What color of plates is better to choose. We lose weight without problems

Colors play an important role in our life, for example, they affect taste buds. Some colors stimulate appetite, and you constantly overeat, others, on the contrary, leave us indifferent to food. By changing the color of the dishes and the color scheme in the kitchen, you can change a lot in your life, and so that food is always beneficial, equip the kitchen with Feng Shui in mind.

Dish color

Psychologists say: the color of the dishes affects the appetite, and hence the weight. So, cold colors - dark green, blue and lilac suppress appetite. If you're cutting back on portions but feel like you're not eating enough, buy a blue service or tablecloth. Red, yellow, orange, light brown, on the contrary, increase appetite, as they stimulate the production gastric juice. Pastel colors - pink, light green, gray, blue - also actively increase appetite and make you want to eat an extra portion. A capricious child will be happy to eat from a bright warm-colored plate.

In restaurants, dishes, according to the rules, are served in white dishes. White color does not distort the color and taste of dishes, does not cause subconscious desire or rejection. Feng Shui masters refer White color to the element of metal, and metal is responsible for keeping the rules, promises and self-discipline. If you are on a diet, eat from white dishes, it will control you.

Shape of dishes

The shape of the dishes also plays a very important role. Round dishes better accumulate energy in themselves, protect food from negative energies. Square dishes make their owner more confident and resolute. Before an important speech or meeting, an exam or an interview, especially if you are very worried and afraid of failing, eat from a square plate.

Dishes with sharp corners provoke a wide range of emotions, ranging from passion and desire to have sex, ending with anger and a violent showdown. It all depends on the mood of the person who is going to eat from the "sharp-angled" plate. If the husband returned from work angry, hide the dangerous plates away.

kitchen color

In general, plates alone are not enough. Ideally, you need to choose the entire color scheme for the kitchen. The perfect solution is a pink-gray range. Pink, of course, should be a pale and warm shade. Gray color calms and muffles anxiety, and pale pink promotes introspection - a person eats slowly and with pleasure, chews everything thoroughly and does not take too much.

The "tasty" colors include orange and turquoise shades, as well as their combinations. If there is a painting in this color in the kitchen, and you see it while eating, it will whet your appetite, and you will go for more.

By the way, the layout of the kitchen itself is of strategic importance, although, of course, standard layouts do not take into account feng shui. The room, which is located opposite the entrance to the apartment, receives the greatest flow of energy. If there is a kitchen in this place, then all family members will constantly overeat.

If, upon entering the kitchen, the eye immediately rushes to the refrigerator, kitchen table or bread box, you will constantly feel a slight hunger and refresh yourself. To change the direction of energy, it is enough to put in the kitchen houseplants. A table with a bouquet of flowers, magazines and a telephone will also distract from food, setting you up for communication.

Strive to lose weight? Keep the kitchen door closed, do not make it transparent, the door should be made of dense material, it kind of "masks" the entrance to the kitchen.

And finally, the color of the refrigerator is very important. The ideal option is blue. Such a refrigerator will scare you away on a subconscious level, you will open it only if you are really hungry.

One of the problems that you have to solve when you are going to part with those extra pounds is overcoming the feeling of hunger.

Psychologists advise in this case to call for help dishes, or rather, choose the right color for the dishes, with which it will be easier to lose weight. Shape and size also matter. So, what should you opt for?


Let's start with the most common color, white. Traditionally, it symbolizes purity and perfection, but it is not very suitable for losing weight people. This happens because food looks very attractive and appetizing on a white plate and you want to eat it to the last crumb.

Pink and orange

Try to avoid dishes in pink, orange and pistachio shades. They increase appetite and practically force you to put an extra serving on such a plate.


Yellow dishes have an effect similar to white, but first courses can be poured into a yellow plate, since this color causes a feeling of quick satiety and it may turn out that the second dish is no longer needed.


But this color is not desirable at all. Attractive red! Having a stimulating effect on the human body, it pushes him to quickly absorb food, and such food is poorly chewed and, accordingly, poorly digested.

Absorbing food from a red plate, a person does not control the feeling of hunger, and the amount of food eaten can noticeably affect the figure. Remove items of this color from your everyday life and take them out only to decorate the festive table.

By the way, even a white plate with red polka dots can have an undesirable effect on appetite.


Fill bowls painted in shades of blue with salads and appetizers, but serving tea in such cups is not recommended. The meal seems unfinished and you want to continue it, leaning on something high-calorie. Tea is best drunk from white or yellow cups decorated with a pretty ornament or pattern.


But green, or better to say, marsh, is the most tasteless color. You just don’t want to eat food from such a plate, it seems unattractive and its appearance discourages even any desire to try something. The same influence has black, lilac and blue. Dishware sets of this color can be safely given to your losing weight girlfriends.

Colors of dishes that can reduce appetite

What color should the plates be on the table? Let this be a milky, creamy, creamy color or shades of brown. As noted earlier, let's say yellow and blue.

Size of slimming utensils

In addition to color, the state of appetite is affected by the size and shape of dishes. We measure the food placed on the plate according to its diameter. The most suitable is a diameter of about 25 cm, but no more.

Shape of utensils that help reduce weight

With regard to the shape, we can say that round dishes are able to protect against negative energy, add determination and self-confidence, square ones, those that have sharp corners, provoke emotions, and even unwanted ones.

Let's move on to glasses. With a glance, we evaluate the height of drinks, so you should drink juice from thin and tall glasses, and water from short and wide ones, because you need to drink more liquids.

After reading this information, you will definitely begin to look closely at the effect that this or that dish has on you, and at the same time, there will be a great opportunity to change your eating habits by constantly changing dishes.

Colors play an important role in our life, for example, they affect taste buds. Some colors stimulate appetite, and you constantly overeat, others, on the contrary, leave us indifferent to food. By changing the color of the dishes and the color scheme in the kitchen, you can change a lot in your life, and so that food is always beneficial, equip the kitchen with Feng Shui in mind.

Dish color

Psychologists say: the color of the dishes affects the appetite, and hence the weight. So, cold colors - dark green, blue and lilac suppress appetite. If you're cutting back on portions but feel like you're not getting enough, buy a service or a blue tablecloth. Red, yellow, orange, light brown, on the contrary, increase appetite, as they stimulate the production of gastric juice. A capricious child will be happy to eat from a bright warm-colored plate.

In restaurants, dishes, according to the rules, are served in white dishes. White color does not distort the color and taste of dishes, does not cause subconscious desire or rejection. Feng Shui masters attribute white to the element of metal, and metal is responsible for keeping the rules, promises and self-discipline. If you are on a diet, eat from white dishes, it will control you.

Pastel colors - pink, light green, gray, blue - also actively increase appetite and make you want to eat an extra portion.

Shape of dishes

The shape of the dishes plays a very important role. Round dishes better accumulate energy in themselves, protect food from negative energies. Square dishes make their owner more confident and resolute. Before an important speech or meeting, an exam or an interview, especially if you are very worried and afraid of failing, eat from a square plate.

Dishes with sharp corners provoke a wide range of emotions, ranging from passion and desire to have sex, ending with anger and a violent showdown. It all depends on the mood of the person who is going to eat from the "sharp-angled" plate. If the husband returned from work angry, hide the dangerous plates away.

kitchen color

In general, plates alone are not enough. Ideally, you need to choose the entire color scheme for the kitchen. The perfect solution is a pink-gray gamma. Pink, of course, should be a pale and warm shade. Gray calms and muffles anxiety, and together with pale pink promotes self-contemplation, a person eats slowly, chews everything thoroughly, eats with pleasure and does not take too much.

The "tasty" colors include orange and turquoise shades, as well as their combinations. If there is a painting in this color in the kitchen, and you see it while eating, it will whet your appetite, and you will go for more.

By the way, the layout of the kitchen itself is of strategic importance, although, of course, standard layouts do not take into account feng shui. The room, which is located opposite the entrance to the apartment, receives the greatest flow of energy. If there is a kitchen in this place, then all family members will constantly overeat.

If, upon entering the kitchen, the eye immediately rushes to the refrigerator, kitchen table or bread box, you will constantly feel a slight hunger and refresh yourself. To change the direction of energy, it is enough to put indoor plants in the kitchen. A table with a bouquet of flowers, magazines and a telephone will also distract from food, setting you up for communication.

Strive to lose weight? Keep the kitchen door closed, do not make it transparent, the door should be made of dense material, it kind of "masks" the entrance to the kitchen. And finally, the color of the refrigerator is very important. The ideal option is blue. Such a refrigerator will scare you away on a subconscious level, you will open it only if you are really hungry.

"We are what we eat" - so said our ancestors. But the Japanese, for example, believe that the main thing in a person's life is not only what he eats, but also how he eats! Indeed, poor serving - transparent "Stalinist" faceted glasses, white plates with a blue border ... can lead us to aesthetic starvation, and this is worse than physical hunger. So what color and what shape should our dishes be?

Psychologists have found a subtle relationship between how cutlery and dishes affect appetite. The fact is that a person's perception of different color schemes can affect his emotional state in different ways. This is the nature of the organism and nothing can be done about it. It remains only to choose the right colors for plates, cups and other table setting elements.

Color can change a lot
Connoisseurs of ancient traditions claim that table setting has a magical effect on those who sit at it. And the main role in this is played by the color of the dishes. The main thing is to correctly observe the color balance and use such dishes that would be able to warm the soul at the moment and create coziness and warmth in the house.

So which color should you choose? - On white, red, blue or light blue? Or maybe green?

Do passions flare up in your soul or did the former romantic relationship breathe a breath of fresh air? I want the thrill of sensations, which means that red plates will come to the table.

There are not enough high feelings - get pink or blue plates. But one BUT! Blue is ideal for salad plates, but not for tea sets. Psychologists say that this shade is a harbinger of a quarrel during tea drinking.

Burgundy kitchen utensils represent wisdom and experience.

You feel that your strength has left you - drowsiness, weakness, depression. You just need to save energy for as long as possible, so set the table with dark-colored appliances, because dark color able to store energy. You can also stock up on energy by using green plates in the kitchen.

Color also affects digestion.
If you are on a diet or, on the contrary, dream of more rounded shapes, pay attention to the color of the kitchen utensils.

So, bright sunny colors (red, yellow, orange, light brown) stimulate the production of gastric juice and thereby awaken appetite. So if you have completely lost the desire to eat and you just can’t look at food - put yourself something tasty on a yellow or orange plate. The feeling of hunger will certainly wake up!

Pastel colors (pink, gray, beige, peach) also actively increase appetite and make you want to eat an extra portion. For example, soup in a bowl the color of baked milk looks the most appetizing. And in general, light-colored dishes give any dish an attractive look, full of individuality of the cook and the isolation of this bouquet of flavors.

But cold tones (blue, lilac) are the most "inedible". They perfectly suppress the feeling of hunger. So if you want to lose weight - buy a lilac service!

Of course, there is no need to focus too much on the issue of the color of the dishes, but still this should not be neglected.

From the pages of history
In ancient times, each of the four elements was designated by color:
passionate red - fire,
calm blue - air,
deep black - earth,
innocent white - water.

Therefore, the color of the dishes is also not a trifle. Thus, if you are weak in temperament - choose red-colored dishes, lack solidity - brown and black plates, if you want novelty and sincerity - surround yourself with white, and if you dream of a flight of thought, creativity and fantasy - go ahead, for a blue or orange service!

Oh your forms!
From circle to square - the shape of the dishes is also of great importance! The magical properties of food largely depend on it.

So, round dishes better concentrate energy in themselves, protect food from the influence of negative flows.

Square dishes make their owner tougher and more determined. So, if you are a timid person by nature, eat from such dishes.

However, the sharp corners of the dishes are contraindicated for quick-tempered people, as they can strengthen their hard sides. But in order to "pepper" relationships, to spice them up, sets with sharp corners are indispensable. Even an ordinary slice of fresh cucumber, served on a similar dish, will “hit” your head better than any champagne.

What kind of dishes you prefer - decide for yourself! And here's our advice to you - for the harmony of the individual, it's not bad to keep the color balance: put dishes of all shades in a row.

As Shota Rustaveli liked to say: "what the dishes are filled with, then they will pour out from there." Here it is important not to forget that our dishes, in addition to food, are also filled with their own color.

The ratio of the color of what we eat and what we eat from is not an overly serious problem, but it is relevant. So What color should the dishes be?

Psychologists have long proven the influence of the choice of dishes and cutlery on appetite.

Of course, the atmosphere itself is not the last place in all this. But depending on how we react to a certain color scheme, our emotional state may also change. So is it really all the most delicious served on a "silver platter"? This is what we will try to find out in order to be sure to get the dishes that we need.

If you want to lose weight - choose cool colors: dark green, lilac, blue suppress a violent appetite

Especially if you are on a strict diet and constantly feel that you are not full, the color of the table setting can play a special role in improving your condition. Gnawing plates, of course, is not recommended, but buying a blue service or tablecloth will help to cope with rumbling in the stomach.

Psychologists have recognized that it is this color that makes our body saturate with a small amount of food. To achieve positive result in weight loss, read the article - how to reduce appetite.

Have you ever wondered why in restaurants, according to the rules, dishes are served in white dishes?

It turns out exactly food in white bowls seems fresher and richer.

White color does not distort taste sensations, does not cause subconscious aversion to food. Masters of the ancient mystery of Feng Shui also preferred this particular color, as it belongs to the element of metal. In general, if you want to be steely in your intention to lose weight, eat off white plates.

Thin melancholics, on the contrary, should look for dishes in warm and bright colors.

Yellow, red, orange, warm brown enhance appetite and mood. These colors stimulate the production of gastric juice. Therefore, if your child is naughty and reluctantly picks food, try serving him a dish in a bright plate with orange sunflowers. If you want to get caught a little, read the article, how to increase appetite.

Pastel gentle colors- pink, light green, light gray - also actively increase appetite and cause a desire to eat an extra portion.

Besides, depending on the season one color should dominate on the table.

Of course, not everyone is ready to purchase dishes for the season, but for different occasions, nevertheless, you can keep “colored” stocks.

  • For example, spring in the design of the table it is better to stick to yellow, sand, green tones.
  • Summer indulge in a riot of colors, so give preference to orange or turquoise. An abundance of fresh flowers on the table is also welcome.
  • autumn set the table using traditional brown, marsh colors.
  • in winter red and purple are appropriate - the most warming shades.

We decided on the color - now we need to choose the shape of the dishes

This is also important. Do you have an important meeting or exam coming up? On the eve of an important event, eat from a square plate, and it will give you confidence and determination.

Utensils with sharp corners are best avoided. If your man returned from work in a bad mood, put away the "dangerous" plates. Such dishes can provoke attitudes and violent emotions to clarify. Better treat him with soup from a traditional round plate. Such dishes better accumulate energy in themselves, protect food from negative effects.

But the most important factor influencing appetite is definitely what you have cooked.

Color can be a good complement to your dish, enhancing the flavor sensations. Fried chicken or meat is “tastier” served on a yellow or terracotta dish. Potato dishes or pilaf - in brown dishes, and if you boiled white rice, then serve it in a contrasting black plate design.

Salads are best served in dishes made from natural flowers. For example, wood. For cold desserts like ice cream, the most suitable color is transparent glass, resembling an ice floe.

As for drinks, then the statistics are as follows: most of all people like transparent mugs and glasses, or thin cups made of white porcelain, suitable for an aristocratic breakfast with coffee.

The material of the dishes is important. The most optimal is glazed porcelain and thin glass. The aesthetic factor is important here, because dishes made of these materials look very attractive. In the ranking of the most unappetizing materials, wood, painted or enameled metal.

spoons and forks, which themselves are drawn to dishes, according to the respondents, cupronickel. And the most disgusting ones are not aluminum spoons from tableware, but edged ones, made of stainless steel. Perhaps such a negative in relation to our “second hands” made of this material is due to the fact that these forks have rough edges, which causes an unpleasant visual impression.

Ideally, colored plates and clear glasses alone are indispensable. Try to pick up the color scheme for the whole kitchen. The most adequate solution is a dining area in gray-pink tones. Provided that the selected shade of pink should be warm, but not bright. Gray color tends to calm down, and together with pale pink promotes self-contemplation. You eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly, with pleasure, and do not consume too much.

To meet every day with pleasure and appetite, choose orange and turquoise shades for the interior. It is not necessary to lay turquoise floors and look for an orange refrigerator, just hang a picture of the chosen color. Looking at such a bright spot in your kitchen, you will definitely run for more.

And this is not sarcasm - transparent glass doors make you want to look inside once again. And, finally, the color of the main character of any feasts - the refrigerator is very important. The ideal version of a cold friend is not pure white, like most, but blue. Such a refrigerator on a subconscious level will discourage you from overeating, and you will only open it if you are really hungry.

Video about the influence of the color of dishes and products on a person from the standpoint of psychology

And now to the store for new dishes!