Irifrin bk side effects. Irifrin: instructions for use for eye drops

Alpha agonist for local application in ophthalmology (mydriatic)

Active substance

Phenylephrine hydrochloride (phenylephrine)

Release form, composition and packaging

Eye drops 2.5%

Excipients: disodium edetate, hypromellose, sodium metabisulfite, citric acid, sodium citrate dihydrate, water for injection.

Eye drops 10% in the form of a clear solution from colorless to light yellow.

Excipients: benzalkonium chloride, disodium edetate, sodium hydroxide, sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate anhydrous, sodium metabisulfite, citric acid, sodium citrate dihydrate, water for injections.

5 ml - plastic dropper bottles (1) - cardboard packs.
5 ml - dark glass bottles (1) complete with a dropper - cardboard boxes.

pharmachologic effect

Sympathomimetic. It has a pronounced alpha-adrenergic activity and, when used in normal doses, does not have a significant stimulating effect on the central nervous system.

When applied topically in ophthalmology, it causes pupil dilation, improves the outflow of intraocular fluid and constricts the vessels of the conjunctiva.

Phenylephrine has a pronounced stimulating effect on postsynaptic α-adrenergic receptors, has a very weak effect on myocardial β-adrenergic receptors. The drug has a vasoconstrictor effect similar to that of (norepinephrine), while it has practically no chronotropic and inotropic effect on the heart. The vasopressor effect of phenylephrine is less pronounced than that of, but is longer. Causes vasoconstriction 30-90 seconds after instillation, duration of action - 2-6 hours.

After instillation, phenylephrine contracts the pupillary dilator and smooth muscle of the conjunctival arterioles, thereby causing pupillary dilation. Mydriasis occurs within 10-60 minutes after a single instillation. After instillation of 2.5% eye drops, mydriasis persists for 2 hours, after instillation of 10% eye drops - 3-7 hours. phenylephrine has little effect on the ciliary muscle, mydriasis occurs without cycloplegia.


Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug Irifrin is not provided.


  • iridocyclitis (to prevent the occurrence of posterior synechia and reduce exudation from the iris);
  • for diagnostic pupil dilation during ophthalmoscopy and other diagnostic procedures ah, necessary to control the state of the posterior segment of the eye;
  • conducting a provocative test in patients with a narrow angle of the anterior chamber of the eye and suspicion of angle-closure glaucoma;
  • differential diagnosis of superficial and deep injections eyeball;
  • in ophthalmosurgery - during preoperative preparation for pupil dilation (eye drops 10%);
  • to dilate the pupil during laser interventions on the fundus and in vitreo-retinal surgery;
  • treatment of glaucoma-cyclic crises;
  • treatment of the "red eye" syndrome (eye drops 2.5%) to reduce hyperemia and irritation of the membranes of the eye;
  • spasm of accommodation.


  • angle-closure or narrow-angle glaucoma;
  • elderly patients with serious disorders of the of cardio-vascular system and cerebral circulation;
  • for additional pupil dilation during surgical operations in patients with violation of the integrity of the eyeball, as well as in violation of tear production;
  • arterial aneurysm (eye drops 10%);
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • hepatic porphyria;
  • congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • children's age up to 12 years (eye drops 10%);
  • premature (eye drops 2.5%);
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.


When conducting ophthalmoscopy apply eye drops 2.5% once in the form of instillations. As a rule, to create mydriasis, it is enough to introduce 1 drop into the conjunctival sac. The maximum mydriasis is reached after 15-30 minutes and remains at a sufficient level for 1-3 hours. If it is necessary to maintain mydriasis for a long time, Irifrin can be re-instilled after 1 hour.

In case of insufficient dilation of the pupil, as well as in patients with a rigid iris (pronounced pigmentation), it is possible to use 10% eye drops in the same dose for diagnostic pupil dilation.

For relieve spasm of accommodation adults and children over 6 years old prescribe eye drops 2.5%, 1 drop in each eye at night, daily for 4 weeks.

When persistent spasm of accommodation it is possible to use eye drops 10% in adults and children over 12 years old- 1 drop in each eye at night daily for 2 weeks.

When carrying out diagnostic procedures, a single instillation of 2.5% eye drops is used in the following cases:

  • as provocative test in patients with a narrow anterior chamber angle profile and suspected angle-closure glaucoma- if the difference between the values ​​of intraocular pressure before instillation of Irifrin and after pupil dilation is from 3 to 5 mm Hg, then the provocative test is considered positive;
  • for differential diagnosis type of eyeball injection- if 5 minutes after instillation, narrowing of the vessels of the eyeball is noted, then the injection is classified as superficial, while maintaining redness of the eye, it is necessary to carefully examine the patient for the presence of iridocyclitis or scleritis, tk. this indicates the expansion of deeper vessels.

At iridocyclitis Irifrin is used in the form of eye drops 2.5% or 10% to prevent the development and rupture of already formed posterior synechiae and to reduce exudation into the anterior chamber of the eye. For this purpose, 1 drop is instilled into the conjunctival sac of the diseased eye (eyes) 2-3 times / day.

At glaucoma-cyclic crises due to the vasoconstrictor action of phenylephrine, intraocular pressure decreases, this effect is more pronounced when Irifrin is used in the form of 10% eye drops. For the relief of glaucoma-cyclic crises, the drug is instilled 2-3 times / day.

At preparation for surgery 30-60 minutes before the operation, in order to achieve mydriasis, a single instillation of Irifrin is performed in the form of 10% eye drops. After opening the shells of the eyeball, repeated instillation of the drug is not allowed.

Eye drops 10% are not used for irrigation, soaking tampons during surgical interventions and for subconjunctival administration.

Side effects

From the side of the organ of vision: conjunctivitis, periorbital edema; possible burning sensation at the beginning of application, blurred vision, irritation, discomfort, lacrimation, increased intraocular pressure.

The next day after the use of the drug Irifrin, reactive miosis is possible. With repeated instillations of the drug during this period, mydriasis may be less pronounced than the day before. This effect is more common in elderly patients.

Due to a significant reduction in the pupil dilator under the influence of phenylephrine, 30-45 minutes after instillation, particles of pigment from the pigment sheet of the iris can be detected in the moisture of the anterior chamber of the eye. Suspension in the chamber moisture must be differentiated with the appearance of anterior uveitis or with the ingress of blood cells into the moisture of the anterior chamber.

From the side of the cardiovascular system: palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmia (including ventricular), reflex bradycardia, occlusion are possible coronary arteries, pulmonary embolism.

Dermatological reactions: contact dermatitis.

Rarely, when using Irifrin in the form of eye drops 10%, the development of serious disorders of the cardiovascular system, including vascular collapse and intracranial hemorrhage, is observed.


Symptoms: manifestations of the systemic action of phenylephrine.

Treatment: the use of alpha-blockers (for example, 5-10 mg of phentolamine IV). If necessary, the introduction can be repeated.

drug interaction

The mydriatic effect of phenylephrine is enhanced when it is used in combination with. Due to increased vasopressor action, tachycardia may develop.

When Irifrin is used simultaneously with MAO inhibitors or within 21 days after stopping their use, there is a risk of developing an uncontrolled rise in blood pressure.

The vasopressor effect of adrenomimetic agents can also be potentiated when used together with tricyclic antidepressants, propranolol, reserpine, guanethidine, methyldopa and m-anticholinergics.

The use of Irifrin in the form of eye drops 10% in combination with systemic use can lead to acute arterial hypertension.

Irifrin can potentiate the inhibitory effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system during inhalation anesthesia.

The use in conjunction with sympathomimetics may enhance the cardiovascular effects of phenylephrine.

special instructions

Irifrin should be used with caution in patients with diabetes due to the risk of developing an increase in blood pressure associated with a violation of autonomic regulation, as well as in elderly patients - due to an increased risk of reactive miosis.

With caution, Irifrin should be used simultaneously with MAO inhibitors, as well as within 21 days after stopping their intake.

Exceeding the recommended dose when using eye drops of 2.5% in patients with injuries, diseases of the eye or its appendages, in postoperative period or with reduced tear production (anesthesia) can lead to increased absorption of phenylephrine and the development of systemic side effects.

Due to the fact that the drug causes conjunctival hypoxia, it should be used with caution in patients with sickle cell anemia, when wearing contact lenses, after surgical interventions (decreased healing).

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, protected from light at temperatures up to 25 ° C; do not freeze. Shelf life - 2 years.

After opening the vial, the shelf life is 1 month.

These drops are taken topically and may have the following effects:

  • Improve the outflow of fluid from the eye.
  • Expand pupils.
  • Narrow the blood vessels inside the organ of vision.

Also, the drug can be used in the separation of particles of the iris, with iridocyclitis, red-eye syndrome, cyclic crises and other types of eye diseases.

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Today you can find two types of presented tools. It:

  • Irifrin.
  • Irifrin BK.

These medicines differ in that Irifrin contains a preservative, while Irifrin BK does not contain it. This means that the first one can have a negative effect, for example, irritate the shell of the eye, but at the same time such drops can be stored open longer. Irifrin BK does not contain a preservative and therefore cannot be harmful. They have almost no side effects, but they can be stored for a very short time after opening.

Irifrin BK is produced in small bottles, at the top of which there are droppers. The bottle has a volume of 0.4 milliliters. You can use such drops only once after opening. If drops remain in the ampoule after the procedure, they will have to be thrown away, since they are not subject to storage. Each instillation procedure will require a separate vial.

Irifrin, after opening, can be used many times over a month. That's how much you can store the drug.

In all other respects, these types of drops do not have differences. You can use one or another type of medicine in different cases, depending on the circumstances.

The presented preparations are produced only in the form of drops. active ingredient Phenylephrine acts in them. Its concentration in the product can be different.


Irifrin BK is available only in a concentration of 2.5% solution, that is, in drops per 1 milliliter there are 25 milligrams of the active ingredient.

In addition, the product also contains auxiliary substances that help increase efficiency and make it easier to assimilate the main component:

  1. Citric acid.
  2. Purified water.
  3. sodium metabisulphite.
  4. Edetat.
  5. Sodium hydroxide.
  6. sodium dihydrate.

The product can be completely transparent or have a yellowish tint. Irifrin BK is available only in capsules with a 0.4 ml dropper. One package contains 15 droppers of Irifrin BK.


The main active ingredient of the drug belongs to alpha-adrenergic agonists, and therefore can have a certain effect on the vessels. If the agent is used topically, then Phenylephrine will only affect the vessels in the eyes. When active substance administered intravenously, it affects the entire body.

With vasoconstriction, the redness of the eyes disappears and the outflow of fluid increases, which causes a decrease in IOP. Therefore, this drug can be used to treat glaucoma. The ability to expand the pupil makes it possible to use it before surgery or in other cases of intervention.

The tool will begin to work within 10-20 minutes after instillation. In this case, the pupil can expand after 40-60 minutes. The effect will last for several hours.



  • to prevent the formation of synechia on the iris;
  • when testing for the presence of various eye diseases, including glaucoma;
  • to increase the pupil during the diagnosis of the patient;
  • during preparatory procedures for surgery, when it is required to enlarge the pupil;
  • in the treatment of glaucoma crisis;
  • to eliminate accommodative spasm.

Eye testing for diseases

In each of the cases listed above, either Irifrin or Irifrin BC can be taken. The difference is only in the concentration active ingredient required for manipulation. Which drug to use in each case is decided only by the doctor.

Application rules

As stated in the instructions for use eye drops Irifrin BK must be used according to certain rules. The type of drug is determined by the doctor in each case. The choice of Irifrin or Irifrin BK depends on how well the preservative is tolerated by the patient's body. If the patient has no contraindications to benzalkonium chloride, then the doctor can prescribe any drops based on subjective reasons. If the body does not tolerate this preservative, then only Irifrin BK is prescribed to the patient.

Treatment should begin with a minimum dosage. If necessary and at the discretion of the doctor, the dose can be increased. It is worth immediately instilling a drug with a higher concentration of the active substance only in the case of preoperative preparation and only at the hospital. Older people and children should not start treatment with a 10% solution.

Medicines can be used in a variety of ways. It is instilled into the eye, soaked in tampons and applied to the diseased organ, injected. Only a doctor should instill eyes. Tampons with medicine can also be used independently. In the event that drops are used to treat glaucoma crisis, they can be used in the form of applications. The method of treatment with Irifrin BK is determined by the doctor.

To open the bottle with the drug, you need to remove the upper part from it or pierce it with a needle. Bury the solution correctly like this:

  • Raise your head up so that your face is directed towards the ceiling.
  • Pull back the eyelid.
  • Take the vial and place it over the eye at a short distance.
  • Click on the pipette to squeeze the liquid out of it.
  • It is necessary to make the medicine in each eye in turn.

After the procedure for 5-10 minutes you need to sit quietly with eyes closed. It is forbidden to strain your eyes immediately after it (watch TV, read, etc.).

When instilling, it is necessary to ensure that the tip of the pipette does not touch the surface of the eye and foreign objects. So you can bring an infection into it.

Usage patterns

It is necessary to use the drug according to the following scheme:

  • Ophthalmoscopy. Instill one drop of liquid 20-30 minutes before the start of the study. When it is required that the pupil is enlarged for quite a long time, then after the first instillation it is necessary to repeat the procedure in an hour.
  • Elimination of spasm of accommodation. For a month, the patient is instilled with medicine in the eye every day. When the spasm cannot be eliminated, then it is worth using a solution of a stronger concentration.
  • provocative test. It is necessary to measure the pressure inside the eye before and after instillation. The difference is worth comparing. If it exceeds the permissible norm, then it is considered that the patient has glaucoma.
  • For the diagnosis of the apple of the eye. The agent is instilled into the eyes. If after five minutes the redness disappears, then it is considered that the infection is superficial. Otherwise, the infection is deep. In the second option, the doctor conducts additional research and prescribes a course of treatment.
  • Iridocyclitis. To prevent tissue growths from forming in the eye, it is worth dropping the drug into each eye. This must be done several times a day. It is worth continuing the procedure until the patient's condition improves, which is determined by the doctor. The concentration of the liquid is also determined by the doctor.
  • Glaucoma crisis. The optimal intake is 1 drop of the drug 3 times a day in the affected organ.
  • Preparation for operating procedures. Apply only 10% liquid an hour before the start.


When to use only Irifrin BK

In all these cases, you can use both Irifrin and Irifrin BK. However, there are certain cases when only Irifrin BK should be used. Namely:

  • Prevention with a large load on the body.
  • Treatment .

It is noted that Irifrin BK is to be used only in children and the elderly who suffer from myopia. With the help of the drug, you can maintain the condition of the patient and prevent the disease from developing. Irifrin BK can also be used during complex therapy at different ages.


After instillation with this substance, the patient during the first time will experience discomfort. But they usually go away on their own. After instillation for 3-4 hours, it is not recommended to strain your eyes.

After 20 minutes, after the end of the use of the product, the pupil will expand. As a result, the patient's vision will deteriorate. Also, light will annoy him. The state will not change for three to four hours. It is for this reason that it is recommended to bury your eyes before going to bed.

In hypertensive patients, after using Irifrin BK, blood pressure may rise. It is worth preparing for this and not being afraid, since the pressure itself will soon return to normal.

During the entire time of using the medicine, the patient is advised to wear glasses. He needs to give up the lenses. You can wear them only 4-5 days after the course of treatment.

When the drug is finished, the vision will remain blurry for a while. Then it will pass and the patient will feel much better than before using the medicine. With regular use, the patient disappears all the unpleasant manifestations in front of the eyes. Also, vision itself is restored.


Studies on how the drug affects the pregnant woman and her fetus have not been conducted. However, doctors advise to abstain from this medicine during such a period. If you cannot do without the drug during pregnancy and lactation, then before giving permission for its use, the doctor assesses all the risks and makes a decision.


  • If more drops are instilled into the eyes than indicated in the instructions, this can cause increased side effects. The risk is especially high in those who have undergone eye surgery or with a decrease in fluid production in the eye.
  • Caution should be taken with Irifrin BK for diabetes and the elderly. Here, blood pressure can rise significantly and pupil constriction, rather than dilation, can occur.
  • Since the drug can cause hypoxia, it should be carefully used by those who wear lenses.
  • Care must be taken when combining the drug with MAO inhibitors. Start taking Irifrin BK after using such drugs should be three weeks later.


She is possible. With the introduction a large number drugs increase the activity of alpha-adrenergic agents. As a result, the patient may experience:

  • Increase in blood pressure.
  • Irritation around the mouth.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Bradycardia.

To eliminate such symptoms, you will need to take Phentolamine. It should be injected into a vein and continue the procedure until the pupil narrows. Then the introduction of the drug must be stopped. Treatment for overdose at this stage is considered complete.

After instillation, one should refrain from driving a car and working with mechanisms that require increased concentration. If the drops are taken at night, then during the day you can do any business.


In children, medicine may be prescribed to treat farsightedness or nearsightedness. It can also be used for preventive purposes so that vision does not fall, especially with heavy loads on the body.

To cure nearsightedness or farsightedness, the remedy is attributed to a period of 1 month. Such procedures should be carried out a couple of times throughout the year. It is prescribed by one drop. The number of procedures per day is three. The doctor may prescribe Irifrin BK together with Taufon. Regular use of the medicine will not allow vision to deteriorate.

Side effects

They are systemic or local. The second type can appear directly in the eye and will not affect other organs. Systemic ones are manifested in the case when the substance enters the bloodstream. At the same time, it has a negative effect on the entire body. Such a side effect can manifest itself mainly with an overdose.

Local manifestations:

  • Edema.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Burning.
  • fogging.
  • Lachrymation.
  • Increased pressure inside the eyes.
  • miosis.
  • Discomfort.
  • Systemic manifestations:
  • Dermatitis.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Bradycardia.
  • Vasoconstriction.
  • Increase in blood pressure.
  • Heart attack.

Miosis (pupil constriction)


This medicine should not be used in such cases:

  • Intolerance to the components of the tool.
  • Age over 65 years.
  • Glaucoma of different types.
  • Porphyria of the kidneys.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Aneurysm.
  • Prematurity (in children).

You will also have to carefully use the medicine:

  • with diabetes;
  • babies;
  • when wearing lenses;
  • after operations.


Irifrit BK also has cheaper analogues, which the doctor can also prescribe to the patient. Among these analogues, the most common are the following:

  • Mezaton.
  • Vizofrin.
  • Neosynephrine-POS.

Also, for the treatment of eyes, instead of the presented remedy, the following can also be used:

  • Vizin.
  • Tetrizolin.
  • Spersallerg.
  • Nafazolin.
  • Allergoftal.

The price of these drugs may vary. Everything will depend on the manufacturer and place of sale. Usually the price ranges from 100 to 200 rubles.

Dosage form:  eye drops Compound:

1 ml of a 2.5% solution of the drug contains:

active substance : phenylephrine hydrochloride 25 mg,

Excipients: disodium edetate 1.0 mg, sodium metabisulfite 2.0 mg, citric acid 1.16 mg, sodium citrate dihydrate q.s., hypromellose 3.0 mg, water for injection up to 1 ml.


Clear solution from colorless to light yellow.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:Alpha agonist ATX:  

S.01.F.B.01 Ibopamine


Phenylephrine is a sympathomimetic. It has a pronounced alpha-adrenergic activity.

When applied topically in ophthalmology, it causes pupil dilation, improves the outflow of intraocular fluid and constricts the vessels of the conjunctiva.

Phenylephrine has a pronounced stimulating effect on postsynaptic alpha-adrenergic receptors, has a very weak effect on beta-adrenergic receptors of the heart. The drug has a vasoconstrictor effect similar to the action of norepinephrine (norepinephrine), while it has practically no chronotropic and inotropic effects on the heart. The vasopressor effect of phenylephrine is weaker than that of norepinephrine, but is longer lasting. Causes vasoconstriction 30-90 seconds after instillation, duration 2-6 hours.

After instillation, it contracts the pupillary dilator and the smooth muscles of the conjunctival arterioles, thereby causing the pupil to dilate. Mydriasis occurs within 10-60 minutes after a single instillation. Continues after instillation of a 2.5% solution and persists for 2 hours. Mydriasis caused by phenylephrine is not accompanied by cycloplegia.


Phenylephrine easily penetrates into the tissues of the eye, the peak plasma concentration occurs 10-20 minutes after topical application. excreted by the kidneys unchanged (<20%) или в виде неактивных метаболитов.


1. Iridocyclitis (to prevent the occurrence of posterior synechia and reduce exudation from the iris).

2. Pupil dilation during ophthalmoscopy and other diagnostic procedures necessary to monitor the condition of the posterior segment of the eye, during laser interventions on the fundus and vitreoretinal surgery.

3. Conducting a provocative test in patients with a narrow anterior chamber angle profile and suspicion of angle-closure glaucoma.

4. Differential diagnosis of superficial and deep injection of the eyeball.

5. "Red eye" syndrome (to reduce hyperemia and irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye).

6. Prevention of asthenopia and spasm of accommodation in patients with high visual load.

7. Treatment of false myopia (accommodation spasm) and prevention of the progression of true myopia in patients with high visual load.


1. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

2. Narrow-angle or angle-closure glaucoma.

3. Arterial hypertension in combination with ischemic heart disease, aortic aneurysm, atrioventricular block I-III degree, arrhythmia.

4. Tachycardia.

5. Diabetes mellitus type I in history.

6. Continuous use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, antihypertensive drugs.

7. Additional expansion of the pupil during surgical operations in patients with violation of the integrity of the eyeball, as well as in violation of tear production.

8. Reduced body weight in newborns

9. Hyperthyroidism.

10. Hepatic porphyria.

11. Congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

12. Breastfeeding period.


In patients with type II diabetes - an increased risk of high blood pressure.

In elderly patients, an increased risk of reactive miosis.

Exceeding the recommended dose of a 2.5% solution in patients with injuries, diseases of the eye or its appendages, in the postoperative period, or with reduced tear production may lead to increased absorption of phenylephrine and the development of systemic side effects.

Due to the fact that it causes conjunctival hypoxia - in patients with sickle cell anemia, when wearing contact lenses, after surgical interventions (decreased healing).

With cerebral atherosclerosis, long-term bronchial asthma. Pregnancy and lactation:

In animals in late pregnancy, it caused fetal growth retardation and stimulated the early onset of labor.

The action of Irifrin® in pregnant women has not been sufficiently studied, therefore, the drug should be used in this category of patients only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the risk of possible side effects for the fetus.

If the drug is prescribed during lactation, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Dosage and administration:

When conducting ophthalmoscopy, single instillations of a 2.5% solution of Irifrin® are used. As a rule, to create mydriasis, it is enough to introduce 1 drop of a 2.5% solution of Irifrin® into the conjunctival sac.

The maximum mydriasis is reached in 15-30 minutes and remains at a sufficient level for 1-3 hours. If it is necessary to maintain mydriasis for a long time, Irifrin® can be re-instilled after 1 hour.

For diagnostic procedures:

As a provocative test in patients with a narrow anterior chamber angle profile and suspected angle-closure glaucoma, 1 drop of the drug is instilled once. If the difference between the values ​​of intraocular pressure before instillation of Irifrin® and after pupil dilation is from 3 to 5 mm Hg. Art., then the provocative test is considered positive;

For differential diagnosis of the type of injection of the eyeball, 1 drop of the drug is instilled once: if 5 minutes after instillation, narrowing of the vessels of the eyeball is noted, then the injection is classified as superficial, while maintaining redness of the eye, it is necessary to carefully examine the patient for the presence of iridocyclitis or scleritis, as this indicates expansion of deeper vessels.

In iridocyclitis, to prevent the development and rupture of already formed posterior synechiae and to reduce exudation into the anterior chamber of the eye, 1 drop of the drug is instilled into the conjunctival sac of the diseased eye 2-3 times a day for 5-10 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

In schoolchildren with mild myopia, to prevent spasm of accommodation during a period of high visual load, 1 drop of Irifrin® is instilled in the evening before bedtime, with progressive moderate myopia 3 times a week in the evening before bedtime, with emmetropia - in the daytime, depending on the load.

In case of hypermetropia with a tendency to spasm of accommodation with high visual load, Irifrin® is instilled in the evening in combination with a 1% solution of cyclopentolate. With normal visual stress, Irifrin® is instilled 3 times a week in the evening before bedtime. In the treatment of false and true myopia, 1 drop of Irifrin® is instilled in the evening before bedtime 2-3 times a week for a month.

Side effects:


Conjunctivitis, keratitis, periorbital edema, eye pain, burning during instillation, lacrimation, blurred vision, irritation, discomfort, increased intraocular pressure, blocking of the anterior chamber angle (with narrowing of the angle), allergic reactions, reactive hyperemia.

Phenylephrine may cause reactive miosis the day after application. Repeated instillations of the drug at this time may give less pronounced mydriasis than the day before. This effect is more common in older patients.

Due to a significant reduction in the pupil dilator under the influence of phenylephrine, 30-45 minutes after instillation, particles of pigment from the pigment sheet of the iris can be detected in the moisture of the anterior chamber of the eye. Suspension in the chamber moisture must be differentiated with manifestations of anterior uveitis or with the ingress of blood cells into the moisture of the anterior chamber.


contact dermatitis.

From the side of the cardiovascular system:

Palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmia, increased blood pressure, ventricular arrhythmia, reflex bradycardia, coronary artery occlusion, pulmonary embolism.


Overdose symptoms are restlessness, nervousness, dizziness, sweating, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, weak or shallow breathing.

If a systemic effect of phenylephrine occurs, adverse effects can be stopped by using alpha-adrenergic blocking agents, for example, from 5 to 10 mg of phentolamine intravenously. If necessary, the injection can be repeated.


The mydriatic effect of phenylephrine is enhanced when used in combination with topical atropine. Due to increased vasopressor action, tachycardia may develop.

The use of Irifrin® within 21 days after the patient has stopped taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants should be used with caution, since in this case there is the possibility of an uncontrolled rise in blood pressure.

The vasopressor action of adrenergic agents can also be potentiated when used together with tricyclic antidepressants, beta-blockers, reserpine, guanethidine, methyldopa and m-anticholinergics.

Irifrin® can potentiate the suppression of cardiovascular activity during inhalation anesthesia as a result of an increase in the sensitivity of the myocardium to sympathomimetics and the occurrence of ventricular fibrillation.

The use in conjunction with other sympathomimetics may increase the cardiovascular effects of phenylephrine.

The use of phenylephrine can cause a weakening of concomitant antihypertensive therapy and lead to an increase in blood pressure, tachycardia. Pre-instillation of local anesthetics may increase systemic absorption and prolong mydriasis.

Release form / dosage:Eye drops, 2.5% (no preservative). Package:

0.4 ml in disposable dropper tubes.

5 dropper tubes in a laminated paper bag.

3 bags of laminated paper in a carton pack along with instructions for use.

Storage conditions:

In a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Do not freeze.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date:

Do not use after the expiry date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: On prescription Registration number: LSR-006929/10 Date of registration: 21.07.2010 / 05.12.2013 Expiration date: Perpetual Registration certificate holder:Sentiss Pharma Pvt. Ltd. India Manufacturer:   Representation:  SENTISS RUSS OOO Russia Information update date:   28.11.2017 Illustrated Instructions

In ophthalmology, the most commonly used topical medicines are in the form of eye drops. If you want to expand the pupil or affect the vessels of the eye, alpha-agonists are used, one of which is Irifrin. Especially for children, a preparation without preservatives is produced, called Irifrin BK. When is it prescribed to a child and in what dosage is it dripped?

Release form

The drug is presented as a clear liquid, which has a light yellow tint, but it can also be colorless. The solution is placed in a disposable tube-dropper in the amount of 0.4 ml each. Five of these tubes are packed in a laminated bag, and one carton box includes 3 bags, that is, a total of 15 tubes in a package.


The active substance in drops is represented by phenylephrine in the form of hydrochloride. Since the solution has a concentration of 2.5%, one milliliter of it contains 25 mg of phenylephrine. The addition to this ingredient are hypromellose, citric acid and disodium edetate. There is also water for injection, sodium metabisulphite and sodium citrate dihydrate in the composition of the drug.

Operating principle

The drug is a group of sympathomimetics that affect alpha-adrenergic receptors. For ophthalmologists, such local effects of Irifrin as vasoconstriction in the conjunctiva, pupil dilation and stimulation of the outflow of intraocular fluid are important.

With a sufficiently strong effect on the alpha receptors of the eyes, the drug has almost no effect on the beta receptors located in the heart. Pupil dilation can be observed in a patient 10-60 minutes after phenylephrine has entered the conjunctiva. The effect of the medicine lasts up to two hours.


  • For diagnostic procedures requiring pupil dilation.
  • For the treatment of iridocyclitis.
  • With redness and irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  • With high visual load, to prevent spasm of accommodation and asthenopia.
  • To relieve spasm of accommodation, as well as to stop progressive myopia.

At what age is it allowed to take?

Annotation for drops does not indicate any age restrictions, but the use of the drug in children under one year old should only be under the supervision of a doctor.

And now we offer you to watch a video on how to properly drip the eyes of a child.


The drug is not used:

  • If the child has hypersensitivity to any component of the drops.
  • If closed- or narrow-angle glaucoma is diagnosed.
  • If the patient has elevated blood pressure, tachycardia or arrhythmia is detected.
  • With diabetes.
  • If the newborn's body weight is too low.
  • If the child has hyperthyroidism.
  • With a lack of glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase.
  • In violation of the integrity of the eye.
  • With violations of the production of tears.

Caution in the treatment of Irifrin is required for sickle cell anemia or bronchial asthma, as well as after surgery in the eye area, since such a medication will interfere with healing.

Side effects

The use of drops can cause local reactions such as a burning sensation, swelling in the eye area, inflammation of the conjunctiva, increased intraocular pressure, blurred vision, increased tear secretion, redness, and others. It is also possible the appearance of reactive pupil dilation the next day after using the medication.

In some patients, Irifrin BK can cause dermatitis. In addition, the drug can adversely affect the cardiovascular system, which is manifested by tachycardia, high blood pressure, arrhythmia and other signs.

Instructions for use and dosage

  • If ophthalmoscopy is performed, then you need to inject 1 drop of the drug into the conjunctival sac once and wait 15-30 minutes before the examination, and if necessary, prolonged pupil dilation after 1 hour, re-drop the eye.
  • In the treatment of iridocyclitis, the drug is dripped two or three times a day, one drop for 5-10 days. More precisely, the duration of therapy is determined by the doctor based on the severity of the disease.
  • School-age children with mild myopia are recommended to use Irifrin BK prophylactically, one drop in each eye during a period of high visual load. The drug is used before bedtime.
  • If a child has an average degree of myopia and the disease progresses, regular prophylactic use at bedtime three times a week, 1 drop, is prescribed.
  • In the treatment of myopia (both true and false), the child is prescribed Irifrin BK for 1 month. The drug is dripped at night 2 or 3 times a week, 1 drop.


A very high dose of drops affects the child's behavior (he becomes nervous, restless), heartbeat (it becomes more frequent) and breathing (it becomes weaker). Perhaps the appearance of vomiting, complaints of dizziness, increased sweating. To eliminate these symptoms of an overdose, adrenoblocking drugs, such as phentolamine, are used.

And now we offer a video release of a program on eye diseases from Dr. Komarovsky about children's conjunctivitis.

Interaction with other drugs

  • The drug is not advised to combine with antihypertensive drugs and tricyclic antidepressants. It is also incompatible with monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
  • If you drip Irifrin BK along with atropine, this will enhance the effect of pupil dilation. However, due to the effect on the vessels, this combination of drugs can cause tachycardia. A similar effect will be in a situation where Irifrin and Midriacil are used simultaneously.
  • If local anesthetics are dropped into the eyes before using Irifrin, this will increase the absorption of the drug into the bloodstream and its systemic effects, as well as lengthen the period of pupil dilation.

Terms of sale and storage

The tool is sold in a pharmacy by prescription, and the price of one package is an average of 550-580 rubles. At home, it is advised to store the solution at a temperature of 0 to 25 degrees Celsius. For storage, choose a place protected from direct sunlight, where small children do not have access. Shelf life drops - 2 years. It is impossible to store the opened tube; immediately after instillation, the remainder of the medicine and the opened package are thrown away.

In the pharmacy network, if you have a prescription, you can buy Irifrin eye drops, whose analogues (structural) may seem cheaper. What are the therapeutic effects of the active substance that is part of the drug, how to use the drug, can there be complications during therapy?

Phenylephrine is the main component of Irifrin eye drops. Analogues of the drug containing this active substance are listed below:

  • 2.5% "Irifrin BK" ("Pro Med", India) - 522-616 rubles;
  • "Vistosan" ("Pharma Allergan", Germany);
  • 5% and 10% "Neosynephrine - Pos" 10 ml, 1 pc. (production URSAPARM) - 95-210 rubles;
  • "Vizofrin" 2.5% 5 ml - 120-280 rubles;
  • 1% 1.0 "Mezaton", eye drops No. 10 ampoules in a package, Russia, "Dalkhimfarm" - 38-54 rubles; 2.5% 1 ml, Ukraine - 85-100 rubles.

Pharmacological effects due to which phenylephrine is used in ophthalmic practice

Phenylephrine belongs to the group of sympathomimetics. When instilling drops in the eyes:

  • dilates the pupil for 10-60 minutes, the duration of mydriasis is 2 hours, 10% drops dilate the pupil for 3-7 hours;
  • constricts conjunctival vessels within 30-90 seconds after instillation, duration of action up to 2-6 hours;
  • stimulates the outflow of intraocular fluid;
  • does not significantly stimulate the CNS.

The hypotensive effect of the drug "Irifrin" (eye drops), the analogues of which are indicated above, is used to treat eye pathology. The study of the mechanisms of development of myopia (myopia), the development of ways to prevent its progression remain important problems in ophthalmology. The pressure inside the eye (IOP) in the case of progression of myopia is higher than in emmetropia (normal vision) and stable myopia.

With progressive myopia, large fluctuations in IOP are noted. With deterioration during the course of the disease, the eyeball is stretched due to accommodative overloads (accommodation is a change in the curvature of the lens to clearly focus the image on the retina), causing a relative increase in IOP. This effect is associated with the work of the ciliary muscle (located inside the eye, responsible for changing the curvature of the lens). Groups of drugs that affect its tone and, as a result, reduce intraocular pressure are:

  • cholinomimetics (tropic to parasympathetic fibers);
  • adrenomimetics (stimulate the sympathetic nervous system).

One of the effects of a cholinomimetic is the stimulation of the ciliary muscle-scleral spur-trabecula chain.

There is a hypotensive effect that occurs under the action of drugs from the pharmacologically opposite group - adrenomimetics. Ophthalmologists prescribe "Irifrin" (analogues: "Mezaton", "Neosynephrine - pos"). The drug prevents the growth of pressure inside the eye and stops the progression of myopia.

With the introduction of a 10% solution of the drug "Irifrin" (analogues: "Vizofrin", "Vistosan", etc.) occurs:

  • deepening of the anterior eye chamber;
  • increase in supraciliary space;
  • pupil dilation.


When instilled sympathomimetic changes the tone of the ciliary muscle and becomes less IOP.

"Irifrin" (eye drops), whose analogues are indicated above, reduces pressure in people with emmetropic (normal) refraction (in 79%) and progressive myopia (in 78%) with their high intraocular pressure.

In these patients, it is necessary to slightly reduce IOP using a drug with an antihypertensive effect. It is better to use an adrenomimetic, because it does not increase the tension of parasympathetic fibers in the ciliary muscle and there is no refraction shift towards myopia.

When studying the work of the ciliary muscle, it was clarified that the sympathomimetic reduces the pressure inside the eye. When using 10% drops of "Irifrin" for the eyes (its analogs have the same effect), there is a decrease in IOP in people with normal refraction and in patients with progressive myopia.

When using Irifrin, eye pressure decreases due to stimulation of those parts of the ciliary muscle that are innervated by the sympathetic system. As a result, the supraciliary space expands, and the outflow of fluid from the eye improves.

People with progressive myopia and high IOP need to use "Irifrin" (similar to "Mezaton", etc.) for some pressure reduction.

Combined treatment of spasm of accommodation

Myopia (nearsightedness) very often develops in schoolchildren and students, because they have a large load on vision, which leads to the formation of accommodation spasm. If such a violation persists in patients for a long time, then this causes an increase in the size of the eyeball and the development of first false and then true myopia.

Now there are many conservative tactics for the treatment of such a disorder. They are divided into two groups:

  • without the use of drugs;
  • medical.

The first are designed to increase the contractility of the ciliary muscle. It:

  • exercises;
  • ultrasound therapy;
  • electrical stimulation of the ciliary muscle;
  • magnetotherapy, etc.

Treatment with drugs is aimed at normalizing the work of the ciliary muscle. Recently, this method has become widespread due to the possibility of using it at home.

Since this muscle is innervated by the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, treatment can be carried out with the simultaneous use of drops of adrenomimetics and M-anticholinergics.

M-cholinolytics weaken the meridional and circular fibers of the radial muscle.

Among these drugs are often used:

  • 1% and 0.5% atropine;
  • 0.5%, 1% tropicamide;
  • 1% cyclopentolate;
  • scopolamine.

Another direction in the treatment of accommodation spasm is the use of sympathomimetics. Their work is associated with the stimulation of Ivanov's radial fibers in the ciliary muscle. Due to their strengthening, the work of the muscles of the ciliary body (meridional and circular) is weakened. The activity of sympathomimetics has two effects: the Ivanov muscle that disturbs accommodation increases and the Brücke and Müller muscles weaken. Among the drugs with such an effect, Irifrin drops (analogous to Mezaton 1%, etc.) have become widespread.

To test the effectiveness of combination therapy, patients received the following treatment. Daily 1 cap. 1 p./day 2.5% drops of "Irifrin" (similar to "Irifrin BK", etc.). M-anticholinergics - 1% "Midriacil" ("Tropicamide") was added to the instillation of "Irifrin". Buried 1 month. As a result of treatment, it was proved that this combination significantly reduced the severity of spasm.

The study of pupil diameter under normal conditions and the effect of "Irifrin" on its width in healthy people and in people with glaucoma

In patients with glaucoma, the pupil diameter under normal conditions is about 4.5 mm. It is smaller than in healthy people (approximately 5.1 mm). The smaller the pupil diameter, the more the disease progresses.

Open-angle glaucoma is a serious eye disease. It has a chronic course and leads to disability and blindness. The annual increase in blindness from glaucoma continues. Recently, ideas about its development have changed. New approaches to diagnostics have emerged. Now both the optic nerve head and the state of the retina are being evaluated.

Glaucoma often occurs and develops asymmetrically. Its asymmetry manifests itself from the onset of the disease. In recent decades, there have been great advances in the study of the asymmetry of the back of the eyeball. During the inspection of the bottom of the eye evaluate:

  • glaucomatous atrophy of the optic disc;
  • thinning and smoothing of nerve endings, etc.

Asymmetry in glaucoma is determined by the defeat of the posterior and anterior segments of the eye. This applies to:

  • violations of the pigment border of the iris;
  • changes in the components of the angle of the anterior eye chamber, etc.

With glaucoma, the motor activity of the pupil is also disturbed:

  • dilatation of the pupil in patients with glaucoma is difficult when instilled with mydriatics;
  • the amplitude of the pupil dilation decreases already at the beginning of the formation of glaucoma in comparison with the norm.

Rules for the "irifrin test": instilled three times with an interval of 5 minutes to establish the asymmetry of the diameter of the pupils in the eyes and the level of their expansion. Pupil size is measured before and after 3 injections of Irifrin 45 minutes after the last injection.

When studying pupil diameter under normal conditions in healthy people and people with glaucoma and evaluating the effect of phenylephrine on the pupil, a decrease in its dilation in glaucoma patients was noted due to a change in the function of the iris, which develops along with the progression of the disease.

In healthy people, there is a normal asymmetry in the width of the pupils. The difference range is 0.42 mm.

The smaller diameter of the pupils under normal conditions and their worse expansion after the introduction of a sympathomimetic indicates the presence of glaucoma.

An increase in pupillary difference of more than 0.5 mm after the administration of phenylephrine is a manifestation of pathology. With such a difference in their diameter, glaucoma should be excluded.

The sensitivity of the test is 76%, the specificity is 94%.

"Irifrin" (eye drops): instructions, analogues of the drug

It is a colorless or light yellow, clear solution from India. 1 ml contains 25 or 100 mg of phenylephrine, preservatives, excipients, water.

2.5% eye drops are widely used on an outpatient basis, at home, as prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

10% drops are more often used in hospitals during preparation for operations, diagnostic procedures due to the high risk of complications, especially in the elderly and children.

It has a structural analogue of "Irifrin" (eye drops). This is Irifrin BK. This preparation does not contain preservatives and does not cause a burning sensation when used. The active substance in it is unstable. Therefore, the medicine is sold in disposable vials that cannot be stored after opening. You can replace "Irifrin" (eye drops). Analogues are cheaper, and the active substance and effects of the drug remain the same.

For example, the cost of "Irifrin" 2.5% - 342-449 rubles, and "Neosynephrine - Pos" 5% 10 ml - 95-210 rubles.

It should be remembered when replacing "Irifrin": analogues are not always cheaper, you can also lose as a treatment. It will cost more.

In the drug "Irifrin" instructions for use (analogues have the same indications) indicate that it is used for:

  • therapy of iridocyclitis and iritis, often complicated by pressure fluctuations inside the eye;
  • dilation of the pupil (10% drops) in eye surgery during preparation for surgery, before laser correction in the fundus;
  • diagnostic expansion of the pupil for examination of the posterior part of the eye;
  • performing a test in patients with suspected glaucoma and a narrow angle in the anterior eye chamber;
  • treatment of glaucoma crises;
  • accommodation spasm therapy;
  • treatment of myopia;
  • fight against the "red eye" syndrome (2.5% drops);
  • in the complex therapy of open-angle glaucoma.

Purpose features

A solution of phenylephrine 2.5% for iridocyclitis (10% in a hospital) is dripped into the conjunctiva of the diseased eye 1 drop 2-3 times a day.

Before the operation, 30-60 minutes before, 10% "Irifrin" is dripped once to open the pupil. When the shells of the eye are opened, it is impossible to bury the drug again.

For ophthalmoscopy, 1 drop of a 2.5% solution is used once. Maximum mydriasis occurs within 15-30 minutes. and is held for 1-3 hours. If the expansion of the pupil needs to be extended, then after 1 hour the drug can be re-introduced.

A 2.5% solution of drops is administered once:

  • for diagnostics in people with suspected glaucoma and the presence of a narrow angle in the anterior chamber, with a pressure difference before and after the introduction of "Irifrin" of 3-5 mm. rt. Art. - the test is positive;
  • to diagnose the cause of redness of the vessels of the eye, if after instillation h / s 5 min. the vessels of the eye are narrowed, then the expansion is superficial, with persistent hyperemia, additional examination is necessary to exclude scleritis or iridocyclitis.

If the pupil was not dilated enough or the pigmentation of the iris is pronounced, then a 10% drop can be used for diagnosis.

Adults and children over 6 years old for the treatment of accommodation spasm are prescribed 1 drop of a 2.5% solution in both eyes at night every day for a month.

With a steady spasm of accommodation, it is possible to use 10% drops in children over 12 years old and adults - 1 drop at night for 2 weeks.

In glaucoma crises, due to the vasoconstrictor effect of phenylephrine, intraocular pressure decreases. The result is better with instillation of 10% drops. To stop the crisis, the drug is administered 2-3 times a day.

10% drops are not used for irrigation, injection under the conjunctiva, wetting tampons during operations.

Side effects of eye drops containing phenylephrine

From the side of the eyes:

  • periorbital edema;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • burning at the beginning of use;
  • lacrimation;
  • redness;
  • blurred vision;
  • increased pressure inside the eye.

The next day from the start of using Irifrin, the pupil may narrow. With repeated instillation during this period, pupil dilation (mydriasis) may be less than the day before. This effect occurs more often in the elderly.

From the side of the heart and blood vessels are possible:

  • interruptions;
  • heartbeat;
  • bradycardia;
  • increased pressure, up to hypertensive crises;
  • heart attack;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • collapse;
  • hemorrhagic stroke.

Skin manifestations: contact dermatitis.


Relative and absolute contraindications to the use of phenylephrine in the form of eye drops are:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • elderly age;
  • glaucoma;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • violation of tear production and integrity of the eye;
  • hepatic porphyria;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • hereditary enzyme deficiency;
  • arterial aneurysms;
  • 10% solution for children under 12;
  • combination with MAO inhibitors (you can start taking 3 weeks after stopping the intake of inhibitors).

Pregnancy and lactation

The medicine can cause early labor and fetal growth retardation. The effect of the drug in these conditions in women has not been studied enough. Therefore, the appointment of "Irifrin" and analogues in these patients should be made only if the benefit of treatment for the mother is greater than the risk to the infant or fetus.


It is manifested by agitation, irritability, tearfulness, anxiety, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, arrhythmia, shallow and rare breathing.

Antidote - alpha-blocker.

Release the drug on prescription. Keep out of the reach of children, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Can't be frozen. Valid for 2 years. You can use it for a month after opening the bottle.

After reading the section that describes "Irifrin", instructions, analogues, you must remember that the drug can only be used as directed by a doctor. The instruction is intended only for acquaintance with the substance.

"Irifrin" (eye drops): reviews. Are analogues better or worse?

The main side effects in the reviews on the use of "Irifrin" and its analogues ("Mezaton", "Neosynephrine - POS"), patients note lacrimation, burning of the eyes after instillation, they occur less frequently when using 1% mezaton and are almost absent in Irifrin BK.

Many are concerned about pupil dilation, which is retained in some people in the morning, decreased vision and redness of the eyes. These effects are more pronounced at the beginning of treatment, in most people gradually decrease over the course of a week.

Some patients practically do not feel side effects, many note an improvement in vision, a decrease in pain and redness of the eyes.

Many people note the high price of "Irifrin" and the possibility of using it for a month after the drug was opened.

Some analogues of the drug are cheaper, but can only be used after opening for a week ("Mezaton"). "Irifrin BK" is generally specially packaged in containers for single use.

Many tolerate Irifrin well. Analogues (reviews confirm this) sometimes it was necessary, for various reasons, to replace the original medicine.