Pearl is a semi-precious stone. Pearls - charming beauty from the water depths

Pearls cannot be called a precious stone because they do not have any unique origin. This mineral is formed in the shells of mollusks that live in the seas. The very appearance of the pearl is associated with the gradual overgrowth of foreign particles by conchialin and aragonite.

Pearls have been known for a long time, and accordingly, they have been mined for a long time. Like many other minerals, this stone can be of very different qualities, although it is usually the mother-of-pearl shell that is an indicator of its significance for jewelry.

At the same time, along with aesthetic beauty, pearls also have some symbolic meaning. Hence the need arises to consider the properties of this stone more carefully.

When you watch films about divers, pearl divers, you may get the false impression that this gem is mined exclusively from the ocean floor. But this is not so, although sea pearls have a stronger luster, their freshwater variety also has a right to exist.

Here, in Russia, pearls were mined in the rivers of Karelia and Kola Peninsula, as well as in the Arkhangelsk region. The source of mother-of-pearl was the European pearl, special kind shellfish, which today is on the verge of extinction. Moreover, the reason for this was not so much the fishing of invertebrates, but the reduction in the number of salmon and trout in the rivers. In an ecosystem, as you know, everything is interconnected.

  1. In addition, freshwater pearls were mined in Germany and China, as well as Canada and the USA. This process was not particularly difficult. The shells were thrown ashore by hand or retrieved with the help of nets and nets, and then on land they were examined for the presence of valuable formations.
  2. The main suppliers of marine mother-of-pearl were the waters of the coasts of Japan, Sri Lanka, as well as the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea.
  3. In the Land of the Rising Sun, a clan of ama divers even formed, which included women in the majority.

And what is most interesting, in such a conservative country as Japan, divers had the right to choose their own husbands! It is difficult for our man to understand how much this expanded the rights of pearl hunters, but if you think about it, this was almost never allowed by popularity even in medieval Europe.

Today, pearl fishing has practically ceased due to the widespread use of cultured pearls, which are practically in no way inferior to “wild” pearls. And in most cases, in terms of its jewelry performance, it surpasses it.


The history of pearl cultivation began on January 27, 1896, when a Japanese citizen, Kokichi Mikimoto, patented a method for growing pearls. According to his idea, a small mother-of-pearl ball made from the shell itself was placed in the body of the mollusk. Subsequently, he was enveloped in mother-of-pearl and an ordinary pearl was obtained. Although if you dig deeper, the discoverer was not a Japanese at all.

And not even the brilliant Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus, who grew several round pearls almost a century and a half before Makimoto, but the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. It was they who, back in the eighth century AD, placed Buddha figurines inside pearl-bearing shells to cover them with mother-of-pearl. That's who really was the first to understand the very essence of the birth of a marine jewel.

By the way, the largest cultured pearl "The beauty of the ocean"has a weight of 6 tons, glows in the dark and is estimated by experts at 139 million dollars.

For comparison, let's say that the record holder among natural pearls, the twenty-four-centimeter "Pearl of Allah" slightly exceeds 6 kg in weight and is estimated at no more than three and a half million dollars.

First of all, we will determine that all cultured pearls are considered to be real. It is produced by the same mollusk as the "wild" one, with the only difference that a person creates the most favorable conditions for his education. But even with this approach, more than one year passes before the shells can be harvested.

Fraudsters choose more easy way, passing off glass filled with paste or simply pieces of plastic as a jewel, and therefore be on the alert and remember the signs by which it will be possible to distinguish the original from the fake.

  • The easiest and most effective way to test pearls is to dissolve them in vinegar. That's just the trouble, you need to do this only when you are 1000% sure that you have a fake in front of you, because it just won't suffer, while you will have to pay for the real product in vain.
  • It is much cheaper to check the pearl for a tooth or try to crush it. In the first case, the original will emit a characteristic creak, and in the second, the imitation will burst (if, of course, it was glass).
  • A more modern option is to place pearls in an electromagnetic field, the real one will quickly spread along the lines of the force field, while the fake one will not react to the magnet.

  • Well, the most reliable option is to look at the jewel through the microscope eyepiece. The natural product will have small scales, which create the actual interference of light. You will not find such roughness in imitation.
  • The last sign we recorded is a reasonable price. Do not even try to buy a large pearl for cheap, no matter what they tell you. People who sell such a product know its real value and can only sell you a dummy for free.


The division of stones by grade does not apply to all types of pearls. So, a nuclear-free mineral can be of the following varieties:

  • The round white Akoya mineral is a stone characterized by a perfectly pure brilliance, a round shape and a size of 10 mm.
  • Pearls from the Southern Hemisphere, about 15 mm in size, with an imperfect shape and uneven surface. The stones are grown using the largest oyster, which gives white, silver, golden pearls.
  • Pacific stone of black or gray colors - Tahiti, the beads of which reach 10 mm. It is the rarest and most beautiful type of cultivated mineral, therefore its rating is the highest of all.

  • Cortes is an expensive Mexican variety, which is characterized by silver-brown, gold, brown colors. The stone is distinguished by color overflows.
  • Biwa is a cultured freshwater pearl with a low price and a unique oblong shape. The variety is represented by a wide range of colors, which is superior to other stones.
  • Mabe is a blister-shaped stone.

River pearls, in turn, are divided into:

  1. Kasumi is a freshwater mineral produced by the hybrid oyster. The peculiarity of the variety is iridescence, iridescence of color, a variety of shades: from white to black with a green tint.
  2. Keishi is an irregularly shaped variety resulting from the cultivation of seastone. It is popular for its interesting pistachio or lavender color and unique shape.

The duration of the "life" of the stone as a jewel is small - up to 200 years. After the expiration of the term, all types of pearls fade, crack, lose their natural clean luster, and decrease in price.

How to value a pearl?

You can find out how much real pearls of any color, type and variety cost by several criteria:

  • Bead sizes in millimeters: larger size - higher cost.
  • Shape: the most valuable pearl is considered to have a smooth round shape. Finding it is extremely difficult, because it rarely happens. After round stones, regular oval and pear-shaped stones are considered perfect.
  • Glitter strength and pearlescent layer: dullness is rated lower, and luminosity increases the cost.
  • The number of defects and irregularities: the more imperfections on the mineral, the less valuable it is considered. However, it is important to know that cultured pearls are truly smooth and even. The natural origin of a stone is sometimes determined by experts, taking into account the quality and quantity of its defects.

Finding out what color pearls are is easy. It is enough to analyze the mollusk: its health, food intake, water temperature. The most valuable is the black mineral found in the depths of the sea. What are pearls, depending on the place of extraction?

  1. You can find the most expensive of the minerals in Tahiti. Mostly this area is saturated with brownish, chocolate, black specimens.
  2. Going to India, you will find a soft pink variety.
  3. Real yellow pearls are found on the peninsula of Sri Lanka.
  4. The pure white mineral comes directly from Australia and Japan.
  5. The golden pearl lives on the shores of Panama.

cultured stone

The properties of pearls depend on the place where they are cultivated. Marine formations are more expensive than river specimens. The river has a less shiny mother-of-pearl. Its surface is more rough.

Japanese pearls Akoya - the standard of quality. The most valuable specimens are mother-of-pearl-pink. The size of pearls is up to 10 mm.

In Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, lesser quality jewelry is grown. The size of beads from the South Seas is up to 15 mm.

Natural black specimens are only in Tahiti. They are grown on the islands of French Polynesia, Cook and Fiji. Bead size - up to 10 mm.

Known imitation pearls:

  1. Burgundy.
  2. Roman.

Imitations have nothing to do with jewelry.

Pearls are a biogenic formation that is extracted from mollusk shells. The body has a shimmering sheen. Pearl stone: properties, who suits? This is one of the first jewelry that does not require processing. Since ancient times, people have valued stone for its beauty and properties.

The deposits are found in the shells of river and marine molluscs. Pearls are formed only if between the shell and the mollusk gets foreign body. It turns out a bag, on the inner surface of which mother-of-pearl is produced.
An important property of pearls is brilliance. best grade jewelry - oriental - has a luster with a mother-of-pearl tint. This mineral is mined in the Persian Gulf.

There are shades of beads:

  • white;
  • blue
  • pink;
  • yellow color.

Rare colors include:

  • green;
  • blue.

The black mineral is highly valued, but not all specimens have a natural color. There are stones shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. The most expensive is white.

The color depends on the composition of the water and the color of the mother-of-pearl shell. The mineral is formed in freshwater and marine molluscs. One pearl grows in the shell, sometimes - 2-3. A shell was found off the coast of India, where there were 87 pearls.

Formations are measured in grains. Today, products made from cultivated material are on the market.

Mineral properties

The pearl is a favorite decoration in the East. It is claimed that the stone restores youth and promotes longevity.

The properties of pearls were used to treat:

  • kidneys;
  • blood diseases;
  • liver;
  • nervous system;
  • of cardio-vascular system.

People attributed magical properties to the necklace, and this is not surprising. Every pearl is perfect. In China, they believed that pearls helped in trade. The stone gives the gift of foresight.

In Russia, it was believed that pearls are a symbol of purity, chastity, and tenderness. The mineral gives peace of mind, strengthens strength. Such properties of the stone make it a talisman for women. Beads strengthen marriage bonds. In Russia, newlyweds were entangled with a string of jewelry.

For Muslims, native balls are a symbol of heaven.

What zodiac sign is better to wear such jewelry? Astrologers say that any sign of the zodiac is suitable for a necklace. But there are signs to which pearl jewelry brings happiness, it is a magical item. The talisman protects Pisces from rash acts; it brings happiness, wealth and longevity to this sign.

Who suits pearls more? Astrologers call such signs as Cancer, Pisces, Gemini. Black pearls suit Scorpios. The connection of the mineral with the name Margarita was revealed - this is the best talisman for these women.

The properties of the stone are enhanced in a silver setting. It is better for women to wear the ring on the middle and ring fingers. right hand, for men - on the middle finger of the left or right hand. The ring protects from thieves and protects from envious people.

The healing properties of the stone were used 3 thousand years ago in China.

  1. The mineral was a symbol of longevity. In Russia, there was a belief that the bride should not wear a necklace that was inherited.
  2. There is a legend that pearls are the tears of a Nymph.
  3. The waste product of molluscs is contraindicated for actors and travelers.
  4. It is believed that the mineral can suit a strong person, and it will have a negative impact on the fate and health of others.
  5. The magic of depths, primevalness is stored in a pearl. It contains the energy of the moon. Natural material is mined in a primitive way. Only in one of the 50 shells is a pearl found.

In Russia, the craft of jewelry has existed for a long time. The cultivated mineral grows naturally in the shell of a living mollusk. The Japanese began to grow beads on an industrial scale as early as 1915. Jewelry made of such pearls appeared on the market only after 1918.

A cultivated mineral is ten times cheaper than a natural one. The scale of extraction of natural material is negligible. Over 90% of the jewelry on the market is cultured pearls.

Mother-of-pearl lives up to 100 years, and then begins to dry out. Products fade and collapse, so you should take care of them properly.

stone care

Pearls are a rather finicky stone. Therefore, it requires care heightened attention. But don't be afraid.

  • After each wearing, pearl products should be wiped from the remnants of sweat, dust and cosmetics. To do this, use a clean soft cloth slightly moistened with filtered water.
  • You should not often wear pearls in the open rays of the sun. From this, the product can quickly crack.
  • The thread on which a pearl necklace is strung must be changed every year.
  • Cleaning mineral products at home should be done very carefully. This can be done with shampoo, jewelry paste or olive oil.

How to care for jewelry

To prolong the life of pearls, they must be worn. There are such rules:

  1. The material is afraid of wet and too dry rooms.
  2. Store jewelry separately from other stones.
  3. Protect from sunlight.
  4. Wash in saline or soapy water.
  5. Hydrochloric acid and bran revive native balls.
  6. Perfume and toilet water should be used 10-15 minutes before putting on jewelry.
  7. The surface of the products can be destroyed by sweat, dirt.
  8. Ancient people revived formations bone marrow animals.

In Russia, a tarnished necklace was placed in a canvas bag, then rinsed in water until NaCl dissolved. After that, it was dried.

pearl shape

Education may have:

  • round;
  • spherical;
  • oblong;
  • oval;
  • pear shape.

Quite rarely there are formations of the correct form. It is difficult to collect beads of the same shape and size on one thread - this can be done for decades. Irregularly shaped minerals are called baroque. Baroque jewelry is in vogue today.

Natural black pearls are found only in Tahiti. How to identify cultivated or natural material? Only the X-ray method can distinguish an imitation from a grown specimen.

To determine the natural material, you need to squeeze one pearl between your teeth and run your tongue over it - if you feel roughness, then it is natural.

Quality indicators are determined using a visual method. The quality of jewelry is determined by the following criteria:

  • color;
  • shine;
  • diameter;
  • shell thickness;
  • possible damage.

How to choose pearl jewelry? Pay attention to the following properties of the stone:

  1. Smooth surface. growth layers, dark spots, tubercles indicate a poor quality product.
  2. Bead shape. Baroque pearls are in fashion today.
  3. Shine.

Coco Chanel made pearls the most democratic jewelry. She bequeathed women to wear a string of beads with a little black dress. The necklace celebrates the beauty of an elegant woman.

Pearls have always been in fashion. As Karl Lagerfeld said: "It illuminates the face from the inside." Jewelry is worn by status women of age. Girls are recommended to mix natural and artificial material.

In casual clothing, there has been a tendency to combine jewelry and bijouterie. Beads are in fashion not only from natural stones, but also from artificial ones. The products use cultured pearls, as well as glass imitations.

The stone is suitable for women at any age. Pearls are a classic, and every woman should have a single strand.

magical properties

We can talk about the magical properties of pearls for a long time, as they were treated with special and emphasized reverence in various cultures, starting from ancient civilizations. The ancient Egyptians considered pearls to be a magical talisman that could give its owner beauty and eternal youth. Many considered and continue to consider pearls as “frozen tears”.

Perhaps that is why pearls are the only stone that could previously be worn as an adornment during mourning. Pearl is a stone born from the sea, it contains a very lively and strong energy.

He patronizes love and is considered a stone that can help maintain chastity. Highly strong amulet for lovers, helps to achieve reciprocity, and then keep love throughout life. Its owner will help to find a common language with almost any person. Pacifies evil hearts. Does not tolerate change.

Medicinal properties

In addition to the fact that pearls have a beneficial effect on metabolism, accelerate metabolic processes in the human body, contributing to its rejuvenation, this gem has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach, intestines, kidneys and liver, and is also able to heal some diseases of these internal organs.

Since pearl is a stone formed inside a living organism, its sensitivity to living matter is preserved. The stone seems to live its own life, fading if the owner is sick with something. A tarnished pearl, for example, can even determine the presence of a tumor, because the stone is sensitive to the chemical composition of human sweat. If there is some kind of disease that a person may not even suspect about, it is pearls that can be the first to notice this disease.

The ratio of the stone with the name

If we talk about the representatives of what professions, pearls provide their patronage, then among the leaders will be artists. True, it should be remembered that this stone is very strong, and it also does not really like small children and travelers, so you should not take pearls with you on the road and it is better not to wear it to those who work with children, for example, educators in kindergartens. kindergartens, pediatricians and elementary school teachers.

Suitable for people with names:

  • Tatiana
  • Philip
  • Aksinya
  • Taisia
  • Marina

Zodiac signs

Pearls shimmer like micaceous mother-of-pearl at the bottom of the ocean, swaying in the thick emerald waters of predominantly equatorial latitudes. Like the crowns of Neptune's daughters, pearls shone in the hair of noble ladies in feudal times, but today any woman can afford them. After all, for example, smaller and uneven lake beads do not cost a lot of money, unlike rare black pearls, after which the expensive drink “perlanegra” is named.

  1. Pearls are best worn by people with a strong character, stubborn, going towards the chosen goal, and even somewhat fanatical.
  2. He can plunge people with a weak character or lonely people into an even greater pool of bitterness and sadness, especially black pearls threaten this.
  3. However, widows, widowers and divorcees may be shown to wear dark pearls, as it helps in gaining the second half.
  4. In general, pearl is a mineral of the sea element and is patronized by the Moon.

Gemini pearls protect against rash acts dictated by their active and fussy temperament. Also, pearls drive away the bad influence, envy and revenge that others may experience towards the obsessive and sociable Gemini. Pearl helps twin women with the choice of a profession on the path of life, in making important decisions and gives unambiguity to this controversial sign.

Like Gemini, Aquarius is a sociable sign, so pearls suit him very well. Pearls protect Aquarius, open to people, from envy, gossip and revenge. Helps to make the right decisions without succumbing to emotional storms.

However, during periods of apathy and sadness, Aquarius is not recommended to wear pearls, because in this union the dark sides of the Moon are activated, which can adversely affect both Aquarius and others. Aquarius woman having in her jewelry box Jewelry with black pearls, he receives the strength and ability to fulfill his most cherished desires.

Pisces, as a water sign, especially suits pearls. It tames their impulsiveness and protects them from rash acts inherent in the sign. Also, jewelry with pearls enhances intuition and protects from unhappy love, which dreamy women born under the sign of Pisces are prone to, contributes to the productive use of rich imagination.

Scorpions are only suitable for black pearls. Although Scorpio is a water sign, its patrons are also gloomy Pluto and hostile Mars, so light-colored stones are not recommended for this sign. For women, black pearls will help you find your love, get a charge of vivacity and find the joy of life.

For Cancers, a talisman with pearls signals all sorts of malfunctions in their body. Beneficial effect on arterial pressure helps to calm down and relax. A talisman with this mineral will help a Cancer woman to open up and show her love qualities more strongly.

For people who represent Taurus according to the horoscope, there are no contraindications to wearing pearls. Taurus is a balanced earth sign, so pearls are in perfect harmony with their calm and thorough nature. Taurus women, who constantly carry a talisman with pearls, become more attentive with others. The talisman helps them fight bad moods and the habit of lashing out at others.

Libra is a sign of air, balanced and calm people.

  • Pearls well cures heart diseases of this zodiac, disposes others to Libra, pacifies vanity and pride.
  • Not married women- Libra, pearls help to find family happiness.

Virgo is an air sign, and pearls favor her. If the work of the Virgin is associated with risk, then a pearl amulet will help ward off troubles. However, for Virgos with a weak character, it is extremely unsuitable, since it can aggravate these traits.

Sagittarius is a sign of Fire, so light pearls are contraindicated for him. When Sagittarians have a positive, lucky streak of life, they can wear black pearls to maintain life balance.

Capricorn is an earth sign, so pearls do not contradict it.

  • A strong and stubborn Capricorn can find peace and come to an objective assessment of the situation thanks to pearls.
  • Sea pearls are especially shown to him.

Aries pearls are not suitable. Aries is a solar sign, they match the stones are bright, large and memorable. In addition, like Lions, the patron planet of the Sun is an antagonist with the Moon, which patronizes pearls and water signs.

Leo is a solar sign, so water stones, including pearls, are not suitable for him, and black pearls are even contraindicated. It is believed that pearls muffle the power of Lions, because the patron of the latter is the Sun, and pearls are the stone of the Moon.

How to wear?

The holy book of the Bible mentions river pearls as the personification of purity, virginity, fidelity to the covenants of God. The Israelis know that if the pearl has become darker, no longer shines, it means that its owner has conceived bad deeds, but there is nothing worse than a pearl crumbling into powder - its owner dared to violate the divine covenant.

Did you know properties of pearl stone, who suits And who can't wear it? Many people believe that only women can wear pearls and they are right: pearl jewelry will make a man soft, weak-willed, deprive him of happiness in life and can even doom him to big troubles.

But women magical properties of river pearls they will bring only good: they will make Eve’s daughter meek, modest and happy, and they will give married women the joys of motherhood, help in everyday life, in the household and raising children. You should not wear pearls and people of creativity, because it will deprive them of many abilities. Among the signs of the zodiac, pearl jewelry will most beneficially affect Gemini, Scorpio and the trinity of water signs, giving them prudence.

Black pearls are known as an amulet that can simultaneously calm, pacify, or bring sadness and longing; Aries, Scorpios and Leo need to wear it. Signs of the fiery sphere, violent and impatient, will become calmer and more reasonable with the help of black pearls. The magical properties of black pearl stone for a long time they were known only to witches and magicians, but today everyone can find out the whole truth about them!

Even our great-grandfathers, their grandfathers and great-grandfathers had a tradition regardingmagical properties of river pearls- give a beloved woman a pearl a year so that the family is prosperous, prosperous and has many children. Isn't it just that our grandparents had several brothers and sisters?

  1. The ancient Slavs believed that pearl jewelry on the body makes a person joyful and happy, gives him wealth, healthy, strong body to a ripe old age.
  2. And do not be surprised that some of our ancestors lived so long!
  3. But you need to wear pearls in large quantities, for example, in the form of a necklace, only thenmagical properties of pearls will show themselves.
  4. But one pearl is considered a tear that brings nothing good but melancholy and sadness.

Three pearls on the body will bring a woman the joy of motherhood, and a pearl necklace will make her reasonable and wise, protect her from unfaithful comrades - no one can deceive such a woman. Subtly sensitive natures, a dozen pearls are able to bestow supernatural powers, open the ability to divination and prophetic dreams. So, pearls are capable of many things:

  • give people health;
  • bring wealth;
  • help fight disease
  • to please and bestow family happiness;
  • discover special abilities in people.

This is such a pearl stone, the magical properties of which we can use for ourselves and others for the benefit!

Black pearl: description and properties

Back in the 2nd c. BC e. people knew about what pearls are, as evidenced by ancient sources. Any variety of pearls is considered to be the product of abnormal growth in the inner layer of mollusks. The acquisition of black color depends on the mantle, near which the bead grows.

Foreign bodies that are in the shell can contribute to the appearance of a pearl: grains of sand, algae, sea inhabitants. The mineral can be round, oval, pear-shaped. There are times when a pearl has other bizarre variations. Natural sea and river pearls are divided into the following forms:

  • Spherical stone - the form of the sphere is the most valuable and rare.
  • Elongated or flattened shape, similar to a hemisphere. Highly appreciated, after quality work by a jeweler, it can look like a perfectly round one.
  • "Rice" - oval beads with narrow edges and a wide center.
  • The shape of a long or short drop, mainly used for pendants, pendants, earrings.
  • Baroque pearls with an irregular and asymmetrical shape. Sometimes it is similar to a cross, a wand, an unknown abstraction. Despite the fact that Baroque pearls are not very expensive, sometimes their unique shapes are valued above perfectly round beads.
  • Semi-baroque form with a natural asymmetry, which can be similar to any of the pearls described above.
  • The button bead is similar to a round, flat disc and is ideal for earrings.
  • Blister - a pearl with a missing mother-of-pearl layer.
  • Beads - the smallest bead, reaching 2 mm in diameter.

Determining the price of pearls requires analysis from a professional jeweler: often an unremarkable bead can cost hundreds of dollars.
Description of stone types:

  1. A freshwater mineral, or river pearl, found in flowing rivers. Pearls of this species can be pink and white flowers. River mineral is a versatile, popular type that has an affordable price. The freshwater stone is predominantly shaped like a Baroque pearl.
  2. Sea pearls that are different correct form and gloss, produced in the right and ideal sea conditions.
  3. Imitation pearls, which are the absolute creation of man. An oyster is not involved in its manufacture. The most famous stone of this type is the Mallorca pearl, which has been produced in Spain for over 120 years. Such an invention is distinguished by an affordable price and a perfectly even shape. It is almost impossible to distinguish Mallorca pearls from a real wild stone.

In addition to the well-known types of minerals, there is a less familiar, so-called cultured pearl, which was produced by the Chinese by pushing small pieces of foreign bodies into the shell. A similar method of obtaining a stone did not take root, so the Japanese method of manufacturing came to replace it. So, pearls, which are called non-nuclear or cultivated, appear by inserting a mother-of-pearl piece of another mollusk into the shell. Experts with vast experience are able to correctly evaluate non-nuclear minerals, since there are quite a few differences. It takes about 7 years to grow a stone in artificial conditions.

The above information about pearls does not cover the characteristics of the stone in full - it is important to be able to distinguish between varieties of stones.

About healing power

The value of pearls in medicine has not been proven, but the experience of several generations shows that the stone has powerful abilities. Mostly the entire mineral is worn to improve the body: kidneys, stomach, liver. In order to clear circulatory system according to the method of Tibetan doctors, it is enough to put the pearl in your mouth for 15 minutes daily. What other improvements does the stone contribute to:

  1. Increases immunity.
  2. Soothes cardiac arrhythmias.
  3. Relaxes after a busy day.
  4. Prevents aging.

It is widely believed that the color of pearls can indicate future diseases and even reveal a growing tumor. It is believed that in case of darkening, tarnishing, loss of pearl color, you should immediately consult a doctor for a complete examination.

Stone of longing and tears

Black pearls were called widow's stone not only because of the color of the night and longing. Pearl jewelry is compared to the petrified tears of women who have lost their loved ones. Pearl widow's stone - sad tears of sea beauties. In the annals there is a description of the magical powers of crystals that prevent a person from finding his other half.

Singles and singles who prefer pearl jewelry can become eligible bachelors and spinsters. According to legend, the beauty of the stone is so attractive that it can hide the beauty of a living person.

The owner of the jewelry becomes a narcissistic egoist who does not notice the feelings of other people. If relatives intervene in time in the situation, then it will not be necessary to go to sorcerers and shamans. You just need to pick up another stone or metal for pearls. Golden items on the hands, a pendant on the chest will block the power of pearls. Another option is a gold frame.

According to other beliefs, pearl jewelry can reduce sexuality. A person loses the desire to find a partner. In such countries, pearl jewelry is considered a must for couples. They perform the task of protecting family ties.

Properties of pink pearls

Pink pearls can help with many diseases, but can also act as a preventive talisman.

  1. Scientists advise wearing pink pearl jewelry to women who have cardiovascular diseases, urolithiasis disease, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Very well, the stone helps to restore internal imbalance, nervous disorders.
  3. Lithotherapists claim that it has amazing properties, it can be used as an indicator to determine malignant neoplasms.
  4. When a person has such health problems, the stone becomes dull, less shiny.

But this stone is known not only for its healing properties. Even the ancient Egyptians spoke out that a woman who wears pearl jewelry will live long and keep her youth for many years. If we turn to history, we can recall that Cleopatra not only wore pink pearl jewelry, but also drank a miraculous tincture every day, which consisted of pomegranate juice (or donkey's milk) and pearls dissolved in vinegar, so she was so beautiful and young.

In the Middle Ages, there was a ritual: on the wedding day, parents gave their daughter a pearl necklace to strengthen the love of the newlyweds and protect the young family from trouble.

Modern astrologers also claim that each sign of the zodiac guards this stone in its own way.

  • Gemini can be 100% sure that such decoration will save them from a rash act that can be dictated by an active character.
  • Pearls will protect Aquarius from gossip, “black” conversations, while balancing their emotional storms. Experts say that Aquarius girls get the power of water and the sun by wearing pink pearl jewelry.
  • It is simply necessary for fish to maintain health and vitality. The stone helps to strengthen intuitive feelings, warns unhappy love.
  • For Scorpions, the properties of this stone are not very suitable, it is better for them to wear black pearls.
  • Cancers can be sure that if they wear it, it will protect them from the negative energy of others and prevent many diseases.
  • Taurus are calm and balanced people, so pink pearls go well with their disposition and temperament. The stone helps them develop attention and memory.

  • Libras are sociable people, which is why they have a lot of envious people. It is this decoration that protects its owners from evil eyes.
  • Virgos are born under the sign of air, so pearl amulets protect them very well from trouble.
  • Sagittarians are not recommended to wear pearls, because they are born under the sign of fire.
  • It acts as a sedative on Capricorns, cooling their ardor and perseverance.
  • It is better for Aries to wear large pink pearls, because this zodiac sign belongs to the Sun.
  • The obstinate Lions must wear pearl jewelry. With such decorations, they will become calmer and less aggressive.

Today I would like to offer you just a selection of facts about pearls. Surely you didn't know everything? :)

1. Pearl is the only precious mineral that does not require processing.

2. According to many archaeologists, it was pearls that became the first jewel that attracted a semi-wild person not so much for its practical use, but for its aesthetic perfection. Since it was not so easy to get a strange ball silvering in the rays of the sun, it almost immediately began to be appreciated.

3. The first to use this stone, of course, were the Chinese. Even 42 centuries ago. The year is 2206 BC, and the emperor with the simple but sonorous name Yu is already receiving tribute from the controlled territories with pearls. Chinese pearls were not only decoration, but also the equivalent of large monetary units, as well as a sign of social status. For court officials from China, large pearls on their headdress were a symbol of commanding power, and some expensive purchases were paid for with pearls.

4. If you believe the legends, Queen Semiramis loved pearl jewelry and used bright pink pearl beads for the holidays. And Queen Cleopatra, according to legend, dissolved a huge pear-shaped pearl in wine and drank it in front of Mark Antony. It's all about their dispute, Cleopatra promised to cook the most expensive dinner. Cleopatra won the argument.

5. In nature, there are 8 configurations of pearls: button, drop, pear, oval, semicircle, circle, irregular shape and sphere.

6. On the advice of the Greek philosopher Aristotle, Alexander the Great, before attacking India, first of all captured the island of Socotra, which was famous for its beautiful black pearls. Black pearls delighted the commander, and, combining them with dazzling white and slightly pinkish, he sent both to Greece. After that, a craze for similar collections began.

7. When Louis 13 was baptized, his mother, Queen of France Marie de Medici, wore a dress embroidered with pearls. There were no more, no less than thirty thousand pearls.

8. The name Margarita in Greek means pearl. The Greeks believed that pearls favor family happiness, preventing quarrels.

9. Natural black pearls first became known in Europe through Hernando Cortes (1458-1547), the Spanish conquistador and conqueror of Mexico, and later through the exploration of "coloured pearls" found in the Gulf of California. La Paz in Baia, California has become the world's center for black pearls.

10. Queen Elizabeth 1 of Great Britain also had a love for Chinese pearls. Every day on her neck one could see several necklaces, the number of pearls in which reached a thousand pieces.

11. The Spanish king Philip 2 was, at one time, the owner of a pear-shaped pearl named "Peregrine". This pearl is one of the most famous to this day. Only famous people became the owners of "Peregrine", at different times it belonged to the Queen of England, Mary Tudor, Napoleon III. And until recently, the pearl was with Elizabeth Taylor - it was a gift from her husband Richard Burton. Together with the jewelers of the Cartier house, the actress came up with the design of a pearl necklace with diamonds and, of course, "Peregrine" became the main element of this jewelry.

12. In Russia, where more than 150 pearl-bearing rivers were known, pearl fishing has existed for a long time. Mostly, these were the rivers of the northwestern part of Russia, although ancient manuscripts mention its extraction in Kievan Rus. Hence the abundance of pearl embroidery on dresses, not only for women, but also for men.

13. The word "pearl" came to Russia from China. It was formed from the Chinese "zhen-zhu" through the old Russian "zenchug". In the old days in Russia, in order to clean pearls, they were given to peck at a chicken. Then the chicken was cut, and the pearls were taken out of the stomach.

14. It is very rare for two or more pearls to grow together. The most notable example of this phenomenon is the pearl of the "Great Southern Cross". When the fishermen opened the shell, they discovered that nine pearls had grown together in the form of a cross.

15. In fact, natural pearls, especially suitable for jewelers, are extremely rare in our time. The thing is that in the 19th century, pearls began to be mined on a barbaric scale. Because of one pearl, merchants were ready to catch and open up to 10 thousand shells. In a few decades, entire generations of pearl shells were destroyed, so that natural pearls almost disappeared. In 1952, the production of natural pearls was banned throughout the world. Cultured pearls grow in natural conditions, in a shell, but differ from true natural ones by the reason for their formation: a seed from a solid body or a soft organic implant introduced by a person into a living mollusk.

16. The beginning of the technology of growing pearls takes, of course, in China about 3 thousand years ago. Then, lead figures of the Buddha were introduced into the shells of freshwater mollusks. Similar experiments were carried out in Sweden in 1767 by Carl Linnaeus and almost at the same time - in Russia, in Germany at the beginning of the 19th century. von Hesling did it. But all these attempts had no practical impact. On an industrial scale, the cultivation of sea pearls was implemented by K. Mikimoto in 1915 in Japan. The essence of this method is to introduce a pearl ball wrapped in the mantle tissue of a donor oyster into the pearl shell. At the same time, on average, one out of four oysters formed pearls after three years, and only one out of four pearls reached commercial quality with a thickness of the overgrown layer of at least 0.4 mm. The optimal size of the seed introduced into the oyster is 5-7 mm. The size of the resulting pearls is 6.5-8 mm, less often - up to 10 mm.

17. In the shell of the largest of the bivalves, Tridacna, there are also noticeably larger specimens. For example, on December 6, 2009, at the Bonhams auction, which was held at the Museum of Natural History, in Los Angeles, the world's second largest pearl, the "Princess of Palawan", was put up for auction. Its weight was 2.3 kilograms, and its diameter was more than 150 millimeters.

18. The title of "most valuable pearl" also belongs to the "Regent" pearl, which has the shape of an egg. Its other, more famous name is the pearl of the Bonaparte family. Napoleon bought it in 1811 for his future wife Marie Louise. Then it was handed over to Faberge, after which it was in St. Petersburg in his collection for a long time. In 2005, it was sold at auction for a record price for pearls of $2.5 million.

19 “Pearls are always right,” said Coco Chanel, and made pearls the most democratic jewelry that suits any woman and goes with any outfit. She was the first to approve the combination of white pearls with a black sweater, a dark elegant jacket, a little black dress.

20. And finally, the largest pearl in the world. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Philippine "Pearl of Allah". 6.35 kilograms, 32,000 carats, diameter 238 millimeters

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In the first half of the 20th century, a huge pearl was found near the Philippines, similar in appearance and dimensions to the head of an adult. Her weight was about 6.3 kilograms. If you believe the legends, then this pearl is nothing but the head of Allah himself. She received this name due to her shape, resembling the head of a Muslim in a turban.

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What is pearl: types and their origin

Information about pearls can be found in sources several thousand years old - in the Indian Vedas and on Persian clay tablets. In ancient mythology, it was considered the tears of mermaids or angels. In addition, pearls are considered the oldest gemstone to be used in jewelry because they could be used "as is" without any further processing.

Physical and chemical properties of pearls

Pearls are an organomineral consisting of an aggregate of calcium carbonate and a horny substance, conchiolin. In other words, a limestone organic compound that arose as a result of a protective reaction of the mollusk organism to a foreign substance.

Pearls come in a variety of colors: cream, silver, pink, white, deep gold, and even blue and black. There are more than a hundred shades. The palette depends not only on the types of pearl mollusks, but also on the place of their birth, chemical composition water and the maturity of the pearls themselves. Maturity is measured in microns of aragonite plate thickness. The most brilliant, and therefore high-quality, are considered layers that have a thickness of half a micron. Basically, these are not river, but sea pearls.

Pearls are very fragile and delicate gemstones. Its hardness is only 3-4 on the Mohs scale, and it is easily scratched by any sharp object. The density ranges from 2.6 to 2.78 g/cm 3 .

Under X-ray or neutron irradiation, freshwater pearls darken to black, sea pearls react to irradiation only with a core, remaining light on the outside.

More on the topic

“When working with a stone, I try to explain to him that cutting it will only improve it…”

It is also worth noting that pearls have their own varieties, and their names mainly come from their appearance: (pastel delicate shades and irregular shape), blister (adhered to the pearl shell), (bright and airy due to hollowness), keshi (Japanese pearls " grain"), kasumi (obtained only from the lake of the same name in Japan) and the rarest pale pink conch. You can read more about all varieties of pearls in.

Mining and production of pearls

Natural "wild" pearls are rare today and highly valued. You can meet him either in very expensive branded jewelry or at auctions. The most common product in ordinary jewelry stores is cultured pearls, grown by the same pearl oysters, but already under human control.

The beginning of the mass cultivation of pearls was given by Kokichi Mikimoto at the end of the 19th century, when he created the first plantation. In 1893, he managed to get the first artificially grown semi-circular pearl, and after another 15 years he received a patent for the technology of growing perfect round pearls. Mikimoto made an invaluable contribution to the cultivation of pearls, not to mention the fact that the baskets he designed are used on plantations and farms to this day.

The essence of cultivation is quite easy to describe: a three-year-old oyster is carefully opened and a foreign body is planted in it. Different manufacturers use different primers. Further, the entire natural process occurs over the next 2–3 years. This process is fully controlled. However, cultured pearls are in no way inferior in their properties to natural ones.

If we talk specifically about natural pearls, then its extraction is mainly carried out in Japan, Sri Lanka, the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. Freshwater pearls are mined in Russia, North America, China and Germany.

Healing and magical properties of pearls

Natural sea pearls are a storehouse of valuable trace elements, and it is this property that was most often used in medicinal purposes. Sometimes water was kept on the stone, sometimes it was ground to the state of the smallest powder, but in the end it was taken orally so that the body was saturated with all the useful substances. Today, even in mass cosmetics, this organomineral is used to strengthen hair, nails, and even skin rejuvenation.

Since ancient times, pearls have been associated with beauty, innocence and sincere feelings. Yes, in Ancient Rome it was the stone of the goddess of love and beauty Venus (even in the painting by Sandro Botticelli "The Birth of Venus" the goddess stands in the fold of a huge shell).

In addition, many consider pearls to be able to bring their owner great luck, including financial. An unusual gemstone will bring harmony and peace to the heart, protect from other people's bad thoughts.

Who suits pearls

Pearl is a stone of strong and stubborn people, and therefore real benefit can bring entrepreneurs, athletes, politicians. He will support them, guide them and will not let them fall into the network of insidious vanity.

Among the signs of the Zodiac, pearls are best suited to Pisces, Cancer and Aquarius. The stone is neutral to Libra, Taurus and Sagittarius, but Aries and Virgo should avoid it if possible and wear it only occasionally on “special occasions”.

Pearls are known to have a Chinese name. However, with equal success, he could wear Indian, and Slavic, and Arabic, and any other name - for there is no people on Earth who knows pearls and does not appreciate its iridescent brilliance.

But rightfully precious, mined from mollusk shells, would need to bear the name of Queen Cleopatra. Mark Antony, the conqueror of Egypt, fell in love with the ruler of the Nile lands. Burning with passion, he once asked how Cleopatra manages to maintain her youth, freshness and beauty, despite the heavy burden of royal worries?

“It's simple,” Cleopatra replied. “Every day I dissolve one pearl in wine. This wine is served to me for dinner...” With these words, the queen took out a pendant with a huge and therefore unthinkably expensive pearl from her ear, threw a sparkling stone into the wine and drank it in a minute!

And although the secret of female beauty, discovered by Cleopatra, is almost 2100 years old, the queen has few followers. Because even today, when all the pearls on the jewelry market come from specialized farms, no one can afford to spend a pearl a day to save attractiveness.

High cost is a natural property of pearls

Never has a truly beautiful pearl come easy. In the old days, divers mined precious pearls, and few of them lived to adulthood. Today, shells with growing jewels hang in garlands in the depths of the sea, but not every mollusk produces a quality pearl.

The cost of cultivating pearls is high, and the demand is considerable. Therefore, it fluctuates between high and very high limits. A pair of pearls of impeccable jewelry quality and solid (14-15 mm) sizes cost at least three thousand dollars.

Changeable fashion brings pink, gold, black, classic white pearls to the peak of demand. The cost of collectible and rare pearls of the most current colors is already measured in hundreds of thousands of dollars...

The relative fragility of pearls fuels a price race. The physical properties of pearls determine the lifespan of a semi-precious stone of several decades.

Physical properties of pearls

Minerologists see the properties of pearls like this:
  • Luster - pearly.
  • Color - white, pink, yellow, black.
  • The syngony is amorphous.
  • Hardness - 4 on the Mohs scale.
  • Density - 2.6-2.8 g per cm3.
  • Fracture - shelly.
Pearls - the material is as layered as it is. Actually, pearls are mother-of-pearl, only applied by a mollusk to a spherical surface. Both the organic and inorganic constituents of pearls are soluble in acids.

Slow evaporation of moisture from the protein tissues of mother-of-pearl leads to the drying of the pearl, and is accompanied by a loss of luster, peeling of layers, yellowing and final decay of the jewel. Pearls isolated from external influences do not lose their attractiveness for many hundreds of years.

The natural color range of pearls rarely goes beyond white and pink shades, although in some places on the planet pearls grow yellow, brown, greenish. Modern biological science has made it possible for farmers to keep mollusks in artificial environments, resulting in the most fantastic colors of pearls on the market.

However, whatever the color of the pearl, the composition of mother-of-pearl is always the same. Inorganic platelets are crystalline calcium carbonate (called aragonite in this case); the glue that holds the plates together is conchiolin, consisting of chitin, lustrin and ... silk.

With artificial cultivation of pearls, the terms of commercial production of jewelry are shorter - partly due to the introduction of a seed ball of a sufficiently large diameter into the shell, partly due to the "greenhouse" living conditions of mollusks.

The thickness of the mother-of-pearl layer on artificially grown pearls can vary from half a millimeter to three to five millimeters. A too thin layer of mother-of-pearl does not give a bright iridescent play of light, and the bead under it can be seen without difficulty. Such pearls are sold for 10-15 dollars apiece, but even the Chinese do not dare to call them commercial...

From time to time, pearl growers make statements about the creation of gentle technologies that allow you to extract pearls from shells without injuring the body of the oyster. However, in most cases, farm owners prefer to earn additional income from the sale of frozen shellfish meat.

Pearl varieties

Biologists distinguish not pearls, but the organisms that produce them. Gemologists do not go into details and prefer to divide pearls into two large groups: river and sea.

Freshwater pearls are made from freshwater molluscs. Usually freshwater pearls are an oblong stone, often uneven, bumpy. The irregular shape of river pearls has become the reason for the low price of the stone.

Cultivated (as well as sea) on farms, freshwater pearls are grown without introducing an artificial nucleus into the shell. High productivity of production allows to do without expensive operation.

Sea pearls are always spherical, and often perfectly spherical. By building up only five to ten layers of the conchiolin matrix on a smooth ball of the artificial core, the mollusk simply does not have time to “make a mistake” in laying the mother-of-pearl. That is why large pearls with small defects in genesis are so highly valued. The presence of "mistakes" in the structure of the matrix indicates a large thickness of the mother-of-pearl layer on the synthetic core.

Speaking of pearls, it is impossible not to say about stones of similar origin. Strictly speaking, these formations are not pearls, since they do not contain mother-of-pearl. However, their appearance is so presentable, and the rarity is so off scale that these stones are valued more expensive than the most expensive pearls.

Koh Hog (quahog) produced by the mollusk Venus mercenaria, which lives near the Atlantic coast of America. There is no iridescent mother-of-pearl in this stone, but its purple color finds its admirers.

Red, like porcelain beads conch (сonch) mined in the Caribbean. The best specimens of konka look like rounded fragments of a frozen flame. Such a stone is valued 10-20 times higher than ordinary high-grade pearls.

The most expensive of non-mother-of-pearl pearls is melo- a waste product of the Indian mollusk Melo. This sea snail is able to grow a stone weighing more than 70 grams. At auction, yellow-orange and red-brown melo pearls reach a price of half a million dollars!

Pearl Evaluation Criteria

The price of each particular pearl depends on five quality factors. Evaluated:
  • - chandeliers (pearl shine);
  • - color;
  • - surface quality;
  • - geometric size;
  • - perfection of form.
The chandelier is of the greatest importance in the assessment. The intensity of the light play primarily depends on the thickness of the mother-of-pearl layer. In a healthy mollusk that has received sufficient nutrition, mother-of-pearl is translucent and therefore reflects light penetrating into the deeper layers.

The beauty of color is the second most important quality parameter of a pearl. The color is valued even, pure, pronounced and deep - that is, the lower, translucent layers of the conchiolin matrix should be colored in the same way as the outer layers.

The surface of a high quality pearl is defect-free or has minor defects of natural origin. Chips, cracks, delaminations, scratches are not allowed.

The larger the size and the perfect form pearls are better. Ideally, the pearl should be a flawless sphere - which is not often found in nature.

How to buy wild pearls?

No way. There are no legal ways to purchase wild-grown pearls . The ban on commercial production of pearls has been in effect since 1952. throughout the planet.

The reason for the ban was the extremely low productivity of mining. To find one pearl of unpredictable quality, up to fifty mollusks were destroyed, which serve as effective water filterers in biocenoses.

To date, no less 95% of the pearls sold are cultured. Almost 4.5% are forgeries and imitations. And only half a percent of the market volume of trade is occupied by wild pearls mined before 1952.

Fake and imitation pearls

Most often, glass beads coated with a polymerized extract of fish scales act as pearl fakes. The resemblance to natural pearls in such an imitation is never complete: the grayish coloring betrays a fake.

Hollow glass beads can be covered from the inside with special dyes that repeat the pearl shine quite reliably. From a distance, such a product is indistinguishable from a natural pearl, but upon closer examination, the layer of glass becomes noticeable.

Synthetic polymers with pearl-like properties are used to produce very simple imitations of jewelry. Jewelry "pearls" are not able to deceive even a novice connoisseur of gems.

Testing techniques are simple and effective. If a handful of pearls is poured onto glass, elastic natural pearls will jump, glass and plastic will roll. They try pearls and "on the tooth." The roughness of real pearls is genuine - while all imitations are perfectly smooth.

Talking about imitations of natural pearls, one cannot help but recall the unscrupulously cultivated jewelry. First, farmers often go to great lengths to bleach low quality, dirty yellow pearls from diseased shellfish or polluted environments.

Attempts to turn an actual marriage into a kind of marketable pearls are a direct deception of the buyer. Such pearls have a low chandelier and degrade rather quickly.

Secondly, there are frequent attempts to use pearls that have adhered to the mother-of-pearl coating of the shell. Cut, such a pearl has a hemispherical shape - and even resembles a slightly rounded disk. Gluing the halves allows you to imitate a full-fledged pearl - especially if the metal setting masks the connection line.

Thirdly, “baroque”, that is, uneven, irregularly shaped pearls, which are gaining popularity, are increasingly trying to replace shell fragments with a relief mother-of-pearl layer. A feature of fastening baroque pearls in jewelry is the setting of a considerable part of the gem with metal. This frame allows you to hide the unsightly part of the jewelry.

A stone donated by the sea is one of the most amazing jewels on the planet. It seems no less surprising that the creators of this beauty are considered the last link in the chain of living organisms. Despite this, the beauty and inner radiance of this gem is amazing. Pearls contain the life force of the sea.

History and origins

The jewel, so revered by jewelers and connoisseurs of jewelry, has the most unusual origin. It is unlike any of the stones, since it is not a mineral from the point of view of science - it is an organic formation created by marine as well as freshwater mollusks. For more than four millennia, this gem has been revered by all nations as a precious stone.

Pearls are nothing more than the result of a mollusk's reaction to an irritant that has come from outside - sand, a fragment of a shell or other particle. When a foreign object comes into contact with the body of a mollusk, a process of rejection occurs - the animal covers a grain of sand (or other irritant) with the material that makes up its shell, so a pearl is born.

The shell of one mollusk can store dozens of pearls, but the more their number, the smaller they are. They find such beauty in the "houses" of some gastropods, as well as bivalve representatives of invertebrates. Among cephalopods, only one species produces pearls - the nautilus. Scientists believe that any species of these animals is capable of creating gems.

The estimated date of discovery of pearls is four thousand years ago. According to scientists, the jewel was discovered by fishermen while catching bivalve mollusks suitable for food. This event took place between the island of Ceylon and Hindustan, in the Gulf of Minnar. Since then, an extraordinary stone, suitable for use in its original form, has become a jewel. The gift of the sea was used as an ornament and as a monetary unit.

Pearls were valued by many peoples of Asia and Africa. Statues of heroes, ancient gods were decorated with pearls. The gem acted as a reward for feats in the military field, and was also presented as a sign of love. The stone was revered in all countries that stretched on the sea shores.

It is interesting! The well-known Queen Cleopatra wore earrings that adorned two large pearls. The Egyptian ruler considered this decoration the most valuable of all jewels.

Interestingly, the name of the gem came to us from China, where the stone is called "zhen zhu". Having passed the way through the ancient Turks, as well as the Volga-Bulgarian language, the word acquired the Russian sound "pearl". Europeans call pearls "pearl". This word comes from the ancient Latin name of one of the types of mined mollusks. In Russian there is a synonym for pearls, similar to the European name - mother of pearl, although the exact interpretation of the word means "pearl coating".

Place of Birth

Pearls are mined from the shells of molluscs, mostly bivalves. The main places of prey for such invertebrates are shallow seas with warm water:

  • Red sea.
  • Persian Gulf.
  • Gulf of Mannar.

These are large deposits of natural "wild" stone. There is another pearl - cultured. It is just as natural, but its “cultivation” is controlled not by nature, but by man. There are such mining sites in Japan. The technology is to introduce the core of the pearl inside the shell of the mollusk. After that, for several years, the pearl grows together with the animal under the supervision of specialists.

In addition to sea stone, river pearls are also mined. The main places of extraction are the clean rivers of Europe, North America, Asia. The main suppliers of pearls of river origin:

  • Germany.
  • Russia.
  • China.

The shape of river pearls is often irregular, and the size is smaller than sea counterparts, so the cost of such a stone is an order of magnitude lower.

Physical Properties

The scientific description of pearls is a composite of calcium carbonate and conchiolin. The first component is an inorganic substance, the second is organic, a protein polymer produced by a mollusk. Pearls are usually opaque, but some varieties are translucent.

FormulaCaCO3 - 91.72%, conchiolin - 5.94%, water - 2.23%; loss on ignition 0.11%.
Density2.60-2.78 g/cm³
Refractive index1.52-1.66, for black - 1.53-1.69
sometimes translucent.
ColorWhite, yellowish, silver, golden, cream, blue, green, black, grey, pink.


For many, the pearl is associated with white. But nature gave rise to stones of extraordinary shades. Some of them are rare, more valuable, while others are often mined specimens.

Jewelers have created a classification of pearls according to different criteria. Pearl cost estimation depends on many indicators:

It turns out that the most expensive are large, perfectly spherical pearls, covered with a thick mother-of-pearl layer without surface damage, endowed with a strong luster. As for color, masters value rare samples of black, rich blue and snow-white more than others.

The selection criteria for pearls depend on the type of mollusk in which it was grown, as well as on the temperature, purity and salinity of the water in the animal's habitat. Thus, the gem is divided into the following subspecies:

The coating of any pearl is temptingly iridescent. This effect gives mother of pearl. The surface of the gem seems to be perfectly smooth. This is not true. In fact, it is wavy, heterogeneous.

Medicinal properties

The healing power of pearls does not have a wide spectrum of action, but few of its abilities are surprising.

body diagnostics. One of the unusual properties that helps the owner to detect health problems before going to the doctor. Pearls change color when the acidity of the skin changes. This factor signals pathological changes in the body. When the stone fades, loses its luster or becomes cloudy, it means that somewhere inside the host, the process of tumor formation begins (more often this applies to abdominal organs). In addition to alerting, pearls can slightly slow down the development of the disease.

Recovery processes. The gem is suitable for people suffering from diseases digestive organs as well as kidney disease. Pearls restores the work of problem areas. The stone has a special effect on the stomach if undesirable processes occur in the organ with a change in acidity.

When a person suffers from conjunctivitis or other eye diseases that cause profuse discharge from the eyes, he should turn to pearls for help. Wearing a stone will help alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

water stone magic

The main direction of the magical power of pearls is protection and warning. The gem is able to avert an impending disaster, warning the owner about it. The stone darkens, loses its color and luster, if a person is in danger, damage, an envious eye.

It is worth noting that pearls are selective - the gem does not tolerate deceit, treachery, willfulness, excessive pride, anger. The owner of the stone can only be a sincere person, pure in soul and thoughts, able to keep his word given to people or to yourself.

Since ancient times, pearls have been considered a stone that protects a person from old age, bestowing eternal youth and beauty. One of the legends tells about Queen Cleopatra - the ruler of Egypt had a habit of drinking pomegranate juice every day, in which there was a pearl. The unfading youth and beauty of a woman are associated with this ritual. The action of the drink was supported by all kinds of pearl jewelry, with which Cleopatra daily supplemented her royal image.

In ancient times, there was also a custom to give the bride a string of pearls. This was done by the groom himself or his relatives at the wedding ceremony. It was believed that such a gift protects the young spouse from infidelity or other acts that could discredit the honor of the family.

Important! Pearl jewelry cannot be inherited, as the gem is able to remember and store all the negative of the previous owner. Taking a grandmother's necklace as a gift, there is a risk of getting all the life problems of a beloved relative with it.

Pearls are generally suitable for a small circle of people. Among the contraindications are:

  • weak will;
  • tendency to lose self-control;
  • tendency to depression, apathy and other similar conditions.

It is especially undesirable to acquire pearls for men with self-esteem problems and a weak psyche.

Stone magic is exclusively female. She endows the representative of the beautiful half of humanity with the necessary qualities - femininity, softness, charm, wisdom. Men who wear pearls run the risk of getting themselves such character traits.

This can be useful, even necessary, for politicians or businessmen who need some flexibility, plasticity in negotiations. The stone is strictly forbidden to creative individuals with an unstable psyche, as a tandem with a gem will bring them to a loss of reason.

Compatibility with other stones

Pearls are compatible with aquatic counterparts such as:

The exception is . Pearl does not have friendly feelings for him. But with the minerals of the air element, the gem can coexist. These include:

Jewelry with stone

Pearls are used by jewelers to create expensive designer jewelry. The traditional setting for the gem is yellow gold and white color or platinum. Pearls are rarely set with silver and only stones of a silvery or gray hue.

The cost of such jewelry does not reach fabulous heights, but it does not differ in availability either:

  • A necklace of pearls of the Akoya subspecies starts from 27 thousand rubles and more.
  • A yellow gold ring adorned with a natural river pearl is estimated at 14,000 rubles.
  • Gold earrings with two large pearls (from 9 mm in diameter) in combination with reach the price of 40,000 rubles.
  • A white gold pendant with a silvery pearl "Akoya" can be purchased for 15-20 thousand rubles.

How to distinguish real pearls from fake?

Ordinary large mother-of-pearl beads serve as an imitation of pearls in jewelry. You can distinguish such a fake only by the ratio of the size of the pearl and the price. Natural pearls are not cheap, they are not framed in alloys, they do not make jewelry from them. A synthetic pearl is always perfectly round. It is worth noting that cultured pearls are not considered fake. These pearls are "live", like natural ones, and "grow" in the same conditions.

How to wear pearls?

First of all, pay attention to the time of purchase - ideally it should be the Full Moon, which lasts three days of the middle of the lunar cycle.

Important! If you often wear pearl jewelry, the stones need to be recharged periodically. Place the jewelry in a transparent vessel filled with water. Place this container for 15 minutes under the direct light of the moon. Thus, the gem will be saturated with the necessary energy.

  • Young girls wear products with a minimum number of pearls, while mature ladies rely on massive jewelry studded with pearls.
  • Pearl rings are usually worn on the ring finger.
  • Products from colored pearls are worn separately. Color overload is considered a sign of bad taste.

If a young lady wants to complement the image with pearl beads, then they should have only one thread, nothing more.

Product Care Rules

Pearls need simple, but careful care and respect. Direct sunlight will negatively affect the beauty of the stone. And with prolonged contact of the gem with the skin, it is necessary to rinse the product with water without auxiliary agents. For routine cleaning, you can use the weakest means, such as tooth powder.

Name Compatibility

Pearl is considered a female stone, but among the names that the gem patronizes, there is also a male name:

  • Oleg. The stone will provide this man with an increase in objectivity, making him more sociable. Pearls will help to more correctly assess the situation, providing a reliable rear.
  • Marina. Mother-of-pearl will endow her with calmness, wisdom, emphasize her attractiveness, protect her from disappointments.
  • Evdokia. The stone will save a girl with a beautiful Russian name from meanness, bring joy to life.
  • Margarita. For her, pearls symbolize perfection, bringing peace and harmony.
  • Hope. Pearls contribute to longevity, happy prosperity.
  • Albina. Mother-of-pearl will bring her good luck, peace of mind, and save family ties.
  • Valentine. For her, the stone is a symbol of purity and purity.

When choosing a pearl as a talisman, be guided not only by compatibility, but also by your inner instinct. Without the necessary character traits (or having unnecessary ones), there is a risk of harming oneself.

Astrological Compatibility

Pearl is a stone of Water that has absorbed water power and power. The planet-patron of the gem is the Moon. From the point of view of astrology, pearls are most suitable for the signs of the water element.

The stone is most compatible with Cancer and Pisces.

(“+++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

Representatives of the Cancer family will find peace of mind, balance. Cancer women will become more open in relationships with loved ones, overcome shyness, fear of being misunderstood or funny. In terms of health, the talisman will have an impact on blood pressure, normalizing performance.

The amulet will help Pisces become less impulsive, protect themselves from rash acts. Jewelry with pearls contributes to the development of a sense of intuition in Pisces-women, thereby protecting the owner from unhappy love. Also, the amulet will direct the endless stream of Pisces' rich imagination in the right direction.

An exception to the “pearl-water” rule is the sign of Scorpio, symbolizing the dark depths of the Ocean. By itself, the sign of the Zodiac is very unpredictable, complex. Therefore, Scorpions are advised to acquire amulets exclusively from black stone.

For other signs, the gem is revealed in different ways:

  • will be protected from the envy and revenge of others who do not like the obsessive sociability of this sign. The talisman will give unambiguity to the controversial Gemini, and women will get support in choosing a profession and other vital decisions.
  • On Aquarius, the amulet has a similar protective effect, as on Gemini. For women striving to fulfill their cherished dreams, it is better to purchase a black gem. It is worth remembering that during periods of sadness or apathy, it is better not to wear jewelry so as not to incur trouble from the dark side of the moon.
  • Taurus are calm, balanced, so they are very in harmony when paired with pearls. The talisman helps women to be more attentive to others, and also overcomes the habit of throwing out a bad mood on other people.
  • Libra will find a doctor of heart ailments in pearls. The stone will help Libra look more pleasant in the eyes of others, pacifying vanity. Unmarried women will meet love faster.
  • Virgos are favored by pearls, but only to those representatives of the sign who are endowed with a strong character. If the Virgo's activity is associated with dangers, the talisman will save the person from trouble.
  • Sagittarians are advised to wear only black pearls and only when a streak of success begins in life. The talisman will maintain life balance.
  • Sea pearls are better suited for Capricorns, which pacifies, promotes the development of objectivity.

A complete contraindication to wearing a stone, especially black, in Lions and Aries. These signs are patronized by the Sun, and pearls are the gem of the Moon, which will muffle the natural power of Leo and absolutely contradict Aries.


The nature of pearls is complex and mysterious. The stone contains the power of the sea and the moon. The gem is strong and fastidious, although outwardly gentle and attractive. Only a person with a pure and deep soul, such as the sea itself, can make friends with pearls.

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