants to see its bearer, from whom it wants to protect the child when naming.

When naming a child, the properties of his ancestor should have passed. During the rites of naming, it was necessarily stated: You (name) are like your ancestor (the same name!) ...

Facing difficulties - how to distinguish beautiful name from ugly.

One strives to give a name "like everyone else"; in the old Russian village, no one dared to leave the circle of 30-40 male and 25-30 female names used where he lives. Now such everyday restrictions are not in force, but even now the majority of the population prefers to give names "like everyone else."

Others, on the contrary, seek to find a name like "no one". In the past, such names were an exception, and they were connected by a ready-made list given by the saints.

anthroponymist R. Katz, after conducting a survey of schoolchildren in Stockholm, "Do you like your name?" received the following answers: Marika, Matina, Diza are happy with their names because “no one in the class is called that”, and Jesper and Ralph are not happy with their names ... for the same reason that “no one in the class is called that”. Both sides are wrong. When choosing a name for a child, you should not chase fashion. It is necessary to think about the fact that the name is not given for a year. The contrast between the rare and the frequent is misleading. The rarest name a decade later may turn out to be only emphasizing age. Naive attempts at originality in inventing names. With freedom from state interference and from the list of names given by the church, the choice of a name is subject to the powerful power of custom and fashion, and whoever tries to rise above them is severely limited by the norms of the language.

The fashion for a name is an objective phenomenon that can neither be canceled nor banned. connected it is primarily with psychology. In any case, when there is a problem of choice, some people strive for mass, often typical. At the same time, they usually do not think about how a child will feel with a wide widespread name.

Continuing to consider various approaches to choosing a name, we noticed that some names are euphonious, others dissonant., a girl born in February, they want to name Fevralina. In terms of sound, the name is harmonious and harmonious, but part of the name vralin has some negative meaning. Many ancient Russian names and common Slavic names of many peoples of our country and foreign countries are sonorous and therefore beautiful. They are sonorous because for many millennia they were specially cultivated as special words adapted for naming people.

When choosing a name by sound, one should strive to ensure that it begins with the same sound as the patronymic: Nikolai Nikitich, Vera Vasilievna. Others try to avoid such consonances. The name with a patronymic should sound like a line of a good poem. The researchers also draw the attention of parents to the fact that the name systems that have developed among each nation have been formed for thousands of years, that the names within each system are in good agreement with each other, and the names belonging to different systems often contradict each other.

A name is given to a child when he is barely a few days old and when it is still impossible to tell how he will grow up.

Also, the authors of many studies say that when choosing a name for a child, you need to find out what abbreviated and affectionate forms it has and whether it is itself an abbreviated version of another name. They also take into account the fact that in the name of the boy, over time, it will be necessary to form a patronymic.

Thus, from the above, it can be concluded that ,what the name really affects the life, the fate of a person. And choosing a name for a child is as important a step as the birth of a child.

So, in this part of the work, we examined the name and naming, interpretation in linguistics. Now it is logical to turn to the study of the psychological essence of these categories.

Name as a unit of the structure of self-consciousness.

From a pedagogical point of view, a personality is considered as determined by the inclusion of a social connection, a systemic quality of an individual, which is formed in joint activities and communication.

From a psychological point of view, a person is a person who has reached a certain, fairly high level of his mental development.

Awareness of oneself occurs through the appropriation of generally significant values, through the assimilation of social norms and attitudes.

The structure of a person's self-consciousness is a set of stable connections in the sphere of value orientations and a person's worldview, which ensure his unique integrity and identity to himself.

To study this problem, we turned to the works of V.S. Mukhina. It includes the name in the structure of self-consciousness.

There are some types of structure of self-consciousness. We, in our work, stopped at the following. The structure of human self-consciousness is made up of a proper name, self-esteem, a claim to recognition, presenting oneself as a representative of a certain gender, presenting oneself in time, and relating to rights and obligations.

A proper name is the first link in the structure of self-consciousness, a name identified with the bodily and spiritual individuality of a person. The phenomenological meaning of a name as an individual sign of a person, representing him in the world and determining his life path, takes place at all stages of human history.

In the myths of an archaic person, one can see the moment of waiting for the appearance of a newborn (“Here he comes ...”), birth (“Here he comes ...”) and his formation as a member of the genus. At the same time, the name appears before a person is born, and remains after his death - passing from ancestor to descendant.

Deeply, psychologically, the name is the catalyst that contributes to the accumulation of positive emotions addressed to a person from the first days of his birth, the formation of basic trust in people and a value attitude towards himself. At the same time, the name is deeply identified with the bodily shell, the human body itself and its inner spiritual essence. In case of name deprivation (insults, forced name change, etc.), a person not only experiences discomfort, but may also react psychoasthenic reactions or depression. Addressing a person by name, providing a respectful attitude towards him through an adequately loyal style of communication provide a condition for successful interaction and readiness to solve common problematic tasks.

Name - the personal name of a person, given to him primarily at birth; a sign that allows you to classify a person to a certain social stratum, ethnic group, place in social relations, gender.

A name is a crystal of personality that forms and individualizes a person throughout life. Confessing the traditional attitude to the name of a person keeps him young favorably differs from the "nameless" (Vl. Dal) - a vagabond who does not remember his kinship or hides his name.

Self-knowledge of a generic person, of course, depended on his identification with his own name. For the mythological consciousness of the tribal culture, the name and its bearer seemed to be something indissoluble. The magic of the name did not make it possible to kill the enemy until his name was known (it was necessary to kill the person and his name at the same time); the primitive warrior, overtaking his victim, demanded: "Say your name!" The name transmitted within the clan to the newborn from his ancestors protected the child in the minds of people. In the tribal culture, well-understood and represented “images” of each name were formed, which determined how the clan wants to see its bearer, from whom they want to protect the child. If a child was given the name of an ancestor when given a name, he gradually learned about his ancestor, identified with him and hoped that the best properties of the ancestor would become his properties. The name deeply entered into the personality with mythological thinking, became the essence of the personality itself.

In conditions modern life In the countries of European culture, the name has lost the sharpness of the mythological relationship, but at the same time it retains a powerful meaning and meaning for its bearer. The name has a psychological meaning; it becomes that first crystal of personality, around which a person's own essence is formed. In this case, the name is connected with the “I”, which is also used to refer to the person himself.

A modern adult from a civilized society also informally refers to his name, although he understands its sign essence well. If necessary, a person can change the name. But in everyday life, people do this very rarely.

A forced name change leads a person to a personal crisis. Thus, the campaign carried out in the 80s to change the names of the so-called Turkish Bulgarians and Gypsies led to personality crises for many people who subjected this test. People began to feel different personalities and lost the perspective of life.

The concept of "name" can have an allegorical meaning as an expression of fame, dignity: "He acquired a name.", "A person with a name." Vl. Dahl cites in verbal use expressions that represent the name of a person as his human essence. “I’m not a sheep without a name.”, “It’s good here and there, where they call by name.”, “They’ll let you down under someone else’s ceiling, and they’ll give you another name.”

The attitude to the name of a person, to various naming is formed in the process of history. It is not static at all times. Some meanings in the name of use in the past have sunk into oblivion, others have survived to this day. The “relationships” of a child or an adult with their name at different moments of life are ambiguous: from “non-perception” of the meaning of addressing by name, to painfully intense attention to how the name is pronounced. Therefore, only a subtle identification with a child or an adult of others, expressed in ways of addressing by name, ensures the correct interaction, makes it possible to support a person in his claims to the desired attitude towards himself.

"What is your name?" - one of the first questions to the child when an adult or peer enters into communication with him.

baby very early is identified with a name and does not present itself outside of it. We can say that the name of a person forms the basis of his personality. The child defends his right to a name and protests if he is called by another name.

Identification with one's own name is expressed in a special interest in people who have the same name, in the heroes of literary works. In this case, the child is more acutely experiencing the events that occur with the namesake, more interested refers to his fate. Everything that is related to the name of the child acquires a special, personal meaning for him.

The importance of a name in shaping a child's personality cannot be overestimated. With the name of the child, an appeal to him begins, encouragement (“Tolya is a good boy!”) Or censure of him for unlawful actions. With the name of his own child of an early age, he begins his communication with others when he masters speech so much that he can express his desires and give an assessment to your person.

Subtle indification with the child, expressed in ways of addressing by name, ensures his personal stability, enables the child in his claims to the desired attitude towards himself.

In our time, naming goes, first of all, according to euphony, by combining it with a patronymic. And yet, in many families, it is given to a child in memory of a grandfather or grandmother, in honor of a person worthy of emulation, and the baby knows about this and feels an inner connection with a relative or a worthy beautiful person.

The name in childhood forms the basis of the human "I". "I am Petya" is the beginning of human self-consciousness. "It is I - Petya." And then it will begin to crystallize around this nucleolus - the structure of the personality's self-consciousness.

A proper name has a special meaning for every child. The name represents the child special kind identification (identification) with an ancestor, with a nation. The older preschooler, if only it was explained to him, knows what nationality belongs. He can well distinguish the names of his nationality and distinguish them from the names of other peoples.

A person’s self-awareness begins to develop from the name. “I am Petya” is inseparable in consciousness. And suddenly: "Ivanov!" Alienated, hurting. The child has not yet got used to his last name as an address. “For what? What have I done wrong? - scream all the feelings of the baby.

Analyzing the literature on this issue, we noticed that the authors conditionally distinguish two births of a personality, where an important role is assigned to the name.

The “first birth” of a personality is due to the following events in the mental life of the child: he singles himself out as a person (this happens at an early age); the self-consciousness of the child is formed, he distinguishes himself as the bearer of a certain name (the proper name and the pronoun "I" are combined with a certain physical type); the child begins to identify himself with the name and with his physical appearance.

The "second birth" of the individual is associated with the formation of a worldview and ideology, active will.

Other authors point out that generalized knowledge about oneself occurs along with the appearance of speech and thanks to it. First, children learn the name of the objects of the outside world, then they begin to correlate their name with themselves. This confirms the idea that the child first cognizes himself as some external object, and when he comes to a holistic view of himself, he begins, following the adult, to call himself, like other objects, by his own name. Only by the end of the second year of life does he completely replace his own name with the pronoun "I".

Summing up, based on the materials presented in this chapter, we came to the following conclusion: the name is not only the property of a particular person, but is also the main structure through which it is possible to influence the child's emotions and, consequently, the general emotional state of the child.

Features of attitude to the name at different stages of ontogenesis.

The "name" at different age stages of a child's development, as well as its awareness and meaning, is different. So, at an early age, the child learns his name well. The name of a person simultaneously represents his individuality to others and bestows it on the child himself, acts as a measure of his social security, is a decisive factor in the acquisition of individuality. It distinguishes a child from others and at the same time indicates his gender (usually children do not like names that can belong to both boys and girls). The child recognizes his first name before his last name, and uses the first name in communication with others. The name individualizes the child and at the same time identifies him with a particular culture.

At the stages of ontogenetic development, this link of self-consciousness sprouts with complex integrative connections and determines the value orientations of a person in his claims for recognition, in the characteristics of gender identification, in the nature of building life prospects, as well as in the system of rights and obligations.

Thanks to the name and the pronoun "I", the child learns to distinguish himself as a person. Identification with a name occurs from the first years - it is difficult for a child to think about himself outside of a name, it forms the basis of self-consciousness, acquires a special personal meaning. Thanks to the name, the child gets the opportunity to present himself as an exceptional individual isolated from others. Deprivation of a child through the attitude to his name (depreciation of the name, addressing him by his last name) deprives him of self-confidence, reduces the feeling of trust in an adult.

A proper name represents a certain individuality in front of others. Peter is a name that distinguishes Peter from Ivan, Nikolai, Vasily and others. The name, in addition, reflects the national identity of the child. The child learns the names of his people by ear, among them he finds a place for his own name.

Psychologically, for a child, his name is himself. Outside of his name, the child does not imagine himself.

But before considering the way of connecting the component "name" and the pronoun "I", let's consider how the personality of a child with an intellectual disability develops.

A child in early childhood with intellectual disabilities does not have the prerequisites for personality development that ensure the formation of personality in a normally developing preschooler. The personality of a child with intellectual disabilities is formed with large deviations both in the timing and pace of development, and in content. There is a different attitude of different aspects of the child's personal development. On the basis of 3 years, personal manifestations do not appear: self-consciousness, volitional manifestations. Their behavior is involuntary, "field". The child cannot, in the course of communication, learn the norms of behavior and understand their meaning.

At 4 years old, there is a desire to obey an adult.

In the elementary activities of untrained children with intellectual disabilities, onlycameprimitive motives - interest in the appearance of the toy, obedience to the demand of an adult, in rare cases - interest in the process of activity. Cognitive motives are reduced. Under the influence of the requirements of others at preschool age, self-service skills and proper behavior in public places begin to form.

Without training, children with intellectual disabilities in the emotional-volitional sphere experience difficulties in regulating behavior, there is no need for voluntary behavior control. In their actions, children turn out to be unfocused, they have no desire to overcome even feasible difficulties. They cannot always appreciate the difficulty of a new task that is not encountered in their experience, and therefore they do not refuse to perform new activities.

In children, there is also no subordination of motives; impulsive actions, momentary desires - overcoming motives of their behavior. With this, the speech of an adult can organize the activity of a student with intellectual disabilities, direct it, regulate the process of activity and the behavior of the child.

In infancy, the child is not yet aware of himself as such, although he responds to his name. .

In early childhood, when a one-year-old child is told: “Come to me, Petenka! My good one! ”, Then he readily and joyfully pulls his hands and, if he has already learned to move, runs. We can say that the baby responds to his name (according to the observations of V.S. Mukhina, children began to correlate their name with themselves at the age of one). The measure of understanding that this is his own name - Petya, is very small. Here, the child recognizes a whole complex of attitudes towards him: a benevolent appeal, an affectionate call for communication, the sound of already familiar phrases (“Where is Petya?”, “Come to me, Petya!” And so on) and many other situationally significant signals.

Already at preschool age, the child begins to realize that he has an individual name, as he constantly hears a gentle appeal to himself. He loves all the domestic variations of his childhood name, he already knows what he will be called when he becomes an adult. “Now my name is Mitya, when I was little, my name was Motya, and when I grow up, they will call me Dmitry Borisovich,” five-year-old Mitya explains with satisfaction the metamorphoses of his name during his life.

At preschool age, the child comprehends the value of the name through the assertion of his dignity. Name and dignity begin to unite in the self-consciousness of the child, on the one hand, through fairy tales, folklore, and on the other hand, through real relationships with others. Encouragement of the name (“What is your name!”; “What a beautiful name you have!”), Encouragement in virtues (“Tolya is a good boy!”; “Ilyusha did it best of all!”), As well as demonstrative distortion of the name along with the depreciation of the personality (“Only a fool!”) teach the child to value his person along with his name. There is a holistic inclusion in the child's self-consciousness of the name and spiritual individuality.

The child to a limited extent, starting from an early age, identifies his name with his bodily self. In preschool childhood, he makes marked progress in this regard. Under favorable conditions, a preschool child most often loves his name, because. constantly hears benevolent appeal to yourself.

With admission to school, the child accurately reflects on how classmates react to his home, children's name. If he catches irony, mockery, then he immediately seeks to change the uncomfortable situations that arise associated with the reaction to his name. He asks his family to call him something else, which should be reckoned with.

At the same time, if peers pronounce the name of the child with affection, he experiences a feeling of deep satisfaction or with himself. After all, as J. Karnesh rightly wrote, for a person, the sound of his name is the sweetest and most important sound in human speech.

It is at school, in the process of constant communication with peers, that the child begins to appreciate a friendly attitude towards himself, expressed in the way he is addressed. The child seeks to express his affection in the same way - he learns friendly forms of communication and addressing others by name. Value orientations to the name are becoming the norm of life.

At the same time, having entered such a school, the child must also accept another type of address to himself - the teacher, and then the children can call him by his last name.

In children's school culture, a familiar manner of addressing each other through humiliating forms often arises: Petka, Vaska, Kolka, Masha, etc. Often this becomes a children's culture, a norm of interaction, when children outwardly stop responding to the trampling of each other's dignity. The teacher should also in this case pay attention to how the children address each other. The suppression of unacceptable forms of addressing each other is organized by the internal attitude of each child to a value attitude towards himself and his name. The historically conditioned derogatory treatment of people to each other and the acceptance of this attitude among unprivileged class resented V.G. Belinsky, who in his “Letter to Gogol” wrote with anger: “Russia is a terrible sight of a country where people call themselves not by names, but by nicknames: Vanki, Vaska, Styopki, Palashki.” This humiliation must be interrupted at the level of children's subculture. Only a full-sounding name and a surname taken by others as a given provide the child with a sense of dignity, self-confidence, and makes it possible to support him in his claims to recognition.

In many regions of Russia, where representatives of more than 200 of its ethnic groups live nearby, it is in the primary grades that the child, for the first time entering into more open interaction with various social factors, discovers an amazing variety of naming. Until now, the child could not have encountered the variety of names that are first revealed to him as a sign that allows him to classify the bearer of the name as belonging to a certain social stratum, ethnic group, religion of his ancestors.

This work is of particular importance today, when many children and their families who find themselves in extreme situations of social and ethnic problems, man-made disasters, interethnic and armed conflicts are forced to migrate. Along with the many problems facing the family in connection with moving to new regions, the child may have his own problem associated with unusual classmates around him - his name.

Adolescents go through complex social initiations regarding their name. By depriving the value attitude to each other's names, teenagers "cool" defend their right to an acceptable treatment by name with due respect and compliance with the norms of the culture of the social environment. Appropriate address by name is an indicator of social recognition, which is easier to regulate than other claims.

So, having traced the features of the child's attitude to his name at different stages of ontogenesis. It can be concluded that from the very first days of a child's life, it is necessary to treat the child with care and respect, first of all, to his name. After all, an adult refers to a child by name, and how he pronounces this name depends on the future life of the child, his attitude towards himself, other people, and the world in general.

The teacher must call the child by name. And if he loves children, he will take it upon himself to call the children only by their first names.

In addition, the teacher should know that every child from a full-fledged family where he is loved has a baby name that creates a special atmosphere among loved ones. This baby name is often born from the lips of the child himself - when he was small, he called himself that. Therefore, endless Tusik, Buttercup, La, Duka, and so on appear - home nicknames for children, by which it is difficult to recognize the civil name of Natasha, Ilyusha, Lena and Andryusha. In addition to the names in each family there are: "honey", "bunny", "Lyuba", "sun" and others. These affectionate words are used as substitutes for the name and emphasize the helplessness and significance for the family of the child himself.

In the mind and in the sphere of feelings of the baby, his childhood name is a recognition of his value and his individuality.

The teacher, having taken the kids under his guardianship, in order to more successfully educate and educate, in those moments when they are simply good or when they deserve praise for diligence, he will do the right thing if he turns to the child by his childhood name, he will call him a kind word.


In this paper, the main stages of personality development in preschool age were considered, and the characteristics of children with intellectual disabilities were reflected. It was pointed out that the name is the first component in the structure of self-consciousness.

Because the name is a unit of cultural and social reality, and the goal of pedagogy is the development of a harmonious, comprehensively developed personality, therefore, it plays an important role in the formation of the personality of a child with impaired intelligence. This means that at preschool age it is necessary to pay due attention to the name of the child as a personal component. The emotional mood of the child and the attitude towards the people around him depend on how adults and surrounding peers treat him. Therefore, it is important to conduct games, conversations, exercises aimed at expanding the knowledge of children with intellectual disabilities about the sounding options for their name and the names of the people around them. It is necessary to involve both specialists and parents in this process.

The ability to communicate with other people is the key to your personal and professional success. It is this quality that allows you to arouse interest, sympathy, trust in another person, to persuade him to your side, to extract some benefit from the situation.

Of great importance in the process of communication is what and how you say. One of the magic words that greatly affects the atmosphere and mutual perception is the name of your interlocutor. Addressing by name is not just a formal courtesy. This word to you, like a magnet, makes you listen carefully to your words, believe them and take them into account. When a person addresses his counterpart by name, he makes him feel the most positive emotions that arise on a subconscious level. Based on these feelings, a trusting relationship arises between people, which helps to better hear each other, understand, and come to a positive and beneficial solution.

The power of the name

The fact that every person is pleased to hear his name has long been noticed by psychologists and has been successfully used as a win-win method of communication. A person hears his own name from childhood and strongly associates his personality with it. It includes appearance, spiritual and spiritual qualities, feelings, emotions, intellect, abilities, skills and abilities. Calling by name means Special attention to a specific person, expression of respect, recognition of significance and individuality. Such an attitude towards a close, beloved person, stranger, casual interlocutor or business partner will definitely find a positive response.

This is why calling a person by their first name is so important:

  1. The name evokes the most pleasant associations - with childhood, maternal love, approval, spiritual comfort, warmth;
  2. Hearing your name is a confirmation of significance, attention, respect for one's own personality;
  3. Calling by name evokes pleasant emotions, in response to which there is a positive attitude, sympathy, trust and respect for the interlocutor.

Calling by name, patronymic or simply by name serves as a confirmation of the importance of the interlocutor, recognition of qualities, merits, opportunities,. Such a move gives him moral satisfaction, helps to incline in your direction. After all, a person who was able to appreciate and recognize our merits and talents is himself perceived as the owner of important positive qualities and mind, attracts and disposes to himself.

How to correctly address the interlocutor by name

You can call a person by name or not, depending on how he introduced himself. Addressing by name and patronymic will be appropriate when communicating with a person whom you see for the first time, older in age, higher in status, position. If the interlocutor did not specify how to contact him, then you can ask about it yourself. If you are going to an interview, preparing for a meeting with business partners, new colleagues or students, the parents of a loved one, be sure to find out and remember the names of the people with whom you will communicate. If a new person is addressed by name, then he lays a solid foundation for a good relationship. In order for your interlocutor to be pleased to hear your name, you must follow the rules for using this magic word:

  1. Use the person's name more often when talking to him. It is better to start any appeal by mentioning the name, this will allow you to capture the attention of the interlocutor from the first seconds;
  2. Avoid excessive familiarity by using a reduced form, or calling only by the name of an older or unfamiliar person, boss, unless he himself expressed such a desire;
  3. Remember the names of the people around you, if necessary, write them down in a notebook, use the association method. Your natural bad memory will be taken as a sign of disrespect, and the response is not difficult to predict;
  4. Be at the right level, especially in a business meeting. It is necessary to address the interlocutor as he introduced himself, and to adhere to the same level yourself, taking into account the importance of the meeting, the status of the participants, and your position. Even if you are a junior specialist, you should still introduce yourself not as Sasha, but as Alexander or Alexander Petrovich, depending on the age category.

Calling by name is the key to a successful relationship

Why is it important to call someone by their first name? The significance of one's own name stems from the subconscious mind and is inextricably linked to a positive self-perception. Calling by name is a simple and effective way to attract the attention of another person, overcome hostility and distrust, arouse sympathy, build a productive dialogue, and get the desired result. This is the key that opens the door to new opportunities, harmonious personal relationships, professional growth and success, and personal development.

Name secret.

From the name of a person depends on his behavior, and hence his whole life. Every day we hear our names and never think about what they mean to us. In this section you will find the meanings of the name and the characteristics of the person who wears it.

The ancient sages believed that there is a special, hidden connection between the name of a person, his character and fate. Moreover, the fate of a person is predetermined by his name. Some modern psychologists proceed, in particular, from the fact that the name affects not only the emerging character, but also behavior in society. It is well known how a stranger's name that impresses us often already attracts to him.

What is the secret of the name? And is there a secret? What is the meaning of your name? Do names influence the fate of a person? How to choose the right name for a child?

The character of a person depends not only on his name, but also on his patronymic. Therefore, often people with the same patronymic behave similarly in standard situations. The middle name carries genetic information, what is inherent in nature itself is a kind of gene code that is passed down from generation to generation. It symbolizes a person's belonging to a certain genus and gives him an additional name - after his father.

The answer to the question "What is your father's name?" completes the psychological characteristics of a person's name, colors it with new colors. The patronymic, as it were, corrects the existing image. It does not radically change it, but clarifies, softens or, on the contrary, sharpens some features, makes them clearer.

Numerous observations (Higir studied the patronymics of more than fifty thousand people) led to the conclusion that the owners of patronymics "hard", hard articulation have a harder time in life than their namesakes with patronymics softer, calmer; the nature of the former is much more complicated, more uncompromising.

There are many theories about the influence of a person's name on his character.
Some specialists - psychologists and esotericists go further: they argue that a lot of important things can be learned about each of us from the first letters of the first name, patronymic and last name.

According to the researchers, the letters stand for:
A - strength and power;
B - the ability to have a great feeling;
B - inconstancy, lack of consistency;
G - mystery;
D - sociability, the ability to attract people to oneself;
E - vitality, the ability to mobilize in a critical situation;
F - uncertainty;
3 - a tendency to doubt, dissatisfaction, material difficulties;
And - impressionability, tension;
K - big requests and nervousness in their achievement;
L - logic, inventiveness, melody;
M - diligence and pedantry;
H - energy and creative ambitions;
O - emotionality, mysterious unrest;
P - modesty, loneliness, distance in relations with people;
P - constant tension, emotionality;
C - frequent depression, nervousness, depression;
T - endless search, pursuit of the ideal;
U - intuition, a tendency to frequent frustration and fear;
Ф - tenderness, ability to adapt;
X - inconstancy of feelings, sexual problems;
C - a tendency to external expression of internal experiences;
H - fidelity;
Sh - jealousy, uncompromisingness;
Щ - developed intellectual abilities, vindictiveness;
E - search for psychological balance;
Yu - great ambitions, lack of consistency;
I am intelligence, creativity.


FROM early childhood throughout life, we do not hear a single word as often as our own name. It consists of a set of sounds of various pitches that excite certain parts of the brain, thus affecting its wearer, as well as the people around him.

Some names sound hard, harsh: Igor, Dmitry, Anatoly, Zhanna, Dina, Ekaterina, Daria, etc. Under the influence of a sound stimulus, children with such names develop a persistent, stubborn character. They are independent and determined.

Owners of soft-sounding names: Svetlana, Irina, Vera, Natalia, Mikhail, Sergey, Alexei, Ilya, Vasily, etc. - usually have a calm, docile nature.

There are neutral, as if intermediate between hard and soft, names: Artem, Arkady, Andrey, Alexander, Valentin, Vitaly, Roman, Pavel, Olga, Anna, Anastasia, Zoya, Lyudmila, Lyubov, etc. As a rule, such people are balanced, reasonable, moderately persistent.

The name must be chosen so that it is easy to pronounce, well pronounced both by itself and together with the patronymic.

If the name ends with a consonant sound, and the patronymic begins with it, and even in the name-patronymic itself there are many consonants - Alexander Dmitrievich, Eduard Dmitrievich - the sound is difficult. Either the first name or the patronymic is often distorted, and the person anxiously waits for what they will call him this time.

You should not name children by the names of deceased relatives, especially those who died tragically. No need to give names in honor of grandparents. The child inherits a certain share of characteristic features, and, as you know, the bad is transmitted more easily. Do not call children difficult-to-pronounce names or in honor of any significant events and people (Revolution, Aurora, Stalin, etc.), so as not to complicate their life in the future.

Do not give children the names of the heroes of their favorite television series, famous writers or prominent scientists - especially if the patronymic and surname match. Imagine that in the family of engineer Nikolai Tolstoy, their son was named Leo in honor of the writer. At school, the boy was not given literature and the Russian language, and he became the object of ridicule from his peers. As a result, the child received a serious psychological trauma and stopped going to school. Parents hardly managed to correct the situation by transferring him to another class.

Sons should not be named after their father: Nikolai Nikolaevich, etc. - the owners of such names grow unbalanced, nervous, irritable, capricious. The girl should also not be called by the name of her mother - it will be difficult for them to find a common language.

The secret of the name is the knowledge that every parent needs to know in order to "correctly" name their child.

See what an interesting case turns out. Every object exists in a 22-dimensional space. So any object can be described using 22 letters of the primary alphabet. All other languages ​​are descendants of the Etoko proto-alphabet. Those that are closest to it are the most ancient, and only subsequent languages ​​are a copy from them. Those. accumulated layer by layer, for centuries, and it is not clear what was there at the very bottom. The Russian language, as we know it now, appeared relatively recently. Hence it gives one of the worst inclusions in the proto-alphabet. Consequently, the names given in Russian have little effect on the fate of a person. There is such a thing as a true name. This true name, of course, does not consist of 22 letters of the alphabet (the full name of the object consists of 22 letters), but nevertheless it is closest to it. It is just this name that has great power and influences the fate of a person. If you know the true name of a person, you will gain power over him. That is why NO ONE NEVER tells ANYONE their true name.


We do not have names consisting of one letter. Somewhere, perhaps, such names exist - this is one Sun. Maybe when we use the pronoun "I", we replace our name with the Sun.

The Chinese have many two-letter names and we have a few: Yin, Yang. "Lunar" names are considered inferior, doomed. They impose rhythms of some kind of incompleteness, they always require refinement, additions with a more significant name. Otherwise, a person risks being left alone.

Names consisting of three letters are very active, because associated with the planet Mars. For men, this is harmonious, because. it is a male planet (Leo, Kim Nile, Titus, etc.). But for women, such names are critical, because this is a masculine planet, and women do not always withstand too active rhythms. It is very difficult for Ada, Aza, Asya, Eve, Zoya, Leah to prove anything, to convince someone of something. Even diminutive names consisting of three letters make high demands on a person (Ira, Yura, Olya).

Four-letter names are also better "tolerated" by men. Such names as Ivan, Peter, Oleg, Anna, Vera set the "mercurial" rhythm of contacts and communication. A person depends on upbringing, environment and information, however, he attracts a large number of rumors and vain conversations. The "four-digit" name liberates a person, makes him contact and open to resonance. When a person calls himself a diminutive name of four letters (Masha, Zhenya, Lena), he creates a field of attraction, publicity, immediacy.

"Five-digit" names are very common. Names consisting of five letters (Anton, Artem, Boris, Vadim, Elena, Igor), associated with the planet Jupiter, the planet of "great happiness", are considered optimal for people who fit well into society. Such people must comply with the law of society, observe it, these are "social" names - a person with such a name can be a leader, an example to follow, a "legislator". This is good for the fulfillment of social duty, but the bearer of the name will attract the close attention of the law, i.e. it must comply with the rules established in society. Any deviation from the law will be strictly suppressed. All this is more suitable, of course, for a man.

For women, the name should be six-letter - according to the planet of "small happiness" Venus: Galina, Marina, Ksenia, Tamara. Such names suggest harmony, a closed self-sufficient system. Women with such names are more independent, but with partners they perform their tasks better. Six-letter names soften men, make them pampered and in need of cooperation (Mikhail, Danila, Nikita, Andrey). They painfully perceive loneliness, it is harmful for them to change partners, without a couple they hardly fulfill their program. Such men are very good at choosing a mate for themselves and manifest themselves in love as egoists who are loved more than they are able to answer. The combination of a five- and six-letter name is good in a pair. This is good for society as well. When two five-letter names meet, they conflict regardless of gender.

Seven-letter names are also more favorable for women, to whom they are less harsh and strict (Zinaida, Varvara, Lyudmila, Tatyana). These names give rise to very strong rhythms: steadfastness, endurance, inflexibility. They impede early development, create difficulties in contacts, because they are associated with the planet of "great misfortune" Saturn. But they strengthen rigidity, fanaticism. They give their carriers gloominess, secrecy, ordeals. On male names (Vitaly, Evgeny, Nikolai) there is a seal of fate, fate, inevitability.

People with "eight-digit" names - reformers, revolutionaries, freedom lovers: Athanasius, Vsevolod, Vladimir, Gennady, Grigory. There are always rumors around such people. Women with such names are also tough, unpredictable: Antonina, Valentina, Veronica, Christina, Svetlana.

Nine-letter names (Catherine, Margarita, Olympias, Alexander, Svyatoslav, Vissarion). - mysterious, all hiding people with a lot of secrets. You need to look very carefully at what they carry. If they are excessively active, you should check what is behind this. The Niners always have overvalued ideas.

With a "ten-digit" name, a person goes to pieces (Innokenty, Alexandra, Kapitolina). If a person does not take risks, if there are no mass energies in his life, he will “run out of steam”. These are the people of the whirlpool, the elements - they cannot live without it.

There are few names consisting of eleven letters (Apollinaria, Maximilian, Panteleimon). They are heavy because they are associated with the transmutation planet Proserpina. A person needs to adapt to any changing conditions, endure, overcome obstacles. He experiences eternal discontent, pain. It is very difficult for men, women are no strangers.

The phenomenal twelve-letter name - derived from the name Alexander, the female name Alexandrina - sends its bearers to the "Martian" rhythms. The influence of the Sun (number 1) and the Moon (number 2) is also taken into account: they pose non-female problems for such a woman and mobilize them to solve them.

NUMBER OF LETTERS in the name shows the name in time: the possibilities of its development and prospects.
NUMBER OF syllables indicates the implementation of individual stages of his program in space, and is also interpreted through the functions of the planets.

NUMBER OF syllables in names
One syllable (Peter, Mark, Jan) - the program is monolithic. A person achieves what he wanted, and his goal does not change. A single program has its own charm, but there are also disadvantages - it cannot be complicated and improved. Monosyllabic names lead a person to a single goal, and this is their primitivism. Monosyllabic names quickly become obsolete and may become superfluous, therefore they are more suitable for some stage of life, and then they should be changed.

Two syllables - two stages of life. More suitable for women (Anna, Vera, Zoya, Inna, Rosa) - life in the parents' house, life in the husband's house. Such people gain self-confidence under someone's guidance (parents, husband). Adjustments to life are made not independently, but under the influence of a spouse. A man with a two-syllable name (Anton, Andrei, Boris, Igor, Oleg) is forced to obey the environment, which is completely unnatural for him - he must solve his problems on his own.

Three syllables - three stages in life. More suitable for men (Aleksey, Alexander,), because. Martian energies allow them to implement changes in the life program on their own initiative. Three-digit names give men usefulness, self-sufficiency. They emphasize their masculine properties, allow them to save their life program and implement it several times, to make changes on their own initiative. Men with the names Alexander, Mikhail, Vladimir, Valery, Vasily, Eugene are able to adapt to any situation, get out of the water dry. For women, such a name (Eugenia, Irina, Larisa, Lyudmila, Tatyana) attracts critical events in which they have to not just make a choice, but in parts. They invade the lives of other people, try to retrain everyone, but they themselves are not subject to any influence. As a rule, if a man got a two-syllable name, then he is looking for a wife with a three-syllable one - as compensation for his own forced lack of independence.

The four-syllable name is resonant, i.e. gives dependence on the environment and society in which its carrier lives. Anatolia, Illarion, Margarita are formed under the influence of the rules of etiquette, learned habits, upbringing, education. Friends and acquaintances play a big role: they influence changes in the fate of people with three-digit names, who can count on at least four stages in life. In this case, female and male names are in the same position.

Five syllables are rare names. For Catherine, Elizabeth, Eleanor, the Olympics, the temptation is very great to prove themselves as a mentor, a founder, which gives rise to a lot of problems. With such names it is good to speak on behalf of the law, in official institutions, in monasteries, but in everyday life it is bad. They give rise to a lot of problems not even for the name-bearers, but for their environment. The male name (Maximilian, Apollinaris) makes it possible to speak on behalf of the law. It fits into a five-pointed star - a pentagram, and is complete for the male program.

Six syllables - one name of Apollinaria, very rare. Very good for women. A true female name must consist of six syllables.

Seven syllables - such names are not in use. These names are magical. They can only be reconstructed through a horoscope. The above principle of studying syllables applies to both patronymics and surnames. The patronymic refers to the generic program, and the surname includes the karmic social program. The number of syllables in the surname will show how many degrees of possible changes in society for a person it carries. The surname, as a kind of grandiose super-task, can change throughout life, but still any person bears its stamp.


In each word, and in the NAME, respectively, there is a certain number of letters. Each letter from the first to the last letter in a word has its own meaning, but if the word consists of an odd number of letters, then this word also has a central letter. What can we recognize in the name by this central letter? Read about it below.

The name has a pivot letter - the central letter of the name - ROD.
Sometimes this letter is called the KEY STONE.
But this only applies to names with an odd number of letters. For example: IR-I-NA. - the keystone is the letter I.

In names with an even number of letters, there is no stem. For example: OLEG. Carriers of such names are called people without a core. Such people are thrown from side to side, they are forced to obey circumstances. This is especially bad for men, but such men understand the female soul well. But people with a core for everything have their own opinion, and it can come to imposing it on others, women especially suffer from this.
The stem letter can be a vowel, a consonant, or the letter b (TATYANA) can stand there. Just the vowel will give an active imposition of one's opinion on others, the consonant is easier, but b is very bad, because. the core of a person is absolutely unknown, disguised for the time being.
If in the name in the middle the consonant is doubled - this is a double rod (INNA, ANNA, ALLA). Especially in the names-shifters (Alla, Anna) - "the rod in the square."

The core letter of the name serves as the top of the mirror staircase, the steps of which will be all the other letters of the name, descending from the core letter on both sides: ALEK - S - ANDR.
If the name has an even number of letters, then there will be two letters at the top of the stairs: ALEK - SA - NDRA.
In this case, in the male name, the first letter at the top is considered the main one, and in the female names - the second.
The monolithic top is a rigid and strong core.
Two letters at the top speak of a lack of integrity, internal doubts, and variability.

One rung below the top are letters that indicate the ideal partner name for a person: it must include both of these letters. For Alexander, these are the letters K and A - Ekaterina, Oksana. For Alexandra - K and N: Konstantin, Nikolai. Of course, this level of partnership is not the only determining one, but the discrepancy can impose certain restrictions on solving the root problems of the spouses.

Find the key stone in your name using the suggested recommendations and interpret it according to the decoding:

A - intellectual abilities, the predominance of a reasonable beginning, the ability to think deeply.
B - compassion, tenderness, willingness to help, orientation to the future.
B - creation, knowledge, but dispersion, lack of criticality.
G - logic, analytical skills, love of discovery, the ability to convince, cunning.
D is good.
E - family, home, prosperity, stubbornness, stubbornness, a tendency to self-flagellation.
Yo - torment, suffering, anger, fanaticism.
F - liveliness, the ability to succeed in trade, the ability to store money.
Z - talkativeness, ability to oratory, stamina, resistance to suggestion, hidden hypnotic abilities.
And - consistency, increased need for money, craving for cooperation, artistry.
Y - the ability to teach, magical abilities, desire to teach others, internal uncertainty in one's own abilities.
K - the power of persuasion, love of justice, a penchant for organized structures, groupings.
L - interest in the sphere of the world of the spirit and people, spiritualistic and astrological abilities.
M - high adaptability, survival, a tendency to mental activity, deceit.
H - isolation, lack of true friends, the likelihood of loneliness, difficulties in marriage.
Oh - love of fantasy, life in a dream world, loneliness, difficulties with loved ones, betrayal by people.
P - peace, spirituality, insecurity.
P - disinterestedness, rationality.
C - emotionality, emotionality, independence, high magical qualities, a good leader, a leader in the spiritual sphere and secular life.
T - ingenuity.
U - giftedness, conservatism, law-abiding.
Ф - intuitiveness, ability to organize activities, discretion.
X - versatility, faith in justice, abundance of love.
C - talent, hidden suspicion, artistry.
H - compassion, underestimation of oneself.
Ш - vanity, desire for patronage, vices.
U - selfishness, ruthlessness.
b - theft, propensity to kill.
S - alcoholism, drug addiction.
b - temptations, vices, alcohol, drugs.
E - suffering, misunderstanding on the part of children, accidents.
Yu - a tendency to betrayal, cunning.
I am self-flagellation, bigotry, suicidal tendencies.

You can apply the same method to your own surname, then you will have two characteristics. Women can calculate how the change of surname in marriage will affect the attitude of people towards you and your character.


Among the syllables of the name, stress should be especially considered.
The stressed letter is a programmatic strategic goal, the pinnacle of achievement, the stressed syllable is a tactical impulse, strength, and an opportunity for achievement.
Therefore, the stressed letter is the source of the greatest trials, heroism, and independence.
Naturally, only a vowel can be a stressed letter.

A - a person wants to become noticeable and get everything at once and strive for this impulsively, sharply;
I am the desire for an authoritative and spiritual partner, spiritual patronage in partnerships;
O - a person seeks to create his own system of values ​​in a traditional environment;
ё - the desire for harmonious development together with a partner;
Y - activity in the struggle for the establishment of law and order;
Yu - a person in extreme situations can be a leader, an authority for others, but within the framework of traditions; protection of traditional views;
S - the desire to have a beautiful home and good children; children should be well brought up;
And - the desire for distinction, royalty, tough and stubborn
E - elitism, the desire for a refined and intellectual society;
E - the desire for harmony and love, very reasonable and stable.

All vowels are yang, masculine, they are saturated with the energy they give off, active letters, syllabic.
The consonants are Yin, passive, conserving energies and do not form syllables by themselves.
Hard vowels (a, y, s, e, o) refer to the element of Fire, soft (i, u, and, e, e) - to the element of Air.
Voiced consonants belong to the elements of Water (b, c, etc.), and deaf consonants (p, f, etc.) - to the elements of the Earth.
The elements of ether (wood) belong to b, b, j.

You can spell out which element dominates your name.
If this is Fire - you will take an active life position, Air - you will be interested in information and establishing contacts, Earth - you will be more focused on solving material problems, and Water will give a mystical nature, you may be drawn to retire, or your direction will be in side of covert activities.

Highly great importance has the number of letters in the stressed syllable and its structure, i.e. the location of the stressed letter among consonants and among the letters of neighboring syllables, as well as the location of the stressed syllable in the name.
A stressed syllable can have one, two, three, four or five letters.
ONE LETTER - maximalism, huge ambitions, grandiose desires, often exceeding the possibilities (Raisa, Yuri).
TWO LETTERS - the goal can be realized only in cooperation with someone, otherwise the person will feel inferior, half-hearted. Two options are possible: the first vowel, the second consonant (Alla, Anna, Mikhail) - a person comes to the goal in adventurous ways, all plans can fail, but he easily gives up what has been achieved, plans the future before reaching the goal; the second option - the first consonant, the second vowel (Marina, Galina, Polina, Vasily, Vitaly) - the person’s goal is well protected, he acts according to the program, the main thing for him is to reach, fulfill, and what will happen next, he does not calculate.
THREE LETTERS - a person can fully realize himself and achieve the goal, but there is no flexibility, and he can become self-sufficient. When the vowel is in the middle - a person does not give up what he has achieved - only with life (Sergei, Konstantin); when the vowel is the last - a person will achieve his goal at any cost (Xenia), when the vowel is the first - then the person uses what life provides him (Eduard).
FOUR LETTERS - a person depends on resonance with others, on the environment, personal initiative is muted. This is a conductor of other people's ideas. The environment is extremely important, the person himself will not achieve the goal. His goals are unstable, vague, unclear (Alexandra).
FIVE LETTERS - the most ambitious goals, such names are suitable for passionaries, idealists, fanatics (Alexander, Adolf).

The stressed letter in the name is, as it were, the Sun, illuminating the whole name of a person. The letters before and after it are very important.
The letter before the shock helps the development of the goal, the letter after the shock is support and support.
If the stressed letter in the name is the first (Yakov), then the bearer of the name is open and vulnerable, prone to breakdowns, his goal is clear to everyone.
When the stressed letter is the last in the name (Ilya), a person needs to adapt in order to survive.
If the stressed letter is surrounded on both sides, then the person's goal is well protected, especially if all these letters are included in one syllable (Sergey), but such a person can become unprincipled.
If the letter before the stress is from another syllable, then the person first calculates everything, and then acts, if the letter after the stress is from another syllable, then the person is an adventurer.
If both letters are from other syllables, i.e. shock is lonely, then a person may not achieve his goal and break loose (Raisa, Faina) - such people need to be secretive and not trust anyone in relation to their goals.
It is bad when the stressed letter is the penultimate letter in the name - a person is knocked out of support from under his feet.

The stressed syllable in the name can be the first, last or in the middle.
The first is openness and great strength, such people accelerate events, strive to quickly achieve the goal - this is good for men, but bad for women, because. after the first blow, the woman may not recover. True, much depends on the horoscope.
If the stressed syllable is the last one in the name, then the realization of the goal comes late, which is good for inertial people, people who swing for a long time and slowly and stubbornly go towards the intended goal. This is good for women, but not very good for men. they tend to quickly set a goal and quickly implement their ideas.
When the stressed syllable is in the middle of a word, the target may not be known to the person himself. If a man with this name can have a stable life program, then a woman can hardly form her goal and can become ambitious, but both of them carefully hide their goals from others.
If there is a contradiction in a person's name (for example, and the stressed syllable is at the end), then the person does not like his name, because. it is for him, as it were, a brake on achieving the goal, pushing the realization to a later time. The name can bring down the rhythm of life for a person, and it needs to be changed.

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