Venous edema is a reason for treatment, not panic. Effective treatment of swelling of the legs due to varicose veins: how to relieve swelling and cramps at home, tablets for varicose veins. What to do in case of venous disease, swelling of the legs

Quite often in people with varicose veins veins, swelling in the legs may occur. You need to know what swelling looks like with varicose veins, heart failure or kidney failure, and only then find out how to relieve swelling with varicose veins.

Varicose veins occur due to weakening and deformation of the venous walls. In the future, this leads to poor circulation; blood begins to stagnate in the lower extremities. The pressure rises, and fluid leaks into the space between the cellular structures of tissues located nearby. In addition, it is excreted with sweating fluid. a large number of essential microelements, which leads to cramps in the lower extremities.

Causes of edema with varicose veins

Advanced varicose veins provoke the formation of blood clots - thrombi. If a blood clot breaks and begins to move through the bloodstream, it can travel to various organs. Risk areas for varicose veins are the lower extremities, the peritoneal area and the pelvic organs. Often, the consequence of varicose veins is hemorrhoids, and in men, infertility may occur due to dilation of the veins in the area of ​​the spermatic cord. The basic causes of edema with varicose veins are:

  • Heredity - in the course of scientific research it became known that weak blood vessels are transmitted genetically;
  • The period of gestation and childbirth - during hormonal changes, the turgor of the venous walls decreases, and the load increases;
  • Tight shoes and improper clothing;
  • Elevated physical exercise with emphasis on the lower limbs;
  • Bad habits;
  • Heavy physical work;
  • Weight lifting;
  • Physical inactivity;
  • Large body weight.

What does swelling with varicose veins look like?

Swelling of varicose veins of the legs is always accompanied by unpleasant sensations. The lower limbs swell, walking becomes problematic. Swelling with varicose veins is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Feeling of heaviness;
  • Frequent seizures;
  • Itching and pulling sensations;
  • The appearance of dilated veins under the skin in the shin area.


Edema caused by heart failure has its own characteristics. The skin on the legs becomes dense and has a varnish shine. After pressure is applied to the swelling, it remains a depression for a long time, an increased heart rate and weakness are felt throughout the body.

Photo of leg swelling due to varicose veins.

Methods for treating edema

When you have varicose veins, your legs always swell; only your doctor can tell you what to do in this case. Effective treatment swelling of the legs due to varicose veins implies the use of complex therapy. Treatment should include various methods prevention and therapy to restore blood flow in the veins lower limbs.

Methods used to treat varicose veins and relieve swelling:

  • Use of medications;
  • Gymnastics and exercise therapy;
  • Adjustment of diet, work and rest;
  • Therapy with sclerosing drugs;
  • Using compression garments;
  • Surgical intervention.


When treating varicose veins it is necessary Special attention pay attention to lifestyle and diet. This applies to patients whose weight is significantly higher than normal. Excess weight increases the load on the lower limbs and blood vessels, causing swelling in the legs.

Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment not only for edema, but also for the cause that caused it.

The initial stage of varicose veins, when swelling is not very pronounced, involves the use of medications local action. More advanced stages of varicose veins include therapy medications systemic action. The method of therapeutic course must be selected strictly individually for each patient.

Creams, balms and ointments for topical use

In the first stages of the disease, it is advisable to use ointments, balms and gels based on herbs and medicinal plants, including extract horse chestnut, grape seeds, heparin and rutin. Most effective ointments from swelling in the legs are:

  • Troxevasin;
  • Troxerutin;
  • Lyoton.

When applying medications, a pronounced cooling effect is felt. The symptoms of the disease are reduced. Active active ingredients, included in ointments for external use, help remove inflammatory process and have an antimicrobial effect.

Systemic medications

A pathological change in the walls of the venous vessels causes severe swelling, spreading to one or both legs, covering the ankle area. To treat such conditions, anti-edema tablets with phlebotropic action are prescribed. The active ingredients included in these medications have a pronounced therapeutic effect, increasing the elasticity and tone of venous vessels, improving blood microcirculation in the extremities. These types of drugs increase angioprotective properties and lymphatic drainage. The most commonly prescribed drugs are:

  • Detralex;
  • Aescusan;
  • Phlebodia.

Systemic drugs are called vetotonics and should be taken according to a specific regimen prescribed by the attending physician at home.

Use of sclerosing agents

To relieve severe swelling in the legs with varicose veins, phlebosclerosing agents are prescribed. Sclerosants are injected into the affected venous vessels and under their influence they become invisible. Subsequently, the affected veins stick together and disappear.

Modern methods of combating varicose veins using sclerosing substances are at the forefront of treatment, gradually replacing conventional surgical excision of the affected veins. The most popular procedure is foam sclerotherapy. Main advantages this method are:

  • Low invasiveness;
  • Absence general anesthesia;
  • Treatment of small and large vessels;
  • There is no need for hospital treatment;
  • Full preservation of working capacity.

Method of surgical excision of affected vessels

Surgery is performed in extreme, most severe cases. Dilated and deformed venous vessels are removed, restoring normal blood circulation in the limb. The operation takes place in a hospital setting using general anesthesia. The patient needs a long period of time to recover after surgery.

Folk remedies

Effective in the initial stages of development of varicose veins on the legs with varicose veins folk remedies from swelling of the legs. For this, various ointments, rubbings, lotions and compresses made from natural raw materials are used. Making ointments based on crushed horse chestnut fruits and pork fat used for application to affected areas. Tinctures made from alcohol and medicinal plants have a good therapeutic effect.


Application traditional methods treatment should be long-term and systematic. It will not be possible to completely eliminate and cure varicose veins on the legs using traditional medicine.

After the swelling is removed, the severe symptoms of the disease will begin to disappear. Feelings of heaviness, itching and pain in the legs disappear. But in order for the disease not to progress, it is necessary to make changes to your lifestyle, trying to give your legs more rest, changing your diet, giving up bad habits. In addition, you need to avoid wearing uncomfortable shoes and get rid of extra pounds.

Almost every person (especially women) has experienced swelling in various parts of the body. In this regard, the question naturally arises: What is it, what are the symptoms, and how to deal with it? Venous edema is the most common cause development of this disease.

The appearance of edema due to venous insufficiency is often caused by local causes, which include:

  • vein thrombosis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • inflammatory process;
  • tumor process;
  • congenital anomaly of the development of venous vessels;
  • developmental anomalies or acquired pathology due to injury.

The appearance of mild swelling of the legs due to venous insufficiency is one of the most common causes of vascular pathology.

According to medical statistics, the female population of the country is more susceptible to this disease.

According to the nature of occurrence, venous edema can be divided into acute and chronic.

With the development of an acute process, the following symptoms are observed: pain and painful sensations when pressed and at the location of the affected area of ​​the vein. In most cases, upon visual examination, you can see an enhanced venous pattern on the surface of the skin.

If the process of venous stagnation has progressed to the next stage, then in addition to the symptoms of the acute process, symptoms of chronic damage are added:

  • pathological pigmentation caused by congestion;
  • trophic ulcers.

Pathological process

There are a number of factors that can accelerate and/or aggravate the occurrence of mild venous edema of the legs. These include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • being female;
  • frequent pregnancies;
  • tendency to be overweight;
  • sedentary lifestyle + lack of physical activity;
  • work that involves standing for long periods of time and lifting heavy objects.


TO main reason The occurrence of mild venous edema of the legs involves a violation of blood transportation through the system of deep and superficial veins (insufficient functioning of the muscular-venous pump).

Congestion in the veins leads to insufficient expansion of their lumen, and as a result - poor functioning of the valves (inappropriate movement of venous blood from top to bottom occurs). Increases:

  • pressure in blood vessels;
  • permeability of the venous wall.

As a result of these processes, a trophic ulcer forms at the site of damage.

Signs of the disease

There are primary and secondary symptoms insufficiency of venous outflow, which is worth paying attention to and consulting with a doctor. Primary signs include:

  • heaviness in the legs, occurring mainly in the evening;
  • swelling in the ankles (without affecting the toes);
  • the presence of visually detectable varicose veins;
  • spider veins.

As the disease progresses, the following symptoms of insufficiency of venous blood flow may be noticed:

  • pain in the affected area becomes more intense and has a bursting character;
  • a burning sensation appears along the affected vein;
  • possible cramps in the calf muscles;
  • swelling persists throughout the day;
  • pathological pigmentation of brown or reddish color appears;
  • thinning occurs skin over the area of ​​the affected vein and, as a result, the appearance of spots and severe itching;
  • trophic ulcers appear.

If the above symptoms of insufficient blood flow have been detected, this is a reason to contact specialists for advice, diagnosis and tactics therapeutic therapy the problem that has arisen.


In addition to examination by a general practitioner, a consultation with a phlebologist and a vascular surgeon is required. A number of additional studies are needed. These primarily include:

  • clinical blood test;
  • biochemistry of blood and urine;
  • Vascular ultrasound;
  • phlebography.

Therapy methods

Treatment and its duration depend on the degree of damage to the veins and the stage of the disease. The treatment process includes conservative and surgical treatment methods. TO surgical intervention resorted only in emergency cases (10% of the total number of those affected).

Conservative methods

Conservative treatment includes the following types of therapy:

  • compression of the affected area;
  • application medicines;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.
  • Exercise stress

    A sport such as swimming is very suitable for eliminating mild venous edema (to relieve tension). It can be used without the use of compression therapy. For all other types of physical activity (light running, cycling, race walking), the use of compression in the form of elastic bands is mandatory.

    Treatment of mild venous edema excludes traumatic sports (vascular damage and bleeding are possible).


    Treatment with compression therapy involves the application of elastic tourniquets and/or medical compression stockings. There are a number of positive and negative aspects to using a tourniquet or elastic underwear.

    The advantages include:

    • improving blood flow;
    • protection from mechanical damage;
    • risk of trophic ulcers decreases several times.

    The disadvantages of using elastic bands and compression garments include:

    • poor fixation;
    • it is almost impossible to control muscle compression when applying a tourniquet;
    • stretching after a number of uses.


    Treatment is used in the initial stages of the disease, to eliminate mild cosmetic defects (when the symptoms are mild).

    The essence of the therapy is the administration of such a drug as a sclerosant. It prevents blood flow through the affected vein. And as a result, the vein collapses and the skin defect disappears.

    Drug therapy

    For venous edema of the legs, treatment takes long time(up to 6 months).

    The use of medications is aimed at increasing the tone of the veins and improving the nutrition of nearby tissues.

    The most widely used drugs are the following:

    • Detralex;
    • Troxevasin;
    • Aescusan;
    • Phlebodia 600.

    All medications should be prescribed only medical specialist. Self-medication can lead to unwanted complications.


    This method has a good auxiliary effect in the treatment of mild venous edema of the legs. For therapy use:

    • diadynamic currents;
    • electrophoresis;
    • laser therapy;
    • a magnetic field.

    Surgical treatment

    If conservative treatment methods do not have the desired effect, or additional complications arise, surgical intervention is performed.

    Complications include:

    • thrombosis;
    • thrombophlebitis;
    • bleeding;
    • long-term non-healing trophic ulcers;
    • severe defects on the skin.

    Surgical therapy consists of surgical removal of pathologically altered veins.

    Disease prevention

    The use of non-burdensome measures will significantly reduce the risk of venous edema of the legs and prevent complications of the disease. These measures include:

    • active lifestyle;
    • swimming, race walking, easy running;
    • keeping your legs elevated (when resting in the evening);
    • body weight control;
    • use of elastic tourniquets and medical underwear (if there is a risk of symptoms);
    • If cosmetic defects occur in the initial stages, it is necessary (2 times a year) to take an ultrasound scan of the veins of the lower extremities.

    By following all of the above measures, you can avoid, or significantly reduce the occurrence of such a formidable symptom as venous edema.

    What is leg swelling?

    Edema of the legs is an overflow of the cells and intercellular space of the muscle tissue of the legs with fluid. So pathological changes Most often the distal segments of the lower extremities are affected - the lower leg and foot. This phenomenon is associated with the highest functional load that is performed by a person’s feet and legs during life, and their lowest position in relation to the central parts of the body when in an upright position.

    All fluid in the body is located in the vascular and intercellular spaces. The possibility and degree of swelling growth depends on the balance between them.

    In this self-regulating mechanism, the key links belong to:

    Hydrostatic pressure of blood on the vascular wall;

    Hydrodynamic characteristics of blood flow;

    Indicators of osmotic and oncotic activity of plasma and intercellular space.

    Leg swelling can have varying degrees of severity, but they are always evidence of an imbalance between the actual capabilities of the physiological mechanisms for regulating fluid exchange and the load on the intercellular space. Swelling of the legs can be either an adaptive normal reaction of the body to environmental conditions or the first manifestation of serious diseases.

    What is leg swelling? Symptoms of severe swelling of the legs Causes of swelling of the legs How to remove swelling from the legs? Diuretics for swollen legs

    You can understand and suspect the presence of swelling of the legs based on certain symptoms. They can have varying degrees of severity, and at the same time they can remain at a stable level or progress. In the first case, they talk about the physiological mechanisms of the appearance of edema syndrome. In the second, it’s definitely about pathology. Therefore, when considering such issues, one cannot ignore any manifestations of edema, which may indicate a dangerous disease.

    The following symptoms may be considered alarming:

    Pasty. Represents a diffuse light penetration of the skin and subcutaneous tissue shins in lower third and the entire circumference of the ankle joint on both limbs. Its presence is evidenced by light marks remaining after strong pressure on the skin of the anterior surface of the leg in the projection of the tibia. The same diagnostic value belongs to marks from socks;

    Local swelling. As a rule, it is located on one or both limbs in the ankle area or around the circumference of the ankle joint;

    Severe swelling of one or both legs or feet. At the same time, it extends to the level knee joint or even higher. After pressing on the skin, a large depression remains, which does not straighten out for a long time;

    Trophic skin disorders caused by edema. They occur exclusively with severe swelling, causing overstretching of the skin. Against this background, increased fluid leakage from the surface of the skin develops and cracks appear, which transform into erosions, wounds, trophic ulcers and dermatitis.

    Leg swelling is not a separate disease, but a symptom that must be correctly interpreted in order to determine the possible cause of its occurrence. There are several groups of diseases manifested by swelling of the legs. All these diseases and the main differential diagnostic criteria are given in the table:

    Group of causative diseases

    What does swelling look like?

    Swelling of the legs in healthy people, caused by overload of the lower extremities and hydrostatic effect on the vessels microvasculature against the background of a long stay in an upright position.

    Both legs and feet swell to the same extent. The edema is represented by pastiness in the lower third along the entire circumference of the legs. Appears in the evening after standing or physically hard work. After rest, such swelling goes away.

    Swelling of the legs as a sign of heart failure

    With heart diseases accompanied by circulatory failure, constant congestion occurs in the veins. This is manifested by swelling of varying density and distribution: from mild and insignificant in the initial stages, to dense and widespread up to the knee joint during decompensation. Both limbs swell. In the morning, swelling may decrease slightly.

    Swelling of the legs due to renal pathologies

    The legs and feet swell most with nephritic syndrome and severe renal failure. Equal expression on both limbs is required. Unlike cardiac edema, these edema are more pronounced in the morning and decrease in the evening. Swelling of the face is more common than that of the lower extremities.

    Swelling of the legs due to diseases of the venous system of the extremities (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, postthrombophlebitis syndrome)

    Swelling is always one-sided, and if bilateral, then it primarily affects one of the legs. Such swelling is very persistent and dense. They sharply intensify after being in a vertical position, especially stationary. The swelling of the peri-ankle region is most pronounced. After staying in a horizontal position, the swelling decreases.

    Swelling of the legs due to illness lymphatic system limbs ( erysipelas and its consequences, lymphovenous insufficiency, lymphedema)

    Like venous edema, edema is located predominantly on one side. They are characterized by particularly high density and durability. Rarely decrease from any manipulations or actions. A characteristic manifestation of edema of lymphatic origin is localization on the dorsum of the foot in the form of a pillow.

    Swelling of the legs due to pathology of the osteoarticular system

    Almost always unilateral, limited, localized in the area of ​​the affected joint or bone, accompanied by pain and impairment of the functions of support and walking.

    Swelling of the legs with inflammatory and purulent-infiltrative diseases of the skin and soft tissues, with injuries of the extremities

    The swelling is limited. Expression may vary. With bites and injuries, swelling spreads around the lesion. With deep ulcers, the entire affected segment increases in volume.

    For fractures, local swelling at the fracture site is more typical; for ligament ruptures and sprains, widespread swelling similar to a hematoma is more typical.

    Other causes of leg swelling:

    Myxedema and hypothyroidism;

    Premenstrual syndrome and pregnancy;

    Hyperaldosteronism and adrenal hyperfunction;

    Nutritional malnutrition and cachexia of other origins;

    Neuroparalytic vascular disorders against the background of pathology nervous system.

    The swelling is soft, uniform, located on both limbs. The exception is cases of diseases of the nervous system accompanied by unilateral paralysis.

    In such a situation, the swelling is localized on the affected limb. This swelling is relatively stable throughout the day, but may intensify in the evening. They do not reach great severity, except in cases of decompensation of diseases and worsening of the general condition due to the addition of other causes of increased swelling.

    When determining possible reasons the appearance of swelling of the legs must be taken into account general state and accompanying symptoms. If there are any, this is definitely pathological edema that requires medical intervention!

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    Treating leg swelling is not always the right and rewarding thing to do. After all, eliminating a symptom cannot rid a person of the disease. Therefore, it is more correct to treat not edema, but the disease that led to its appearance. The exception is cases of hydrostatic edema in healthy people due to overexertion of the legs.

    Differentiated treatment tactics for swelling of the legs can be as follows:

    Hydrostatic edema in persons without pathology:

    Limiting physical activity on the legs;

    Periodic unloading for the calf muscles in the form of their elevated position, gymnasts and massage;

    The use of compression hosiery (stockings, stockings, tights), which help retain fluid in the vascular space by compressing soft tissues;

    Specialized measures are not required due to the physiological origin of edema. It is acceptable to use ointments and gels described in the section “treatment of edema of venous origin.”

    Cardiac and renal edema:

    Diuretics. Various loop (furosemide, Lasix, Trifas), thiazide (indapamide, hypothiazide) and potassium-sparing (veroshpiron, spironolactone) diuretics are used. Frequency of reception, dosage form and duration of treatment depend on the degree of heart failure. Severe edema is treated with injectable loop diuretics with a gradual transition to tablets of identical drugs or drugs from a different group. For long-term decongestant therapy, thiazide diuretics in combination with veroshpiron are best suited;

    Potassium preparations (panangin, asparkam). Must be included drug therapy loop diuretics. This is necessary in order to compensate for the loss of potassium ions, which are excreted in the urine when diuresis is stimulated. But such drugs are contraindicated in renal failure.

    Cardioprotective agents. They do not have a direct anti-edematous effect, but strengthen the heart muscle, the weakness of which causes heart failure and swelling of the legs.

    Edema of venous origin:

    Compression of the legs and feet with elastic bandages or special knitwear. This event should be the first in the complex treatment of edema syndrome, since it not only helps in the fight against swelling of the legs, but is truly good method prevention of progression of venous insufficiency. The main thing is to follow all the rules of elastic bandaging;

    Phlebotonics (escusan, troxevasin, detralex, normoven). The mechanism of the anti-edematous action of drugs in this group is to strengthen the walls of veins and microcirculatory vessels. Phlebotonics plant origin(escusan) can be prescribed in the absence of obvious signs of varicose veins, if there is pronounced pastiness that goes beyond the usual hydrostatic edema;

    Blood thinners (aspecard, cardiomagnyl, lospirin, clopidogrel). The mechanism for reducing leg swelling is associated with a decrease in blood viscosity. If it becomes more liquid, its outflow improves, and this prevents stagnation and sweating in the tissue in the form of edema;

    Local preparations in the form of ointment and gel (lyoton gel, heparin ointment, troxevasin, hepatrombin, venogenepanol, aescin, venitan). Their local application is quite effective, both for venous pathology and for swelling against the background of habitual leg fatigue as a result of overexertion.

    On this topic: How to remove swelling from legs at home?

    Diuretics for swelling of the legs have common name– diuretics.

    They, in turn, are divided into several classes:

    Saluretics, which can be represented by: loop drugs (Bumetanide, Torsemide, Ethacrynic acid, Lasix, Furosemide), thiazide drugs (Cyclomethiazide, Hypothiazide), carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (Diacarb, Acetazolamide) and sulfonamides (Clopamide, Chlorthalidone).

    Potassium-sparing diuretics, including: Spironolactone, Amiloride, Veroshpiron, Triamterene, Eplerenone.

    Osmotic ones are Mannitol and Urea.

    All these drugs differ in effectiveness, duration of action and speed of onset. therapeutic effect. They have indications and contraindications and are prescribed exclusively by a doctor in accordance with the patient’s disease.

    Swelling of the legs is a very common phenomenon, which can be a consequence of various diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary, and lymphatic systems. Often, pain and swelling in the extremities is caused by impaired venous outflow when standing for a long time and wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes with high heels. Therefore, representatives of the fair sex most often encounter this unpleasant phenomenon. What to do in this case and how to get rid of the unpleasant condition? Before starting treatment, the doctor must find out why the legs are swollen and establish the root cause of this condition.

    In medicine, the definition of “edema” means a condition of the body in which excess fluid accumulates in its organs and extracellular tissue spaces. This is facilitated by various pathologies, which are most often associated with impaired venous or arterial circulation, kidney disease, or problems with the heart and blood vessels.

    Swelling of the legs can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the cause that causes it. If the swelling is mild and manifests itself as slight looseness of the tissue due to the accumulation of fluid, they speak of a phenomenon called pastosity. Pastous edema most often appears in the lower leg and ankle joint on both limbs.

    Severe swelling of the legs can occur against the background of renal or heart failure, varicose veins and other serious pathologies. In this case, there is severe swelling of the feet and legs, which can spread to the knee joint.

    Such swelling of the legs often becomes the cause of trophic lesions of the skin, since due to overstretching, cracks form on it, which then transform into erosions or trophic ulcers. Such severe manifestations are usually observed in older people suffering from venous insufficiency and thrombophlebitis.

    Lymphatic edema is highly dense, it does not go away for a long time and can remain on the legs for a long time. Their appearance is facilitated by the accumulation of fluid with a high protein content in the thickness of the skin. Swelling causes significant discomfort to its owner, causes a feeling of heaviness in the legs, makes it difficult to move, and makes it impossible to wear usual shoes.

    allergic (occurs as immune reaction body to the penetration of foreign agents); cachetic (develop in pathologies of the cardiovascular vascular system or severe exhaustion of the body); hydremic (formed due to kidney damage); mechanical (can be a consequence of injuries or accompany the course of pregnancy); neuropathic (develops with diabetes mellitus or chronic alcoholism); stagnant (appears with increased vascular permeability, problems with blood circulation and lymph flow, chronic venous insufficiency).

    Swelling can appear on one or both legs at once, have varying degrees of severity, be unilateral or bilateral, affect only the ankle area, or spread all the way to the thigh.

    Swelling of the limbs healthy person can be provoked by completely harmless physiological reasons:

    wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes; long walks or work that requires constant standing (hairdressers, salespeople, waiters); drinking large amounts of fluid, especially before bedtime; uncomfortable body position, which interferes with blood circulation in the legs; excess weight; pregnancy period; poor nutrition, with an excess of pickles, marinades or spicy foods; flat feet and other abnormalities of the foot.

    Good to know

    If your legs swell at the ankles, the cause may be improperly selected, tight shoes, high loads on the legs associated with professional activity, regular abuse of alcohol or taking certain medications that cause fluid retention in the body (hormones, NSAIDs, antihypertensive drugs, oral contraceptives).

    Pathological causes of leg swelling are concomitant diseases. Among them:

    varicose veins, thrombophlebitis; cardiovascular pathologies; kidney and liver diseases; endocrine diseases, dysfunction thyroid gland (diabetes, myxedema): dysfunction of the lymphatic system (lymphedema, elephantiasis); limb injuries (dislocations, bruises, fractures); infectious and inflammatory diseases (rheumatism, osteomyelitis, infectious arthritis, erysipelas);

    Let's take a closer look at how edema manifests itself in various pathological conditions.

    Chronic venous insufficiency causes varicose veins and causes prolonged swelling of the legs, which is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the limbs, painful symptoms, and rapid fatigue after a short walk. The legs swell especially severely in the evening, and greatly dilated, tortuous veins become noticeable under the skin. Usually, after a long rest, swelling disappears and reappears at the end of the working day. At the same time, swelling on right leg may differ from the swelling of the left leg in size or location.

    Advanced stages of the disease, in addition to swelling, are accompanied by poor circulation in the extremities and severe pain. In severe cases, the formation of trophic ulcers is possible. A complication of the disease is thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities, accompanied by the formation of blood clots in the lumens of the vein and its inflammation.

    With thrombophlebitis, extensive swelling appears, a feeling of numbness and tingling in the extremities, an increase in temperature, and a deterioration in general condition. If left untreated, the risk of thromboembolism increases - a detached blood clot can clog a vessel and lead to death.

    Heart failure

    Symptoms of heart failure occur due to pathologies such as heart disease, ischemic disease, violations heart rate and in addition to the characteristic pain and shortness of breath, they are accompanied by swelling of the legs in the late afternoon. This is explained by the fact that in heart failure, the main pumping function of the heart muscle is disrupted. As a result, the blood does not rise well from the legs, and if a person spends the whole day in motion, by the evening the resources of the heart are depleted.

    First, the legs swell at the ankles, the skin becomes bluish, and then the swelling spreads upward, involving the legs and thighs. Over time, fluid accumulation is observed in abdominal cavity. Cardiac edema is usually soft - when pressed with a finger, a dimple remains in the skin.

    Renal edema, unlike cardiac edema, usually appears in the morning. They arise as a result of impaired blood flow in the kidneys, or develop due to a difference in oncotic pressure. But renal edema rarely appears on the legs; usually patients with this pathology suffer from morning swelling on the face. In case of kidney diseases, the swelling is usually loose, involves the soles of the feet and goes away quite easily and quickly.

    Liver pathologies

    Severe liver damage (cirrhosis, cancer) is often accompanied by swelling of the legs, the cause of which in most cases is portal hypertension. In this condition, not only the ankles of the feet swell, but also the front abdominal wall. In the future, the patient's condition is complicated by ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity), dilation of the esophageal veins, and a tendency to bleeding.

    With bruises, soft tissue damage occurs, which is accompanied by the formation of hematomas and the formation of painful swellings. Such swelling is treated by applying cold compresses or applying an iodine mesh.

    Dislocations are often associated with ligamentous weakness. When the joint is displaced, severe pain appears, movements become impossible, and dense swelling develops in the affected area, which, depending on the complexity of the injury, can last from several days to 2-3 weeks.

    With fractures of the limbs (in the area of ​​the feet, ankles, legs), severe pain, severe swelling, noticeable deformation of the limbs, and hemorrhages under the skin appear. A fracture of the femoral neck is especially dangerous, as it causes disruption of blood flow in the bones of the limbs.

    knee arthritis is one of the reasons

    Rheumatoid arthritis is accompanied by an inflammatory process in large joints (usually the knees), which is manifested by severe pain, swelling in the affected area, and limited mobility. A characteristic feature is that swelling lasts a short time and can occur in different joints.

    The course of osteomyelitis is accompanied by swelling on the left leg or swelling on the right leg, depending on which limb the inflammatory process in the bones develops on. In addition to edema, there are severe pain, impaired motor functions, body temperature rises. With absence timely treatment the risk of severe complications increases.

    Erysipelas is caused by streptococcus and usually affects the lower extremities. Along with the painful red spots, swelling increases, the temperature rises, and the general condition sharply worsens. If treatment is not started on time antibacterial drugs, the development of infectious complications is possible.

    This is a disease of the lymphatic system that can manifest as congenital pathology from the early age. Problems with the lymphatic vessels lead to the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues and cause lymphedema. The same swelling may appear after removal lymph nodes or after radiation therapy for oncological diseases.

    If the process becomes chronic, then dense swelling constantly persists on the legs, the skin thickens, becomes rough and acquires a brown tint. The last stage of lymphedema is called elephantiasis, in which swelling of the legs is so severe that the limb increases in size several times. In this case, only one leg may be affected, while the other remains of normal size.

    Swelling of the legs during pregnancy is a physiological phenomenon caused by the fact that the uterus puts pressure on the veins in the pelvic area and provokes impaired blood flow. This affects the condition of the veins of the lower extremities and causes swelling. After childbirth, the woman’s condition stabilizes, and the swelling quickly subsides. Sometimes swelling appears if a pregnant woman eats a lot of salty and canned foods. In this case, you just need to reduce the amount of salt in your diet.

    A dangerous condition is considered to be gestosis at the end of pregnancy, which is accompanied by jumps blood pressure, headaches and severe swelling. In this case, the swelling affects not only the legs, but also upper limbs, spreads to the face.

    After operation caesarean section A woman often develops swelling in her legs that lasts a long time. The cause of this symptom may be hidden in hormonal imbalance, venous insufficiency or cardiac dysfunction. To find out the reasons, a woman needs to consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.

    How to relieve swelling of the legs, and what methods are used to treat this unpleasant phenomenon? It all depends on the cause of the swelling; identifying it is the primary task of a specialist. Only after a diagnosis is made, the doctor will select a treatment regimen taking into account the underlying disease.

    For renal and cardiac edema, the following drugs are prescribed:

    Diuretics (Furosemide, Torasemide, Indapamide). The doctor selects the frequency of administration, dosage and duration of treatment on an individual basis. In severe cases of heart failure, loop diuretics are used by injection, followed by a transition to taking tablet medications. Potassium preparations (Asparkam, Panangin) are necessarily prescribed to prevent the loss of potassium ions in the urine, which occurs when diuresis is stimulated. They are prescribed for cardiac edema, since such drugs are contraindicated in case of renal failure. In the treatment of renal edema, potassium-sparing diuretics are used - Amiloride, Veroshpiron, Triamiterene. Drugs are cardioprotectors. Their action is aimed at strengthening the heart muscle, that is, eliminating the main cause of heart failure and associated swelling. For venous edema, the treatment regimen includes:

    Drugs - phlebotonics (Phlebodia, Detralex, Troxevasin), the action of which is aimed at strengthening venous vessels, eliminating congestion and improving blood flow in the legs. Blood thinners (Cardiomagnyl, Aspecard, Lospirin) help eliminate swelling caused by increased blood viscosity. Thinning the blood improves its outflow, prevents stagnation and thereby prevents the occurrence of edema. External preparations (ointments, gels, creams) help reduce swelling and heaviness in the legs in various venous pathologies, eliminate pain and help improve lymphatic drainage. Popular products are Lyoton gel, troxevasin ointment, heparin ointment, Gepatrombin ointment and cream.

    In addition, in case of venous insufficiency and varicose veins, compression garments - stockings, socks, knee socks or elastic bandages - are used to eliminate edema syndrome. With their help, it is possible to maintain blood vessels in tone and prevent the progression of venous insufficiency.

    All remedies for swelling of the legs should be prescribed by a doctor after undergoing an examination and diagnosis; you should not take medications on your own, otherwise unpredictable consequences are possible (especially with renal and cardiac edema).

    Physiotherapeutic methods in the treatment of edema include the use of pressotherapy procedures or hardware lymphatic drainage. They are widely prescribed for physiological edema. In addition, moderate physical activity, swimming or water aerobics will help cope with this unpleasant phenomenon. For venous edema, walking or jogging will be beneficial.

    At home, you can do simple exercises that help eliminate congestion, improve blood circulation and prevent leg swelling. It’s worth setting aside some time every evening to practice:

    First, do a short warm-up and walk for a few minutes on the floor barefoot, raising yourself on your toes; then, standing in one place, alternately rise first on your toes, then on your heels; scatter pencils and small balls on the floor and try to collect them with your toes; place your right foot on your left foot, and from this position lift yourself up as high as possible, then repeat the same action with the other leg; from the “sitting” position, bend your toes down and then sharply straighten them; Stretch your feet for 15 minutes by rolling a small rubber ball on the floor.

    How to relieve swelling of the legs and accumulated fatigue if you return home after a hard day at work? Use time-tested tips. Massage your feet with pieces of ice, but not regular ice, but one made from decoctions of medicinal herbs.

    For this purpose, you can use a decoction of chamomile, sage, arnica, peppermint or yarrow. A decoction of the listed plants has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties, and if it is frozen, the cold effect of ice cubes will enhance this effect and help quickly cope with swelling.

    The use of contrasting foot baths has a good effect; they quickly relieve fatigue, tone blood vessels and eliminate swelling. To do this, the feet are alternately lowered into cold and hot water.

    Sea salt, which should be dissolved in water before the procedure, will help enhance the therapeutic effect. And if, after water procedures, you perform a self-massage and thoroughly stretch your limbs, starting with thumb legs and ending with the hips, the heaviness in the legs will disappear and a feeling of lightness will appear.

    You can rub your feet with a mixture of turpentine and caste oil, taken in a 1:2 ratio. The oil must first be heated to a comfortable temperature, add turpentine to it and vigorously rub your feet, then put on warm socks.

    Another folk recipe recommends taking a decoction of astragalus for swelling of the legs. This remedy not only relieves edema, but also has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity. To prepare the decoction 2 tbsp. l. dry astragalus leaves pour 200 ml of boiling water, infuse, filter and take 2 tbsp. l. three times a day. Treatment is continued for 2-3 weeks.

    Vascular diseases are accompanied various symptoms And painful sensations, and swelling with varicose veins is one of the very first signs of an incipient disease. Varicose veins begin with stagnation of blood in the vessels of the lower extremities. Because of this, the pressure in the veins and capillaries of the legs increases, causing the feeling that the legs are “bursting” from the inside.

    Swelling usually appears in the late afternoon, so if after a day of work your legs begin to ache, ache and swell, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible for a diagnosis of the disease. A specialist will be able to accurately identify the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment. Self-medication can be harmful and, instead of having a positive effect, on the contrary, accelerate the development of pathology.

    As a rule, swelling in the legs occurs from fatigue, excessive stress on the legs during the day, uncomfortable or ill-fitting shoes. In most cases, these factors only provoke the appearance of edema, and the real reason lies in the development of vascular diseases.

    Such pathologies can be varicose veins, arthrosis, hypotension. In these diseases, swelling is also accompanied by redness of the skin.

    Diseases of cardio-vascular system can also cause swelling in the legs. From all of the above it follows that swelling is most often a consequence of more serious ailments.

    Therefore, it is very important to correctly determine the cause of swelling of the legs and begin to fight it as early as possible. The most important thing is to restore the normal functioning of the affected body system.

    It is important to eliminate the edema itself, since it not only brings unpleasant and painful sensations, but also interferes with the achievement of a positive effect from therapeutic measures. During varicose veins, swelling leads to the rapid development of the disease.

    Treatment of leg swelling

    Of course, you cannot limit yourself to treating edema directly without treating the cause of its occurrence. Only a set of therapeutic measures can completely and permanently rid the patient of this problem.

    For varicose veins, treatment is selected individually for each patient, but there are a number of general rules, which can alleviate or remove the painful symptoms of the disease.

    1. Even at work, you should reduce the load on your legs as much as possible. You should not linger in one position; sitting or standing for too long causes blood to stagnate in the legs. You need to periodically change your body position and stretch your legs.
    2. The calf muscles can be relieved by placing the legs at a higher level. Besides, positive influence provides therapeutic exercises and light foot massage.
    3. If you are prone to swelling of your legs, it is recommended to wear special compression garments. It prevents fluid from stagnating in the veins by compressing the tissue.
    4. It is allowed to use gels or ointments that reduce swelling.

    These are the main ways to get rid of edema. They can be used for any disease that causes swelling. If the cause is established and it is known for sure that the swelling is caused by varicose veins, then other measures can be applied. However, before doing this, you must consult a doctor.

    Good results are achieved when using elastic bandages in combination with compression hosiery. This method allows you not only to get rid of edema, but also to prevent the progression of the disease.

    Phlebotonics help strengthen veins and relieve swelling in the legs. Such drugs are sometimes prescribed in the absence of weakened vessel walls and high-grade swelling.

    By using drug treatment, as well as with a certain diet and balanced nutrition, you can reduce blood viscosity.

    Swelling of the legs with varicose veins appears mainly due to excessively viscous venous fluid. Too much thick blood stagnates in the legs, causing them to swell.

    If you get rid of this problem, swelling will appear much less frequently. Local application ointments and gels will also help solve this problem.

    However, we must not forget that all these methods are only part of the treatment. You can completely get rid of edema only after curing the cause of its occurrence. Therefore, these methods must be used in combination with other therapeutic measures prescribed by the doctor.

    Traditional methods for combating swelling of the legs

    Before using traditional treatment methods, you need to consult your doctor. Many alternative medicine methods may not be suitable for a particular patient, and some are generally contraindicated for varicose veins.

    For example, baths with warm water and steaming your feet should not be used. This causes the blood vessels to dilate and weaken their walls, causing blood to stagnate or the vein to burst.

    To prevent edema, you need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables containing potassium. These products include dried apricots, bananas, green salad, peaches, and fresh honey.

    Baths with sea salt or mint are good for relieving swelling on the legs. The procedure should last no more than twenty minutes, and after it is finished, your feet should be rinsed cold water. It’s a good idea to massage your feet and legs after such a bath.

    Diuretics can also help with swelling. Excess fluid will be eliminated from the body naturally. It is also allowed to use folk remedies that have this effect, for example, water with lemon juice or infusion of parsley root.

    An infusion of knotweed will help remove excess fluid from the body and cleanse the liver of accumulated toxins and harmful substances.

    An excellent effect is achieved using fresh potato compresses. The fresh vegetable must be grated, and then the homogeneous mass should be distributed over the affected part of the leg.

    The compress should be fixed with cotton cloth and wrapped with polyethylene on top. The procedure is performed within two hours. This method is good for leg swelling during pregnancy.

    It is especially important to treat varicose veins in pregnant women, as they can affect the unborn child.

    What can you drink for swelling during varicose veins?

    In order for the fight against the disease to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to use a whole range of measures.

    You can use methods not only of official, but also of alternative medicine. It is allowed to take tablets and various infusions both from pharmacies and homemade ones.

    The main thing is to follow one rule - no self-medication. All drugs, methods and means should be used only after consulting with your doctor.

    If you do not follow this rule, you may not only not cure the disease, but also worsen the situation. Uncontrolled reception Medicines, of course, can cure swelling, but they can harm the body as a whole.

    If your legs swell in the evening, this cannot be ignored. Perhaps this is simply due to fatigue, but most often swelling is a sign of serious illness.

    If your feet are constantly swollen, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible. A timely visit to the hospital will help get rid of the disease. If you let the situation take its course, the pathology can progress to a stage at which it becomes incurable.

    Treatment of leg swelling due to varicose veins is an important part of the entire process of treating the disease. All procedures and medications must be taken only with the permission of a doctor. And it is worth remembering that varicose veins are a serious disease; it does not go away on its own and in advanced stages leads to disastrous consequences.

    Effective treatment can only be achieved if many rules and recommendations are followed, ranging from diet and physical therapy, ending with the right lifestyle and taking the right medications.

    Very often people experience swelling of the legs due to varicose veins, what to do in this situation? First, you need to understand what this disease is.

    Swelling with varicose veins occurs for this reason: varicose veins lead to relaxation and deformation of the veins, which leads to poor circulation. Because of this, blood stagnates in the veins, pressure rises, fluid enters the intercellular space of surrounding tissues, forming edema.

    Many essential microelements are also excreted with the liquid. This leads to seizures. Leg cramps at night with varicose veins are spontaneous, sharp and strong muscle spasms. A person cannot relax it for some time, which leads to pain.

    Most often, these phenomena occur at night, since during sleep the already slow blood flow becomes completely insufficient. The muscles try to push blood through the vessels and to do this they begin to contract impulsively.

    But, having contracted, the muscle itself can no longer relax, so varicose veins provoke a slow reproduction of the ATP molecule, which is responsible for this mechanism. With varicose veins, leg cramps become a regular occurrence over time.

    How to treat leg swelling and cramps due to varicose veins? How to relieve swelling with varicose veins? Getting rid of swelling and cramps, which are only symptoms, comes down to treatment for the disease itself.

    Treatment involves a whole complex, including not only medicine for swelling of the legs due to varicose veins in combination with traditional medicine, but also making the necessary changes to your lifestyle, exercising, and following the recommendations of your doctor.

    Photo: what swelling of the legs looks like with varicose veins

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    When a leg cramp suddenly shoots through, almost everyone grabs the leg and begins to rub it vigorously, trying to restore blood circulation. But this method cannot always help quickly.

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    Lifestyle correction

    To cure varicose veins and to relieve swelling of the legs due to varicose veins, you should follow several rules healthy image life. To prevent blood from stagnating in the limbs, it is necessary to move.

    It is advisable to take at least half an hour of walking in the fresh air every day.. The walking speed should be measured, you need to monitor your breathing (inhale and exhale every three steps).

    Giving up bad habits - alcohol, smoking - is also an integral part of the treatment program. Maintaining a daily routine and proper rest are components that cannot be ignored.

    Special compression hosiery, which tightens the muscles and prevents the formation of swelling, will also help get rid of painful sensations. Shoes should not be narrow and restrict your feet; high heels are not acceptable.

    You should reconsider your diet - give up salty, spicy foods that contribute to the accumulation of fluid. Food must contain the required amount of vitamins and microelements, because their deficiency provokes night cramps.

    Severe physical as well as prolonged static loads should be avoided. Try not to walk too much, do not overload your legs. If the work is sedentary and standing, then you need to regularly do warm-ups several times a day.

    At least in the morning and evening, and, if possible, throughout the day, perform a special set of exercises. It will be good to complete physical education contrast shower which has a tonic effect.

    Advice! Very often, with varicose veins, the leg swells. In the evening and, if possible, several times during the day, it is useful to lie down with a pillow under your feet so that they are above the level of the heart, which will ensure the outflow of blood.

    Sports in the fight against the problem

    To restore the elasticity of the veins and normalize blood circulation, playing sports without overexertion will help. During movement, the muscles contract, driving blood through the veins faster and preventing it from stagnating.

    Working out in the gym is not contraindicated, but only moderate physical activity is acceptable. You should avoid putting even your own weight on your legs, and do not exercise using weights - barbells, weights, etc.

    Important! Eliminate all power loads, perform all movements smoothly, without sudden movements or jumps!

    The best option is water sports (water aerobics, swimming). Water has a high density, eliminating almost completely the load of its weight on the vessels, and when swimming, all movements are made in a horizontal position, which also eliminates the load on the legs, distributing it evenly over the entire body.

    Intense breathing in water also helps to speed up blood circulation.

    Anyone facing the problem of a disorder must perform a special complex daily, including exercises such as:


    The most important thing when symptoms of varicose veins such as swelling and cramps occur is to consult a doctor in a timely manner. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary medications in the required dosages.

    These could be pills for swelling of the legs due to varicose veins and other medications. Is there swelling with varicose veins? Run to the doctor immediately!

    Prescribed for treatment complex treatment, including drugs of the following types:

    You should not get carried away with taking diuretic tablets; you should not seek an instant solution to the problem. You need to take a course selected by a doctor for a specific case, otherwise you can seriously harm yourself.

    Attention! Diuretics remove vital minerals from the body along with fluid, disrupting the body’s water-electrolyte balance and therefore need to be taken simultaneously with supporting vitamins.

    Diuretic tablets for swelling of the legs due to varicose veins can create a visual illusion of getting rid of the problem, but they only temporarily relieve the symptom of varicose veins - swelling. Treatment must be complete and comprehensive.

    In addition to medicines the doctor may also recommend herbal decoctions - for example, calendula, hawthorn, viburnum, parsley, birch leaves, mint. To relieve suffering from edema, use herbal baths or compresses. But also only as prescribed by a doctor.

    Even if swelling of the legs due to varicose veins and cramps are insignificant, you should not try to get rid of them with the help of diuretics, since the appearance of these symptoms indicates problems with blood circulation in the body.

    Do not self-medicate and do not let the disease take its course, the consequences of varicose veins are deadly - the formation of blood clots and trophic ulcers. And then, at best, only a surgeon can help.

    Treatment of thrombosis should begin at early stages, only timely consultation with a doctor will help restore health or protect yourself from mortal danger. Therefore, what to do if your legs swell due to varicose veins? The first thing to do is go to the doctor!

    Useful video

    You will learn more about how to treat leg swelling due to varicose veins in the video below: