How long does it take for a bruise to go away? How long does a bruise and stages of soft tissue hematoma last

Many people at least once in their lives faced such an unpleasant problem as a black eye. Moreover, in this place they can appear not only due to injuries inflicted directly on the eye. The frontal part, nose, bridge of the nose or cheeks may be injured. After an accidental or deliberate blow to the face, blood vessels rupture and blood enters the surrounding tissues with further accumulation in the upper layers of the skin. The epidermis in the eye area is very delicate and thin, there are also a huge number of blood vessels that feed our visual system - therefore, even a small injury in any area of ​​the face often leads to the appearance of a hematoma under the eye.

Bruise under the eye from a blow

Classification of bruises under the eyes

Since any bruise on the face looks completely unattractive, many people are interested in the question - how long does a bruise under the eye go. To answer this question, it is necessary to qualify each specific case and the reason for the appearance, it is necessary to be based on the following factors:

  • what was the force and place of impact;
  • individual characteristics of the organism play a role;
  • whether first aid was provided in a timely manner and whether appropriate treatment was carried out;
  • even the weather outside the window affects the rate at which the bruise disappears. Traumatologists note that bruises under the eyes last longer in summer.

A special place among bruises near the eyes is occupied by dark circles, which do not appear due to injuries, but for other reasons. For example, due to pathologies of the kidneys, as a result of nervous shocks, alcohol and smoking abuse, and there are also bruises inherited due to the special structure of blood vessels and skin faces.

The timing when such dark circles under the eyes disappear depends on other indicators - good rest, treatment of diseases that cause dark circles, or a complete rejection of addictions.

IMPORTANT! If dark circles are caused by hereditary factors, then getting rid of them is almost impossible. In this case, only cosmetic preparations which will mask the problem to some extent.

Bruises caused by the disease disappear only after treatment

How quickly do bruises resulting from an injury go away?

A hematoma under the eye as a result of a severe bruise of the face without first aid and full treatment can be visible to others for up to 2-3 weeks. And if the bruise is accompanied by painful swelling, then the period of its “prosperity” may increase by another week.

A small black eye in the eye area will pass on its own for at least 8-10 days.

According to doctors, timely first aid and other methods of treatment will significantly reduce the duration of the unpleasant consequences of a blow, although bruises are also treated for a long time, since the tissue around the eyes is very thin and easily damaged. How to help get rid of a bruise modern drugs and recipes traditional medicine.

Stages of resorption of a bruise under the eye

What is the first aid after an injury

To prevent an increase in bruising on the face, do the following:

  1. After a blow or a fall, cold should be applied to the site of injury as soon as possible. If it is ice, it must be wrapped in cloth. A cold object should be applied to the cheek, and not under the eye. The duration of exposure to cold on the face should not be more than 20 minutes for an adult and 10-15 minutes for a child in order to avoid tissue frostbite. Then you need to take a short break and repeat the procedure.
  2. A blow to the bridge of the nose usually causes profuse bleeding from the nose and bruising under the eyes. It is necessary to lie down, cotton swabs should be inserted into the nose and cold should be applied. You can’t blow your nose, otherwise the swelling and bruising under the eyes will greatly increase.
  3. As soon as possible, you need to start taking vitamins C and P, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and accelerate the process of tissue repair.
  4. Do not take aspirin to relieve pain. Its main property is blood thinning, which cannot be increased with bruises.

Cold application reduces hematoma

Rehabilitation treatment

Most often, it will not work to remove the problem from the face with cold alone, and if the affected person does not use other methods of treatment, recovery will take a long time.

On the second day after the impact, it is necessary to carry out treatment with the help of heat. You can use heated salt or sand. Also, during the following days, bruises after bruises can be treated with special ointments that are sold in pharmacies. A good result is shown by such means:

  • Heparin ointment - perfectly eliminates edema, normalizes blood flow and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Thanks to the active treated components, it is quickly absorbed into damaged tissues and helps to resolve the hematoma.
  • Ointment "Troxevasin" - eliminates puffiness and effectively relieves hemorrhage;
  • Ointment "Rescuer";
  • Remedy for bruises and bruises "Badyaga" in the form of an ointment or powder. With the help of this drug, the blood in the problem area begins to circulate more actively, and the nutrition of bruised tissues improves.

Healing ointments for bruises

Folk recipes for the speedy removal of a hematoma

When treating a hematoma at any stage of development, one should try to speed up the process of resorption of blood clots in the tissues. Many folk recipes are excellent at this task. the best and effective recipes are as follows:

  • Prepare a mixture of onion and salt. Place the composition in several layers of gauze and apply to the problem area for 20 minutes. Do the procedure 2 times a day.
  • Therapeutic compress from ordinary salt. Moisten a cotton swab in water with salt and apply to the hematoma.
  • Well removes the multi-colored effects of a blow with a compress consisting of salt, iodine and vinegar.
  • Decoctions from medicinal herbs also relieve inflammation and help remove bruises. You can use chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, sage, or regular black tea.
  • A cabbage leaf or an aloe leaf, which must be applied to the bruise, helps to cure the problem.

It is possible and necessary to deal with bruises on the face, there are many ways and methods of struggle. The main rule is that you can not delay the treatment of a hematoma, otherwise the problem can drag on for quite a long period of time.

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Everyone would like to know why a bruise does not go away for a long time? A bruise usually refers to a hematoma, that is, a spill of blood from damaged blood vessels into the surrounding tissues. If the hematoma is located close to the surface, in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, it is called a bruise. Damage to small blood vessels occurs as a result of impact, pressure, skin compression. Depending on the individual features the location of the blood vessels, different people require different force of impact in order to get a bruise.

How long does a bruise take?

The protein hemoglobin, which is part of human blood, contains iron, and iron tends to oxidize and recover. This is the reason for the difference in the color of the venous and arterial blood. Arterial is brighter, scarlet, and venous is darker, burgundy. When the vessel is damaged, the bruise has a dark red, burgundy color, and after the restoration of oxyhemoglobin to hemoglobin, it becomes purple-red. With normal tissue repair, after five days, hemoglobin is already decomposed into two components, methemoglobin and verdochromogen, which have a green tint. Verdochromogen breaks down into bilirubin and biliverdin, which gives the bruise yellow about seven to ten days later. It is because of these chemical reactions that bruises fade and change their color depending on the degree of prescription. Since the substances break up unevenly, the bruise can be multi-colored. The decay time of substances depends on many factors:

  • the person's age;
  • the presence or absence of blood diseases;
  • metabolism;
  • the state of the immune system;
  • the location of the bruise;
  • Body temperature;
  • first aid measures.

Normally, shallow damage to the blood vessels should take place within fifteen to twenty days completely, regardless of the location. In most cases, bruising goes away in one to two weeks. An alarming sign - if bruises in a child appear without apparent reason. The first thing to rule out is physical abuse that parents don't know about. The second is blood diseases.

Blood diseases and bruises on the body

Can a minor hemorrhage under the skin be a sign of a life-threatening illness? In order to diagnose blood diseases, general and specific tests are given. If the bruises do not go away or appear without injury, their number is more than one, and this happens regularly, you should definitely consult a doctor with this problem. Some forms of anemia, such as aplastic anemia, manifest as spontaneous bruising. Other signs of this disease:

  • pallor of the skin;
  • dizziness, weakness, lethargy;
  • weight loss;
  • nosebleeds, bleeding gums.

Anemia occurs as a result functional disorders bone marrow, which does not produce blood cells in sufficient quantity. Without treatment, anemia can be fatal. Another fatal disease is leukemia, a form of blood cancer. In addition to small bruises, he has other symptoms:

  • chronic and protracted colds;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • slight (37 - 37.5 degrees) increase in temperature;
  • weakness, fatigue, depression.

It is impossible to find out on your own at home what kind of disease leads to bruising. Data needed for diagnosis laboratory research, which is correctly interpreted by a specialist. Directions for general and special tests are issued by the therapist.

How long does a hematoma take?

From the standpoint of medical terminology, the concepts of bruising and hematoma are different. Bruising is related to damage only to the vessels in the subcutaneous tissue, and the hematoma is located in any tissues, may have a deeper occurrence, affect internal organs. The term subcutaneous hematoma refers to a spill of liquid blood that can be visually detected, but it can also involve other layers of tissue. Over time, the blood coagulates. With extensive hematomas, a puncture is made through which the accumulated fluid flows out, without which the bruise does not pass. Hematomas are much more dangerous than bruises, heal longer and require more attention from both the doctor and the patient. The formation of hematomas is either caused by trauma, or indicates a disruption in the work of such body systems as the circulatory, gastrointestinal, and gastrointestinal systems.

With improper metabolism, increased fragility of blood vessels can develop, which, with very little pressure, leads to rupture and splashing of blood into the intercellular substance of surrounding tissues.

Hematomas have the following symptoms:

  • change in skin color from ordinary to purple, blue-red, purple with a red tint;
  • soreness at the site of injury and around it;
  • puffiness;
  • pain when using nearby muscles;
  • an increase in temperature in the lesion.

If the formation of a hematoma is accompanied by an increase in the general body temperature and a headache, this is a signal to apply for medical care. With injuries such as dislocations, fractures, sprains, hematomas often form, especially on the legs. First aid must necessarily include not only care for fixing the limb, but also an ice compress to reduce blood flow to the site of injury, to narrow blood vessels and relieve swelling. With an ice compress, there are the following recommendations:

  • do not hold for more than 15 minutes, take breaks between applications so that there is no hypothermia;
  • you can use any means at hand: food ice, a bottle of ice water, a piece of frozen meat, but you should not allow direct contact of household items with the wound;
  • you can not apply ice directly to the skin, you should lay the fabric;
  • melted liquid or condensate should not be allowed to drain onto the wound, this may contribute to infection;
  • if the compress is applied to the arm or leg, it is better to raise the affected limb.

Any warming procedures and hot compresses should not be started earlier than a week after the injury. Small hematomas in proper treatment should pass in two weeks, more extensive should disappear in a month. If the bruises do not go away for too long, this is an occasion to consult a doctor.

bruising medications

The abuse of diuretics, tinctures and decoctions according to traditional medicine recipes can lead to the fact that bruises do not go away for six months and it is very difficult to heal. According to statistics, the older a person, the lower his ability to regenerate. Elderly people, children and people with impaired metabolism are prescribed the following topical ointments:

  1. Troxevasin. You can rub it every three hours, the course is a week and can be extended on the recommendation of your doctor. It perfectly heals wounds, has a softening effect, restores vascular tone, and reduces the risk of trophic processes.
  2. Heparin. Eliminates blood clots, accelerates tissue regeneration, prevents thrombophlebitis and thrombosis. It is the most popular treatment for bruises on the cheek and under the eye.

If the problem of bruises that do not go away recurs often, it is worth not treating the symptom, but eliminating the cause. Our country has a hotline emergency assistance in case of domestic violence, you can call around the clock, anonymously and free of charge. If hematomas and bruises were not preceded by trauma, that is, they appeared spontaneously, you should consult a doctor to rule out diseases of the blood and blood vessels. If there was an injury, but the bruise does not heal at the site of impact, this is also a reason to seek medical help. A cavity that contains spilled blood can become inflamed.

A complication in the form of an infection with a running subcutaneous hematoma is a fairly common occurrence. Bruises that do not go away for more than a month need to be examined by a specialist.

How long does a bruise under the eye last? Probably, each of us has ever asked such a question. And it is not at all necessary that the bruise appeared as a result of a strong touch or a blow to the door jamb. The surrounding people do not care: the first thing that comes to mind is that you just sorted things out with someone and had a fight. And it is useless to prove something in this case. Everyone will have their own opinion. Unfortunately, a bruise under the eye is not a bruise on the leg or arm that can be hidden with clothing. And it’s good when the owner of a bruise has the opportunity to stay at home for the recovery period after an injury, but most people still have to go to work. Of course, it will not work to get rid of a hematoma in 1-2 days. But there are many effective methods, which help to ensure that the bruise passes as quickly as possible. Let's consider such methods.

First aid

An interesting fact is that even if you hit your forehead hard on the joint or hit the bridge of your nose, the bruise will still be under the eye. The fact is that upon impact, the integrity of the skin is violated, the vessels are damaged at the site of the bruise, and blood flows out of them. Since the tissues around the eyes are the most loose, blood flows there. This is how a bruise is formed. Therefore, one should not be surprised that on the first day of a bruise, the place of the bruise itself may swell, and the next day a hematoma will appear under the eye.

In rare cases, it is possible to avoid bruising, but you can try to reduce its size. To do this, in the first 10-20 minutes after the injury, apply something cold to the impact site, for example, an ice pack, a bottle of cold water, a metal object, a piece of frozen meat, a wet towel, etc. Cold contributes to vasoconstriction, and blood flow slows down. It is necessary to keep the object at the site of the bruise for about 10 minutes, then after 2 hours repeat the procedure again. Thus, cold objects should be applied for 2 days, alternating with the use of special absorbable ointments.

If more than a day has passed since the injury, cold treatment will no longer help. Here, the method of heat treatment is more suitable. Heat helps to thin the blood clots, and the hematoma begins to disappear. In addition, heat has a beneficial effect on the process of tissue repair, and healing is more intense. To treat a bruise, it is necessary to fill a tissue bag with heated salt or sand and apply it to the damage under the eye for 10 minutes. Such thermal procedures should be done within a few days.

Pharmacy funds

Every family first aid kit should have medicines for emergency treatment of bruises. To the most popular pharmaceutical products include the following:

  1. Troxevasin - most often this ointment is used to treat varicose veins veins, but its use is excellent for resorption and healing of bruises. If you apply Troxevasin immediately after an injury, the bruise may not appear at all or be very small. It is best to use Troxevasin in the form of a gel or cream for the treatment of hematomas 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening.
  2. Lyoton - like all means for the treatment of bruises, this gel has absorbable and regenerating properties, improves blood circulation due to sodium heparin, which is part of it. Lyoton is used 2-3 times a day for a week.
  3. Badyaga is one of the most popular and affordable remedies for the treatment of hematomas. Badyaga has a skin-irritating property, due to which blood supply improves, the bruise begins to resolve. In addition, it is a powerful antibacterial agent. Badyagi ointment is applied 2-3 times a day for 20 minutes. Then wash off with a cloth moistened with warm water. If you repeat this procedure regularly, the bruise will pass in a fairly short time.
  4. Bruise off - the name speaks for itself, this is a special tool for removing bruises. It is based on leech extract. This remedy improves blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and reduces inflammation. If immediately after the bruise you start using this ointment 5 times a day, then the bruise can go away as early as 4-5 days. Bruise off is available in 2 types: with tonal effect and without it.

home ointment

Many people prefer to follow the advice of traditional medicine and try not to buy pharmacy medicines. For such people, there is a simple recipe for making an ointment. To prepare it, we need the following ingredients:

  • 1 onion;
  • 100 g of melted wax;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 1 st. l. grated laundry soap.

We place the whole onion in a saucepan, pour in sunflower oil and boil it until it darkens. We take out the onion, cool it and squeeze the juice out of it into vegetable oil. Next, add wax to the mixture and laundry soap. Put the resulting ointment in the refrigerator to thicken. This ointment for the treatment of hematomas should be applied 2-3 times a day until the bruise disappears.

In addition to this ointment, bruises are very often treated with starch. To do this, potatoes are rubbed and applied to the site of the bruise. When the mixture dries, it is washed off with warm water. The procedure can be performed as many times as you like, there are no restrictions.

If the hematoma persists for more than 5 days, you can try applying apple cider vinegar. To do this, mix vinegar with water and apply as a compress to the bruise for no more than 20 minutes. The procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a day.

It is rare that a bruise can be avoided with a severe bruise of the face. But it should be remembered: the sooner you start treating it, the less it will be. At first, the bruise has a red-blue color, like the main protein in our blood - hemoglobin. As the hemoglobin breaks down, the bruise changes color, turning yellow, then green, and then brown.

If the hematoma is not treated at all, then it will not go away before 10-14 days.

If the bruise does not go away for a long time, in any case, we recommend that you treat it. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to run to the pharmacy for expensive medicines. You can cope with this problem with improvised home remedies, which practically do not require costs.

The childhood of any kid cannot pass quietly without special battle marks in the form of bruises. All the guys got a black eye, and some even got two!

If the sight of a child with a similar war paint does not surprise anyone, but on the contrary, it only amuses, then the sight of an adult with a black eye can become a reason for rumors or negatively affect the reputation. Especially if a person holds a solid position. For just such a case, our information and useful tips can be useful to you.

Obviously, a bruise or a black eye is a consequence of a blow or bruise. But this concerns mainly only the topic of this article. In fact, a bruise is not the only reason for the appearance of bluish spots on the body.

How to treat a black eye

The best remedy for bruises and bruises.
Contains extracts of bodyagi, chamomile, horse chestnut, essential oils tea tree, juniper, arnica oil.

If a black eye is received as a result of a serious injury, in this case, one cannot do without the help of a doctor. Most likely to a traumatologist or phlebologist (this is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment venous diseases, edema, vascular examination). If the black eye was not the result of a minor bruise, then obviously you should not ignore the help of honey. workers. Self-medication can aggravate the situation. A person in most cases is unable to make a correct diagnosis for himself without special medical knowledge and experience.

The first thing that is usually done is to apply cold. Cold spoon or ice. Some housewives make ice cubes for drinks in the freezer. They can be poured into a bag, wrapped in a thin towel and applied to the site of injury. Such assistance can be provided after almost any injury. The main thing is not to cool the injured area for too long.

How long does a bruise last

Everyone tolerates the flowering period of the black eye in different ways. It usually lasts up to two weeks, sometimes longer. The color can change from dark blue, then purple to yellow.

How to quickly get rid of a bruise

When my colleague had to remove a black eye, we searched the Internet together in search of an affordable quick method. folk methods There are many, just choose:

  • Fastum gel. One girl took out in 2 days. Doubtful. A well-placed "lantern" will not remove, I think.
  • Bodyaga(slang. "b a dyaga"). A remedy familiar from childhood. This is a herb. Now Bodyagu gel is made on its basis. A cheap affordable remedy. It is recommended not to wash off within 4 hours after application.
  • Ointment Troxevasin. well-known remedy. Used mainly by the elderly for the treatment of varicose veins.
  • Heparin ointment also removes hematomas well.

My colleague settled on Bodyaga 911 gel as a remedy for quickly getting rid of a black eye.

After 4 days of swelling and bruising, no matter how it happened.

How to disguise

If circumstances are squeezed in a vice and you urgently need to fly to a symposium of young cyberneticists, and the bodyaga helped to remove the hemotomy, but a flashlight still turns yellow under the eye, then you can’t do without masking a combat injury. A regular make-up or tonalnik can come to the rescue. Pick it up by color and carefully cover the black eye foundation. Can't do it yourself? Ask a fighting girlfriend - she will not refuse :-)