Magic for successful study - rituals, conspiracies, talismans. Powerful Feng Shui Symbols for Studying How to Make a Talisman for Excellent Grades

Learning is work, as the well-known proverb says. Learning is really not at all easy if the student strives for knowledge, and not for a document on graduation from an educational institution. A talisman will provide significant assistance in studies. He will help in difficult situations, prevent conflicts, motivate for excellent results.

Talismans and superstitions in the educational process are important

Talismans for good luck in studies are made in several varieties - for the exam, for focusing on the material being studied, for conflict-free relations with teachers and students. A talisman for good luck in studies must be made with your own hands. It is important to transfer your energy to him in order to get an indispensable assistant for all the years of study.

The action of the talismans

In the vast majority of cases, the action of talismans is based on filling an object with energy with a specific intention. Most often, people want to attract additional forces for protection from something, luck, the acquisition of certain qualities of character and similar goals.

Any thing can act as a talisman for good luck - the meaning that you put into it is important

Any object can be chosen for the talisman, but it is better to choose something small and something that can be with you almost constantly. Jewelry or key chains are a wonderful example. These are everyday habitual things, and no one will even have the thought that you are acting under reliable magical protection.

Help yourself, do not lose your talisman, and you will have the help of magic whenever you need it. The energy you put into it will return a hundredfold at the right moment. By the way, this is one of the reasons why talismans must be periodically recharged. The forces of the magical assistant are being spent to help you, and he needs fresh energy, and it is yours. All magic items have different lifetimes. Do not try to cheat by making several talismans for good luck in studies with the same functions at the same time - you will only mix different energies, and the talismans will be inoperative.

Rite of Activation

The activation of talismans of various directions has its own characteristics for each of them, but the prevailing features for the activation of all magical items are common. You need to stock up on the following things:

  • liquid container;
  • holy water;
  • candles: church (1 pc.), white (3 pcs.), blue (2 pcs.) and red (3 pcs.);
  • a little thing intended for the future talisman;
  • sandalwood oil;
  • incense sticks (the aroma should be pleasant to you);
  • sea ​​salt (coarse).

Choose a time when you can be at home alone. Remove all distractions: turn off the computer, TV, turn off phones. Make sure in advance that no one comes to you at this time or choose optimal time days for this ritual.

You will need to build an altar of elemental forces.

Bow four times - to each side of the world. Light colored candles, they should be located throughout the room. On the table in the form of a quadrangle, arrange (strictly clockwise) a church candle, water in a prepared container, sea salt, and an incense stick. In the center of the resulting figure, place the talisman you made for good luck in your studies. Then light the candle and incense stick. Refer to the four elements with the words:

“Fire Release, Water Release, Earth Release, Air Release, please witness this ritual!”

Then you need to speak the words of the conspiracy in accordance with the future function. Conspiracies differ in talismans of various directions, but this preparation can be considered universal.

Conspiracy words for a talisman for good luck

The luck contained in the talisman will accompany you both at the exam, and in the classrooms, and when communicating with teachers. Before reading the plot, apply a drop of sandalwood oil to the future talisman. The plot itself has the following text:

“It is true that people received five loaves of bread from the Lord our God, it is true that Jesus is the son of God, it is true that the Lord our God is merciful! Send, Lord, good luck to me from the west and north to east and south! Give good luck many roads, turn one of them to me! And you, sorrows, ailments, go your way, into dark pits and rotten burrows, there you will have life-existence! I will be guarded by my outfit, good luck and joy from him will be. Money is collected to me, and troubles and sorrows are removed away! I lock the lock on the key, I throw that key into the water! Amen!"

It is not so difficult to call luck into your life, it is much more difficult to keep it. At this stage, you will need to practice visualization. You need to imagine a big sky blue funnel. The funnel descends from heaven and fills your talisman. Its strength will depend on how long you can keep this image in front of your inner eye. You can practice meditation and visualization in advance - the blue funnel image should be held for as long as you can.

There must be an endless stream in your imagination blue color, symbolizing good luck and filling your talisman. The blue candles represent this process and aid visualization. Ms. Fortuna generally prefers blue of all shades.
When your visualization ends, thank the forces of each of the four called elements by bowing to each of the cardinal directions. The words of gratitude are given for the elements of Fire, you must repeat them for the elements of Water, Earth and Air:

“Element of Fire, accept my gratitude for being present at this ceremony. Attract good luck to my intentions, send success in studies. Thank you and let you go!”

Be careful - lucky people always have envious people. Do not share with anyone that you have made yourself a talisman for good luck in your studies. Don't show it to anyone.

Talisman from a strict teacher

Everyone has had a strict teacher in their life

Teachers are people too, and it's no secret that they can be unnecessarily harsh. Students in this case may experience fear, and this emotion has never contributed to success. A talisman for good luck in this situation will not help, you will need an amulet of charm. It is this amulet that will change the attitude of the teacher towards you personally.

Few people can resist such an amulet, but you need to read a conspiracy for a specific person - your teacher. A keychain for making an amulet in this case may not be suitable, you will need an item that is in full view of other people. It can be, for example, a pendant or an earring. Activate the decoration with the following words:

“My mother gave birth to me, the bee brought me honey, and the cow gave me milk to drink. What is the sweetness in honey, the sweet one sees the same sweetness! As a man cannot live without milk, so my dear cannot live without me! And I am dearer than all to my dear heart: dearer than my father and mother, dearer than the red sun, dearer than silver stars and green grass, dearer than water, dearer than salt, dearer friends, dearer than all things, dearer free light itself! Amen!"

The text must be spoken three times, concentrating on the stern teacher, while his gender does not matter.

If you have a photo of the teacher, even better. The picture will need to be placed under the amulet before reading the words of the conspiracy. Only the funnel in this case should be represented as purple. Add stickiness to the shape of the funnel, let it envelop your amulet like a paste.

Charm for peace

Many students experience unstable emotions, increased nervousness during exams or when doing tests. A charm for peace will balance your nervous system and will give you confidence.

Stress is a constant companion of the educational process

If you are calm, then you will remember the necessary knowledge for answering the exam much easier than when you are nervous. Difficulties in learning often lie precisely in the abundance of stressful situations.

A charm for peace can be made using a chain or bracelet.

The words of the conspiracy for this amulet are as follows:

“Water-water, dear sister! Everywhere you are - in the lake, in the bucket, in the sea and in the river! You will wash everything away, you will calm everything down! Calm me also, a servant of God (servant of God) from an empty cry and dashing anger, from tears of the blind and empty thoughts! Don't let me scream, don't let me suffer! Wash away the anger from my head, but calm my anger! My words are strong, In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!”

These words must be read three times over the little thing, which will become an amulet. Then it must be sprinkled with holy water. The value of this amulet also lies in the fact that it can be made both for yourself and for a loved one. As a gift, such an amulet is simply priceless! The activation of this amulet will also require visualization. Imagine the same funnel, but silver. Feel the coolness and peace that she pours into your amulet. Hear the calm beating of your heart and sincerely wish that it was always like this.

Success in the educational process does not always depend on effort. Sometimes you have to help with non-traditional methods. In order for the child to better assimilate knowledge, make a talisman for good luck in school. He will attract fortune, relieve nervous tension on the eve of the exam at school and university, and give confidence in his abilities.

Magic should not be taken as a panacea for all ills. If you go to the exam without preparation, then no amulet will help in getting a good grade. The amulet is not at all useless.

The magical effect of the talisman:

  • accumulation of positive energy, stress relief;
  • concentration of mental activity;
  • the talisman attracts good luck in studies;
  • improving relationships with faculty and teachers;
  • preventing conflicts with peers;
  • on the exam - attracts an easy ticket.

Students have to work with large amounts of information. The talisman will help you focus and concentrate on the task at hand.

Types of amulets for good luck in school

As a talisman for good luck in learning and learning, you can choose any subject that has already helped once:

  • leaves and branches of trees;
  • coin, keychain, soft toy;
  • semi-precious stones, in accordance with the sign of the zodiac;
  • animal figurines;
  • target image.

Effective talismans and amulets for good luck in learning and learning, which can be purchased at the esoteric store:

  1. Figures of birds and animals - owl, bull, lion.
  2. Figurine depicting the Indian deity Ganesha - an eight-armed talisman in the form of a man with an elephant's head. To successfully pass the exam and good luck in the upcoming studies, you need to whisper your desires into the ears of the deity.
  3. Jewelry from precious and semi-precious stones: earrings, rings, chains, bracelets.

Types of talismans for good luck in learning and learning:

How to DIY

Do-it-yourself talismans of an excellent student absorb the energy of the owner and are more effective for academic success. Before using the amulet for good luck, you need to activate and speak.

To enhance the effect of the talisman for good luck in the upcoming studies, runic signs or Slavic symbols are applied to the magical object.

All rituals in relation to the amulet are performed on the growing moon, on the full moon or on the new moon.

Mascot name What will be required Preparation method
good luck tree Cardboard, scissors, colored pencils or felt-tip pens, cotton bag, red thread. Cut out a small piece of cardboard, depict a tree in accordance with the sign of the zodiac. Glue a red thread around the perimeter of the plant, at the end of which tie 3 knots. Place the magic attribute in a bag and tie it.
Talisman bag for academic success A small branch or leaves of trees: apple, pine, elm; cotton bag, red thread. Place a fragment of the plant in a bag, tie with a red thread.
Ladanka Leather material or fabric, decorative elements, dried grass: thyme, mint, plantain. Sew a leather or fabric pouch. Place plants, decorate with decorative elements. To attract good luck, the text of the Our Father prayer, handwritten on paper, is placed in the bag.
Runic Stone, object made of wood or metal. Make a talisman for good luck and good study of any shape and size, apply signs. Runes Anzus, Urzus, Yen will do.
Magic doll Materials for sewing: fabric, threads, needles, scissors. Sew a doll of any shape and size. When wearing an amulet for good luck in knowledge and study, you need to hide it in a student's backpack. A magical item will improve relationships with classmates.
Mysterious Bookmark Cardboard, woolen threads, needles. Cut out the required amount of cardboard, make embroidery. Good luck in the upcoming studies will bring runic symbols printed on the talisman.

Deciphering runes for good luck in your studies

  1. Urzus - fight against laziness and bad mood. Help in concentrating energy and focusing on educational material.
  2. Yer - help in getting a good grade.
  3. Anzus - will help not to be afraid before the performance, to overcome the fear of a large audience.

A talisman for an exam for successful study can be decorated with decor, a magical item will not attract attention and can be worn as a decoration.

Choosing a plant for an amulet, depending on the intended purpose:

  • alder - to relieve nervous tension;
  • apple tree - maximum concentration of attention in the learning process;
  • poplar - for the prevention of conflicts;
  • nettle - overcoming fear, self-confidence;
  • pine - a symbol of wisdom and easy learning;
  • thyme - prudence.

Materials for the manufacture of talismans that attract good luck are allowed to be combined.

What you need to do before the exam to pass successfully

First of all, in order to successfully pass the exam, you need to repeat the training material. To concentrate energy on the evening before the test, kindle incense or pour 5-7 drops into an aromatic lamp essential oil lemon, basil or orange.

The most popular signs among students for good luck in the exam:

  1. On the night before the day of passing the session, stretch out the record book through the open window and say the words: Freebie, catch. To reduce the risk of getting a bad grade for your studies, open the record book only at the exam.
  2. Write on a piece of paper the phrase - I will pass the exam - and put it in the record book.
  3. Before leaving the house, put a five-kopeck coin under the heel as a talisman.
  4. Bring a gift to the deity Ganesha in the form of a sweet or a small object.
  5. Before leaving, look at the image of the three mountains.

At the time of passing the exam, for maximum concentration of energy, the amulet that attracts good luck must be picked up.

Rules for wearing and using mascots for study

The talisman of an excellent student is worn as decoration, placed in a school backpack or pocket of clothes. A magical subject for academic success should always be with you in difficult times.

Faith is needed in the power of magic, which can attract good luck.

Before using the talisman, you need to activate and speak. Immediately after manufacturing, the magical thing is placed in salt for a day. The next day they read the plot: Like a leaf from a bush, so the deuce is gone, the river is alive, like a sharp memory. (Child's name) to live in peace, to receive knowledge not in agony. For maximum concentration, talismans for good study are placed under the pillow at night.

So that the amulet for good luck at school does not lose its strength, it must be periodically recharged at home:

  • the energy of the elements - over the flame of a candle, consecrated water, salt, with the help of air;
  • the power of the luminaries - the sun, the moon.

An amulet for good luck in studies will be an excellent assistant to a schoolboy and student. The talisman has no expiration date, the more you interact with it, the more power it gains. If the magic item is lost, you should not be upset. This means that the magical attribute has fulfilled its mission, for further protection it is required to make a new amulet.

When you need to quickly, and most importantly, qualitatively, master a huge amount of educational material, you cannot do without magic. In this case, special amulets and talismans can help, designed to attract the necessary energy and set you up for serious mental work.

There are a lot of talismans working to improve the effectiveness of training. All of them are universal, and suitable for everyone. Among them there are figurines of animals, personifying wisdom for many centuries, symbols of Feng Shui, runes.

When choosing an amulet from which you expect help in gaining knowledge, pay attention to your own feelings. A magical thing should please, evoke pleasant feelings and preferably arouse curiosity. A properly selected talisman helps and facilitates the process of perception and assimilation of information. It will be useful to schoolchildren, students, and those who decide to continue their education in adulthood.

Piglet for good luck

In the old days, students and schoolchildren, before going to the exam, put a patch under the left heel. It is believed that this little trick helps to get a good grade or draw the right ticket. However, girls are most often able to attract luck in this way. The fact is that the custom of leaving a coin in shoes dates back to the 19th century. She was placed under the heel of the bride on her wedding day - so that she would not need anything in her married life. About why the rite was adopted by the students, history is silent. But there is no person who has not heard or has not experienced the power of a magic patch. And since the tradition continues to live in our time, it must be admitted that it still works.


In India, the most popular talisman for study is the figurine of the god Ganesh. He is considered a storehouse of wisdom and is depicted as a seated man with the head of an elephant. Ganesha can have two, four or even eight arms. In them he holds a noose, an ax, a shell, sometimes a rosary and a staff. Each item has its own meaning. For example, with a staff, he drives people forward, and a rosary symbolizes the desire for knowledge and spiritual growth.

This talisman is designed to help people who study science, do art, develop their creative abilities. Hindus believe that God hears all requests addressed to him, is not indifferent to stroking the stomach, and also loves all kinds of offerings. Therefore, try to turn to Ganesha as often as possible, whisper your desires into his big ears and show respect with gifts. It could be flowers, candy, or specie. You can put the figurine on the working foot, on the shelf next to the books or in the place where the eye most often falls.

magic crystal

A figure or figurine does not always act as a talisman. It can be a stone with certain properties, and a crystal. Since ancient times, rock crystal has been considered an indispensable assistant in teaching. It awakens the highest mental qualities in a person, facilitates clairvoyance, and also helps to delve deeper into the subject being studied, develop memory.

The crystal ball is a frequent attribute of soothsayers and fortune tellers. But to use it, it is not necessary to delve into esoteric teachings. A transparent as a spring sphere placed in a room will help concentration and improve creativity. The larger it is, the more energy you will receive from it. But do not get too carried away - for unprepared people, excessive mental activity often takes too much energy.

Much more often than a ball, you can find rock crystal crystals on sale - miniature regular hexagons. Such a talisman is easy to carry with you, and it will help its owner develop imagination and find inspiration. By the way, if you are tired or overworked, suffer from a headache - put a piece of rock crystal on your forehead, and the pain will go away.

By the way, a rock crystal globe is considered the best talisman for training in Feng Shui. Usually its size reaches 5-6 cm in diameter. It is best to put such an amulet on the desktop, ideally in the lower left corner, which corresponds to the sector of knowledge and learning. It is enough to rotate this sphere at least once a day, and it will provide you with favorable Chi energy, necessary for the success of all creative endeavors.

Wise Owl

In Russia, the most common talisman for the development of mental abilities is the image of an owl. This symbol came to us from antiquity, and it acquired its deep meaning in Ancient Greece. According to ancient legend, the owl was associated with Athena, the goddess of knowledge and learning. The image of the bird was printed on the reverse side of the coins with the image of the goddess, and since then this night bird has personified the powers of the mind. At night, owls are vigilant and attentive, not a single animal will hide from their keen gaze, and immobility during the day (after all, owls hunt only at night) was perceived by people at different times as thoughtfulness, immersion in their thoughts.
The figurine in the form of an owl is popular, so finding it on sale is not difficult. Very often, an owl is depicted sitting on a book or next to it. Such a talisman can be placed in the north-eastern part of the room, and then it will help to better concentrate on classes.

Mercury is the planet of intellect

In astrology, this or that energy of life is symbolized by its own planet. Mercury is responsible for the intellect. It is from his influence that quick wit and quick reaction depend. Therefore, to develop these abilities, you can use any objects and things that attract the energy of the planet. Surprisingly, these are office supplies - pens, pencils. Mercury patronizes even such trifles. That's why great solution will purchase a pen with a personal engraving, and use it daily. But there are other ways to add Mercury energy to your life. So, the colors of this planet are golden, rich yellow. If you have long studies ahead of you, and your attention is already scattered and your mind refuses to perceive information, find a picture where both of these colors prevail. You need to look at it for several minutes, you can think about anything at such moments.

In addition, you can make a picture yourself with the astrological symbol of Mercury. It is very simple: from below it is a cross, in the middle - a circle, and from above - a semicircle. Moreover, all elements must be in contact with each other. To increase the power of the talisman, it is better to draw it yellow. The image can be hung above the desktop or carried with you.

Far from all students are prone to superstition, but during the session you can’t do without magic! How to achieve excellent results, tune in to easy assimilation of knowledge, become more attentive, active and activate your brain? A talisman will help you in this matter!

Any thing can be used as an amulet, but it is important to feel the positive energy emanating from it. Want a lucky item to be strong? Then make it with my own hands! During the manufacturing process, you will endow your amulet with your own energy, thanks to which it will be able to tune in to contact with you.

If you are not yet ripe for such work, then choose a charm from those made by experienced magicians. The talisman can be purchased at an esoteric store, and it will perform its function, provided that you turn on your intuition and purchase a thing that is close in spirit. Stop your choice on a product that immediately attracted your attention, liked it or just aroused curiosity.

five ruble coin

To successfully pass the exam, the best an amulet than money, just can not be found! When you go to take the exam, the coin should lie under the left heel. In this case, you can count on the fact that you will get the right ticket, and a higher rating.

The history of the appearance of the amulet-coin has common roots from past centuries. In order for married life to pass in full prosperity, on the day of the celebration, the girl put a nickel in her left shoe. No one knows why students borrowed this tradition, but the main thing is that this amulet works flawlessly.

By the way, the "lucky" coin will need to be saved. It can be used repeatedly, from this the power of the talisman will only increase.

Ganesha figurine

Recently, eastern amulets have gained incredible popularity. Recall at least the Indian god Ganesha. He personifies wisdom and is depicted as a man with an elephant head. In each of his hands, and the Indian god has eight of them, there is an object that contains a certain meaning. For example, there is a staff for success in business, and a rosary for acquiring new knowledge and spiritual growth.

You can easily make Ganesha your talisman, it is best suited for people who are creative or associated with scientific activities. According to the Hindus, this God accepts all requests that come to him, but fulfills only those that come from people who respect him.

Ganesha loves to be stroked on his stomach and bring him gifts. As an offering, you can use coins, sweets and flowers. When you are convinced that the wise god is sufficiently appeasing, whisper your cherished desire in his ear. If you do everything right, then on the day of the exam tests you will be incredibly lucky!


The energy of stones is very strong and for a long time they have been used as amulets. The magical properties of crystal can provide invaluable assistance in the learning process. Use crystal as a talisman, and you will increase concentration and develop memory. With sufficient sensitivity, you may have the ability of clairvoyance.

Everyone knows that a crystal ball is an attribute of a soothsayer or fortune teller. But ordinary people can also successfully use this mineral. The crystal sphere, installed next to the workplace, helps to concentrate attention and activate creative abilities. The amount of energy coming from the ball depends on its size.

Not all students can afford to buy a crystal ball, but it is easily replaced by a small hexagon made of this mineral. By the way, the hexagon is convenient to carry with you. A crystal amulet helps to find incredible inspiration and develop imagination. If you have a headache during the training process, then a piece of crystal attached to your forehead will help to remove it.

Used as an amulet and in the teachings of Feng Shui. A small crystal globe with a diameter of about five centimeters can become a talisman. For achievement best effect it is placed in the lower left corner of the table. Remember to periodically rotate the globe so that the Chi energy works.

Figurine in the form of an owl

The owl is a symbol of wisdom, the ancient Greeks knew about it. According to legend, the owl was a companion the goddess Athena, who patronized scientists and students. It is no coincidence that reverse side coins with the image of this goddess could see an owl.

This unusual bird is the personification of the mind and mindfulness. Her keen eye carefully observes everything that happens on a dark night, and her stillness during the daytime indicates a deep immersion in her thoughts. Literally since the founding of the intellectual club “What? Where? When?" the owl became his symbol.

Souvenir in the form of an owl can be purchased anywhere. This wise bird is hugely popular and can be made from any material. Most often, the owl is depicted sitting on a book or next to it. According to Feng Shui, the owl figurine should be located in the northeastern part of the room, which contributes to the development of mental activity.

Planet Mercury

According to astrologers, each planet is responsible for a certain life energy. For the development of intellectual abilities, you will need items that can attract the energy of Mercury. Do not be surprised, but such items are ordinary stationery - pencils, pens, etc. Remember, if you have chosen a pen as a talisman, then no one else should use it.

To draw the power of Mercury, you can use its color. It is a golden or deep yellow shade. Suppose you have to study an impressive amount of information. Place a picture on your desk or wall that shows these colors in abundance, and look at it from time to time for a minute or more. At the same time, you should think about something pleasant, then the fatigue will pass, and you will not be afraid of any headache.

You can make your own Mercury amulet. This is done in the following way. The planet is depicted symbolically on a paper sheet - a cross is indicated below, a circle is in the middle, a semicircle is on top. To enhance the effect, the talisman is made in golden yellow tones. The image should always be in front of your eyes.

In this article you will learn:

Many superstitious students want to make an amulet for good luck in their studies. They believe that this will help them pass exams successfully and close sessions. They hope that, thanks to a talisman or amulet, fate will be favorable and help increase attentiveness, increase the desire to learn for good results.

Types of amulets for successful study

The most popular talisman for study is a coin of 5 kopecks. It is placed under the left heel in shoes so that in the exam it is possible to pull out the ticket that the person knows best. The student will successfully answer the questions and receive a high mark.

God Ganesha

Young people revere foreign amulets. One of the talismans for luck is a figurine or a picture with the Indian deity Ganesha. He personifies wisdom and the solution of any problems. It is a symbol of exceptional knowledge.

The deity has 8 limbs different subjects in them: a lasso, a shell, a rosary, a staff, etc. Each of the items has a meaning. The staff is a sign of power, which helps to strengthen the fighting spirit and successfully complete any business. The rosary helps in striving to improve skills, gain knowledge.

God Ganesha can become a personal talisman for those who study the exact sciences or strive for success in creativity. The deity is able to hear all requests and fulfill desires if a person respectfully addresses him. The figurine can be rubbed on the stomach, brought to it a coin, a beautiful object or a flower, sweets. When God accepts the gifts, he will listen to the request and fulfill his plan. You need to whisper a wish to Ganesha in his ear.

A figurine or image should be placed where a person happens most often. For example, in an office on a desk or bookshelf.

This bird symbolizes wisdom. The ancient Greeks mentioned this meaning of the image of an owl. According to legend, the sacred bird of Athena is the owl, which followed the goddess everywhere.

The figurine of an owl will help schoolchildren and students in their studies and creativity. You can use an amulet made of any material: crystal, glass, wood or metal.

The power of Mercury

Mercury, according to astrologers, provides the speed of thought processes and is responsible for the mind. This planet helps to concentrate attention and train resourcefulness. A person can improve these qualities if he finds a suitable talisman.

To attract the energy of this planet, you can use the colors characteristic of Mercury - tones of gold, yellow. In the office, it is worth putting an object of this shade on the table.


Stones help in learning. Ancient people used them in magical rituals. Each stone has a special power.

Those wishing to learn new languages ​​should use jasper souvenirs. To improve thinking, they take alexandrite, amethyst.

Rock crystal helps increase brain activity. With such an amulet, students manage to memorize more new information. A small hexagonal stone is enough to use it as an amulet. It will help to hone skills, attract new ideas.

We create mascots for academic success with our own hands

You can make a talisman for good luck in your studies yourself. For talismans, you can use plants, branches, minerals, wood products, as well as things made of cotton or linen.


An embroidered product helps to strengthen the spirit and increase curiosity. The student will be able to diligently study something new and concentrate, think logically and make the right decisions. With the amulet, responsibility arises when making decisions, organization, the ability to plan actions in order to combine study with a hobby. The amulet helps to eradicate laziness, idleness.

Small bag of dried plants

A talisman for study with your own hands can be made quickly. Such amulets contribute to success in learning. To do this, select herbs, pre-dried, and put them in a bag made of natural fabric. You can sew it yourself or take it ready.

For success in learning use:

  • rosemary - for good luck;
  • valerian - for peace of mind;
  • thyme - to increase brain activity and increase the speed of thought processes;
  • St. John's wort - to relieve fatigue;
  • nettle - for courage and the fight against fear of failure;
  • apple tree - to improve concentration, memory and brain activity;
  • alder - to get rid of anxiety.

How to create a charm:

  • take a bag, a sheet of paper, hazel - for wisdom, calamus root - for good luck, rosemary, as well as threads - red or with a silvery tint;
  • write the name of the object on paper;
  • plants are poured into the bag, a little essential oil is dripped and tightened with a thread.


Among the talismans for good luck in studies, runic amulets occupy a separate place. They provide a powerful influx of energy, which allows you to achieve the desired results.

Urzus helps to cope with passivity and laziness. Anzus - to form sentences, find competent statements and expressions and overcome the fears of speaking in front of the public. Yer is responsible for a good reward. These runic signs can be applied to amulets made of wood, stone, metal. Symbols do not need to be burned or engraved, but can be drawn using yellow, light shades. Talismans with runes are worn around the neck or in pockets.

Charm activation options

Knowledge of Feng Shui will help to activate the talisman for a good study. The northeast is responsible for success in learning, attracting good luck in the educational field. In this zone, energy flows predominate, contributing to the craving for knowledge, strengthening memory.

Activation of the amulet is impossible without following the rules for working with this area:

  • there should not be a bathroom in the northeast of the dwelling;
  • in this area it is worth equipping workplace- put a table, computer or laptop, put textbooks.

To activate the energy of knowledge, the following conditions must be observed:

  • place an image of 3 mountains in the northeast of the apartment;
  • look at the picture more often and meditate, imagine the image of a prosperous future.

Rituals with the use of glass vessels, holy water, candles, aroma sticks and coarse salt help to activate the amulets.