What can you eat with thick blood. What can you eat with thick blood


Products that increase blood clotting

The following list of products increase poor blood clotting:

1. Animal fats: butter, lard, cream. As well as meat of fatty varieties and jelly.

2. Liver: liver, kidneys, brains, etc.

3. Buckwheat porridge.

4. Vegetables: red cabbage, radish, red pepper, beet, turnip, radish, watercress.

5. Purple colored berries, other than those listed elsewhere. Black and red currants, blueberries, chokeberries, lingonberries, blackberries, mulberries, dogwood, viburnum.

6. Fruits: bananas and mangoes.

7. Basil, dill, parsley, coriander.

8. Pomegranate and light grape juice.

9. Legumes: soybeans, beans, peas, lentils, beans.

10. Walnuts.

11. White bread.

What is better to refuse

Proper nutrition for the correction of blood clotting involves not only enriching the diet with products that have anticoagulant abilities, but also the exclusion of products that thicken the blood. These include:

  1. Pastry products: white wheat bread, buns, pies;
  2. Sweets: sugar, sweets, pastries, cakes;
  3. Fatty meals. Fats of animal origin are especially dangerous;
  4. Sausages, canned meats and marinades, fried foods;
  5. Meat broths, especially rich;
  6. Fatty sour cream, cream and butter;
  7. Vegetables, fruits and berries: bananas, rowan, potatoes, mangoes;
  8. Walnuts and lentils;
  9. Any kind of alcoholic drinks

Remember that such food contributes to the formation of blood clots. It is not necessary to abuse it, but not to completely exclude it from the diet.


Products that reduce blood clotting

Reduce blood clotting and thin the blood products from the following list:

1. In any quantity, fatty fish (mackerel, horse mackerel, sardines, herring, capelin, catfish) and fish fat.

2. Onion and garlic. They have an anti-cancer effect and dissolve blood clots. You need to use garlic for these purposes correctly. Cut it into thin slices and hold for 15 minutes in the air so that it wilts a little. Onions to reduce clotting are best boiled whole in water or broth.

3. Jerusalem artichoke.

4. Citrus fruits, especially lemon, effectively thin the blood.

5. Natural red wine - 30-50 g per day.

7. Linseed and olive oil.

8. Bay leaf - 3-4 pieces in soup or main dish.

9. Sunflower seeds and hazelnuts.

10. Dark hard bitter chocolate.

11. Tomato juice.

12. Berries: cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, sweet cherries, plums, figs.

13. Ginger.

14. Green tea.

15. Magnesium-rich cereals: oatmeal, oats, rolled oats.

16. Herbs: white willow bark, meadowsweet, sweet clover. Courses 3-4 times a year for 10-14 days of admission.

17. Plain water. You need to drink it often, but in small sips.

The diet is necessarily enriched with fresh vegetables and fruits and juices. A variety of salads seasoned with vegetable oils are well suited.

The list of products that the blood thinning diet includes is shown in the table.

Type of productsList of food products and features of their action on the body

Tomatoes, beets, cabbage (especially sauerkraut), sweet peppers, cucumbers (mostly salted). These foods directly improve the rheological properties of blood, preventing the formation of blood clots in the heart and blood vessels.

Lemon, grapefruit, apples, pomegranate (acts in two ways: it reduces blood viscosity, but increases the number of formed elements), oranges and tangerines (to a lesser extent). Their blood-thinning effect is due to the alignment of the balance between the coagulation and anticoagulation systems of the blood due to the high content of trace elements and vitamins, especially ascorbic acid.

Fruit, vegetable, berry or their various combinations: tomato, apple, beet, beet-apple, cranberry, strawberry, currant, apricot, peach.

Beekeeping products:

Honey. It is a powerful regulator of all regenerative reactions in the body, including blood clotting.

Kalina, strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, black and red currants. Almost all berries in raw or in the form of juice are good blood thinners, as they contain a lot of useful substances and water.

Water regime:

Drinking enough water per day will ensure its retention in the vascular space. Against this background, natural blood thinning will occur, which is considered one of the most correct. As a liquid, you can use ordinary purified or alkaline mineral water, green and weak black tea with honey and lemon, juices, fruit drinks, decoctions medicinal plants, compote.

Aromatic substances and seasonings:

Capsicum, garlic, apple cider vinegar, dill, horseradish, cinnamon, mint, ginger. Especially worth noting is the effect of ginger, which can be used as a seasoning for ready meals or brewed as a tea. Do not use it too much due to the high risk of side effects.

Vegetable oils:

Their role in last years proven by multicenter studies. Oils such as linseed, olive, sea buckthorn, sunflower, and fish fat rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These compounds have an anti-atherogenic effect, reducing the manifestations of atherosclerosis and blood clots.

Products that increase or decrease blood clotting must be known in order to correct your daily routine. daily menu in accordance with individual features organism.

. .IT IS FORBIDDEN: ......... pork, beef, lard, jelly, chicken eggs, cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, mayonnaise, sausages, cookies, white bread, bananas, grapes, hard cheese, canned food, smoked meats, legumes (except peas and corn), alcohol, strong coffee and tea, chocolate with a high amount of cocoa, parsley, nettles, pomegranates.........................................................................................................CAN: herbal teas, or fruit drinks, or the best plain water ... a lot of water, chicken, rabbit, all kinds of fish, seafood, kiwi, bran bread (preferably yesterday), lean pastries ... without eggs and margarine, cereals (except rice), yogurt, kefir , dried fruits, vegetables and fruits, olive and linseed oil, apple cider vinegar, garlic, lemons, sunflower seeds, beets, cocoa, tomato juice. Berries: cranberries, raspberries, currants, strawberries, cherries, sweet cherries. Magnesium prevents the formation of blood clots, so do not forget about oatmeal, oatmeal, oatmeal. From spices - ginger. Herbs: wormwood, chicory, hazel, lungwort, meadowsweet (meadowsweet). Meadowsweet and lungwort can be brewed as tea, chicory leaves can be used for salad, lemon is useful ..., quail eggs.watermelon, hawthorn berries - for the most part, red berries liquefy everything well. But without fanaticism.

Anticoagulants include: olive and linseed oil, apple cider vinegar, garlic, lemons, sunflower seeds, beets, cocoa, chocolate, fish oil and fish, tomato juice. Berries: cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, currants, strawberries, cherries, sweet cherries.

Magnesium prevents the formation of blood clots, so do not forget about hercules, oatmeal, oatmeal. From spices - ginger. Herbs: wormwood, chicory, hazel, lungwort, meadowsweet (meadowsweet). Meadowsweet and lungwort can be brewed as tea, chicory leaves can be used for salad.
Black list of products: meat broths, sausages, canned food, smoked meats, cream, jelly, white bread. As well as lentils, wild rose, chokeberry, chokeberry, bananas and mangoes, walnuts, pomegranate and grape juices.

Meals by week

1-3 weeks of pregnancy

Gynecologists count pregnancy not from the day of conception, since it is almost impossible to calculate it, but from the first day of the last menstruation. Therefore, the first 2 weeks of the obstetric gestation period falls on the time before conception.

Pregnancy planning- this is an extremely important period, on which, whatever one may say, both the health of the unborn child and the absence of any complications during pregnancy depend. And so it turns out that proper nutrition before pregnancy is paramount. At this stage, it is very important to increase the amount of folic acid. Often doctors recommend drinking it in capsule form, but it is much better to get all the vitamins from normal food. . It is better to give up carbonated drinks and coffee, they also provoke heartburn. In general, the nutrition of a pregnant woman in the third trimester should be as diverse as possible, as the needs of the baby grow.

29-34 weeks

At 8 months, bones are actively growing and teeth are being laid, therefore, it is very important to eat as many calcium-containing foods as possible. For brain development, fatty acids are simply necessary, and it is they that contribute to the absorption of calcium. Iron deficiency at this time can lead to the development of anemia, both in the mother and in the child. Fatty fish, nuts, red meat, dark green vegetables and seeds are the foods to eat during this period of pregnancy.

35-40 week

Nutrition at the 9th, last month of pregnancy should contribute to the overall strengthening of the mother's body. After all, ahead of her is a very difficult and time-consuming work - childbirth. The main source of energy in the body are carbohydrates, and it is their consumption that should become the basis of the nutrition of a pregnant woman before childbirth. Porridges and vegetables are the foods that you should eat during this period.

That's all that can be said about trimester nutrition. An example of dinner, breakfast or lunch for pregnant women may also be useful.

A sample menu for the day might look like this:

  1. The first meal: black bread toast, a small piece of butter, a chicken egg, a glass of kefir;
  2. Second meal: Green salad, a glass of tea;
  3. Third meal: Chicken fillet, boiled potatoes, one pear, a glass of kefir or drinking yogurt;
  4. Fourth meal: Toast with jam or butter, a glass of juice;
  5. Fifth meal: Brown rice, boiled fish, vegetable salad, tea;
  6. Sixth meal: a glass of kefir or a small fruit.

Blood is one of the main biological fluids in the human body; human health depends on its composition, viscosity and consistency. Today, more and more often you can hear that the blood is too thick, that is, its viscosity is increased, this is evidenced by an increased indicator called D-dimer. Why does such a phenomenon occur? Why is it dangerous? Is it possible to normalize blood viscosity by changing your diet?

Thick blood - the reasons causing this phenomenon

In addition to a balanced diet, it is also necessary to eat foods that contain substances that help thin the blood. For such products
include:, aloe juice, white cabbage.

You should also be aware that there are physiologically determined conditions when the D dimer becomes elevated. For example, pregnancy, from the most early dates pregnancy, D-dimer constantly increases and by the end of pregnancy can exceed the initial level by 3-4 times. If pregnancy with complications (preeclampsia, preeclampsia), then the rate may be even higher. In any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist and not take medicines without a doctor's prescription.

There is no such disease as "thick blood". But this expression can be heard even from the lips of doctors. To know whether it is worth worrying in this case, you need to have a good understanding of what is at stake. What to do if there is thick blood

According to independent studies, the problem of thick blood worries today 99.9% of the population of our country. What is thick blood?
There is a certain constant: in terms of composition, blood should consist of 20% of blood cells and 80% of blood serum. In fact, the picture is quite the opposite: the blood of our contemporaries consists of 80% of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets and only 20% (or even less) of blood serum.

These changes lead to disruption of the processes occurring in all organs and tissues. The alarming fact is that this problem begins to progress from the earliest years, for example, thick blood is observed even in preschool children. Therefore, the age threshold for heart attacks, strokes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases has seriously decreased.

Causes of thick blood. Why does blood thicken?

There are a number of important factors that affect the state of the blood.

Even a schoolboy knows that blood is 90% water. We emphasize: not from compote, juice, tea or other drinks, but from water. When a person drinks chlorinated, dead water, or does not drink it at all, the body becomes acidic and the blood thickens.


Without a sufficient amount of enzymes, the complete breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and amino acids does not occur. As a result, incompletely oxidized decay products enter the blood and it becomes acidic, and erythrocytes stick together even more.

Vitamin and mineral deficiency

For the production of enzymes and hormones, the body needs a number of vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities (selenium, zinc, lecithin, vitamin C, etc.). If these substances are not enough, then the oxygen balance and blood microcirculation will be disturbed.

Increased blood clotting (a condition caused by the influence of many factors).
A large number of any blood cells. The reasons for this, as a rule, are quite serious, including cancer.

High blood glucose, which is common with diabetes. Blood literally resembles thick sugar syrup.
Acidosis (a condition that occurs with some common diseases).

Blood density may increase due to certain diseases of the blood, kidneys, as well as with a high dose of radiation and taking certain medications.

What is dangerous thick blood

If the blood is very viscous, it moves more slowly through the vessels, and in some places it can even stagnate (for example, in varicose veins). It is dangerous thrombosis. In addition, with slow blood circulation, organs and tissues experience a shortage of blood supply, which is fraught with the appearance of heart attacks and strokes.

Signs of increased blood density

As a rule, a person with thick blood experiences lethargy, drowsiness, decreased performance, shortness of breath, increased heart rate (tachycardia). But the most main symptom, which the body signals about this problem - thirst. If increased blood density is caused by dehydration, then simply drinking water almost instantly relieves a person of all unpleasant symptoms. But if there is enough fluid, and the symptoms of thick blood are still present, it is most likely a serious illness.

To thin your blood, follow these tips:

  • You need to drink a certain amount of water per day. The daily rate of water can be determined by the formula 0.03 liters multiplied by your weight. Drink only well-filtered or melted water.
  • Do not drink water during meals or immediately after meals. Water can be drunk only half an hour before a meal, or an hour after a meal, otherwise it will interfere with the proper processing of food, which will lead to acidification of the blood.
  • Eat garlic, it has been used for thousands of years in folk medicine as a blood thinner. Garlic is especially recommended for the elderly to improve blood microcirculation.
  • It is recommended to use artichoke in the diet to lower blood viscosity and remove toxic substances from the body.
  • To maintain acid-base balance, human nutrition must be balanced, preferably this proportion: 50% alkaline foods and 50% acidic foods. If the blood is very thick, try to eat 80% alkaline foods and only 20% acidic.

Alkaline foods include:

  • all cereals
  • potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, greens (except for sorrel and rhubarb), carrots, beets, zucchini, peppers, corn, turnips, pumpkins, Jerusalem artichokes
  • bananas, avocado, mango, sugar free lemon, pear, raspberry
  • milk, fresh whey, fresh cottage cheese,
  • weak decoction of chamomile, mint, lemon balm, linden, freshly squeezed potato juice
  • vegetable unrefined oil (olive, linseed, corn, mustard, sunflower)
  • black grain bread
  • almond
  • and even freshly brewed borscht

Acidic foods include:

  • all compotes, drinks, teas, coffee, cocoa, mineral, fizzy drinks
  • meat, fish, eggs, butter
  • yeast white bread, cakes, creams, all nuts (except almonds)
  • refined sunflower oil
  • tomatoes, eggplant, sorrel, onion, garlic, rhubarb, beans, peas, green peas
  • ryazhenka, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, mayonnaise
  • gooseberry, currant, cranberry, blueberry, mountain ash, grapefruit, strawberry, apricot, melon, plum, orange, pineapple, dried apricots, kiwi, dried fruits
  • honey, chocolate, sugar (any product to which sugar is added becomes sour after 10 minutes, even lemon)
  • crabs, shrimp.

The increased density of the blood fluid contributes to the development of thrombosis. Therefore, with it, experts recommend taking anticoagulants, the action of which leads to a slowdown in clotting, improved blood flow, and a decrease in the load on the heart muscle.

However, due to the frequent use of these drugs, the mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach is destroyed.

To prevent such conditions, you need to eat right. Products that thin the blood naturally contribute to the desired effect.

Why is there thick blood?

Experts identify many reasons why a person's blood can thicken. Some are directly related to the functioning internal organs, others - with lifestyle and nutrition.

Among the most common provoking factors are:

  • malfunctions of the spleen;
  • increased content in the diet of sugar and products containing it;
  • excessive consumption of fatty foods, which leads to a defective metabolism, cholesterol elements linger on the walls of blood vessels, resulting in clogging of the latter;
  • deficiency of zinc and vitamin C;
  • violations at work respiratory system;
  • increased physical activity;
  • pathology of the kidneys, against which the plasma begins to change, and blood viscosity increases;
  • malnutrition and consumption of tap water (to cleanse the body, large energy costs are required, as a result of which the enzymes involved in the formation of the plasma structure are present in insufficient quantities).

Thickening of the blood fluid occurs in the process of aggregation of red blood cells. This condition is facilitated by oxygen starvation of the blood, which can be caused by contaminated environment, actual oxygen deficiency or failures in the activity of the respiratory system.

The importance of blood normalization

According to statistics, in recent years, death occurs in many people due to diseases of the cardiovascular system, which leads to impaired blood circulation and increased blood density.

Thrombus formation is possible in the following cases:

  • all forms coronary disease hearts;
  • acute thrombophlebitis or chronic stage;
  • varicose veins;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • phlebothrombosis;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • transient ischemic attacks and stroke;
  • hypertension;
  • overweight;
  • high concentration of red blood cells and platelets in the composition of the blood fluid.

If there is one of the listed pathological conditions, it is necessary to take all possible measures to prevent thrombosis and help normalize blood circulation.

Why is it important to eat right

The body at varicose veins veins to strengthen vascular walls forced to do everything to thicken the blood. With this process, the level of fibrin protein increases, from which, in case of damage, a thrombus is formed.

Products whose action is aimed at thinning the blood fluid help strengthen blood vessels and prevent their expansion.

An excess of high-protein, low-carbohydrate foods in the diet leads to an increase in plasma alkalinity. Against this background, flakes appear in it, it acquires a thicker consistency and provokes the development of hypertension.

To reduce blood clotting, it is necessary to consume products of organic origin, which contain acid.

With thrombophlebitis, blood clots begin to form from the inner surface of the veins, which leads to venous inflammation.

The provoking factor in this case may be infection or bleeding during labor or surgery, which also affects the state of the blood fluid.

It will be useful to include in the diet foods that contain vitamin P, which helps to reduce clotting.

Most Effective Products

If an increased density of the blood fluid is diagnosed, it is necessary to change the diet, after consulting with a specialist first.

Green tea helps thin the blood. Its beneficial properties are aimed at strengthening blood vessels, which is especially important for varicose veins.

From spices it is useful to use garlic, ginger, cinnamon and others. These substances help to stimulate the production of blood cells, and also provide their increased activity in the bloodstream.

Any vegetable oil, with the exception of corn oil, has the ability to have an anti-atherogenic effect on blood formation.

In other words, its action is aimed at reducing the amount of cholesterol deposits, which also reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Propolis and honey are considered one of the most powerful biostimulants of all processes occurring in human body. Their peculiarity lies in the direct effect on the strength and elasticity of the vascular walls.

The list of the most effective products is presented in the table below.

Vegetables and greens

pepper salad
Jerusalem artichoke





Nuts and dried fruits

flax seeds
fenugreek seeds
sunflower seeds

Cereals and cereals

oat groats
millet groats
barley grits

Raw materials and seasonings



skimmed milk
natural yoghurt 2%

Cheese and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 0.6% (low fat)
tofu curd

Meat products



chicken fillet

Fish and seafood

sea ​​kale

Oils and fats

linseed oil
olive oil

Soft drinks

mineral water

Juices and compotes

Orange juice
Cherry juice
grapefruit juice
strawberry juice
cranberry juice
raspberry juice


You can reduce the concentration of cholesterol with the help of fruits rich in vitamin E. These include:

  • peaches and apricots;
  • plum;
  • bananas;
  • pears and dried apples.

Tocopherol, which is part of the fruit, promotes plasma thinning and prevents blood cells from sticking together. In addition, the action of this vitamin is aimed at strengthening and maintaining immunity.


One of the healthiest is the tomato. It is recommended to eat at least 4 fresh fruits per day. Also highly effective are:

  • cabbage;
  • beet;
  • zucchini;
  • cucumbers.

Pepper helps to activate blood flow, dissolve formed blood clots, stimulate metabolic processes and digestion.

To improve the supply of oxygen to the brain, reduce blood density, and relieve intellectual overstrain in a short period of time, experts advise including in the diet onion. Not less than useful properties also has garlic, which is also recommended to be consumed every day.


To achieve the maximum effect, it is better to use the remedy in the morning on an empty stomach. Raspberries also help lower cholesterol and have beneficial properties in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

If the patient suffers from increased blood clotting, he can eat almost any berry. AT summer period forest and horticultural crops are most in demand, in the winter season - viburnum.

What foods should be avoided

If blood clotting is diagnosed, in addition to including healthy foods in the diet, at the same time, harmful ones must be completely or partially excluded. These include:

  • fatty meats;
  • fried food;
  • broths;
  • dairy products with high content fatty acids;
  • Coffee and tea;
  • salt;
  • legumes;
  • buckwheat grain;
  • greens;
  • radish;
  • sorrel and spinach;
  • mango;
  • mulberry;
  • avocado;
  • juices from pomegranate or light grape varieties;
  • chokeberry;
  • blueberry;
  • cowberry;
  • currant;
  • mushrooms;
  • pasta;
  • confectionery products;
  • sausage and smoked meats;
  • seafood;
  • butter.

It is important to remember that the consumption of foods that contain vitamin K should be limited in the first place. Decoctions based on medicinal plants such as St. John's wort, yarrow, nettle and valerian also increase blood density.

How to eat to normalize blood

While following a special diet with high coagulability, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. Eat fractionally in small portions up to 6 times a day. The intervals between meals should be equal.
  2. When calculating daily allowance calories need to take into account factors such as body weight, age category, physical activity.
  3. Only boiled, stewed or steamed dishes are allowed.

It is important to include a large number of fresh vegetables, berries and fruits in the daily menu. Oatmeal is the perfect breakfast option.

Yogurt, cottage cheese and fruits are allowed as snacks. For lunch, you can eat soups cooked in lean broth, vegetable salads with the addition of vegetable oil, boiled fish.

Dinner should be light and include a vegetable salad and a small amount of protein food. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Products during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother undergoes many different examinations. Without fail, specialists must do laboratory tests that evaluate blood viscosity, since increased clotting can adversely affect not only the course of pregnancy, but also childbirth.

Thickening of the blood fluid most often indicates the development of any pathological abnormalities in the body, which can lead to complications not only in the pregnant woman, but also in the fetus.

At the initial stages of therapy, experts recommend changing the diet. Blood-thinning foods should be included in the diet. These include:

  • cinnamon;
  • ginger;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage;
  • millet and oatmeal;
  • high quality chocolate;
  • berries, fruits and vegetables allowed during pregnancy.

Eating the same foods every day is not recommended. The menu should be designed in such a way that it is varied.

With a negative reaction of the body to any product, it is removed from use.

  • baking;
  • sweets;
  • animal fats;
  • canned food and marinades;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • butter.

The consumption of high-fat sour-milk products, bananas, and potatoes should be reduced to a minimum.

Preventive actions

As a preventive measure to prevent an increase in clotting, it is necessary to eat right throughout life. It is also important to monitor the condition of the blood. To do this, you need to regularly do tests. It is useful to spend more time outdoors, especially in sunny weather.

After all, its main function is to transport nutrients, respiratory gases, hormones and much more. When the properties of blood change (thickening, acidification, increased levels of cholesterol or sugar), its transport function is disturbed and the course of processes in all organs changes.

Predisposing factors for an increase in blood viscosity development are:

  • an increase in the number of red blood cells, platelets and hemoglobin levels;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • insufficient fluid intake and dehydration;
  • blood loss;
  • violation of water absorption in the large intestine;
  • acidification of the body;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals involved in the synthesis of enzymes and hormones;

a large amount of sugar and carbohydrates in the diet.

The syndrome of increased viscosity leads to the fact that blood cells cannot perform their functions (for example, transport), and organs do not receive the necessary substances and do not get rid of decay products. Thick blood is hardly pushed by the heart through the vessels, it is prone to the formation of blood clots and a person develops various pathological conditions and diseases.

by the most dangerous consequences is prone to thrombosis. More often thrombosed coronary vessels and cerebral vessels with the development of myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke. It is also possible to develop hypertension, atherosclerosis, intracerebral and subdural bleeding. Timely detection of increased blood viscosity ( general analysis blood, hematocrit, coagulogram) allows timely treatment and correct nutrition in order to avoid serious complications.

An insufficient amount of amino acids in the diet, proteins, trace elements and unsaturated fatty acids causes an increase in blood viscosity. Based on this, the main food products in this state will be: sea fish, lean meat, sea kale, eggs, olive oil, linseed oil, dairy products. Anticoagulants are products that contain salicylic acid, iodine, vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids.

A blood thinning diet should contain some important micronutrients that affect platelet function.


The negative consequences of deficiency are increased platelet aggregation and excessive thrombus formation. Human nutrition is characterized by excessive salt intake and deficiency of potassium and magnesium, so magnesium deficiency is quite common. Since it enters the body with food and water, a diet enriched with magnesium (sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, wheat bran, rice, oatmeal, avocados, yogurts, seaweed, prunes) is recommended.

When compiling a diet, it is necessary to take into account not only its quantity, but also bioavailability. The maximum amount of magnesium contains fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts (only new crops). When preparing products (drying, canning, curing), the concentration of this element decreases slightly, but bioavailability is greatly reduced. There are natural mineral water rich in magnesium: "Batalinskaya", "Donat", Kislovodsk narzans, waters of Pyatigorsk (Lysogorskaya).


Plant foods rich in potassium: raisins, nuts, pumpkin, baked potatoes, seaweed, sardines, prunes, apricots, lean meats.


A low level of it increases the risk of thrombosis. It is found in many cereals, vegetables and herbs, meat products and offal (liver). The parallel use of foods rich in ascorbic acid (sweet and sour berries, citrus fruits, kiwi, sweet peppers, legumes) accelerates the absorption of iron.

Vitamin C

Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces the risk of thrombosis. The most effective in thickening the blood is tomato and tomato juice. For prevention purposes, lemons, eggplants, onions, cucumbers, lettuce, zucchini, turnips, squash should be included in the diet. However, vitamin C should be supplied within the normal range, since an excess of it contributes to an increase in viscosity.

Omega-3 PUFA

They have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antithrombotic effects. Positive effects are associated with their ability to cause vasodilation, reduce platelet activity, blood rheology and the tendency to thrombosis. Their required amount in the diet ranges from 0.5-1 g / day.

Amino acid taurine

Promotes blood thinning. Most of it is found in unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oil (linseed or olive), in shrimp, squid, tuna, shellfish, flounder. It will be sufficient to consume 3 times a week, 200 g of seafood.


It has a vasodilating effect and reduces platelet aggregation. It is enough to eat 30 g of nuts daily to reduce blood clotting. Nuts (pine nuts, almonds, cashews) also contain a large amount of protein and trace elements.

Contained in sea fish, sea kale, shrimps, trepangs, mussels. This element not only normalizes blood viscosity, but also reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Ready-made seaweed salads contain a lot of salt, vinegar and spices, it is better to buy dried and cook at your own discretion or add ground seasoning to all dishes.


Summing up the above, you can make a list of foods that thin the blood:

  • lemon;
  • garlic, onion;
  • tomatoes (tomato juice);
  • artichoke;
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • beet;
  • cucumbers;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • fish (trout, mackerel, herring, sardine, salmon) and fish oil;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • olive, linseed, rapeseed, walnut, sesame oil;
  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • oatmeal, oatmeal;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • cocoa;
  • cherries, raspberries, strawberries, pineapple, cranberries, gooseberries, lingonberries, dark grapes, currants, wild strawberries, blueberries, melons, citrus fruits, apricots, figs, peaches, apples.

Try not to abuse salt, include ginger tea, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Especially useful are natural grape juice (from red grapes), juices from orange, lemon, tomatoes, cranberries.

Excess weight is considered as a factor predisposing to increased blood clotting. In this regard, it is important to reduce the calorie content of food (1700 kcal / day) by eliminating refined carbohydrates (sugar, confectionery, jam, sweets, etc.).

Approved Products

The diet for thick blood provides:

  • replacement meat products fish and seafood and providing the body with a sufficient amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in marine fish. The basis of the weekly diet should be fish and seafood dishes. Give preference to fatty sea fish - salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel, herring, salmon, sardines, saury. It is enough to include fish in the diet 3 times a week. A useful addition would be seaweed, which can also be consumed dried.
  • Introduction to the diet of omega-3 fatty acids in the form of linseed, olive, rapeseed, mustard, walnut, sesame vegetable oils, which should be consumed in their natural form, and not in heat-treated.
  • Inclusion of at least 200 g of fresh fruits and 400 g of vegetables daily. You can eat red grapes, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, red peppers, cucumbers - they have a small amount of vitamin K.
  • Salicylates are rich in strawberries, gooseberries, cranberries, raspberries, cherries, beets, onions, garlic, citrus fruits (lemons come first), apples, prunes.
  • Prepare a side dish for meat and fish from carrots, zucchini, eggplant. If you eat potatoes, it is better in a peel and baked form.
  • To vegetable salads, add goutweed, bran, fenugreek, sesame and flax seeds, ground in a coffee grinder.
  • Vegetable soups, cabbage soup, beetroot, borscht. Eliminate meat broths, and do not fry soups.
  • The use of meat and poultry of low-fat varieties - it is enough to include them in the diet 2 times a week.
  • Useful turkey meat (it contains very little fat).
  • Bread rye and with bran. In homemade baked goods, it is better to add flax seed, bran or sesame seeds.
  • Milk and low-fat dairy products. Use sour cream and cream only in dishes. The weekly menu can include up to 4 eggs.
  • The use of oatmeal, corn, pearl barley, wheat groats and brown rice. Porridge can be cooked in water or milk.
  • The most important feature of the diet of people prone to thickening of the blood is the sufficient use of high-quality drinking water. With a limited intake of water in the body, thickening of the blood is noted.
  • Herbal teas (licorice, hawthorn, hazel leaves, sweet clover, sage) with lemon, ginger tea, citrus juices, any water without gas are useful. The amount of liquid you drink should be 1.5-2 liters per day.

Blood thinning foods: what to eat with thick blood?

When are blood-thinning foods needed? They can replace drugs of a similar effect. After all, taking blood-thinning drugs with the general name "anticoagulants" is accompanied by a high risk of developing side effects. Therefore, if possible, it is better for patients with a certain range of problems to make a bias towards a balanced diet with an abundance of anticoagulant products.

Topical Disorders

The current therapeutic direction for many diseases is a blood thinning diet. Special nutrition and pharmacotherapy can fight the pathological process of thrombus formation, which is frustrating general state and well-being.

Minimal changes in thrombotic homeostasis can be observed in the following diseases:

  • with varieties of ischemic lesions of the heart muscle, combined with overweight or obesity;
  • at acute thrombophlebitis and at the same process in a chronic form;
  • with varicose veins in the legs, phlebothrombosis and its complications in the form of post-thrombophlebitic syndrome;
  • after an episode of thrombotic embolism of a branch of the pulmonary trunk;
  • with atherosclerotic vascular lesions;
  • with transient ischemia in the brain, a history of ischemic stroke;
  • against the background of taking tableted forms of contraceptives of a hormonal replacement nature by women in active childbearing age;
  • blood thickening physiologically occurs during the bearing of a child, but sometimes pathological phenomena are observed during this period;
  • with a genetically justified increased tendency to thrombosis in arterial or venous blood;
  • in malignant hypertension.

Usually, the need for anticoagulant therapy using drugs or blood-thinning products occurs in people who have crossed the age limit of half a century. The likelihood of disorders in cardiovascular system directly increases with age, when blood clotting occurs due to natural aging. The urgency of these problems is increased for women and persons suffering from obesity and other metabolic disorders.

Anticoagulant Products

The blood-thinning food list is quite a lengthy sequence.

The conditions and diseases described above allow the use of therapeutic nutrition as an element of long-term systemic therapy.

Thick blood can change through simple actions, which is the best way to prevent thrombotic disorders while in any organ or the smallest vessel.

Nutrition for thick blood usually includes:

  • An extended vegetable component with an emphasis on tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh and sauerkraut. Vegetables dilute the blood biological environment due to the concentrated content of water, which can freely pass into the vascular bed.
  • The “shock” dose of vitamins necessary for blood thinning is found in pomegranate, ripe lemons and grapefruits. Trace elements in their composition level the balance between the thrombogenic and anticoagulant systems.
  • Many experts believe that vegetable and fruit juices head the list of remedies for increased thrombosis. These products allow the blood to thin due to the concentrated content of unbound water and vitamins in natural proportions.
  • It is impossible not to note the unique effects on the blood of all components of beekeeping. Honey has a restorative effect on all components of the rheological functionality of the blood.
  • Eat with viscous blood in large quantities useful berries. Kalina, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, black and red currants - all forest and garden berries support natural rheological homeostasis.
  • Some seasonings and additives that give flavor to dishes help restore the natural number of all blood cells of various sprouts. Heads of garlic, dill twigs, horseradish, ginger root, and capsicum are foods that thin the blood by naturally reducing concentrated blood cells.
  • As a result of recent scientific experiments, it turned out that vegetable oils of various origins produce a pronounced atherogenic and antithrombotic effect. When asked which foods thin the blood in the best way, a reliable answer appeared - olive, sea buckthorn and sunflower oils.

Products that thin the blood should be consumed in moderation.

What to give up

Rational nutrition with threats of blood clots does not include exclusively products that thin the blood.

The list of restricted products includes:

  • Fresh pastry products, in particular - white bread, sweet pastries.
  • Chocolate products and sweets, as well as cakes and pastries with buttercream.
  • Meals with an excess content of natural fats.
  • Dishes that are cooked using a large amount of sunflower oil through frying or deep-frying.
  • Sausages, smoked meats, rich broths from fatty meat.
  • Dairy products with a high percentage of fat content - fatty sour cream, butter.
  • It is important to exclude any types of alcoholic beverages from the diet - they are the main factor in exacerbating chronic diseases and the emergence of new pathologies.

It happens that a person cannot strictly limit himself and not use any product. In fact, a blood-thinning diet allows you to eat a balanced and varied diet.

What can you eat with thick blood

Slow flow causes oxygen starvation and creates blood clots that causes strokes and heart attacks. How to avoid it?

Your condition and the health of all organs depend on the state of the blood. Therefore, it is important to prevent slow blood flow. What to do if there is thick blood?

Foods for thick blood

Ordinary water is a wonderful remedy for thick blood. Drink at least 5 liters of fluid. Not tea, juice, milk, but water. Drink more when it's hot.

Foods that increase water in the blood:

  • olive and linseed oil;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • garlic;
  • sunflower kernels;
  • beet;
  • lemons;
  • chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 75%;
  • tomatoes;
  • berries-cranberries, raspberries, cherries;
  • ginger;
  • oatmeal;
  • fish.

Foods that cause thick blood:

  • rich m clear broths;
  • everyone's favorite for sausages and smoked meats;
  • cream;
  • white bread;
  • lentils;
  • rose hip;
  • chokeberry berries;
  • mango;
  • herbs - St. John's wort, valerian, nettle, yarrow, corn stigmas;
  • bananas.

Nutrition for thick blood

To prevent thick blood, exclude:

To lower blood viscosity, you need to move more, walk a lot, engage in physical activity.

Review your diet, it should contain everything: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements. Don't forget about the best complete protein - meat, but choose lean. There is also a lot of protein in fish, dairy products, eggs.

Drink a tablespoon of flaxseed oil. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and the prostaglandins produced from these acids lower cholesterol and thin the blood.

To reduce blood density, you need to eat more foods with taurine (this amino acid thins the blood). There is a lot of it in seafood and fish, the norm is 500 - 700 g per week. But prolonged heat treatment destroys taurine, so you need to take dietary supplements with taurine, after consulting with your doctor.

Proper food with thick blood

  1. It is useful to constantly eat seaweed without mayonnaise, without oil. It activates enzymes, increases the digestibility of proteins, phosphorus, iron, lowers unhealthy cholesterol. Before frequent use of seafood, you need to check the thyroid gland, donate blood for TSH hormones, SvT4 , AMT, TAT, to exclude contraindications to iodine-containing food.
  2. Nuts contain a lot of protein, calcium, potassium, magnesium. Walnuts, almonds, cashews contain the amino acid arginine, from which nitric oxide is produced. This substance reduces the ability of blood to clot and protects blood vessels from rupture.
  3. Every day you need to eat a tablespoon of germinated wheat seeds. They contain vitamin E, which enhances the effect of anticoagulants. Seeds must be dried and ground, and then added to food.
  4. Onions and garlic help increase water in the blood and protect enzyme systems from destruction by free radicals. Try to eat half an onion or a clove of garlic every day.
  5. Bell pepper tidies up blood vessels and blood flow. Vitamin C contained in pepper reduces blood clots.
  6. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which reduces blood clotting and reduces the risk of blood clots.
  7. In case of violation of coagulation processes, it is necessary to use zucchini, eggplant, pumpkin, turnip, lettuce, celery, cucumbers.
  8. It is undesirable to eat yogurt often, leafy vegetables, soybean oil, fish oil capsules. They contain vitamin K, which makes it difficult to control anticoagulants (drugs that increase water in the blood). In large amounts, vitamin K will help the blood's ability to clot.

Conclusion: Thick blood can lead to blood clots, which is not safe, so eat the right foods, drink plenty of water, eliminate bad habits, walk more and physically move.

What foods thin the blood

Who needs this information

The reasons why the composition of the blood changes are quite numerous. An increase in the activity of the coagulation system is affected by hormonal and age-related changes, the intake of specific drugs and, of course, malnutrition. Pay attention to your diet when:

  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • diagnosed ischemic disease of the brain and heart;
  • vascular atherosclerosis (especially obliterating, which can lead to gangrene and leg amputation);
  • obesity
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • increased clotting during pregnancy;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • excessive consumption of fatty and sweet food, as well as carbonated drinks and alcohol;
  • hereditary and acquired blood diseases (thrombocytosis, erythremia);
  • pathologies of the pancreas and liver.

In addition, a banal lack of fluid in the body can increase the density of blood. This condition occurs when dehydration occurs due to vomiting or diarrhea, as well as insufficient daily intake of water and other drinks.

Important! Age-related changes in the blood inevitably begin after 40 years. Women and overweight people are most at risk.

List of effective blood thinners

After diagnosing increased blood clotting, anticoagulants and other drugs with a similar effect are usually prescribed. However, they all have a number of contraindications and side effects. For example, aspirin is often the cause of stomach ulcers and vascular fragility. Therefore, after consulting a doctor, you need to review your usual diet and increase the proportion of the following products in it:

  • Of the vegetables, the most useful for thinning the blood are tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, sweet peppers, zucchini, eggplant, onions and cabbage (the latter is especially effective in sauerkraut).
  • Among fruits, preference should be given to all types of citrus fruits, since lemons, oranges and others are rich in ascorbic acid, which reduces blood viscosity. Plums, grapes and apricots are also recommended.
  • Almost all varieties of berries are useful for increased clotting. More often you need to eat fresh garden and forest berries in summer, and in winter - the fruits of viburnum.
  • Fatty fish varieties rich in valuable omega-3 acids. These include salmon, trout, salmon, as well as more budgetary mackerel, herring and sardine. Fish oil normalizes blood composition, and also reduces cholesterol levels and, accordingly, the risk of atherosclerosis.
  • Since taurine and iodine have a positive effect on blood concentration, thinning it, the daily menu should include any seafood and seaweed (it can be consumed both raw and dried seaweed powder).
  • Of the spices, cayenne pepper, horseradish, garlic, dill, ginger root, cinnamon and mint are useful. By the way, ginger can be used not only as a seasoning for meat, fish and pastries: tea with its addition also perfectly reduces the viscosity and density of blood.
  • Vegetable oils (especially sunflower, olive, rapeseed and linseed).
  • All dairy products.

Particular attention should be paid to the drinking regimen. Lack of fluid in the body naturally thickens the blood, so you need to drink plenty of water every day. Drinks recommended for increased clotting include tea (green and black), fruit juices and compotes, berry fruit drinks, herbal infusions. As for alcohol, it should be completely excluded from the diet.

What can't be eaten

Having included in the daily menu useful and most effective products for reducing blood viscosity, you must simultaneously abandon the harmful ones. These include, above all, fatty foods.

  • Any animal fat, as well as cream and butter from them, increase cholesterol levels and blood viscosity. Soups on a rich broth and pork for the second course are prohibited.
  • Sweet pastries and a variety of confectionery products are also contraindicated. An excess of fast carbohydrates increases blood concentration, and also contributes to the development of diabetes and obesity. Therefore, your favorite buns, cakes, cakes and white bread will have to be replaced with fruits from the list above, and honey should be added to tea instead of sugar.
  • We will have to give up tempting sausages, smoked meats, pickled and canned products.
  • It is not recommended to eat lentils, potatoes, walnuts, bananas and mangoes. They contain a lot of vitamin K, which increases blood clotting.
  • Alcohol should be completely excluded from the diet. It is believed that a glass of red dry wine a day will only benefit, but most doctors recommend refraining from taking any alcoholic beverages. In addition, high-quality wine is quite an expensive pleasure, and cheap wines are contraindicated even for perfectly healthy people.

Blood-Thinning Foods During Pregnancy and Vein Disease

A change in the hormonal background during the period of bearing a child very often affects the composition and concentration of the blood, while prescribing anticoagulants is quite dangerous. To reduce clotting, nutritional correction is usually applied. Pregnant women are advised to eat more products from the list of useful ones, with the exception of spices and spices (they can provoke placental abruption). With regard to the drinking regimen, there are also restrictions: an increase in the amount of fluid consumed often causes swelling.

With thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, spicy seasonings should be excluded from the list of allowed foods. Existing venous transformations with regular use of pepper and other hot spices progress significantly.

Diet correction is carried out only with the permission of the attending physician. In addition, combining a blood clotting diet with anticoagulants can lead to serious complications. Information about which foods thin the blood and a complete list of the most effective of them, if used correctly, will help prevent many dangerous diseases.

Thick blood - what to do? About nutrition with thick blood

Marina Kurochkina 20.04.2016

Blood is one of the main biological fluids in the human body; human health depends on its composition, viscosity and consistency. Today, more and more often you can hear that the blood is too thick, that is, its viscosity is increased, this is evidenced by an increased indicator called D-dimer. Why does such a phenomenon occur? Why is it dangerous? Is it possible to normalize blood viscosity by changing your diet?

Thick blood - the reasons causing this phenomenon

The blood can be highly viscous for several reasons, including abnormal liver function leading to an increase in plasma viscosity. Another reason that causes "thickening" of the blood is a change in the cell membranes of blood cells (erythrocytes, platelets), which causes the "gluing" of cells.

Thick blood moves much worse through the vessels, creates an additional load on the heart, increases the risk of blood clots in the blood vessels. Often the body responds to blood density with increased production of hemoglobin, so it is not uncommon for a combination of increased hemoglobin and increased rate D-dimer.

Thick blood - what to do?

Very often the question: “What to do if the blood is thick?” you can hear the answer: "Thin", but the term "blood thinning" is not, and a decrease in viscosity will have a bad effect on blood clotting. The most correct answer is “normalize blood viscosity”, that is, bring it to a physiological norm, so that the viscosity becomes less, and blood clotting is not affected.

To return the blood to a normal consistency, it is necessary, first of all, to balance the diet and adhere to the optimal drinking regimen. It is supposed to drink at least 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight per day. If you use compotes, tea, juice instead of plain water, then the amount of liquid you drink should be increased.

Nutrition for thick blood

As for nutrition, it should be as balanced as possible in all respects (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc.). The blood becomes thicker with a lack of proteins and amino acids, so the diet must include meat (low-fat varieties, turkey or chicken), fish (sea), dairy products and eggs. Especially valuable of all amino acids is taurine, so it is important to eat those foods where taurine is found in in large numbers(seafood, dietary supplements or vitamin complexes with taurine).

An equally important component of nutrition is fat. Fatty acids are an important component of the lipid membrane of blood cells. Normalization of the membranes of erythrocytes and platelets will prevent the "gluing" of cells. One of the most important substances is omega-3, it is part of some varieties of marine fish, and is also found in olive, linseed oil.

In addition to a balanced diet, it is also necessary to eat foods that contain substances that help thin the blood. These products include: ginger, onions, garlic, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, aloe juice, beets, chocolate (bitter). It is also important to maintain a vitamin balance, it has been proven that an excess of vitamin C and K contributes to blood clotting, and a lack of vitamin E also contributes to this. Therefore, it is important to balance the ratio of vitamins in the diet, vitamins C and K should be supplied in moderation (no more than the daily allowance).

In order to normalize the consistency of the blood, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that can contribute to thickening of the blood, these include: bananas, buckwheat porridge, chokeberry (chokeberry), nettle, white cabbage.

You should also be aware that there are physiologically determined conditions when the D dimer becomes elevated. For example, pregnancy, from the earliest stages of pregnancy, D-dimer constantly increases and by the end of pregnancy can exceed the initial level by 3-4 times. If pregnancy with complications (preeclampsia, preeclampsia), then the rate may be even higher. In any case, it is necessary to consult a specialist and do not take medications without a doctor's prescription.

Nutrition for thick blood

Blood plays an important role in the body. It transports nutrients, protects a person from disease, carries oxygen, and performs other functions. If the ratio of plasma concentration, i.e. the liquid part of the blood, and formed elements (leukocytes, erythrocytes, etc.) is disturbed towards the latter, then they speak of an increase in its density. A balanced diet with thick blood is one of the ways to normalize its chemical composition.

What can you eat when the blood is thick?

When the blood thickens, you should drink plenty of water. The minimum amount of liquid should be 2 liters. It is not recommended to replace water with tea, juice or coffee, because. they contain caffeine and other substances that promote the removal of fluid from the body. By replacing them with water, you contribute to dehydration and reduce the amount of plasma. Dairy products will be beneficial. They are suitable for normalizing the viscosity level, i.e. if the blood is thick, such products will make it more liquid, and in the opposite case, they will help in the development of shaped elements.

Doctors recommend taking citric or salicylic acid to reduce blood viscosity. These substances can be found in lemons, grapes, blueberries, cranberries, cherries, raspberries, and grapefruit. It is allowed to drink tea or water with lemon to normalize the amount of plasma. Include more berries in your diet. People with a healthy stomach are allowed to eat 203 cloves of garlic per day. This vegetable helps restore fluid balance in the body, although its use is associated with some discomfort.

Oily fish, nuts, and other foods high in healthy fatty acids will help bring blood composition back to normal. In addition, the use of meat and legumes with omega-3 is useful for the brain, which suffers from a lack of oxygen that develops against the background of an increase in the number of formed elements. It is plasma that carries air to all organs. When it is not enough, oxygen starvation occurs, cells and tissues begin to die.

Remember the balance of vitamins. K and C in large quantities can increase the production of red blood cells, which will lead to an increase in blood viscosity. A similar situation can be encountered if you do not consume enough vitamin E. For this reason, doctors recommend that all patients with elevated hematocrit levels balance the amount of vitamins in the diet.

First, you need to add seaweed to your diet. It promotes the digestibility of proteins, iron, effectively fights cholesterol. If you are considering switching to a seafood diet, we strongly recommend that you get tested for your hormones. thyroid gland. This is necessary in order to exclude iodine intolerance. To stabilize the amount of plasma in your blood, you can do the following:

  • Eat onions and garlic every day. Only raw vegetables should be consumed. And no, you should not eat only onions and garlic. It is enough to eat 1 clove of garlic or half an onion.
  • Eat sweet peppers. This advice is suitable for people with a normal amount of vitamin C in the blood. Sweet pepper improves the condition of blood vessels, which helps to improve blood flow.
  • Salads from cucumbers, pumpkins, celery, eggplants should be introduced into the diet.
  • Take fish oil capsules. Omega-3 is good for blood and brain. If you cannot eat oily sea fish due to an excess of vitamin K, then you can take preparations with their fat as an alternative.
  • Eat more nuts. They contain protein, calcium and various amino acids that have a positive effect on blood clotting.

What can not be eaten if you have thick blood?

Rich broths from fatty meat helps to increase the number of red blood cells. As a result, the plasma becomes smaller. If you regularly drink 200 ml of any alcohol, then blood viscosity will increase by 2.5 times. Fans of bananas, chokeberries and lentils are also under attack. because of them, the amount of plasma decreases. Cream, smoked sausages and pickles should be excluded from the menu if the viscosity of your blood exceeds the norm. It is strictly forbidden to use:

The amount of salt consumed should also be reduced. The situation is aggravated by smoking, taking certain medications, the presence of drug or alcohol addiction. In such situations, it is necessary to get rid of the root cause of changes in blood counts, i.e. bad habit or addiction.

Folk remedies to normalize blood viscosity

Decoctions and tinctures of various herbs can be introduced into the diet if you do not have allergies. But before starting such therapy, consult your doctor. Only he will be able to understand whether it is advisable for you to take certain herbs or it is better to refrain from it. Most often, traditional healers recommend taking the following herbs to normalize blood viscosity:

  • Melilot medicinal. It is drunk in the form of a decoction, brewing a teaspoon in a glass of boiling water.
  • Baking soda. It can be used to normalize the amount of fluid in the body if there are no problems with the kidneys. A quarter of the powder is diluted with a glass of water, and then slowly drunk.
  • Horse chestnut tincture. To prepare it, you will need to find chestnut fruits and purchase vodka. The fruits should be crushed and poured into a bottle. The ratio of chestnuts and vodka should be 1 to 3. The drug is infused for a week in a dark, cool place. It should be taken 30 drops 3 times a day. It is recommended to dilute the tincture with water to reduce the unpleasant aftertaste of the product.
  • Apple vinegar. Often it is added to various dishes and used for marinade. To normalize the viscosity, you need to dilute 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water. Take 1 time per day for several months. It is strictly forbidden to use this remedy for people with gastritis and high acidity of the stomach.

You should not try hard to thin the blood, especially when taking various medications. If possible, normalize your diet first. It is this that largely determines the composition of the blood. Drink plenty of fluids, keep an eye on the amount of vitamins, as well as the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And only 2 weeks after correcting the diet, take a second test for viscosity indicators. If they exceed the norm, then consult a doctor for prescribing medications.

Diet to thin the thick blood

An increase in blood viscosity can be caused by various reasons: diseases of the hematopoietic organs, an unbalanced diet, and even a lack of fluid in the body. The consequence of too strong thickening of the blood may be a deterioration in the work of the heart, circulatory failure (especially in the limbs), exacerbation of venous varicose veins. Usually, doctors prescribe anticoagulants to solve this problem. However, it can be solved much faster with the help of a properly selected diet.

How the diet works

First of all, a thick blood thinning diet should limit foods rich in vitamin K, which is a natural coagulant. Great importance also has the amount of water drunk, of which blood consists of 90%. You only need to drink clean water, without chemistry and impurities of heavy metals. Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices are also helpful. In the absence of gastrointestinal diseases, onions, garlic and spicy seasonings are useful.

The daily calorie content of the diet is limited, since excess weight creates an additional load on the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, slowly destroying them.

The forbidden list also includes foods that increase the level of cholesterol in the blood. It is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, reducing their permeability and worsening blood flow. But the list of products recommended for daily use will help strengthen the walls of capillaries and reduce blood viscosity.

Simple Rules

To increase the effectiveness of the diet, there are a few simple rules that must be observed throughout the entire period of treatment:

  1. The amount of liquid drunk per day should be at least 2-2.5 liters per day.
  2. It is useful to drink decoctions of herbs that help reduce blood viscosity: willow bark, sage, hawthorn, hop cones, sweet clover, hazel, horse chestnut.
  3. The daily calorie content of the diet should correspond to the physiological need, taking into account weight, age and level of physical activity.
  4. Nutrition should be fractional - 4-5 main meals, at approximately equal intervals.
  5. Snacks are not allowed. If you feel hungry, you can drink green tea, a decoction of herbs or a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
  6. With the additional intake of anticoagulant drugs, the diet must be agreed with the attending physician.
  7. The menu is compiled with the maximum use of the list of recommended products.
  8. It is advisable not to use such a method of cooking as frying in a pan with the addition of oil.
  9. It is also necessary to minimize the use of cooking fats and margarine.
  10. In the absence of medical contraindications, it is useful to include 150 ml of dry red wine in the daily diet.
  11. Especially useful are seafood and seaweed, which should also be on the menu in sufficient quantities.

For people suffering from varicose veins or having other problems with the patency of blood vessels or capillaries, physical activity with weights is contraindicated. However, performing simple gymnastic exercises, even with thick blood, activates blood circulation and promotes recovery.

Important advantages

The recommended diet is, in fact, a complete balanced system of healthy eating. It can even be used for leukemia - serious illness blood. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, promotes smooth weight loss, cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.

Reducing blood viscosity provides better blood flow. As a result, after applying the diet, headaches caused by vascular spasms disappear, sleep normalizes, and cellular respiration is activated.

The diet is easily tolerated, does not require the preparation of special dishes. In the initial stages of the disease, such nutrition can lead to the complete abolition of drugs.

Special menu

The blood thinning diet is based on the exclusion of foods that increase coagulation. At the same time, you need to eat as many foods as possible that reduce blood viscosity. The menu for the week is compiled independently, taking into account individual taste preferences. You don't have to cook any special dishes. The method of cooking is chosen arbitrarily.

Every day on the table should be present:

  • sour berries: cranberries, gooseberries, currants;
  • dark grapes and juice from it;
  • tomatoes and tomato sauces;
  • spicy seasonings: pepper, horseradish, mustard;
  • ginger, cinnamon, onion, garlic;
  • seafood, seaweed;
  • citrus;
  • raspberries, cherries, sweet cherries;
  • juice from aloe and Kalanchoe;
  • coffee and cocoa;
  • sunflower seeds.

Excluded from the menu:

  • leafy green vegetables;
  • alfalfa and dietary supplements from it;
  • soy and soybean oil;
  • encapsulated fish oil;
  • natural yoghurts;
  • bananas;
  • fat meat;
  • margarine and mayonnaise;
  • fresh white bread;
  • canned food and marinades;
  • lentils;
  • walnuts;
  • rich broths;
  • fried foods;
  • alcohol (except red wine).

The rest of the products are selected independently as part of the daily caloric intake of the diet.

An example daily menu might look like this:

  • Breakfast: porridge with milk or scrambled eggs; coffee; toast with raspberry jam.
  • Second breakfast: berry mousse.
  • Lunch: lean soup or borscht; a piece of lean meat with a side dish of porridge or pasta; tomato salad.
  • Afternoon snack: cranberry jelly; ginger tea.
  • Dinner: seafood platter; vegetable salad with olive oil; cocoa in milk