Fortune telling on wax the meaning of snowflake figures. Fortune telling on wax from a candle

Candles have special magical properties, which, of course, could not go unnoticed. Even in Russia, divination with wax and water was popular, which was most often carried out on Christmastide evenings from Christmas Eve to Epiphany.

The wax was melted and poured into a vessel (glass) with cold water, where it formed bizarre figures. Previously, if they promised something bad, our ancestors took them out in the morning and threw them to the pigs right with the vessel. If there was no such animal on the farm, the wax was buried in the ground. But the figurines, which are good signs, on the contrary, were taken out of the water and saved until the next fortune-telling session.

Since ancient times, the "technology" of predicting the future by wax has not changed much. It can only be noted that if paraffin candles are taken, it is worth using a larger vessel (basin, for example). In addition, wax should be deposited, describing a circle, around the edges. If this is done in the center, then the wax will begin to settle on the paraffin that has already accumulated on the water and form a mass that will make it difficult to determine something.

Experienced fortune tellers advise choosing multi-colored candles so that it is easier to see the outline of the resulting figure against the background of a light bowl. In addition, you need to ask a question of interest in advance. The color of the candle used also depends on the nature of the question. For love relationship suitable red or pink candle, for health questions - green. Financial issues are best resolved using a gold-plated candle. With this approach, the meaning of wax figures during divination will be as accurate as possible.

It is very important during divination to look at the flame of a candle. The flame will tell you something about the divination mood:

  • A candle that was lit quickly and without problems, which burns remarkably well, is a good sign.
  • A candle that hisses, sparks, or makes other noises may mean that you will receive a very important message.
  • A candle that burns very slowly and burns very sluggishly is not a good sign.
  • A candle that does not light up means that you should stop guessing and reschedule this event for another day.

Anyone can try to predict the future on wax. But more complex methods, for example, Tarot cards, are best left to a professional. Elena Anael, a hereditary witch and tarot reader, can tell everything about your fate during Internet consultations. A prediction for personal life will give an answer to what your fate is, whether your personal life will turn out, why emptiness and loneliness, how to remove it. Elena will give an answer when your man appears and which one. After a Tarot consultation, you will understand what is happening to you, what to expect in the future, how to change your life.

To sign up for a tarot reader Elena Anael, write to her pages on the Internet or by viber ‎+201551013670

Fortune telling on wax: interpretation of figures

After the wax has got into the water and hardened, it is necessary to carefully study its shape and determine which particular object it is closer to. It is very important to give free rein to your imagination. The wax figurine can be viewed directly in the bowl or taken out of the water and examined from different angles.

Fortune telling on wax: dog

The dog symbolizes a faithful comrade who is next to you. Such a fortune-telling result suggests that you also know how to make friends and highly value friendships. You yourself always strive to help loved ones, so you can safely count on support in any situation. The wax dog acts as a hint: it's time to recruit a team (if you haven't already) - together you can solve many problems and achieve incredible results.

The figure of a dog standing on hind legs, means that some close person needs your help.

Fortune telling on wax: fish

Seeing such a figure, you can safely prepare for good news, one way or another related to water. In addition, after such fortune-telling, acquaintance with foreigners becomes more likely. The silent and mysterious fish also speaks of the presence or imminent appearance in your life of a slightly mysterious, laconic and wise adviser or mentor. Even if it will not be easy, it is still worth listening to his words and recommendations.

Fortune telling on wax: heart

The wax heart, of course, speaks of love. It is love that will occupy your thoughts in the near future, and no other problems can bother you anymore. With almost one hundred percent probability, we can say that your feelings will not go unnoticed and unshared.

The shape of a cast heart can additionally tell a lot about love. Auspicious sign foretelling happy love, can be considered a distinct heart shape with sharp borders. If the heart is veined, the shape is indistinct or consists of several parts - this is a bad, alarming sign that warns of a possible danger.

Fortune telling on wax: elephant

The wax figure in the form of an elephant has several meanings. This symbol indicates that you are a strong person with a significant supply of vital energy. You are walking with a firm and confident step along the right path, but you must not ignore the people around you, otherwise luck may turn away from you. This sign also shows that there are well-wishers behind your back, that is, people who are always ready to help and support, shifting some of your duties and problems onto their shoulders. In addition, the wax elephant indicates your excellent physical form and at the same time warns that intense and excessive loads are unacceptable and can do harm, depriving you of all your former opportunities.

In a word, the elephant symbolizes strength, perseverance and confidence in the correctness of the chosen methods to achieve the goal. To avoid collapse, it is worth being prudent and avoid using your exceptional strength to the detriment of others.

Divination on wax: flower

If during fortune-telling you saw a wax flower, this indicates the beginning of an extremely favorable period in your life, filled with a series of joyful events. Everything you have planned will certainly come true. The people around you will rejoice at your luck, and you will definitely share with every piece of your luck.

The flower also suggests that you may get married or meet a new and very reliable partner.

Flowers are a very auspicious sign, symbolizing changes for the better, success in everything: dreams come true, sometimes even exorbitant ambitions are realized. Regardless of what wax flowers turned out during divination, they always talk about your spiritual inescapable joy, with which you easily share with people around you. Flowers also show that you have many friends who are always happy to talk with you. Flowers are a symbol of your beautiful and happy future.

If a girl conducts divination on wax, a rose may seem to her more often than other flowers. This speaks of love that already lives in the heart of a fortuneteller or will appear there in the near future. If you see a wax rose, don't be afraid to open your heart to a new feeling.

Divination on wax: tree

A sign that gives hope, indicating that there are enough internal resources to achieve the goals set. You are strong in spirit, stand firmly on your feet, open to the world around you and draw strength from it.

Reliability, stability, strength and fortitude will certainly help in your affairs and in solving problems that arise.

Fortune telling on wax: snake

The snake is a symbol that is interpreted in different ways: wisdom, strength, and also a sign of danger. On the one hand, this sign symbolizes wisdom and the ability to find a way out of difficult life situations. On the other hand, the sign of the snake warns of danger, someone's treachery, for which your personal relationships may become a target. The whole reason is the dangerous and insidious enemies around you.

Divination on wax: germ

The embryo speaks of any deeds conceived and the desire to bring them to life. A wax embryo can also represent pregnancy (not necessarily yours), as well as the birth of a new relationship, new job, new friends, new social circle.

Fortune telling on wax: squirrel

Since the squirrel is a thrifty animal, its fortune-telling figure speaks of your love for everything material, as well as your tendency to predict everything and prepare for everything in advance so that difficulties are not taken by surprise. Such a habit in life can be very useful, and sometimes even saving.

Fortune telling on wax: mermaid

The figurine of a mermaid warns of possible deceit, temptation. Every care must be taken not to fall for the hook of cunning.

Divination on wax: dagger

Beware of false friends. And also the danger of losing something important due to enmity. Haste, swiftness, attack.

Since ancient times, fortune-telling on wax has been a favorite way to find out the future for all segments of the population. Peasant women, merchants, noblewomen - everyone wanted to know to look behind the veil of secrecy and find out the unknown. Of course, noble ladies could afford to visit fortune-tellers who take money for predictions, while poor girls were left with only home fortune-telling - and yet interest in predictions on wax never waned.

Even now, in the age of enlightenment, we continue to turn to candles for help and advice.

General information

What is required for fortune-telling, when is it best to do it, what can and cannot be done in the process? Previously, when knowledge was passed from mother to daughter, such questions did not arise. We have to consider the whole process from beginning to end.

Reasons for the popularity of divination on wax and water

The fact that candles are used in more than half of the currently known fortune-telling methods is hardly surprising, because they combine several powerful energy substances at once.

Wax itself is a material saturated with vitality through and through. In addition, a burning candle is also fire, and, as you know, it is the most unbridled and honest of the elements. Their combination and endows candles with their unique properties.

However, in addition to deep hidden meanings, the popularity of candle fortune-telling has a much more mundane reason: accessibility.

Unlike more complex ways to know the future, this one does not require serious material costs, but with the right approach, it gives an impressive result.

What is a casting

There are a lot of process options and interpretations. They vary depending on the purpose of the ritual, the seriousness of the approach to it and accessibility, however, they all have the main and main stage - the creation of a casting.

Casting is an object irregular shape, obtained in the process of divination by pouring molten material into cold water and freezing it in it.

In more complex versions, castings are made of soft low-melting metals, however, in our case, wax will act as a material.

Appointment of divination on a candle

First of all, in order to look behind the veil of secrecy and peep the future at least with one eye, to find out what dangers and obstacles lie in wait on the path of life, what should be feared, what to bypass, and what, on the contrary, will bring good shoots.

This ritual has another purpose - detection and removal of damage, the evil eye and other negative energy imprints, intentionally or accidentally "sewn" to the human aura.

Suitable time for the ceremony

You can perform the ritual at any time. But if you are aiming for reliable results that are not distorted by the influence external factors, it should be borne in mind that there are favorable and unfavorable periods for fortune-telling on wax figures. When choosing the time, it is worth paying attention to some recommendations.

It's best to wait until the sun goes down night sky communication with higher powers is more fruitful.

Moon phase has the meaning. The ritual gains its greatest strength on the full moon, but another interpretation, on the contrary, calls the "blind sky" - the new moon - the most appropriate time.

There are certain days suitable for divination. Historically, it so happened that girls and women guessed at Christmas time and Christmas. It is on these days that you will be able to come closest to the secrets of fate along the path trodden by your ancestors.

Required Items

Before you start casting, you need to purchase and prepare everything that can be useful in the process. This should be taken care of in advance, communication with the Universe does not tolerate fuss and secondariness.

To conduct a fortune-telling ritual on wax and water, you will need:

Let's consider each of the points in more detail.


If candle fortune telling is nothing more than entertainment for you, you can use paraffin bought in a general store. However, if you want to get a full answer to a serious question, do not look for easy ways. Wax should be natural, absorbing the power of nature.

Perfect fit melted church candles or wax, bought directly from beekeepers. The latter option is even preferable when you are about to guess the future, because in this case it will not undergo almost any processing and will pass a minimum number of hands, which means it is less likely to acquire an imprint of someone else's energy.

On the other hand, the wax purchased in the temple is imbued with a special fertile power, and with its help it is much easier to detect the evil eye and damage.


When choosing water, the same principle applies as with wax. You can fill a vessel from a tap, and this will not lead to a catastrophe and the extinction of mankind from supernatural cataclysms. However, if you are in the mood for a serious conversation with higher powers, it is better to opt for saint, baptismal or charmed water. These options are most suitable for removing negative influences, evil eye and damage.

In the absence of these or for divination for the future, they are suitable melted snow or spring water. Such water is saturated with the energy of nature and carries a particle of universal power. But be careful - natural water can be capricious and strongly influenced from outside.

Do not place the liquid prepared for the ritual next to trash can, dirty dishes or worse, TV.

Water and melting tanks

It is better to take dishes from natural materials.

But don't get carried away. I assure you, melting wax over a candle in a wooden spoon will be somewhat problematic.

You should not forget about elementary convenience, so choose enough wide and deep water container.

For melting, take with a long handle, sufficient in volume so that the contents do not splash out, but not too large so that this very contents does not have to be scraped off the walls.

A candle that will burn in the process

The candle must be lit all the time. On it we will melt the future casting.

The sacred purpose lies in an additional connection with higher powers. In addition, the measured flickering of the light will help you tune in and concentrate, which is also important.

It would be wiser to use candles bought in the temple. They will help drive away evil forces and will not allow negative energy to affect the process.

Carrying out divination and interpretation of meanings

When the preparation for the ritual is over, you can proceed to the most exciting part - the creation of the casting and the decoding of its meaning.

Stages of divination

The process of establishing contact with fate can be conditionally divided into three stages. Each of them has its own characteristics and neglecting the subtleties of at least one can lead to a distortion of the entire ritual. Therefore, it is very important to take care of every little thing.

1. Wax preparation

From a practical point of view, great importance this stage has only when you "dissect" the candle. In this case, you need to remove the wick from it and give it a shape suitable for melting.

The secret meaning of this action is much more significant. It is at this moment that you "tune" the wax to your wave, turning it from a simple piece of material into a reflection of your thoughts, desires, and life path.

The main thing here is not to rush. Slowly warm the cast in your hands, then begin to gently knead it, making it pliable and flexible. Try at this moment to look at a pre-lit candle, this will help you escape from the worldly bustle, tune in and clear your mind.

In no case do not try to heat the wax on the battery, soften it with blows or crumble. This will instantly destroy the unity of your spirit and its physical vehicle.

When finished kneading, place the workpiece in a container for melting. From this moment the second stage begins.

2. Melting

This stage in the material sense consists in melting a softened piece in a pre-prepared dish over a candle flame.

In a spiritual sense, this is a moment of concentration on your question. Try your best articulate what annoys you. Do not forget that the more specific the question is, the easier and more accurate the transcript will be.

The worst thing you can do at this stage is to start "kicking" fate by picking out the melting wax so that it melts faster and you can proceed to the "main" part. Do not forget that the ritual has no unimportant stages. Don't rush heaven, they don't like it.

3. Casting creation

The result of this stage will be the creation of an irregularly shaped wax ingot, the decoding of the meanings of which will be the answer to the question. However, in no case do not try to specifically cast some kind of figure, even if you really want to. You are just a conductor, a higher power directs the process.

All you need is to carefully pour liquid wax in cold water. It is not necessary to pour out all the wax at once, but there is no point in sifting in an excessively thin stream.

The method of pouring, of course, does not affect the result of divination in any way, but in the first case, there is a high probability of filling everything around with water and getting burned with wax. In the second case, you simply run the risk of falling asleep from boredom before you have time to interpret the signs of fate.

The meaning of symbols and decoding methods

When the pouring on wax is successfully completed, the most difficult thing lies ahead of you - to find out what value the resulting figure has.

It is worth remembering firmly that this way of looking into the future, like many others, is very subjective and depends entirely on your perception. If you have formulated the question clearly enough, then you do not need to dig in to find the meaning of each squiggle on the wax figure, the answer will come by itself and will be so obvious that you will be surprised.

Fortune telling on wax helps to predict the near future and prepare for trouble. When divining on wax, a bird is a herald of future changes in life. The meaning of the symbol is influenced by the fortune-telling hand and its position.

fortune telling hand

Depending on the gender and family status of the fortuneteller, the bird on the surface of the wax acquires a different interpretation. For men, such a symbol promises professional growth if their work is related to travel or creativity. In family relationships, the fortuneteller will be able to support the marriage, although scandals with the spouse may occur.

For a young man without a couple, the figure indicates an imminent marriage. In the near future, he will meet a girl with whom he can build a serious relationship.

If a woman has formed a bird on the surface of the water, she skillfully combines work and home. Such a sign predicts an early pregnancy. The bird falls out to overly talkative girls.

For an unmarried bird, when divining on wax, promises a trip or vacation abroad. There is a chance that during the holidays the girl will meet her love.

For pregnant women, this figure portends an easy birth. If the bird is headless, the baby may have problems with the blood vessels. A figure with a large beak indicates a risk of miscarriage.

bird breed

Wax figures do not always take such clear contours to unravel the breed of a bird. However, sometimes you can make out the wings or beak characteristic of the species.


An owl portends a disease to a fortuneteller or his loved ones. Her feature is unpredictability. The cause of the disease is a virus or bacterial infection.

In the future, this disease will become chronic stage or lead to complications. When this sign falls out, the vaccination course is repeated and immunity is strengthened.


The most common meanings of eagle are:

  • rapid career growth;
  • blat or help from a superior employee;
  • deterioration of relations with parents, increased control on their part.

In a married couple, the eagle portends a struggle for leadership. In such conflicts, the girl will be inferior to the man in power energy.


Sparrow portends travel and change of housing. the wax sparrow is the sign of the gypsies, the traveling theater and the drivers of long distance routes. For people of these professions, the symbol guarantees safety on the way.

The figure is also interpreted as a waste of time. In the near future, the fortuneteller or his relatives will be prone to frivolous behavior.


The parrot says that the fortuneteller neglects intuition. He follows the advice of outsiders and is not capable of initiative.

Another meaning of the parrot is stereotypical thinking, denial of individuality, fear of extraordinary personalities.

The flock portends emigration. The fortuneteller will have to change culture and traditions.


Hummingbird points to nervous exhaustion fortuneteller or his relatives. The cause of moral decline is constant feeling anxiety.

Such concerns are usually unfounded. If the wax has taken the form of a hummingbird, it is better to take a walk in the forest or go to the sea.


The dove was always responsible for the news. Cast in wax - a messenger of good news. Also, the bird represents freedom from financial difficulties and the fulfillment of a dream.


The meaning of the symbol changes, depending on the state of affairs. A married couple is threatened with conflicts and misunderstanding, due to the fact that one of the spouses refuses to take responsibility for their actions. Scandals can lead to divorce.

For those who are looking for living space, the stork is a good messenger. New house will be cozy and warm. For girls who are planning a wedding, the stork promises a child.

Crow or raven

The crow is surrounded by bad superstitions. This is a messenger of illness, quarrel and even death. The scandal is likely to be provoked by a mean girl.

The raven will bring the fortuneteller wisdom in making decisions. For students, this sign guarantees the successful passing of exams.


The interpretation of the sign varies, depending on the characteristics of the fortuneteller. Common values:

  • there is a chance to earn and become famous, but you will have to make a lot of effort;
  • a sudden meeting with an unpleasant person;
  • a pregnant girl is more likely to give birth to a boy.


The duck promises good luck to those who own a private business or are engaged in trade. For lovers, it means a long and stable relationship.

However, the sign also warns of intruders. More often this is due to the sale of information or slander behind the back.


A flamingo characterizes a fortuneteller as a dreamer and romantic. A flock resting on the water indicates the presence of secret admirers. However, all candidates do not deserve attention: they are too frivolous.


Fortune telling on wax interprets a rooster as a person's readiness for change. In the near future, the fortuneteller will be able to complete a business that he has been putting off for a long time. This includes getting a higher education, starting your own business or starting a family.


The chicken indicates the stability of finances in the coming period. There will be no problems related to money, but earn a large sum fail.

For a married couple, a chicken promises understanding and well-being. The sign will help resolve conflicts between generations.


A fortuneteller who has an ostrich does not know how to take responsibility. Such people are afraid of the truth and try to avoid conflicts.

If wax formed not only a bird, but also an egg, a pregnant woman will appear in the immediate environment, who will hide her position.


A liberated firebird with a large number of patterns promises happiness. For sick people, the sign prophesies recovery. For the poor - sudden wealth.

However, for people who are not clean at hand, fortune-telling predicts poverty and hunger.

bird position

Depending on the location of the bird when divining on wax, the meaning of the figure changes. Known interpretations:

  • On a branch. The fortuneteller has an unstable financial situation due to unnecessary spending. In the near future, unexpected expenses will arise: repairs, a loan, or an acute illness.
  • In the nest There will be a waiting period in life. Diseases will get chronic form. For girls, the sign promises pregnancy.
  • In flight. If a person is pursued by poverty, the sign predicts getting rid of financial problems. In any other situation, fortune-telling promises a major failure or disappointment. To achieve the goal, you will have to retreat for a while in order to accumulate strength.
  • Keeps head under wing. The figure indicates attachment to home and relatives. A person does not want to create his own family.

Other factors

The value of the wax figure is also influenced by the external features of the sign. Among them are the following.

It is difficult to imagine such a person who would not want to know what awaits him in the future. One of the most popular and simple species Fortune telling is considered to be divination on wax.

Why is it important to know the correct interpretation of the figures obtained during divination?

In order to correctly interpret the resulting figures, you need to know what each of them means. Otherwise, the result of fortune-telling may not be entirely correct, and the girl, in turn, will already give herself a moral attitude to another result, which, under the influence of her thoughts, can still become a reality.

Of course, if the young lady, having misinterpreted the meaning of the figures, decided that something good would happen to her, there is nothing to worry about. But if the error in interpreting the figures fell on the fact that instead of a positive sign, the girl saw a solid negative, then later this could have a bad effect on her life.

By tuning in to negativity, in the future you can unconsciously “pull” it into your life. To avoid such a development of events, before starting fortune-telling on wax, it is necessary to study all its features, including correct interpretation figures.

As soon as the wax begins to pour, you need to carefully monitor what shapes are formed from it. In the process of one fortune-telling, you can see several figures at once, which very quickly replace each other in a container where wax is poured.

It is important to have time to fix not only what kind of figures they were, but also in what sequence they went one after another. This can determine one hundred percent what awaits the girl in the future and what events she will need to prepare for.

Interpretation of the meanings of living wax figures


The dog is one of the most frequently seen figures in wax divination. Seeing this animal during fortune-telling means that soon a person will have close friends or associates who can help in solving any issue or problem that has arisen. Also, the resulting “dog” figure can also indicate that the fortuneteller is currently surrounded by people loyal to him, who, if necessary, will certainly not pass by his misfortune.

The male

For single girls who do not have a loved one, to see the figure of a man - great luck. The significance of this figure lies in the fact that soon the girl will have a new friend, who will later become her beloved person, and after which, perhaps, her husband.


At first glance, a cat is a rather harmless animal, from which many girls are simply crazy. However, in reality, it turns out that this purring creature cannot always be so cute and bring only pleasant emotions.

If during fortune-telling a cat figure fell out on wax, betrayal from relatives and close friends should soon be expected. The fallen figure of a cat is a kind of sign for a girl that it would be high time to reconsider her social circle and get rid of people who do not inspire any confidence.


The figure of a hedgehog suggests that girls need to learn to be somewhat softer towards people around them. Excessive "pricklyness" can adversely affect the young lady's relationship with her loved one. Not every man is able to endure cold from his other half and constant nervousness for a long time. After some time, he will get tired of this state of affairs, and he will find himself another more good-natured chosen one.

The hedgehog figurine should make the girl think about whether she is behaving correctly in relation to other people, not only to the guy. Maybe it's about the parents.


A chicken is a pet symbolizing a calm family life. If the girl, who is guessing her fate on wax, has not yet become someone's wife, then in this case the figure of the chicken will be interpreted as the onset of a measured and calm life in general.


As a rule, many girls are afraid of spiders and, when they see him in the house, they try to get rid of him as soon as possible. And in fortune-telling, the spider is represented by that figure, a meeting with which the representative of the beautiful female should have avoided. The figure means a trick to beware.

If such a figure fell out on a girl during fortune-telling on wax, a difficult fate awaits her in the future - she will have to limit her communication with one of her friends or relatives, since the trick will come from them.

a lion

The figure of a lion symbolizes confidence in the future, which many girls lack for complete happiness. Also, the figure of a lion means that the fortuneteller in the future expects strength and reliability.

Interpretation of the meanings of inanimate figures obtained from wax

During divination on wax in the vessel used in the process, you can see not only figures of wildlife, but also inanimate figures. What the most common figures mean, you can find out a little below:


If a girl saw the figure of a tower during fortune-telling, then it’s time to go to the bridal salon for a dress. After all, very soon she expects marriage. For those representatives of the beautiful female who have already managed to find their destiny and get married, the figure of the tower means that family affairs will only go up. Loving spouses expect a prosperous and happy family life.


The interpretation of the figure of the machine is quite banal. The girl is going to travel soon. But what kind of trip it will be: a vacation or a working visit to another city, the young lady will already have to find out without the help of fortune-telling.


For many people, home is associated with stability. But if we are talking about divination on wax, then in this case the figure of the house can have a very extraordinary meaning. According to popular belief, the seen figure of the house means a possible move and change of residence not only within the city, but also within the country.

In addition, the figurine of the house is a change for the better. It is especially good to see such a figure when divining for girls who have problems in their personal lives. For them, the house will be a good sign. A lonely young lady, seeing such a figure in the process of divination, will soon find her destiny.


Seeing the figure of the cross in the process of divination, you should take precautions. In the near future, some kind of trouble will await the girl, while it is rather difficult to predict its source. The size of the trouble also cannot be known in advance. This will be an unpleasant surprise for the girl.


Flowers in divination symbolize the fulfillment of desires. If in the process of divination a girl saw the image of a rose or some other flower, it means that very soon her most cherished desire will finally come true in real life. It is even possible that several desires will become real at once.


Books in divination symbolize a new stage in a person's life. The girl is waiting for new places, ideas and new people, thanks to which very soon she will be able to discover a whole new world.

You should not get hung up on fortune-telling, acting according to the signs that the girl fell out in an attempt to find out what awaits her in the future. You can't escape fate anyway. What is destined for each person above will happen to him sooner or later, whether he wants it or not.