Forest life. Environmental ties

  1. Consider plants of a mixed forest in the herbarium. Determine them using the atlas-determinant.
  2. According to the drawing of the textbook, get acquainted with the diversity of living organisms in the forest. Name them by covering the signatures with a strip of paper, and then check yourself.

1. Spruce. 2. Aspen. 3. Pine. 4. Squirrel. 5. Woodpecker. 6. Oriole. 7. Oak. 8. Silkworm: butterfly and caterpillar. 9. Bark beetle. 10. Thrush. 11. Boar. 12. Euonymus. 13. Boletus. 14. Vole. 15. Soil animals. 16. Forest mouse. 17. Earthworm. 18. Weasel.

  1. Use this picture to describe the ecological connections in a mixed forest.
  2. What is a forest? Try to define. Test yourself against the text of the textbook.

What is a forest

Everyone imagines a forest. But if you ask: “What is a forest?”, not everyone will easily answer. In any forest, the main plants are trees. There is no forest without trees. But the forest is not only trees. The forest is a complex unity of living and inanimate nature.

Shrubs and grasses grow in the forest, many animals live. There are also mushrooms here. Plants provide food and shelter for animals, and animals distribute the fruits and seeds of plants. Mushrooms help trees grow and serve as food for many animals. We see that living organisms in the forest are closely interconnected, live together, together. Together they form a natural community.

The life of the forest community depends on inanimate nature. So, sunlight, air, water are necessary so that plants can create nutrients in their wonderful "kitchen" and feed themselves and animals.

Forest life is impossible without soil. Plant roots, mycelium of mushrooms are located here, many small animals live. Very tiny organisms that you cannot see without a microscope live in the soil - bacteria. They are an important part of the forest community.

  • According to your observations, tell me what plants, animals, mushrooms are found in the forests of your region.
  • Build a food chain model for a forest community in your area. Ask a roommate to check your work. If necessary, correct the error by modifying the model.
  • Familiarize yourself with the plan for studying the natural community. We will use this plan in the following lessons. According to the same plan, we will characterize the studied natural communities.

Natural community study plan

  1. Community name.
  2. What organisms make up a community.
  3. Ecological connections in the community.
  4. The meaning of the community for the individual.
  5. Human influence on the community.
  6. Community protection.
  • Read the text. Use the information you have learned to talk about ecological connections in the forest community.

Fallen leaves and other dead parts of plants form forest litter on the soil surface, which plays an important role in the life of the forest. Under the action of bacteria, it gradually rots, enriching the soil with humus. This is how the cycle of substances in the forest is maintained. The work of bacteria is facilitated by insects and their larvae, which also live in the forest floor and crush it. The remains of plants crushed by them rot faster. Scientists have proven this with such experience. Forest litter was collected in two identical vessels. In one vessel it contained bacteria, insects and their larvae, and in the other - only bacteria. In the first vessel, the litter quickly turned into dust and rotted, while in the second it was preserved for quite a long time.

  • As given on p. 165 plan, give a description of the forest community. When disclosing points 4-6, use the knowledge gained in the lesson "Forest and Man".

Let's discuss!

What violations of ecological ties can occur in the forest through the fault of man? Where it leads? What should be done to avoid such violations?

check yourself

  1. What is a forest?
  2. Why is the forest called the unity of animate and inanimate nature?
  3. What groups of organisms make up the natural community of the forest?
  4. How are the inhabitants of the forest related to each other?

Homework assignments

  1. Write in the dictionary: natural community.
  2. In the book "The Giant in the Glade" read the stories "Forest Paths", "Into the Forest for Berries", "Pity the Birches". Analyze your behavior in nature: were there any actions for which you are ashamed, or those that you are proud of.
  3. Watch the life of the forest. Use the identification atlas to recognize its inhabitants.

In the next lesson

Let's get acquainted with the natural community of the meadow, compare the meadow and the forest. Let's learn how to behave properly in the meadow.

Remember your observations in the meadow. What plants and animals live there? How is a meadow different from a forest?

Subject: "The world around"

4th grade

Lesson topic: FOREST LIFE

The program "The World Around Us" ("The World Around Us") author A.A. Pleshakov

textbook "The world around us" grade 4, author Pleshakov A.A. 2006

Lesson Objectives:

The study of the natural community "forest" as a complex of organisms living together.

To develop in students the ability to reveal the connections of organisms with each other, with the environment and man

To develop the cognitive activity of children, the ability to work in a group, the ability to observe, generalize, draw conclusions.

Cultivate a love for nature, a sensitive attitude towards animals.


Table "Tiers of the forest", illustrations of animals, multimedia presentation depicting the objects under study;audio recording "Sounds of the forest", design work children.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Repetition of the material covered

Answer the test questions.


1. Humus is:

A) the top, fertile layer of the earth; B)decayed remains of living organisms;C) a valuable type of soil in Russia.

2. A participant in soil formation is:

A) a mouse B) mole; AT) earthworm.

3. The upper, fertile layer of the earth is:

A) soil B) humus; B) black soil

4. 1 centimeter of soil is formed for:

A) 30 years old; B) 300 years; C) 3000 years.

5. The most valuable type of soil in Russia:

A) podzolic; B) chernozem; B) marsh.

Score___________ Checked by _________________

Mutual check

III. Reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson

Hello, forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

What are you making noise about?

Dark, stormy night?

What are you whispering to us at dawn,

All in dew, as in silver?

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, don't hide it!

You see, we are ours!

I think you guessed after listening to the poem: where are we going to go today in the lesson?

Today we go to the forest againreveal its secretsand look at the life of its inhabitants, we will play the role of researchers of nature, its defenders.

We opened notebooks and wrote down the topic of the lesson: “Forest Life”

IV. Working on a new theme

Ecologists call the forest a natural community. Think what this means?

And how such different animals and plants can coexist in the same forestwe will be told in more detail by the groups that have conducted research on this issue.

1) Performance of the first group.

The forest can be compared to a multi-storey building. Each "floor" has its own plants and animals. The lightest will be the "attic", located in the crowns of tall trees. Up here, the leaves always face the sun upside down. Fresh greens attract insects. Hundreds of caterpillars live under the very roof of the forest - future butterflies, many May beetles. At this height permeated by sun and wind, many songbirds raise their chicks, squirrels hide their nests among the foliage.

Trees form two tiers? (The upper tier consists of tall, light-loving tree speciessuch as: oak, pine, spruce, poplar,

Shade-tolerant trees belowapple tree, rowan, bird cherry.

The floor below is not so bright. Shrubs grow here.

Shrubs are also divided into two tiers. (Shrubs and shrubs.).

Plants such as hazel, viburnum, euonymus can be attributed to this floor.

Shrub - a layer of shrubs, young undergrowth.

Currants, wild roses, blueberries are found here.

On the lower "floors" of the forest are mosses and lichens, herbs and mushrooms.

Scientifically, forest "floors" are called tiers.

Did you know that the roots of plants are also arranged in tiers. Which plant roots do you think are closer to the surface and which are deeper? Why? (2 min. children in groups prepare an answer)

III. Physical education minute

Now let's take a break and imagine ourselves as trees.

The cape is entering the forest. How many miracles are around here!

(looks right, left)

Hands raised and shook - These are trees in the forest.

Hands bent, brushes shaken - The wind knocks down the dew.

Hands to the sides, gently wave - These are birds flying towards us.

How they quietly sit down P we will render - the wings are folded back.

Bent over and sat down

They sat quietly to study.

After the children answer, show the slide "Forest Tiers"

Micrototal: So, from what we heard, we can say that plants and animals in the forest settle "by floor". Some go up to the "attic", others go down to the "basement", that is, underground. What does it depend on? It’s clear with plants - shade-tolerant ones are lower, light-loving ones are higher, and animals? ...

(It depends on how these animals have adapted to life on their “floor”: how do they move, what do they eat, how do they protect themselves from enemies?)

2) The second research group will tell us about animals.

The entire forest - from the tops to the ground - is inhabited by animals. let's try“Settle the animals of the forest in their “apartments”.

Birds (jays, thrushes, woodpeckers, orioles, etc.) live on trees. Here they build their nests and find their food.

Mice, hares, foxes, bison, elk, roe deer, deer, wild boars, wolves lead terrestrial life.

Life is also in full swing in the soil - leather beetles, insect larvae, earthworms and many other insects.

The food chains in the forest are intertwined into a complex food web.

Among mammals, the food chain is made up of herbivorous mouse-like rodents and hares, as well as ungulates, due to which there are predators: weasel, ermine, marten, fox, wolf.

So, the forest is a habitat for large and small animals, harmless and predators. Everything in the forest is interconnected.

The importance of different groups of animals in the forest community is not the same. The disappearance of, for example, large herbivorous ungulates: bison, deer, roe deer would have little effect on the overall ecosystem, since their numbers have never been large and have not played a significant role in the general circulation of substances. But if herbivorous insects disappeared, the consequences would be very serious, since insects perform an important function of pollinators, participate in decomposition processes and serve as the basis for the existence of many subsequent links in food chains.

The process of self-regulationin the forest, it manifests itself in the fact that the entire diverse population of the forest exists together, without completely destroying each other, but only limiting the number of individuals of each species to a certain level. The importance of such population regulation in the life of a forest can be seen from the following example. Several hundred species of insects feed on oak leaves, but under normal conditions, each species is represented by such a small number of individuals that even their common activity does not cause significant harm to the tree and forest. Meanwhile, all insects are highly prolific. The number of eggs laid by one female is rarely less than 100. Many species are capable of producing 2-3 generations per summer. Consequently, in the absence of limiting factors, the number of any kind of insect would increase very quickly and would lead to the destruction of the ecological system.

We talked about plants, animals, and mushrooms? They do not belong to these groups.

What do you think is the importance of mushrooms in the life of the forest? Do forests need mushrooms?

Let's read about it on page 179 of the textbook.

How are trees and mushrooms related? What mushroom is considered the best assistant plants? (Fly agaric.) What else does the forest need mushrooms for?

Without mushrooms, many trees would have had a hard time. Mycelium entangles the roots of trees with their thin threads, helping them to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. But they do it not disinterestedly. In return, myceliums receive other nutrients from trees that they cannot produce themselves - sugar and starch. Thus, mushrooms and trees become partners that benefit each other.

Animals help each other, but how does a person influence the forest or does the forest affect people?

3) Let's listen to what the third group has prepared for us.

We want to remind everyone of the rules of behavior in the forest.

Savage in the forest

mistress squirrel in the forest

Collected nuts.

She is in the forest that every bitch

And every bush knew.

Once upon a time in the woods a nasty guy

Came with a big bag.

Carelessly kicked a mushroom

And swore loudly.

Began to bend the hazel - broke,

Pinched the branches under the arm,

Found one nut - plucked,

Broke the second and third...

He threw away the bush and, like a bear,

Went satisfied.

And the poor squirrel and watch

It hurt.


Indeed, everything that we see around is in a very fragile balance.

V. Summing up the lesson and marking.

Why is a forest called a natural community?

(Read the conclusion on page 181.) Let's write the conclusion in a notebook.

All the inhabitants of the forest - plants, animals, fungi, microorganisms - are closely interconnected, they live together, as if together. Therefore, the forest is called a natural community.



To use the preview of presentations, create an account for yourself ( account) Google and sign in:

1. Imagine that you are entering the forest. A poem by V. Rozhdestvensky will help you with this.

When you enter the forest, fragrant and cool,
Among the spots of sunshine and strict silence
Meets your chest so joyfully and greedily
The breath of wet herbs and aroma.
Your foot slides on a scattering of needles
Or rustling grass, shaking off drops of dew.
And the gloomy canopy of broad-legged
Intertwined with foliage and young.
Hello, haven of peace and freedom,
Unpretentious forest of the native north!
You are full of freshness, and everything in you is alive,
And you have so many mysteries and wonders!

What forest are you in? Prove it. Underline the names of the trees mentioned in the text.

We ended up in a mixed forest, as conifers (pines, spruces) and deciduous trees (alder, birch) mixed here.

Write what other trees you can see in such a forest.
In such a forest you can still see - larch, aspen, linden, maple, oak, elm, fir.

2. Fill in the table.

Forest dwellers.

3. What animals of the forest are mentioned in riddles? Cut out their images in the Appendix and stick them next to the puzzles.

What kind of forest animal
I stood up like a column under a pine tree
And stands among the grass -
Ears bigger than head?
Answer: hare
He looks like a sheepdog.
Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs, baring his mouth,
Ready to attack the sheep.
Answer: wolf
Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread high.
Answer: Moose
This resident at a clear time
Without a lantern climbs into a hole.
Likes to work only in the dark.
He wears a brown suede coat.
Answer: Mole
I wear a fluffy coat
I live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak
I chew nuts.
Answer: Squirrel

4. Write what is the role of mushrooms in nature.

  • They absorb moisture from the soil with salts and give it to the trees.
  • In them, insects lay their larvae.
  • They like to collect and eat people.
  • Forest nurses. Engaged in the circulation of organic substances, destroy plant residues.
  • Animals feed on them.

5. Compose and write down 2 - 3 food chains characteristic of the forest zone.

Boletus - Wood mouse - Weasel
Spruce - Bark beetle - Thrush

Swap notebooks with a classmate. Check each other's work.

6. Sign the names of the mushrooms, use the atlas-determinant.

Technological map of the study of the topic "FOREST - natural community" The world around.

4th grade teacher Vorobieva Natalya Sergeevna


Forest life. The forest is a natural community.

The purpose and objectives of the topic

1) Introduce children to the concepts of “natural community;

2) Show the relationship between all components of the natural forest community;
3) To form a careful attitude towards nature;
4) Develop cognitive activity, the ability to reason, express your thoughts.

Planned result

Cognitive Skills:

-plan their activities, compare and select the necessary information; analyze, group; justify your opinion; be able to convey content in a compressed, selective form.

Regulatory Skills:

- perform the task in accordance with the rule.

- determine their own assessment criteria, give self-assessment, mutual assessment.

Communication skills:

Participate in the work of the group, assign roles, negotiate with each other.

Item Skills:

-select relevant information, educational material; prove the correctness of your answer.

Personal Skills:

Appreciate and accept the basic values ​​\u200b\u200bof "kindness", "careful attitude".

Basic concepts


The forest is a natural community.

Intersubject communications

Russian language, world around, literary reading, technology


- basic

- additional

Textbook "The world around", part 1.A. A. Pleshakov


Power Point presentation "Forest is a natural community"

Map "Natural zones of Russia"

Poster "Forest Life".

Sources of additional literature.

Space organization

Work frontal, individual, group

Carrying out technology

Educational and developmental tasks of each stage

Formation of UUD

Teacher activity



Stage 1. Organizational

Target- motivating students to learning activities by creating an emotional environment

I stage. Organizational

Emotional mood.

The bell rang, we begin our lesson.

Today we have guests, let's greet them, they came to see how capable, hardworking you are, throughout the lesson they will observe your activities and appreciate your work ... Let's try!

Personal UUD

Communicative UUD

Get the kids to work.

Greet guests, teachers and each other. Get ready for work

Stage 2

Examination homework

Let's start our work with checking D / z

Page 77 test number 24 (writing on the board) - 6 minutes to work

They turned their eyes to the screen. In the last lesson, we studied the topic ...

Let's fix the bugs... SLIDE 2

Soil is the top layer of the earth. There are few soil types. Tundra soils are the most fertile. Swampy soils predominate in our region. Salts are responsible for soil fertility. Soils do not need protection.

Cognitive UUD

Work progress control

Independent (individual) activity

Stage 3. Knowledge update

Target- update knowledge

II stage. Knowledge update

Implementation in educational activities.

I want to invite you there today

Where is goodness and miracles

If you are careful, children,

Discover these wonderful secrets ...

Well, ready to learn new and unknown ...

"Learn by description"

In this zone favorable conditions for animal life: enough food, it is not difficult to hide, build a nest or a hole. Not only animals, birds, insects live here, but also frogs, toads, snakes.

What natural area are we talking about?

Show on the map the Forest Zone? Compare its area with other zones.

What do you remember about this zone? What forests are found there?


Read these words, discuss in groups what these words are, prove from which word they were formed?

* Determine the TOPIC of the lesson, GOALS of the lesson

A picture of the forest is displayed.

Personal UUD

Regulatory UUD

Communicative UUD

Turn on students

to the discussion of problematic issues.

Create a problematic situation through which students could name the topic of the lesson, determine goals.

Dialogue with the teacher

Participate in the discussion of problematic issues, to formulate personal opinion and justify it.

Stage 4

Discovery of new knowledge.

Target- search and discovery of a new mode of action

IV stage. Discovery of new knowledge.

SLIDE 4 - student reading

- There are coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests.

There are dense and sparse forests, dry and wet. In some, thick mosses cover the soil, while in others, green grasses. Some are filled with the chirping of birds, while others are silent ... Why?

Discuss in groups and give your answer: What determines the diversity of forests (climatic conditions, economic activities of people ...)

Consider our forest- what is he rich with ... (drawing up a diagram on the board)

Guys, how animals, plants, mushrooms live in the forest in relation to each other

What does together mean, pick up synonyms ...

***Forest is a NATURAL COMMUNITY (fill in the topic of the lesson).

Communicative UUD

Cognitive UUD

Regulatory UUD

Organize student work



for the implementation


Turn on students

to the discussion of issues.

Realize mutual control and render necessary mutual assistance in cooperation Participate in the discussion of issues formulate own opinion and argue his.

Stage 5 Application of new knowledge.

Target - teach how to apply knowledge in a practical task;

V stage. Application of new knowledge.

group work(rules for working in groups).

- Recall the rules of working in a group

- Let's make an algorithm for completing the task (writing on the board)

2. Discuss

3. Run

4. Check

5. Speak

Today we have a meeting with biologists, zoologists, researchers, scientists, ecologists, and botanists.


Group 1 - c178 compose (draw) "Forest floors". Tell. Give examples.

Group 2 - pp178 - 179 Divide into groups “Who lives where”, give examples.

Group 3 - Make a food chain.

Group 4 - p179 the meaning of mushrooms, why mushrooms are needed.

Group 5 - str180 Forest litter - what it consists of, the role in the life of the forest.

Group 6 - draw up a memo "Rules of conduct in the forest."

Group presentation - post student work on the board.

Conclusion - teacher's reading.

One artist decided to paint a forest.

What is a forest? he thought. Of course, trees!

He painted birches, firs, pines and aspens, oaks and lindens. Yes, how similar to the real ones they turned out - the branches are about to sway. And in the corner, as expected, he drew an old forest man. I hung the picture, and after a while I saw dry trunks on it.

This is not a forest! - I heard the voice of an old forest man from the corner of the picture. - Without flowers, without herbs - not a forest!

The artist painted grass and flowers, but the forest dried up again.

Did you draw insects? – the voice of the woodsman was heard again. The artist painted insects, but they covered all the trees.

Birds are needed, and also - bushes and berries, - the old forest man did not let up. The artist also painted them, but the forest is withering anyway.

Draw a toad and a lizard!

The artist agreed and finished painting many different animals. It was dark, and the artist decided to turn on the light, but suddenly there was a crackling of branches and someone's snorting.

Here is the forest! - said the old man-forester and disappeared. Or maybe he didn’t disappear, but hid behind a bush or tree. After all, thousands of people are hiding in it. And all together they are the forest.”


Regulatory UUD

Communicative UUD

Cognitive UUD

Organize group work



for the implementation


Realize mutual control and render necessary mutual assistance in cooperation

Evaluate correct execution of tasks.

Stage 6 Reflection of educational activity

Target - to teach to analyze their own activities, the activities of students, to evaluate

VI stage. Reflection of educational activity.

What is the educational task before us?

Have we completed it?

Why is a forest called a natural community?

Let's hear from our guests how they appreciated your work.

We give the floor to parents.

In the next lesson, after checking your D \ Z, looking at the evaluation sheets, after listening to the opinion of the guests, I will evaluate the work of each student.


HOMEWORK:pp 175-181 prepare an oral report; assignments in a notebook.

Thank you for the lesson.

Personal UUD

Communicative UUD

Regulatory UUD

Formulate the final result of their work in the lesson.


your results and the results of other students

Lesson of the world around in the 4th grade according to the program "School of Russia".

Theme: Forest life.

The purpose of the lesson: to form students' ideas about the forest as a natural community.

Tasks: to form the concept of "forest floors";

to acquaint with the diversity of flora and fauna of the forest;

to teach to classify plants into groups, to distribute vegetation into tiers;

classify animals according to their habitat;

learn to draw conclusions;

develop the horizons, the speech of children.

Equipment: interactive board with tasks

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

Check if everything is ready for the lesson on your desks?

They sat down quietly.

Today in the lesson we will perform many different tasks, for this you need to be attentive and work actively in the lesson.

At the end of the lesson, we must draw up an algorithm for studying ... what? you will find out later.

    Checking homework.

We start the lesson by checking the homework.

What was discussed in the last lesson?

Give examples various types soils, distributing them according to natural zones (in the tundra - tundra, in the taiga and mixed forests - podzolic, in deciduous forests - gray forest, in the steppes - chernozem, in swamps - marsh, in meadows - meadow).

What natural area do we live in?

What kind of soil is typical for our region?

    Introduction to a new topic.

What grows in our area? Give examples.

Call it in one word. (Plants)

    Working on new material.

Divide the plants into groups (work on the board - pictures of trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, mosses).

Why did you divide the plants in this way, according to what characteristics, what were you guided by? (height, number of trunks, stems).

Scientists divide just like you, according to the same criteria - by height, by the presence of trunks and stems.

Arrange the plants in height, starting with the tallest.

What does this remind you of? (Ladder, slide)

It looks like a staircase that goes up to the floors. Scientists call these floors - tiers.

1 tier - these are perennial plants with a large solid stem. (These are trees.) They need more light, so they form the top layer, other plants need less light, so they can live in the shade of trees.

2 tier - these are perennial plants in which several solid stems depart from a common root. (These are bushes).

3rd tier - plants with soft green stems (These are herbs).

Tier 4 is mosses and lichens.

Give examples of different tiers. Who disagrees? Why? Prove your opinion.

a) Primary reinforcement.

Complete the task on the cards. Write examples in each column.

(Level 1 - trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants; Level 2 - trees, tier 2, herbaceous plants; Level 3 - tier 1, tier 2, tier 3). Examination.

Read the examples from the first column, name the plant group, what tier is it?

Who disagrees? Why? Prove your opinion.


We are walking, we are walking.

We raise our hands higher

We don't lower our heads

We breathe evenly, deeply.

Suddenly we see: by the bush

The chick fell out of the nest.

Quietly we take a chick

And put it back in the nest.

    Continued work on new material.

For whom is the forest home? (For animals).

The entire forest, from the tops of the trees to the ground, is inhabited by animals.

Name the animals of our forest.

Sort the animals according to their habitat.

Why did you settle in this way? (Adaptation of animals to living conditions - food, housing, protection from enemies)

Give examples of animals in our forest that live in trees; lead a terrestrial life; live in the soil.

Who disagrees? Why? Prove it.

b) Primary fixation.

Let's do the task in the notebook. 57 #6. Mutual verification. Who disagrees with the neighbor's answer? Why? Prove it.

Do you think plants and animals can exist without each other? Why? (No. They live together, helping each other, i.e. together).

Scientists call this connection the forest or natural community.

What is the main relationship between animals and plants? (In nutrition).

Let's make a food chain together: (on the board) - aspen - hare - wolf.

Make a food chain in pairs by completing the task in notebook p. 58 No. 8. Examination. Who disagrees? Why? Prove it.

In what order did we study the community?

Let's derive an algorithm for studying .... communities.

1. Plant world.

2. Animal world.

3. Relationship.

In the next lesson, we will continue drawing up the algorithm.

7. Reserve.

On the cards under each column, draw a plant of this group, reflecting the characteristic features.


What is the relationship between animals and plants called?

What is the name of the community we talked about in class?

What other communities do you think could be?

    Giving marks for class work.


pp.178-179, reading, retelling and perform a creative task - draw a forest community, indicate the relationship.