Bush pumpkin varieties are the best. Variety of pumpkin varieties

Pumpkin is a well-known vegetable, but, unfortunately, only true adherents of this yummy are used in home cooking. And all why? Most of all, because not everyone knows how absurd at first glance, a vegetable can be delicious. And not only processed, but also raw. Only in order to truly appreciate the taste of a pumpkin, it must first be grown. And in order for a pumpkin to be grown in principle, you need to know which varieties are grown in a particular area. Consider the geography of culture.

Pumpkin varieties for middle lane

Choose pumpkin varieties for the Moscow region for open ground quite easy. Firstly, in order not to have to eat unripe fruits, it is necessary to choose a zoned culture. Secondly, varieties intended for growing in a given area must be the best. And what are the best pumpkins for the Moscow region and the middle lane as a whole?

"Muscat" - in most cases, medium or late ripening. This “bifurcation” of the culture is explained by the fact that the name “nutmeg” does not mean a specific vegetable, but several varieties similar in taste. The main characteristics that define Muscat varieties are their special varietal taste and sweet pulp. Since the culture is thermophilic and it needs a lot of time to fully ripen, it is grown in the middle lane only through seedlings. If a seed is planted in open ground, it is unlikely that it will be possible to truly appreciate the taste and aroma of a vegetable. By the way, nutmeg varieties are the sweetest and most delicious.

"Honey" - long-braided, early, ripens in 3 months. The fruits are embossed with well-defined individual segments. Weight from 3.8 to 6 kg. The pulp is juicy and aromatic. Pumpkin is tasty and sweet enough that you can eat it raw straight from the garden like a watermelon. If anyone loves pumpkin juice, you need to grow this particular variety. Keeps well.

"Aport" - a representative of bush varieties of medium ripening. Ripens in 93-105 days. The fruits are round, slightly flattened from below and above, almost smooth. Weight up to 7.2 kg. The pulp is juicy with a pleasant "crunch", with a creamy flavor, sweet. The variety is considered one of the most delicious. A very convenient culture for small gardens.

"Winter Sweet" - long climbing, late, it takes at least 135 days to fully ripen. The fruits are round, flattened, medium relief, ash color, weight 6-11 kg. The pulp is sweet, fragrant, tasty. Productivity is constantly high, fruits are stored perfectly. Pumpkin can be called "children's" because it makes delicious baby food and delicious juice.

"Gribovskaya bush" - early, ready for use in 92-105 days. The fruits are oblong, a bit like a zucchini, only plump. Average weight 5.5 kg. The relief is insignificant, the color is yellow with green coloring in the form of stripes or oblong spots. The pulp is tasty, but nothing special. The variety is more valued for its very high yield and compactness of the bush.

Pumpkin varieties for the Leningrad region

It cannot be said that the Northwest is a very cold region. Summer in the Leningrad region is not always cold, but the territory has its own climatic nuances. When choosing pumpkin varieties for the local climate, whether it is climbing pumpkin or bush pumpkin, varieties should be at least a little cold-resistant. This is ideal, but if you simply choose the best varieties intended for outdoor cultivation and take good care of them, pumpkin porridge will also be on the table. What is grown in the Northwest.

"Almond 35" - long climbing medium ripening. Ripens in less than 4 months. The fruits are round, slightly embossed. The color is a mixture of yellow and orange plus brown "torn" stripes. Weight up to 5.2 kg. Pulp with a slight smell of almonds, dense, crispy, juicy and sweet. Pumpkin keeps well. The variety is considered dietary.

"Therapeutic" - early bush, ripens in 3-3.5 months. The fruits are rounded, somewhat flattened, the relief is weak. By weight can be from 3.5 to 7 kg. The pulp is sweet, crispy, very juicy, with a lot of vitamins. Productivity is good in all weather conditions. Until the next season is stored without loss. This is one of the tastiest varieties.

"Bustle orange" - early, ripens in 93-105 days. From the name it is clear that the bush is compact, it does not take up much space in the garden. The fruits are spherical, sometimes slightly elongated. Orange color. Weight from 3.8 to 7 kg. The pulp is juicy with enough sugar. Pumpkin tolerates transportation and storage well. Yields are always good and stable.

"Baby" - long-braided with an average ripening period. The crop can be harvested approximately four months after the appearance of the first shoots. Fruits up to a maximum of 3 kilograms, flat-round, almost identical in size. Color light grey. The pulp is moderately juicy, sweet, tasty. Productivity is stable, it is stored well.

"Acorn" (the second name is "Acorn") - early ripening. Depending on the subspecies, it can be bushy or long-branched. The fruits are small, very corrugated, with pronounced slices. Color options too. Fruits can be green, yellow, black, white. The pulp is sweetish, somewhat reminiscent of zucchini. Pumpkin is either stuffed or baked.

Varieties of pumpkin for the Urals

The next region with an even more difficult climate is the Urals. Again, climbing pumpkin and bush pumpkin are on the agenda, the varieties of which will have to be sorted out. But here it is already a little easier, since there are much fewer options for the Urals and adjacent territories than for the middle lane.

"Sweetie" - long-braided early. Ripens in 3 months. The fruits are round, bright orange in color with an elongated spout. It cannot be called large, on average about 2 kg. The relief is medium, the slices are separated by green stripes. The pulp is very sweet, juicy. One of the sweetest varieties. The yield is good, the cold climate is not afraid.

"Altaiskaya 47" is a long climbing pumpkin with the shortest maturation period (from 2.4 to 2.8 months). The fruits are orange with light spots, strongly ribbed. Weight from 2.6 to 5.3 kg. The pulp is slightly fibrous, it does not differ in special sweetness. But the variety has other advantages: cold resistance, productivity, keeping quality.

"Country" - short-braided early, 3 months are enough for full maturation. Fruit similar to watermelon. The same oblong and striped, only the stripes are green and orange. Weight from 3.3 to 4.4 kg. The flesh is fibrous, but sweet and juicy, with a pleasant vanilla flavor. The yield is good. Keeps well.

"Smile" - bush early. Ripens in 84-90 days. The fruits are like small balls - round and even. The color is bright orange. By weight 1-2 sometimes 3 kg. The pulp is crispy, sweet, tastes like melon. Pumpkin can be used fresh. It is stored well, and does not require special storage. In the house under the bed is stored up to 4 months.

"Ufimskaya" - long-braided early. Fully ripens in 84-93 days. The fruits are round, flattened, weighing from 4.2 to 6.5 kg. The color can be pink, yellow-orange, or grey-orange. The flesh is not very sweet, but juicy and tasty. It is not stored for a long time, on average 3 months.

Pumpkin varieties for Siberia

This is where you can truly hone your skills. If you approach the choice of variety incorrectly, you will never get ripe fruits in difficult Siberian conditions. Here we need truly Siberian varieties. What kind of pumpkin can be grown in very unfavorable conditions.

"Rossiyanka" - medium climbing early. Aging takes place in 92-99 days. The fruits are bright orange, very similar to swollen pears. Weight from 1.8 to 3.6 kg. The pulp is tender, sweet, with a melon flavor and there is a lot of it, there are almost no seeds. It tolerates the most adverse conditions very well. Harvest. Delicious fresh, for lovers of fresh pumpkin is the right variety.

"Freckle" - early bush. According to the ripening period, nothing new - 3 months. The fruits are round, slightly flattened. Weight up to 3 kg. By color, it's how to look. For some it is green with light yellow patches, for others it is light yellow with a green mesh. The pulp is moderately sweet, juicy, tender, tastes like a pear.

"Adagio" - bush of medium ripening. Ripens in 100-107 days. The fruits are round, strongly flattened, with a deepening on the side of the stem. Average weight 3 kg. The pulp is sweet and tasty, but this is not the main thing, the main advantage of pumpkin is in a large number of vitamins. This is one of those varieties that are used for making juices, dietary and baby food.

"Pearl" - long-braided medium ripening. On the one hand, for Siberia, the variety, as it were, is not suitable - nutmeg. It means heat-loving. But on the other hand, there are no exceptions. Just that case. Due to its quality, it is good to develop at low temperature the variety can be cultivated much north of the middle lane. The fruits are cylindrical with a thickening at the end. Orange color. Weight from 3.4 to 6.6 kg. The pulp is sweet, tender.

I would also like to add to this list special varieties of pumpkin for the Moscow region for open ground and for all other regions, regardless of the local climate. Special means having outstanding characteristics. Does everyone know which pumpkins are the most delicious and sweet?

- "Marble"
- « »
- "Almond"
- "Mozoleevskaya"
- "Winter dining room"
- "Smile"
- "Freckle"
- Altair.

The next, so to speak, a special indicator of the quality of a culture is the possibility of processing a vegetable into juice. This does not mean the banal squeezing of juice from the pulp without taking into account its taste. The conversation is about pumpkins, from which the juice is delicious and there is a lot of it.

Pumpkins are suitable for juice:
- "Dawn"
- "Bush orange"
- "Winter Sweet"
- "Amazon"
- "Big Moon"
- "Vitamin"
- "Melon".

Although if you figure out what the best variety is. If we take into account its breeding features, then, of course, its characteristics contribute to better development and fruiting of the plant. But if the concept of “best” is approached from the side of taste, not everything is so simple here. Some people like very sweet pulp, others with a small amount of sugar. Therefore, let everyone determine the best pumpkin for himself.

For a long time, many gardeners have been planting such a healthy and tasty vegetable crop as a pumpkin for a long time. It is consumed fresh, baked and boiled. The reason for this demand is a large number of vitamins and excellent taste. Despite the fact that this crop grows in various regions of Russia, it is necessary to know which varieties for open ground will give the maximum good yield under various climatic conditions.

The best pumpkin varieties for open ground for Siberia and the Urals

The Urals and Siberia are the territory of Russia, where frosts last until mid-June. Taking this into account, it is necessary to choose planting material that can withstand cold and frost.

Read about growing tomato seedlings at home.


The variety allows you to get a crop ahead of time. Harvesting pumpkins can take place as early as 3 months after germination. This plant grows in a bush, has a compact size and allows you to get a high yield.

At proper care from one bush you can get 3 kg of pumpkin. The fruit has a thick orange peel. The taste of the pulp is sweet and juicy. The variety Smile is characterized by a long shelf life at room temperature.

Read about growing tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse.


The variety endures sharp temperature fluctuations, therefore it is considered the most suitable for growing in Siberia. The fruits have a hard bark, and the pulp resembles a melon in its taste. This variety is considered sweet, the flesh is crisp, and the weight of one fruit is not more than 3 kg.

Russian woman

This culture is also great for planting in Siberia and the Urals. With proper care, you can get high yields.

You will find a list of the best varieties of tomatoes for a polycarbonate greenhouse.

The plant has a strong immunity to all pests and diseases. For the Russian woman, cold and frost are not terrible. Ripe fruits have a dark orange color, and the taste is reminiscent of a melon.

For the Moscow region and the Middle Strip

Despite the fact that experienced gardeners successfully grow foreign and southern varieties of pumpkins, it is best to use domestic varieties zoned for central Russia and the Moscow region.


The fruit is early ripe, able to withstand drought and cold. Ripening of the first fruits occurs on the 94th day. The culture is medium climbing. The shape of the pumpkin is flat-round.

The mass of one is 2.5-3 kg. The vegetable has an orange peel, there is no pattern. The core is orange, medium thickness, dense texture, juicy. When storing pumpkin for six months, the taste remains unchanged.


The variety belongs to early ripening. Harvesting can be done on the 90th day from the moment of germination. The plant is of small height, the fruits are flattened, the weight of one is 3-5 kg.

The skin is thin and the flesh is very juicy and crispy. With long-term storage, the pumpkin retains its presentation.

You will find a list of low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground.

Sweet pie

The variety is characterized by its high yield and early stage ripeness. The pumpkin is presented in an orange-red color scheme, rounded shape and smooth surface. The weight of one product is 2-3 kg. The core has excellent taste properties, juicy and sweet.

candied fruit

The variety is accompanied by high fruiting and early ripening. The fruits have a flat-round shape. The mass of one pumpkin is 5 kg. The flesh has a yellow-orange color. It contains a large number of carotene and sugar.

Early varieties of tomatoes for open ground are presented.


The culture bears fruit well in cold conditions. Fruit ripeness is medium. Already on the 115th day, you can harvest. The culture is long-looped. The fruits are presented in a flattened shape. The color is dark green, there is a coarse mesh.

The flesh is represented by a bright orange color. Its thickness is 3-5 cm, dense consistency. Fruits contain a large amount of sugars. The culture develops well when planting seeds in open areas. On one plant, 2 fruits ripen, the mass of which is 5-6 kg. When storing pumpkin for six months, all taste qualities remain unchanged.

Gribovskaya winter

Late maturing variety. Harvesting is observed on the 128th day. The fruits are flattened, gray in color, there is no pattern. The mass of one pumpkin is 3-4 kg. The flesh is thick, its color is bright orange. Grow such a plant through seedlings. You can store the fruits until the next harvest.


The variety is able to resist the cold. Harvesting takes place on the 80th day from the moment of germination. This culture is characterized by marble leaves and dark blotches on the fruits. The plant develops as a bush. One bush may have 4-5 fruits.

The mass of one can reach 1.8-3 kg. The pulp has a sweet taste, crispy, and its thickness is 3 cm. Fruit ripening occurs quickly and evenly. You can use the product in food immediately after its collection.

Gribovskaya bush 189

An early maturing variety. Harvesting occurs on the 80-98th day. The size of the culture is compact. The vegetable has an obovate shape, yellow color, there are stripes of dark green color. Fruit weight 2-5 kg.

The core has excellent taste. You can store the pumpkin until December, as the taste remains unchanged.


An early maturing variety. Harvest can be done in 80-90 days. The culture grows in a bush, the size of which is compact. The fruits are presented in the form of an oval.

The surface of the pumpkin is smooth, the ripe fruit has a yellow color, and its weight is 2-4 kg. The pulp is presented yellow, has a dense texture, the taste resembles vanilla. Taste qualities are preserved for 4 months of storage.

For the northwest

If you are going to grow pumpkin in the north-west of Russia, then you should choose the following varieties of pumpkin:

  1. Bush orange. An early maturing variety. The fruits are presented in the form of a ball, have a bright orange color. The mass of pumpkin reaches 4-5 kg. The pulp has yellow, contains a large amount of sugars and dry matter. The main advantage of this variety is high yield and early maturity.
  2. In the northwest, an excellent option would be to use varieties such as Troyanda and Prikornevaya. They are fast maturing, high yield. The fruits have all 4.5 - 7 kg. The core has excellent taste, presented in an orange-yellow color scheme. Varieties have strong immunity to common diseases. Fruits for a long period of storage retain their taste and presentation.
  3. Bush. This variety is in great demand among gardeners and gardeners. Characterized by small fruits. The ripening period is early. The plant develops in the form of a bush. The mass of fruits is 1.5-2 kg, they have a yellow-green color. The pulp is represented by yellow color, juicy and tasty.

High in sugar

If you want to enjoy a delicious and sweet pumpkin, then you need to know which varieties will allow you to get such a crop. Sweet pumpkin is actively used in baked food or in the preparation of sweet cereals for children.

How to plant a pumpkin on a compost heap will help you understand.


The variety is early. Harvesting can take place 90-100 days after the formation of the first shoots. The fruits are small in size, the weight of one is 2-3 kg.

Their shape is round, slightly flattened, has a light gray color. The pulp has a sweet taste, sleepy, dense texture, bright yellow color. Even with long-term storage, the product retains excellent taste.


A characteristic feature of this variety is the formation of large fruits. The mass of one product is 20-50 kg. Despite such a large size, the pumpkin has a juicy, dense and sweet yellow-orange flesh.

The surface of the fruit is slightly segmented, smooth. Late maturing variety. Harvesting takes place at 110-130 days.

Big Max

A late maturing variety with a high yield. It is necessary to grow seedlings in April. Harvesting can take place on the 130th day. The mass of one pumpkin is 40 kg. The flesh is orange in color, juicy and sweet.


This variety is characterized by orange-yellow flesh. Taste at the highest level. The plant, with proper care, allows you to get a high yield. The mass of one pumpkin reaches 4-7 kg. Harvesting can take place at 115-120 days. Keeps his appearance and taste qualities for a long time.

Volga gray

The variety is characterized by early ripening. With proper care, you can get a high yield. Pumpkin has a light gray color and a slight greenish tint. The fruits are slightly flattened. The flesh is represented by an egg-yellow color, it tastes sweet, juicy and dense in texture.

The plant has a strong immunity to a disease such as white rot. For a long time retains its taste and presentation.

Experienced vegetable growers have learned to grow atypical varieties of pumpkin. But there are the best varieties of pumpkin for the Moscow region for open ground, which once breeders bred and zoned for the middle latitude. It is on them that attention should be focused at first to those who began to master the cultivation of this original, fragrant and healthy vegetable.

If you do not make a mistake with the variety, a plentiful harvest of pumpkin fruits can be obtained even in areas where the summer season lasts a short time, and the weather does not please with intense heat. By species, all pumpkins are divided into three groups:

Pumpkins are also classified according to such a criterion as the growing season, which falls on the interval from the moment of growth of full-fledged seedlings to the harvest of fruits:

  • early - 90 days;
  • mid-season - 120 days;
  • With late deadline vegetation - up to 130 days and more.

Rating of the best crop varieties for outdoor cultivation

Most of all, hard-bark varieties are common in our gardens and orchards, which number about 30 items. The keeping quality of such a crop is excellent, which allows you to eat the fruits immediately or not touch them for some time until they are eaten. For the central strip of Russia for open ground are presented below.

Pumpkin with melon notes

Pumpkin Melon

Pumpkin variety Smile

Variety description: early ripe compact plant produces fruits of bright orange color, small in weight (about 1.5 kg). When you cut them, you immediately feel a delicate aroma. The flesh is both crunchy and sweet at the same time.

bottle culture

Bush pumpkin Matilda is a nutmeg species of the family. The fruits are pear-shaped and elongated. The pulp is orange in color, fragrant, with a sweetish aftertaste.

Pumpkin Matilda

Table gourd Marble

Table pumpkin Marble large-fruited, pumpkins ripen late. The lashes are elongated, the fruits are dark green in color, weigh 3.5-4.5 kg. The orange pulp is crunchy and sweet, replete with carotene. It is possible to consume it raw. Variety with excellent fruiting.

Gourd Marble

Pumpkin Pastila champagne

Medium climbing pumpkin Pastila champagne has fruits of an elongated ellipsoid shape. Ripe pumpkins acquire an unusual pinkish tint of not very thick-walled peel, complemented by a slight mesh. Bright orange pulp fills almost the entire cavity from the inside, while the seed chamber, commensurate with the length of the fruit, maintains a small size. The fruits are small - 2-3 kg. The pulp is different pleasant aroma with hints of vanilla. The variety is quite extravagant: pink-colored elliptical fruits have exceptional taste characteristics.

Champagne marshmallow can be eaten fresh and processed.

Prikubanskaya pumpkin

The medium-ripening pumpkin Prikubanskaya forms cylinder-shaped fruits, compacted towards the top, with an orange-brown color. The skin is refined. The pulp has a reddish tint, juicy and tender, with excellent taste data. The culture is quite productive.

Pumpkin Apricot

Medium-early pumpkin Apricot is unique for its round-cylindrical fruits with slight ribbing. The ripe fruit is yellowish, but the dark green stripes on it are wide enough, which makes the coloring interesting and bright. The skin is thin, but firm. The soft core of a yellow shade, slightly fibrous. Apricot pumpkin seeds do not have a typical dense shell, they are covered only with a thin film rich in fiber. The Apricot variety is mainly cultivated for production.

almond gourd

Universal with medium vegetation, the Almond pumpkin variety releases elongated lashes. Orange-colored fruits are rounded, gaining a weight of 4-5 kg. The yellow-orange soft center is distinguished by excellent characteristics - juiciness, sugar content, crunchiness. It is used in the production of juices and baby food. Permitted for long-term storage.

Pumpkin variety Zorka

The mid-early Zorka pumpkin is the owner of large fruits intended for culinary use.

The plant forms strong stems and large leaves of not dissected shape and dark green color.

The fruits of Zorka are flattened-round, with an average weight of 4.5 kg. The outer crust is divided into equal segments. The color of the crust is gray with a whitish mesh and pinkish spots. The thin crust bends well, shows a greenish tint on the cut. The flesh is orange, medium-compacted, with coarse fibers, not juicy enough, but demonstrating delicious taste.

Medium-sized seeds are covered with a smooth yellow-brown skin.

Varieties of pumpkin Atlant

Mid-late pumpkin Atlas weakly releases elongated lashes. Differs in smooth fruits of a round-oval shape with some segmentation. Their color is yellow-orange, weight - 6-10 kg. The soft core is juicy, dense, orange in color, accumulating oils and beta-carotene. The Atlant variety is valued for its increased yield (2.7 kg of pumpkins are obtained from 1 square meter), the ability to persist for a long time without losing its nutritional indicators. Recommended for eating raw, for home cooking and processing into juices. Atlant is distinguished by rather large seeds, which weigh approximately 500 g in the amount of 1000 pieces.

Pumpkin variety Titan

Long lashes grow on the plant, reaching 3 m. The mass of fruits is sometimes impressive. So, there are individual pumpkins weighing up to 100 kg. In the form of a gourd, the Titan represents a ball. It has an orange peel and flesh with a slight presence of seeds. Titanium is excellent in terms of taste.

Among the variety of pumpkin varieties, there are both fodder varieties of vegetables, as well as decorative and food varieties, with different terms maturation, taste, etc.
Interesting options are pumpkin varieties with melon flavor, you can make mousses, juices, casseroles, purees, cereals, marmalade, ice cream and many other things from them.

Varieties for our middle lane have, as a rule, bright orange, dense, juicy and sweet pulp. And of all the varieties, one can especially highlight:

  • paris gold,
  • winter,
  • Volga,
  • gray
  • Honey.

On a note! Some of them can be eaten directly raw.

So, this publication was created so that you can find out what are sweetest varieties of pumpkin. Of course, each variety of pumpkin has its own characteristics, which we will get acquainted with today.

Variety Honey dessert

One of the best desserts in our strip. Thick (up to 10 cm) pulp is sweet and juicy, with a wonderful aroma, crispy. Great for porridge, purees and mousses. In its raw form, it is also suitable for food, and is also suitable for dietary nutrition. This is one of the early varieties, the entire ripening period is 85 - 90 days. Such pumpkins grow up to 4-6 kg and are perfectly stored.

This round pumpkin has pronounced ribs, and the peel is thin, but dense. Its pulp contains:

  • Potassium,
  • Magnesium,
  • Zinc,
  • Phosphorus,
  • Copper and iron.
  • And vitamin D helps the absorption of iron, also contained in its pulp. Great for baby food.

Variety sweet Winter.

If you want to know which variety of pumpkin is sweeter, then this post will provide you with some popular and sweet varieties at the same time. The next pumpkin is a late-ripening variety, ripens in 122 - 128 days from planting. The fruits are very large and at the same time flattened, with a small weight of 3 to 5 kg. The peel has a dark gray as a distinguishing mark.

At the same time, her flesh is bright orange, dense, but juicy and fragrant. Because of the sweetness, this variety is also often used to make baby food. It is also perfectly transported, stored and gives excellent juice.

Grade Yellow centner

The name of this pumpkin variety speaks for itself - the size of the fruit of this variety is very impressive in size, it can reach 50 kg! The amount of carotene in the pulp just rolls over, and it is still thick, sweet and rich orange in color. Mid-season, ripens in 98 - 105 days. This variety was bred by the Germans, but with us it enjoys well-deserved popularity.

Flat-round shape and golden color distinguish this variety. It has a very sweet taste and strong disease resistance. It is also suitable for dietary and baby food. The fruits are well stored, its seeds are very large. The weight of individual fruits can reach up to 100 kg, and a huge number of seeds are sold.

Variety Volga gray

This pumpkin is also mid-season. She needs 100-120 days to mature. Its rounded-flattened gourds have a weight of 9 kg and a smooth surface.

Gray peel with orange pulp - the difference between the gray Volzhskaya variety. And the pulp is great for mashed potatoes, for diet food, desserts, it is sweet, dense and juicy at the same time. The seeds go into high quality medical oil. The variety is well transported and stored. It is better to plant it in the sun or in partial shade, and to collect it well ripened.

The soil she needs is well cultivated and fertile. And also well warmed up, since the variety is thermophilic, you can also plant seedlings already. If the temperature did not reach 12 degrees during planting, up to half of the seeds may rot.

Sort Gribovsky

If you want to know which pumpkin variety is the sweetest, then carefully read the information that will be presented below. One of the oldest Russian varieties, widely known in our country.

Fruits of 5 kg and ovoid, elongated. Ribs are slightly visible on the peel, and its color changes with the stages of ripening, starting from green and ending with golden. If greenish streaks remain, do not think that the fruits are not yet ripe.

This pumpkin ripens quickly, is very productive (from 1 sq m you can collect up to 4-8 kg of fruit). It is stored perfectly, the taste is excellent, all this explains the wide popularity of the variety in the vastness of our Motherland.

The most popular variety. Parisian gold

In general, among the variety of pumpkin varieties, there are a lot of sweet ones. They are also suitable for purees, desserts, marshmallows, marshmallows, porridge, marmalade and much more. And pumpkin varieties are crossed and new interesting varieties are obtained, for example, Parisian gold. It is about this variety that we will talk further.

High-yielding, large-fruited variety, pleasing gardeners. Also drought resistant. It is stored for a long time, and transported well. Seeds can be sown both directly in the beds, and in the form of seedlings. It ripens in 105 - 115 days, like Kroshka, and belongs to mid-season varieties. The yield is decent, 4-10 kg per 1 sq. m. Usual weight fruits of 9 kg, but on fertilized soils it can give out 16 kg each!.

Both the peel and the flesh are golden, the peel is also easily cut, despite its thickness. This is one of the sweetest pumpkins, so it is successfully used in baby food, and on desserts and other delicacies. It can be perfectly frozen and then ready to use all year round for soups or cereals.

It is usually planted at the end of May in the ground well warmed by the sun. Closer to the north, this is already done in June. It is best to plant a germinated seed by holding it in water and waiting for the first sprouts.


Now you have been able to find out which variety of pumpkin is the most delicious and sweet. Thanks to this article, you can grow a wonderful vegetable in your garden that will appeal to every member of your family for its taste.

Watch also video:

Do you want to have on your table these are candy like mine, so to everyone who plants this useful one, dietary product I highly recommend this pumpkin. Due to the unpretentiousness of this variety, you will always be with the harvest.

It is not the first year that we have been growing the most delicious, sweet pumpkin variety "Candied fruit". Seeds from Agrofirma Aelita. I like this company, so I try to buy their seeds. Germination is always excellent, there was no case of re-sorting and their prices are reasonable. There are plenty of seeds in the package, and with a good harvest, there are even surpluses that we distribute to relatives.

Candied pumpkin is a very high-yielding variety, ripens in early dates, with excellent fragrant taste, with yellow-orange juicy pulp.

Growing a pumpkin is easy.

We grow seedlings 30-35 days before planting in a permanent place. At this age, the seedlings already have 3 true leaves. When planting in the ground, seedlings, thrown out of a cup with a clod of earth, take root well and grow quickly, due to the fact that the root system is not damaged. A favorite place for a pumpkin is a dunghill, here the pumpkin feels comfortable, there is warmth and nutrition.

As the plant grows, water it and remove the yellowed leaves so that there is enough light. By autumn, our pumpkins grow to such a size that you can cook porridge, jam and your favorite candied fruits from one pumpkin.

My candied fruit recipe:

You will need: 1 kg of pumpkin, a glass of water, 1 kg of sugar, 3 g of citric acid and vanillin.

I peel the pumpkin, remove the core and crumble into pieces. Then I balance in boiling water for 5 minutes and immediately cool. I release pumpkin cubes into the prepared syrup from water, sugar, citric acid and vanillin and boil for 20 minutes, turn off the heat and leave to infuse for half a day. And so 3 times. Then I put my pumpkin pieces on a sieve so that the syrup stacks and the chilled pieces are placed in the oven to dry for 3-4 hours. My semi-finished candied fruits are almost ready, it remains to soak in sugar and again at 40 degrees, in the oven until completely dry so that the candied fruits do not stick to your hands. I store candied fruit in a dry glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.

Enjoy your meal!!! Try it and you will too.