How to quickly get rid of colored lichen. Colored lichen - treatment with ointments, tablets and folk remedies

A fungal disease, referred to as lichen color, affects mainly the stratum corneum of the epidermis. This type of disease has many names, such as solar fungus, pityriasis versicolor, which is primarily due to the signs of its manifestation.

The causative agent of this disease is the fungus Pityrosporum, which belongs to the yeast-like group, and manifests itself in three different forms: oval, round and mycelial.

The disease occurs most often in adolescents over the age of 15 and adults who have problems with the protective function of the body. The disease is not dangerous, due to the absence of a threat to human life, but rapidly contributes to the feeling of psychological discomfort and skin defects. How to treat color lichen, as well as the factors and signs of its manifestation, we learn from this material.

The main reason for the development of the disease of color lichen is the ingress of a fungus of the genus Pitirosporum on the skin of a person, as well as a decrease in immunity. This type The virus lives in almost everyone, but people get sick with colored lichen only in cases where microorganisms have such an opportunity. The transition of the fungus into the pathogenic phase is due to the deterioration of the functioning of the defense system, which leads to the appearance of the first signs of the disease.

The cause of colored lichen on the skin is contact with a sick person. Nutritionists unanimously argue that this type of fungal disease is contagious, although not every person may have a clinical manifestation. Adolescents over the age of 15 are susceptible to the development of the disease, when puberty and there is a significant decrease in immunity. Multi-colored pityriasis versicolor also manifests itself in weakened people who suffer from chronic ailments or diabetes. Based on everything, we note that the virus manifests itself in the following cases:

  • when in contact with sick people, so often the disease spreads within the family;
  • if the simplest rules of hygiene are not observed, especially in public places such as a swimming pool, gym and sauna;
  • when using objects, clothes or towels that the sick person has previously taken.

When infected with color we deprive the first signs of the disease does not appear soon. Often incubation period begins from the 14th day after contact with the skin of a pathogenic agent. But most often, the first signs appear after an indefinite time, when the protective function of immunity decreases, in fact, as in infectious and viral diseases. In addition to the main causes of the development of the disease, the following factors should be noted:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • increased sweating;
  • hormonal disorders that lead to a decrease in immunity;
  • a long course of drug therapy;
  • with stress and nervous strain;
  • beriberi and climate change;
  • different types of diseases like acute form, and chronic.

The cause of any ailment is an excess amount of bacteria, therefore, in order to avoid the development of the disease, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system.

How is versicolor transmitted

The appearance of colored lichen is possible only with close and constant contact with a sick person. This can happen both at home and in public places. You can protect yourself by following the rules of hygiene. If there is a person infected with lichen in the family, then he needs to use only individual things, objects and food. It is imperative to start treatment, and all family members are required to undergo a course of therapy, which will significantly reduce the likelihood of a disease in the future.

The transmission of the fungus occurs even with such contact as a handshake, therefore, in order to avoid the development of the disease, they should be washed immediately with soap and water. In most cases, this simple hygienic practice can prevent and avoid many serious illnesses. If, regardless of the cause of the infection, you still notice the first signs of the disease, then you need to rush to the dermatologist or trichologist at the same moment, who will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe drug treatment. What is color lichen in humans, as well as the main signs of manifestation, we learn in more detail.

Signs of colored lichen

The reproduction of the causative agent of the disease begins directly with the hair follicle. It is on them that the growth, development and reproduction of fungal spores occurs. On the skin, the disease manifests itself in the form of yellowish-purple dots, which increase over time. The growth of lichen does not stop until such time as appropriate measures are taken. The photo shows a skin area on which active reproduction of pityriasis versicolor is observed.

The spot of lichen development can be both single and numerous, which depends mainly on the form of the disease. When enlarged, spots reach large scales and are not limited to certain sizes. The reunification of the formations with each other leads to the fact that the skin on the body takes on the following appearance, as shown in the photo below.

What is versicolor in humans? This is a dermatological disease in which only the upper (horny) layer of the skin is affected. "Beach sickness", pityriasis versicolor or solar fungus - the same name for this phenomenon.

With the disease, inflammatory symptoms are practically absent, and the disease itself is considered almost non-contagious. What you need to know about multi-colored lichen?

What is versicolor in humans?

The causative agent of multi-colored lichen is the microscopic fungus Pityrpsporum orbiculare (its other name is Malassezia furfur). Upon contact with the upper layer of the epidermis, spores are placed in the mouths of the follicles.

If you look at them in more detail under a microscope, you will notice that they look like thick and curved filaments, as well as small clusters of round spores.

It is generally accepted that one of the first signs of lichen multicolored disease is excessive sweating (it is necessary to study the bio chemical composition sweat), as well as peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis. Some people may have a natural predisposition to pityriasis versicolor.

The disease multi-colored lichen can affect not only the skin, but also the hair follicles and nail plates. Fungus spores can stay in the body for a long time and become active when a favorable period comes for them.

There is a misconception that this type of lichen often affects people who have had or are suffering from tuberculosis. It is noteworthy that the sun fungus is often found in young people. Elderly people and small children get sick with it extremely rarely, especially for babies in the age category up to 7 years.

The risk group consists of those who have reduced immunity, suffer from diabetes mellitus, vegetative neurosis, and also tuberculosis. There is an association with increased sweating in adolescence, or before it starts.

The period of development of colored lichen passes in waves, it then calms down, then it begins to develop rapidly. Particularly dangerous periods are the end of spring, summer and the beginning of autumn, when the temperature remains consistently high, as does air humidity.

Top 10 causes of lichen

Multicolored lichen does not pose a serious threat to health, however, its visible manifestations can cause physiological and psychological discomfort to the sick person. Not to mention unaesthetic appearance epidermis.

Why is lichen called colored? During the development of the spots, which are caused by the vital activity of the fungus, change their color (starting from yellow, pink to brown, red). Therefore, lichen began to be called "colored."

Affected flakes are short, thick, curved, and may form clusters.

How is lichen transmitted, is infection possible from person to person? More on that below.

High-risk places where you can get infected:

  • public baths, swimming pools, saunas;
  • unkempt beaches, as well as places of rest;
  • locker rooms, fitting rooms.

The incubation period of "beach sickness" is on average from 2 weeks to several months. For a person, this, as a rule, goes completely unnoticed.

Among the most common causes the appearance of multi-colored lichen is distinguished:

  1. Individual predisposition to this unpleasant disease.
  2. Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis).
  3. Isolation of excess sebum.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  5. Reduced immune defense of the body.
  6. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  7. The period of tuberculosis disease (lungs, kidneys, urinary organs, bone tissue).
  8. The course of infectious diseases.
  9. If the patient is prone to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver.
  10. Failure of the hormonal background, especially in women during gynecological diseases, menopause, gestation.

Symptoms of manifestation

Multicolored lichen is almost asymptomatic, so it is necessary to detect it in time and start treatment. The following are symptoms of sun fungus disease:

  1. Formation on the upper (horny) layer of the epidermis asymmetrical spots of yellow, pink or brown. Over time, they increase and occupy an increasing area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Most often located at the level of the chest or back, less often - on the neck, face, abdomen, sides, shoulders and forearms. In some cases, they can even form on the scalp.
  2. Over time, the spots become light brown. They are flat, no neoplasms.
  3. They may not bother a person who is ill with multi-colored lichen at all. In some cases, they begin to itch a lot.
  4. A characteristic feature is the constant peeling of the skin affected by the fungus (easily detected by scraping).

In adolescence, the vastness of the appearance of spots can be very large - in the armpits, on the back, abdomen, on the arms and legs, on the head, etc.

3 methods for diagnosing "beach sickness"

Pityriasis versicolor is very easy to identify and start effective treatment diseases. In some cases, they use additional methods diagnostics:

  1. Balzer's iodine test. The epidermis is lubricated with a 5% alcohol-based iodine solution. The areas affected by lichen are processed. In locations where the epidermis is looser, an intense color appears. In some cases, instead of an alcoholic solution of iodine, an aniline-based dye solution can be used.
  2. "The phenomenon of shavings" (or Besnier's symptom). To begin with, peeling is scraped off the affected area of ​​the skin, after which the infected areas are searched using a special “Wood's filter”. Diagnosis should be carried out in a dark room to distinguish the fluorescent color of sun fungus spots (brown, reddish or yellowish).
  3. Biochemical analysis. With the help of scraping, spores of a microscopic fungus can be detected in the upper layer of biological tissue. The resulting sample is treated with a caustic alkali solution.

If you have the above symptoms, then you should not delay visiting a dermatologist. Timely diagnosis (even asymptomatic cases) will help to detect foci of the disease of multi-colored lichen, confirm the diagnosis. After treatment, a false (secondary) leukoderma is formed.

This type of lichen is sometimes confused with the following diseases:

  1. Roseola syphilis. The formation on the skin of a pink color, which disappears with gentle pressure.
  2. Pink lichen. The appearance of pinkish spots that are localized on the epidermis along the Langer tension lines. A special sign is that they have a slightly elongated shape (in some cases diamond-shaped), and in the center of the spot they usually peel intensively.
  3. Leucoderma syphilis. The appearance of whitish spots that are located on the skin in the form of a lacy mesh. Place of localization - neck, armpits, sides.

Question answer

You can encounter this type of lichen with close contact, using the patient's hygiene products.

If there are spots on the skin that peel off, provoke itching, you can suspect the development of versicolor versicolor.

Treatment (medication)

It is strictly forbidden to independently treat manifestations of solar lichen (both primary and secondary). It is impossible to accurately identify multi-colored lichen on your own, as well as to prescribe the correct treatment.

This can only aggravate the situation, and also cause numerous relapses. Only a qualified doctor will be able to choose the drugs and procedures in the best way so that the symptoms of multi-colored lichen stop and the pathogen is destroyed.

There are many options for getting rid of this problem. One of the most common treatment regimens is with medical preparations(for example, Andreasyan's liquid, a solution of salicylic-resorcinol alcohol, a special ointment based on sulfur, mycosolone, etc.).

Treatment is fast - from 3 to 7 days (depending on the degree of "neglect" of the problem and the extent of the localization of the fungus). After the end of the course of treatment, the patient is usually prescribed baths with soap and a hard washcloth.

The essence of the treatment is that peeling is removed from the skin, which contains spores of a microscopic fungus. In order for the lichen not to return, in order to avoid repeated relapses, the skin needs to be treated with antifungal drugs from time to time and thoroughly scrubbed.

Other treatments for fungus include special gels, shampoos, creams and lotions that contain salicylic alcohol and medicinal herbal extracts. May I help .

You need to use them from 2 to 3 courses, taking short breaks. Usually the duration of the course is 2 weeks. It is recommended to use medical cosmetics 2 to 3 times a day.

During the treatment of lichen on the body, it is necessary to monitor not only the cleanliness, but also the hygiene of the living quarters.

Once a day, you need to carry out a thorough wet cleaning, as well as airing the rooms. Bed and underwear should be soaked in boiling water, after which it should be washed as usual.

In some cases, pseudoleukoderma may form on the skin after treatment. To eliminate it, the doctor may recommend procedures using ultraviolet radiation.

There are also alternative treatment regimens that are considered the most effective and modern. In this case, the likelihood of re-infection recurrence is reduced to an absolute minimum.

These schemes include etiotropic therapy. Its essence lies in the fact that the causative fungus is completely destroyed.

The antifungal drug accumulates in the upper layer of the epidermis, and suppresses the vital activity of the pathogen. At the same time, the process natural renewal the skin will stop.

Despite the fact that the disease with this type of lichen is considered practically not contagious, all members of the patient's family are subject to examination by a dermatologist. This also applies to those persons who were in close contact with the patient.

Diagnostics is carried out using a special fluorescent lamp (see the types of diagnostics above).

To prevent the appearance of sun fungus on the skin, it is recommended to wear clothes only from natural hygroscopic fabric (especially underwear). Do not forget about the thorough hygiene of the epidermal integument, you need to take frequent baths with soap and a hard washcloth.

Once every 7 days, you can also lubricate the skin with ordinary pharmacy salicylic alcohol. When the first signs of excessive sweating, in some cases itching, appear, you should immediately seek the advice of a doctor.

  1. Avoid unkempt dirty beaches.
  2. If you visit public pools, ponds, saunas, baths, then do not forget to thoroughly wash your skin with a washcloth and soap while swimming.
  3. After bathing, let your skin dry, and only then start sunbathing.
  4. Be sure to use sunscreen on your face and body. And it is better to buy them in trusted pharmacies.
  5. Do not allow anyone to use your personal hygiene items - a bath towel, as well as face and foot towels. Wash these items frequently. Also, do not use other people's accessories.
  6. After playing sports, outdoor activities, take a hygienic shower or bath.

Strengthening the immune defense of the body is also considered a good method of prevention. Begin to harden, take baths with sea salt and periodically lubricate the skin with solutions of salicylic alcohol or vinegar.Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Multicolored lichen is wonderfully treated, but you should not treat yourself. For successful therapy, certain medications, ointments are needed. In some cases, the fight against the disease is delayed up to 2-3 months. In addition, the disease can worsen again.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

With this type of lichen, ointments such as Bifonazole, Clotrimazole are often prescribed. In addition, it is useful to carry out wiping skin salicylic solution in which chamomile is added. As a result, the surface of the epidermis, where fungal spores are located, is exfoliated. Lamisil spray is also often used, which perfectly fights fungal infections. Don't underestimate and folk methods, since various lotions, for example, from St. John's wort, have proven themselves well.

Always try to follow the basic rules of hygiene and care for your body - this will help to avoid unpleasant disease. It is worth looking at a photo of multi-colored lichen in a person to see his symptoms, read about the treatment regimen.

But do not self-medicate, as this may not only not eliminate the problem, but also aggravate it. At the first manifestations, be sure to go to a dermatologist for a consultation.

If the body is covered with ugly brownish-yellow, pink, red spots, then this is probably (colored, multi-colored) lichen. To eliminate them, they usually prescribe an ointment for colored lichen based on antifungal active ingredients, because dermatosis is caused by fungi. However, before choosing a medication, you need a dermatologist to make an accurate diagnosis, since general symptoms pathologies can be similar to signs of other skin diseases.

What is colored (pityriasis, multi-colored) lichen in humans

The characteristic symptoms of lichen are the appearance of pinkish-cream, brownish-yellow and red spots. irregular shape covering mainly the skin on the chest, shoulders, abdomen, back, armpits and groin. Less commonly, spots appear on the face, on the head under the hair and on the genitals, almost never on the feet and hands. Unlike ringworm, with the appearance of spots of multi-colored lichen on the head, the hair never falls out.

At first, the spots are pale and small (3-5 mm), but then they become brighter, enlarge and spread, merging into large foci with uneven edges. Spots of colored lichen are sometimes slightly or moderately itchy.

A common type of versicolor versicolor is the pityriasis form, in which peeling of the skin occurs on the surface of the spots, similar to flour or small bran.

The disease is characterized by a long course with exacerbations. But multi-colored lichen is not dangerous to health, causing only aesthetic defects and psychological discomfort.

It has been observed that the longer and more often the skin is exposed to the sun, the lighter the spots become and the more they peel off under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, another name for the disease is solar fungus. Under the sun's rays, the pathogen dies and is removed from the skin along with exfoliated scales. Sometimes pityriasis versicolor can spontaneously heal with frequent ultraviolet exposure.

The mechanism of action of antimycotics

How to treat pityriasis versicolor in humans? Of course, antifungal agents (antimycotics). In order to get rid of skin manifestations color lichen, first of all, external means are necessary.

  • destruction of membranes (protective shells) of fungal cells due to blocking the production of the main element of these membranes - ergosterol;
  • stopping the supply of nutrients to the skin cells necessary for the activity of Pityrpsporum orbiculare.

Thus, antimycotic ointments and gels destroy fungi, stop the spread of their colonies and quickly eliminate color spots.

If the drug is chosen correctly, the dose and treatment regimen is developed taking into account the severity of the process and comorbidities, then the signs of the disease begin to fade from the first days of use.

Effective drugs

Consider how to treat lichen color on the skin in order to eliminate unpleasant-looking spots as quickly as possible. Dermatologists prescribe not only antifungal ointments for lichen in humans, but also other groups of drugs in the form of creams, solutions, lotions and sprays that help get rid of the pathology.

Names and features of effective antifungal agents with different active ingredients

Medical basisSome propertiesBasic drugs
KetoconazoleIt reduces the ability of fungi to form colonies, the strength of cell membranes, which leads to the destruction of cells and the death of the pathogen. At the same time inhibits the activity of streptococci and staphylococci. It is not absorbed into the blood and does not affect the functions of the body as a whole. Allowed during pregnancy.Dermazol in the form of a cream and shampoo for multi-colored lichen of the scalp.

Sebozol in the form of ointment, shampoo and liniment.

Cream Nizoral, ointment Mikoket.

Ointment or cream lubricate the affected areas of the skin and a 1-3 cm area around them up to 2 times a day, without rubbing. The average duration of treatment is 14-20 days.

BifonazoleMeans based on bifonazole penetrate the skin perfectly, but a certain amount of the substance is absorbed into the blood, so ointments are not used in the first three months of pregnancy, for the treatment of nursing mothers and infantsBifonazole, Bifosin (cream, solution, spray), Mycospor cream.

Apply 1 time per day before bedtime, gently rubbing into the affected areas. The course is about 2 weeks.

clotrimazoleIt is almost not absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream and has no effect on the body. Ointment or cream is thinly applied to sore spots up to 3 times a day, using an average of 2 weeks.Cream Candide, Candibene, Kanesten. Ointment and cream Clotrimazole are the cheapest remedies for colored lichen (70-100 rubles).

Combined medication Triderm containing clotrimazole, the hormonal substance betamethasone and an antibiotic. Destroys the fungus, eliminates bacteria, relieves swelling, itching. The cream is used for weeping lesions on the skin, the ointment is used against the background of peeling and dryness.

Terbinafine (allylamine group)Actively penetrates the skin, creating high concentrations of the therapeutic substance. Almost no effect on the body. Prohibited in diseases of the blood, severe hepatic and kidney failure, tumor processes, metabolic diseases, thrombophlebitis, varicose veinsCream, spray and ointment Terbinafine, which are classified as inexpensive means(within 150 rubles), Atifin cream, Lamisil gel, Exifin, Fungoterbin, Binafin, Thermikon, Mikonorm, Terbizil, Terbinoks
NaftifinIn addition to the ability to destroy fungal cells, Naftifin inhibits the activity of skin bacteria that cause secondary infection in lichen colorCream Mycoderil, Exoderil
SertaconazoleIt is practically not absorbed into the blood and is not found in the urine. Recommended course of treatment 4 weeksZalain, Sertaconazole, Sertamikol
IsoconazoleIsoconazole without hormonal supplements and antibiotics can be used in infants from 1 month.

Contraindications for Travogen and Travocort: skin lesions with chickenpox, smallpox, rosacea, perioral dermatitis, herpes zoster, tuberculosis, rosacea

Isoconazole cream, Travogen cream with antifungal and antibacterial spectrum of action.

Travocort cream, which contains the antifungal agent isoconazole and glucocorticosteroid diflucortolone valerate. The tool not only destroys the color lichen fungus, but also relieves inflammation, allergic phenomena, dries and eliminates itching.

EconazoleShows a pronounced fungicidal (antifungal) and bactericidal effectIfenek ointment, Ecodax cream. Tetradex is a hormonal cream with econazole, the antibiotic gentamicin and the glucocorticosteroid dexpanthenol. Assign if color lichen is complicated by bacterial inflammation. Has a wider range of contraindications
MiconazoleAmong the contraindications: insufficiency of the kidneys and liver. Caution is prescribed for diabetes mellitus, disorders of blood microcirculationDaktarin, Mikogal and inexpensive cream Mikozon
CyclopiroxIt is characterized by rapid penetration into the affected layer of the skin, the creation of foci with a high concentration of the therapeutic substance.Cream Batrafen

Retains therapeutic effect for another 10-14 days after stopping treatment

Spots are treated by applying the ointment with a cotton swab twice a day, and left on the skin for no longer than 5 minutes. Wash off with a cotton swab dipped in water or sunflower oil. After 7 days, if there are no manifestations of allergies, the ointment can be left on the spots for up to 10 minutes. Yam gives a noticeable result already for 5-10 days of use.

Main contraindications and adverse reactions for most antimycotics

For most antifungal ointments, there are certain restrictions or even a ban on use.

General contraindications for antifungal external agents:

  • drug intolerance;
  • age up to 10-12 years (there are exceptions);
  • the first three months of pregnancy;
  • period breastfeeding(relative contraindication).

Usually drugs against the fungus for local application well tolerated. But in people with other dermatological diseases and special sensitivity to active ingredient or other components of ointments, may cause slight itching, burning, redness of the skin at the site of application.

Do not prescribe drugs yourself, this is the work of doctors. Don't risk your skin health.

With severe swelling, severe itching, urticaria or other manifestations of individual intolerance, you should stop using the product.

Scheme of treatment with external means

Treatment of colored lichen with ointments is aimed at the simultaneous destruction of the fungus and at accelerating the exfoliation of dead stratum corneum in the affected areas.

To achieve maximum results, it is best to treat lichen color on the skin in a complex way, combining two types of medicines. In addition to the use of antifungal ointments that have a detrimental effect on the pathogen, it is advisable to smear the affected areas with keratolytic external preparations. Keratolytics are needed to soften and loosen the stratum corneum, to accelerate the rejection of dead epidermal cells. In this case, the antifungal cream or ointment penetrates between the smallest skin flakes.

The main keratolytic agents: Salicylic alcohol 3-5%, Salicylic ointment, Resorcinol alcohol 5-10%, Sulfur-salicylic ointment and paste.

Any ointments, gels, creams are used strictly according to the instructions, depending on the severity of the manifestations of color lichen, the frequency of relapses, and the age of the patient.

Basic treatment regimen

  • alternately lubricating the affected areas with antifungal external agents and keratolytics 1-2 times a day;
  • soft rubbing of antimycotic ointments with the capture of healthy skin 1-2 cm around the lichen spot;
  • duration of use pityriasis versicolor- at least 2 weeks, optimally - 4 weeks until the peeling disappears.

After the disappearance of abnormal symptoms on the skin, ointments are recommended to be used for another 7-10 days to prevent the reappearance of spots. For some time, the spots will be visible until a new layer of healthy skin grows.

If colored lichen affects the skin on the head under the hair, then shampoos containing antifungal substances are used instead of ointments. In addition, often it is on the scalp that the infectious focus of the pathogen usually remains, which leads to relapses of mycosis. Apply: Sulsen Forte, Keto-plus, Mycozoral, Mikanisal, Nizoral, Perkhotal, Sebozol.

Shampoos are used every day or every other day for 7-30 days, which is determined by the speed of recovery and the complete disappearance of scaly elements.

Keratolytics are not applied to the scalp due to their adverse effect on the hair.

Important principles of therapy:

  1. Not allowed to use antifungals in areas with ulcers, abscesses, lesions.
  2. Do not apply creams and ointments to large areas (especially for a long time), as well as use compresses or apply under airtight dressings. Because of this, absorption and the degree of overall effect on the body increase.
  3. Use soap only with a neutral or alkaline reaction.
  4. Wash hands after applying ointments to avoid contact with eyes and mouth. If this happens, the mouth is rinsed, and the eyes are washed with plenty of clean water.
  5. Breastfeeding mothers should use antimycotics (if permitted by the doctor) only on small areas of the skin and for the shortest possible period.
  6. It is not allowed to apply medications to the skin of the mammary glands if the mother is breastfeeding the baby.

home medicine

As for folk recipes, they, as a rule, speed up the recovery process, help with mild disease, but not always. The main thing is to consult a dermatologist so as not to make things worse.

If you constantly touch spots, moisten them with water, or damage the skin in the inflamed area, this can cause seborrheic eczema and other similar diseases of the epidermis.

Among the main recipes:

  1. Rubbing stains with 3% vinegar up to 4 times a day.
  2. Lotions with infusion of St. John's wort. Insist 20 g of dry St. John's wort in a glass of boiling water for about an hour. Strained liquid is used for daily lotions.
  3. Onion and garlic are rubbed, squeezed and, after soaking a multilayer bandage in the juice, apply a lotion to the spots twice a day for 10 minutes.
  4. Salt. The finger is moistened with its own saliva and dipped in salt, then lichen spots are rubbed. Sometimes this method helps after a single application. At the very least, salt perfectly disinfects the skin, suppressing harmful skin flora.

How to treat color lichen, not amenable to local therapy

If skin pathology stubbornly refrains from treatment with ointments from lichen after their use for 2-3 weeks, in addition to antifungal gels or shampoos and keratolytics, antifungal drugs in tablets are added. The standard duration of application is 1-3 weeks. During treatment with tablets, spots continue to be treated with antimycotics and keratolytics.

For the treatment of severe cases of pityriasis versicolor, along with ointments, tablets with active ingredients are used:

Each skin disease can be identified by external signs, but for this you need to carefully study the materials that are presented on our website. Today we will try, as popularly as possible, to explain to you what a multi-colored lichen is in a person, point out the causes of multi-colored lichen, and also share methods for treating this disease.

Pityriasis versicolor is a long-term, one might even say chronic, fungal infection. Also, this disease can be found under the name "color lichen", "pityriasis versicolor" and "sun fungus". The disease should be differentiated from syphilitic roseola, deprive Gibert (Gilbert) and Vitiligo.

Pathogenesis and causes

Pityriasis versicolor appears due to the fungi Malassezia furfur and Pityrpsporum orbiculare, which are located at the mouth of the follicles, in the stratum corneum of the human epidermis. During microscopic examination of the affected skin particles, it can be seen that the fungus, dermal, has the appearance of thick and curved threads, which are arranged in whole clusters. Doctors believe that individual predisposition of human skin to such diseases, violation of the physiological processes of the stratum corneum, the chemical composition of sweat and excessive sweating are of considerable importance in pathogenesis. There is also an opinion that more often a fungal disease occurs in people suffering from tuberculosis. Basically, multi-colored lichen appears in young women and men, while children rarely get sick, especially children under 7 years old. Color deprive is possible in children whose body is weakened by tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, vegetative neurosis with excessive sweating.


Pityriasis versicolor, like other skin diseases, can be recognized by certain signs. A number of spots form on the affected area of ​​the skin, the color is yellowish, brownish-yellow. They originate from hair follicles and increase in size. Many spots merge together, sometimes occupying large areas of the skin. Over time, the spots become dark brown, sometimes even coffee. It was this constant change of colors that gave rise to the name skin disease- multi-colored lichen. The spots are not convex, that is, they do not form skin relief, practically do not itch, but constantly peel off.

Most often, lichen spots are randomly located, but their constant localization is the back, chest, neck, abdomen, outer surfaces of the shoulders and lateral surfaces of the body, sometimes you can also find multi-colored lichen on the face (although this is a controversial opinion). Thanks to special equipment, doctors detect multi-colored lichen on the head, on its hairy part, but what is most interesting, it does not affect the hair itself. It is possible that it is for this reason that there are frequent relapses disease, even if therapy is successful. If multi-colored lichen is observed in preschool children or adolescents, its signs can be found on the chest, neck, armpits, back, abdomen, scalp, and also in the limbs. The course of a skin disease is quite long, sometimes months and years pass ... Quite often, relapses are possible. One of the methods of treatment is sunbathing, during which pityriasis versicolor disappears, and only white spots remain in its place, called pseudoleucoderma in medicine.

How to get rid of rosacea


Diagnosis of depriving does not cause any difficulties. If, for some reason, they are present, then doctors resort to some auxiliary methods. In this case, Balzer's iodine plug, aniline dyes or scrapings, mercury-quartz lamps, microscopic examinations are used, with the help of which the symptoms of lichen color become more pronounced and clinical picture appears.

Sometimes multi-colored lichen is confused with other diseases that we indicated above, but, with the help of the experience of dermatologists, true disease quickly established and prescribed treatment.

Treatment of multi-colored lichen

Of course, there is a cure for pityriasis versicolor, but it is worth remembering the fact that the most desirable is the appointment of a doctor, although many people self-medicate.

After an external examination and some tests in a licensed clinic, a dermatologist will prescribe a course of treatment for you, which will include some drugs from the list or a combination of them:

  • pills for multi-colored lichen;
  • rubbing from depriving the color;
  • ointment from multi-colored lichen;
  • spray from colored lichen.

These drugs for the treatment of lichen color include salicylic ointment, salicylic alcohol, resorcinol alcohol, amorolfine, naftifine, clotrimazole, mycosolone, ciclopirox, terbinafine, bifalazole, sulfuric ointment, itraconazole, ketoconazole and other available creams, ointments, tablets, capsules and solutions.

Treatment with folk remedies

Despite the fact that medicine in our country is well developed and provided with qualified specialists who are able to diagnose the disease and cure it effective methods, such a thing as self-medication will always take place anyway. So let's get a little carried away folk beliefs and see what remedies for colored lichen are offered to us among the people.

How to cure versicolor lichen with celandine

Traditional medicine recommends applying this remedy for a quick cure of the disease, by the way, while not rejecting the methods modern medicine. Now just follow the advice - collect the above-ground part of the celandine, that is, leaves, stems, flowers, and gently chop. As a result, you should get 200 grams of raw materials. This greenery is thoroughly mixed with the same amount of sand sugar and placed in a piece of gauze, wrapping the mixture into a kind of bag with it. Now you need to cook yogurt to the consistency of cottage cheese and dip a bag of mixture into it (everything happens in a three-liter jar). Oddly enough, but this process will last a whole month and every day you will have to remove the film on top of the jar, possible mold, and constantly pressing the bag to the bottom of the jar, stir the mixture.

When the time is right, strain the tincture into another container and put it in the refrigerator. The medicine for colored lichen is ready for use. Recommended three doses per day, one tablespoon. If, after the first dose, discomfort, indigestion, nausea, or even dizziness is felt, the dose should be changed down.

How to treat pityriasis versicolor with burdock and onions

Pityriasis versicolor can be cured by other means. Magazines by traditional medicine and other sources claim that they are no worse than the first remedy, the recipe of which we have provided you above.

You need to take a few onions and pass them through a meat grinder. Next, from the resulting slurry, squeeze the onion juice through several layers of clean gauze. Onion juice, which you have drained, should be lubricated with affected areas on the skin three times a day.

In a similar way, they use Burr oil. It should be lubricated with multi-colored lichen (all lesions) three times a day, for several weeks. As the source promises, the disease will soon recede.

Treatment of colored lichen with folk remedies is widely developed and has dozens of similar recipes. We will not describe each of them in detail, since we have a certain view of the problem - it is solved with the help of a doctor and medications, a folk recipes we have given only as an example.

Multicolored lichen during pregnancy

We want to draw the attention of future mothers to the disease, who may also face the problem of this skin disease. It should always be remembered that when choosing a treatment for color lichen during pregnancy, it is necessary to accurately establish the toxicity of drugs and their possible effects on the fetus. So, many pills for colored lichen are categorically contraindicated during pregnancy and the lesions can only be treated with tinctures or ointments. So, our advice to you, if the problem befell you precisely during the period of bearing a child, then only a highly qualified specialist can tell you how to treat color lichen at the moment.

How is versicolor transmitted

Treatment of colored lichen may not come in handy if you follow some rules. The most important thing is that you should not use other people's things - towels, T-shirts, combs, and so on, as particles of skin peeling may remain on them, which are carriers of the disease. See below for more details and some cautions.


Lichen colorus is considered conditionally contagious. That is, in fact, the carrier of the fungus that causes colored lichen is the majority of the world's population, and in order to appear external signs depriving, all you need is a conducive environment - vegetative-vascular disorders, increased oily skin, sweating, as well as a decrease in immunity. To a direct question, “is lichen color contagious,” we can answer for sure. Of course, but only if personal hygiene is violated. So, we already know how to get rid of colored lichen, but how not to get sick, we will try to find out in the next lines of our article.

Multicolored lichen in a person whose treatment is quite long can be prevented. To do this, it is enough to use special prophylactic, which can be found out from the doctor (nizoral, keto-plus, sebozol and others). With their help, you can prevent the appearance of unwanted spots and peeling on your skin. Also, you should carefully monitor the immune processes, the weakening of which can cause lichen, and the level of sweating, which should be corrected with the advice of doctors.

Prevention of the reappearance of multi-colored lichen in a person can be a number of specific hygiene procedures- rubbing water-salt and water-acetic, permanent hardening, treatment of excessive sweating. Also in general rules prevention of the disease includes a general examination of people who have been in contact with the sick person, and some restrictions on taking baths, wearing synthetic underwear, etc.

We also have some tips on how to avoid getting sick while on vacation:

  • do not sunbathe immediately after getting out of the water, let the skin dry a little;
  • you should always use special sunscreen;
  • it is worth protecting yourself from relaxing on mass beaches;
  • use only your own towels, wash them often;
  • take a shower after relaxing and sunbathing on the beach;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene and do not use other people's things.

Pityriasis versicolor, multi-colored, colored - these are all names for the same skin disease caused by fungi from the genus of yeast. These microorganisms are classified as opportunistic pathogens, they can be present on the skin healthy people without causing them any disturbance.

But under certain conditions (excessive sweating, chronic diseases, hormonal imbalance, etc.) fungi can begin to multiply uncontrollably, which causes the development of pityriasis versicolor.

Without adequate treatment on the human body long time persist brown spots, which deprives the patient of self-confidence and gives rise to psychological complexes. In women, the disease often begins during pregnancy and after the birth of a baby.

Reasons for the appearance

Why does multi-colored lichen appear, and what is it? Seeing the first signs of pink lichen on your skin (see photo), do not panic. According to doctors, pink lichen- the leader among skin diseases that worsen in the spring months. The appearance of flaky spots is associated with the microscopic yeast fungus Malassezia furfur, which most people carry.

Causes of multi-colored lichen may be the following factors:

  • excessive sweating;
  • a special composition of sweat that promotes the development of microorganisms;
  • stress and high physical activity;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene;
  • hereditary predisposition.

As you can see, the activation of the fungus occurs if a person suffers from vegetative-vascular disorders, when the fat content of the skin increases, immunity decreases, or sweating increases.

Course of the disease

Scaly spots appear in the armpit, chest, abdomen, shoulders and back. Spots can be round or oval, yellow, brown, rarely black. In the absence of treatment, small spots merge into large lesions.

When scraping the spots, a slight bran-like peeling is revealed. The disease is characterized by a long course, often combined with psoriasis and other skin diseases.

Symptoms of multi-colored lichen in humans

In the case of multi-colored lichen in a person, the main symptoms are randomly located small, constantly flaking, yellowish, dark brown, gradually acquiring red-brown or dark spots on the skin of the body. The most commonly affected sites are the shoulders, neck, back, chest, and armpits.

The fungus, multiplying in the epidermis, disrupts the work of melanocytes, as a result of which they do not synthesize the melanin pigment and contribute to the appearance of non-standardly colored skin areas. Additional symptoms of this disease are severe itching and excessive sweating.

Multicolored lichen: photo

How this ailment looks on the skin of a person, we offer detailed photos for viewing.