Four thresholds of pain. Low threshold of pain sensitivity: what is it, how to determine and increase it? Pain vice

It affects the brain in different ways. It distracts someone from work, making it difficult to perform even elementary tasks. For others, on the contrary, employment helps to distract from pain. How to explain such a difference in perception, and is it possible to lower the pain threshold?


What is pain and how does it appear?

Pain is an unpleasant, painful sensation that we get in case of actual or potential tissue damage. The perception of pain is subjective, but it can have a different character: sharp, dull, burning or aching.

Pain occurs due to the work of special receptors that send signals to the spinal cord and brain. Receptor signals are processed in the cerebral cortex and filtered by a network of interconnected neurons. Prioritizing one pain signal can preempt others if the pain is fraught with serious consequences: this is how the body tries to warn you of the most urgent and serious danger.

Also, the brain can protect you from pain and injury by using unconditioned reflexes. It is thanks to them that the hand itself pulls away from the hot pan, and you do not get a deep burn.

Why do people handle pain differently?

Pain is relieved and suppressed by endorphins and enkephalins, which also help professional athletes to accumulate strength, forget about fatigue and win competitions.

Since the sensitivity of the subsystems connected by nerve pathways is individual for each person, the pain threshold will also be different. Therefore, some people steadfastly continue to work during a migraine, while others cannot even move.

Pain-relieving treatments are not for everyone: some will benefit from over-the-counter treatments that eliminate weak pain signals, while others will need powerful painkillers and anesthetics to block signals at the level of the nerve pathways.


How to raise the pain threshold?

The pain threshold is defined as the maximum amount of pain that a person can endure under specific conditions. It is as individual as the sensation of pain itself, but it can be measured using a special device - an algesimeter. A sensitive area of ​​the skin is exposed to electric current, high temperature and pressure, determining the tolerance interval.

Many factors affect the pain threshold: emotional and physical state, hormonal levels, the presence of distractions. Sometimes foods with a rich taste (pepper, ginger, mustard, chocolate), psychological practices (relaxation, psychotherapy), increasing the level of endorphins through diet (eating strawberries, bananas, avocados) sometimes help to reduce sensitivity to pain. physical exercises, dream. Also, the pain threshold is increased by strong emotions: anger and sexual arousal. Note to women: if you have, this is a great reason to have sex!

The most severe types of pain

It is believed that pain during childbirth is the most severe that a person can experience. But as we have already understood, this is not true for everyone. Doctors also distinguish 4 more types of unbearable pain that can compete with the birth of a child:

    Which sometimes pushed people driven to despair to suicide.

    Trigeminal neuralgia - chronic illness during which painkillers do not work. Epilepsy drugs and surgical methods are used for treatment.

    Burns of 3-4 degrees, the pain of which increases during the treatment of wounds.

    Pinching of the pudendal nerve and sexual neuropathy cause severe pain in the perineum, which is aggravated by the slightest physical exertion.

Maria Nitkina

pain threshold

pain threshold- this is the level of irritation caused to the nervous system at which a person feels pain. The pain threshold is individual for everyone, the same level of irritation can be expressed in both minor and severe pain for different people. If, with minimal exposure, a person is already in pain, then he has a low pain threshold, but if the impact that causes pain should be strong enough, then the pain threshold is high. The pain threshold of a person can decrease with general fatigue and a lack of B vitamins.

In psychophysics, the threshold of pain is taken as the minimum power of the stimulus, which causes pain in 50% of presentations.

However, it should be borne in mind that repeated stimulation leads to a change in the pain threshold, in addition, physical units characterizing irritation, strictly speaking, are not adequate for measuring subjective pain sensations.

The concept of the level (threshold) of pain tolerance is defined as the greatest amount of pain that the subject is willing to endure under given specific conditions.

Neither the threshold of pain nor the level of its tolerance can be determined by the parameters of external influences that cause pain. However, in practice it is precisely in these parameters that they are determined.

In addition, differences in pain thresholds are due to the characteristics of the actual pathological process. Pain sensitivity is the most important parameter that determines the basic personality traits and psychosomatic relationships of a person, serves as an informative indicator of the adequacy and effectiveness of his biological and social adaptation, health and disease. For example, a survey of individuals who attempted suicide showed that they had an increased level of pain tolerance.

Pain sensitivity is closely related to the individual psychological characteristics of each person as a single person.

Sthenic emotions associated with aggressive motivation are accompanied by an increase in the pain threshold. Asthenic emotions (fear, defenselessness), accompanying the strategy of passive adaptation and cessation of current activity, develop against the background of a decrease in the pain threshold.

Depending on the characteristics of the perception of pain, nature has divided people into 4 so-called nociceptive, or pain types. To find out which of them a particular person belongs to, doctors are helped by a special pain meter - an algesimeter.

It is interesting to note that according to the results of the research, it turned out that the pain threshold of men is higher than women, in addition, the threshold of pain tolerance is also much higher in men.


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pain threshold- this is the magnitude of the impact on the sense organ, in which there are pain. According to another definition, this concept refers to the level of irritation caused to the nervous system, at which pain is felt. The pain threshold is individual for each person, because. sensitivity to pain various people is not the same.

There is also such a thing as the level of pain tolerance, defined as the maximum amount of pain that a certain person is ready to endure in specific conditions. At the same time, neither the pain threshold nor the level of pain tolerance are determined by any parameters of the effects that cause pain.

High and low pain threshold

As already mentioned, everyone has their own pain threshold, i.e. People react differently to the same stimulus. In one person, exposure to a certain force can cause severe pain, and someone - quite tolerable sensations. It is believed that the pain threshold of a person is laid down in the genes.

A low pain threshold is when, with minimal exposure, a person begins to experience pain, i.e. These people have a heightened perception of pain. And vice versa, if a person has a high threshold of pain sensitivity, then he experiences pain with a sufficiently strong impact.

Studies have shown that women have a higher pain threshold than men. The maximum pain threshold is reached during. This fact is explained by the fact that the pain threshold is associated not only with nervous system but also hormonal. It is regulated endocrine system through the production of estrogen hormones. But at the same time, women have increased psychological sensitivity, which leads to the fact that even minimal pain can cause fear and tears.

How to find out and determine your pain threshold?

People who are attentive to their health will not hurt to have information about their personal pain threshold. Such information can be useful when a person needs to undergo a medical intervention that is accompanied by pain. Knowing how much pain the patient can endure, the doctor will be able to choose the right method of anesthesia.

You can determine your pain threshold using a special device - an algesimeter. The essence of his work is that a delicate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (usually between the fingers or toes) is exposed to electric current, pressure or high temperature. With a gradual increase in the intensity of exposure, minimum and maximum performance sensitivity, which will be the pain tolerance interval. As a result, it is possible to establish what degree of pain sensitivity threshold a person has - very low, low, medium or high.

How to raise the pain threshold?

It has been proven that at different times of the day, under the influence of different emotions and depending on the general physical condition the body's pain threshold of the same person can have different values. Therefore, the level of the pain threshold can be "managed" to a certain extent.

There are several ways to temporarily increase the pain threshold:

  1. "Distraction" therapy- inhibition of the work of pain receptors due to the use of "burning" foods - red pepper, horseradish, mustard, ginger, etc.
  2. Hormonal changes by following a diet with an abundance of foods such as eggs, milk, turkey, hazelnuts, bananas, etc., which increase the level (hormone of happiness) in the body.
  3. Methods of auto-training to mobilize the forces of the body- such a strong psycho-emotional excited state as anger helps to increase the pain threshold.
  4. Sex- stands out during lovemaking a large number of hormones endorphins, also able to muffle the pain.

Hyperalgesia develops as a result of damage to nociceptors (local pain centers) or peripheral nerves. Abnormal sensitivity to pain stimuli is one of the components of neurotic pain, which is observed in conditions such as:

  • (most common)
  • postherpetic neuralgia;
  • complex regional pain syndrome, which develops as a result of injuries or inflammatory processes;
  • central post-stroke pain.

In addition, hyperalgesia can occur with psychological disorders - a violation of self-perception, hysterical algia.


Pain that appears when tissue is damaged is called acute or nociceptive. It occurs due to irritation of peripheral pain centers (nociceptors), which transmit impulses to the central nervous system. acute pain corresponds to the degree of impact on tissues and regresses after their healing. This is its difference from neurotic pain, which persists after the complete restoration of the affected areas or appears without damage.

Depending on the mechanism of occurrence and localization, primary and secondary hyperalgesia are distinguished. The primary manifests itself in the area of ​​​​damage to tissues or nerves, the secondary goes beyond these limits.

Primary hyperalgesia of the skin is associated with damage to nociceptors and an increase in their sensitivity under the influence of biologically active substances(serotonin, histamine, kinin), which are released during injury. In addition, dormant (inactive) nociceptors are involved in the process. These factors lead to increased afferent stimulation of dorsal horn neurons. spinal cord. As a result, secondary hyperalgesia is triggered, leading to a significant decrease in the pain threshold and expansion of the zone with hypersensitivity that spreads to healthy tissue.


The main symptom of hyperalgesia is intense pain in response to exposure to a relatively weak stimulus (heat, cold, mechanical or chemical). It is diagnosed if contact with warm water (above 36º), cold, non-aggressive chemicals(weak solutions of acids) or objects causes strong discomfort. For example, patients with hypersensitivity to pain complain that when they are cooled they are tormented by burning pain.

Hyperalgesia of the skin with mechanical irritation can be:

  • static - occurs with light pressure with a blunt object or tapping;
  • dynamic - appears as a result of a needle prick or touch to the skin.

If a person feels pain in response to non-painful stimuli (light touch, stroking), this phenomenon is called allodynia. Allodynia and hyperalgesia have a similar mechanism of origin.


Diagnosis of increased susceptibility to pain is carried out on the basis of a neurological examination, which includes a number of tests, including checking the reaction to heat, cold, pain (needle prick). In addition, electroneuromyography is performed - a procedure that allows:

  • assess the ability of muscle fibers to respond to stimuli;
  • measure the speed of impulses along the nerves.

Additionally, studies are being conducted aimed at identifying the pathology that caused hyperalgesia.


The tactics of treatment of skin hyperalgesia is determined by the specifics of the underlying disease. But, in addition to influencing etiological factors, the goal of therapy is to influence the pathophysiological mechanisms of pain. For this, the following drugs are used:

  • local analgesics - lidocaine, capsaicin;
  • adjuvant analgesics (anticonvulsants and antidepressants) - carbamazepine, valproic acid, amitriptyline;
  • opiates - tramadol.

Medicines are combined with each other according to schemes that are selected individually. The treatment of hyperalgesia is supplemented by non-drug methods - psychotherapy, balneotherapy, physiotherapy, and so on.


The prognosis for hyperalgesia depends on the severity of the underlying disease. In most cases, treatment can achieve a steady reduction in pain sensitivity.


Prevention of hyperalgesia consists in adequate treatment of diseases that can lead to damage to nerve fibers.

What is a high or low pain threshold?

    When I first got an appointment with an acupuncturist, he immediately noted that I had a low pain threshold - As if you are inserting a needle into inanimate tissuequot ;. But when he began to act on large areas of the body not with needles, but with elbows and knees, the pain was unbearable.

    Psychologically, people with mental disabilities or people who can control pain can have a low pain threshold.

    To summarize, a low pain threshold is when a person does not react strongly to any impact. A high pain threshold is when a person reacts strongly to combat and psychological influences.

    Low - this is when it takes quite a bit for a person to feel pain, high - accordingly, the stimulus should be stronger.

    Moreover, the perception of pain itself is divided into 4 types, also taking into account tolerance:

    • low threshold, low tolerance;
    • low threshold, high tolerance;
    • high threshold, low tolerance;
    • high threshold, high tolerance.

    There is even a special device (algesimeter) that can classify a person into any of the presented categories.

    At the same time, the pain threshold initially depends on many factors: both congenital (gender, genetic predisposition, etc.) and acquired (vitamins B, stress, fatigue, etc.). Accordingly, in the second case, the pain threshold can constantly change.

    I know for myself that when you experience a painful shock, the pain threshold magically increases. Apparently, the protective function of the body works. So, when I injured my leg, at first I only experienced shock, after about an hour or two, the torn ligaments made themselves felt.

    People with so-called. with a high pain threshold, they can quite calmly withstand those sensations from which people with a low pain threshold are already beginning to wince, experiencing obvious discomfort. Depending on the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person, the pain threshold can both decrease and increase - for example, general overwork of the body contributes to an increase in sensitivity, and corresponding emotions of depression, called asthenic, can also lead to a decrease in the pain threshold. Sthenic emotions, on the contrary, arise against the background of aggressiondirected towards someone, and contribute to an increase in the pain threshold.

    A high pain threshold is when a person can calmly endure pain. Low - when a person is very unpleasant at the slightest pain. Studies show that women have a higher pain threshold. This is explained by the fact that they experience very severe pain during childbirth. In men, the pain threshold is much lower.

    The pain threshold is the degree of sensitivity of a person to the effects on his body of damaging forces.

    A high pain threshold is when a person can withstand fairly large impacts on his body, due to the low sensitivity of his body to impacts on him.

    For example, the pain threshold may increase with the use of various drugs, such as alcohol or local anesthesia. People with a high pain threshold seem to have a slightly different skin structure than people with a low pain threshold. Perhaps they have fewer nerve endings or they are located deeper relative to the surface of the skin. Or maybe there is some kind of deviation at the level of the brain and information about pain from the nerves poorly reaches the brain.

    A person with a low pain threshold strongly feels even the slightest influences, for example, such as: exposure to the skin of very high and very low temperatures, injections, cuts, abrasion of the skin and the like.

    What a person with a low pain threshold can no longer tolerate, a person with a high pain threshold can still withstand.

    This is such a breed of pain in a person, starting from which, a person will actually experience discomfort from pain.

    A high pain threshold indicates that this person will begin to experience discomfort with more pain than a person with a lower pain threshold.

    For example: if it is difficult for a person to endure one injection with a needle, then he has a low pain threshold, and if another can be stuck at least a dozen and he does not even itch, then he has a higher pain threshold.

    Threshold - this is a limit, a border, crossing which something changes. In the case of a pain threshold, this is when a person begins to feel pain and cannot endure it. If he can endure severe pain, then the person has a high pain threshold, and if not, a low one.

    But these are relative terms, because no one feels the way you feel.