Vessels burst in the eyes: causes and treatment, consequences, if often. Why did the vessel burst in the eye and what to do in this case? If the vessels in the eye burst, how to treat

Everyone who has sat at a computer for a long time, lifted weights or was very nervous at least once in his life is familiar with bursting blood vessels in his eyes.

Simply put, this is a condition in which bruising or a vascular network appears on the sclera of one or both eyes. It is often more pronounced in one eye than in the other. Even if hemorrhages do not bring pain, they look unaesthetic and frightening. To prevent such troubles, it is useful to know why the vessels in the eyes burst and how to get rid of bruising.

Causes of eye hemorrhages

If the vessels in the eye constantly burst, one of the following diseases can be assumed:

  • hypertonic disease
  • diabetes
  • beriberi C
  • traumatic brain injury
  • inflammatory eye diseases: keratitis, conjunctivitis

In hypertension with frequent crises, when arterial pressure increases sharply, the vessels of the conjunctiva do not withstand stress, which causes subconjunctival hemorrhage. At diabetes blood vessels in the eyes often burst due to an increased concentration of glucose in the blood. In this case, systemic angiopathy develops, which affects the vessels not only of the eyes, but also of the kidneys, heart and other organs.

The cause of bursting of blood vessels in the eyes can also be scurvy, a disease caused by a lack of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Since this vitamin is actively involved in the formation of collagen protein, its deficiency leads to weakness of the collagen fibers of the vessel walls. The consequence of this is ruptures of the vascular wall and frequent hematomas in the eye.

Often, hemorrhages in the sclera become one of the symptoms of eye infections. At the same time, the conjunctiva of the eye becomes inflamed, its vessels overflow with stagnant blood, which causes their rupture with the appearance of a bruise. An immediate and obvious cause of ruptured eye vessels can also be a head injury, incl. fracture of the maxilla or zygomatic arch.

Bursting vessels in the eye: norm or pathology?

Of course, constantly recurring eye hemorrhages, which are accompanied by other symptoms, should alert and force you to contact an ophthalmologist or a local therapist. But, if such conditions occur only from time to time and do not bring discomfort, they can also be a variant of the norm. For example, at healthy person vascular ruptures in the eye can occur with:

  • alcohol abuse
  • foreign body in the eye
  • weight lifting
  • visiting a bath
  • in stressful situations
  • long stay in a smoky room
  • prolonged work at the computer
  • lack of sleep
  • sudden change in weather
  • an increase in body temperature against the background of SARS
  • in children with intense crying

Most of these factors cause a jump in blood pressure or lead to direct injury to the vessel (when a foreign body enters). In this case, as a rule, the hemorrhage quickly resolves and does not recur.

Hemorrhage in the eye: the main manifestations

Hemorrhage may be accompanied by a number of additional symptoms. It is by their presence or absence that one can guess why it happened. So, in inflammatory diseases, it is accompanied by swelling and redness of the eyelids, itching, lacrimation and photophobia. And with inflammation of bacterial etiology, suppuration can also join them.

With hypertension, bursting blood vessels in the eyes will be observed in parallel with headache, nausea, or even vomiting. In diabetes mellitus, eye hemorrhages are accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity, constant thirst, problems with the kidneys and circulation of blood in the extremities. With scurvy, such hematomas will be not only on the conjunctiva, but throughout the body, which is caused by a general weakness of the capillaries. In turn, with a traumatic brain injury, in addition to bruising, there will be dizziness, loss of consciousness and vomiting.

Thus, a burst vessel is not just an aesthetic defect. It may be the first sign that signals serious disorders at the level of the body. For example, with hypertension, with the same probability as in the eye, a vessel can rupture in the brain, causing a stroke. Therefore, do not ignore this, at first glance, a harmless symptom.


Only a doctor can accurately determine the reasons why eye hemorrhages occur on the basis of a series of examinations. For example, an ophthalmologist examines the eye for inflammatory diseases, if necessary, takes a smear for microscopy. He also checks visual acuity to rule out diabetic retinopathy, which can reduce it. If the optometrist does not find the cause of the formation of hematomas, he refers to the therapist.

The therapist, first of all, measures blood pressure to rule out hypertension. If it is normal, he sends the patient to donate blood for sugar levels. If you suspect a traumatic brain injury or increased intracranial pressure CT or MRI of the brain is required. If everything is normal on these examinations, you should take an analysis for the level of vitamin C to detect its deficiency.

Treatment of eye hemorrhages

If the eye vessels burst infrequently, and this occurs after a stormy party or a hard day at work, you should not worry and take special measures. Sunglasses and proper rest will help to quickly eliminate the aesthetic defect. Eye hematomas quickly resolve due to the abundant blood supply to the conjunctiva.

If conjunctival hemorrhages occur constantly due to daily forced eye strain at work, you can alleviate the symptoms with eye drops. For example, the drug Vizin is widely used. It has a vasoconstrictive effect, due to which the edema quickly disappears, and the size of the hematoma decreases. However, this tool cannot be used constantly, because. it develops a habit. Taufon or Quinax drops have a more gentle effect, which normalize blood flow and energy metabolism in the tissues of the eye without any side effects.

When bursting vessels in the eyes become only one of the symptoms of the underlying pathology, they are treated against the background and simultaneously with the underlying disease. For example, with hypertension, the patient takes drugs for pressure, which at the same time prevent the formation of bruises. In diabetes mellitus, drugs are prescribed to strengthen blood vessels, incl. eye capillaries. With conjunctivitis, antibiotic drops are used, which relieve inflammation and reduce blood supply to the capillaries, which also contributes to the resorption of the hematoma.

Preventive measures

To prevent conjunctival hemorrhage, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. Do not stay in smoky areas
  2. Maintain work and rest schedule
  3. Avoid stressful situations whenever possible
  4. eat well
  5. Do not abuse alcohol
  6. Do not overheat in the sauna
  7. Avoid heavy lifting
  8. Wear safety goggles in windy and dusty areas

If a vessel in the eye bursts, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Against the background of this phenomenon, a hemorrhage into the conjunctiva or reddening of the eye protein rapidly develops. Sometimes only small blood spots appear on the surface of the eye. The person feels uncomfortable. In this case, the eyes take on an unnatural, painful appearance.

Etiology of the disease

Fragility of blood vessels is only a consequence of the disease. There are dangerous reasons for such a state. Often, it is severe ailments and disorders of the body that provoke bursting blood vessels in the eye. The red coloration of the protein occurs different reasons including fluctuations in blood flow. A sharp jump in pressure increases the blood supply to the vessels. Many of them can't stand it and burst. Signs of broken capillaries in the eyes bother people with hypertension.

Damage to blood vessels is a constant companion of a hypertensive crisis. This is called a paroxysmal increase in pressure. This is a dangerous condition that damages the brain, retina, kidneys (the so-called target organs). When the first signs of a crisis appear, it is important to stop the condition. Hypertension is fraught with the development of complications, including:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • stroke.

A hypertensive crisis can occur in a healthy person. Pathology often appears on the background of alcohol intoxication, nervous shock, stress. Mechanical impact, traumatism often become the reasons that the vessels of the eyes burst. Subconjunctival bruising occurs after ophthalmic interventions. This is a non-dangerous condition, resembling a bruise or hematoma. It disappears without a trace within a week.

Significant physical activity requires concentration of forces. This provokes vascular ruptures and the appearance of hematomas.

Athletes experience this while lifting weights, and women experience it during contractions.

Risk factors

Other causes of the disease:

  1. Diabetes mellitus is an etiological factor in the development of microangiopathy (capillary lesions). Hyperconcentration of glucose in the blood negatively affects the elasticity, strength of the vascular wall, destroying it. This causes obstruction of blood flow and metabolism, which leads to ruptures.
  2. Prolonged and frequent eye strain - this is experienced by people who constantly work at a computer, watch television, read in poor lighting, and additionally load their eyes. Because of this, the capillaries burst.
  3. High meteorological dependence - the vessels of the eye react to changes in atmospheric pressure or temperature. Redness of the eyes is a reaction of the body to sudden changes in weather conditions or climate.
  4. Keratitis - red vessels on the whites of the eyes can be a sign of inflammatory changes. At the same time, patients complain of photophobia, tearing, corneal clouding. Keratitis is provoked by foreign bodies, viruses, fungus, allergies. Only after the elimination of the disease itself can capillary ruptures be defeated. The fight against keratitis depends on its etiology. For infections, antifungal, antiviral drugs are used. Antibacterial therapy is prescribed for a confirmed bacterial cause of keratitis. The timeliness of treatment is important, since the pathology of this type can damage the cornea.
  5. Conjunctivitis causes capillary damage. If the vessel under the eye burst because of this, patients complain of itching, burning. Inflammation of the conjunctiva develops due to allergies, beriberi, the influence of infection. The disease is spread by airborne and contact routes. Red vessels can be eliminated by getting rid of the underlying ailment.
  6. Oncological neoplasms of a benign or malignant plan cause deformation and fragility of capillaries.
  7. Avitaminosis affects the state of blood vessels. Therefore, with ophthalmic problems, citrus fruits, cabbage, peaches, persimmons, apricots should be included in the diet. To replenish the reserves of routine, you need to use beets, tomatoes, cherries, apples.
  8. Why do capillaries burst in the eyes? Head injury is the cause of this condition. During a blow, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted. Ischemia of vascular structures occurs, their fragility and damage. There are severe migraines, nausea, insomnia, constant fatigue. To confirm the etiology, MRI or CT is used.
  9. Visiting a bath, sauna - high temperature creates an additional load on all body structures. The delicate elements of the eye do not always withstand such pressure.


Another reason why the vessels in the eyes burst is associated with metabolic disorders. It's about diabetes. In this case, signs of microangiopathy (damage to small capillaries throughout the body) often appear. The characteristic clinic of the disease is rapidly developing:

  • on the lower limbs gangrene occurs;
  • kidney failure develops;
  • there is a rapid loss of vision.

Initially, ocular elements are affected in diabetes. The changes are called diabetic retinopathy. Vessels change, become fragile, therefore visual acuity decreases. The manifestation of eye pathology indicates decompensation of diabetes. Therefore, it is important to contact an endocrinologist in a timely manner to correct therapy. Redness of the eyes in diabetes occurs with sudden movements or for no apparent reason.

It is important to remember that a bursting capillary can appear without pathological causes.

This situation indicates a significant load on the organ of vision. The capillaries of the eye are thin and fragile elements. They support the vital activity of the organ of vision by feeding it. A significant load causes muscle spasms, accommodation. Because of this, the regulation of the tone of the elements of the eye is disrupted. The capillaries fill with blood and burst. There is bleeding in the eye.

clinic of disease

If a vessel in the eye bursts, a bruise appears. Sometimes the sclera turns red completely (if several vascular elements are damaged). Additionally, the following symptoms occur:

  • discomfort on the eyelids;
  • feeling of dryness;
  • burning.

High blood pressure can cause headaches. Patients note a deterioration in well-being, the appearance of black dots, flies and circles before the eyes. In rare cases, there is dizziness, unsteadiness of gait. Red eye is a unilateral pathology. Both eyes are rarely affected. According to localization, several forms of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Retinal damage - in this case, objects are visualized indistinctly, vision falls. Patients note the appearance of flies before their eyes. A similar cause causes spots on the retina. This provokes an irreversible visual impairment. Minor signs of pathology go away on their own after rest.
  2. Hemorrhages in the orbit occur with damage to the skull, eyes. A similar picture is observed in hematological ailments. A striking sign of the disease is a sharp bulge (displacement of the eyeball forward). This reduces eye movement. People complain about the bifurcation of objects, soreness. Bursting vessels can be seen on the folds of the eyelids and on the conjunctiva.
  3. Bruising into the vitreous body is called the most difficult pathology. When signs of illness appear, emergency help. A dark tubercle appears on the eye, vision is sharply reduced. Lack of treatment provokes retinal detachment.
  4. Damage to the anterior chamber of the organ of vision is called a hyphema. The vessel bursts, so a red, homogeneous, mobile formation appears on the eye. Hyphemas go away on their own in a few days. If the resorption of the defect does not go away within 10 days, it is important to be examined by an ophthalmologist. Red whites of the eyes occur with high intraocular pressure.

Therapy Methods

Successful treatment is the elimination of the etiological factor. Therefore, before starting therapy, it is important to determine why capillaries burst so often. With lack of sleep, alcohol abuse, fatigue, physical exertion, it is important to provide the patient with peace and proper rest. For a quality recovery, you need to remove alcohol from the diet, normalize the daily routine and nutrition.

It is necessary to constantly reduce the visual load on the body. For this, various exercises are successfully used. In many cases, such actions help to overcome red streaks. it non-specific treatment, with the ineffectiveness of which you need to contact an ophthalmologist.

Some conditions require emergency care. With glaucoma, Pilocarpine must be instilled. With severe pain, the use of parenteral painkillers is indicated.

Such actions provide a decrease in intraocular pressure, normalizing blood flow, preventing breaks.

If the vessels in the eye burst, what is done with hypertension? During an attack, the use of Aspirin is indicated (to prevent a heart attack). You definitely need to consult a doctor, since the presence of such a rupture of a vessel in the eye indicates hypertensive crisis. To find out what caused this condition, the patient is prescribed complex diagnostics. It is recommended to remove the symptoms of the disease under the strict supervision of an ophthalmologist. If necessary, the patient is consulted by other specialists.

What to do if the capillaries in the eye burst? Vascular eye disease can occur with an overdose of coagulant drugs. The capillary under the eye bulges, breaks against the background of taking medications. They thin the blood and are prescribed for many ailments (atrial fibrillation, myocardial ischemia, thrombophilia). Such drugs have a lot side effects, including vascular ruptures, bleeding, skin rashes. What is done if the vessels in the eye burst? Initially, you need to seek medical advice. Only a specialist is able to understand why such changes could occur.

Taking medication

Only a doctor, after examining a patient, can understand why red blood vessels appeared in the eyes: the reasons, how to get rid of them, treatment - all these are moments that are within the competence of a specialist. Often, special eye drops are used to fight.

How to strengthen blood vessels with Vizin? The drug has a strong anti-edematous, vasoconstrictive effect. Its main advantage is local influence, quick effect. The duration of action of the drug lasts up to 8 hours. Vizin is used for conjunctivitis, allergies. It is suitable for patients who wear contact lenses.

The medicine is used several times a day until the signs of inflammation disappear. Do not use the drug for longer than 4 days, as addiction develops. Drops can not be used for individual intolerance, glaucoma. During therapy, there may be a burning sensation, itching, tearing.

Often fogging develops.

Taufon is the most affordable drug, which is highly effective in strengthening blood vessels. It is successfully used for dystrophies, keratitis, cataracts. Normalization of blood flow occurs due to the activation of metabolic, energy processes. Taufon fights red veins by stabilizing cell membranes and intraocular pressure.

The attending physician prescribes Taufon for several weeks. How to strengthen blood vessels and overcome the disease? The duration of therapy is selected individually. It depends on the specific cause of the disease. You can not use the drug for individual intolerance, pregnant women and people under 18 years of age.

Acceptance of other funds

How to treat vascular ailments with Emoxipin? Therapy is carried out by strengthening the walls of the capillaries. The drug has angioprotective, antihypoxic effects. The drug reduces the permeability of the wall, stimulates the circulation of intraocular fluid. Drops improve blood rheology. The drug successfully fights the signs of diabetic changes, corneal burns, myopia and glaucoma. Drops are used to prevent a burst vessel.

Can be used while wearing lenses.

The medicine is instilled twice a day into the conjunctival sac if the capillaries have burst. It is undesirable to combine the drug with other medicines. Special recommendations have been developed to prevent broken capillaries in the eyes. These include the following activities:

  • treatment of major diseases that provoke vascular ruptures (a situation when a capillary in the eye bursts occurs with hypertension);
  • minimization of traumatic situations;
  • strengthening immunity (this factor helps to minimize episodes of SARS, influenza);
  • the mandatory use of goggles will prevent the vessels from bursting;
  • the use of vitamins;
  • the need to strengthen the vessels of the eyes.

With the appearance of frequent bouts of hemorrhage, it is recommended to undergo a complete diagnostic examination.

There can be a lot of reasons for damage to a vessel in the eye - from a banal overvoltage to the first symptom of a serious illness. It is important to know why blood vessels burst in the eyes and what to do in such a situation: solve the problem on your own or hurry up with a visit to the doctor.

Possible causes of a burst vessel

A bursting vessel is manifested by a change in the color of the protein. Redness can affect the entire protein or appear in one spot. Possible reasons for this phenomenon a few:
  • Overvoltage. Any heavy physical activity can provoke a rupture of the vessel. It can be vigorous sports training, lifting heavy things, and even labor pains. Overstrain often also affects vision - blood vessels often burst after painstaking work with papers or sitting at a computer for a long time.
  • A sharp jump in blood pressure.
  • Trauma or other damage to the eye.
  • Ingested foreign body.
  • Head injury.
  • Ophthalmic disease (often conjunctivitis, keratitis), glaucoma, tumor.
  • Weather sensitivity or acclimatization.
  • Acute or chronic infection.
  • Diabetes mellitus (elasticity and strength of blood vessels are impaired due to increased glucose).
  • Fragility of the vascular walls.
  • Heat.
  • Abuse of alcohol, coffee, energy drinks, cigarettes.
  • Stay in the bath, sauna, dry air.
  • Coughing.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Strong vomiting.
  • Fatigue and lack of sleep.
  • Wearing lenses.
  • Incorrectly selected glasses for vision correction.
  • Lack of oxygen (at high altitude, under water).
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Poor-quality cosmetics or care products (creams, lotions, etc.).
  • Irritation due to ingress of water, detergent or cleaning agent, aggressive substances.
  • Side effect of the drug.

In every fifth newborn child, eye capillaries burst - this situation is considered the norm. With the stimulation of labor activity, the possibility of bursting vessels increases - this phenomenon is observed in 40% of cases. Nothing is required to treat in such a situation, and redness disappears on its own after 2-3 weeks.

What to do? Medicamentous and folk remedies

When a problem is found, it is worth resorting to certain measures. Perhaps as drug treatment and recipes traditional medicine. If the cause does not lie in the disease or serious injury, then the redness will pass on its own in a few days.


As a first aid, you can use drops:
  • Vizin
  • Emoxipin
  • Taufon
  • Dyphislezom
  • Oftagel
Such funds are necessary to relieve tension in the eye vessels, moisturize the eyes and protect against infection. They should be used when there is confidence in the cause of a burst vessel - overwork, lack of sleep, the action of dry air.

It is important to find the root cause of the phenomenon and cure it. After it will pass on its own, if it is not a serious ophthalmic problem.

Often bursting blood vessels are a consequence of a jump in blood pressure. In this case, it is important to take a drug that reduces it. Effective Indapamide, Bisoprolol, Ramipril and other means of this group. Taking such drugs is possible only after a doctor's prescription.

In case of a hypertensive crisis, accompanied by a bursting vessel, one should call ambulance. To prevent a heart attack, the victim should chew aspirin (2 tablets) and take an antihypertensive agent (previously recommended by a doctor) - Captopril or Nifedipine is effective.

If vessel damage is a companion allergic reaction along with other symptoms, such as itching or swelling, then you need to take antihistamines. With allergies, eye drops such as Ketotifen, Phenylephrine, Azelastine, Tetrahydrozoline help.

If an exacerbation of glaucoma occurs, the victim must be treated in a hospital. It is important to take emergency measures in this case:

  • instill every 15 minutes 2 drops of pilocarpine (1%);
  • give the patient an analgesic (parenteral administration);
  • taking a diuretic (usually furosemide).
If the vessel in the eye has burst due to an eye disease or neoplasm in the eye, then only a specialist should prescribe treatment.

A bursting vessel against the background of a bacterial infection means the need for antibiotics. Required drug a specialist should be selected based on tests that identify the causative agent of the disease. Tetracycline, sulfonamides, cephalosporins, or chloramphenicol are often used.

With fragility of capillaries, Ascorutin helps well. It is also taken with beriberi - a deficiency of vitamin P (rutin) and ascorbic acid. Askorutin serves as a prophylaxis for capillary damage after treatment with coagulants (phenylin, neodicoumarin) or salicylates.

If the problem arose due to medication, anti-inflammatory therapy is needed. Among glucocorticosteroids, Dexamethasone or Tobradex are more often prescribed. If there are contraindications to such therapy, then resort to nonsteroidal drugs- Naklofu or Diklofu.

If the redness is due to detergent or cleaning agent getting into the eye, then it is necessary to rinse the eyes with plenty of running water. If there are unpleasant symptoms, then you should see an ophthalmologist.

With a burst vessel in the eye, in no case should you start taking blood-thinning medications on your own. Self-prescribed treatment without an exact knowledge of the cause can lead to serious consequences.


One of effective methods Treatment for broken blood vessels is physiotherapy. There are several options for this treatment:
  • Electrophoresis. Electric current pulses enhance the effect of the drug, activate metabolic processes.
  • Diadynamophoresis. The procedure is based on different types current and isotonic solutions.
  • Phonophoresis. This procedure combines medicinal product and ultrasound. As a result, spasm is relieved, pain disappears, metabolic processes are accelerated.
Such procedures are carried out as prescribed by a doctor.

Folk remedies

With a broken vessel in the eye, you can use some folk remedies:
  • Tea brew. You need to make a strong brew, moisten cotton pads in it and keep such compresses for 20 minutes. You can repeat this procedure many times a day.
  • Chamomile decoction. This tool can be used for compresses in the same way as tea brewing. Others help too medicinal herbs- lime blossom, parsley, mint.
  • washing cold water. It relieves swelling and fatigue, improves blood flow.
  • Cucumber or potato. You can use two slices of fresh cucumber or raw potato as a compress.
  • A decoction of chicory. You need to boil half a liter of water with 3 tbsp. chicory roots and insist a quarter of an hour. Strained broth is needed not only for lotions, but also for oral administration - one and a half glasses per day, divided into 3 doses.
  • Mountain arnica. It is necessary to take the remedy inside. You need to pour 3 tbsp. flowers of the plant with a glass of water and drink such an infusion with water or milk. A tablespoon of the composition is enough for one dose.
  • contrast baths. You will need 2 containers with boiled water - one with cold and the other with hot. For 5-10 minutes it is necessary to alternately apply a hot and cold compress, the latter withstanding less hot lotion.
  • If lime gets into the eyes, you can apply sugar: dissolve a little sugar in water and moisten the eye. This should be done immediately after lime gets into the eye, as it can corrode eyeball.

When not to do without the help of a doctor?

There are several situations when, with a burst vessel in the eye, you need to urgently consult a doctor:

1. Impact or injury to the eye.

2. foreign body, especially particles of glass or metal.

3. The situation is repeated for no apparent reason.

4. Symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks.

6. Acute manifestation glaucoma.

7. Extensive hematoma, overflowing with a change in body position.

8. A bursting vessel is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • sharply deteriorated vision;
  • cloudiness;
  • sharp pain;
  • discharge of pus;
  • the appearance of colored flashes before the eyes;
  • strong pressure.
You should never put off visiting a doctor - you need to monitor your health. Any alarming symptoms are a good reason to check your body.

Prevention of the problem

To protect yourself from undesirable consequences, it is important to adhere to certain preventive measures:
  • Humidify the air. If the room is too dry, then you should use a humidifier or at least put a container of water.
  • Proper diet. It must contain the required amount of vitamins. Be sure to include citrus fruits rich in ascorbic acid and rutin in your diet. Dark green vegetables should also be included in the diet. Read more about how to eat right -.
  • Give your eyes a rest. This is important when working with a computer, small details, reading books.
  • Washing with cold water not only tones the skin, but is also good for blood vessels.
  • Use antiviral drugs and ascorbic acid during flu and colds.
  • Take medications recommended by your doctor for hypertension or disorders endocrine system. This will help to avoid exacerbation of the disease.
  • Wear glasses in strong winds, bright sun or dry air.
  • Use comfortable lighting - soft and close to natural.
  • Correctly select glasses and contact lenses, properly care for them.
  • Sleep 7-8 hours a day.
  • Visit the bath or sauna moderately - a long stay in the steam room can lead to hemorrhage.
  • Monitor your blood pressure, and when it jumps, take the medicines recommended by your doctor in a timely manner.
  • Do not abuse alcohol and other harmful substances.
  • Limit coffee and other energy drinks.
  • Exercise moderation in physical activity.
  • If dry eye syndrome is diagnosed, do not neglect artificial tear preparations (Hylo-Komod).
  • Observe the dosage of drugs, especially blood thinners.
  • Get checked regularly by an ophthalmologist.
  • Pay more attention to hygiene. Often, an eye infection is brought in with dirty hands. This is especially true for small children.

Gymnastics for the eyes

For preventive purposes, so that the vessels in the eyes do not burst, it is useful to do special exercises. It is especially needed for those who sit a lot at the computer, books, drawings, and deal with small details.

Exercises for eye gymnastics are simple and do not take much time:

  • Exercise for peripheral vision. You need to keep your index fingers 40 cm from your face, and then slowly move them in different directions, while observing their movement with peripheral vision. Then the fingers must also be slowly returned to their original position, continuing to watch them.
  • For the second exercise, you need to look. To do this, you should first look at the index finger of the outstretched hand, and then slowly look at some object in the distance. After holding your gaze for 5 seconds, you need to slowly look back at your finger.
  • Massaging the eyeballs. You need to lightly press the pads of your fingers on the eyeballs closed eyes. Then open your eyes and hold for 5 seconds without blinking. Then close your eyes and repeat the massage.
  • You need to close your eyes tightly, then open them for 5 seconds and close them again. You need to repeat the exercise 6 times.
  • Circular movements. The eyes should be lowered down, moved up, then to the right and left, and then rotate the eyes in a circle. Repeat the algorithm 3 times.
  • Frequent blinking. You need to blink often, while not squinting your eyes too hard. First blink for half a minute, and then withstand up to two minutes.
  • Massage. Close your eyes and lightly stroke upper eyelids fingertips. First, movements must be performed from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer, and then change direction.
  • After completing all the exercises, you need to sit for a few seconds relaxing and with your eyes closed.
Such useful gymnastics should be done every day. Exercises take a little time, but bring a noticeable effect with regular use.

There can be many reasons why blood vessels burst in the eyes. If the factor that provoked this phenomenon is unknown, then you should not rely on self-medication - it is better to undergo an ophthalmological examination once again. It is important to follow preventive measures - they will help to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Subconjunctival hemorrhage, or subconjunctival bleeding, is the release of blood under the conjunctiva as a result of a rupture of the vascular wall. This is the most common pathology among all types of hemorrhages in the organ of vision.

Localization of hemorrhages in the eye that occur as a result of a burst vessel

  • subconjunctival (hyposphagma) - blood enters under the conjunctiva;
  • hyphema - accumulation of blood in the anterior eye chamber;
  • retinal hemorrhage;
  • hemorrhage in the eye socket;
  • hemophthalmos - the presence of blood in the vitreous body.

Etiology of hemorrhage

The causes of pathology are numerous. Conventionally, they can be divided into several groups.
Exogenous causes (not associated with diseases and resulting from exposure to physical factors):

  • eye fatigue with prolonged load on the visual analyzer;
  • changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • bright sun;
  • a sharp change in weather conditions (affects the well-being of weather-dependent patients);
  • dry air, dusty or smoky rooms;
  • use of diving masks;
  • hypothermia of the body or vice versa, high air temperature (for example, when visiting a steam room in a sauna or bath);
  • bad habits - smoking, alcoholism;
  • malnutrition, frequent consumption of coffee;
  • eye injuries of varying severity (from simple rough rubbing of the eye to penetrating injury);
  • foreign body.

Endogenous causes associated with the patient's health status or processes occurring in the body:

  • closed craniocerebral injury;
  • a sharp jump in blood pressure;
  • blood thinning ( side effect from taking certain medications);
  • asthma attacks;
  • attempts with constipation or during childbirth;
  • postoperative complications in eye microsurgery (eg LASIK);
  • fragility of the vascular walls (occurs when taking certain medications, as well as as a result of previous diseases);
  • Valsalva test - a functional test for the diagnosis of certain diseases;
  • increased venous pressure (with severe coughing, sneezing, heavy lifting or vomiting).

Diseases in which the development of subconjunctival hemorrhage is possible:

At baby, and even in a newborn, can occur with a lack of vitamin C, traumatic asphyxia syndrome, or as a result of intense crying.

Symptoms of subconjunctival hemorrhage

The general condition of a patient who has burst blood vessels in the eye depends on the cause that caused the hemorrhage. Visually, under the conjunctiva, you can see a spot of bright red color. Its sizes are very different. Gradually, over time, it acquires a green or yellow color. Completely disappears in about two weeks. Subconjunctival hemorrhage itself is painless, visual acuity is preserved, and bursting vessels are gradually restored.

Symptoms of hemorrhage in the anterior eye chamber

Hyphema develops mainly with injuries or an attack of glaucoma. Blood is visible to the naked eye. It collects at the bottom of the anterior surface of the eye.

Symptoms of retinal hemorrhage

Hemorrhage occurs as a result of a jump in blood pressure, with retinopathy or retinal vascular pathology. Main features:

  • blurred vision;
  • flashing flies before the eyes;
  • the presence of "blind" spots in the field of view.

Such hemorrhage is considered a serious pathology and can lead to total loss vision.

Eye hemorrhage symptoms

Such hemorrhage is typical for an eye injury. Blood enters the retrobulbar adipose tissue. There is exophthalmos (bulging eyes). There may be periorbital edema and hematoma under the eye - traces of trauma. Complaints of the patient - pain, bifurcation of objects in the eyes, inability to move the eye.

Symptoms of hemorrhage in the vitreous body

When blood enters the vitreous body, its transparency disappears, as a result of which vision suffers. This is a severe pathology, which most often occurs due to trauma.

How to treat a hemorrhage?

Treatment of subconjunctival hemorrhage depends on the factors that provoked it. With isolated subconjunctival hemorrhage drug therapy consists in the use of lubricants - moisturizing preparations that are instilled 4 - 6 times a day. In the absence of infection or injury within a month, self-healing usually occurs. If the healing processes are very slow, it is recommended to donate blood for a coagulogram and a test for the time to stop bleeding.

The patient should be warned by the doctor that at first the size of the spot may increase slightly, and over time it will change color, acquire a yellowish or greenish tint. The natural color of the sclera and the burst vessel will recover over time.

What to do at home?

If the vessel burst as a result of eye fatigue, lack of sleep, excessive physical activity or with excessive intake of alcoholic beverages, it is enough to give the eyes, and the whole body, just a rest. Sleep is the best thing to do in this situation. If the cause is dry air in the room (during the heating season or with the air conditioner constantly running), humidifiers must be installed. In bright sunshine, use sunglasses or wide-brimmed hats.

Avoid dusty and smoky rooms, temporarily refuse to visit a bath or sauna, warm up in case of hypothermia or take an antipyretic when high temperature- all actions of the patient should be aimed at eliminating the causes of hemorrhage. Rejection bad habits, nutrition correction, adherence to the regime - all this is not only preventive measures, but also part of therapy. If the hemorrhage occurred against the background of other pathologies, you should not waste time, but immediately seek qualified help.

What can not be done with a burst vessel in the eye?

  • You can not rub your eyes and touch them with dirty hands;
  • you can not independently prescribe treatment for yourself and prescribe drugs;
  • do not wash your eyes with tea leaves;
  • do not use vasoconstrictor drops.

When should you consult an ophthalmologist?

  • The blood stain on the sclera does not decrease with time or, on the contrary, increases in size;
  • reappearance of subconjunctival hemorrhage;
  • the stain interferes with vision;
  • a sharp decrease in visual acuity;
  • the development of additional symptoms - pain, itching, burning, lacrimation, photophobia or swelling;
  • Availability purulent discharge from the eye.

All this indicates diseases of the organs of vision, and if you do not start immediate treatment, complications are possible in the form of a decrease in visual acuity up to blindness.

When do you need to seek qualified help from medical specialists?

First of all, this applies to those people whose blood vessels very often burst, and also if the hemorrhage is a symptom or complication of the serious pathologies listed above. With attempts due to constant constipation, which can provoke a rupture of the vessel, you should also consult a doctor. He will prescribe the appropriate drugs and adjust the diet.

With an overdose of anticoagulants included in the treatment regimen for certain pathologies - atrial fibrillation, thrombophilia, coronary disease heart, it is quite possible to develop subconjunctival bleeding. In such cases, you will have to visit a doctor so that he can choose the right drug or prescribe a different dosage.

Emergency conditions

If the vessel burst in a patient with hypertension, you need to measure blood pressure and take the antihypertensive drugs prescribed by the doctor, chew two Aspirin tablets for pain in the heart. With high numbers indicating a hypertensive crisis, call an ambulance to stop it.

With an attack of glaucoma, a 1% solution of pilocarpine should be instilled every 15 minutes. Pain can be relieved by parenteral administration of analgesics. Take any diuretic, such as Furosemide. These measures help to reduce intraocular pressure and prevent rupture of the capillary wall. However, the patient in this condition is shown hospitalization in the hospital.

Preparations for local treatment

With subconjunctival hemorrhage, the following drugs will help the patient:

  • Vizin. Vasoconstrictor and decongestant drug. Quickly relieves slight redness, eliminates the feeling of discomfort in the eyes. The action of the drops lasts for 8-12 hours. Do not use with increased intraocular pressure and individual sensitivity. The course of treatment is no more than 4 days, otherwise addiction may occur.
  • Taufon. Used to accelerate tissue regeneration. Drops are good for eye fatigue. Normalize blood circulation, stimulate metabolic and energy processes, stabilize intraocular pressure. It is prescribed not only for subconjunctival hemorrhage, but also for the treatment of retinal diseases, with corneal damage, cataracts and conjunctivitis. Taufon is contraindicated in pregnancy and individual intolerance to taurine, which is part of the drug. Do not prescribe to patients under 18 years of age.
  • Hyphenosis. Eye drops relieve dryness and irritation of the conjunctiva. The funds will help in cases where the hemorrhage appeared as a result of microtrauma. Also, the drug is prescribed for conjunctivitis and keratitis.
  • Emoxipin. Effectively helps with hemorrhage. Bury it at least 3 times a day, 1 drop. The course of treatment can last about a month.
  • Drops "Natural tear". Assign to patients who wear contact lenses. Often in such people, due to insufficient hydration of the conjunctiva, blood vessels begin to burst. The drug helps to keep normal level moisture.
  • Stillavite. Drops of complex action. They moisturize the conjunctiva, relieve inflammation, stimulate healing processes.
  • Vitamin complexes with beta-keratin and blueberry extract. In some cases, they help eliminate traces of even very large bruises of the eyeball.
  • "Oxial", "Artificial tear", "Optiv", "Oftagel" - these medicines help maintain the natural moisture level of the conjunctiva.

Any drug for treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. Only after consulting with him, you can begin to eliminate the consequences of hemorrhage.

You can detect trouble in the form of a bursting vessel in the eye either after waking up in the morning, or during a normal measured day. This phenomenon is often so imperceptible that external changes can be accidentally learned from the interlocutor. This metamorphosis happens quickly, unexpectedly, and in some cases painlessly. The causes and treatment of a burst vessel in the eye are interconnected, since the treatment of the disease without finding out the root cause is not possible.

Hemorrhage on a recently white surface is not a sight for the faint of heart, but when such a change occurs to a person, it is quite natural that he is seized by fear of the unknown cause and consequences.

Reasons if the vessel burst. Why does hemorrhage occur in the eye?

The correct, full-fledged functioning of the retina is carried out with the help of the choroid, which is represented by a capillary-venous network. The walls of the bloodstream are fragile, apparently this is common cause that they burst at the slightest increase in pressure.

In fact, there are many reasons why a vessel in the eye burst and they are not always harmless, as it sometimes seems:

Diseases that disrupt vascular wall. Systemic vasculitis (Wenger's granulomatosis, Behçet's syndrome, Takayasu's disease).

There are many reasons why a vessel in the eye has burst, and most of them deserve emergency medical intervention. A sharp jump in blood pressure can make drastic changes in life, and may even end in death, and glaucoma can cause a person to lose sight.

Symptoms of a burst vessel

The main symptom, visible to the naked eye, is redness unusual for the eye. This becomes the reason for contacting a specialist. Redness can be in the form of a small fragment as a result of a violation of the integrity of one capillary and cover the entire eyeball - with volumetric bruising, hematoma.

What the result of a blood flow rupture looks like has a direct relationship with the cause of the pathology. Visually, you can see violations of the capillaries anterior section eyes.

Symptoms of hemorrhages depending on the location:

1. Into the retina. This is the nerve tissue lining the inside that provides vision. Hemorrhage into it temporarily makes it impossible for a person to see. With constant rupture of capillaries in the retina, visual acuity is impaired, and blindness may be a further prognosis. Often such a symptom appears in diabetics, hypertensive patients, people with diseases of the blood flow of the retina, and ripples in the eyes are added to it. Only an examination of the fundus by an ophthalmologist can allow an accurate diagnosis to be made.


2. In the eye socket. When the capillaries are broken as a result of injury, the blood fills the retrobulbar fatty tissue. This leads to bulging eyes (exophthalmos). Symptoms associated with the disease are swelling and bruising characteristic of the consequences of injury. The victim has a split image, and there are pain that prevent eye movement.


  • ripples in the eyes;
  • dark spot in the field of view;
  • visual absence of a red spot.

3. Into the vitreous. The main part of the eye, represented by a transparent formation, providing the passage of light rays. Focuses them on the retina. In the event that there is blood, the tissue loses transparency, vision disappears. Usually this is the result of serious injuries and it is impossible to do without the qualified help of an ophthalmologist.


  • a veil before the eyes, a sharp loss of the ability to see;
  • perception of light in red shades;
  • more often one eye is affected.

4. Into the anterior chamber. Hyphema can be caused various reasons, but most often it is fixed in glaucoma and trauma. The accumulation of blood occurs in the lower part of the anterior surface and is clearly visible to the naked eye. Shown in severe cases surgical intervention, in the rest - the blood resolves within a week without special treatment.