Ointment "Levomekol" from herpes on the lips - indications and contraindications. Magic skin - Doctor Eskin! Levomekol ointment helps with herpes

Ointment "Levomekol" is used by doctors for purulent wounds, during the healing of sutures, after operations. Levomekol from herpes is also often used. The product contains penicillin and a reparant, they help cleanse and heal.

What does it consist of?

The ointment includes several components: methyluracil and chloramphenicol. These components have an antibacterial effect. Contribute to the restoration of damaged parts of the skin and the healing of wounds.

The medicine has a uniform structure and density. The drug can be purchased in different packaging, it can be an aluminum tube or various types of jars.


Levomekol kills microbes when a virus enters. Chloramphenicol removes most of the harmful microorganisms. The drug helps with staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli. Also used for herpes. Many dermatovenereologists prescribe a remedy for patients with herpes, because it restores the affected cells, kills the infection. The medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Herpes is viral infection, which is in the patient's body, affects tissues in certain places, and this medicine helps even with large skin lesions.

The drug is used only externally. Levomekol must be applied to the affected areas of the skin in medical gloves, then wash your hands. Places of application should be covered with a clean cloth. It is recommended to apply the ointment 1-2 times a day. Basically, the effect of the ointment appears within 5-10 days.

With all the advantages of the drug, it cannot completely cope with the herpes virus. But with the ointment, the disease will pass much faster.


Ointment is used in preventive measures, as well as in the treatment of various diseases. It cures many infectious diseases such as herpes and others. The tool slows down inflammation and kills bacteria. The ointment prevents swelling and removes pus from wounds, helps with ulcers, burns, furunculosis and other injuries.

Do not use for those who are allergic to the components. It is not forbidden to use the medicine for pregnant women, but you need to discuss this with your doctor. People who are allergic to chloramphenicol note redness on the skin, rash, itching.

It is not recommended to mix with other drugs that are applied externally. It is necessary to prevent the drug from getting into the eyes, mouth. If this happens, you should immediately rinse your eyes or do a gastric lavage.

The drug combined, has a good antimicrobial effect in gram-positive and gram-negative infections, in addition, promotes rapid healing of wounds. Is an ointment white color with a specific smell. Available in tubes (40g) or jars (100g and 1000g).

Does levomekol help with herpes? To answer this question, you need to understand what it is. Herpes, or as it is also called "cold" on the lips, is a viral infection accompanied by a rash in the form of small blisters. As a rule, most often this disease affects the lips and skin around the genitals, which is associated with the contact route of transmission. There are no special complications with "cold on the lips", but the disease causes extreme dissatisfaction with the aesthetics of the face and inguinal region in patients.

Levomekol from herpes on the lips is very effective and gives a good therapeutic result after a few days of use. After all, one of the main indications of this ointment is the treatment of purulent inflammatory wounds. Many dermatovenereologists prescribe levomekol ointment to patients with herpes, because, in addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, the ointment also has regenerating (due to the methyluracil drug included in the ointment) and antibacterial (chloramphenicol) effects, which are very effective in the treatment of herpes.

Levomekol is used exclusively as an external agent. It is also effective for thermal and chemical burns of the skin. The ointment is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin with sterile gauze pads or sterile medical gloves.

It should be remembered: herpes is a viral infection that is located directly in the patient's blood, but affects only certain areas of the skin, and an ideal cure for it has not been found, which means that it is necessary to treat herpes not only by local effects on the skin, but also by taking strong antiviral drugs (acyclovir , docosanol, etc.).

It is also necessary to observe preventive measures when in contact with sick people or during casual sexual intercourse. Such measures include the use of condoms and washing the skin of the lips with solutions of strong antiseptics (for example, Miramistin).

The fight against herpes modern medicine leads various means and drugs. One of the methods of preventing this disease is.

"Herpes appeared? Anaferon will help!" This is what the advertisement for this drug says. However, not every patient knows about.

A slight tingling on the lips, a gradual itching, small rashes in the form of bubbles - all these are manifestations of herpetic.

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Levomekol for herpes

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Ointment "Levomekol" is used by doctors for purulent wounds, during the healing of sutures, after operations. Levomekol from herpes is also often used. The product contains penicillin and a reparant, they help cleanse and heal.

What does it consist of?

The ointment includes several components: methyluracil and chloramphenicol. These components have an antibacterial effect. Contribute to the restoration of damaged parts of the skin and the healing of wounds.

The medicine has a uniform structure and density. The drug can be purchased in different packaging, it can be an aluminum tube or various types of jars.


Levomekol kills microbes when a virus enters. Chloramphenicol removes most of the harmful microorganisms. The drug helps with staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli. Also used for herpes. Many dermatovenereologists prescribe a remedy for patients with herpes, because it restores the affected cells, kills the infection. The medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Herpes is a viral infection that is in the patient's body, affects tissues in certain places, and this medicine helps even with large skin lesions.

1-2 times a day during the day and the result will not keep you waiting

The drug is used only externally. Levomekol must be applied to the affected areas of the skin in medical gloves, then wash your hands. Places of application should be covered with a clean cloth. It is recommended to apply the ointment 1-2 times a day. Basically, the effect of the ointment is manifested during the day.

With all the advantages of the drug, it cannot completely cope with the herpes virus. But with the ointment, the disease will pass much faster.


Ointment is used in preventive measures, as well as in the treatment of various diseases. It cures many infectious diseases such as herpes and others. The tool slows down inflammation and kills bacteria. The ointment prevents swelling and removes pus from wounds, helps with ulcers, burns, furunculosis and other injuries.

Do not use for those who are allergic to the components. It is not forbidden to use the medicine for pregnant women, but you need to discuss this with your doctor. People who are allergic to chloramphenicol note redness on the skin, rash, itching.

It is not recommended to mix with other drugs that are applied externally. It is necessary to prevent the drug from getting into the eyes, mouth. If this happens, you should immediately rinse your eyes or do a gastric lavage.

Levomekol can be bought at a pharmacy. Store the medication in a dry and dark place.

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Levomekol with herpes on the lips

Levomekol is an ointment that has restorative, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and has been used to treat various dermatological diseases for over 10 years. It is applied externally and, due to its unique properties, effectively heals any damage. skin and eliminates the manifestations of purulent infections.

This tool is used not only in the treatment of herpes on the lips. Levomekol also helps to eliminate papular and pustular rashes, cysts and even barley.

Pharmacological action of the drug

Herpes on the lip Active substances ointments have a complex effect on the affected areas of the skin. Possessing antibacterial properties, levomekol is able to destroy and prevent the reproduction of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, which in turn greatly speeds up the patient's recovery process.

This principle of action of this remedy is especially relevant in the treatment of type 1 herpes, when the elements of the rash burst and, together with the fluid contained in them, the infection spreads to the rest of the patient's skin.

The ointment contains a special substance - methyluracil - it locally stimulates the immune system, accelerating the regeneration of affected tissues. The use of the drug in the fight against herpes on the lips or other parts of the body in just 5-6 days completely removes the signs of inflammation and returns the skin to a healthy appearance.

Indications for use

General indications

Levomekol helps to get rid of the external manifestations of such dermatological disorders as:

  • dermatitis;
  • cuts, wounds, abrasions;
  • diaper rash;
  • herpes symptoms;
  • weeping eczema;
  • ingrown nail;
  • bedsores;
  • pimples; pustules;
  • streptoderma.

The ointment is often used to eliminate signs of a herpes infection on the lips. Unfortunately, the drug itself cannot completely cure the disease itself. In this case, its main action is to accelerate skin regeneration and healing of lesions. Therefore, levomekol for herpes is used already when there is a decline in the infectious process. It is recommended to use this product in combination with some kind of drying cream.

With otitis, sinusitis

Levomekol is also actively used for the treatment of various inflammatory processes in the external area. ear canal. For this purpose, a gauze tourniquet richly soaked in ointment is placed in the auditory passages for 12 hours. Similarly, the remedy is also used in the treatment of sinusitis, only in this case the ointment is placed in the nasal passages of the patient.

Ways to use the remedy

Intended for external treatment only. It is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin, covered with several layers of sterile gauze or a clean cloth. Sick areas must be treated 1-2 times a day until the wound surface is completely cleansed (usually this process takes from 4-5 to 10 days).

The ointment should be stored in the refrigerator, warm to room temperature before use. Only then can the product be applied to the prepared swab. After treatment of the affected surface, the wound is fixed with a bandage. The tampon is changed as it is filled with necrotic masses and wound contents.

During pregnancy and lactation

It is allowed to use Levomekol during pregnancy and lactation, since when used locally, it does not penetrate the circulatory system (with a small area of ​​​​damage), and therefore does not affect the body systemically. This remedy during pregnancy and lactation is used in such cases:

  • treatment of otitis media and sinusitis;
  • treatment of acne, insect bites, abrasions, ingrown nails, cuts, etc.

In childhood

Since this ointment is relatively safe medicine, it is allowed to use it for the treatment of children of any age, and if necessary, even for newborns.

Usually, levomekol treats the surface of the umbilical wound, abrasions and bites, cuts and pustules, including those that occur on the skin at the injection site after vaccination. Also, this drug is perfect for the prevention of suppuration of various childhood injuries - bruises, scratches, abrasions, torn or broken nails, etc.

Adverse reactions, contraindications

The use of the ointment can cause allergic reactions in the form of a skin rash. In this case, it is worth stopping treatment with this remedy and taking appropriate measures against allergies.

The composition of the drug includes chloramphenicol, so it is forbidden to use levomekol for people who are allergic to this substance. Otherwise, allergic symptoms such as itching, skin flushing, rash may occur.

If the ointment gets into the mouth or eyes of the patient, it is urgent to rinse this area under running water.

Reviews of the medicinal ointment "Levomekol"

For such a long period of use this remedy earned an excellent reputation. The opinion of the majority of patients who have tried the effect of this drug on themselves is extremely positive, since it has really proven its effectiveness in combating various injuries, wounds, injuries, and some purulent infectious skin diseases.

Due to its excellent healing properties, levomekol has become a real salvation for parents whose children constantly break their knees, get hurt or scratched on various objects. In most cases, grateful parents also leave positive reviews about this exceptional tool.

Levomekol ointment against herpes, method of administration and dosage

Description of Levomekol

Levomekol ointment is a well-known drug that has been used in medicine for several decades. This is a combination drug that has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, is used topically. The ointment actively affects gram-positive and gram-negative infections, and also helps the rapid healing of wounds. It consists of two main active ingredients - chloramphenicol and methyluracil, they have a regenerating effect, thereby eliminating inflammation and promoting healing. In addition, the composition of the ointment contributes to the fact that the body produces natural immunostimulants. For this reason, Levomekol is used not only for bacterial infections, but also for viral ones. The drug penetrates well into the tissues, providing a quick effect.

Indications for use, application

The main indications for which Levomekol is prescribed are:

  • festering wounds
  • Infectious skin lesions
  • Furunculosis
  • Certain types of eczema
  • Herpes.

In addition, in certain cases, the drug is prescribed for lichen, as well as burns and bedsores.

The medication is used externally, applying a thin layer to the affected area, covering it with a layer of gauze or applying a bandage. In the treatment of purulent wounds, gauze swabs are impregnated with medicine and applied to wounds; also, if necessary, the ointment is injected into the wound through a catheter. The procedures are carried out 1-2 times a day, during the day, the doctor decides whether to continue further treatment.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Levomekol ointment has two main contraindications - this is allergic reaction on the components of the drug and intolerance to levomikol. As a rule, the ointment practically does not cause adverse reactions and is considered completely safe. In rare cases, itching or redness of the skin may occur.

Features of herpes

Herpes is a common viral pathology that can be caused by more than 200 types of herpes viruses. Most often, the disease manifests itself on the lips and genitals, in other parts of the body it is much less common. The disease is manifested by extensive sores on the skin. The herpes virus is very easily transmitted, for example, by kissing, through household items or sexual contact. To the most common reasons, causing herpes, rank:

  • Weakened immunity
  • hypothermia
  • Viral and bacterial diseases
  • stress
  • Avitaminosis.

Herpes therapy is a rather complicated process, in many respects its success depends on the early start of treatment. However, today there is a large number of antiviral drugs that suppress symptoms and prevent the development of the disease. In addition, Levomekol ointment is also a proven remedy for herpes.

Levomekol for herpes

Levomekol from various kinds herpes is prescribed by many specialists as an anti-inflammatory and regenerating agent. Methyluracil, which is part of the ointment, promotes healing, accelerates the growth of new cells, and also stimulates immune system, which increases the production of antiviral substances, which is so important for such an ailment as herpes. Chloramphenicol, in turn, eliminates inflammation, and additional substances help the ointment to quickly penetrate the skin.

The drug directly affects the affected area, eliminating inflammation and removing pus. In particular, the drug helps well at the initial stage. Many experts recommend using an ointment in combination with any drying agents in the treatment of herpes, this contributes to the rapid healing and decline of the disease. To avoid infection on the affected areas of the lips, the ointment should be applied with a gauze pad or use sterile gloves. Apply the ointment 1-2 times a day, for 5-7 days.

Herpes can occur not only on the lips, but also on other parts of the body, including the genitals. Therefore, the use of Levomekol, along with other drugs, is also appropriate for genital herpes. After hygiene procedures the ointment is applied to the affected area several times a day, the treatment lasts days.

It must be remembered that in the treatment of herpes, in order to achieve a quick result, it is necessary to use complex treatment. Parallel to local preparations It is also supposed to take antiviral drugs.

Does Levomekol help with herpes on the lips

Levomekol is a wound healing external remedy in the form of a white ointment with a specific smell. It was developed in the 70s of the previous century by Soviet scientists. Since then, the drug copes well with inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin, including purulent ones. Some use Levomekol for herpes on the lips and claim that the remedy is very effective.

The action of the ointment

  • Methyluracil - accelerates the process of wound healing and regeneration of skin cells.
  • Chloramphenicol is an antibacterial component.

The tool has the ability to act on most bacterial infections is detrimental. It is a favorite post-surgery remedy as it stops inflammation, prevents pathogens from entering the wound, and stimulates healing. Levomekol copes even with such resistant microbes as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and coli, staphylococcus.

Regeneration is achieved due to the fact that active ingredients penetrate deep into the skin and participate in the synthesis of new cells, as well as accelerate the metabolism in them. In addition, the product has a dehydrating effect. It draws out excess fluid, thereby removing swelling.

Methyluracil is also considered an immunostimulant. This allows it to influence the body's production of interferon, a substance that has an antiviral effect. The ointment does its job well, even if there is a large amount of dead tissue and pus.

Levomekol and herpes

Is it possible to smear herpes with Levomekol? Will it give any result? You probably noticed that the remedy is an antibiotic, and since the herpes infection is viral in nature, it is not intended to treat it. At the same time, people who used this ointment for a "cold" on the lips are satisfied. Why is this happening?

All thanks to the properties of the drug.

Although they do not affect the virus itself, it acts quite effectively and quickly on its manifestations on the surface of the skin. If you start using Levomekol for herpes, then expect the following result:

  • the drug will not allow the rash to spread;
  • it will reduce swelling;
  • remove inflammation and pain;
  • draws liquid from the bubbles, thereby drying them;
  • accelerate the healing of wounds.

However, the drug does not affect viral activity in any way. For this reason, a recurrence of herpes may soon occur, it is possible that in the same place.

Mode of application

Using Levomekol is not at all difficult. It is enough to apply the ointment to the affected area of ​​​​the skin 3-4 times a day. Some do it more often, especially at the initial stage, to avoid the development of a sore. Such treatment is quite acceptable.

The ointment is applied in a thick layer on the rashes themselves and on the area around them. This must be done with washed hands and preferably cotton swab so as not to spread the infection to healthy areas of the skin. The ointment is applied first to healthy skin, then, along a narrowing circle, to the diseased one.

It is impossible for the product to get into the eyes or on the mucous membrane of the mouth. If this suddenly happened, then you need to rinse them thoroughly with running water.

If the use of Levomekol as an antiherpes remedy does not improve, or even the situation has worsened, antiviral drugs cannot be dispensed with. Moreover, it is desirable to use them from the very beginning of treatment. This way you will contain the infection and prevent it from recurring again in the near future.

Shingles treatment. Reminder!

Video. Genital herpes. The doctor says!

If the "cold" on the lips rarely bothers you, then you can safely use Levomekol. However, in cases where it occurs constantly and seemingly for no reason, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist or immunologist. Perhaps you will be prescribed a series of tests to find the true cause of what is happening, because herpes is a symptom that some negative processes are taking place in the body.

Ointment "Levomekol" from herpes on the lips - indications and contraindications

Ointment "Levomekol" for external use is widely used in medical practice. It helps to heal wounds, including purulent ones, and restore the natural balance of soft tissues. The pharmaceutical preparation was developed in the 1970s by Soviet scientists. It contains substances that have an antibacterial effect. They have a complex effect on the affected areas of the skin, inhibiting the activity of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Effectively apply "Levomekol" from herpes of the 1st type. The ointment prevents the spread of infection in the form of bubbles with liquid to healthy areas of the skin of a sick person. Often it is combined with drying drugs.

The composition of the ointment Levomekol

"Levomekol" is available in aluminum tubes or in 100-gram and kilogram glass jars. The agent has a homogeneous thick consistency of white or yellowish color. The medicine has a double effect on wounds, since it contains such active ingredients:

  • Methyluracil is an element that activates processes in tissues. Promotes cell regeneration. The substance relieves puffiness and eliminates the lack of fluid. It helps well with burns, bursting calluses, dermatitis, bedsores, boils, diaper rash, herpetic eruptions.
  • Chloramphenicol is an antibacterial substance that can disrupt the synthesis of proteins in microorganisms. It gives an anti-inflammatory effect, as it kills pathogenic microbes.
  • Polyethylene oxide is an additional component that simplifies the process of uniform distribution of the product over the surface.

The components of the ointment contribute to the body's production of a natural immunostimulant - interferon. It is effective not only against bacterial infections, but against herpes. The drug does not destroy the virus, but has a beneficial effect on the surface of the skin. "Levomekol" from herpes on the lips:

  • reduces swelling;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • blocks pain and discomfort;
  • prevents the rash from spreading to healthy areas;
  • draws purulent fluid from the vesicles;
  • dries up sores;
  • accelerates wound healing.

How to use Levomekol for herpes

"Levomekol" for herpes on the lips is used externally. There are some recommendations on how to properly smear it:

  • Wash the hands.
  • Apply a thin layer of the gel on and around the diseased area of ​​​​the skin.
  • The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day. At the initial stage of the development of the disease - as often as possible.
  • It is necessary to treat sore spots until complete recovery. The course of treatment is from 4 to 10 days.
  • Avoid contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth and organs of vision. Otherwise, it is necessary to wash the eyes and stomach.
  • If after application the condition has not improved, additionally take antiviral drugs for colds.
  • Doctors recommend combining the ointment with drying agents.

The drug is also used for genital herpes. It is applied to diseased areas of the body after hygiene procedures several times a day for a week. The success of therapy largely depends on the timing of the start of treatment.

The medicine for herpes "Levomekol" is stored in a dark, cold place. Before use, it must be warmed to room temperature.

Can Levomekol ointment be used for children?

Infections caused by herpes viruses can affect not only adults, but also children. Today, doctors know about 200 varieties of pathogens. Characteristic features are extensive sores on the skin that can appear in different places. The reasons why herpes occurs are different:

  • weak immunity;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • a consequence of diseases caused by bacteria and viruses;
  • stressful state;
  • avitaminosis, manifested in the spring.

"Levomekol" is safe medicinal product. It is prescribed for adults and children, even newborns. Ointment is treated with umbilical wounds, injection sites, abrasions, cuts, bruises, broken nails, abscesses, insect bites, which very often happens in childhood. It is not only curative but also preventive.

"Levomekol" during pregnancy and feeding

Doctors allow the use of ointment during pregnancy and lactation. Its substances do not penetrate into circulatory system human and do not affect the body systemically.

The drug is effective for the treatment of herpes in young mothers. However, it is advisable to consult a specialist before use.

Contraindications for the use of Levomekol ointment

"Levomekol" can not be used if there are allergic reactions to the action of the drug or its individual intolerance. Doctors prohibit the use of the drug in such cases:

  • if there is sensitivity to methyluracil or chloramphenicol;
  • in case of fungal skin diseases;
  • in the presence of scaly lichen, eczema.

"Levomekol" is a proven combined remedy that is used in complex treatment herpes. The substances in its composition eliminate puffiness, relieve inflammation and regenerate the affected areas of skin tissues. The drug has many advantages over other medicinal ointments.

  • It is suitable for pregnant women and children of all ages.
  • Effectively treats any type of herpes, including genital.
  • Easy to use.
  • Virtually no side effects.
  • The minimum list of contraindications.
  • Affordable.

The use of Levomekol for herpes: the principle of the ointment, recommendations for use

Levomekol is a combined pharmaceutical preparation designed to treat inflamed areas of the epidermis with signs of suppuration. The tool was developed by Soviet scientists and to this day is successfully used for the healing of skin injured during surgical intervention or as a result of illness.

However, the spectrum of action of the drug is aimed not only at stimulating regeneration processes. Treatment with Levomekol can significantly reduce the time of therapy for herpes, as well as prevent the addition of secondary infections.

Mechanism of action

The harmful agents of herpes both with Levomecol and without it equally retain their ability to reproduce, since the main components of the drug are not able to suppress viral activity. It is optimal to use such an ointment after the spontaneous opening of numerous vesicles with serous fluid, which in the future will help stop the spread of the rash and reduce pain patient.

As part of the medication, the following substances are declared:

  • methyluracil, which accelerates the rate of recovery of damaged tissues and improves their trophism, penetrating into the surface layers of the skin;
  • chloramphenicol is an antibiotic that has a stable effect on gram-negative microbes, but loses its effectiveness with prolonged use;
  • polyethylene oxide is an auxiliary element, due to which the procedure for uniform application of the product is greatly simplified.

Interacting, the listed components literally destroy pathogenic microorganisms and traces of their activity, thereby productively stopping the development inflammatory process, which is especially important in the treatment of herpes.


Dermatologists often prescribe Levomekol for herpes, referring to its pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, which are indispensable within complex therapy diseases.

Given the nature of the origin of the skin disease, it is important to remember that Levomekol cannot cope with the herpes infection itself.

Its use is justified not at the time of the initial manifestation of an itchy rash, but at a time when the activity of viral microorganisms is on the decline.

Mode of application

Levomekol is available in the form of a thick white ointment, packed in dark glass containers or aluminum tubes. The medicine is intended for external use only, therefore, if it gets on the mucous membranes of the mouth or eyes, it is necessary to rinse them thoroughly under running water.

The drug is characterized by a texture that is convenient for application and involves up to 3-4 repeated treatments of a herpetic rash during the day according to this algorithm:

  1. lesions are pre-cleaned with a mild antiseptic solution that does not contain alcohol or aggressive acids;
  2. it is not recommended to smear the product with your hands - it is better to use sterile wipes or cotton wool, well-soaked with a therapeutic composition;
  3. prepared lotions are applied to the injured areas, leaving a thin layer of medication on the skin until completely absorbed.

Levomekol for herpes is an additional tool that helps to improve the patient's well-being and quickly cope with the symptoms of infection, preventing complications.

For a direct impact on the virus, you will need to use drugs from pharmacological group antiviral agents.


Is it possible to use such an effective ointment in the treatment of herpes in young mothers during the lactation period or pregnant women who often suffer from this dermatological scourge due to hormonal changes in their body? Levomekol has no categorical contraindications in this regard and is allowed for use by agreement with the doctor, even in children over the age of three.

Of the contraindications note:

  • hypersensitivity to chloramphenicol or methyluracil;
  • the presence of fungal diseases of the skin (mycoses);
  • scaly lichen (psoriasis);
  • eczema.

The occurrence of adverse reactions of the body is possible only during a long course of use medicinal ointment(over 7 days). As a result, the patient may experience signs of contact sensitization.

If the signs of a cold on the lips bother the patient quite rarely, then Levomekol in his home first aid kit will not extra drug. However, in cases of regular relapses, you should seek the help of specialists from medical center. This is necessary in order to carry out diagnostic measures that allow you to accurately identify the causes that cause exacerbation of herpes. The bubble rash characteristic of him is nothing more than a disease that manifests itself in conditions of reduced immunity, which needs to be explained as soon as possible.

Ointment "Levomekol" for external use is widely used in medical practice. It helps to heal wounds, including purulent ones, and restore the natural balance of soft tissues. The pharmaceutical preparation was developed in the 1970s by Soviet scientists. It contains substances that have an antibacterial effect. They have a complex effect on the affected areas of the skin, inhibiting the activity of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Effectively apply "Levomekol" from herpes of the 1st type. The ointment prevents the spread of infection in the form of bubbles with liquid to healthy areas of the skin of a sick person. Often it is combined with drying drugs.

"Levomekol" is available in aluminum tubes or in 100-gram and kilogram glass jars. The agent has a homogeneous thick consistency of white or yellowish color. The medicine has a double effect on wounds, since it contains such active ingredients:

  • Methyluracil is an element that activates processes in tissues. Promotes cell regeneration. The substance relieves puffiness and eliminates the lack of fluid. It helps well with burns, bursting calluses, dermatitis, bedsores, boils, diaper rash, herpetic eruptions.
  • Chloramphenicol is an antibacterial substance that can disrupt the synthesis of proteins in microorganisms. It gives an anti-inflammatory effect, as it kills pathogenic microbes.
  • Polyethylene oxide is an additional component that simplifies the process of uniform distribution of the product over the surface.

The components of the ointment contribute to the body's production of a natural immunostimulant - interferon. It is effective not only against bacterial infections, but against herpes. The drug does not destroy the virus, but has a beneficial effect on the surface of the skin. "Levomekol" from herpes on the lips:

  • reduces swelling;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • blocks pain and discomfort;
  • prevents the rash from spreading to healthy areas;
  • draws purulent fluid from the vesicles;
  • dries up sores;
  • accelerates wound healing.

How to use Levomekol for herpes

"Levomekol" for herpes on the lips is used externally. There are some recommendations on how to properly smear it:

  • Wash the hands.
  • Apply a thin layer of the gel on and around the diseased area of ​​​​the skin.
  • The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day. At the initial stage of the development of the disease - as often as possible.
  • It is necessary to treat sore spots until complete recovery. The course of treatment is from 4 to 10 days.
  • Avoid contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth and organs of vision. Otherwise, it is necessary to wash the eyes and stomach.
  • If after application the condition has not improved, additionally take antiviral drugs for colds.
  • Doctors recommend combining the ointment with drying agents.

The drug is also used for genital herpes. It is applied to diseased areas of the body after hygiene procedures several times a day for a week. The success of therapy largely depends on the timing of the start of treatment.

The medicine for herpes "Levomekol" is stored in a dark, cold place. Before use, it must be warmed to room temperature.

Can Levomekol ointment be used for children?

Infections caused by herpes viruses can affect not only adults, but also children. Today, doctors know about 200 varieties of pathogens. Characteristic signs are extensive sores on the skin, which can appear in different places. The reasons why herpes occurs are different:

  • weak immunity;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • a consequence of diseases caused by bacteria and viruses;
  • stressful state;
  • avitaminosis, manifested in the spring.

"Levomekol" is a safe drug. It is prescribed for adults and children, even newborns. Ointment is treated with umbilical wounds, injection sites, abrasions, cuts, bruises, broken nails, abscesses, insect bites, which very often happens in childhood. It is not only curative but also preventive.

"Levomekol" during pregnancy and feeding

Doctors allow the use of ointment during pregnancy and lactation. Its substances do not penetrate into the human circulatory system and do not affect the body systemically.

The drug is effective for the treatment of herpes in young mothers. However, it is advisable to consult a specialist before use.

Contraindications for the use of Levomekol ointment

"Levomekol" can not be used if there are allergic reactions to the action of the drug or its individual intolerance. Doctors prohibit the use of the drug in such cases:

  • if there is sensitivity to methyluracil or chloramphenicol;
  • in case of fungal skin diseases;
  • in the presence of scaly lichen, eczema.

"Levomekol" is a proven combined remedy that is used in the complex treatment of herpes. Substances in its composition eliminate puffiness, relieve inflammation and regenerate the affected areas of skin tissues. The drug has many advantages compared to other therapeutic ointments.

  • It is suitable for pregnant women and children of all ages.
  • Effectively treats any type of herpes, including genital.
  • Easy to use.
  • Virtually no side effects.
  • The minimum list of contraindications.
  • Affordable.

Levomekol from herpes on the lips is a popular external drug, the purpose of which is to fight infection, relieve inflammation. His beneficial features aimed at the rapid healing of wounds.

The drug can be bought at any pharmacy, it is widely used to treat various diseases.

Useful properties of the ointment:

  • antibacterial effect;
  • removal of inflammation on the skin, itching;
  • fight against gram-positive, gram-negative infections;
  • healing of abrasions, scratches;
  • use in surgery in the treatment of deep postoperative wounds;
  • barrier to infection.

The positive properties of the ointment are closely related to the composition.

It includes the following components:

  • chloramphenicol - aimed at the destruction of viruses;
  • polyethylene oxide - an auxiliary substance, helps to evenly apply the ointment.
  • methyluracil - an immunostimulant, helps to speed up the processes of cell regeneration, relieves inflammation.

Thanks to the components, Levomekol removes bacteria, actively fights viral infections.

Action on the herpes virus

Levomekol for herpes can be prescribed by a dermatologist as part of complex therapy.

FROM herpetic infection the drug will not cope, but will quickly eliminate its manifestations on the skin.

More than 200 types of viruses can cause herpes. Appears on the lip or genitals in the form of ulcers of small diameter.

The disease can be transmitted through kissing or sexual contact, through hygiene products or dishes. One of the causes of herpesvirus can be viral, bacterial diseases.

Treatment with ointment helps at the initial stage.

If the virus manifests itself regularly, it is necessary to conduct an examination, as prescribed by an immunologist and a dermatologist. This will determine the cause that provokes the development of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

  1. According to user reviews, Levomekol on the lip can be combined with drying agents and applied 1-2 times a day. This action will speed up healing. The course of treatment is designed for 5-7 days. Together with the drug, antiviral drugs should be taken as prescribed by the doctor.
  2. If herpes appeared on the labia, the ointment is applied to the affected area with sterile gloves 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-12 days.

Ointment Levomekol from herpes has the following effect:

  • hinders further dissemination sores;
  • reduces puffiness;
  • eliminates pain;
  • has a pulling anti-inflammatory effect;
  • effectively dries the wound;
  • speeds up the healing process.

The drug should be used at the first manifestations of the disease, until the rash has spread to other areas.

A direct effect on the virus involves the introduction of drugs of the pharmacological group into therapy.

Application rules

Levomekol is usually used to reduce the activity of viral microorganisms. According to the instructions, the drug should be applied topically up to 3-4 times a day. Herpesvirus treatment includes the following steps:

  1. Wipe the inflamed focus with an antiseptic that does not contain alcohol.
  2. Apply a thin layer of ointment to a sterile bandage in an amount sufficient to cover the wound.
  3. A napkin with ointment is gently applied to the lip, leaving the composition until completely absorbed into the skin.

It is forbidden to get the substance on the mucous membrane of the mouth and eyes. In such cases, the affected area should be washed with water. Before use, the drug should be stored in the refrigerator. Before use, it must be warmed to room temperature.

Contraindications and side effects

Ointment Levomekol has the following contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • the presence of mycoses;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis.

No side effects were found during pregnancy and lactation. Applicable to children over 3 years of age. But in both cases, it is better to consult with your doctor.

According to user reviews, Levomekol can help newborns with abrasions, scratches with wounds formed at the injection site.

Side effects and an allergic reaction to the components are as follows:

  • profuse rashes on the skin;
  • burning;

If such symptoms appear, stop using the drug and replace it with another one. Mostly adverse reactions occur with prolonged use (up to 10 days in a row).

According to the results of examinations, many parents are satisfied with the ointment. She helped with the healing of umbilical wounds, pulled out strong suppurations, had a positive effect on various infectious diseases, herpes.

Levomekol ointment in the treatment of herpes has a number of advantages: it is suitable for young mothers, children of any age and helps with the removal of herpes in any part of the body.

The drug "Levomekol" for herpes on the lips acts very quickly, eliminating unpleasant manifestations, and also effectively fights the causative agent of the disease. The drug simultaneously acts as a reparant and an antibiotic, while it has practically no contraindications and rarely causes side effects. The drug has a wide range of applications.

Composition and action

It is important to start therapy when the first symptoms appear - this will help to achieve an immediate result. "Levomekol" - a remedy for local use, which is available in the form of an ointment. The composition of the medicine includes several components:

  • chloramphenicol;
  • dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine;
  • polyethylene oxides 400, 1500.

In the treatment of herpes, the drug acts on the body as follows:

  • eliminates the inflammatory process;
  • stimulates the production of interferon;
  • for a long time does not cause resistance of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • relatively quickly absorbed, starting to act from the inside;
  • raises local immunity;
  • in the microorganism cell inhibits protein biosynthesis;
  • limits the zone of infection;
  • promotes rapid tissue repair;
  • fights germs equally effectively, even if pus is present;
  • blocks peptidyltransferase, stopping the growth of bacteria;
  • eliminates pathogenic microflora;
  • relieves swelling and eliminates other unpleasant symptoms of the disease;
  • actively fights against various bacteria (gram-positive and gram-negative, both aerobic and anaerobic);
  • activates metabolism at the cellular level.

When are they assigned?

"Levomekol" is prescribed for pathologies in various areas:

How to use "Levomekol" in the treatment of herpes and doses?

Ointment "Levomekol" for herpes on the lips is used by applying it in a thin layer to the affected area. It is important to avoid getting the drug inside on the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, eyes. To prevent this from happening, you can not lick your lips and rub your eyes after applying the drug. Features of use medication indicated in the table:

Contraindications and side effects

Despite its relative safety, it is not always possible to smear "Levomekol" from a cold on the lips.

Contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • age up to 3 years;
  • hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug;
  • psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema;
  • skin diseases caused by fungal infections.

Side effects that sometimes cause the use of the drug:

  • itching, burning;
  • allergic reactions;
  • general weakness;
  • local, angioedema;
  • urticaria, skin rashes;
  • hyperemia.