What does lichen look like in a child. How to treat lichen in a child: types of disease and preventive measures

Children are prone to skin disease due to insufficient adaptation of the body to external and internal factors. Signs of depriving a child can be recognized by the photo. This is a skin rash with pronounced borders.

Every child can become infected with lichen, the degree of risk is associated with the type of lichen, but the main ways of infection can be distinguished:

  • contact with a sick person or animal;
  • using things of a sick animal or contact with things that were related to a sick animal;
  • viral types are manifested due to a general weakening of the body or a decrease in immunity against the background of various diseases.

Lichen in a child (photo, signs of the disease will help to recognize him in the initial stage of development), which manifests itself skin rashes, happens different types. It is necessary to diagnose the variety before starting treatment.

Lichen planus

This is a disease that occurs due to a violation of the immune and metabolic processes.

The specific causes of occurrence are still not fully understood, but among the factors that contribute to the occurrence, they call:

Signs of lichen red in a child are easy to distinguish if you see them in the photo:

  • It manifests itself in the form of flat red or raspberry bubbles, they have a slightly retracted middle, reach up to 5 mm in diameter.
  • Rashes are located in whole groups, creating bizarre clusters of circles, garlands, ovals on the skin.
  • Red lichen does not spill out on the scalp, it can appear on the entire surface of the body.
  • After the papule exfoliates, a characteristic mark remains in its place, or a new irritation occurs. The rash itches, the child loses sleep and falls into a nervous state.

In addition to rashes, children feel a general malaise, they lose their appetite, they become lethargic and inhibited. Lichen planus cannot be contracted, unlike other types of lichen. The peculiarity of this species is that it also manifests itself on the mucous membranes in the mouth, this occurs due to long-term drug treatment with drugs such as:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Aspirin;
  • antimalarials.

It is difficult for dermatologists to diagnose lichen ruber only by appearance because he can take different forms and have rare symptoms, so to determine it is necessary to pass clinical tests and pass necessary examination.

pink lichen

This disease is infectious-allergic in nature. The second name is Gibert's lichen, named after the dermatologist from France who described this disease.

Causes of a rash:

  • excessive hypothermia of the body or its overheating;
  • allergic reaction for a vaccine, for a mixture replacement;
  • lowering of the body's defense reactions during the autumn-winter beriberi.

The infection is transmitted by household means, you can become infected through the use of common things, clothing, toys.

Pink lichen (photo) can appear in a child and an adult. The first signs of infection appear after 2-7 days

Lichen in a child, the photo and signs of which differ by type, is characterized by the appearance of oval plaques that spread to the chest, abdomen or thighs. Their edges are clearly defined, they are located in groups. The child becomes lethargic, drowsy, his body temperature slightly rises.

The plaques begin to peel off a few days after the appearance of the first oval maternal spot., spread over the entire surface of the body and become dry. Territories of localization are areas of thinner skin, over time cracks appear on them, which cause particular discomfort to the child. This type of lichen is located on the scalp, unlike red.


Trichophytosis is a disease of an infectious fungal species. This type of disease is called ringworm due to the fact that it develops on the scalp, and after the appearance of spots, the hair in this place breaks off at the roots, forming a noticeable hairless island.

Deprive a child (photos and signs will help not to confuse this species diseases with other species) is contagious. There may be several hairless areas on the head.

Causes of occurrence:

Children are at risk if they have:

  • low level of immunity;
  • low content of vitamin A;
  • chronic diseases;
  • damage to the skin during communication or contact with contaminated material.

The complexity of diagnosis is a hidden incubation period. About 7 days pass from the moment of the first infection, but 2 weeks can pass from the moment of infection from a person, so it can be extremely difficult to track the outbreak.

Places where it most often begins to spread ringworm- this is the neck, head, face. The principle of appearance is similar to other dermatological manifestations. First, a maternal plaque appears, round or oval in shape, its color is initially light pink. Over time, the spots become swollen, the fungus infects the hair, and they break off.

Ringworm has several basic forms that differ from each other in some details:

  • Surface. The easiest kind. The spots have strict boundaries, amaze hairy part head, face, neck, shoulders, upper chest.
  • Chronic. It occurs due to the lack of treatment of the superficial form. On the scalp, spots have black dots in the center, in addition, the rash spreads to the buttocks, often affecting the nail plates. According to dermatologists, the symptoms and signs would be similar to the manifestation of childhood eczema, if not for the hairless spots on the head.
  • Infiltrative-purulent. The rash begins to fester some time after the onset, the child has inflamed lymph nodes, frequent and severe headaches, fever. In place of purulent plaques after treatment, scars remain.

Ringworm can be easily identified in a child, its signs are pronounced.


This species is recognized as one of the most dangerous species depriving due to severe course and complications. It is transmitted by airborne droplets, caused by the herpes virus 3 species.

Appears when:

  • decreased immunity after past illnesses;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the presence of oncology;
  • HIV infection;
  • after blood transfusions or transplants.

Signs relating to the characteristics of herpes zoster are difficult to confuse with other types.

The most characteristic of them:

  • an increase in body temperature up to 39 ° C, inflammation and an increase in lymph nodes during the first day of illness;
  • the child's condition resembles the state after chemical poisoning, there are signs of dehydration;
  • on the first day, a rash appears - blisters with liquid inside;
  • the rash affects the face, back, chest;
  • bubbles are grouped, forming a traceable trace, located along the affected nerves in a dense line;
  • on day 3, the liquid inside becomes cloudy, then crusts appear, and brown spots subsequently remain in their place.

The danger of this type is that improper or untimely treatment leads to serious consequences, such as: meningitis or encephalitis.

versicolor or pityriasis versicolor

This species is so named because the spots that form on the skin can be different color: yellow-brown to pink. The disease is caused by a fungal infection and is not transmitted from person to person. The infection affects not only the outer integument of the child, but also weakens the internal system of the whole organism.

Multi-colored small spots appear on the chest, neck, back, while the child does not show other signs of the disease. This type of rash does not always flake off, diagnosis is difficult because the patient has almost no other complaints. Pityriasis versicolor disease is most common in adolescents, boys are susceptible to it.

If the lichen is located on the head, in its hairy part, then we can call it seborrhea, often it provokes an increased separation of dandruff. Over time, multi-colored spots turn white and merge into one large spot. The second name is pityriasis, it has because of the similarity of exfoliating particles with dry bran.

weeping lichen

So called acute or chronic skin disease - eczema.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of weeping lichen, the main ones are:

There are several forms of eczematic manifestation:

  1. Eczema is real. Red inflammation spreads to the outer surfaces of the hands, after opening the bubbles, the liquid is poured onto the skin, then crusts form. Under them, the skin changes and is characterized by increased dryness.
  2. Eczema dysgodrotic. This species extends to the feet and palms.
  3. Eczema is microbial. The skin around the initial lesions is susceptible to re-infection, may be on the shins of the legs, and acquires a purple hue.
  4. Eczema seborrheic. Many perceive this phenomenon as dandruff, but upon closer examination, you can see that these are layers of the epidermis, in places of inflammation, the skin is characterized by increased dryness.

A feature of eczema is the flow for many years, it can fade and develop again. It is difficult or impossible to get rid of this type. Children experience eczema hard, itching interferes with sleep, introduces them into neurotic states.

scaly lichen

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. It is not contagious, but can be inherited by a child if one of the parents is sick with it.

Symptoms are similar to other manifestations, similar to allergic rashes, they can be difficult to diagnose at the initial stage:

Doctors distinguish 3 stages of psoriasis:

  1. Spicy. It is characterized by active rash, combing of the rash.
  2. Stationary. It implies the beginning of treatment, when the spots decrease, discomfort decreases, peace sets in.
  3. Regressive. During this period, the skin is cleansed.

Psoriasis is not contagious.

Which doctor to go to

When a rash appears, parents do not always understand which specialist to contact. For infants, the first doctor to help decide on further treatment is a pediatrician.

But the specialists who will be involved in diagnosing and prescribing treatment are:

  • dermatologists;
  • immunologists.

Lichen in a child (photos, signs, treatment and methods of prevention will be shown and told by an experienced specialist in a children's clinic) can be dangerous for people in contact with the sick person. Therefore, before determining the exact diagnosis, it is important to be careful when dealing with him.

Diagnostic methods

To determine the type of skin disease, there are special tricks, they allow you to see more clearly clinical picture and make the correct diagnosis.

Treatment of lichen planus

After diagnosing, doctors begin to determine a treatment regimen. It can vary depending on the reactions of the body, but basically has common features, depending on the type of disease.

Complicated types are treated with hormone-containing drugs.

  • the introduction of hormones intramuscularly;
  • the use of vitamins (Complivit, Alphabet complexes);
  • sedatives (tinctures of motherwort, valerian);
  • ointment with hormones or ointment with corticosteroids, treatment up to 3 times a day;
  • diet and rest, no hit sunlight on the affected areas;
  • antibiotics if needed.

Treatment of pink deprivation

This type differs in methods of treatment:

Ringworm treatment

For the treatment of this type, antifungal drugs are used in combination with local remedies:

  • preparations containing ketaconazole are intended for oral administration in accordance with the instructions;
  • compresses using selenium sulfate;
  • the foci are treated with a solution of iodine;
  • treatment of the affected areas with sulfur-tar ointment for 10 days;
  • taking tablets - Terminafine, dosage and administration rules depend on the patient's body weight.

Personal hygiene rules, constant change of linen are mandatory conditions for treatment skin diseases.

Shingles treatment

Treatment of this type should take place only under the supervision of a specialist.

He will assign:

Treatment of multi-colored lichen

Effective means of complex therapy are considered:

  • antibiotics (Furazolin);
  • the skin is treated with sulfuric ointment;
  • as an antiseptic, Wilkenson's ointment is used, it contains tar and sulfur, which have drying, anti-inflammatory properties.

Weeping lichen treatment

This type can be cured or alleviate the symptoms only with the help of complex therapy:

  • local remedies based on zinc Tsinadol, Desitin;
  • hormone-containing ointments Trimistine, Belosalik;
  • antihistamine type tablets, antibiotics, vitamin complexes;
  • diet with the exception of fried foods, an abundance of drink.

Eczema is a disease in the course of which the principle of treatment changes, all drugs are prescribed by an experienced dermatologist.

Treatment of scaly lichen

Children take lighter drugs than adults:

This list of drugs cannot but affect the child's body, therefore, at the end of treatment, a course of therapy is required to restore the body.

Treatment with folk remedies

There are tricks traditional medicine, which help relieve symptoms and help treat the type of lichen. It is necessary to prepare products from high-quality and fresh ingredients so as not to provoke the development adverse reactions and not aggravate the course of the disease.

Type of disease Means Usage Recommendations
Shingles Apple vinegarLubricate the affected areas up to 6 times a day An obstacle can be a pungent odor, from which the child may become ill
  • propolis - 50 g;
  • alcohol - 200 ml.
Treat the affected areas 2 times a day The ingredients are mixed in a dark glass jar, insisted in the refrigerator for about 7 days.
scaly lichen CelandineTaking baths with celandine Use with caution in weeping lichen
pink lichenSea buckthorn oil They lubricate the affected areas The oil nourishes, moisturizes and promotes skin regeneration.
red lichenBeetroot masks The beets are rubbed, the juice is squeezed out a little, applied to the skin under a bandage As the beet dries out, it is replaced with a new portion.
For all types of lichen Sulfur based ointment:
  • sulfur-35 g;
  • vaseline-70g.
Mix ingredients, use

2 times a day for a week

The ointment is stored in the refrigerator, in a dark glass jar.
For all types of lichen Ointment:
  • birch tar - 50 g;
  • salicylic acid -50 g.
Mix until smooth, apply several times a day A contraindication may be an allergy to one of the components
Pityriasis versicolor Buckwheat decoctionAfter cooking the cereal, the broth is drained and cooled Wipe the decoction of the affected areas in the morning and evening
Shingles Garlic Blend:
  • Chopped garlic - 1 tbsp;
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
Garlic and honey are mixed, the remedy is applied to inflammation as a compress. Not all children can tolerate the smell of garlic. The tool is used in a course of 3 weeks
For all types of lichen Decoction of mint for rubdown:
  • peppermint - 50g;
  • water-200ml.
Mint is brewed, insisted for an hour, wipe the skin every half hour The tool can only help if you use it constantly, it relieves inflammation and soothes the skin.

To protect your child from diseases, you must remember the rules of personal hygiene, the rules for visiting public places, how to behave with pets. Parents can recognize signs of lichen in a child from numerous photographs and contact a specialist at early dates diseases in order to start the correct and timely treatment.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about lichen

Dr. Komarovsky will talk about fungal infections (lichen) in children:

It is easy to miss the onset of this disease. At first, lichen in a baby looks like an inconspicuous pink circle on the skin. But, if you do not notice the disease in time and do not start treatment, the child's body can become covered with large weeping spots.

Symptoms of lichen in infants

Deprive - this common name for a whole group of diseases. Fortunately, all of them are not typical for infants. Babies in the first year of life most often get ringworm. But it may also appear pink lichen Gibert. Although it covers the risk zone from 4 to 12 years, infant they can get sick too.

Ringworm symptoms:

  1. Spots are round or oval
  2. Swelling in the center of each spot - the skin is lifted
  3. Slight peeling on spots and itching
  4. Head lesions. Ringworm feeds on hair follicles
  5. Occasionally swollen lymph nodes and fever

Symptoms of pink deprivation

  1. General malaise: sore throat, headache, mild fever
  2. Spots with a clear edge
  3. Peeling and swelling in the center of the spot
  4. Jagged edges and different sizes of other spots

Common to both cases is the presence of a maternal plaque. This is the first, largest lesion. As the disease progresses, spots appear on the skin of the arms, shoulders, legs, and abdomen. They can be of different sizes, but have clear boundaries and do not merge with each other.

What should parents do when they suspect lichen?

At the slightest suspicion of ringworm or pink lichen, you should consult a dermatologist. The process of diagnosing skin diseases is complex and it is not worth delaying a trip to the doctor. The doctor will shine a special lamp on the spots. Lichen spots under its rays have a pronounced greenish tint.

The final diagnosis is made only after scraping. Many skin diseases can give the same external picture. For example, dermatitis or eczema are visually similar, but the course of these diseases and the cause are different.

The reasons

Despite the apparent similarity of both diseases, their causes are different. Ringworm has been proven to be caused by anthropophilic fungi. Microscopic pathogens-fungi can travel not only through the skin, but also spread with the lymph throughout the body.

The disease is highly contagious. You can get it from three sources:

  1. From another person
  2. From an animal
  3. Through household supplies

Infection from animals is the most severe and most difficult to treat. And if not noticed in time and not treated, it can go into chronic form.

Zhiber's lichen or simply pink appears in children of the first year of life very rarely and always against the background of immune shocks. Its causative agent is not exactly known, but scientists are inclined to believe that it is a virus similar to herpes. The viral nature is confirmed by similar symptoms with respiratory diseases, and the fact that after a person has lifelong immunity to the disease. And the fact that pink lichen disappears by itself after a month or two indicates the same.

The causes of depriving Zhiber necessarily include the immune weakness of children at the time of the disease. The trigger may be a transition from breast milk on the mixture or the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods. There is also an allergic component here. Therefore, when this type of lichen appears in a baby, the start of complementary foods is postponed to a later time and any load on the immune system is reduced.

Treatment of ringworm in infants

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If a characteristic spot is found on the child’s body, it is important not to aggravate the situation. It is forbidden:

  1. Smear ringworm with brilliant green or iodine, as this will make diagnosis difficult
  2. bathe children
  3. Start treatment, guided by advice from the Internet
  4. It is necessary to carefully seal the ringworm with adhesive tape and, without delay, go to the doctor

The main treatment is to treat plaques with antifungal drugs and increase the child's own immunity. Local preparations may be based on sulfur, tar or iodine. Medicines for internal use, even for adults, are rarely prescribed. Antifungal drugs Oral drugs used to treat ringworm are very bad for the liver. Therefore, they are undesirable for infants.

Ringworm cannot be cured with folk remedies. But to help speed up the treatment and alleviate discomfort, itching is possible.

For this purpose, apply:

  1. Ordinary dry mustard is moistened with apple cider vinegar, and the mixture is smeared on the lesions.
  2. Cabbage leaves, chopped in a meat grinder or in a blender, mixed with fresh homemade sour cream.
  3. A decoction of beets with honey. Before cooking, the root crop must be cleaned or washed very well.
  4. A decoction of buckwheat. Cook porridge without salt (1:2), squeeze the grits through gauze, and the resulting liquid is the medicine we need.

Most likely, you will have to try all these methods and choose the one that will better dry the affected skin of the child and relieve itching. You need to spread from the edge of the stain to its middle. It is impossible to stop treatment even after the disappearance of the maternal plaque. It is necessary to lubricate the affected areas for at least another week.

Popular rumor scares that ringworm can leave bald spots on the head of children. It is not true. Hair is cut off by a lichen fungus only at the edge of the skin, and the hair follicle itself is not affected. So there will be no bald spots.

Treatment of pink lichen in infants

The second type, pink lichen has a completely different treatment. Actually, no serious medical intervention is expected. It is believed that in children, pink lichen goes away on its own within two months. The child is not admitted to the hospital. In babies of the first year of life, this disease can be treated at home.

Antihistamine drugs and drugs that strengthen the immune system are prescribed. Ointments are used for local treatment of plaques, which relieve itching, swelling and other unpleasant phenomena.

Usually treatment includes:

  1. Complex of strengthening vitamins (askuratin)
  2. Antiallergic drugs in the form of ointments and tablets or drops (fenistil)
  3. Ointment that facilitates the course of the disease (zinc ointment)

Why do a blood test after the end of treatment

Unfortunately, ringworm can have recurrences. This is especially unpleasant when there is a danger of transition to a chronic degree of the disease. Therefore, a blood test is prescribed to make sure that the disease has gone completely.

Rules for caring for a child when he has lichen

The contagious nature of the disease largely determines the strict rules for caring for a sick child:

  1. children should never be bathed, as the infection can spread throughout the body
  2. wet cleaning is done three times a day
  3. combs and other toiletries are carefully processed
  4. hypoallergenic diet
  5. children are dressed in clothes made from natural fabrics
  6. bed linen is changed as often as possible
  7. no exposure to direct sunlight

Prevention of lichen in infants

Preventive measures are possible. First of all, it is the strengthening of the immunity of infants, the exclusion of allergens. It has been noticed that babies with good immunity will not have pink lichen, even if their brothers or sisters are sick.

To prevent ringworm, you need to monitor the contact of the child with animals. From them, the baby can easily become infected. If you are unsure about your health pet, better baby let him admire them from afar.

Lichen is one of the most common diseases. It occurs in adults and children. Symptoms of lichen appear in a teenager, a schoolboy, even in a baby. Often the disease develops in children with weakened immune systems. If lichen develops in children, treatment is prescribed based on the type of disease, symptoms and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Causes and types of illness

Ringworm in children can be caused by a fungus, a bacterium, and there are also types of skin disease, the appearance of which is provoked by viruses. There are several concomitant factors that contribute to the development of skin disease:

To quickly cure lichen in children, you need to know exactly the type of disease that the doctor determines. To establish an accurate diagnosis, special laboratory tests are carried out.

Children most often show symptoms of common types of lichen, such as:

Some types of the disease have common signs, but the treatment of lichen in children may be different. Therefore, it is so important to consult a doctor in time.


A contagious disease transmitted from a person with Trichophytosis. Children can also become infected from an animal with Microsporia. Trichophyton and Microsporum are pathogenic fungi that multiply on the skin and poison the upper layers of the epidermis with their metabolic products.

Symptoms of the disease:

If ringworm is diagnosed in children, they should not visit Kindergarten, school until full recovery.

Usually pink lichen appears in children after colds.

The appearance of lesions on the arms, legs, chest, abdomen is noted.

  1. A pink spot appears on the body with a pronounced red rim. The first element of the rash is called maternal plaque.
  2. A few days later, new pink spots.
  3. The spots peel off from the middle to the edges.

This type of lichen rarely appears on the face. Often it is not necessary to treat it, it is enough to take vitamins. With a complication of the disease or its prolonged course, it is necessary to carry out treatment under the supervision of a dermatologist and pediatrician.


This disease is characterized by the appearance on the shoulders, chest, back of the child of small spots of yellow, pink, brown. Sometimes the spots merge into one lesion. Multicolored lichen in children has the following symptoms:

You can get infected with pityriasis versicolor from a sick person through towels, bed linen, with direct contact.

Therefore, it is so important to observe personal hygiene and use only personal towels and sunbeds in the pool, gym, on the beach.

red flat

In children, this type of lichen is very rare. Lesions in children most often occur on the nails, mucous membranes, smooth skin.

Red lichen planus children may develop long time up to six months. The disease may subside and worsen.


This disease is also called zoster zoster, herpes zoster. It develops in children with severely reduced immunity who have already had chickenpox.

With viral lichen, not only the skin, but also the nerve endings suffer. Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in the same way as in adults.

When the first signs of shingles appear in children, parents should seek medical help.

Left untreated, Zoster virus can cause serious complications Key words: encephalitis, meningitis, impaired hearing, vision.

Treatment of the disease

Despite the fact that the symptoms of different types of lichen are similar, their treatment is different. Only a doctor can decide how to treat lichen in a child, pick up effective drugs taking into account the individual characteristics of patients.

If the disease has arisen due to the multiplication of fungi on the patient's skin, he is prescribed topical antimycotic drugs. With multi-colored, ringworm, the skin should be treated with creams and ointments (Lamisil, Terbinafine, Mikoseptin). It is advisable to wash children with antifungal shampoos and gels (Nizoral, Skin-cap).

With ringworm, Griseofulvin tablets are required. Their dosage is calculated based on the weight of the patient. To control the disease, the doctor conducts a weekly analysis of skin scrapings and, if the result is negative, gradually reduces the amount of medication taken by the patient.

Shingles should be treated with special antiviral drugs: Acyclovir, Famciclovir.

If you start taking antiviral pills in the first 72 hours of illness, you can avoid complications and help your child recover faster.

To relieve pain, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are prescribed: Ibuprofen, Nurofen. If the pain is unbearable, the doctor may prescribe novocaine blockades to the child. The elements of the rash are treated with an ointment with Acyclovir, it is possible to apply lotions with menthol ointment.

If a patient is diagnosed with lichen planus, the doctor prescribes sedatives: Valerian extract, Motherwort tincture, to reduce the likelihood of neurotic reactions.

General therapeutic approaches:

The use of glucocorticosteroid ointments and creams in the treatment of lichen in children is indicated only in extreme cases.

To achieve a positive effect of therapy, you need to follow all the advice of a dermatologist. If the disease is cured in time, complications and relapses can be avoided.

Lichen refers to a highly contagious dermatological pathology, which can easily be contracted through household contact among colleagues, friends, and family members. The list of factors that create a favorable background for the development of the disease in a child and adults includes:

  • Non-compliance with elementary rules of hygiene and communication with people who are carriers of a contagious disease.
  • Contact with animals whose skin is affected by lichen.
  • High frequency of stressful situations, diagnosing ARVI, influenza, chronic diseases causing a decrease in immunity.
  • The presence of scratches and microtraumas on the skin of the face.

The specific causes of the development of pathologies depend on the type of lichen, but most often the lesion develops against the background of reduced immunity.

Depending on the form, the cause of the disease can be pathogenic or opportunistic fungi, viruses.

The appearance of lichen on the face is a rather rare phenomenon. It is usually associated with individual features human skin and the negative effects of fungal infections. From the materials of this article, you will learn what types of lichen are on the face, what causes their appearance, how to treat pathology.

General information

The disease develops as a result of the introduction of pathogenic microflora (fungi, viruses) into the body. Far from always its primary signs are interpreted correctly. Often spots on the face are mistaken for symptoms of ordinary dermatitis or allergies. That is why, faced with this problem, you need to seek help from a doctor to establish the correct diagnosis.

Types of lichen on the face

Lichen on the face is an unpleasant phenomenon. To get rid of the disease, it is necessary to carefully study the nature of the rash and determine the type of disease. This will allow the specialist to prescribe adequate treatment. There are many types of lichen:

  1. Shingles on the face is a viral infection.
  2. Moist - eczema.
  3. Flat red.
  4. Multi-colored, pityriasis - a fungal infection.
  5. Pitiriasis is a viral infection.
  6. Microsporia - ringworm.
  7. Trichophytosis is a fungal infection, ringworm.
  8. Scaly - psoriasis.

Each type of lichen has its own typical features. However, it is very difficult for a person who is far from dermatology to determine the nature of the rashes on their own. Therefore, at the first sign of illness, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

To cure pink lichen on the face, appoint:

  1. Means for external use: birch tar, Sinalar in the form of an emulsion, cream or ointment, Flucinar ointment or salicylic ointment.
  2. Oral preparations: antihistamine"Tavigil", tablets "Erythromycin", "Acyclovir".

For the treatment of pityriasis versicolor, it is recommended to take sunbathing in summer period, use creams "Clotrimazole", "Terbinafine", ointment "Bifonazole". In addition, drugs for oral administration are prescribed. These are Rumikoz, Diflucan, Orunit, Mycozoral, Fluconazole, Ketoconazole, Nizoral.

As you can see, for the treatment of various types of lichen on the face, certain medicines. It is for this reason that doctors do not recommend self-medication, since improperly selected medications can only aggravate the patient's condition and cause complications.


A very common option. Most often, this type of lichen occurs in children of preschool and primary school age.

Why a shearer? Because on the affected area on the skin, the hair (or hairs on the open areas of the skin) break off at a height of 1-3 mm. This place looks like it's been shorn.

The causative agent of the disease are fungi, the carriers of which can be sick animals. And most often it is kittens.

Also, lichen is transmitted from a sick person by contact and household contact. Infection is possible when using one headdress, comb, hair ties, towel, bed linen.

The incubation period is the period from the moment of contact to the first manifestations. With lichen, it lasts from 2 to 6 weeks.

Anthropophilic fungi - this type of tropen only to human skin and you can become infected with this pathogen only through contact with a person.

Zoophilic fungi - affects both the skin of humans and animals. Infection can occur both from an animal to a person, and vice versa.

Geophilic fungi - a person can become infected with them only when the pathogen enters the wound surface with the ground.

Some viruses can also lead to the formation of lichen, these include some types of herpes virus. Perhaps the constant asymptomatic persistence of the virus in the child's body, but when the immune system is weakened, it affects the skin.

pink lichen

Pink Shingles
Very often this type is confused with allergic rashes, there is an outward resemblance, but the sensations vary greatly.

Pink lichen will be characterized by pink spots with brighter discharge along the edges of the infection. Speaking of which, this lichen has important feature, foci of inflammation are sovereign and are not related to each other, there is no common.

This type of lichen can be transmitted through physical contact with the source of infection. Contact can be both with the skin and with a thing that touched the infected area.

When spots appear, they usually begin to itch very strongly, peel off, itch and burn. In addition, general weakness and fever are possible.

The first thing that a child with shingles will feel will be a breakdown and a decrease in appetite. In addition, the possibility of an increase in temperature cannot be ruled out.

At first, pink spots will appear on the skin, encircling the entire face. The next day, these spots will swell, fill with fluid, and become blisters.

This lichen, unlike many other types of skin diseases, it affects not only the skin itself, but also the nerve endings that are under the blisters.

Very often, shingles follows immediately after chickenpox. Also, people with weak immune systems often suffer from this disease.

What does lichen look like in children? Pale pink spots with peeling along the edges cover the body, they are rare on the face. A disease of an infectious or allergic nature. If an infection is detected, an infectious child should be isolated from other children.

The therapy is quite long, self-medication is strictly prohibited. The treatment of this variety has some differences from the treatment of other types of lichen.

Correct diagnosis of pink lichen is impossible without testing. Seek medical attention as soon as possible, especially with young children.


  • sunbathing;
  • treatment of spots and healthy skin next to them with alcohol, iodine, sulfur ointments, salicylic acid, compositions with this substance;
  • hormonal ointments, except in severe cases. The decision on their appointment is made only by the doctor;
  • warm compresses;
  • hot baths, long water procedures. The less the affected skin gets wet, the better;
  • physical activity, sports.

Important! Wear clothes made of light cotton fabrics for your child, exclude synthetics. In winter, put on soft underwear, flannelette on top, then a warm fleece jacket. Avoid wool threads. Remember: excessive sweating interferes with recovery.

What antihistamines are drugs that block histamine receptors in the body.

What is histamine biological substance in the human body that regulates or participates in the regulation of many functions of the body, including may be responsible for the manifestation of allergic reactions.

Signs of lichen planus

Most often, this disease is localized on the body. However, if the disease has passed to the face, then it can be difficult to recognize it. This lichen is very similar to the manifestation of an allergic reaction:

  • rashes appear as spots of pale pink color;
  • the boundaries of the spots are blurred;
  • always accompanied by burning, peeling, and severe itching.

Other symptoms of the disease include a slight increase in body temperature, as well as a feeling of general weakness. The duration of the manifestation of the disease is 4-10 weeks.

To determine the specific type of disease, a comprehensive examination is required. This includes a blood test, a skin scraping, and a bacterial culture.

Sometimes additional diagnostics are required, for example, to detect pityriasis versicolor. For these purposes, a dermatologist conducts a Balser iodine test and an examination using a Wood's lamp.

In the first case, the doctor lubricates the spots on the skin with iodine, and after staining, wipes them with alcohol. Infected areas acquire a characteristic dark brown hue, while completely healthy areas remain yellow.

Timely seeking help from a doctor allows you to avoid serious consequences, which include infection of the eyes and complete blindness.

Treatment of this disease is always complex. Usually it consists of taking immunomodulators ("Dekaris", "Reaferon"), the use of topical medications and vitamin therapy. If ringworm is caused by a virus or fungus, antiviral or antifungal ointments are prescribed, respectively.

Oral drugs include "Acyclovir", "Valacyclovir", "Griseofulvin", to local - "Mikoseptin", "Exoderil". It is also recommended to treat areas affected by lichen with a weak solution of iodine or sulfur-salicylic ointment.

When infected with ringworm, hospitalization is mandatory. The home course of therapy also implies the complete isolation of the patient.

If the doctor has confirmed pink lichen, no specific treatment is required. Usually this form of the disease disappears on its own within 5-8 weeks. To reduce unbearable itching, you can take Tavegil or Zyrtec.

Diagnosis of the disease

So, how is lichen on the face of a child or an adult diagnosed? To do this, a thorough examination is carried out, which begins with a visual inspection of the rashes. After that, the specialist can prescribe a series laboratory research. It could be:

  • a thorough visual inspection using special equipment;
  • scraping;
  • blood analysis;
  • sowing, which allows to identify spores of the main pathogen;
  • Balser's iodine test or Wood's lamp for the diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor.

The effectiveness of a particular therapy depends on the type of pathogen. It should be noted that lichen is diagnosed only in 5-7% of patients. However, not everyone has it localized on the face. Only 1% of applicants suffer from this manifestation.

In order to diagnose lichen in children, an objective examination, history taking, instrumental methods are used:

  • luminescent study of previously cleaned lesions under the Wood's lamp (a characteristic glow is noted);
  • microscopy of hair fragments or scales collected from the surface of skin defects;
  • cultural study (bacteriological inoculation of particles of biological material on a nutrient medium).


Lichen can appear on the face of both a child and an adult anywhere - on the cheek, forehead, chin, eyebrows, eyes: on the eyelid and under the eye. You can get rid of the pathology only by contacting a doctor - improperly performed self-treatment can only aggravate the situation.

Ways to get rid of lichen depend on the type of pathology that affected the body. Each type of lichen is treated differently, so it is so important to correctly and timely diagnose the disease.

Almost every parent (statistics speak of a figure of up to 90%) is faced with such a problem as the appearance on the skin of a child of spots of various sizes and shapes, which are predominantly pink in color. Usually these spots signal a disease such as lichen. In children, it manifests itself more often than in adults, and, fortunately, it is easy to identify it at an early stage and then successfully cure it.

Ringworm in children is a whole group of ailments that are caused by a fungus. Often, lichen in children appears after contact with animals that are carriers of fungal spores. Each type of lichen looks different, but there are similar signs.

Those parents who recognize the symptoms of lichen on the head, face or different parts of the body of their child should not worry. In fact, it is possible to remove the fungus from the body, head or face at a non-running stage in a period of time up to 2 weeks. It is also worth noting that, despite the contagiousness of the disease, with careful processing of the room where the sick child was located, the risk of infection for the people around is minimized.


There are several stages in the manifestation of symptoms of the disease:

  • the initial stage is characterized by the appearance of pink spots. The skin of an infant or an older child begins to peel off;
  • further, in the absence of treatment, foci of pathogenic activity of the fungus appear on the arms and legs, and the abdomen. Rarely, there are signs of lichen on the scalp, face, or nails;
  • there is an increase in temperature to 39 degrees, followed by the growth of lymph nodes.

The reasons

Lichen in children usually appears after his stay in a team or a public place where they could make contact with carriers of the disease or their things. This includes children's camps, kindergartens, schools, hairdressers. A child can also become infected by playing with dogs, cats or other sick animals, mostly street animals, without observing the elementary rule of hygiene - washing hands.

Depending on the pathogen, lichen in a child can be viral or fungal. Also, different types of lichen cause different causes:

  • ringworm in children is divided into trichophytosis, as well. Each type of disease is caused different types fungi, and the carriers of the disease can be people and animals that have this type of fungus. Sometimes the disease is transmitted through contact with personal items - clothes, combs and other household items;
  • multi-colored (pityriasis) type of the disease progresses due to the pathogenic activity of yeast-like fungi of one of 3 types. This microorganism often lives on skin animals and people, and the cause of its activation can be hormonal imbalances, weakened immunity, or cancer. According to statistics, this type of ailment occurs more often in adolescents, and manifests itself in places where a large number of sweat glands - for example, on the face;
  • pink lichen in children often manifests itself after the child has had severe respiratory or intestinal ailments, or after vaccination. Doctors determined that the cause of pink lichen is the human herpes virus HHV7. This virus is transmitted through the air or through direct contact. Both children and adults under the age of 35 can get sick with this type of lichen;
  • lichen planus in children has not yet been sufficiently studied. Today, doctors are trying to determine what the nature of its occurrence is - intoxication, neuropathy, viruses, heredity, or the presence of allergens;
  • shingles is also called herpes zoster by doctors. It is caused by the same pathogen as. If a child has had chickenpox, then the pathogen remains in his body, and begins to act due to a number of unfavorable reasons. Also, those children who are in contact with the sick person can become infected with the chickenpox virus.

The fungal type of the disease gets sick mainly in the summer, and the viral type in the winter. The cause of lichen on the head or face is a high level of sweating, general fatigue, low immunity resistance due to a lack of vitamins.


pink lichen

This lichen in children is considered the least dangerous. It can be treated even at home, if you consult with a specialist in advance. The nuance of this type of ailment is that it can be recognized with 100% accuracy only when passing tests. The favorite places of the fungus localization are the arms, legs, stomach or back. It is quite rare to find lichen on the head or face of an infant.

Some parents confuse red and pink lichen, and their main difference lies in the peeling of the affected area: the second type of the disease begins to peel off from the middle of the spot to its edge. This variety is highly contagious, and is caused by an allergy or infection, and therefore requires isolation of the patient. Such lichen is treated for a relatively long time, and self-medication of this form is not recommended.

Pityriasis versicolor

If pink spots were noticed on the skin of the child's body, which do not have signs of inflammation, then this is a multi-colored or pityriasis type of disease. Her “best friends” are high humidity and heat, so a child with excessive sweating has a high risk of getting sick. If you do not immediately detect and do not try to cure the fungus, it quickly spreads to both the face and the baby's hairline.


Such lichen in children is considered the most severe and can last for several years, progressing into complications. But it is worth noting the fact that it is extremely rare in children. early age. The disease can be identified by multiple foci throughout the body. A variety of a virus is called, which can exist for a long time in the body of an infant or an older child, and manifest itself with a weakened immune system.

Symptoms of the disease are fever, headache. At the same time, blisters with liquid appear on the body, which are painful when touched. If such blisters are found, it is better to immediately call an ambulance or go to a dermatologist.

Lichen planus

This type of disease is also considered quite rare and usually does not transform into a chronic form. It is accompanied by the appearance on the body of many pink-red spots with liquid, which are inflamed and cause discomfort to the child. Most often, the place of appearance is the abdomen and hands, and rare cases of manifestation are considered inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane.

A number of dermatologists believe that one of the causes of this disease is either a virus, or an allergic reaction, or diseases of the nervous system.


This lichen in children should be treated immediately after its discovery, because of the danger of its spread and the development of complications. It is called so because in the places of its localization (more often it is the hairline of the child's head), hair breaks are visible at a height of approximately 2 cm from the bulb. It resembles a sloppy haircut, while the baby feels constant itching and the skin flakes off at the site of the lesions.

It is difficult to confuse this type of disease with others due to the characteristic localization - it is common on the face, head and affects the nails. The transmission route involves personal contact (with people, animals and their things), and greater contagiousness is achieved by a long period of incubation of the virus, and parents do not always understand in time where their child could get sick.


You can find out how to treat lichen in a child by contacting a dermatologist. Most often, in the process of treating symptoms, the following are used: ointment for lichen for children, antihistamines, anti-fungal creams. Some cases may not require medical intervention and medication, as they pass on their own. Do not try to cure children with folk remedies- so you risk aggravating the disease. In addition, the treatment of lichen in children includes such measures:

  • preventing combing of the area affected by the fungus;
  • wearing cotton clothes for patients - it does not allow moisture to remain on the body;
  • carrying out in the room where the child lives, wet cleaning every day;
  • processing of personal belongings and toys of the baby with disinfectants;
  • preventing wetting of stains with water;
  • limiting contact of the infected person with people;
  • finding a child at home during the day - the sun's rays contribute to an increase in the lesion.


Treatment of lichen in children is impossible without remembering the elementary rules for preventing the disease:

  • washing hands with soap after any contact with domestic and outdoor cats and dogs;
  • disinfection of personal hygiene items due to the possibility of long-term existence of fungal spores there and their activation when it comes into contact with the skin;
  • strengthening children's immunity through a varied diet, taking vitamins, hardening and playing sports;
  • periodic health checks of animals living in the house.

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