The inner eyelid of the eye is red in a child. The child has reddened upper eyelid

The placenta is a unique female organ. Its originality lies in the fact that it can exist only during the bearing of a child, while becoming the most important link between the mother and the fetus until the moment it is born. With the birth of a child, the placenta also leaves the woman's body, she no longer needs this organ.

During pregnancy, the state of the placenta is constantly monitored by a doctor. Its proper development and normal functioning play a huge role in this crucial period, since the placenta solves important tasks throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

Like any organ, the placenta goes through certain stages of evolution - formation, development, maturity and aging. If any deviations occur at any of these stages, the woman is prescribed appropriate treatment.

Translated from Latin, the placenta sounds like a "cake", however, this is exactly what this organ looks like.

But, despite the unsightly appearance she plays an important role. It is from the state of the placenta that the normal development of the unborn child largely depends.

Normally, the development of the placenta begins from the first minutes after the fertilization of the egg. After meeting with the spermatozoon, it begins the process of active division, and some of the cells that form against this background will take on the role of the placenta in the near future.

On the 10th day after conception, a gap is formed on the mucous membrane of the uterus - a cavity completely filled with the vessels of a woman. It is in it that the embryo will begin its development.

All the nutrients the fetus will receive from the mother's body. A specific choroid will begin to form around the embryo - the rudiment of the future placenta, into which the vessels of the mother and child will subsequently grow.

Thus, a full-fledged mutual exchange of blood will be established between the mother and the fetus, in which there will be oxygen and nutrients.

The functions that the placenta performs:

  1. Respiratory: is responsible for delivering oxygen to the fetus and removing carbon dioxide.
  2. Trophic: transfers nutrients to the fetus - water, proteins and fats, vitamins and trace elements.
  3. Endocrine: transfers the mother's hormones to the fetus - sex, thyroid and adrenal hormones. In addition, the placenta independently begins the synthesis of its own hormones - progesterone, lactogen, cortisol and prolactin, which are necessary for the full development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy.
  4. Protective: the placenta successfully protects the fetus from the negative influence of many pathogenic factors. But, unfortunately, some hazardous substances still penetrate its barrier. Their list includes alcohol, nicotine and a number of components of drugs.
  5. immune: a specific immune barrier is formed in the body, due to which the organisms of the mother and child do not conflict with each other.

This list allows you to evaluate how important the normal functioning of the placenta during pregnancy is. Throughout the entire gestation period, this body solves the most important tasks, and much depends on the stage of its development.

Since the placenta goes through certain stages of evolution, doctors closely monitor any changes in it during pregnancy in order to prevent and eliminate possible pathologies in time.

The development of the placenta and its location

This unique organ is born together with the unborn child. Active growth of the placenta begins from the 2nd week of pregnancy and does not stop until the onset of childbirth.

By week 13, its structure is formed. The placenta reaches its full development by the 18th week of gestation - by this time the body is working at full strength.

With a normal pregnancy, the formation of the placenta takes place in the body of the uterus, usually on its back wall with a smooth transition to the sides.

This arrangement of the organ is due to the fact that the back wall of the uterus changes the least during pregnancy and is protected from all kinds of injuries.

In some women, the placenta can be located on the anterior wall and even on the bottom of the uterus.

A properly located placenta should not reach the cervix by at least 7 cm. If the organ reaches or overlaps the cervix at least partially or completely, this condition is called presentation.

Such a pregnancy requires special supervision by medical personnel, it usually ends with operative delivery.

Gradually, the structure of the emerging placenta will begin to change depending on the needs of the developing fetus. Around week 35, the placenta will reach its peak of maturity.

maturation of the placenta

As mentioned above, the placenta continues to grow and develop during pregnancy. This process is called the maturation of the placenta.

With the help of ultrasound diagnostics, the maturity of the organ and its compliance with the gestational age are assessed.

There are 5 degrees of maturity of the placenta:

  • zero - up to 30 weeks;
  • the first - from 30 to 34 weeks;
  • the second - from 34 to 37 weeks;
  • the third - from 37 to 39 weeks;
  • the fourth - immediately before childbirth.

If the degree of maturity of the placenta does not correspond to the gestational age, most likely there are some pathologies in the state of the expectant mother. Fortunately, this is not always the case. For example, a lower degree of maturity is not considered a deviation.

The full maturation of the organ can be judged by the 35th week of pregnancy, when the process of its development ends smoothly. By this time, in all women with a normal pregnancy, the placenta acquires certain parameters: weight 500 g, thickness up to 4 cm, diameter at least 18 cm.

Before the birth of a child, the body begins to gradually decrease in volume, it will be possible to detect salt deposits on it.

Possible deviations in the development of the body

Pathologies of the placenta are not uncommon. But there is no need to worry in advance. Of course, some violations in the structure and location of the organ can harm the child, but this does not apply to all pathologies of this organ.

In addition, even serious problems can be solved thanks to timely assistance. medical care. Therefore, if any symptoms of trouble appear (bleeding from the vagina, abdominal pain,) you need to inform the doctor about them in order to exclude the development of pathology.

The main pathologies of the placenta are:

  • lagging behind, or vice versa, rapid maturation body;
  • detachment before the onset of labor;
  • pathological growth or, on the contrary, an extremely slow growth of the organ;
  • the formation of intraplacental thrombi;
  • violation of the lobular structure of the body;
  • inflammatory process;
  • increment or too tight attachment to the wall of the uterus;
  • thickening of the placenta;
  • low localization of the organ (near the pharynx of the cervix);
  • placental tumors;
  • placental infarction.

All of the above pathologies can develop due to the following reasons:

  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • infections, including influenza and toxoplasmosis;
  • Rh incompatibility of mother and fetus;
  • severe anemia;
  • pregnancy after 35 years;
  • stress;
  • bad habits;
  • acute and chronic somatic diseases women;
  • excess or, on the contrary, insufficient body weight of the expectant mother;
  • congenital malformations of the fetus.

In order to successfully cure placental pathologies or prevent their development, it is necessary to eliminate the factors contributing to these disorders.

What is a placenta? A fertilized egg, entering the uterine cavity, attaches to one of the walls, penetrating into the mucous membrane, the endometrium. At this point, organs begin to form, designed to protect the baby during pregnancy. These organs include the amniotic membrane, inside which the baby develops, and the placenta, with the help of which the amniotic membrane is attached to the wall of the uterus. It is interesting that the male genome is responsible for the formation of these organs, that is, the father begins to protect his child already at this stage, albeit unconsciously.

The placenta acts as an intermediary between mother and child. It consists of two films, inside and outside the amniotic membrane, and blood vessels between them. circulatory systems mother and child do not intersect with each other, the entire exchange occurs precisely through the placenta. It is she who is responsible for supplying the fetus with oxygen, nutrients and trace elements necessary for development, as well as for preventing infections, if any, and various drugs from the mother's blood into the baby's blood. The development of the fetus depends on the state of the placenta.

One of possible pathologies placenta is a low placentation in pregnant women. Usually, the egg is attached to the back or front wall of the uterus near the bottom (in the uterus, the bottom is at the top). In some cases, due to damage to the mucous membrane due to early abortions, difficult pregnancies, intrauterine infections, and also when the egg is fixed in the lower part of the uterus. This phenomenon is called low placentation in pregnant women.

Pregnancy is associated with a number of problems. First of all, there are much fewer blood vessels in the lower part of the uterus, and therefore the baby may not receive enough oxygen, nutrients and trace elements. In addition, as the baby grows and becomes more active, low leads to ever-increasing pressure on the placenta, which can cause it to detach and bleed profusely.

At the same time, in nine out of ten cases, the low-lying placenta eventually moves to the upper part of the uterus on its own and does not require treatment. So low placentation in pregnant women is not a reason to panic.

Of course, there remains that one case out of ten when the placenta remains in the lower part of the uterus until the very birth. Much depends on the position of the child. If in the head, then the woman is likely to be allowed to give birth herself, although this is associated with some risks. If the child is in a breech or foot presentation, then we will already be talking about a planned caesarean section.

There is another option when low placentation in pregnant women leads to Sometimes the placenta is located so low that it partially or even completely covers the cervix. In this case, a large loss of blood in the case of natural childbirth is inevitable, which means that it is better to refuse this option. However, C-section- this is also not a sentence and you should not be afraid of it.

Low placentation in pregnant women, as mentioned above, is not a reason for panic. You just need to follow simple but important recommendations. First of all, women with a low placenta should not lift weights, make sudden movements, run or jump, and even sit down, lie down or get up should be smooth and without jerks. Traveling by public transport should be avoided. You can't have sex either.

In addition, when you are sitting or lying down, you need to raise your legs a little. This improves the circulation of the pelvis, and hence the uterus and placenta.

It is especially important for women with a low placenta to monitor vaginal discharge. Bloody spotting or dripping discharge is a reason to contact your doctor as soon as possible, and in case of heavy bleeding, call an ambulance immediately.

If your doctor suggests that you lie down for preservation, you should not postpone it or refuse. Even if you feel good. Your baby may not be getting enough oxygen or not getting enough nutrients. In this case, external feeding of the fetus may be necessary.

Even the most emotionally balanced women slightly lose their ability to reason during pregnancy - this is “taken care of” by the hormonal background that changes greatly during pregnancy.

The maternal instinct makes a woman anxious for no apparent reason, and if the leading doctor announced the diagnosis of "low placentation during pregnancy", some people generally panic.

And completely in vain: this condition is not a pathological condition and can change over the course of pregnancy.

According to WHO, 99% of pregnant women with low placentation, determined in the middle (or towards the end) of pregnancy, successfully give birth on their own. But in one percent of cases this condition is really dangerous. How not to get into this group?

Low placentation during pregnancy - what is it?

The placenta is a kind of "fortress" for the child, which provides him with maximum physical and immune protection, satiety, health and full development. Formed in the wall of the uterus, the placenta is a thickened part of the embryonic membranes and an extensive network of blood vessels in it.

The weight of the placenta can reach one and a half kilograms. As a rule, it is deployed at the bottom of the uterus and begins to develop after the introduction of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. For attachment of the egg and the formation of the placenta, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe best blood supply in the uterus is selected, often near the blood vessel at the base of the epithelium.

The end of the formation of the placenta occurs at 12-16 weeks and is directly related to the end of toxicosis of pregnant women.

Attachment of the placenta to the walls or bottom of the uterus is considered normal if the child's place is located further than 5-6 centimeters from the uterus. In the case of low placentation during pregnancy, the introduction of the egg is dangerously close to the pharynx, and can cause complications. The doctor monitors the condition of the placenta throughout pregnancy in order to see the presentation in time, on which the method of delivery depends.

As the pregnancy progresses, the uterus enlarges, while the implantation site remains in place. It is due to the increase in the tissues of the uterus that the “migration” of the placenta occurs further from the internal pharynx, up to a normal distance of 5-6 centimeters.

Symptoms of low placentation

A properly formed placenta, which does not completely cover the internal uterine os, may not make itself known to the pregnant woman at all: low placentation during pregnancy is often noticed only on the last ultrasound.

But in certain cases, the described condition leads to a threat of miscarriage, and the pregnant woman has:

Smearing bloody issues;

Aching regular pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;

Fetal hypoxia;

Decreased blood pressure in pregnancy.

Low placentation during pregnancy: causes

With a low placenta, there are practically no women with a first pregnancy, since what more changes happened to the state of the genital organs, the higher the risk of unwanted pregnancy location.

Until the end, the causes of this condition have not been studied to this day. The formation of the placenta in the cervix is ​​considered by many even normal. But there are conditions that contribute to abnormalities in the development of the placenta.

Causes of low placentation during pregnancy:

The age of the pregnant woman is over 30;

Second or more births;

Separation of the placenta by hand during previous births;

Dystrophic and atrophic processes in the endometrium - uterine scars, damage to the mucous layer of the endometrium after cesarean, abortion or cauterization of erosions;

Blastocyst immaturity;

Anatomical features of the structure of the reproductive organs (partitions in the cavity, bend, underdevelopment of the uterus);

Pathology of the villous chorion (more often in women with impaired ovarian function or genital infantilism) - endometrial restructuring occurs out of time;

Congenital or acquired physical anomalies;

Pathology of the cervix - endocervicitis, erosion, isthmocervical insufficiency;

Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;

Benign neoplasms, polyps;

Abortive or other surgical interventions in the functioning of the reproductive organs;

Multiple pregnancy;

Infectious diseases;

Chronic ailments (cardiovascular, kidney and liver diseases, intoxication), provoking circulatory disorders in the reproductive organs.

Special mention must be made of benign neoplasms. The likelihood of low placentation during pregnancy in this case increases. If the doctor found polyps, fibroids and other neoplasms in the genitals during the planning of your pregnancy, and suggests an operation, it is undoubtedly better to agree.

Damaged endometrium after surgical intervention and inflammatory diseases in the uterus suggests that it is better to wait at least a year with pregnancy.

The influence of low placentation on the course of pregnancy, complications

The larger the fetus becomes, the more it presses on the uterine cavity. The vessels of the placenta are compressed, the blood flow in the uterus and placenta is disturbed. These processes can lead to fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and intrauterine growth retardation. A pregnant woman at this time experiences weakness, low blood pressure, anemia may develop.

More terrible consequences of low placentation during pregnancy are much less common. It can cause placental abruption with impaired blood supply, which develops acute hypoxia and even fetal death. Bleeding at the same time forces doctors to perform operative delivery.

Low placentation during pregnancy: diagnosis

By the end of the third trimester, the chorion, as a result of gestation, is transformed into a placenta, consisting of blood vessels. This is the time of the first ultrasound examination, genetic pathologies of the fetus and malformations are revealed. It is ultrasound that allows you to quickly and safely identify problems with the placenta.

At the first ultrasound at 12-16 weeks, 80% of pregnant women are diagnosed with low placentation. The diagnosis is confirmed at 22-25 and 30-35 weeks. Normally, towards the end of pregnancy, the baby's place shifts, and by the time of birth is in a normal position.

If bleeding occurs and ultrasound cannot be performed, the cervix is ​​examined using mirrors to detect part of the placenta in the cervical canal. The method is quite dangerous and is used only in extreme cases in the presence of an operating room.

Low placentation during pregnancy: what to do

Medical practice shows that the vast majority of pregnant women with low placentation at the beginning by the end of the term comes to childbirth with a normal state of the uterus and placenta. This is due to the constant modification of the lower segment of the uterus, which often increases and raises the child's place higher and higher. Usually these women give birth on their own.

Low pracentation by the 32nd week of pregnancy persists only in five percent of women with this diagnosis. By week 37, only a third of the remaining retain this condition. By the date of birth, no more than one percent of pregnant women have a placenta located closer than 2 centimeters to the internal os of the uterus. These pregnant women are diagnosed with placenta previa and undergo a caesarean section.

The risk of bleeding in natural childbirth in pregnant women, when the placenta is more than 2 centimeters from the internal os of the uterus, is not higher than with the normal location of the placenta.

Although low pratency during pregnancy is not pathological condition up to 38 weeks women with this diagnosis are recommended in the last stages:

Walk less, do not neglect rest;

In a supine position, place your legs on a hill;

Do not squat and do not bend low;

Do not miss scheduled examinations with the leading doctor, follow the schedule of ultrasound and testing;

Monitor vaginal discharge.

If the lower abdomen began to bother and spotting appeared, then you should immediately tell the doctor if the pregnant woman is in the hospital, or call ambulance and go to the department of pathology of pregnant women.

Is it possible to fly in an airplane with low placentation

Pregnant women with this condition have strong concerns about travel, especially if they have to travel in an airplane where there are strong changes in pressure and g-forces. A doctor's consultation is required, and if he gives the go-ahead for a flight with a low placentation, then you can safely go on a trip. As a rule, until the middle of the pregnancy, almost nothing is forbidden to a woman, therefore, up to the 20th week, there is no risk of miscarriage or bleeding. Naturally, the shorter the flight, the better, and you should not take heavy luggage with you.

Low placentation during pregnancy: what not to do

By following some rules of conduct, a pregnant woman can reduce the risk of complications with low placentation to zero.

Such requirements include:

1. Minimization physical activity: running, brisk walking, active sports and sex life- it is better to refrain from this.

2. Elimination of sudden movements and vibration - less travel in any type of transport (especially in public ones).

3. Taking medication prescribed by a doctor.

4. Observation of vaginal discharge, and in case of bleeding, immediately take a horizontal position and call an ambulance (the speed of these actions affects the outcome of pregnancy and the preservation of the life of the fetus).

Childbirth with low placentation

The method of delivery in this case is chosen only by the doctor. He can decide to puncture the fetal egg, then the placenta will be fixed by the head of the fetus. Such childbirth is most often carried out in operating rooms in order to have time to carry out a caesarean section if the fetus is located in an inappropriate position for childbirth (legs forward).

Low placentation during pregnancy at 37-38 weeks forces doctors to recommend that the woman be hospitalized in the pathological department of pregnant women, where she will be under constant supervision.

By the time of delivery, the placenta can “move away” to an acceptable distance - then natural childbirth is possible.

However, during childbirth, the muscles of the uterus contract and it decreases in volume, while the placenta remains its original size.

As a result, the blood vessels connecting the low placenta to the walls of the uterus are strongly strained, and even their rupture and premature detachment of the placenta are possible.

The fetus will not receive enough oxygen, and the brain may be damaged.

To prevent such complications, doctors decide to do a caesarean if the situation with low placentation has not changed by 38 weeks.

Low placentation during pregnancy is a phenomenon characterized by an abnormally low location of the placenta. This deviation can cause bleeding.

The concept of low placentation

The placenta performs a number of important functions, including the formation immune system fetus, providing the fetus with oxygen, the production of specific hormones, due to which pregnancy proceeds without complications. Throughout pregnancy, the placenta protects the fetus from various negative factors.

Under normal conditions, the placenta is formed in the bottom of the uterus or on its back wall. With improper attachment, this organ is located close to the internal cervical os (at a distance of less than 7 cm from it).

Not always the low location of the placenta at the beginning of the second trimester indicates problems with gestation in the future. For many, the placenta rises as the pregnancy progresses. In this case, the risk of complications is reduced.

If the placenta partially or completely covers the internal uterine os, then this condition is called placenta previa.

Depending on the localization of the placenta, there are such types of presentation:

  • Partial. The lower edge of the placenta reaches the internal os.
  • Complete. In this case, the placenta obscures the entire internal os of the uterus. Under such conditions, a caesarean section is performed, since the birth canal is obscured by the placenta. A caesarean section is carried out as planned at 37-39 weeks, since if you hold out until childbirth, you can lose a child and even a woman in labor. Indeed, during contractions, the placenta will move away, causing bleeding in the mother and hypoxia in the fetus.

15% of pregnant women face such a deviation. Most often, the problem occurs in those who give birth not for the first time. In primiparas, the placenta usually forms and attaches normally.

Danger of deviation

Low placentation is a threat, as it can cause the following complications:

  • bleeding and abruption of the placenta, which can cause miscarriage;
  • deficiency of oxygen and nutrients in the fetus;
  • the development of anemia in a pregnant woman against the background of frequent bleeding.

If it is not possible to bear the child within the prescribed period, they try to extend the pregnancy up to 37 weeks, after which an emergency delivery is performed. It is impossible to pull until natural childbirth, because if contractions begin, then you can lose both the child and the woman in labor.

Causes of the phenomenon

The reasons for low placentation are:

  • past abortions are the most common cause;
  • infectious diseases and inflammatory processes bodies reproductive system in history;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • woman's age from 35 years;
  • complicated previous childbirth, as well as a large number of childbirth earlier;
  • operations performed on the uterus.

It is possible to determine the position of the placenta only by the results of ultrasound, since low placentation often does not manifest itself in any way.

Symptoms of the anomaly

The low location of the placenta can manifest itself as follows:

  • feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • pulling pains in the lumbar region and lower abdomen;
  • bleeding from the genital tract;
  • dizziness and fainting due to blood loss;
  • excessive activity of the fetus, or vice versa, its subsidence;
  • bouts of nausea, vomiting;
  • decline blood pressure.

Symptoms are usually rare. Most often, a low location of the placenta is detected on a planned ultrasound. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo scheduled examinations in a timely manner, as well as to avoid physical and mental stress.

Diagnostic methods

To identify low placentation in a pregnant woman, the following examinations are prescribed:

  • ultrasound examination of the fetus;
  • examination of the cervix with the help of mirrors, because placenta previa is often combined with shortening and opening of the cervix. This state called isthmic-cervical insufficiency, and it can threaten abortion or premature birth.

After confirming the diagnosis, the specialist gives recommendations for correcting the situation, and also determines the need for taking medications.

Condition correction methods

specific drug therapy, which would be able to change the position of the placenta, has not been developed. If the symptoms are not expressed, then it is enough to follow the recommendations regarding lifestyle.

If low placentation causes a specific clinical picture, then the woman is recommended:

  • means to reduce the tone of the uterus (Magne B6 + No-shpu, Papaverine, etc.) to reduce the risk of spontaneous abortion;
  • antihypoxic drugs (Actovegin);
  • drugs to increase the level of the hormone progesterone (Utrozhestan);
  • complexes to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood (iron preparations);
  • drugs to stimulate blood circulation and improve the nutrition of placental tissue (Kurantil);

These drugs are prescribed from the 28th week of pregnancy in order to prolong the course of pregnancy until the required period.

To restore the level of lost fluid, as well as to stop bleeding, a woman may be prescribed droppers with a solution of sodium chloride. As part of emergency treatment - oxygen masks, hemostatic Tranexam.

Wearing a bandage promotes the migration of the placenta upwards. In addition, the bandage reduces the risk of greater cervical dilatation, as it reduces the level of fetal pressure on the internal cervical os. The bandage should be worn only on the recommendation of a doctor, since in some situations the bandage can aggravate the condition.

If conservative methods did not help to keep the pregnancy up to 37 weeks, a caesarean section is performed. It is also prescribed for:

  • progressive detachment of the placenta, and heavy blood loss of the pregnant woman;
  • critical pressure drop;
  • fetal suffering according to the results of CTG and Doppler.

Natural childbirth is not excluded if the presentation is partial.

Rules of conduct for a pregnant woman with low placentation

With a diagnosed pathology, a woman needs to carefully monitor her health. So it follows:

  • consult a doctor in case of atypical discharge, pain in the lower abdomen;
  • do not squat or bend low;
  • get more rest: in the last term of pregnancy, women are advised to stay in bed, while lower limbs should be kept elevated to improve blood circulation and prevent congestion in the vessels;
  • avoid anxiety and stress;
  • give up physical activity;
  • refuse to visit the bath or sauna;
  • refuse to perform douching;
  • eat right: you need to include in the diet lean meats and fish, greens, vegetables, fruits, cereals, vegetable oils, black bread, foods high in iron (buckwheat, fresh apples, lean beef), as well as foods with vitamin C for a better absorption of iron;
  • refrain from sexual activity;
  • it is not recommended to sit in a cross-legged position, as this position interferes with normal blood circulation;
  • you need to rise to your feet and lie down very slowly, without jerking.

Sexual intercourse with placenta previa must be completely excluded. Experts point out that intimate life in this case is possible only in the absence of placental abruption.

Before and after sexual intercourse, it is necessary to perform hygiene procedures(without douching). During lovemaking, you should choose the position in which the pressure on the uterus will be minimal. In this case, the woman should lie on her left side. Movements during sex should be soft, shallow.

The course of childbirth with low placentation

The method of delivery depends on how severe the anomaly is.

Before delivery, if indicated, a woman can be hospitalized for regular monitoring.

In the absence of complications, if the expectant mother feels well, there are no contraindications for natural childbirth. In the process of delivery, the condition of the woman, the level of blood pressure, and the position of the fetus are constantly monitored.

In 90% of cases in women diagnosed with low placental placenta, the placenta occupies a natural position before childbirth. Thanks to this, it is possible to carry out natural childbirth.

If after 36 weeks there is a marginal or complete placenta previa, then a caesarean section is prescribed.

What is low placentation and why a pregnant woman with such an anomaly should be under the supervision of a doctor is described in this video:

Low placentation is a deviation in which the placenta is too close to the internal os of the uterus. This poses a danger to the fetus, and in some cases to the health of the mother. To improve the condition of the woman and the fetus, certain drugs are prescribed. Depending on the characteristics of the pathology, both natural childbirth and caesarean section are possible.

Probably, each of us has heard about the placenta, but usually even pregnant girls have a very general idea of ​​​​its purpose and function. The placenta connects mother and child, it is needed to feed the baby, after childbirth it will no longer be - as a rule, this is the only knowledge about the placenta at the beginning of pregnancy. As the gestational age increases and after passing the ultrasound, the expectant mother learns the following about the placenta: “the placenta is located high (or low)”, “its degree of maturity is now such and such”. Then the placenta, like the baby, is born. True, this event for many mothers against the background of the appearance of the long-awaited baby is no longer so significant. Let's talk about it amazing organ in more detail.

During pregnancy, as the baby grows, the placenta grows along with it. In addition, its location in the uterus also changes. By 36 weeks of gestation, when the placenta reaches full functional maturity, its diameter is 15-20 cm, and its thickness is 2.5-4.5 cm. After this gestational age, the growth of the placenta stops, and then its thickness either decreases or remains the same .

In a normal pregnancy, the placenta is usually located in the fundus or body of the uterus, along the back wall, with a transition to the side walls - that is, in those places where the walls of the uterus are best supplied with blood. On the anterior wall, the placenta is located less frequently, as it is constantly growing.

The location of the placenta does not affect the development of the baby.There is such a condition as placenta previa, when it is located in the lower sections of the uterus along any wall, partially or completely covering the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal pharynx. If the placenta only partially covers the area of ​​​​the internal pharynx, then this is an incomplete presentation. If the placenta completely covers the area of ​​​​the internal os, then this is a complete placenta previa. In such cases, doctors are afraid of bleeding during childbirth, and therefore they especially carefully monitor the course of pregnancy and childbirth in women with placenta previa. There is still a low location of the placenta, when its edge is lower than it should be in the norm, but does not overlap the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe internal pharynx.

The placenta is able to move (migrate), there is even such a term - “migration of the placenta”. The movement occurs due to the fact that the lower segment of the uterus during pregnancy changes its structure and the placenta grows towards better blood-supplying areas of the uterus (towards the bottom of the uterus). Usually, "migration of the placenta" occurs within 6-10 weeks and is completed by the 33-34th week of pregnancy. Therefore, in the I and II trimesters of pregnancy, the diagnosis of "low location of the placenta" should not be frightening. Simultaneously with the increase in the uterus, the placenta also rises.

Why is a placenta needed?

Gas exchange occurs through the placenta: oxygen penetrates from the mother's blood to the child, and carbon dioxide is transported in the opposite direction.

The baby receives nutrients through the placenta and gets rid of the products of its vital activity.

The placenta is able to protect the body of the unborn child from the adverse effects of many substances that have entered the body of a pregnant woman. Unfortunately, the placental barrier is easily overcome by drugs, alcohol, nicotine, components of many drugs and viruses.

Many hormones are also synthesized in the placenta (chorionic gonadotropin, placental lactogen, estrogens, etc.).

The placenta, as an immune barrier, separates two genetically alien organisms (mother and child) and prevents the development of an immune conflict between them.

The placenta grows and develops with the baby. With the help of ultrasound, you can determine the degree of its maturity. There are four degrees of placental maturity, and each corresponds to a certain gestational age.

0 degree of maturity occurs up to 30 weeks of pregnancy.

I degree of maturity - from the 27th to the 34th week of pregnancy.

II degree of maturity - from the 34th to the 39th week of pregnancy.

III degree of maturity can be determined from the 37th week of pregnancy.

If the degree of maturity changes ahead of time, this may indicate premature maturation of the placenta. It may occur due to a violation in the placenta of blood flow (for example, as a result of late toxicosis (preeclampsia), anemia), and may be individual feature body of a pregnant woman. Therefore, do not be upset if suddenly premature maturation of the placenta is detected on ultrasound. The main thing is to look at the development of the child, if his condition does not suffer, then, most likely, everything is normal with the placenta.

After the child was born and the umbilical cord was cut, the 3rd stage of labor begins - the afterbirth. The placenta, membranes and umbilical cord together form the afterbirth, which is expelled from the uterus 5-30 minutes after the birth of the baby. First, post-traumatic contractions begin: the uterus contracts, including the placenta attachment site, which is called the placental site. The placenta itself cannot contract, so it is displaced from the place of attachment. With each contraction, the placental area decreases, and finally the placenta exfoliates from the uterine wall. The doctor examines the puerperal and, making sure that the placenta has separated from the uterus, gives permission to push. The birth of the placenta is usually painless. After that, the doctor will definitely examine the placenta and determine if there are any damages on the surface of the placenta, whether all its parts have completely left the uterus. Such an examination is necessary in order to make sure that there are no parts of the placenta left in the uterus. If the integrity of the placenta is broken, then, in order to remove the remnants of the placental tissue, a manual examination of the uterus is performed under anesthesia. According to the state of the "born" placenta, one can judge the course of pregnancy (whether there were infectious processes, placental abruption, etc.). Pediatricians will need this information to know what features the baby may have. And, accordingly, as soon as possible to prevent possible problems.

Sometimes the placenta is arranged in such a way that even if part of it remains in the uterus, this is not visible during examination - there are no defects on the placenta, the edges are even. A few days after childbirth (usually it happens in the first 7 days), abdominal pain appears and intensifies bleeding. Then we can assume that part of the placenta in the uterus still remained. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor, go to the hospital, where they will do a curettage of the uterus.

In the cultures of different peoples, the placenta has always been respectful. This was explained by the fact that the placenta, in modern terms, is the carrier of the same genetic information as the mother with the baby. Therefore, earlier, when maternity hospitals did not yet exist, the placenta was not thrown away, but was usually buried in the ground. Today, in maternity hospitals, it is disposed of as biological waste. But if a woman wishes, she can always pick her up from the hospital.